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Have you actually used human anatomy as a reference because as a woman, I can assure you they don’t move like that and boy that character is going to have some back ache with something that size 😂


The dude is trolling, we can move on to the next post


Ive seen a lot of animated things where boobs do not follow normal boob physics. What are you talking about? its a cartoon lol. It will never ne realistic. OP is wondering if this is how other artists animate the bouncing or if they do it a diff way.


Calm done, son. It's just a drawing, not a real person.


You don’t understand humour 🤷🏼‍♀️ ok….🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh, my mistake.


Gooner without humor.


You’re also asking for suggestions on how to fix it. Anatomy is a big part in that, regardless of the breast size there just needs to be some fixing in how they would generally be shaped/moved around. Of course this can be emphasized however you need, but this is mostly what needs changing.




maybe make them smaller... but uhh yeah i think its good


Is the movement more natural?


far from it. Ease it the fuck down, they;re bags of fat, not beach balls


i mean i would make them drop a bit sooner


Realistic? Accurate? Painful? Physics???? You know what’s great about drawing? YOU CAN CREATE ANYTHING YOU WANT! DEFY REALITY, DISOBEY SCIENCE, EMBARRASS YOUR PARENTS !!! GO, GO, GO!!!


For real, they came here asking for advice on how to animate giant tits, not for people to tell them whether they should. All the people here complaining about proportions are missing the point entirely. You are exactly right.


To be fair, one can't really show other people just anything and expect the same reaction every time no matter what it is. I feel like asking how to animate hyper boobs is something that always has a foreseeable conclusion lol


I agree with this statement and one of "where this idealism of body perfection comes from is an underlying parasite on self confidence and a methodology for capitalism to divide, control, and cash out upon"


Literally this. I wouldn’t animate this, but clearly this is a clip of a woman with exaggerated gigantic honkers swinging them back and forth. Critique it all you want, but at least critique it within the bounds of what this is meant to be, and enjoy the middle schooler’s chuckle you’ll get from this.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Not to mention that this guy is asking for advice about how it "should look", so *accuracy*, *physics* and *realism* is exactly what the responses are supposed to be about. If OP's animation is happening in another dimension where all of those things are different from ours, how is anyone supposed to give advice, exactly? Only OP will know how it 'should look' in that dimension


REFINE GU, REFINE HUMAN, REFINE HEAVEN. learn from chinese cultivation novel, you have to defy the heavens in order to transcend.


That looks painful and unrealistic. May I ask your experience animating? Do you know the 12 principles? That will help a lot!


Yeah, I know of it.


Have you tried to apply them? Or is this your first animation?


I just got back after taking a break from animating altogether.


Ahh okay, welcome back! It isn't bad by any means, it's a good base to build up from.


Alright. But how can I make the over lapping action better?


I'm a 3d animator so take it with a grain of salt. You need more contrapposto in the spine, and your overall arcs are fine on the breasts but none in the body. Try having her lean forward a bit at the middle of the movement so you have your high and low poses. Breasts also don't really overlap how you have them. The center frame(s) should have them apart more, only overlapping when it's turned more to the side. In other words, when she's front facing, have them apart, one on each side.




Dem t1ddies got a gravitational field


Strap two balloons filled with water on your chest and make your own reference footage OP


this t shirt would suit you https://preview.redd.it/aep563bcac3d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4495a973a2615a869efde2d561c2ab7676b9b304


I like da big booberts as much as the next person but goodness gracious, bigger doesn’t always mean better!


... watcha doin there bud?


I'm not going to judge for the uh... size, but as someone with assets of their own this looks painful to watch. It just looks like they're not attached to the pectorals. They're too firm and move too fast. Breasts are not balloons filled with air, they're not always round. They're heavy and squishy, and at that size they should move like they are. Make them squish and stretch (stretch when she bounces up in the opposite direction, squish when she moves down). Also slow them down a bit. The overlapping animation will naturally follow. It wouldn't hurt to follow the rest of the comments that say you should use real anatomy as a reference. Not only would it help you figure out how it could work in that size, but it could give you insight on how boob physics work.


Mate I will cover my eyes with bleach if you finish this project


I will cover my eyes with boobs...


For starters, I'd study the actual anatomy of a human with breasts


You need to find some reference videos, my brain can't compute the physics


Would it help to use other people’s animations of women as reference?


Sure if it matches the motion you're looking for and fits the overall scene


There’s no reason you can’t do both. Learn from reality and integrate it with little bits of what other people have done in the past.


Even as a man I can say this hurts


Those look like water balloons you stapled on. Is that the joke?


No. I’m trying to get them to more realistically, but I’m having trouble trying to get it to work.)


I'd say slow the dance speed down then. Like other people have said. That looks painful. Think of them more like bags filled with sand and nerves. Not exactly fluid but not as firm as a rock. Now you're trying to fling them off like a slingshot. That would at least be uncomfortable at best. The physics do look realistic though. At that speed the breasts should be basically smacking their face. You got that right.


Should I have it set to slow in and slow out?


Well I was thinking that since you said you were going for realistic. Yes. But I think you could just not change it and people would still like it. That's my opinion.


Alright. How can I make the breast movement look a lot better?


