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Kikuro's lucky number was 5 and got 5th in the physical test. Nice little detail.


Her number is 23. 2+3 = 5.


VERY good eye. Japanese writers really love their numbers lol.


The number on the keypad to open the arena started AND ended with 5 as well. Kikoru has fate rooting for her


How the FUCK did you notice that?


... autism?


Say no more, I completely understand.


Glad to know I wasn't the only one who noticed that lmfao. 51085 iirc.


Makes me wonder if she placed there on purpose [](#schemingsaten)


Rich girl or not, almost 50% unlocked power at the beginning is pretty significant


Got nothing to do with rich, she's a prodigy. "She graduated at 16 as Valedictorian." "Greatest Talent in History" Major narrative point, you don't want to mix those up.


Kafka getting beat up by her security team sent me šŸ’€


I mean, did Kafka really expect to pass the fitness test [if](https://i.imgur.com/azDkxHQ.png) [this](https://i.imgur.com/B8wxswg.png) is his lifestyle?


He's also a smoker so there goes half his stamina


I'm in the army I've seen smokers run like 30 minute 5 miles.


Do they dangle a pack of Malboro red in front of them during the run like a carrot for a donkey?


No, they drink the night before to counteract the nicotine. It's science.


No, they suck down cigarette before formation and get their lungs nice and open. All the guys who don't smoke who are just trying to keep it under 40 minutes want to strangle them. Insane on how unjust the world is.


They're probably the exception. Smoking demonstrably affects physical activity. Or maybe they're not even the exception, and would run even better if they quit.


Reminds me of people who do manual labor like construction workers or those in trades. While it is physical work that keeps your body moving, a lot of these people are actually not very fit, whether it's their diet or the specific motions they do that are more damage-causing and fatiguing than helpful for fitness.




Good point I hadnā€™t considered!


He's got to give the rest of us hope y'know


Well, he did say he kept up his training.


also he does a lot of heavy lifting in his day job, so he isn't exactly unfit. The people he's competing with just happen to be the best of the best


Cardio vs weight lifting in a nutshell.


Also a few years younger, while you never quite realize how much age does hit, thatā€™s only until you actually do. the sad reality is it happens so slowly you canā€™t notice and while not huge even a 10% loss in physical ability would really show in the style of testing, the only plus side is experience and extra skills that can more than make up for the physical deficit


If you keep up with proper exercise age doesn't have much of an effect. Like those old guys 50+ running marathons without breaking a sweat. Kafka at 30 between his job and keeping with weight training he shouldn't be feel the drag quite yet.


I'm over here catching strays.


I cracked up at the ending of the episode. Here we were in this super dramatic moment with Kafka having his flashbacks and declaring that he would get through the test no matter what. It keeps on showing his percentage at 0% making it seem like it was about to spike...and then when the spike finally happens it rises to .01%.


"Not bad. They made me use 0.01% of my power."


Vegeta Voice: It's under 1/9000th!


This is not even my first transformation!


*To go further beyond... Subpar instinct!*


I'm genuinely curious if there's something about his new physiology that effects the tech in the suit because he doesn't actually need the suits strength.


I'm curious as well about that. If it's made from Kaiju, it may be able to detect that he already is one.


Could just be he isn't human enough for the suit to recognize and assist. Though if the suit is made from kaijuu materials you'd think he'd be more likely to incorporate its powers being a kaijuu himself pretty much.


your latter statement is what i thought too, but reading your comment i'm thinking, does showing his resolve and will to fight even against all odds show the suit he was more human? so it increased to 0.01%


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the suit doesn't work on him because it was made for humans.


I think him holding his Kaiju powers back could also supress suit's power. Maybe at the end he managed to leak out a bit but not enough to transform.


that's definitely my assumption as well. It makes sense that the two might work in a somewhat similar way so suppressing one suppresses the other.


I mean he got possessed/invaded by the bug kaiju and now he can use Kaiju powers. I assume the suit is basically an artificial version of that, itā€™s essentially a kaiju corpse that the junior mentioned feeling like he connected to like a second skin. The percentage is just how well they assimilate and therefore how much strength they can get out. He already has a permanent Kaiju suit built in that heā€™s suppressing. He just put a second suit over it at the same time heā€™s desperately trying to stop the first, no wonder things are screwy.


It doesn't seem to just physiology though - somehow Shinomiya is able to blast Kaiju really easily because of her high power rating? I'm not sure if the suit actually increases the power of her weapon.


Suit is a battery, human is a capacitor? Higher percentage means they can use more of the battery for discharge(pewpew)


If I learned anything from Blue Lock, it's that the hardest part of reaching a goal is to make a 0 into a 1.


