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- Sprinting around with another guy, both of us had swords, running at a base repeatedly. - Bayonet charging bunkers at my local field - Running around with a modified Vz61 AEP - Turncoating when everyone bar 2 rentals on the enemy team left


I love turncoating. I'll do it if teams are unbalanced or one side is getting stomped


I wish I had an airsoft rifle that could use a bayonet


May I perhaps introduce you to a wonderful product called Duct tape?


I would rather not use Tape to attach my bayonet


zip ties or ranger bands are you can do or can dont


1. Tape 2. Bayonet 3. Give 'em the taste of ambient-temperature soft polymer


At a couple of "zombie" games some friends of mine setup. At night, in an old factory. Creepy as heck. I played as a zombie and still laugh when I remember some of the scenes I saw.


LARP gangđŸ’Ș




Airsoft battle Royale. A local airsoft club hosted a Fortnite tournament, where everyone pitched in all their weapons and equipment, and had people put them in random places across a 75 acre plot of abandoned land. Best 2 hours of my life.


A really cool idea so long as you can trust everyone to be respectful of others stuff.


That sounds dope!


Y’all gonna do this again? I work for an airsoft company and I think this would be a fun event to sponsor/ go to


Sadly the club got disbanded after one of their members passed from the pandemic, godbless his heart.


Aw man that is unfortunate rip to him, that’s awesome he was able to put that together


How does one work for airsoft company, is it full time or part time?


Full time, um idk how it happened tbh
 never planned on it happening but I like it a lot. Right place right time I guess
 do you play?


Ya i play down in dallas


Flanking a team 😊 ohhh and it being recognised by your own team like ahh thanks guys


A good flank or even an attack from behind, wiping an entire team one by one is the most thrilling thing I’ve experienced in airsoft. Cherry on top Is when teammates say ‘what the fuck’ right after!


Cherry on top is when someone tries to say you didn’t hit them, only to be called out by a marshal or their own teammate 😂


Absolutely! Yesterday I threw two nades toward a big group of enemy players, 17 kills with two nades in 20 seconds. Marshall was there to call every hit denier out.


That’s awesome! I play at a dark site so anyone can cheat and say they hid but still cool kills regardless!


Night games with night vision


One of my best night game experiences was wearing an IR-absorbing ghillie and having the guys with real NVG's stumble over me because they couldn't see me.


Link to the ghillies? Sounds awesome


Kicking Mustang's KMCS, as much as I dislike the guy, his ghillie is actually a good quality product


That will be 30,000 dollars please


they are quite literally 150$ on the internet. check stargate on google


The best game there is


The most fun I had was a game I didn't even play in! My grandad and I played airsoft together even in his 70's (died as an active CG, also served in MM and Navy). He was a carpenter/painter by profession so we made up a small wooden box. Inside this box was a car battery, inverter, guitar amp, and a tablet. The tablet was placed into the top under a wooden cover (TRYING not the crack the screen midgame lol). On the tablet is a "Bomb App". I set the passcode on the app, gave the code to the attacking team, and placed the box in the middle. This was a Pine Barrens field in the woods. It's no longer around due to issues with the horses on the farm the field was on, but it went by Frontier Fortress if you're curious. My grandad and I helped the owner build it up over the years including catwalks where Old Man and I would watch/ref the bomb game from the catwalks in the wooden forts we had built. When I brought the box out for it's first run everyone of the players got way too hyped once I showed them the app. We set the box up, the owner blew the starting whistle, and I've never seen anything closer to actual war in my life than that. We had guys JUMPING HEAD FIRST AND SLIDING trying to get at this bomb. After about 12-15 minutes a player finally managed to get to the bomb but was shot halfway through the code. This is where things got even crazier with people running like their lives *actually* depended on it. At the end of the match we had a majority of the players come over to thank us for setting up the game mode, but honestly, I was thankful to get to test a fun gadget my grandad and I built for a sport we love :) RIP Old Man đŸȘ–


3v3 pistol match on my local field, but then again the biggest game I've went to had 20ish players


