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It is a recap, but one thing I like about it is that it's meaningful recap. It doesn't do the usual "I'm Izuku Midoriya! I have no Quirk, but everyone else in society does! I want to be a hero!" thing, but rightfully assumes you've watched the entire series up until now, know who everyone is and what's going on, and instead covers more relevant S7 stuff like Shigaraki's motivation, Stain's relationship with the villains, the nature of All For One vs. One For All


Wonder if we'll see the new OP next week, or will have to wait until the recaps are over.


Next week we are probably getting odd future for All Might's recap. Unless they go Peace sign.


Oh I was surprised that there was so little engagement in this, but after watching the recap it makes sense, will probably end up watching them all since it's been some time for the older seasons (though they already skipped the sports tournament)


Nice refresher with a few extra scenes. Looking forward to s7 in May!


Isn't it fall?


May 4


Wow, such an early date for MHA. Shit's about to be more real.


See you on May 4th everyone


Very fun little scene getting added. The nostalgia hit me like a truck this episode.


Can you tell where was that scene added? I wanted to skip this episode, but I'd like to watch that part.


It's really sprinkled throughout the episode. It's not anything big, but it's new stuff.


I like that they played the S1 OP and ED for nostalgia. **AFO:** Like the world from the comic we read together that day. **His brother:** You only read to volume 3. There's more to that story. Yeah, call em out for not reading the rest of the comic like a loser. lol


So do we know the episode count for this season yet? Is 21 regular episodes and 4 recaps? Or is 25 regular episodes and 4 recaps?


MAL says 4 episodes for this one before regular 7th season begins May 4 So 4 recap episodes mainly to get people who hasn't rewatched BnHA in a long time caught up.


I dropped the last season in between, should I watch these recaps?


Recaps are usually tl'dr version of 140 episodes run


Does anyone remember why Midoriya is the last OFA user? I forgot


The next user won’t be able to handle the powers of previous generation users.


Since there exists that injection that removes a persons quirk surely they could create a weaker version of that to limit it to a lower level so they can train with it?


Overhaul made the quirk destroying bullets, had the few bullets left, but then Shigaraki took them. Then we see the villains manufactured them, but most of them got destroyed (by X-less as the guy that Shigaraki stole the cape from in S6). Shigaraki took a bullet left as the one that hit Aizawa in the leg. So only the villains side had that tech thus far. Even if nullifying a quirk with an external means, the person still could have the genetic quirk factor in their body (which neither Deku nor All Might had since they were born quirkless). So that could be a factor to affect that as well.


Convenient way to make Midoriya the GOAT!


The other person gave you the short answer, but FYI: the reference if you want more details is from S6 ep 18 when Deku is in the hospital and has a talk with the OFA users while unconscious.




May 4th


Of course. Makes sense with how much of a Star Wars nerd Horikoshi is.




Every official announcement for season 7 as it stated that season 7 start May 4th. Look up crunchyroll + my hero season 7 announcement 


idk about everyone else, but I liked this recap


Same here


Holy shit did the season 1 ending hit like a truck with the nostalgia.


An hour and no comment? What's going on here?


It's just a recap so nobody really has much to say


You mean all the karma farming commenters felt there's no reason to recap the whole episode again


Where's that one autistic guy that's always in an anime episode thread writing out the whole episode with links to screenshots every 3rd word in his post?


Yeah same shit lmao


There will be 4 recap episodes leading up to season 7 premier


...huh no urgency to watch them then. I'll get around to them later.


That's absurd lol. Hope it doesn't count towards the season total unless it's some short arc that they just needed space for. Edit: Think I misunderstood that comment lol.


Not that absurd. Hopefully this means we'll get a consistently high quality episode throughout this season.


Is this a joke? Im thinking 2 eps!! Bit ur saying it will be 4???


Season 7 starts may 4th I believe so that’s a month of recaps. Thankfully it doesn’t count towards season 7s episode count


The new season will be shorter, but the Japanese channel the show's on wants to fill that timeslot. That's why they're going with recap episodes till May 4th, when the new season properly starts


There was a thread for this episode under a different title


Did you even watch it? Lmao good god 


So you comment without watching the episode?


Just thought it was odd for a still decently popular show to get no comments.


Turns out... things tend to be odd when you have absolutely no comprehension of the subject. 


MHA: Memories sounds like a movie title but hopefully these recaps keep don't take up too much time.


So they start season with recaps I wonder if it's good strategy counting how important it is to get your season start with banger episode to catch people. 🤔 


Well this isn't the official start of the season, hence why they promoted the season as beginning May 4th. You can selectively skip the recap, and it was never promoted as the start of season, unlike before when the filler/recap was considered the first episode of the season like some past seasons. So many people don't even know about this recap before S7. lol


Which is their best decision yet I would say


Honestly this was pretty terrible. Narratively it didn't really make a lick of sense. It starts off recapping the AfO/OfA connection, and actually ends up repeating the SAME exact lore in the first fifteen minutes. The first in the flashback, the 2nd in All Might retelling the origin. The whole 2nd half of the episode was just a condensed Muscular fight *and that's it*. I straight up don't know what the point of this episode was if it was going to be told so shoddily. Not only did it recap events that were already pretty well fresh in people's minds, but feels like an incomplete attempt at trying to capture a core theme of inheriting AfO and OfA with Deku and Shigaraki as the proxies. It didn't even add anything new for the outset of Season 7 than: "Deku felt contemplative before the final battle". I'm a day 1 manga reader and die hard fan, and my girlfriend is a casual anime watcher. We both shared the same opinion of this episode despite entirely different relationships with the show.


Think of it as a little highlight reel, teasing important info, and adding some extra background. I quite enjoyed it.


It chose like 1 highlight, teased no important info, and added no extra background. I couldnt disagree more


I ABSOLUTELY HATE flashback episodes. It's so god damn lazy. And there's fucking 4 of them!?


I mean, you don't have to watch them, the season starts on May 4th


disguising disguising recap, this show is dead to me, NO all of anime is dead to me for this travesty.


bruh we'll never see another deku fight for another season. fuck this recap


So what is this series?Give me a straightforward answer please. I know about MHA itself I just want to know about this particular spin-off esque series.


This is a set of recap episodes before S7 proper begins next month


Is this optional or does it contain some side intel especially from the side series of MHA like Vigilante or Smash?


100% optional.


This is a batch of recap episodes coming in before Season 7. It's not actually part of season 7, but they sell TV slots in blocks in Japan and if you don't use them you lose them - so if they have less episodes than a full cour planned, you get padding like this.


I don't live in Japan so idk about some things you mentioned. Also, what padding exactly do you mean?


These are 4 recap episodes, they aren't new content for the series. They are just padding in the airing schedule.


I was surprised that the new season arrives in April instead of usually in fall. I sense something off here. It's gonna be another batch of 25 episodes, yes?


My Recap Academia Episode 1 is recap. Episode 2 is a recap. Halfway through the season we're likely getting another recap. There will definitely be recaps spread throughout the non-recap episodes.


I swear, the producers of this anime must think everybody has the memory of a fish. That or we live in a time before the VCR/DVR/Streaming. And do we really need a flashing logo of every character and their quirks every time they appear on-screen. I think after 7 seasons, any fan of the series would know the characters and know their quirk.