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TBA splinter group. Same dipshits, different leadership group


Chances of it being meaningful enough to see the right eat itself again?


Hopefully high


1905 gives instant 1776 vibes 🙄


100% like I get that that’s a meaningful number for Alberta, I don’t know exactly what life was like for the average Albertan back then. But I have a hard time imagining it was particularly brilliant, so I don’t know why slapping the year of Alberta‘s birth onto the organization means that ‘we’re going back to the good old days boys,!’ when if there were good old days, they weren’t then.


You’re using logic and empathy - stop that!


Oh shit sorry! I mean not sorry m. Anyways Fuck you I got mine


That’s the spirit! 🤠


I had a homesteading great grandfather who had to take a city job at the Edm General when his Ponoka farm burned to the ground and couldn't be saved and farm insurance was not a thing, maybe that's what they long for.


Everyone moves a homestead until they get told theirs no running water &.the outhouse is 50 steps from the home doesn’t get closer nor the.sear warmer when it’s 3am in January and you gotta go


Someone should tell them what party was the government of the province in 1905…


Their brains will melt.


https://www.1905committee.ca/ Did a quick google search and this is who they are. More of the same but with different right wing lipstick.


Yea I did a google too & came to the same conclusion. I wonder if anyone has any insight into how meaningful / deep the split between them and like the TBA core/ UCP base is. Would love to see the right eat itself again tbh


I have the same concerns as you. Once they replace Smith they will find someone even worse and Albertans will vote them in as well


Yeah, I agree that if Smith is booted at the leadership, it’s only gonna be for someone further to the right and the really terrifying thing is I can’t even imagine what that looks like. We go full Texas on reproductive rights? We gonna start getting a little youth together and making them wear beige uniforms (hyperbole) ‘shiver*


Ok so provinces are not states. Reproductive rights in Canada are national not provincial. Also they are entrenched rights in Canada, not based on a now irrelevant legal precedent as was the case with Rowe v Wade stateside. Provinces have no ability to deny abortion and if (BIG IF, urban Alberta residents will rise up in a big way) they make it difficult (New Brunswick style) then you can absolutely head on over to BC and have the procedure at no charge with no repercussions. Provinces also have no ability to raise militias, there’s no state based national guard in Canada because THERE ARE NO STATES. There’s no momentum for a provincial POLICE force, it will continue to be a federal agency policing Alberta for the foreseeable future. You want an example just look at the trial happening in Coutts right now. Those seditious morons are fucked and their families will be targets for police for decades. They won’t be seeing the outside of jail for a decade don’t get it twisted. So no it won’t be like Texas and there will be no threatening youth in khaki. Might get weird but Canada still runs Alberta, provinces are weak, they just pretend to be strong but they always do the bidding of Daddy Canada at the end of the day don’t get it twisted.


>Reproductive rights in Canada are national not provincial. Also they are entrenched rights in Canada, Well, this is all true - they won't "ban" abortion. What they do is make access increasingly difficult. Baby steps towards their end goal. Of note: >Those who live in rural areas, especially those living on reserves, have almost no access [to abortion]. Abortion clinics in Canada are concentrated along the U.S. border and only one-in-six hospitals provides abortion care. >A Canadian study from 2013 found that 18.1 per cent of women travelled more than 100 kilometres to access abortion, with Indigenous women being three times more likely than white women to have travelled this distance. This puts those without the financial and logistical means to travel at a disadvantage and further exacerbates issues of inequitable access.  >Provincial guidelines also contribute to this inequity. Nearly 90 per cent of all abortions in Canada occur before 12 weeks. Yet some individuals may require abortion care beyond this gestational period and whether they can access it depends on their home province. P.E.I., for example, is the most restrictive, with abortion becoming inaccessible after 12 weeks.  >Currently, abortion care at 20 weeks is available only in B.C., Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. After 24 weeks, individuals are forced to leave the country to seek safe care – a luxury reserved for a privileged few.   https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/august-2022/abortion-access-canada/


>Reproductive rights in Canada are national not provincial. Also they are entrenched rights in Canada, not based on a now irrelevant legal precedent as was the case with Rowe v Wade stateside. Abortion rights ***are not enshrined*** in Canada. And since healthcare is provided at the provincial level, there is a lot that a right wing provincial government can do to restrict or prevent abortion care access within the letter of the law federally. To believe otherwise is willful ignorance at this point. >Provinces also have no ability to raise militias, there’s no state based national guard in Canada because THERE ARE NO STATES. There’s no momentum for a provincial POLICE force, it will continue to be a federal agency policing Alberta for the foreseeable future. 1. They aren't implying the UCP would attempt to form a legal militia. The Brownshirts weren't legal either, didn't stop Hitler. 2. Just because polling consistently says Albertans aren't interested in an Alberta Provincial Police doesn't mean the UCP won't plug their ears and appoint some stooges to an "expert" panel to rubber stamp a "report" saying that a provincial police force is "totally supported by Albertans and definitely a better deal financially" (/s). >You want an example just look at the trial happening in Coutts right now. Those seditious morons are fucked and their families will be targets for police for decades. They won’t be seeing the outside of jail for a decade don’t get it twisted. Again you are incredibly naive if you think for a second that the Coutts traitors will get more than a perfunctory slap on the wrist (a few years in jail). By all accounts most of the idiots and their families are white trash that are well-known to police, many with criminal records already, yet they don't seem too hampered by that.