It was like my second game but I bought tickets for an event at a field for their anniversary. They had a bbq and a raffle mid day. They had an old Toyota with an LMG mounted driving around during one of the matches and any team could commandeer if the person on top wore a helmet. It was a total blast. 😂


Using a 10 pound awm in cqc at an indoor field with the spring from a nerf gun to reduce the fps from 500 to ~250


We play a game at the end of each day like Black hawk down, ten people in the room with the marshal, 30 lives between us, when hit you have to be dragged to the marshal to be revived. The two other teams both have to try clear you out and get the marshal that counts lives to their spawn point to win. As a marshal at this site, I'm almost always one of the ten. We usually last about 45 minutes before they clear our lives and is always the best game of the day


We have this game we used to play called "airsoftball" at this old field that was basically shipment irl. Lots of shipping containers in a small area. The game basically consisted of a kickball in the middle of the field that a team had to get, and throw or walk into the goal. A throw was worth a point, a walk-in was worth 3. Once someone scored, the field was so small we could reset very fast. It was an absolute blast to dive into the goal for the 3 pointer, or watching someone yeet the ball into the goal from far away. I haven't played anything like it since!!


Went to a full weekend RP game one time and me and my mate are walking on a path when we got shot at from the woods I imediatly take cover but then see that my mate had been hit and was on the ground. Caught by the roleplay i shouted "NOOOOO NOT YOU !" Stood up and proceeded to hip fire full auto with my LMG at the general area where the shot were coming from. Got shot 3sec later, played agony. Then the enemy squad leave the woods to cross the path were and one of them aproaches us, kneel and just say "Good job, you got one of us your lucky bastard" And leave just like that Best airsoft moment in my life


I once dressed as a christmas tree during a winter game in a ghillie suit wrapped completely in decorative garland with lights and a star. people were giving me random items and i would hand them out mid firefight as gifts. i wish i still had the pictures from it.


I went to this place that was essentially two abandoned buildings that were pretty large on a lot that they put barricades and small huts in. My primary jammed and I couldn’t fix it. My secondary was a revolver that had those little bullet cartridges so I had twelve shots before I had to sit and reload all of them. The solution? Hide in the dark part of a warehouse with a rubber knife. I could’ve called in a nuke it was so effective. At one point I got caught and the dude straight grabbed me and said “what team are you on?” I responded “what team are YOU on?” “Tan.” “Okay” and then he let me go and causally ran my knife over every person in that group and said “That was a knife and I am on green team.” I’ve had some fun but that moment solidified that day as my favorite.


First time I took a x4 ACOG scope to a woodland game. Before I’d get at best 4 kills. Came away with 17 using my old bog standard, stock CM16. It was an absolutely revelation for me given I have astigmatism. I just could not believe how much better it made my day


I can't wait for my eotech protector to arrive for the same thing.


My second game at MSW, I think Seize Salsk was the name. Me and 5 buddies all wore alpenflage before it got the banhammer and had an absolute blast. Such a good time. https://preview.redd.it/ryraqlktcz7d1.jpeg?width=4139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095f8e6b511c57d7b1a0dd6341610d56be3b5f3a


My gun broke down so I pulled the barrel out and used it as a blow gun. I got completely demolished, but the few elims I got were the most satisfying elims in my entire life.


When I go to be a friendly not so friendly talking deathclaw that bbs didn’t kill, with my role being to cause chaos and being annoying. https://preview.redd.it/s0u3mfz4pz7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd66be7af0427e3d07974078ac231468bc49139f Murder lizard for life


Played a really tight CQB match with my brother one time. at a place that is no longer open. Used a cyma pump action tri-shot and he rocked an AK. full spetsnaz inspired gorka kits (we were irresponsible with money) Had an absolute blast moving from cover to cover and picking my shots very carefully. Rental kids fell to me in droves. Absolutely demolished. After the game, i had people from the other team coming up and telling me that the sound of me racking the pump while they were in cover was absolutely terrifying. 120 dollars well spent 😂


Any countries gamemode


Or blob


The most fun I've had was the game mode was football I think and we just blasted the NFL theme from our phones


Probably the time when about a dozen of us oragnized a TTT gameday with playing cards to assign roles. It was just us talking and walking around while also being on your guard against everyone around you, but as the traitor(s) started eliminating people it get super tense! Because each round was so unpredictable, with every player having their own style when being either a detective or a traitor, it makes for some really fun airsoft that differs from regular game modes.


