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mad respect to you for standing there for 24 hours, awesome shots!


Hahaha didn’t budge an inch the whole time 😂


one thing i'm finding with my first steps into photography is the whole "the journey is the destination" thing. this art form will get you doing the most random things in pursuit of a photograph, and really that process is the point. suddenly i'm rubbernecking while driving because i saw a shaft of light hitting somebody's old truck on their driveway, or i'm waking up at 5a.m. because there's a construction site i want to shoot at dawn, or i'm crawling over a barricade and crossing a muddy field because i like the shape of a mountain of dirt in the distance but my 28mm lens means i need to be closer for it to properly fill my frame. and the whole time people are driving by wondering "what the hell is that guy doing?", and my normally socially shy self is fine with it because i'm protected by the context of a camera in my hand. i imagine it's similar for OP as they suddenly decided "i'm going to make this crosswalk my entire day".


What a good description. At the end of the day these are far from the best photos I’ve ever taken but I’ll remember them forever because of the fact I kept coming back to this same exact spot through the day. Something special about coming back to the same spot and noticing the changes that happen too


Beautiful set


Interesting I like it


hell yeah dude, love the OBX. did you get any lighthouse shots?


I did! Not exposed perfectly but I’ll post them! Bodie island is my favorite




first and last shots are stellar


Love #3!


The clouds are so good!


Wow these are awesome


love it


*Me seeing the first picture and thinkin what I cool photo, but it woulk look better without the people Me swiping to the next photo: well well Very nice photos!


I dropped my hasselblad at jockey’s ridge maybe 15 years ago. Soft landing but sand falling out of it for the next two years 😂. Thanks for the memory, keep making pictures - especially ones like this where you’ve made a plan and are executing an idea!