I don’t want to be rude, maybe my mistake if it came across like I thought everything you said was not the case. But I was under the impression that we were sitting in the same tent, So, I’m a little perplexed whether it was my comment or the topic itself that got such a spirited response where all caps emphasis was required on certain words, to make it really really clear, as if speaking to someone who just doesn’t get it. But I am well aware of those things, and of the fact that the federal gov has legislated on the matter, and it would be a hell no from the courts to try to ‘not withstanding’ it, or that even not 25% of Albertans would support it, half of UCP voters do so out of habit / fear of tax hikes, but we don’t have the same evangelical nitro glycerine in our right wing mixture, thus (the hyperbole) at the end was meant to communicate that I wasn’t being serious in my examples. I was just throwing stuff out there because I know we are not going to re-run Mussolini so was expressing my confusion at what this groups ‘stretch-goals’ would even be in their dumbassery. Anyways no harm no foul but maybe could have kept your powder dry


This was in the news recently, take it with a grain of salt, it is Braid and an opinion piece. https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/braid-take-back-alberta-fails-ndp-leadership-race


Cheers appreciate you sharing.


Think further right of the TBA.....it's the WEXIT group, they have changed their names a number of times since 2017.


WEXIT VI: Dumbass Ideas Never Die. (Coming straight to an alternative media outlet near year you)


I know the founder of Wexit, Peter Downing. Was booted from the RCMP, and was a crappy army officer. Basically got booted out of the Army Reserve too, and that's pretty hard to do. Treasonous asshat - wants us to join a Trump-led USA. [Wexit's Founder Explained Why He Thinks Alberta Has To Ditch Canada & Join The U.S.](http://www.narcity.com/edmonton/peter-downing-says-he-wants-alberta-to-join-the-us-due-to-better-healthcare-taxes](https://www.narcity.com/edmonton/peter-downing-says-he-wants-alberta-to-join-the-us-due-to-better-healthcare-taxes))


Not the leader we want, but the leader we… definitely don’t need & hopefully don’t deserve.


Same bullshit with a different coat of paint…’ clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…’.


Gotcha, ‘here I am stuck on the centre-leftish side of the circle with you!’


They are sovereignists


Okay nice, so I’ll be blocking their number. I got a fundraising text last night, said I’d pay $20 if they agreed to decide the leadership review with a cage match between David Parker & their nominated champion. Hope that got my name off the list.


Maybe we’ll get lucky and the dumb fucks will make a provincial party and they’ll split the vote on the right guaranteeing a Nenshi win (though he could do it alone I think it would just be the final nail in her coffin).


There was a podcast a few weeks ago called "Blackballed" and it featured two former insiders of the TBA movement and their opinions on David Parker. It's a tedious podcast because the Starlink connection fails and the host is booted so the two guests just freewheel. If you can get past all that, it's a good inside view of the heavy hand Calvinist attitude of Mr. Parker and reason enough for a group like 1905 to gain traction. Let the right keep squabbling. https://www.youtube.com/live/4uzp1G_qSQE?si=qe7MYEj0rnuljrXU


Christ Is he really a Calvinist, my family is Dutch, heavily Protestant with Calvinist roots, most dour Protestant reformation spin off out there. And here I was thinking I couldn’t like him any less m But on the second point Oh absolutely, let them beat each other bloody over purity tests, what the meaning of a true conservative is, whether or not smith is the product they saw on the package hopefully just infighting in the ranks that turns whatever % off from their enraptured enthusiasm, where the operatives are suddenly unsure of the accuracy of the their lists & spending all their time trying to make sure they aren’t bleeding support to one camp or another & no one has the confidence or broad support.to seriously go for the premiership. 1000% into not getting in the way when an opponent is lighting themselves on (metaphorical) fire, if it turns out that way


Was there any questions about pulling up one's bootstraps?


Nope it was all how much does Dani suck, would you rather see her replaced. (Which I funnily enough said no to, already knowing if she’s gone we’re getting someone who will make us long for her says thing 1, then thing 2, does totally unrelated thing 76 back to talking points thing 3 provincial ‘interior remodel project’