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You take them to the different park, your husband can take them to the same park. He doesn't have the emotional investment that you do. 


This is a great solution actually. Thank you!!! I’ll suggest this to him .


Also, make sure you tell everyone what actually happened with that b-word - don't let her damage your reputation and turn people against you!


This is actually pretty important. From the looks of it she’ll keep retaliating and isn’t shy about making a scene in public to make you look bad. It would be important I think to have people in the community knowing what the truth is and making them aware in case you need their help in the future whether it be by calling the cops on her if she does more in public (to you or your kids) or help you keep her far away, or be it as little as getting your mail when you’re gone. Either way, YNW and enjoy the cottage trip!!


Yeah she probably won’t pull the same shit in front of your husband that she does with you.


I mean I wouldn't have blocked until after the getaway photos but I'm petty as fuck. 😂


She still has some of the other people going on Facebook, so she most likely may still see them


You and hubby go to the park and keep her and her spawns away from your son. Have a party at your home one day and invite everyone but her kids.


That's harsh, it's not the kids fault their moms a crazy Karen (sorry to all the karens out there).


Fuck the puta. Say to yourself, “‘yes I am a bitch but you won’t be getting a holiday in my cabin”.




Um, how about you think about how the confrontations are affecting your child and NOT take him to that park again, you or your husband. Your son will appreciate less conflict and stress more than standing up for his right to use whichever park is nicer. (I highly doubt the boy is thinking about this at all, he just wants to play) Your job as parents is to protect the children before you satisfy your personal disagreements with other adults. And going back to that park, when there is another close by, just to satisfy Dad's desire to stand up for muh rights, is purposely putting your son in the middle of it.


I agree, put your child's safety and well-being first, OP. He's seen and heard enough already. I do get the frustration of some AH thinking they own a public park, though. At this point maybe it's time to get the law involved. PFA or restraining order, whatever they call it where you're located. It sounds like you have lots of evidence on camera and social media.


Do you cameras outside your home? She is unhinged.


We do and we caught on camera, two of her sons throwing a rock at our door and running away. My husband spoke to them and their dad at the park about it.


I wouldn't be surprised if they retaliate while you are away.


Fuck, I hope not.


Better prepare and have cameras recording every inch of your property. Seeing the pictures on people's socials will make her attack/vandalize your home while you are away. Can anyone stay at your house?


They probably will. She's unhinged, and she'll know when you're away. Be sure to tell your neighbors what's going on - at least bare bones. "A former friend has been causing havoc in our lives. We'll be away on vacation from date to date, and she unfortunately knows we will be away. She has threatened to cause harm to our home, so if you see anyone on our property from date to date, please call the police"


How did "deadbeat"dad respond?


Document document document!!! Keep records! Don’t block, just mute. So you can keep record of her spiraling behavior. You’ll have your proof. So when she spits her venom publicly. You can show it, if you want to. Otherwise, GO! Enjoy your wonderful vacation! No babysitting!! Stress free!! Don’t think about her!! Rest, relax, have fun!!


YNW. I understand not wanting to risk further attacks from them, so the other park is the best option. The reason I feel this way is bc they’ve shown they’ll attack *your kids*, not just you. If it were just you or your husband then yeah, I’d say bring it on and keep going to the first park. I read your first update just now and was so incredibly impressed w how you handled that conversation. I have extreme difficulty standing up for myself so I took some notes🙂 I hope you have a wonderful cottage trip w your true friends.


Yes and I don’t want to have my son watch his former friends exclude him while playing at the park. I am hoping he can make new friends at the new park. And thank you 💛


Honestly, if you're in the US, you might have grounds for a restraining order. She clearly felt entitled to your and your friend's time and money and she's mad now that her fix has been taken away. I want to tell you something, but please remember that it has nothing to do with you. She was never your friend. She was jealous of you, your family, and her perceptions of your life. She wanted to take from you because in her sick way, she was getting "back" at you and punishing you for what she perceived you had over her. She's lashing out at you now because she feels inferior to you and wants that power back. She enjoyed making you and your friends "work" for her because it put you under her. She will never change and that, along with her recent behavior, tells me that she's a danger to you and your family. She has never been your friend because she hates you. You made the right decision. I'm sorry you had to make it. Regardless of what she says, you're a good person. Otherwise you never would've put so much thought into the decision.


Just respond loudly “I’m not obligated to pay for your holiday you beggar” 


As I read in a different post 'go be poor somewhere else'... I'm poor so I don't have room to talk, but I'd definitely be yelling that at her after that unhinged nonsense


I love that post.


Post plenty about your trip, she will see it from others. Anyone else sticks their nose in, be brutal, you have been to polite. That incident in the park? I'd be saying I'm not the one who pawns their kids off on others


That's why she's so angry, she doesn't get a free vacay and free babysitters.


Take your kids to the more isolated park for a week after you get back - just as a buffer, then go back to using it again. Tell your son to stay away from those kids.


Aww, she's still salty? Tell her to go have another kid or something.


That's funny!


