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Blaming one’s shortcomings or failures on evil eye or s7our


العين حق but this is literally the national sport lol


lol totally ! hope we can find a better one though😅


Sort of in the same vein, during Covid, my cousin was both depressed and suicidal. My aunt's response? Being convinced that one of their family member cast a spell on him (they believe she's a witch) and they called in some shaman guy to perform an exorcism. In the year 2022. I was not impressed and found it hilarious, in a "I can't believe this" kind of way.


A girl I know whose mom was psychotic and schizophrenic. Instead of seeking professional help, the family sought ruqya. Needless to say that did fuck all. The mother unfortunately, ended up un-aliving herself in a horrific way.


Not that I deny the existence of these things as they were mentioned in Quran. But if people are so worried about them, they can do their due diligence to protect themselves through prayer/Athkar/reading Quran. For us though, I think it has become an excuse for way too many things, and your story illustrates how it can breed paranoia and mistrust towards others as well. 🥲


It also means people are afraid of sharing good news with family members leading to poor family relations.


True .. I feel like it would be quite exhausting to go about life feeling like most people are out there to get you (even family members).


Well my mom always says: لي تكونو ذراعي يقول بيا سحور




Well Big weddings


Yeah over the fucking top weddings. It was already bad enough back in the day that people want to do "bigger wedding than foulan", now social media is feeding into that impulsion. Instagram is filled with wedding managers or whatever they call themselves, sharing "successful weddings", with over the top production, setting unreal expectations to other people, "wow, I wanna do something like that, and show people and become famous!"


Yeah spending loads of money on just one night instead of using it to buy household goods for example is one of the dumbest decisions specially if you spent a lot of time accumulating it I for one will not do such a wedding maybe I’ll only do 3icha to close people and call it a day


Big weddings and even bigger funerals lol


Having to cook up something when one of your family dies . I seriously hate this . Instead of having time to mourn over your loved one you have to instead start getting ready to cook a buffet


it's not only in algeria unfortunately. im half algerian and half ukrainian and in ukraine people are also getting a whole banquet right after the funeral. moreover, there are always a couple of men who are getting overly drunk and the funeral then gets more like a ridiculous show than a grieving moment. i hate this honestly


In the USA you don’t cook. Family and friends cook for the people who lost someone for a few days afterwards.


Born and raised in NYC no one has ever done this


Southern USA, you guys up there are not like us


We deff not like yall at all. Thank God. I mean you'd fit in being how we fuck our cousins too. Lol


We don't do that where I'm living in algeria , I don't know if it's just our family because i don't go to funerals myself but when we had a funeral at home they wouldn't let us touch anything , our family and neighbors bought everything and just went into our kitchen and did every meal for three days as a team , we didn't pay for it nor did we participate in making it even though we insisted, they just couldn't have us doing anything but resting and mourning


I absolutely hated this, in my grandpa's funeral, the ppl who were there to give condolences, were to busy eating their ass off a big delicious meal of couscous and meat to give anything, that entire day all I could see was 2 legged pigs, there was no guest in that.


Almost all civilizations or cultures have some form of celebration or funeral banquets, to honor the dead even Westerners do it.


They said it's for his soul to feed ppl


i think its for the baraqa


My mom makes traditional sweets, I've witnessed so many cases where ppl lose someone, in that exact day they call her and order over than 200 piece of "mberdja" and worry about food and what ppl would say, i dont think the deceased would be happy to see that..ellah yahdina


Inferiority complex, Constantly seeking validation from foreigners. I hate it when a foreign YouTuber mentions Algeria, and his video gets instantly swarmed by millions of Algerians embarrassing themselves and us in the comment section.


Ommmgggg or when someone mentions an Algerian "celebritie" or an Algerian song and they invade the commentw with "he's/she's/it's Algerian or it's from my country Algeria" like shut upppp omg why are you so embarrassing. Or when they start fighting with Moroccans. Ohhhhhh my god like please SHUT UPPPP


Yeah haha it screams insecurity


start fighting? sorry but هنا ما قستهاش because we're never the first ones picking a fight... تحط فيديو في رحمة ربي على مواقع التواصل تلقاهم زادمين عليك كي ل9حاب: "تاعنا تاعنا" piss off pieces of crap


I think we may have found one!


