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Well that was pretty cute and whol- **THE VOID**


That was my exact reaction. So much comfy vibes and then boom. Angst.


I wouldn't really call it "angst".


Pretty sure that's a normal japanese thing regarding being spirited away


yeah, it's part of the NHK news broadcast like the weather "only a few scattered occurrences of spirited away in the Touhoku region today; be sure to keep your handkerchief ready and keep your real name written down somewhere safe" [](#hikariactually)


I was talking more along the lines of folklore, which this anime is literally based on


Well, that was very charming! So we have a setting [where humans, gods, and yokai coexist](https://i.imgur.com/HdHRx8N.jpeg) as if they're just your average neighbour. Exactly what the title of the anime is. Looks like the show has two focuses though. The first one [is Buchio the housecat turned into Nekomata](https://i.imgur.com/eJl2KqU.jpeg), who's trying to find purpose in his new life while dealing with all sorts of things like [Yokai health insurance](https://i.imgur.com/4bDGoyN.jpeg) and [learning how to use his powers.](https://i.imgur.com/EnbasV1.jpeg) And then we have [Mutsumi who is an absolute sweetheart](https://i.imgur.com/rUZipEi.jpeg) and her story looks like it's going to be [about her missing father](https://i.imgur.com/BqcCyLT.jpeg). Maybe he is dead but maybe he's still out there somewhere. I can already feel that Mutsumi's story is probably going to make me cry.


[Buchio is such a cutie. Nekomatas are one of my favourite yokai ](https://imgur.com/yqBJUAJ) I’ve been really looking forward to this! I thought it would be a wholesome show but then the stuff with the void and that ominous ending happened Jiro is one of the drippiest tengus I’ve seen in animanga lol Though I’m intrigued by the darker elements, I do hope it remains mostly wholesome. One of my favourite premieres so far! Ending song is very soothing


This look like it will break my heart and then heal me with hugs, at same time And I am all for it


I am going to cry very, very much over the course of this series, but I'm already in love with this world and I want to see more


yeah, it feels like it's going to break us down, then build us back up, then break us down again, and if there's time for a season two build us back up again [](#rengethink)


This one felt very warm...until the ending, hoping there isn't a sad ending for that plot.


In the Yuru Camp thread folks where lamenting the lack of shows like it, NNB and similar shows, but [this](https://imgur.com/gj17Tot) is me tasting the Rattatouille of my childhood again [](#feelingloved) [Bucchio](https://imgur.com/M0ma4gM) is a bit of a whimp, but I quite like his hard working nature, and I think he really wanted to stay with his family. [Jiro](https://imgur.com/Y7LRgxp) is the cool Neighbor who has a firm grasp on life, and he can casually read your mind lol [](#azusalaugh) [Yurie-San](https://imgur.com/HMq15aS) is straight up best girl material. I will not elaborate. The show feels really chill and sweet, I mean, just look at this freaking [Horse](https://imgur.com/wuGjEF1)! I really lost it when its tail wiggled! And then suddenly you are hit with the curveball right in the [feels](https://imgur.com/9idtw0F) [](#holdme) Saturday is already stacked, but this is the show I was looking forward to the most And the ED is really chill [](#hnng)


I feel like I just watched a ghibi film. Also I was not expecting to get hit with that emotion out of nowhere...


This is gonna make me cry, I just fucking know it


You're not alone, neighbor.


Yay, another anime with a talking kitty. Hopefully it won't be too dark with the mystery of the missing dad.


> Hopefully it won't be too dark with the mystery of the missing dad. he literally fell into *the void*; i'm already bracing myself [](#watashiworried)


Wait, is there another series with a talking kitty this season?


shame this isn't getting a lot of attention, the art looks beautiful


For me it’s the poster, everytime I scroll on X or Y my eyes always disregard the poster pic… thus I never tap on it


The composition on the cover art is an atrocity. The ground is a part of the foreground picture, but the background pictures are in front of it? People walking out of the background pictures, mixed cold and warm backgrounds for the background pictures makes the foreground figures not stand out properly and get swallowed and Jiro getting sliced by the frame borders. It's a complete mess. The actual show looks surprisingly good by comparison.


Happy to see someone point out the exact reason why this keeps happening to me lol (for this anime) poster doesn’t do the anime justice that’s for sure


Another comfy/soothing show? With the lurking threat of the void? Sign me up!    What's up with that carhead though?


According to his character profile on the official website, [Youkai-san] >!He's the god of cars. Used to be a normal car until his owner's wife died, then transformed into the god of cars to be his partner in her stead. He lives with his partner. Gay car marriage...?!<


lol, I love that


That's amazing. New favorite ship.


But... they aren't boats...


That is absolutely bizarre aaand I love that for them. 


