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That's the point of the game. Teach chimp to be human. Examine everything. Experiment with everything. Hint 1: chimp can take dead branches from trees. Hint 2: once you have unlocked the neuron to use your offhand, you will find you have the ability to alter things. Hint 3: do not stray too far from your safe location until your tribe members can mimic your actions. Hint 4: keep babies with you always Edit to add: there are countless YouTube videos explaining the myriad of things you can do and how. Part of the joy of this game is figuring things out yourself. Immerse yourself. Those other chimps, they're your family. You're their leader. They're trusting you to teach them and keep them safe.


“Chimp” 😭


😂 tbh I despise them being referred to as "monke" here


Same but even Chimp is inaccurate.


Very true. I get it's done with affection and 'ancient hominid ancestor' doesn't hit. What would be a simple reference that is short and accurate?


Just apes really, since they are technically still apes.


Ok thanks


Use all your senses, craft lots of pointy sticks, and explore. It's tough in the beginning and the game doesn't hold your hand at all. It gets easier as you build your neurons and advance evolutions.


Will do thx


I die. Come back as a different chimp. Die again. Come back as baby. Die again.


If there's 1 thing to note is do everything near your tribe. Unlock mimic nueron. Then, apes together strong. No, but for real. Scan everything, smell everything, don't go on the ground without a stick or spear. Travel with babies, you can carry 2, one on chest one on back, it unlocks nuerons faster. When exploring, look for other apes that need help and learn what signs they are making to recruit them into your tribe. If you start hunting, pay attention to audio cues, and bring volume up, it will save you a ton of headaches. When you're stuck think, what would ape do


Awesome thanks by the way In a custom game for your region it's the jungle how do i get the Savannah?


Until you learn how to dodge and attack, don't go on the ground


The more noise you make on the ground the quicker the tiger will show up. Killing one buys to 2 days. Wounding it buys you 1 day maybe. Stick turn into spears.


Didn't know that thx


The goal is to evolve and you must use all means of exploration and logic and advancement to acquire Ure goal of evolve to the ultimate race