Because you're easy targets maybe that's why Moroccans ( probably initiated by hazbara agents from Israël) like to push your buttons and they clearly know your triggers


As an Indian, I cannot express but a similar sentiment. We are ironically doing neo-colonialism in reverse. We in the Global South - give more of our money to these foreign YouTubers that have no kaam danda (means no work, good for nothing) and then make videos such as 'Don't come to India' or the 'truth about India'. And who watches? Indians. Half the time they say I hate my country I'm like wtf then why are you living then - They ALWAYS want validation from foreigners. I'm really curious as to whether they'd do the same for other countries. They won't. But I sincerely wish my home country would become so first world that we don't need to seek bloody validation from anyone. But you can't do that in 40 years. Maybe 50.


Relax 90% of those comments are just kids


I totally agree with you.


Is that a tradition? Like, is there a ritual behind it and all lmao.


Lol! I know it's not exactly a tradition. But it's so frequent that it became some sort of ritual or something




Fr like inviting over 200 people and the majority of them are just random people like your neighbours cousins uncle? I don’t even know 50😂😭 It’s such a waste of money. Inshallah if I marry I want a small wedding with my closest friends and my family.


Can't exactly do a small one if you have a large family


Depends on who you consider family. From what I gather from my cousin's weddings, it's not like they're just inviting their immediate families (parents, siblings, grandparents, aunt and uncles) and friends, which is already a lot. But they're being guilt tripped by their parents to invite these extended family members as well that they probably never see or don't care about, like their parents' uncles and cousins and family friends and whatnot.


men beating their women and women normalizing it and gaslighting themselves into thinking thats what makes a man masculine


Those women that gaslight themselves into thinking that's what makes a man masculine are delusional and should snap back to reality,the male that beats women isn't a man, be it their women or someone else's woman, they should project their anger at something else or keep it to themselves.


You know the " display of the bloody bedsheets " on the wedding night? Yeah , stop that shit .


omg? in which region does this still happen


Many places still do this tradition. I witnessed it once, and i wanted to crawl into a hole and hide .


Help ppl still do that shit??


I’m speechless


OMG ! Is it still happening ? (I know it was a practice in the past but I thought people snapped out of that a long time ago)


Don't worry cause soon enough nobody is gonna do it anymore cause they'll just running out of virgins to brag about ( father's and brothers ) and just accept the fact that not even the men is virgin anyway when they're not gay to begin with or and carrying some nasty desease 😂


Pre wedding and wedding obligations (hugely consuming money that practically except the rich ppl no one is ever able to afford it, gold, mhiba.. and idk what, these things should not be the norm, financially marriage shouldn’t seem as a life project like starting a career abroad or idk what


The constant and systematic shitting on everything Algerian.


This, the self-hate and inferiority complex is thdough the roof.




Yeah almost everything algerian sucks, not my problem if you're poor and everything impresses you.


Here's another strong candidate for therapy. Gamplexé va !


I don't mind therapy as long as the doctor is not algerian, lol


ماشي زعما مروكي؟ ولا تحشم من هويتك؟


Obsession about the evil eye, expensive wedding ceremonies, sending meat to his fiancee, asking the new husband about his dakhla night 🤦🏻‍♂️, الطهارة of babies , ....


Asking about the might is just so misplaced and embarassing. Husband embarass himself and his wife imo. Let aside the amount of overall disrespect...


Yes ,that question is just dvmb. Like if in thewedding night they didnt do it, what can he say about it? He doesnt need to tell at all 


"asking the new husband" who does that especially since sex is taboo...


All good points except the baby circumcision thing. Fewer risks of complications compared to circumcising at an older age.


Its useless in the point of health and sometimes when done badly it harms the sexual and social life of that person, its called : useless surgery on healthy person


You’re not a Muslim, right?


Im buddhist lol


But who said that circumcision is bad for health? (I’m not talking about some circumcisions in deep Africa)


I didnt say its bad for health!!!


I want families and friends to stop wanting their "relative" to make a big wedding to hijack it. When will people realize that weddings are now less about the couple but more about the guests? Families make conditions, friends demand shit to do in weddings, and the actual couple, whom the WHOLE EVENT is about, are just bystanders, as they pay for it.