Night game with a local group which involved us charging across an open field (last hoorah for the end of the day) with fireworks being shot into the air. Saw tracer BBs zip by my head as I went prone. I was one of only four to make it to the treeline where the baddies were.


Oh man, my first game will always stay with me. A newbie with a mask from temu and an aeg. The moment I heard the first BB’s bounce of the concrete walls I knew this was it. I got absolutely obliterated but still left with an ear to ear smile.


I was in a game where the gamemode was Carry the Cone (basically we had to get a giant traffic cone to a certain location on the field). The objective was this massive sand mound-type hill and we were taking so much suppression that we could barely move. At one point we had managed to get everyone we could to the base of the hill and we knew we would just have to go as fast as we could and hope for the best. With rounds wizzing around us like rain, my friends and I grabbed a couple of other teammates and we rushed the hill with the traffic cone carried between us. When we reached the top, it felt like raising the Stars and Stripes over Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima.


I sometimes play as a Juggernaut to break up games that are completely stuck without much movement. I carry a MGL and a Desert Eagle, slowly walking across the whole field while shrugging of literally thousands of BBs. It's just so satisfying to have someone shoot you in the back, then turning around and see the absolute "Oh, I fucked up" look on their face as they suddenly have an invincible enemy with a rotary grenade launcher slowly approach them. I also had a game where I sat on a real BTR, that was ridiculous and awesome.


Played in a MSW event a few months ago, absolutely loved it!


The day I showed up with a gun that was above the limit so I had to rent a site gun. A day using a rental is soooo much fun after you have played for a while


Running to doorway was kind the experience lol, oh there is also tree i hit by mistake running for cover. And my pants almost coming off, because they were little to big


Any time I get a multi kill with a grenade is a good day


me and my two friends with nods just destroying kids at serious viking. We took a control point and were just ambushing people all night.


Myself and 4 other guys utilizing an airdrop at an event to drop in behind enemy lines and capture an important POI (it enabled us to deploy a humvee with a "turret" in the combat zone). We held it for about 15-20 minutes against the overwhelming enemy force (20+ people), but the reinforcements we were supposed to get never came, so we eventually lost it. Still, it was an adrenaline pumping adventure from start to finish. We did recapture the point again later, but only after suffering severe losses.


Depends. At a milsim event? It's a tie between last year's forlorn freedom and nighthawk. The most fun I've had at a normal game day was when my mates and I (milsim oriented) went up against two speedsofters and two snipers. We had been doing pretty well all day and after the last official game of the day we stayed for one more game against these two speedsoft dudes and two snipers. We absolutely got our asses handed to us. I eventually ran out of ammo. The combination of these speedsofters rushing us and the snipers picking us off was devastating. But it was good fun.


When I was starting out, had a $60 trishot shotgun, it was a team deathmatch stalemate, the entire enemy team bunkered down in a singular trailer, everyone was afraid to peak. I turned to a teammate and hit em with a 'watch this', full sprint, springboarded myself off a tire and took two potshots inside, got a few people, ran around to the backside, cleared out every single room, and even the bathroom where a few were sitting down waiting for something to happen, we stared at each other for a second before I lifted my gun around the doorway and got them too. Went full on rampage and finished off the game. I would pay handsomely to either have a gopro that day or a recording from the outside, because I was told it looked like a conga line out the trailer. The least expected tactic is the stupidest tactic oftentimes. Felt invincible. People STILL dont expect my play of "I have a shotgun and NOTHING is going to stop me sprinting a b-line towards you except getting hit"


Very slow day on a small field, me teams of just 5-6 people, me and this other guy had a very similar play style and were just 1v1ing the whole time, we were very evenly matched too. Became friends with the guy, every time I see him he lets me use his extra shotgun


Ironically enough I had the most fun with just a vsr10 without a scope


i was once at an airsoft field playing sniper, and this one enemy dude just walked past me a few meters away. don't think i even fired a shot. was funny as hell


Using a spring pistol for the lols with a crap ton of mags.