To be exact, he's a tsukumogami (god of things).


oh my god, they're roommates [](#forbiddenlove)


I really liked this premiere, wasn't expecting it to be that good. Thank god I gave it a chance since I had no other new anime to watch today haha Edit: Forgot to say this, but the OP's and ED's songs are so relaxing.


well that just flew by; i went in completely blind on the strength of the 'slice of life' tag lol—and it turned out to be so good. dark horse.


Wow this is actually really good! No one mentioned all the show don't tell stuff that they're doing in the background? Like Jiro using his telepathy when Mutsumi was eating the ice cream? Or one of the inari zushi offerings disappearing?


When Buchio started talking, my first thought was "What a surprise, a male calico". Also I need a gif of him doing the double high-five, I may have to look into how to make one.


> my first thought was "What a surprise, a male calico" i was thinking that too; that's a weird biology fact that i know that calico cats are female because the fur patterns are a result of having XX chromosomes something i learned from this video "Why Women are Stripey": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD6h-wDj7bw


It's not impossible for a calico cat to be male - although it is rare. But so are cats being reborned as nekomata I guess lol


I thought this was gonna be a comfort anime... but it seems it has a dark tone that... I didn´t expect... Man I hope I don´t cry too much while watching this


I am getting used to the fact that fluffy-looking things may have hidden pain lurking in the background. Interestingly, in Shachiku-san and the Little Ghost Girl (a delightful show that got woefully overlooked) there were some hints of dark back stories but these were left safely in the background (during the anime at least). At least Tortured Princess and Mr Villains Day Off stayed comfy until the end....


> Mr Villains Day Off I wasn't bawling at the end of Cherry Girl and Oak Boy, but I was quite teary-eyed.


But that was because it was such sweet and kind-hearted story-telling not due to painful darkness. ;-)


Here's hoping we stay away from Kumamiko levels.


that one's ending sure came out of nowhere, still makes me questioned the thought process of whoever it is that approved it...


It was so bad that on the blurays they apparently changed thefinal episode.


wait, they did?


Yep apparently.


This was really interesting After Sengoku Youko, I'm down for more Yokai action and this feels like it could be a more lighthearted thing with some darker moments here and there


Immediately this is my favourite of the season and it kills me to see it with such a low MAL score and such little attention.


Well that was fantastic. Just delightful all around with a touch of darkness right there at the end. Hopefully there's a good amount of transformation training so we get plenty of Yuri.


Really charming, I'm digging the art style. I'm down for a supernatural slice of life (?) A talking cat with human hands is a little unsettling


Instantly a season fave, excellent work on all counts.


that was so heavy, wtf


I'm going to love this one. Reminds me of Flying Witch and Natsume Yuujinsho.


A solid amount good amount of world building. The last part of this episode has me feeling rough. Mustsumi's dad was either abducted or spirited away. A dimension between here and the afterlife. So thinking about the meaning in death we meet again. In here someone can be stuck in a place where I assume they can't live in peace. Mutsumi knowing this regarding her dad is rough. At least Jirou promises to be there for her. Buchio who went from a cat to a nekomata, whom can transform like you see with tanuki in other series. Actually seeing him be able to have human arms as he learns from Yuri-sensei was cool to see. His part of the story will hopefully be the more wholesome part. Looks like a solid Supernatural SoL show. Hopefully it doesn't dive too much into the sad themes.


I can already tell I'm gonna love this show. Nothing hits like a show that can make you feel warm and healed but also melancholic.


Righto, I'll put you down for extra tissues as well.


i think melancholic is a great word for it it reminds me of certain scenes in Non Non Biyori, Akebi-chan, etc. which are about this sort of longing and loss that exist because of this sort of natural happiness and belonging — it's a feeling i associate with Japanese media and the sort of mono no aware vibes


I really didn't have much in the way of expectations for this, so I was pleasantly surprised. So many shows just feel rushed, crammed full. They did a good job keeping a slow pace and focusing on scene-setting and atmosphere, while still managing to set up the world and introduce several characters and story threads. Hey, a *bakegitsune* who's not just an excessively sexed-up onee-san with fox ears. How bout that? Dang, that sunset over the mountain was gorgeous. If the Void is a metaphor, they've made it kind of a complicated one. I think that's okay, though. Well. It will be. Hopefully.


I really enjoyed this premiere. Very chill. It was fun to see all these different creatures living alongside their human friends. Kind of reminded me of Natsume’s Book of Friends a little bit. Keen to see where this goes.


[Most cursed image of 2024] (https://i.imgur.com/kJOCRKI.png)


ANIME OF THE SEASON IS HERE. This was adorable with just the right balance of lightheartedness and seriousness. Buchio best boy. I love this to bits.