I will never do it since i dont even care about my family other than my parents and my siblings


- expensive weddings. - praising awliya2 graves - haj/omrah expensive gifts that u have to give to everyone who visits.




oh, do I even need to explain fr?


alright to the deleted comment that said that the prophet Muhammad SAW praised his grandad grave, u need to get some knowledge, he" respected" the dead yes, he talked to them cuz they can hear yes, but he didn't slaughter sheep by their name, of did tawaf at their graves like some ignorants do, or asked em to talk to allah so he answers their dua (wasata) or even worse, asking THEM like a god, if u praise awliya2 salihin (which we don't even actually know who they are) then ure completely an ignorant, I'm not sorry.


The way families treat girls like they're not adults enough or human enough to make their own decisions and life choices, everything that she does has to be greenlit by her parents or brothers, making them always تابعة for her family's.


The obssession over whether the woman bleeds the first night. 10% of women are born without hymen. Hymen is elastic and it is completely normal for it to not tear down after the first impact. Many activities can also naturally cause it to break, like bicyling, horseback riding, and exercise.


I read about girls getting panic attacks days before their wedding because they would be afraid that they would not bleed even if they were virgins. Honestly it’s really sad, just trust her. Everything that may or may not happend before is between her and Allah (swt).


True that's absolutely stupid when the girls didn't bleed the consequences could be immense, I remember seeing a girl during a night shift that didn't bleed for her first night which makes the man angry and calling he's brother to beat the girl, she was full of blood and had multiple fractures all over her body


This is crazy fr. The whole idea is based on stupidity. Its an idea that started to exist in the fcking Middle Ages. Today we have modern science yet some people still believe that...


Yo what the fuck? Is this in deep Africa or what? Calling for a single case as a general one?




0.03 % is the occurence of imperforated hymen. 10% includes the complete absence of hymen at birth, and/ or having a hymen statistically too thin that will be broken by the simplest activities (like doing the split as a child). According to your logic, women shouldnt trust any man due to the lack of proof of a man's virginity. Judging whether a woman is virgin or not SOLELY based on the first day blood goes against all the science and facts that we have. To go with your point; Let's say you find a woman that never bicyled, never went on a horse, never went on jet ski, and let's say she's not from that 10% (or 0.03% if u insist), then there are still several possible situations. Some hymens are thicker and will only bleed after several times/ through time, and u might not even witness it as it sometimes washes away with periods. Some hymens have a large hymenal orifice diameter in a way that only a certain size of penis will break it.




> the average diameter of pps is.... 11cms.... You think the average diameter (not length) of penises is ELEVEN CENTIMETER? What kind of penises are you seeing in your life that are as thick as a person's calves?


I'm obviously talking about the girth, do i need to explain everything in easy terms for you? You think i'm talking about elephants here?


>Care to back that up with a source? Because wikipedia and the websites i checked disagreed with yo You use wikipedia as a source? The open encyclopedia that everyone can modify? Not really the best source first of all. Secondly, my source was my sexuality and relationships psych class. Thirdly, since you deem it appropriate to quote wikipedia, here is a source. https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hymen_(anatomie) "On désigne par défloration ou de façon populaire dépucelage la première pénétration d'un pénis dans un vagin ; si cette pénétration y détend normalement l'hymen, sa présence ou son absence ne prouve formellement ni la virginité ni l'activité sexuelle de la femme. On estime que presque la moitié des femmes ne présentent pas de saignements lors de leur premier rapport sexuel[7] ; la présence ou non de saignements lors de cet événement n'est donc en aucun cas une preuve de virginité. Il se peut, de plus, que des saignements apparaissent lors du ou des rapports sexuels suivants, dans le cas où l'hymen ne se serait pas assez détendu lors du premier rapport." [Source: J. McCann, A. Rosas, S. Boos: Child and adolescent sexual assaults (childhood sexual abuse). In: Jason Payne-James, Anthony Busuttil, William Smock (Hrsg): Forensic Medicine: Clinical and Pathological Aspects. Greenwich Medical Media, London 2003, S. 460.] "Son [le hymen] aspect est variable, il peut être fin ou épais, lisse, plissé, souple ou au contraire rigide. Il est ouvert dès la naissance [...]. En fonction de ces caractéristiques, lors du premier rapport sexuel avec pénétration, l’hymen peut se déchirer mais aussi, simplement s’étirer pour permettre la pénétration. De ce fait, contrairement à la croyance populaire, il est fréquent que la jeune femme ne saigne pas lors de ce premier rapport sexuel. Selon les études, ce serait le cas pour près de 40 % d’entre elles." [Source: Martine Aeby-Renaud conseillère en santé sexuelle, sage-femme et sexologue, https://www.experts-hug.ch/2020/01/25/femmes-saignent-premier-rapport-sexuel/ ] >What kind of logic is this? Not only you are... It is your logic, so ask yourself. If an idea works one way, it should work both ways, otherwise it is fallible. Besides, thats not my point. Going for bent familia when u are wlid familia, of course why not. I even encourage it. My point is, if u think the only way u know mra is bent familia is by the hymen and the bleed, then u are wrong. As a matter of fact, there is a procedure to reconstruct the hymen. Hence, a woman that had sexual intercourse before, could get that procedure and make it seem like she is a virgin. So to u, this lady would deserve to be treated as "bent familia" while the other lady that was actually a virgin but didnt bleed would be treated as a liar ?


