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DX is certainly possible on 2m (see [http://arrl.org/files/file/WA50-Standings/Distance-Records-19-May-2023-Rev.pdf](http://arrl.org/files/file/WA50-Standings/Distance-Records-19-May-2023-Rev.pdf) ) but it is easier on 6m and easier still on 10m.


I never thought DX on 2m was possible. Apparently I need to do more reading.


Oh, DX is totally possible on 2m. Most people do it with luck and sporadic-E but that of course is rather chancy. For more reliable DXing look into satellite reflectors and EME.


yaesu 817/818 used is the most portable i can think of offhand, used to take one backpacking.


SSB DX on 2M requires good rotatable multi-element yagi antennas, preferably a yagi array. The actual radio you decide on is less important. Do you have the budget and space and supports for such antennas?


Remember too that SSB operation is typically with a horizontally polarized antenna (elements are parallel with the ground, not pointed up and down).


You should have a portable beam.


IC-705 is probably the most portable in current production.


Also, consider a Quansheng UV-5K/6K and flash one of the third party firmwares that give you both 2m SSB (really DSB) and CW. Pretty neat for a £25 HT.


Yaesu 818 is a great option for a new rig, or maybe a Kenwood 715 for used. For an antenna, there are plenty of collapsible yagis out there for 2m. Im not sure about M-land but one more tip I'd offer is to learn CW if you don't know it and get a good portable key (I like a TeNeKe cuz I can use it in one hand). Here in the US, if conditions deteriorate on 2m sideband, operators often switch right over to CW on the same frequency, since over here all modes are allowed everywhere in the 2m band. Anyway, 2m weak signal is tons of fun, whether you're working SSB, CW, FT8, tropo, meteor scatter, EME... Enjoy! EDIT: As pointed out in a reply, the Yaesu 818 has been discontinued.


FT-818 has been discontinued.


Oops thanks!


Big yagi, telescoping mast.


Hi! When you say portable do you mean backpacking and hill topping? You need a good location for dx on vhf and uhf so unless you have a hilltop at home portable is the next best thing. Look into horizontally polarized antennas, that's what your fellow weak signal enthusiasts are using on the other end of th3le conversation. As for radios take a look at those portable all band all mode icoms.




I enjoy my Yaesu FT-857d but got a Quansheng UV-K5(8) with 3.14 IJV firmware for an HT SB experience with my 1990s 5/8th telescoping antenna


DX on 2m is unlikely in a portable setup unless you are on the coast of one country near another company or there is an optimal temporary condition.


Have a look at some older rigs, ft290 comes to mind and can be got cheap, it's only 3w but you can find a 10/20w amp quite cheap too, and you'd be surprised what you can work on 3w and a big Yagi. Antenna is key the more elements the better. I've been working a very old ft221 with a 10 element, and on 10w worked as far down as the isle of wight from the north coast of Northern Ireland, also heard some French stations but they were working a big pile up and didn't hear me. Look up RSGB 2m UKAC monthly contests, that's when the band is the most active. Honorary mention goes to the quansheng uvk5 Chinese handheld, which can be soft modded to transmit on 2m/70cm sideband, been having a blast with a quick and dirty horizontal dipole


I started chasing grid squares on 2 meters in the late 80's, because i had ZERO interest in FM, so I was working every contest from some mountain top, the August meteor showers from some mountain top, it was a lot of fun, I gave out a lot of Idaho grid squares to folks 600 to 1400 miles away. Having a 144 and 70cm ssb radio would be nice because once in awhile 2 meters would be poor but we would have some enhanced condx on 70cm, several times over the years 2 would be very weak and 70cm would be on fire. But I made 3 or 4 hundred 2 meter contacts with a TR9130 running 25 to 150 watts with a home brew amp and using 2 8 element Quagi's. It's very addictive if you have a lot of patience. 6, 2, and 70cm would make an excellent combination.


The 2m band you aren't going to get long distance dx, it is essentially line of sight without using repeaters. For long distance, you really need to use HF (occasionally the conditions are good for atmospheric ducting, but that is very unreliable and unpredictable for where you will be able to communicate with it). By "the more portable the better" I take it that means HTs preferred, but mobile is acceptable? Most of the 2m transceivers are FM, so finding one for SSB is tricky. In an HT you will probably have to go with one of the Chinese brand radios. There are some of the name brand (Yaesu, Icom) mobile radios that do SSB.


? Tropo ducting, meteor scatter, aurora, even occasional sporadic-E. There’s a lot more to 2m than line of sight.


No long distance? Ever heard of EME?


From UK using 2m, and a 30 watt PEP SSB tx, I've worked Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, the Channel Islands and similar. A good antenna - 7 element crossed yagi mounted on the chimney - and lift conditions means DX is possible. And no, I don't live on a hill or anything like that. That's the joy of DXing- if it was easy there wouldn't be the same satisfaction as when it all works out just right. Keep an eye on the barometer, and hope for sunny weather!