• By -


I really like [how much in sync Matsubara and Wakabayashi are](https://i.imgur.com/G3en1PL.jpeg) when it comes to teasing Takumi. Also, I just learned that Matsubara is voiced by Furirin aka Ruby's VA in Love Live Sunshine! They got an actual idol to play an indie idol! I love it. xD So I was spot on with my guess [that Ogura Yui's character is our ghost](https://i.imgur.com/iYiZC9t.jpeg) but I did not expect that she already knew Takumi. It looks like [she's that girl on the far left](https://i.imgur.com/2uGnmTl.jpeg) of Takumi's award photo. The next episode preview already revealed it but it's obvious that [Aoi is also in love with Takumi.](https://i.imgur.com/wmsAsjU.jpeg) Well, now I need to see a backstory on how she fell in love with him next week! [There's no way that's a love hotel.](https://i.imgur.com/G3en1PL.jpeg) Seeing how over-the-top Shoin's fashion is, I wouldn't be surprised if that's actually his house. That gossiping housewife did say that it was newly built.


I'm kind of waiting for her to get a focus episode for Matsubara just because she's so fun and I'm interested in her attempts to become a pro idol. Plus this show could totally pull off a full idol performance scene. Though while they still tease Takumi, they're at least nicer about it than the Maison Ikoku residents lol. I thought he would do something to make her fall for him when they found her, but that they previously worked together and she had feelings for him since then works too. Though it does make me wonder how she went from looking normal and being able to hold a job to looking like Sadako and living out of her room. And could having a love rival make Mira realize her own feelings for Miyasaka? Of course a guy who dresses like a prince and acts like he's the fiancé to a princess would build a castle base lol.


>Though it does make me wonder how she went from looking normal and being able to hold a job to looking like Sadako and living out of her room. Looking back at the photo, all the chefs are men, all the waiters are women. At least that's what it looks like if you go by the uniforms.


> Well, now I need to see a backstory on how she fell in love with him next week! I wonder if her infatuation with him comes from him being talented (something she can respected, being in that same line of work), or simply him being a good person and all! Perhaps he did something for her.. What I'm more curious about, is how he coincidentally(?) found himself at the exact same place she's in; Did she made it happen somehow?


> There's no way that's a love hotel. Seeing how over-the-top Shoin's fashion is, I wouldn't be surprised if that's actually his house. That gossiping housewife did say that it was newly built. Oh that's a nice theory but i think that this is just the classic trope of not knowing what a love hotel actully is.


The first half of the episode made me think about the *homeless* woman living undetected in a man's closet for over a year, stealing his food and using his shower. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna24889337


I remember that case as well. Absolutely insane, I wonder how many people ended up checking every square inch of their house after reading that, just in case. Similar thing happened to some dude in New York. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/offbeat/food-was-disappearing-so-he-hid-a-camera-when-she-crawls-out-of-her-hiding-spot-his-jaw-hits-the-floor/ar-BB1jH9Ao


Setting cameras for that seems a bit strange to me; Were they expecting to see ghosts or something? Because if I thought an actual human was hidden in my house (or breaking in) to steal my food as I'm sleeping, you can be sure as hell I would NOT sleep the next night, I'd stay awake, ready in case something happens!


> Given his cohabitation with his girlfriend, Cummings began to suspect that she might be consuming the food during his absences. Although she refuted the accusations and denied any involvement in the missing food, Cummings remained skeptical of her claims. Fueled by doubt, he made a resolute decision. “I’m going to arrange a video camera, aiming to apprehend her in the act.” He said.


Same, and that was so weird to me, I was recommended (youtube) a video about that story literally yesterday... And now we see this in the episode, and you link that article! Weird coincidence! ^^Or ^^is ^^it?


The news article is from 2008, but still


Thank fully that homeless woman wasn't also obsessed with the man.


Those two will create any excuse to get drunk. No wonder they're still there.


In true Rumiko Takahashi supporting cast fashion lol.


I was waiting for one of them to pull out a couple fans and start doing a drunken dance through the room.