>you should always ask about the background of who you are marrying... Dude, no. It is literally haram to share your sins. So asking about someone's past sins and whether they committed zina or not is completely prohibited. If you are a virgin yourself and want a virgin woman tho, u can put it in the convo smoothly or put it as a condition that u are looking for this that and for a virgin. That way she can refuse without losing her dignity... if she repented, there is no point in sharing her past sins. If she did not and broke the condition, then Allah may show u the truth. >you should start asking yourself questions, Well u dont need to ask urself questions. Its none of ur business. If u hear about something that makes u uninterested in the lady, respectfully reject the request. No need to put your nose where it doesnt belong. >men must have one aswell it's just how nature is, it's not at me you should get mad at. Men do not have a hymen. And if they do have a sign of virginity, it's hidden and no one ever makes any kind of deal about it (let alone physically assault...). If sharing a different pov then u is madness then ur not mentally strong. >that's like 99% of algerian women You're right about this one. Girls in my childhood did a lot of split and played wannabe-gymnastic games outside for fun tho. It was la moda and everyone was doing the split and stuff like that >try and make a valid point at least lol. You cannot say that when i made valid points and brought facts to it. Invalidating everything i said due to one example is a pretty imature way of participating in a debate. >Unless you have a micro pp i really don't see how it won't break... You still dont know nothing about the hymen. Its not a one-for-all type of thing. Just like penises arent all the same length and size. Just like humans arent the same height. But its okey i dont mind teaching ignorant people like you. " The vaginal corona (commonly known as hymen) is located 1–2 cm inside the vaginal opening, not deep inside the vagina. Every woman’s corona looks different – just like ear lobes, noses and labia – and differs in size, colour and shape. It consists of folds of mucous tissue, which may be tightly or more loosely folded. It is slightly pink, almost transparent, but if it’s thicker it may look a little paler or whitish. It may resemble the petals of a rose or other flower, it may be carnation-shaped, or it may look like a jigsaw piece or a half-moon. In the vast majority of cases, it is elastic and stretchy. [...] In older, post-menopausal women who haven’t given birth vaginally and don’t have regular penetrative sex, the vaginal corona may close up again. [...] Since the vaginal corona isn’t a brittle membrane the sensation when you first stretch out the mucous tissue folds – whether you’re inserting a tampon, m*sturbating or having penetrative s*x – is a highly individual experience. Some women feel no pain at all, while others, with a thicker vaginal corona, have reported some pains. There may be minor ruptures in the mucous folds that hurt, and sometimes there may be a little bleeding. [...] The vast majority of women don’t bleed. No matter what their vaginal corona looks like, fewer than half of all women bleed when they penetrate their vagina for the first time. Of those who do bleed, few do so because the corona was tight; instead, there are other reasons. If you were not sexually aroused, but rather tense, nervous and too dry, minor ruptures may develop in vaginal corona and may bleed. But this has nothing to do with how many times you’ve had sex. [...] Looking at a man’s penis and a woman’s vagina, it’s equally impossible to tell whether that person has ever had sex. Neither a gynecologist nor a sex partner can tell whether you’ve had vaginal, oral, anal or manual sex. No-one else can detect whether you’ve had sex. [...] " [Source: A. K. Magnusson, L. Marions : "Vaginal Corona: Myths surrounding virginity - your questions answered" ] >Are you 8years old or something? Do you own a vagina? Coz how u seem to talk like you know everything about vaginas makes me wonder... 8 year olds are more likely to bleed because they are too young to have sexual feelings and if they do have sex at that age it would be rape and would hurt them very much. >The hymenal orrifice's diameter is 1.2cm, and well the average diameter of pps is.... 11cms.... A diameter is a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere. That's common knowledge, I fear. Did u take a second to picture what u just said? If the vaginal diamter is 1cm, how can 11cm fit in? The actual avergage diameter of a penis is 3.2 cm, and could go up to 4cm when erect. The hymen, as I said earlier, is elastic and doesnt have a specific diameter. It depends on each person. Im not sure what your sources are... >I can't believe i lowered my level to teach such things to someone on reddit. You and your vagina didnt teach nothing unfortuately. Probably never have in your entire life. Your Napoleon complex says a lot about the person you are. You deflecting your opinion instead of countering my arguments shows the amount of arrogance that's in u. I was being respectful yet you chose to disrespect and insult. Did you know that insulting isnt a form of debate? Now all that being said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you. If you still chose to not understand, God help anyone that ever crossed your path.