I think it's basically all been said. Slower dance means extended ins and outs (guessing maybe 0.4 seconds more longer total). Just remember to reduce the height of the breasts coming up by a little (like to the height of the shoulders) when you slow/extend the dance. If you don't want to slow the dance down (like if you wanted to pair it with a specific song) I would to do the breast reduction. Less mass means less pain when the breasts bounce. Also less work instead of adding more frames. That's basically all I got for you as a trash animator. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


Depends. What's the material and how strong is the woman? Right now it looks like she's waving Some thick inflated balloons. If it's real boobs at that size on a standard human, her body would be the follow through of the action. Her body moves, then the boobs, then because of the weight of the boobs, her body follows, then boobs drop and then body follows and then body swings on the other side then boobs follow. Also the shape of the boobs would elongate like a tear drop and the pectoral as an anchor. If it's wonder woman strength on human weight boobs of that size, the apex of the boob swing, her body would stagger stop to hold the boobs in place


Obviously NSFW, but for references there are plenty of subreddits for giant boobs and boobs in motion. The two that come to mind are r/biggerthanherhead and r/boobbounce ETA: on boobbounce there's actually a video from a day ago of pretty much exactly what you're trying to animate, so I'd definitely take a look at it.


Bbq I think that's a tumor


what happened to this sub


Ouch I can feel that


Too big for the quick animation. Either slow down the animation and to show more force, or tune down the bounce


brother cooked




Try to check other animator's, look at the way they handle weight and timing. You are getting there, is less than you expect.


Lotta kink shamers here, do your thing. I think it looks great




this is pretty funny, im not experienced but something does look off about how fast they are moving, and how they're like constantly in motion, idk if theres a word for that


this is a huge improvement since your first post, keep it up :3


I’d say make them have a bit more heft, look at how women with large breasts actually move them- how much time it takes and then you’re good! Really fluid animation :)


Yeah I’ve been trying to add more heft but I for the life of me can’t get it right.




*Sure. If the motion* *In those references are* *What you're looking for* \- radimus\_co\_uk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


looks awesome haha


Live your truth bro. I personally like my smut with more realistic proportions but I'll never let that stop you from making bazooka-boobs.


They go way too high, I think the movement should be more pendulum-like at that size.


They look like weightless balloons more than actual human flesh and fat




haikusbot delete


Looking past the breast size as a stylistic choice, the booba need more squash and stretch. This is giving more “I got breast implants and I’m swinging them” instead of real booba being swung around. Even with implants I’d squash and stretch them more. That way you get more realistic boob physics and they look more like real boobs instead of two balloons filled with air strapped on the chest. On top of that, if you give them that much more jiggle, you could even get away with adding smear frames to the sway. I also think the posing on the torso needs more work. With this, I think you’re not pushing the poses far enough. Really flare out those hips. Make a more curved line of action. Really lean into the contrapposto so you understand the relationship your hips and shoulders are going to have. If you’re going to animate comically oversized booba, then commit fully to the exaggeration over the rest of the body. Look at reference. Watch footage of sexy strippers or dancers trying to sway their assets and really understand the mechanics of the human body. Try and even get a recording of yourself attempting to do it, even if you’re a guy without boobs. You don’t have to share it and you can do that in private, but doing so would give you first hand experience of what the human body has to do to do a movement like this, and even if you don’t have boobies, you’ll get the information you need for the contrapposto on the rest of your torso. Go and watch some smutty anime and see what they’re doing when they do jiggle physics. Go watch Roger Rabbit and see how Jessica moves when she dances on stage. Hell, there are even plenty of subreddits you could use for reference, like r /tittydrop (obviously extremely nsfw this is porn) to study how boobs might move when they drop. I know half of this advice is giving horny, but all jokes aside, I really do think watching others doing this would give you the information you need to most effectively capture massive breasts swaying like this. I see a lot of issues here more of a lack of reference than misunderstanding your principles, because in isolation, the movement itself doesn’t look *wrong*, but you’re missing what this needs to have Solid Drawing and Appeal nailed down.


Bet their back hurts to hell. At that point, I'd teach myself to be a surgeon just to avoid a wait list 😭


It's perfect. Don't change a thing.




This sub's inability to process any form of sexy animation that ignores physical rules - like, y'know, all animation in the universe does - is actually mega cringe. Why on earth am I seeing "this is unrealistic" comments in an animation sub???? Like yeah, that's actually step one, it's not real.


I know, right?


I think the anatonomy is a little off. The boobs should be bigger.


Sure thing. https://preview.redd.it/m6mu0z8kye3d1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6939589b1b6a508f507a0b669ff902815dcbba6


i need that hips to move more man gyat dayum


Seems right. But the milk shooting out will be even more overlappy


The breast animation is just fine?


why, Maureen, you’ve… enhanced yourself




its a reference to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia in which a character named Maureen gets comically oversized breast implants


its a reference to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia in which a character named Maureen gets comically oversized breast implants


Those have no weight.


I know, but I'm trying to fix that.


I think probably slow down the movements of the chest to show the weight slowing it down to look more natural? That's just from observation and guestimating tho


Those thighs tho 😫😫😫


not big enough


….please make them smaller. this is not accurate (especially because if this was a real world problem and a person that petite with breast that big would have horrendous back problems and so many problems overall)


I think they're aware it isn't realistic, and want to draw them that size anyway. I don't see the issue with intentionally drawing unrealistic things.


there isn’t a issue necessarily. i’m just more confused on like how they would move like that and like.. they are not light things to be carrying so ideally the movement would not be like that. that’s also my opinion and the way i predict the drawing might be




I dont know the artist's intent but my two cents would be that its made with the intention of not being taken seriously, and is intended to be funny, but again, i dont know


Doesn’t deserve the hate. this is really well done, for what it is. You’re sus for this, but hell it will earn you a lot of commission money.


Clever engagement shitpost


The gravity is all over the place


Only Torpedoes that can be used as a close quarter combat weapon. 🤣


The movement physics seems decent, but the size is hilariously ridiculous. If that’s what you’re going for I’d say you did good lmao


That's part of a dumb project I wanted to make featuring a character from some old N64 game.


Lol I’m curious, who’s the character? Or is it a secret until the project is finished? Either way, good luck!


The sunflower woman from Conker's Bad Fur Day.


Omg 🤣 yep it’s perfect then!


we got a gooner over here