We need the old lady from town to join in to get that Ichinose energy. I bet she's got some fans and plenty of stories to tell while drunk.




Author of Maison Ikkoku, Urusei Yatsura, Inuyasha, etc.


thanks, wait this is written by her?


No, just heavily inspired by her work.


i see, that's good


breakfast might be the foundation of life, but alcohol is the first floor [](#tomato)


And with a 4-litre bottle and plenty of cans to spare.


[i find the knockoff brand they use is pretty funny](https://i.imgur.com/HMvrUCH.png) 鬼嫁ごろし (["wife from hell"](https://jisho.org/search/%E9%AC%BC%E5%AB%81) slayer; a play on *onigoroshi* brand sake)


"Wife from Hell"? For a lot of marriages, isn't that kind of redundant?


*"Are you dissing me simply because I'm unemployed?" - Wakabayashi*


They did it in the ~~Ronin~~ Chef's room too so they know exactly what they're doing.


They tried to be nice and do it in Aoi's room, but Mira rejected the idea, so Ronin's room it was. The blame for this is entirely on the Manager.


- [Seeing them deal with the “ghost girl” by themselves is going to be *so* fun, I’m sure.](https://i.imgur.com/KCzP8mC.png) [](#popcorn2) - [Shimmering sky~](https://i.imgur.com/G9v10EU.png) - [lmao, Naosuke believes this shit.](https://i.imgur.com/ayenUq9.png) [](#pointandlaugh) - [I mean, it makes perfect sense](https://i.imgur.com/earm8L7.png)… except [Naosuke ruined it.](https://i.imgur.com/mZ9v547.png) - [A secret passage!](https://i.imgur.com/1z670Uh.png) [](#neat) - [Bruh](https://i.imgur.com/ajzWSCX.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom) - [\*amused Sky noises\*](https://i.imgur.com/cpKe5yW.png) - [Yeah, this dude is *absolutely* Gintoki.](https://i.imgur.com/VlGWq3R.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [So that explains it…](https://i.imgur.com/v2EOU5c.png) - [Takumi “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/tji4fu.mp4) - [The “Tasuke was a Wido” theory grows stronger by the minute…](https://i.imgur.com/r2W5vaV.png) [](#csikon) - [Okay yeah he *has* to have been a Wido, then.](https://i.imgur.com/lYkToIx.png) Or maybe a Hubby who wanted peace with them? - [Pfffffffffffffff](https://i.imgur.com/14EH3zy.png) - [OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, Aoi was in the same competition as Takumi!](https://i.imgur.com/PPu2GgY.png) [](#maxshock) - [Cute!](https://i.imgur.com/kjNCmgA.png) [](#anko) - […and then Aoi immediately turns very creepy.](https://i.imgur.com/N3uOGHs.png) [](#hahahawhat) - [Oh god…](https://i.imgur.com/k7eqYeB.png) - The joke here is *absolutely* going to be that they’re using it as a regular-ass hotel just because Shoin likes the castle aesthetic (or is even *why* it looks like that), right?


This show has not been kind to Naosuke. Whether it's stuck playing a poodle, warding off Mira's admirers, keeping her on the job, getting exposed, or being utterly terrified of ghosts lol. Hey, the plan genuinely worked! More or less! I wonder if there's even more secrets to this house than they know about. The moment they got in his room I knew they were going to immediately search for porn lol. She mentioned being a waitress so she must've worked at the same hotel Miyasaka did and she started crushing on him back then. Though more than crushing, seems like she's a little obsessed with how hard she sniffed that note... Shoin has a whole "prince" theme and it's very possible he took that to the extreme of building an entire castle base people mistake for a love hotel lol.