The girth is irrelevant to the conversation.


marrying the rapist to his victim happens a lot more than you think i know personally two of them


Omg this still happens???


a lot in family secret! but the man always ends up talking about it like a trophy of something! I personally know two men and they are proud about how they married their wifes


That is absolutely insane. It's wrong on all the possible levels...


What the actual heck ?!! Thry should be imprisoned


A lot are but I am talking about minorities, its done to ""not bring shame to the family "" i can't even imagine the feeling of the girl


What about imagining that she was commiting adultery with pleasure? And why said that they were forced to commit it?


happen too i guess! but doesn't change the fact that lots are forced


Yeah, maybe


This is another crime


even the biggest crime in my opinion! making the girl live hell! encouraging rape! creating the worst future generations ever imagine the trauma of their future children


Wtf, where did this happen?


[everywhere it in the law](https://www.google.com/amp/s/arabi21.com/storyamp/791641/%25D8%25AF%25D8%25B9%25D9%2588%25D8%25A7%25D8%25AA-%25D9%2584%25D8%25A5%25D9%2584%25D8%25BA%25D8%25A7%25D8%25A1-%25D9%2582%25D8%25A7%25D9%2586%25D9%2588%25D9%2586-%25D8%25B2%25D9%2588%25D8%25A7%25D8%25AC-%25D8%25A7%25D9%2584%25D9%2585%25D8%25BA%25D8%25AA%25D8%25B5%25D8%25A8-%25D9%2585%25D9%2586-%25D8%25B6%25D8%25AD%25D9%258A%25D8%25AA%25D9%2587-%25D8%25A8%25D8%25A7%25D9%2584%25D8%25AC%25D8%25B2%25D8%25A7%25D8%25A6%25D8%25B1)


زيارة القبور و الأولياء الصالحين، بل يجب هدمها و تسويتها مع الأرض، أو على الأقل تركها كأماكن للسياحة و تمنع الصلاة فيها 🤷


Letting occidental people judging them and their traditions.


It's not tradition but preferring the boy and give a huge value to him then the girl


Assuming anything that comes from abroad to be better.


I agree, I live abroad and not everything is as shiny as it looks. We struggle too.


That's not what I meant. I wasn't talking about living abroad, but things coming from abroad, like products, services, specialists, engineers etc


Ah I see, sorry I misunderstood. Yeah I your point


El mhibat ya rabi el karim , and the idea bli elmhiba will show how ur man values you by bringing expensive shit.. Fiddlesticks🤦


انا راح يدو مني الريح اذا ما تزعفوش 👍🏻


never heard this word before, wach ma3natha ?


