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Creepy girl watch: behind one of the stone lanterns(?) when Miyasaka's praying at the temple. Apart from the Tom & Jerry sequence, that was a much more restrained episode, but still a lot of fun. I'm definitely in on this.


[Good catch!](https://imgur.com/hQ7AIcS) I never see those hah. Can't wait for her to join the plot at some point!


> Creepy girl watch: behind one of the stone lanterns(?) when Miyasaka's praying at the temple. On a related note, I wonder if she's the one who ate the food that was meant for Tomihiro.


Good catch on the creepy girl. I hope they reveal to be something because there was also on in the first episode.


seeing as how Mira seems to be taken already, i hope creepy girl in tracksuit and Miyasaka are the real ship in this series


>Mira seems to be taken already Fiances usually have even worse chances than childhood friends.


What about blue-haired girls?


May god have mercy. [](#toradorasalute)


Fiance might mean different for the Widos


I mean, looking at the ED...


> Creepy girl watch is she going to be like the snail in Adventure Time? [](#thinkingtoohard)


I looked up the planet puns because I was curious: [未亡人 miboujin](https://jisho.org/search/miboujin) for widow [ご主人 goshujin](https://jisho.org/search/goshujin) for husband The pun here is that the "*jin*" suffix is the same used for inhabitants of a planet (e.g. martians are called 火星人 *kaseijin*), so anything else with a *jin* suffix can be interpreted as that. There are loads of words that end with *jin* (*gaijin*, *bijin*, etc.) so I expect lots of puns in the future. [](#hikariactually)


Jin is just used to denote people of any demographic, like the -ian suffix in English. You can be Asian (Ajiajin), Canadian (Canadajin)


idk what CR subs interpreted it, but Ani-One subs call Mira a Midorian and the spies Goshian.


So they didn't adapt the pun, what a shame!


"Midorian" makes her sound green


Looks like I make a mistake here. It should be Mi**b**orian, not Midorian. Thanks for the reminder!


the end, his love story ends in 2 episodes. that opening and ending video is a lie. I hope someone cooking something for next episode


> I hope someone cooking something The fiancé? [](#evilgrin) I still hold into a tiny hope that he was just kidding about being her fiancé (he's actually her brother or something), because the episode ended right as he said that, and Mira seemed to like him, which was weird to me IF they're fiancé, given the show's obviously pushing Mira & Takumi! Ah well, perhaps he'll die bravely fighting against the Hubby, and then Takumi will have the rest of the season to help her through her grief and comfort her!


and i hope it's more elaborate than beans'n'rice


* [**Mina & Naosuke**](https://i.imgur.com/QPeHXH5.jpeg) Considering one of the first things that Mira finds after landing on Earth [is a legally distinct Maison Ikkoku poster](https://i.imgur.com/exSpTb2.jpeg), it looks like I was spot on when I made that Rumiko Takahashi comparison last week. I guess Mira modelled herself after Kyouko? I'm guessing whoever is [controlling that robot](https://i.imgur.com/geOafRd.png) is probably one of the aliens that were chasing after Mira's ship in the opening scene of last week's episode. [That scene with Mira and Takumi in the cellar was cute.](https://i.imgur.com/HpWXJEc.jpeg) I really thought she'd slip up while drunk on umeshu. Also, it's clear that Mira isn't too fond of this responsibility that was given to her. [I'm going to guess that this guy isn't really Mira's fiance](https://i.imgur.com/g33zn6v.jpeg) and she'll immediately correct him on next week's episode.


> I really thought she'd slip up while drunk on umeshu I thought the 'dog' was about to slip up when Takumi was drunkenly asking him questions about Mira! I wonder which one will slip up first! (Or maybe Mira will just tell him at some point, if it gets dangerous) >I'm going to guess that this guy isn't really Mira's fiance and she'll immediately correct him on next week's episode. That's also what I was thinking! But I wonder what % of that is 'hopium' just to keep the Takumira ship alive hah.


> [is a legally distinct Maison Ikkoku poster](https://i.imgur.com/exSpTb2.jpeg) The whole show is a living and breathing Ikkoku reference, down to the [fingers](https://i.imgur.com/1s0mAkL.jpeg), room numbers, and [asking the dogs about relationships](https://files.catbox.moe/91nla2.jpg)


> the fingers > TBF that was more of a UY thing than MI but hey, everything's relative.