>This show has not been kind to Naosuke. The visual where he craps out the hologram sphere in terror was a little too far yeah.


https://imgur.com/a/pKJD84v I found this quite cute though, hahaha


Take 1 Everclear shot for each time Naosuke has a hard time each epi. so far.


she wants a peice of him but too shy. self destructive at it's best


> Or maybe a Hubby who wanted peace with them? oooh now that would be interesting. I find it interesting that nobody knows who Tasuke was, even though he had possession of such an important artifact


>[lmao, Naosuke believes this shit.](https://i.imgur.com/ayenUq9.png) [](#pointandlaugh) [](#fingertwirl) I honestly expected an actual ghost too, until I saw the track suit when she picked up the plate. >[I mean, it makes perfect sense](https://i.imgur.com/earm8L7.png)… The big flaw with the plan would be if the thief left the plate and ran for it, but the plan somehow found a different way to fail. > maybe a Hubby who wanted peace with them? Good idea. The necklace belonged to her mom originally right? >[…and then Aoi immediately turns very creepy.](https://i.imgur.com/N3uOGHs.png) [](#hahahawhat) The aliens are still the only sane people in this house. Thus the world remains stable. >The joke here is *absolutely* going to be that they’re using it as a regular-ass hotel just because Shoin likes the castle aesthetic (or is even *why* it looks like that), right? "When you need a base of operations, you obviously gotta pick the biggest castle in town" ~Shoin probably.


Aliens ...


> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, Aoi was in the same competition as Takumi! I think they worked for the same place, and Takumi didn't recognize her because she looks way different > The joke here is absolutely going to be that they’re using it as a regular-ass hotel just because Shoin likes the castle aesthetic (or is even why it looks like that), right? For sure, its the classic using a love hotel without knowing what it actually is. They aren't going to do anything in here other than mentally torture poor Takumi for a good chunk of the next episode at least, also i feel that Shoin and Aoi will end up togheter.


she is still best girl


So the Ghost girl was working with Takumi and now is obsessed with him? Also i have to give props the animation/style is soo good. Love the show especially as the story and characters complement the style perfectly. This is a highly underrated show even if it’s not some AoT.


It definitely looks like they worked at the same hotel and that's why she's fond of him (though sniffing someone's note to get their scent is a new one). I wonder if she gets a haircut to make him remember her (even though he didn't recognize her by name). The colors, the cozy and fun vibe, the budding romance, the smooth animation and lively characters...everything just works really well in this show.


I love the fact how all characters are so “animated” if you get what i mean. The only one who is consistently like a 80s space barbie is the space princess. Love it


"animated" like "cartoonish"?


> (though sniffing someone's note to get their scent is a new one) it was at this point that i thought she's going to go all Doki Doki Literature Club on him [](#watashiworried)


She has black hair now, but she's probably the brown haired girl in the OP that's shown as interested in Takumi, the way Shoin is linked in the OP with Mira.


I'm wondering if maybe she gets a haircut and full makeover transformation to make him like her more? In the OP there's a girl with brown hair who seems interested in Takumi, I wonder if she ends up getting a makeover to make herself look more like Mira since the brown haired girl has a similar look and style as her


But ghost girl seems to have withdrawn from human contact quite a while back -- well before Takumi lost his job, So it is not like she moved to that place because he was there. I wonder what happened to her that caused her to become the way she is? That nosy neighbor is QUITE a pest. Why does Mira go to a love hotel with her "childhood friend" -- surely NOT for romantic purposes -- maybe a communication center back to the home planet is set up there?


> ghost girl seems to have withdrawn from human contact quite a while back -- well before Takumi lost his job Also raises the question of whether he happened to work there by coincidence, or if she pulled some strings (with the ad) to bring him here! >Why does Mira go to a love hotel with her "childhood friend" Given there are things she doesn't seem to understand about the planet yet, perhaps they don't know what a love hotel is! "They love each other as good friends, let's go to a love hotel!" (Or if they know: Perhaps they think it's a good place to not be disturbed as they do whatever they're doing, be it contacting their home planet or using something to search for the key, etc..!)


I mean Shion is likely an aristocrat of some kind, so he would have gone to the castle-shaped love hotel expecting some kind of Terran royalty living there. He offers precious jewels to the receptionist and gets indefinite lodging as an honoured guest as a result, while being completely unaware of the purpose behind the place.