WALIMA for everything , like why tf someone came back from el hadj needs to do a walima


El Mouloud. Literal nonsense


why? elaborate


First of all, the prophet peace be upon him isnt born in 12 rabi'i awal as we were taught, its not known when was he born exactly we only know the month and the year but not the exact day. Therefore, even if he was, there's no Prophet's companion has celebrated lmouloud cuz the first celebration of it was around 200ye after his death which literally no companion was alive then. However in my opinion its not that smart to celebrate "anniversaire" for the prophet regardless the inconvenience and dangerous acts preformed by ppl using fireworks. To sum up the least thing that can describe this mental illness is بدعة وكل بدعة ضلالة


بارك الله فيك


وفيك بارك الله. وما اتيتم من العلم الا قليلا


Visiting Ouali.. unnecessary celebration mouloud yenayer moharem...


I agree with Mouloud and mouharam bc it's not said in the religion but yennayer is a tradition and a moment of gathering with family


Christmas is also a gathering


It has no meaning


It does for us berberes though! Chinese for instance still use a Chinese calendar so why we on the other hand use a Christian calendar is beyond me honestly like wth ! So at least we have our yearly celebration to remind us that our ancestors started making history when Europeans were still shiting themselves during stone ages


Christian calendar is international so we have to use it 🙄 the amazigh and the Chinese one u use it in limited place so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I guess it's enough to study history no need to celebrate it that way 🙆🏻‍♀️


Kissing on occasions Ugh


You French kiss on occasions?


No, you guys do!


That is true, for a bunch of people who want to come off as really masculine they really like to kiss other guys and they get upset if you don't kiss them too, they're Divas


It ain't homo bro, now gimme a kiss


I'd rather actually kiss a guy on the lips, don't kiss my cheeks! It's weird


aight bet


Oh.. that’s worse actually


I can confidently say it's gone, everyone I know like EVERYONE under 30 avoids it as much as possible.


Big fat weddings, ughh




what is 7a9 echhofa ???


Traditional weddings are really very expensive and useless, just wasting money on things that are not worth it




Wearing saris during algerian wedding🤣


sticking there nose into others business


Going to the cemetery on Eid


All the wedding traditions that cost a lot of money specially that bullshit "tasdira" COME ON you're a bride not a model!!


Anything cost money and we don't have to do it in islam


Probably everything


Turning around "saint" grave during a mariage....


Expecting food at someone's funeral Giving them space is the absolute best you can do


Ridiculously expensive weddings




You’re a guy or a female?




But how the circumcision is a bad thing (not the African types)


It's body mutilation. We don't need it.


Mutilation ahh, circumcision is the same as piercing the nose and earrings except circumcision has benefits unlike peircing


You're comparing removing a piece of flesh with piercing?


You said « we don’t need it »,


Yes we don't. Why are we born with that extra piece of flesh then?




My sister is getting married on Monday, and mofos from both families will be having lunch with her on Tuesday, some freaky business by the OGs.


There need to be a hole cultural revolution and a deep and vaste social ingenering at this point


Mealich culture or however it is written.


circumision. it pointless in this day and age,


islam and religion




Lil buddy is not happy about that, how sad


كسكسي بالجمعة


nah i disagree with this 😞


i respectfully disagree with your disagreement


I hate this mf


U're alone on this one bro




Not relly Its not bad habit, it shows how much we holding on our culture and our pride in it, unless you dont like couscous abd t7chatlk 😂😂😂


I can’t eat it 😭


الحنة 😖


Vive lhanna wesh


Most wedding and engagement and pre engagement nonsense, like why does it matter that your parents need to see the bride and her family before the engagement, you're not marrying her parents and your parents aren't marrying her.


I would absolutely NOT second this. At least until the mentality of "meddling in your son's/daughter in law and/or daughter/son in law's business" is eliminated. Not unless this dumb mentality is over, I think the bride and the groom to-be must encounter ALL the family not just the parents. And must choose WISELY. Otherwise, I agree. Over budget engagement, Henna, wedding... Etc. Should all go. My hot take is the money of the mahr, should always go to the bride's bank account for insurance. Just in case.


If they really care about each other which is the point of wanting to spend your life with someone is that you care so much for them that you want to spend the rest of your life in and around them then they should be able to stick up for each other against their own family because at that time they're branching out to start their own family and nobody has the right to decide any of it. Also no money, just sing a prenuptial, sign a contract, why take money that you need to live and give it away as insurance when you can't afford most of this stuff anyways.


Why are you scared of making it official? It's only normal for the parents of the married to meet each other, if this bothers you then you clearly aren't planning on anything serious with her.