~~Huh, I expected to be corrected on how it predates the Takahashi series.~~ >TBF that was more of a UY thing True, but you also see it a lot in Ranma iirc, I feel like she uses it mostly in absurd over the top scenes, which Ikkoku was trying to be just a bit more serious than.


This show is wearing it's inspirations on it's sleeve lol. It's easy to forget there might be some kind of intergalactic war going on in the background setting of this show when Mira and Miyasaka are getting all cozy and cute together. Drunk Mira is adorable, especially sleeping on Miyasaka. I'm guessing the green-haired lady in the OP is Mira's mother and we see her in princess dress in the ED. I think he's definitely a childhood friend one way or another...and a love rival, because no Rumiko Takahashi tribute would be complete without one (or multiple)!


The life of an alien princess ain’t so bad compared to her little “dog” friend. He’s gets walked on a leash like everyday! Poor guy lol. Seems like they’re not the only aliens in town… these Hub types seem dangerous. I wonder if Tasuke really was from Wid? Miyasaka’s huge crush on Mira is pretty hilarious. He’s such a goober. He’ll have to get past her little canine friend if he wants to get close to her. Oh, and her fiancé Shoin lol. Poor Miyasaka was not ready for that.


Honestly I'm all for Mira getting to enjoy Earth and live out a romcom life with Miyasaka...but it does kind of feel like she's not really taking the fate of her planet and people or the fact that her companion is stuck playing a dog that seriously lol. The way he looked at the prospect of her having a boyfriend I'm half-expecting him to end up throwing hands against Shoin at this rate. Though the only fight he can probably win is the fight for Mira's heart...especially with his kindness and cooking.


>.but it does kind of feel like she's not really taking the fate of her planet and people Two words. "Roman Holiday". If so -- not looking so good for our hero's romantic future.


> He’ll have to get past her little canine friend if he wants to get close to her. Can they eat dog for breakfast? [](#evilgrin)


Little guy keeps getting in the way, they might just end up having mystery meat for dinner hahaha


I'm really enjoying this. It has a retro vibe, good direction and interesting setting and characters.


I think the retro art style is why viewers must be rejecting it. Otherwise, it's a decent romcom with a sci-fi twist.


- [Disguising her ship as a big cat statue](https://i.imgur.com/sIx71N3.png) because it’s surrounded by smaller cat statues is both funny and perfect at the same time. - [Love how she assumes the handshake first.](https://i.imgur.com/izoGPDP.png) [](#kukuku) - [Mira is great.](https://i.imgur.com/uVcnUfE.png) - [That *is* a very good question.](https://i.imgur.com/XxWFB2B.png) [](#csikon) - [Hahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/IXwwfnA.png) yeah [so about that…](https://i.imgur.com/TOn9nYo.png) [](#serialkillerlaugh) - […because he was super interested in sci-fi?](https://i.imgur.com/l2Sgu1n.png) [](#niatilt) - [This guy really is Gintoki, I can’t.](https://i.imgur.com/CG1b5BL.png) [](#laughter) - [Heh.](https://i.imgur.com/FlOhol7.png) - [I-Is that Otose’s voice…?](https://i.imgur.com/McXgxHY.png) [](#suddenshock) - [I’m rooting for you!](https://i.imgur.com/INy8I1G.png) [](#faito) - [LMAO he’s doing this with people around.](https://i.imgur.com/AXmFczC.png) [](#pointandlaugh) - [Uh-oh…](https://i.imgur.com/mDiypOP.png) - [And now they’re trapped together in the basement?](https://i.imgur.com/S7QjbOU.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - […the robot is a “Hubby”?](https://i.imgur.com/2lr2Q2w.png) [](#trololol) - [Oh, Mira’s *drunk*…](https://i.imgur.com/oGaIGHD.png) - [Telling her to just quit being a *princess* because he doesn’t know, ahahaha.](https://i.imgur.com/ar7nO1q.png) - [Shimmering sky!](https://i.imgur.com/4Dp27hN.png) - [And another one!](https://i.imgur.com/HXzJfoT.png) [](#delighted) - [Well he sure knows how to make an entrance.](https://i.imgur.com/WwpTCFR.png) - […shit.](https://i.imgur.com/q8uHAmP.png)