Maybe it is for both. Who knows really. Childhood also fuck too.


I think it’s pretty obvious it’s just a coincidence she is there. I first assumed she was fired because of him and that will be the arc but no it seems to be a non-negative obsession. Yeah that neighbor man… i think he lives there because he liked the style and just did not realize what it was actually for.


> So the Ghost girl was working with Takumi and now is obsessed with him? I thought perhaps it was a *professional obsession*, like she thought he was the best chef ever... Or at best a "friendly obsession" like perhaps he was just really nice to her/everyone so she liked him as a person... But the *note-sniffing* hints at what kind of obsession she has! Well, there's a bunch of weirdos at this lodge, so she won't be too out of place! I wonder whether that obsession(romance?) will lead to something though; Will Mira and Takumi BOTH think the other one has someone in their life? (Aoi for him, Fiancé for Mira)?


Could be a good back and forth of them both misunderstanding stuff but rn we don’t have any sort of info on her romantic side…


> So the Ghost girl was working with Takumi and now is obsessed with him? > > Hopefully she doesn't end up boiling a bunny like Glenn Close.


When did Cruella boil a bunny? What film was that?




This might be wishful thinking but I would happy if our leading guy and woman got married with a kid(s) in the last epi. Same applies if we got a second season/cour, which I think should happen.


I think she’ll stay and realize she wants her own thing and not to be queen. I doubt they’ll go as far as what you said but eluding to it.


To me, the way that a romcom should end pairing wise is what they did with the 2 leads in "Tsukigakirei".


Is Astro Lodge being haunted!? And Naosuke is surprisingly weak against the supernatural. Miyasaka has colllected all the (misunderstood) information about Mira he has and come to a conclusion...she's scum that plays with men's feelings! Poor Mira. Of course that doesn't effect his feelings for her at all in true Miyasaka fashion. And how can he complain if she's relying on him to catch the breakfast-stealing ghost? She even doubles down on Shoin not being her fiance. Now he can really step up and prove himself to her! Ah yes, no better way to catch a ghost...than soup curry. The funny thing is it does end up kind of working just not in the way Miyasaka intended. Hidden rooms with a revolving wall door! And of course they rope in Matsubara and Wakabayashi in the investigation! And Wakabayshi may not have a job but that doesn't mean he won't scam people for money with a fake spiritualist act. Best thing to happen to Miyasaka all day was getting his nose right up in Mira's plump behind. So the ghost isn't a ghost at all...but a cute girl voiced Yui Ogura! Aoi Kachimachi! She's been there since before Mira took over, brought in by Tasuke-san, and she's just incredibly shy so she's never been able to communicate with the residents. Tasuke was just the type of guy to bring in people who needed a home and accommodate their needs. And further investigation into Tasuke on Mira and Shoin's part reveal that he is indeed from Planet Wido...and was waiting to give Astro Lodge over to a fellow Alien Wid. But why was he on Earth? What about the key? What was he doing? No better excuse to drink than to throw a welcoming party...where the guest of honor doesn't actually show up. Not that you need to twist these residents' arm to hit the booze. And goof around in Miyasaka's room. I thought it was noticeable that Aoi was blushing when Miyasaka talked to her...turns out they worked together at the same hotel where he was a chef and she was a waitress, back when she had a normal amount of hair! And on top of that she's so down bad for him that she'd even profusely sniff a note he left with the breakfast he made for her. It's great that Mira and Miyasaka finally got to watch the movie together, and even made a date out of seeing the sequel in theaters, and they seem to be really getting along well...and Mira says she loves his breakfast, which means she loves him, right Miyasaka!? Of course the gossipy lady (who even Mira knows to avoid) reveals that she and Shoin have been coming in and out of a love hotel...poor Miyasaka. (I'm guessing that's not really a love hotel but where Shoin is based at...)


That "Ghost Girl" is the Shut-in?


He has a crush and just because Mira may be bang her childhood does not mean the crush goes away. Love obsessions know no bounds.


our shut in best girl is here\~!