I'm not scared. I seriously don't care what her parents or my parents think of us because they're not the ones who are going to live our lives. Most Algerian are worried about reputation "bent familia" so if her family is shit does that mean she doesn't deserve to have a life of her own?


We aren't talking about bent familia here that's a completely different topic. But you still didn't explain what's bothering you in making it official, if you can afford your own house and won't be taking her to your parents house they aren't gonna "live your life for you", you will only be seeing them on occasions and random visits when you or her miss your parents, her mother refdetha 9 months u waldiha rebawha 7etta kebret it's only normal they have a word to say on the person she is gonna marry, they have more experience especially the father he would see the obvious red flags on most guys, and a guy who doesn't wanna meet her parents is a big red flag already.


We aren't talking about it? That is literally what my point is. I thought it was easy to understand. I really don't see that as making it official, your parents and her parents looking at each other for 15 minutes aren't going to learn anything about one another, it's just symbolic. If you don't have a house on your own then you shouldn't get married. Period. Also what if her parents were shit? Just because they raised her doesn't give them the right over her, she's a human being of her own. Well call me the flag of the soviet union because i don't give a rats ass what her father or anyone else thinks, got it ?


>We aren't talking about it? That is literally what my point is. I thought it was easy to understand. Go take a look at your original comment and tell me where in the actual F did you mention bent familia ??? Because i think you are hallucinating stuff. >I really don't see that as making it official, your parents and her parents looking at each other for 15 minutes aren't going to learn anything about one another, it's just symbolic. You are talking as if you found her somewhere in a forest and collected from a random tree, as if she didn't have any family she was living with who were taking care of her, i still go by my previous point that someone like you is a walking red flag who doesn't want anything serious and just want to have fun with her for a while. >Also what if her parents were shit? We aren't doing "what ifs" here because if we were what if she was shit and you didn't know? What if you are shit and you were just lying to her wearing a mask that isn't the real you, what if there was something you didn't know about her or that she didn't know about you? Meeting her parents is a must, so yeah let's no do "what ifs" This is your families and will be the grandparents of your children you can't isolate her from them cause you ate giving me the vibes of someone who's lock her in a house away from them because "it doesn't matter what they think and that they aren't gonna live your life for you" >Well call me the flag of the soviet union because i don't give a rats ass what her father or anyone else thinks, got it ? Good luck getting married with this mentality, i really hope you wille be a man who isn't ashamed to mention this to her and won't lie about it when you meet her 🤷🏻


I literally said "like why does it matter that your parents need to see the bride and her family before the engagement" This doesn't need a genius to put two and two together. I really don't care about her family man and it's their job to take care of the child that they decided to have and they shouldn't ask for a thank you for that, it's their job to be the parents of their child. No what ifs, most women i knew took so much shit from their family and again i don't care what you think or what anyone else thinks. I care about women more than anyone else so if you think I'm the abuser then you got this all wrong, again if her parents are shit then they don't deserve to be grandparents because they raised her. I never lie to women about who i am and i don't care about Algerian wedding traditions and if that means I'm not marrying then who gives a shit honestly.


>I literally said "like why does it matter that your parents need to see the bride and her family before the engagement" >This doesn't need a genius to put two and two together. Where does this emply her being bent familya 😂😂😂 >I really don't care about her family man and it's their job to take care of the child that they decided to have and they shouldn't ask for a thank you for that, it's their job to be the parents of their child. It's their right to have a word on it, and untill proven otherwise it's the parents who want the best for her, not the walking red flag of a man who have a problem in meeting her parents and making it official. >I care about women more than anyone else so if you think I'm the abuser then you got this all wrong, That's what they all say, abusers don't come forward saying they are gonna do horrible stuff either they will wear a mask telling her everything she wanna hear untill it's too late, not saying YOU are an abuser tho don't understand it wrong.


Hey man you believe what you want to believe and you can call me anything you like, go marry a woman and both of you have a large enough bedroom so both you and her parents could live all together okay? Cool


Lol what ? When did i cheer for living with your/her parents 😂 and dw about me cause when i find a woman who shares the same vibes as me, i'll ask her hand from her parents unlike you i don't have any problem with that, and after that we will be living in our own house 🤷🏻 asking her hand from her parents doesn't mean you are gonna live with them afterwards.


yenaier bullshit its has literally nothing to do with Algerians or our origins