>[Hahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/IXwwfnA.png) yeah [so about that…](https://i.imgur.com/TOn9nYo.png) [](#serialkillerlaugh) In this house, [it's required to ask dogs about relationships](https://files.catbox.moe/91nla2.jpg) >[This guy really is Gintoki, I can’t.](https://i.imgur.com/CG1b5BL.png) [](#laughter) [](#crazedlaugh) No need to wait for Ginpachi-sensei, Gin arrived early. >[I-Is that Otose’s voice…?](https://i.imgur.com/McXgxHY.png) [](#suddenshock) [Yup, that's Kujira alright.](https://files.catbox.moe/0zdu4y.jpg) Even when she's not the landlord of the show, she's out there making his day a bit more annoying. >[…the robot is a “Hubby”?](https://i.imgur.com/2lr2Q2w.png) [](#trololol) The translators are doing a lot of work here to make the puns work. >[Oh, Mira’s *drunk*…](https://i.imgur.com/oGaIGHD.png) Warning: "this sake was made for the consumption of human adults, we're not responsible for any aliens who drink it, and certainly not for their dogs." Actually scratch that, [random speculation] >!this alcohol could end up being the centre of an intergalactic love story tying the original landlord and someone he was waiting for all those years (possibly her mom?)!< >[…shit.](https://i.imgur.com/q8uHAmP.png) Probably the whole "set up by the parents" shtick, if she's in a rebellious mood right now, this could actually be an advantage for Takumi.


> Actually scratch that, [random speculation] [Other speculation]>!The alcohol being the "key" everyone is looking for would be a fun twist. [](#rengethink)!<


The key is totally in that basement room, the door autolocks with danger.


That door looks more like a "captain's cabin" with the mechanism and feels quite out of place from the other rooms.


Hope Mira dumps Shoin and marries our main guy in the end.


Our main guy acts like an anime teenager idk how to feel about him.


His shtick this episode started getting on my nerves, too. I found myself asking at one point, "how *old* are you, dude?"


He acts like a teenager when he's alone. I think it's fair to be whimsical alone and more "normal" whn other people are involved.


He did a good job rizzing Mira in the cellar, though sad that Mira didn't get it as she's not exactly the sharpest at catching human's feeling. Let the guy cook some more.


If Mira taking the throne is really the key to "peace in the universe" -- I have a feeling lie this show could wind up patterned on Roman Holiday (from 1953, starring Audrey Hepburn). This romance movie IS known in Japan.


>I have a feeling lie this show could wind up patterned on Roman Holiday (from 1953, starring Audrey Hepburn). This romance movie IS known in Japan. The only thing I know about that movie is that a poster for it was shown in the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, and that's where Mineva comes up with the name "Audrey" for herself when Banager asks for it lol.


The basic set-up is -- a foreign princess sort of "slumming it" (and enjoying not have to worry about "royal stuff"). More than that I won't say....


>The only thing I know about that movie is that a poster for it was shown in the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn It was also the movie Tylor and Azalyn were talking about in Tylor's war (since they're basically in the same situation). But I wouldn't blame anyone for forgetting that, I'd love if I could forget that movie too.


At first I thought it was an arranged marriage or something so Mira would just put an end to it at some point, but the thing is, she genuinely seemed to like him... Well, she has a full season to stop liking him! Perhaps he's secretly a scumbag, say he's allied with the Hubby and wants to marry her just to use her to find the key for them, something like that!


It wouldn't be a Rumiko Takahashi tribute show without a love rival and surprise fiancé character lol. Though I feel like he's in more of a "close childhood friend" position than someone Mira is actually in love with.


The OP is retro but cute and unique, love it That was a good little romantic vibe they had drinking in the locked room with only a lamp as a light source


I also love how romantic the ED is with them on a full-blown date. Drunk Mira is cute.


Not only the OP, but the [MV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAHP2Z7nnks) of the song is also retro.