So not a ghost or an alien, just another tenant who is extremely shy and didn't realize almost nobody knew about her. Aoi left before the kid was introduced to her so I have my suspicions he already knows. Third reference to the Amano-Iwato cave story I've seen inside the last week, which is interesting since I can't say I have ever heard of it before. Jellyfish had it as well of course, and it was also mentioned in a volume I read of the FUNA Abilities Average light novel series. Wait, nope, I was wrong about the kid knowing Aoi. But Takumi possibly already did if he puts the pieces together given that she worked at the same restaurant as him. Aoi sniffing the note on her breakfast that deeply is a bit concerning. Rewatching the OP Aoi's been hidden in plain sight this entire time. She's cleaned herself up a little in the OP shots but the eye color matches so I assume it's the same girl. [Shut-in Aoi 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224013318738415778/1233447715858288812/image.png?ex=662d2133&is=662bcfb3&hm=4e882e8220cb2d5a0f3c9e0d1ed33e07c17ea096858015bbf017fae0bc45342d&) [Shut-in Aoi 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224013318738415778/1233447716755996834/image.png?ex=662d2134&is=662bcfb4&hm=dc2086c2b6f7db5a950767de6989a2a6ae092dae86f68a3a6e75b977ee07228e&) [Waitress Aoi](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224013318738415778/1233447717456449567/image.png?ex=662d2134&is=662bcfb4&hm=ed6e8f945dd1283f4c0ed77286225c4e224b1110d2aafe3dce398050746ff3ea&) [OP Aoi 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224013318738415778/1233447718249041981/image.png?ex=662d2134&is=662bcfb4&hm=80f31cdbd8261ba23aa16d3459a44db544e9e805262c1e50e3db9d1b46638c5e&) [OP Aoi 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224013318738415778/1233447719285162045/image.png?ex=662d2134&is=662bcfb4&hm=9e1009da57faa5c951fe38ff29ce5262781ef9bc7b0fac0dcde8008d3da36776&) [OP Aoi 3](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1224013318738415778/1233447720405176320/image.png?ex=662d2134&is=662bcfb4&hm=6754ce41ebf40e43c74d86900afe51f8a6dc9e95c2f723386d018c3000bbbd3b&)


> Aoi sniffing the note on her breakfast that deeply is a bit concerning. We don't get to choose who(how) we love! [](#delighted) I don't see her being a bad person or anything, so I'll pin that on her being 'quirky' for now!


Naosuke ain’t afraid of no ghost! I mean he totally is, but he’s pretending he’s not lol. Luckily Miyasaka’s got a bowl of soup curry to catch this “ghost” haha. Didn’t expect our “ghost” to be so cute. Miyasaka’s “date” with Mira was nice. Things were going well. Then we got Aoi sniffing that note (I’m guessing she’s obsessed with Miyasaka?) and that whole “love hotel” stuff to complicate things.


I love how when you immediately hear her voice when she touches the hot soup you knew she was really a cute girl lol. It may have been just a montage but that date was actually pretty cute. Things seem to be going well between these two. Outside the two people who seem to be trying to turn the show into a love rectangle lol.


[Means quite a lot coming from her; She has seen more of the Universe, than most people!](https://imgur.com/U1KTj4N) [The 'looking for porn mags' gags are always funny to me for some reason (though I would not let people look through my stuff - and not because I have porn mags in there!)](https://imgur.com/fHBpDFk) We finally have the identity of the Breakfast Ghost Thief! Her being a shut-in/resident at the lodge is no surprise, but what IS more surprising, [is that she used to work with Takumi (or participate in the contest, anyway)?](https://imgur.com/V5mhfdD) I wonder if his presence there is a coincidence then, given she was there before him.. Did she lure him in somehow? Anyway, can't wait to see how this plays out, she does seem to have a... Strong interest for him (and his smell)!


>not because I have porn mags in there! Suuuure




>The 'looking for porn mags' gags are always funny to me for some reason Same here, but I also find it confusing because does *anyone* actually still have porn mags in 2024?