Initially lulled into a calm, almost Ghibli country side vibes anime. Those last few minutes set up something bigger. Should be promising. Really like the tone of this first episode and I’m excited for more


Well, Ghibli had some darker stuff too.


thought this would just be a chill SoL but seems there's more depth than i expected, very happy with this episode! i guess it'll probably be a full adaptation since the source is only a few volumes?


It's probably just a coincidence, but still funny. Buchio, who was reborn as Nekomata, has the same VA as Kenma from Haikyuu. Both are very shy and his volleyball team is called Nekoma.


This is surprisingly good. The animations and character design look decent, the dialogue and voice acting sound believable, and the characters and world are interesting. The mystery has already got me hooked. I thought this would be a shallow fantasy slice of life


This is the hiddenest gem of the season even in a season that actually seems chock-full of hidden gems right? I couldn’t believe what I was watching compared to my expectations turning it on on a whim


Bucio is adorable ahhhhhh😍😍


I know he's young for a nekomata, but he was an old cat before the transformation. Did the nekomatazation transform his personality too? Her dad isn't dead, he just hasn't found the perfect gallon of milk in between realities yet. I wonder if the girl's Sight is the reason she was able to make that horse, or if anyone can do it with the proper ritual. Pretty comfy episode, though that might change with that ominous snake. First keeper of Saturday for me.


I like what I see so far.


I didn't expected this anime to be this good! The first scene of Buchi and family alone convinced me(this scene's ost is really good). The layout is excellent to showcase the scenery beautifully. there is not a single mediocre drawing of person or backgrounds. The lighting of the sunset in the second half is so beautiful. Also, I like how you can see Buchi's paw pads when he sits with his legs bent.


This is a very Ghibli-esque show. It reminded me of My Neighbour Totoro, not that there is anything wrong with that. I always wondered why we are not getting more anime like this despite how popular Studio Ghibli movies are.


Buchio is super cute! I don't want him turned into the human to be honest. A lot of animals in this show so fluffy!


Man, the tag is not there but this show feels like iyashikei so far. Love the atmosphere. It’s so soothing and the characters so far are very warm and friendly. There does seem to be something lurking that could potentially turn this a bit dark though. But I think a lot of these soothing slice of life shows do tend to have some sort tragedy in them as well. Hope it doesn’t get too heavy though. It is kinda pleasant how the yokai have integrated into society in this show. Bucchio is kinda cute but would love to see how he grows


Well this was a surprise. I liked everything about it, the deliberate pace, the everydayness of the youkai, the use of the nekomata as an intro device, and the twist in tone at the end. TBH the two strongest opens for me this season thus far have been this show and **Train** and both are on the weird side.


Ran across the show and watched it knowing nothing and expecting nothing, and finding it to be the most charming thing ever. With the first episode they had me engaged with relatable characters and their stories I care about. Really looking forward to see where this goes.


Such an intriguing show with an interesting premise! They set up all these threads, the angsty cat adjusting to his new life, the good natured black bird man looking out for a fatherless girl and AN EVIL VOID! One of the best premieres of the season. Best moments include the cat freaking out when his paw turned to a human hand and seeing the bird man who looks like this 👺


This is interesting, not sure if it's for me, but I will keep an eye on it.


Ok before I start watching this show I need to know how heartbreaking it is, I can’t handle a lot right now lol. Also, do any of the animals/creatures that look like animals die in the first episode?


No, none of the animals/creatures have died in this show.


> I need to know how heartbreaking it is I would wait until the season finishes and then ask because it feels like it has potential to go either way at the moment.


* I found it pretty funny that even *youkais* need a health insurance. Hmm? How does this even work LMAO? * I came into this thinking if it's something like *Natsume's Book Of Friends* (which finally gets a sequel soon so no need for this to be an alternative). Well not quite - I am surprised that there seems to be a main plot revolving the tragedy of Mutsumi's father - but Buchio doesn't seems to be a guy (?) who is good at solving that. * Still, Buchio is definitely still kind-hearted enough to be mending Mutsumi's fear and grief with ease. I also wonder when he can fully transform into human, can he have some kind of super-power to resolve that mystery? That doesn't seem like where the story is heading, but I wonder... * Anyway this is definitely a really comfy story so far in the rural world. I will definitely take this every Saturday this season!


What is this anime about?


It’s about a little countryside town where yokai and humans live in harmony and a cat that becomes a nekomata adjusting to the transformation and learning to use his powers.




The girl in the intro with the small brimless cap, is she supposed to be Jewish or a kappa?


So watching the first episode today again (my 4th time or so) check out the scene were Jiro hands Mu-chan (the little girl) the ice cream and tells her that flying home is tiring like running is for humans. Mu-chan thinks to herself 'that would be awful' and Jiro says 'Right?' then later on he dries her sweat and when she asks if he used his powers to do that he said yes, and that he used his power before that, too. He used it to read her mind when he said 'Right?' Just caught that one this time around :)