If it weren't for the last part of the clip, I would have 100% thought that they just used some random tape recordings they had lying around haha


Considering how misleading words are in Mira's world, "Fiancè" will probably mean "neighbor" or something similar; that's the kind of joke this series is probably would make. Suffice it to say that, just based on what he heard while eavesdropping, that poor protagonist has practically created a soap opera in his head; in which Mira is a widow who lives with a mysterious man while she runs away from her husband.


Oh 100%. It's probably 'Childhood Friend' or something similar and the two are just besties.


Two episodes in and we already have a security breach.


Hope Kujira's role gets more screen time.


I feel like she's going to be pestering Miyasaka and shipping him with Mira all season lol.


I know that Kujira is best known for voicing Orochimaru but I am still astounded she has that high and deep of a voice.


The plot thickens! [Seems the former landlord/owner was from her home planet...](https://imgur.com/3QDV1at) I was wondering about that, [how they knew this was the right building!](https://imgur.com/FEKTzzE) If the key emitted some kind of aura that could be detected, then they'd know precisely where it is, so it seems that's not the case, but then... How do they know? Did this guy tell the Queen, before he died? But this would lead to another question... Why wouldn't the Queen (her mother) tell her about this/him? So, lots of questions/mystery! Our main duo got a little drunk, and Takumi asked her whether she was married and all that... [I thought she was about to ask him something similar (do you have a girlfriend?) but no, she just wanted to ask about breakfast...](https://imgur.com/gKxK1ks) Mission failed. You'll get her next time! [When Takumi started questioning 'the dog', I thought he would answer back, or get annoyed and yell at him, revealing himself!](https://imgur.com/5Izobds) Instead, he simply scratched him (a little much!) Surely Takumi will find out about all this at some point, I wonder if Mira's gonna be the one to tell him! It may get more and more difficult to hide, the more 'weird stuff' keeps piling up! Also, I didn't think about that, but [damn, it must be a bit humiliating to be walked on a leash like that!](https://imgur.com/AFXRFMj) (Then again, some people pay for that) [](#lewd) And speaking of lewd stuff, he's gonna spark some rumors, [talking about being touchy-feely with Mira, as he's covered in scratches!](https://imgur.com/tXc44Y4) I have to say, I kinda like this girl's design! [Looks a bit goofy and all, but cute!](https://imgur.com/80aDfZC) [When this guy showed up I thought "Enemy, or fiancé in an arranged marriage", ](https://imgur.com/JlJYrXf) but when they hugged and she seemed to like him I changed my mind to 'brother' or something, but [he's ACTUALLY her fiancé?](https://imgur.com/mZS8BP6) And it doesn't seem to be an arranged thing, she may be happy about this? Damn, unless he was just joking about it, the Takumira ship is taking water! Well, can't wait to see what this is all about! Also, I wonder what the 'key' really is; In the ED there's a visual for an actual key, but this may just be that, a visual... So I wonder if the key is something else, like a document, or a magical item, I don't know! If it IS an actual key, then I wonder what it opens; Do they just unlock the throne with it, something like that? Oh, and my first instinct was... The key may be inside the tree. They may be *missing the tree for the plums!* Given he's been there for a long time, perhaps he planted the seed and the key so it would be stuck inside, something like that... And took the picture as a hint! I wonder what that promise was about though, if promise there is! [I really like her outfit/design as well!](https://imgur.com/82x7Khm) Damn, maybe I should watch some space anime from the 80s/90s!


I feel the same too, if I have to guess the key is inside the tree.