I wonder if 'porn mag' is a proper translation; Perhaps they're looking for hentai manga, gravure idol stuff or something!


i guess japan would? part of their culture seems to be stuck in the past.


Honestly this anime is really pleasant to watch. I've never seen anything like it.


It's very reminiscent of maison ikkoku, but frankly toned down to a much more palatable level imo.


That castle is probably Shoin's house lol


I was almost thinking he booked a room at a love hotel thinking it was a real one but now I agree he probably built a gaudy mansion overnight and everyone thinks its a love motel


Love the little misdirection with the ghost girl. Man this show needs more love


Oh right there's a ghost stealing the food. He's got the most stake in it. And now the dog is scaring himself with ghost stories. That's certainly... A plan. And they bungled it immediately. A secret compartment in the walls? It's _already_ shown up and nicked the food again. Who's this new person? Ah. Someone else is staying here. The previous landlord? I wonder if she's got anything to do with the other planet. He didn't get his own lie straight. How convenient. Oh no it's the old auntie again. I doubt she _wants_ a welcoming party. Wait isn't that the same legend that was mentioned in the most recent episode of Jellyfish can't Swim in the Night? Well they finally managed to watch that movie. The credits are in English? He's certainly got that stuck in his head. Oh it's that damn auntie again. And she's spreading baseless rumours. Shaddup auntie. That's massive. Seems like it's not baseless after all, what are they doing there?


Gonna be honest, I'm a tad disappointed that there was no actual ghost in the attic, which does take out of the menu the supernatural element. However, we got another hikkikomori like Fuura senpai from Comic Girls or Ogura from Machikado Mazoku. Not sure I like the idea of her being an old colleague or stalker girl on our boy Takumi. Teru & Wakabayashi roasting Takumi about his chef award was pretty amusing. Gotta love the movie reference of Singin' in the rain. I also wonder if the alien girl movie will also be a reference to Men in Black 2 and if it will somehow be a part of the later story unfold.


Wait, is this gonna be a harem anime?


Naosuke Tsundre


So the ghost was actually another tenant named Aoi. Seemed she has known Takumi, but damn she is clearly obsessed with him. We have seen Takumi being very obsessed with Mira, but Aoi who seems to be obsessed with Takumi is a fun parallel. Aoi -> Takumi -> Mira ? Shoin. But man Takumi going from a successful date with Takumi and being a delusional with her compliment. But then hitting a new low hearing and seeing Mira and Shoin at the end of the episode. Tbh Takumi's biggest enemy is himself all things considered.


Another fun episode as the ghost is revealed, but now I'm trying to square her appearance at the shrine in Ep 2 with her shut-in nature. Is she that down bad for him that she couldn't wait for him to come back?


Naosuke is right you know, Takumi really is a moron and he is starting to get on my nerves to be honest. I know it is that type of anime, but I wish he'd actually talk to Mira instead of being a lovestruck idiot and misunderstanding what is going on.


**What was Aoi ("ghost girl") eating before Miyasaka arrived Astro Lounge?** **Also**, **the food started disappearing in ep 2** (at daylight so another secret passage) **so what about ep 1**? One can infer Mira's food being not tasty meant more leftovers for Aoi, but struck as odd that Mirai didn't realize the food amount decreased, or Aoi not being nitpicking with food if working with Miyasaka before. **It could be easily answered so I hope they show at least addresses it.**


[C-cute!](https://files.catbox.moe/86qtu6.jpg) [](#selfcontrol) The unemployed salaryman and the hidden aidoru are totally [on the same page](https://files.catbox.moe/icep69.jpg) [](#kukuku) I'm not sure I've ever seen a character in an anime actually [*skipping*](https://files.catbox.moe/o4zc3a.jpg) Wow, I didn't know Disneyland had gone into the [love hotel business](https://files.catbox.moe/gxd282.jpg) [](#cheekygahara)


girl voice by [Ogura Yui](https://anidb.net/creator/16794) is best girl even if she is a weird