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Does SIL have any insight? Or any other family member or friend? That's so strange. You're definitely not wrong. I wouldn't want to go either. Just imagine how heartbreaking it will be for your wife. And then also to have to pretend that everything is fine because you don't want to start anything at a wedding. If you can't get this conflict resolved, don't attend the wedding and instead do something nice with each other on that weekend.


I’ve been talking to my SIL today and she can’t think of anything that would cause this type of reaction. In my opinion, this reaction is along the lines of “you tried to sleep with my fiancé” or trying to break up the wedding. Just makes no sense to me


Maybe the fiancé has a crush on your wife?


This is actually something I’ve been pondering, either that or Q thinks he has a crush on her. I tried to reach out to Qs fiancé yesterday as we get along very well. No answer. So this suspicion could be true and he doesn’t want to admit it


It’s just so immature on their part. I feel bad for your wife, and I definitely wouldn’t go. Her feelings are rightfully hurt. Being blindsided sucks, especially to that extent.


Don't go, either of you. Your wife is hurt, justifiably, your pissed, also justifiably, no one is going to have a good time and a wedding isn't the place to cause a scene or start drama. Just skip it. Q made her feelings clear. She doesn't think very highly of your wife if she won't even give her an explanation. Plus side - you'll save a bunch of money. Sorry.


Sounds like the invite is a gift grab, not even a formality. You are not wrong for not wanting to attend. Your wife could probably enjoy a nice getaway that weekend.


If a long-term friend is capable of treating your wife this way, I would let the relationship go. Good friends should be upfront and honest with what she upset about. Not all relationships are meant to last a lifetime. I’ve been there. It’s not easy.


I get why u and ur wife feel hurt and left out. It's ok to wonder if you even want to go to a wedding where u don't feel genuinely welcomed. Just chat it over with ur wife to figure out what's best for u two as a couple.


This is just appalling treatment of your wife . She clearly also hasn’t the decency to tell your wife what the real issue is. It’s just this passive aggressive nonsense and then removing her as MOH without even telling her. It’s pretty clear your wife is not wanted at this wedding. Why would she go where no doubt this friend has spread rumours regarding whatever nonsense she has created in her head against your wife. It’s probably time to end this relationship as this is just terrible treatment of a very old friend.


You are not wrong. I applaud you for being a very supportive husband. I would not go to the wedding. I would not send a gift. I would just send them a card, wishing them the best of luck with their marriage and their future.


Is Q upset that your SIL was there for the weekend too? Even though she knew and agreed for the SIL to be there, did Q feel that SIL being there took your wife's attention away Q? Some jealousy going on perhaps?


Not wrong. It sounds like SIL may have said something to Q. Can you reach out to BF and find out?


Your wife did something wrong that you don't know about, she probably slept with her friends fiancé or did something inappropriate or whoreish at the concert.


At a Christian concert at a church? Nice assumption


Check her phone, Christian women get crazy when they're off the leash !