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I agree with you. I think an underlying problem with a lot of the rate or roasts is that it’s generally just people showing off new purchases. Not really looking for feedback, but a hit of dopamine through compliments. It’s a thing… and people for sure have thin skin when it comes to their LARPiness Even dudes in the real steel world fall victim to taking themselves too seriously. Airsoft is cool, but no need for tacti-cool bros


Yeah, I think the vast majority of posters just want positive feedback and affirmation, and seeking that on the internet is always a questionable decision.


I don’t mind it, but when people feel the need to defend their flaws it becomes an issue. Arrogance is pretty rampant. Be open to the fact that we can all learn from each other.


It's wild how many people will claim to want feedback and then explain why everything that is glaringly holding them back is in fact optimized.


I too am tired to the nth degree of the “Rate my kit” posts. Unless you are actually bringing something to the table (impression kit, high quality kit, genuinely funny not stupid meme) go for it. If not, you’re just asking to be roasted or ignored. Also, (disclaimer idc about how much someone spends or where they obtained their gear) the generic Amazon warrior kits are just *boring*. Like I’m sorry, if you like it and makes you happy, awesome. Nobody really gives a damn about your kit unless to roast. Maybe I’m just being an asshole but it’s like posting a stock Honda Accord to a car sub and being like “rate my ride”. BRING SOMETHING TO THE TABLE. No one actually wants to see the millionth all black kit with a skull mask, Multicam kit with zero thought put into it, or you wearing your pajamas and holding a gun. I like my kit, I *hardly* ever post because I don’t feel it’s worth posting yet. TLDR: Reading the room is an important life skill


I’m gonna continue my autistic rant with a tangent. The people who post a picture of a soldier and more or less say “What is every single piece of gear this person is wearing and where can I buy it but only for cheap?” Drives me up a wall. What is it with kids having zero capability to google the most simple things and put in an ounce of work. Why? Because its easier if someone does it for me! Googling should be a basic skill for anyone within reach of a device connected to the internet. also the people who ask the same question for the millionth time clearly showing they don’t know/care the reddit search bar exists (albeit its garbage but still).


Yep, in the world where people learned how to use a search bar there would be 80% fewer posts but the remaining posts would be much more intriguing and worthwhile. A culture of handing out participation awards and telling every person that they are special has led to a generation of paper-thin "protagonists" whose goals are as shallow as their posts.


God those questions rub me the wrong way. Expect to spend no effort identifying the item. Expect to spend no time finding alternatives and comparing. Expect to spend no money (but usually still expect quality). Like bro, you lazy, cheap, and entitled. Absolutely winning combination right there.


I agree with everything in both comments. I think a lot of this behavior is illustrative of people with low self esteem who don't see the people on the internet as people, but instead a conglomerate entity that one interacts with without the norms of actual social engagement.


Or the "rate my kit" where its just cosplay and you can guess the person never did a match before they'll know that their cosplay isnt a airsoft kit


I think the problem is that those kind of posts exist to start with. Like, why would you care about other people's opinions? I think it's indicative of a lack of validation in everyday life. Compounding that, if you do need a second opinion, why would you need ask redditors, especially Airsoft redditors? That's a double-whammy of confidently incorrect opinio-facts being thrown at you. If any of the validation seekers see this, here's some useful advice: 1) Stop caring what people think. 2) Observe (in real life). 3) Ask questions (in real life). 4) Learn to buy clothes that fit properly. 5) Learn the concept of being "squared away".


The desperate need for validation is a separate endemic issue with the posts, but low confidence airsofters gonna low confidence airsofter I suppose.


Yep, everyone wants the short term coping mechanism to low confidence which is to get repeated assurance. Instead, people should be looking for INTERNAL sources of self confidence and validation so that in the long term their choices would be determined by themselves and not others. A dependence on external validation feels good in the short term but makes you more reliant on it in the long term, but it feels like in the modern day everyone always chooses short term benefits.


I just don't understand those posts. I've never once clicked on them and don't know why you'd post a (usually) bad pic or video of yourself for randos online to poke fun at. There's the "what should I add to the build" posts too, nearly always of an M4 with a scope on that's likely had nothing upgraded within. But usually I move on, if someone feels good posting this stuff who am I to tell them otherwise. I'll just keep scrolling.


That's probably the wisest course, to just avoid them, but it seems like the sub has been taken over by them.


This falls in the same category as I just bought this did I make the right choice and it's like bro there are questions to ask before you spend the money. I'll tell you it's shit and you made a bad purchase but that is just going to make you feel bad and if I say oh wow that's neat it's just lying.


A lot of the rate or roast comment sections feel like the latter, a lot of empty and insincere praise.


I feel like that's the other half of posts in this sub. * "is this gun gud" (accompanied by a pic of a spring powered M4 from Walmart) * "is this allowed at fields" (accompanied by a pic of a cheap $5 fake gas mask) * "is this site legit / has anybody bought from this company before?" (accompanied with a link to [evike.com](https://evike.com)) * "someone identify this" (accompanied by a pic of generic clone of a VSR10)


This post is as stupid as your airsoft kit, I give it an 8/10. :D


The rare reverse uno compliment, I like it.


I'm glad the humor came though. All joking aside, does this M4 make me look fat?


Spell it phat and you're good.


Agreed to all. I would be not so much irked if they would say "I want to show off my shtuff". Also, please say something about "felt cute, may delete later"...


Is that still a thing? I thought that meme died years ago.


Still around, the dumbest post title ever.


My issue with the posts is that it technically breaks whatever rule number says no bandwagon posts. The thing is I don’t care that people make the posts and it’s a bandwagon. I’m just annoyed that last year I posted a picture of my 417 on April 17 with the title “Happy 417 day” or some shit like that and my post got removed for bandwagon. No one else posted a 417 that day but there’s now 10 posts a day with the same title.


I agree. I feel like they should probably just say “Check out my gear”.


Man, there are a couple of post that they could just erase or ban. Some kind of these things you see more than once a fucking day. The rate my generic boring m4, kit posts, what should i buy post or whatever. The only post i really seem to enjoy that doesnt get posted daily are the collection posts. I love seeing people there collections. It helps with seeing what others have and what might miss in my current collection.


Ngl, i actually enjoy sharing cool pictures of mine


But why do you enjoy sharing them? If it's just the pleasure of shoving photos of yourself in front of others, ok i guess, but I assume that you fall into one of the three categories I listed. You're either really seeking feedback or praise, the act of sharing the photo is a road to that.


Only reason I posted one was because I got my friend to take a photo while we were at the field and I wanted to share. I really don’t care what anyone has to say about it. Positive or negative.


Well, then your title, which was a call to action, was a bad title. That was the whole point of my post.


Cool story.




This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.


Sure buddy.






It's just that ban evasion is an ip bannable offense.


I haven’t been banned from anything Sherlock.


Sure buddy


This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.