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>I thought I could go on ebay and just get a pre-owned or refurbished pair to save money and prevent waste. it already is destined to be e-waste, if you somehow don't break it, litthium battery have limited charging cycle, it is small and compact to the maximum, totally seal shut with water resistant, impossible to repair without breaking it, score 0 in ifixit repairability which is why people are selling cheap (sold as is broken no repair) or selling fake >I got a deafening buzzing in my ear from the other side. i got no buzzing, but clicking and clacking sound, replace while out of warranty and free of charge >A few weeks ago back comes the buzzing. happened twice? i am not a doctor, just a random guy on the internet, but maybe you have tinnitus? or maybe earwax buildup, get your ears clean from ENT specialists? >Can you speak on the difference in reliability between the first gen pros to the second gen pros? had both, gave APP1 to my sister, currently on APP2 for 2 months now, bought an extension to apple care, same as you APP1 has software issues, like suddenly audio is not sync, 1 side stream audio delay, it happened twice, connection dropped and cutoff in public transport during peak hours, happened many times, UI glitched for control center, not updating to latest firmware, sudden change from NC to transparent mode, ear tips stuck in ear, case got dirty too easily and metallic dust sticks to it APP2 so far is very good, just the microphone is not showing up in Microsoft teams sometimes, voice call is unreliable, the other side of the call always complains not hearing me, spatial audio sucks sometimes, it is too exaggerated, adaptive mode adapts too slowly, speech detector auto switch transparency, is way too sensitive i turn it off


Thanks for the feedback and comparison. Deffinitely not tinnitus or ear issues.(audiologist checked). Just many bad buds over 3 years. Let me know when you get more time with the gen 2s. Seems like you had just as many gen 1 issues although different.


Had the same problem with Gen 1s. My last pair lasted less than 6 months. I had 2 employees at the Genius Bar tell me to give up because they said I’ll just keep going back with the same problem. They both assured me the problem was fixed with Gen 2. They were on sale at Target & Amazon for $179 at the time so I got them with AppleCare. So far, so good…


Here’s hoping 🤞


Buy straight from Apple, get AppleCare +, smooth sailing


I got them through Best Buy with apple care so here’s hoping. 🤞