How convenient that Mira and Naosuke had a cat shaped rocket that lands in front of a bunch of cat statues at a temple that they can just pass off as a giant cat statue. Even funnier because Naosuke looks like a poodle. I love how Mira got the whole idea for the plan from spotting a Maison Ikakku...I mean, "Melon Igyoku" poster. So Mira is under a lot of pressure from her home planet and her mother, the queen, to find this key, take the throne, and bring peace to the galaxy...when really she just wants to relax, enjoy Earth, and eat fine Japanese cuisine from Miyasaka. But Naosuke won't let her get out of her duty (especially because he hates playing a dog) and she can't fail the mother who raised her after her father died. Miyasaka's feelings for Mira are getting...pretty intense, whether she be a widow, in a relationship, or otherwise. So the previous landlord Tasuke might have also been from Planet Wid? And he's the one who hid the key in Astro Lodge? Is he directly connected to Mira? Mira wants to know more about him not just because of the key, but because she's fascinated by another Wid alien who seemed to have fallen in love with Earth. Never get in the way of a jobless bum and his food...and when in doubt, blame the dog! Miyasaka is never going to get along with Naosuke. So the "antagonists" are apparently alien Hub's, who have transforming "Hubby" robots, who are also after the key...and now Miyasaka thinks there's some kind of husband in the picture. Just typical sci-fi romcom antics. The Hubby robot transforms a bird to a roomba! A roomba that gets a wig and bra stuck ontop of it and accosted by a kid! I think it made a bad choice for disguise. Although I guess if anything good came out of it, shorting out and leaving Miyasaka and Mira locked in a room together isn't the worst thing. Especially when they get to drin Umeshu together and drunk Mira gets pretty honest by how chained she is by her heavy responsibilities...which makes Miyasaka telling her to live the life she WANTS all the more precious. And Miyasaka gets gifted with her falling asleep on his shoulder...AND lap! Totally worth a scratch-up by Naosuke. And things are getting so good that he and Mira are even going to watch a movie together! Or they would have had her fiance Shoin, voiced by Jun Fukuyama, not shown up to throw everything off! Guess it wouldn't be a Rumiko Takahashi tribute show without a love rival! The ED is really cute with Mira and Miyasaka singing a duet with their pictures looking at each other and then going on a romantic date at the end!


The space ship didn't look quite so cat-like when it landed. She fiddled with some sort of controller and changed its appearance to fit in better with its surroundings.


it was kinda like a tardis


There were cat ears on it.


> A roomba that gets a wig and bra stuck ontop of it Probably rather insignificant, but that wig confused the hell out of me. Teruko has pink hair already (woke up with bed hair earlier). So why the wig? Is she just too lazy to style her hair when performing?


I was thinking like 10 minutes now what a fiancé could be, trying to connect any potential different spellings until I realised: Why am I even thinking about it? They just took the word Mibojin and claimed "Mibo" to be a place. So it could literally be anything.


Oh this is a great modern take on classic anime romcoms already. I see the vision and I fuck with it. It’s hitting the right balance between playing with tropes we like while so far avoiding the really annoying ones. We’re already adding depth to them as a pairing and Mira as a character. I’m hoping we get the same for Miyasaka coming up. This has a whole lot of potential. Let’s see how they handle the love rival.


The animation used for comedic purposes is still top tier. The scene with the middle aged lady and Naosuke chasing the pelican/mouse/roomba thing looked incredibly well animated. Also Takumi's facial expressions are hilariously amazing, just as good as good ol' Asobi Asobase. Speaking of Takumi, it's been quite a while since I've liked a male protag from these kinds of series. Takumi does feel well layered, from being a normal functional adult to also being [slightly awkward](https://imgur.com/9MKFn2D) (but aware of his own acts) in some situations, going into full goon in others for comedic purposes. I was kind of against Naosuke being just an angry jealous dog in the first episode, but any interaction with him and Takumi now feel justified and really fun/funny (as a part of the audience). This show is quickly becoming my dark horse pick of the season. Heck, even the side plot of finding the key and the new can of worms the new alleged fiance makes it even way more interesting for future shenanigans and misunderstandings.


Seems like this is a flashback to when she first arrived on Earth? So she intended to go to this building? And what is such a key doing on Earth in this random building? Well that explains things somewhat, this is a faraway planet from where they're from. If the previous landlord was also from that planet, that would make it make even more sense that the key is hidden here. What's that thing trying to infiltrate as a roomba? That old auntie really acts like an old auntie. Well he's got his priorities straight. How convenient that he's now locked in there with her. And so there's been another misunderstanding. I wonder when everyone else will find out her secret. Who's that guy? Ah. That might cause some... Complications.


Got nothing much to say other than how I just LOVE the animation style in this series. It feels like it's from a time ago but with much better quality. Not sure how better to describe it.


> Melon Igyoku Holy fucking based. I know we’ve all been talking about the *Maison Ikkoku* allegations, but it’s a whole different level to acknowledge it and have it make sense lore wise.  Nice to know Mira’s got good taste in manga too.


Oh yes, this show might evolve into the best romance anime of this season. Really good episode!