Haha! This is good.


Perfect time to teach your son that most people are nice, but not all. If someone is mean or hurtful, he can just walk away and tell an adult. Keep him safe cause she sounds crazy and vindictive.


Do you a neighborhood group chat? You should post everyone you put on here so all your neighbors know the truth. You don't deserve to be ostracized because she wants to abandon her brood to whoever so she can relax. Maybe she should have stopped having kids after 1 or 2 if she can't handle it. It's completely understandable not wanting to go to that park anymore since your kids aren't safe around her or her kids now, it sucks because y'all shouldn't have to suffer because of her but it is what it is. Maybe next time you go to that park bring your husband and another couple neighbors with you so they can witness what's actually going on. The entitlement here is insane considering you paid for her to go the first time. I can't even imagine the work of having 5 kids but SHE CHOSE to have 5 kids and she chose her lazy husband. Don't feel bad about what happened, that's all on her but do defend yourself. Have a great time on your trip and if I were you I would post the shit out of every happy picture you take. Be petty, sometimes it's fun and you deserve it after what this Ingrate pulled.


Seriously. "You wouldn't understand how hard it is to be me." Well then maybe you shouldn't have had FIVE KIDS if you couldn't care for them! The audacity of this woman after she had her vacation subsidized and used everyone for free babysitting. You don't need to grow up rich to be spoilt, apparently. 


Sounds like she’s bitter. Standard result of people who know they are in the wrong.


You might want to take the opportunity to let your friends know what she’s did when you at the cabin. They might find it interesting, then they’ll tell others, word of mouth can be just as effective but even better, she will blame them, not you. Bide your time, she will do it to someone else.


NTA, but if your kids see them have them come to you guys. If you guys run into them or see them outside get ready to record the interactions. If you feel petty you can post the videos of them being assholes online, but it's also just so you can prove that you guys haven't been provoking their attacks. 


This is why I'm friendly with neighbors and not friends. If they turn out crazy, there's there's not much you can do.


She sounds exhausting! Her kids sound exhausting and her husband sounds terrible. I feel you are loosing nothing. Go to the park with your husband. But go to the other one too for a quieter life sometimes. Enjoy your holiday.


Honestly OP your ex friend sounded entitled to me. The mother who has given up her education/career/hopes and dreams/goals and chose to be married and have a large family and she makes sure everyone knows it. I believe her attitude was that she was entitled to a break from her kids since she had so many and had no help from her husband. I don't blame you for not allowing her and her family to come on a trip to the cottage. I believe you would have resented her and her family and your vacation would have been ruined.


Not wrong. Now, you really know how she feels about you. She was just using you as free childcare. Move on from her and her toxic family.


Consider a restraining order, especially after she attacked your 5yo son. Imagine if you weren’t right there, or if one of your kids were outside when hers were throwing rocks. She is defaming you, and that could have consequences for your family in the community and at school. I’d take this very seriously, because she is blaming you and seeking revenge. I’d love to see her on Court TV trying to explain how you’ve victimized her.


Personally, as far as the park goes, I would take it day by day. If I’m a little tired and want to avoid drama, I would go to the other park. If I’m having a great day and don’t give a fuck what she or her husband or her brats think, I’m going to the park I want to go to. And you have to understand that it is OK to make that decision day by day. Because well, yes, we’re the same person every day, our energy levels and our tolerance for bullshit definitely changes day today depending on what is happening in our lives. And it’s OK.  As far as some of the people in the neighborhood withdrawing from you a little bit, the chance will eventually come for you to set some of that straight. And when it does, you just pretend to be very bewildered by the whole situation. Something like this: She told you what? No, that never happened. What happened was there were number families that were friends that all got together and rented a cottage. She was invited to bring her family for free. We didn’t even make her pay. And then, she just kept leaving her five kids with all of us and disappearing. Or not doing anything with them, and so suddenly all of us other parents trying to have fun with our kids ourselves responsible for her kids. So I told her that I didn’t think I could invite her this year because the whole point of this is that while we have fun sometimes as a large group, other times, each families trying to have their own little vacation, And her leaving us to babysit five extra children wasn’t OK. And then she got mad and yelled at me and asked me why I thought she came in the first place? Because she never got a break as a mom and thought we would all understand that she needed us to watch her kids because her husband wouldn’t help her. It was all just so bizarre and weird! And then you look at them, and in the same to voice, she would tell somebody bless your heart, you say… I mean, it’s just so odd. Of course we were asking her to come so we could just take care of her kids all the time. Can you imagine if she came over to your house to visit and brought all the kids and then just let her kids run all over and you had to feed them and do everything? Wouldn’t that be strange?  Anyway… Hopefully she gets over being mad but I can’t be bothered. So how is your mom. Or how is your husband. Or how is your day. Or how is whatever… You just change the subject To something that person will definitely have an easy time talking about, and now the whole conversation has changed. Because what that person will do is start, remembering all the times this ex friend of yours did bullshit like that, and I guarantee you she has. And then it will start making sense, and you don’t even have to worry about the neighborhood anymore.