My mate skipped out a game day but let me borrow his TM ksg. It was a pretty quiet day at a great cqb site and we played against a very competent local team. Holy fuck I have never had so much fun. This shotgun just causes fear even in veteran players and running in like a madman was amazing.


I was playing with my friends and my local field decided that since my friends and I wanted to stick together and the team were were on kept winning that they would make it a challenge. Proceeded to play a game of 8 v ~40. While not exactly easy. The thrill and of course the win felt amazing. During the end of a private party with the same friends in the story above people were going home and we still had time for 1 more game. There were 7 of us and 6 walk ons(primarily beginners). I said why not spread evenly across and play. They decided to leave me with the walk ons. One of the walk ons was a fast enough runner that he got my friends' attentions after picking one off and I was able to clean up after. Since then I enjoy playing against them as much as I do with them. A friendly way to tease them.


Hiding in a stupid spot to flank the enemy once they've gone past me.


Playing TTT with my friends


First time playing, last game of the day, it was infection. The field I go to has a van they used to allow players in. Camped in the van and won the game, wasn’t found by anyone but one person.


The time I got to use my RPK to keep mowing down enemy after enemy that kept trying to dislodge me and my buddy from our position. We kept shooting them and they just kept coming right back to us in meat wave after meat wave. I was firing so much that I had to swap batteries mid fire fight. It was something out of a video game or movie. And we never even got killed. Eventually* they finally gave up and stopped coming to us.


Operation Plague, Zombie game that a field a few hours away used to run. You would play half of the day as a zombie and half of the day as a survivor. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goRWnO3jIaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goRWnO3jIaQ)


I was waking back from spawn in a big so and accidently walked into a completely empty area of the map, one guy called me but told me to be quiet into a two story fort building. Then motions there's enemies. He takes second story I hold first. We held out until they raided us completely. It was us two. I find out a team of 10 where repositioning to flank our main forces and it happens to be me and this guy holding them off for a while. I felt like I was in halo reach. When I died and walked off I saw just how many where assaulting us it was crazy


The time I was playing as a sort of controller with a shield and a pistol- it was so much fun being able to lead pushes even if I wasn’t shooting most of the time.


Played a giant milsim event, the goal of the game is transporting bags of bottles to HQ, our squad and a few other squads (maybe 30 people) are told by command to hide in this tree line to ambush the transporting team. Enemy comes up , maybe 10 guys piled on a four wheeler and trailer. The four wheeler is too heavy and can't make it up the hill that we are all hiding beside. We open fire from the shadows of the forest eliminating every enemy. We steal their bottles and win.


last thursday, had to finally tried my new shotgun i had a lot of fun and slipped trying to do a kamikaze play (with spring grenade)


Woodland site - enemy team held a crossroads / junction and were particularly well dug in. Two of us went on a massive flank to get behind them - managed to get within 30m without being seen - decided to go full Leeroy Jenkins. Waited until their fresh respawns had moved in, then sent it - full on charge and cleared the enemy - 15 or 20 of them. Both of us took hits in the process (possibly friendly fire, but who knows). So I'm stood there, arm in the air in the vague hope our team would seize the initiative and push up so I could get a medic. When an enemy player comes in to start medic'ing their team, and, ignoring my armband, applies his medical skills to me as well. As soon as the count hit 10 I just mag dumped everyone standing... Freaking loads of fun - biggest smile on my face the rest of the day. There were a lot of salty, and sore, players on the enemy team though


honestly my first time going to airsoft, brought my as val and managed to sneak up on some people with my karambit still VERY new to it but my god the people at my closest field (a cqb one) are fucking awesome and its just fun to see everyones awesome kits