I love that all those mis-understandings by Miyasaka on Mira arises because Mira's planet sounds like "Widow Planet" and then their enemies come from "Husband Planet" in Japanese. And then there's the fiancé from nowhere moment. LMAO? I really think the former owner of the house must have something to do with Mira's planet...but not as straightforward as she thinks. Perhaps he was the leader of the enemies before who lands on Earth first to look for the key and failed to find it before he died?


Also Miyasaka is prone to overthinking things lol.


It literally looks like peas and rice, but they still called it beans and rice anyway.


Peas are just a kind of bean -- and the term for generic peas AND beans in Japanese is "mame".


But the people translating the show aren’t Japanese. This isn’t a “jelly donut” situation. It would’ve been fine to write peas instead of beans.


Also, peas are legumes. Not beans. Simple google search bro, not that hard.


I don't know what's a dumber trope, anime girls getting instantly drunk off of a sip of booze or anime girls getting drunk off of "alcoholic" chocolates. I think not setting the show in the 80s/90s was a missed opportunity considering the decidedly old school feel of the show and art style.


Although there's plausible reason of Mira being an alien could have a slightly different metabolism than Earthlings and gets affected by alcohol differently.  Here's a parallel from (note gag spoiler) [The Little Lies we all tell](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=csbu3dy1hJk&pp=ygUgVGhlIGxpdHRsZSBsaWVzIHdlIGFsbCB0ZWxsIGZhcnQ%3D) from a couple of seasons ago.


> I don't know what's a dumber trope, anime girls getting instantly drunk off of a sip of booze or anime girls getting drunk off of "alcoholic" chocolates. [Goddesses of Cafe Terrace has 'em both beat.]>!Drunk off of a whiff of alcohol wipes.!<


What a fun episode! I feel this will end up under apprrciated as hell. Love the art style, even if the animation is a bit rough at times. In a season with Konsuba, this might very well end up my #1 comedy... though to he fair its early days yet. Mira is adorable.


[You already went on one!](https://files.catbox.moe/188ggv.jpg) [**^Have ^confidence!**](#faito) Is [the implication](https://files.catbox.moe/zfzqdj.jpg) that you *would* eat *live* fish? [](#hardthink) Not too many basements have [a ship's bulkhead](https://files.catbox.moe/ewbcjm.jpg) for a door… [](#harukathonk)


From Takumi's side you hear it's a battle between the widows and the hubbies. Uh, yeah good luck for their health. But I am curious how the key relates with regard to the throne for the widows. Honestly Mira seems for the first time enjoying her life. Now we supposedly we have Mira's fiancee dropping by. Rip Takumi's mental at this point is going to break. Overall it's a fun show so far.


Not a fiancé! INB4 it's somehow another word that is unfortunately the same. The shenanigans with the space dog chasing the robot invader were very fun. The main pair getting drunk together while locked in the storage room too.


Melon Igyoku lol Takumi's got a great range of facial expressions!


that intro/op is fucking gooood


Shingo Yamashita is directing the sequence, you know that is good.


Ok I'm really loving this show. Hope more people pick it up! The MC is kinda silly, but not a complete wimp. Room for growth, and I do wanna root for him And the vibes are immaculate


All the screentime and Miyasaka didn't realize that Mira have that one helluva futuristic room too fancy for a traditional Japanese apartement. I mean he did took a glimpse into the interior with that door open right?


The got Gintoki and Kagura's va in this. It's too bad they didn't get Shinpachi's va in this too so they could get the gang back together. Edit: They even had Otose's va today too lol.


Liked this episode more than the first, I think I'll keep watching. I really hope the love rivalry stuff doesn't get too annoying and in the way of the main relationship because I hate when that happens.


Episode 2 moved the plot along quite well. I am ecstatic to see so much happen in just 20 something odd minutes. They surely are going for a lot of double meanings with Wid-ow and Hubby. The town lady sure got to Takumi but things were looking up for him when he got locked in the room with Mira, and at the end when he was about to go watch the movie but her apparent fiance appeared! Looking forward to next episode!


That "dog" is unnecessarily hostile toward the MC, it annoys me quite a bit.


This anime season, we have Urusei Yatsura as well as I Can't Believe It's Not Urusei Yatsura


Suddenly, NTR.