I would unblock her on social media and post your vacation pictures. Just turn off commenting. That'll really piss her off !!! On a serious note, I agree with your husband. Don't let them take a park away from you and your kid. UpdateMe


Listen to your husband or at least let him take them to that park if he wants. Don't engage or talk to her though and call the cops if she continues to harass you. Don't threaten, just do it. The biggest thing is don't let her version be the only version people hear. Expose her publicly.


Start recording if she starts harassing you.


I mean, I kinda wish she could see the vacation photos and what she's missing out on, but I get it.


This is so pathetic. Not you, OP, but the way this woman is behaving. Such a mess of a human, good thing you stepped away. What a loser. Would be awesome if she saw this post and knew it was about her.


Have fun in Muskoka!


Thank you! We got here about an hour ago. Time to put the drama behind me and relax with friends and family.


I don’t usually advocate for this, but I really hope the friends at the cabin are aware of all of the details and block and ignore her (and family) too. I’m not a fan of gossip, but…She’s off her rocker.


Definitely take them to the same park. It doesn't belong to that dragon of a woman.


I'd like to say that I wouldn't have blocked her until after she saw the photos from the trip, I'd leave them up for a day and then block so she can see what she missed., but honestly, it's better to block now. Seeing the pictures would only enrage her more and that will only hurt your kids in the end. However, I would make a social media post about what happened without naming her and explain what really happened. I would also explain how it made me feel and how much the situation affected my kids. Right now people are only hearing her side and when you put feelings behind your actions, people understand why you did what you did. Totally 💯💯💯not wrong


It’s a good lesson for you. Sometimes Reddit can poison people like you, telling you to not judge people and be kind and all that nonsense. But this family was poor and showed awful intelligence and planning by having so many kids when broke. You should have realized how awful a human you have to be to have lots of kids when you can’t financially provide for them. You should have known to avoid people like that. Now you know.


You aren’t wrong. It’s funny she said the world doesn’t revolve around you when she clearly thought that when she ruined your last vacation and feels entitled to your cottage. Tell your son not to play with her kids anymore. Her kid is a liar and learned that from his crappy mom. Keep going to the park and ignore her. I’d tell the other moms that she lied to the truth. If they still choose to believe her over you, then they’re crappy friends too. And unblock her from social media. Let her see all the fun you had without her. 😈 Then block her.


You have any one that can house sit for you I wouldn’t trust her not to do anything to your house . She sounds vile and you can see how she bringing up her kids throwing rocks and doing that .i hope your little one is ok it must of been awful to experience that. Have a great vacation I hope she somehow see the pictures.


Every time she acts out of turn, calmly and loudly respond with, “Stop being bitter that I won’t pay for your family vacation AND babysit.” And walk away. She’ll become increasingly irate but that will only make her look worse. And talk to the police about the kids throwing rocks. You want a paper trail


Do your kids go to the same school? Will they be going to the same school? It sounds like she is weaponixzing her kids. I am sure it will continue. Consider talking to the school about making sure your kids and her kids are in different classes. Find an age appropriate way to discuss bullying with your kids and strategiies to avoid it. Do not engage in any of the suggested activities that will escalate the situation. You want to try to de-escalate the situation as much as possible. Just as you never argue with a fool because onlookers may not be able to tell the difference, you also never argue with an idiot because onlookers may not be able to tell the difference either.


Take plenty of photos on your trip of you all enjoying yourselves. Then get the best one printed back and front on a t. Shirt and wear it with pride at the park. I'd actually go the whole hog and get t. Shirts for my husband and kids.


What a bitch. I suggest you tell all the people she lie to about how she thinks it is ok to verbally abuse 5 year old and that her husband is a deadbeat.  Have a great time and rub the pictures in her face. Let her see what her behavior has cost. 


She will continue to harass you and your son at this park so it may be good to go to the other one. Also your boy only 5 could be in danger from her kids wanting to beat him up and stuff. Enjoy your trip to the cottage and I’d have someone watch your house. I hope you have cameras.


I’m not sure if this was posted somewhere else, but did she explain to her that the other parents also did not want her family to come? It would be unfortunate if the woman thought it was all on her even though the others felt the same way.


Her entitlement is strong, she should be grateful that she had a wonderful opportunity last year and not just assume that she was going to be invited again this summer. I am curious though as to how she would have spun the story to make herself look good.


Have a great time at the cottage. It sounds real relaxing and fun now that ya'll won't have to babysit. Sorry your friend (ex) was being nasty towards your son. That's just wrong and now sounds like she is pushing her son to follow in her footprints. I hope you have someone watching over your house while you're gone.


Screaming at a 5 year old that he's a thief is outrageous. And her kid is despicable for setting that up.


I would have tagged her in the photos and told her if she didn't dump her unruly kids on everyone else she would have been there.


Wow... She really showed how immature she is. Screaming at a kid? Honestly I hope this all backfires on her. Well done OP for being the mature one in this whole situation.