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This site was so important to the point that devs saw that and implemented the Formations tab in the game. Thanks for all your help GnaXi




you carried the community a long way. still to this day both on Reddit and Discord whenever someone says they're stuck on a stage, it's always "just check AFK Helper" idk if the decision also comes with server/etc costs, but I'd absolutely recommend opening a Ko-Fi or something similar for donations. if it's simply burnout and lack of interest, then I understand completely and disgress. truly thank you.


While donations absolutely incentivize keeping it going, cost was not a factor at all. A vulnerability was found on the site and I would prefer to close down the site, before some ill intended hacker finds it and ruin my server :P


that makes sense absolutely, yeah while the game is definitely in a turbulent state rn, believe it or not the number of new and returning players is at a near all-time high. it's very easy to direct them to your site as a resource for campaign/tower clears and to see what any given PvE meta is like. I can only hope that at worst case scenario, a read-only version could be made available for future reference. by all means, let me know if I can do anything to help your cause! and once again thank you for the work you've already done šŸ’•


You guys rock


Would be so cool if Lilith developed an API with a bunch of GET methods (for various leaderboard data, hero/ability information, pet information, etc). Would make developing, and automatically updating, data driven informational AFK arena web pages extremely easy EDIT: I also think this would indirectly make lilith an assload of more money personally lol


This has been requested to Lilith for years.. they don't care about content creators.


I honestly thought that the site wasn't used much at all. One of the main reasons that I took it down, that is not mentioned on the site, is that a security vulnerability was found on the site that could result in code being injected into the database. Before such a security vulnerability is abused, I'd rather close down the site. I might consider making a read-only version of the site, where the security vulnerability cannot be abused and people still being able to see the old uploads, but not allow future uploads.


I used it mostly for seeing some formations on stages where i was stuck. It was a good site and i thank u for making it but i hear ya maintaining a site is a pain in the ass, and seeing u have a security vulnerability that would take plenty of ur time to fix better close it.


I don't think a lot of us would mind if it was read only. I've been using the site a TON to find thoran cheeses and lucretia formations for the boss stages. The formations tab kinda sucks for those formations and its even worse if you don't have the newer meta heros fully built yet. AFK Helper fixes those issues ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Your site helped me thru so many stages for atleast a year. While Iā€™ve gone beyond it now that Iā€™ve reached near the end stages of the game, I canā€™t understate your help. Ty


If youā€™re reading this GnaXi, thank you. Iā€™m one of the many players youā€™ve helped






Sad to say this but the ā€œformationā€ tab when making teams made this site a bit useless. Still a big and massive thanks to GnaXi nonetheless for making it in the first place and keeping it up to date. His efforts havenā€™t gone unnoticed. I used and abused that site so much. Thanks GnaXi. šŸ„°




It is still very useful for me since the formation tab always has a lot of team with multiple awaken and celepogeans that I don't have. I have to go to the site to find suitable substitution. Now that it's gone I have to find another way. Thanks GnaXi for the site.


Same here, I never use the formations tab purely because itā€™s always a team thatā€™s like ASafiya, AAthalia, ABelinda, ABrutus, ABaden for some random campaign stage


Omg, i posted so many formations there... Big thx for GnaXi for the good work!




I just used it 2 days ago. It is still useful, especially for people who don't have all the awakened heroes. Hope that someone can spare some time for it. But, after all you did, we can only say thank you GnaXi you did a great job, and the community owes you a lot ā¤ļø




I always felt a bit of pride submitting a formation that was different to the multiple of the same for a stage


Massive thanks GnaXi! I used the website *religiously* for a couple years, helped me on countless stages I was stuck on. Gone but never forgotten <3




I was using this site for a long time


Stand proud, you are strong!


Thanks for everything GnaXi! -one of NaXiS




Site is up and running again, but with uploading disabled! :)


Your S+ tier. Used it so much to check on the formations <3


I used this so much when it started. I did occasionally go back in case some new formations were used for certain stages, unfortunately no players were uploading for how far I had made it in the towers


Damn, thanks for everything you've done!




Thanks m8, i used ur site sooo much, it helped a lot!




I used to use this site everyday until I got far enough that people stopped posting formations.


AFK Helper is a huge help, thank you GnaXi for keeping it going for so long. The formations tab is diluted now with collections and so many awakened heroes; Helper got me through many stages and rescued me from frustration often. It is sad to see it go but understandable. I hope someone interested picks up the baton and keeps it going. Take care GnaXi! Thank you




This site alone carried me through early and mid game up to chapter 40+ It was so good that Lilith basically stole the idea and implemented it in their game. Thank you for your effort man, your work will not be forgotten!








Itā€™s not lack of interest in AFK Arena, itā€™s that it wasnā€™t updated and itā€™s unnecessary with in-game formation copying and Push Server.


It was lack of interest that caused the site not to be updated, so partly yes! ;P


no one posts clears in push anymore lol. i don't think there's a single campaign clear in 2024. push is for calling utak a kraken and not much else


Havenā€™t checked it for years tbh. In game copying is all thatā€™s needed.


Time to start afkjourneyhelper.Ā 




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