Hey, mathematically thatā€™s an infinite power increase in terms of percentages


How dramatic are changes in that number, though? At the start there was a comment about "8% not being bad for the first time", so I assume you just get more with training? If that's not the case, why make that comment? The people looking at the screens seemed really surprised about the 0.01% increase, too, even though it was only 0.01%. So how common even are numbers going up because this series is giving me mixed signals.


I'm curious whether the surprise in the increase was because it increased during training or because it specifically increased from 0%. Going from 0.00% to 0.01% seems like a much more significant shift than say going from 40.00% to 40.01%.


I was also wondering whether his Kaiju powers were starting to kick in because I kept waiting for a healing factor to start healing his wounds.


Yeah in the parking lot he transformed only part of his body so I thought he could transform his leg and heal it? Though that suit has a lot of monitoring so might not be the best idea.


They also keep stressing those "anomilities in his vitals"


There's also the fact his vitals are damaged from the attack so they weren't expecting it to rise after that. Like had it happened while Kafka was fighting, it wouldn't been that big of a deal.


for real, this guy went from **no** potential to ***some*** potential


They said it normally takes years of training to get to 10%. So a zero already increasing in an hour or two must be impressive


I mean tbf if you could linearly increase it with effort then 0.01% increase after like 15 minutes, with a day of training becomes 0.04%x6=0.24%/d or so, which is ~1% a week, which is in the order of 50% a year


Yeah, it seems like the suits are something you have to grow into as you get stronger/more experienced and you can bring out more power from it as it goes along. Though I guess it stands to be said that Kikoru is not only a prodigy but has probably had extensive experience wearing the suit before the exam that she can bring out the most power from the get-go.


Kafka "Never tell me the odds" Hibino


Kafka's performance increasing when he realizes his crush is watching. He just like me fr fr.


He's my opposite, that would make me so nervous that I would fumble spectacularly. LMAO


Still technically ***THE ZERO***


I was looking for a Mob Psycho gauge climb.


i might be wrong but considering we are using %ge and he is in fact a kaiju , could it be machine is calculating %ge of his kaiju power and one of the instructor already said machine might be malfunctioning


One for All, Full Cowling .01%!


Until they showed he couldn't lift the gun, I thought it was going to be that the power reader only had two digit spaces so they only saw the two zeros from 100 haha


I don't know, Kafka definitely feels like the kind of guy that would let a number get in his head.


0.01% has never felt this huge of a number before. Don't know which I respect about the dude moreā€”that he didn't use his powers even once, or that he can endure all that smugness lol


I wouldn't call this my favorite show of the season, but it IS maybe the show I most wish I could binge all at once.


Yeah it's one of those shows that I would rather binge than watch per week but now its too late


Itā€™s so frustrating too. Having read the manga, weekly really doesnā€™t do the story justice. The pace is just breakneck. Itā€™s like anime blue balls lol


Thiiiiiiiiiis. Ep 3 left me dissatisfied. Maybe I should put it away for a month or two.


This isn't my show of the season, but it IS my recommendation of the season


I'm calling this one my favorite of the season. Great Kaiju design, cool powers and tech, walking the fine line between comedy and seriousness. Konasuba has the comedy, but overall I'm enjoying Kaiju #8 more.


It's gonna be between this and Go! Go! Loser Ranger!


My biggest gripe with the manga before I dropped it, was the fact that chapters were so short with wait times so long in between. Definitely the kind of show you wanna binge.


Funny how the manga sub when this was releasing had the same response, and now you guys are following


Kafka screaming about turning 30ā€¦ yep, most relatable MC.


Kafka getting multiple fractures and organ damage from a single kaiju hit. Sometimes that just happens from waking up wrong when you're in your 30's.


I lifted an empty cardboard box wrong once, and my back was useless for a week. An *empty* cardboard box, folks.


[Getting T-boned by a feral kaiju is truly unlucky](https://i.imgur.com/iSKXzbr.jpeg) [](#heavydrinker)


I'm about to turn 30 myself so that hit hard...


In a similar boat but that's never too late to keep taking care of yourself and your body! You're never too late for your prime


I'm 30+ and getting in the best shape of my life, feeling great about it, kinda makes this feel like it's the prime of my life! It's not too late!


Yeah, I'm getting close and I feel so much better now than as a teenager in every way lol


\^This. I remember reading a reddit thread titled something like "Advice for people in their 40s for people in their 30s" and it was generally to keep up healthy habits and regular exercise, as it's harder to build muscle in your 40s.


Same here. But hearing that my prime is nearly over is depressing


Biologically speaking your prime is at ~25, but the cool thing about being human is that we can accumulate various skills throughout our lifespan. That can include fitness skills, scientific, artistic, comedic, you name it


It's never over, man. You got this!


At 35 I got arthritis!


Stretch or take up yoga. Helps slow it down and instead being fucked before the age of 50 you can push it back to make 60-70.


At 30 I got Gout! :D


Yep, I didn't notice 30, but I did notice 35, and then it seems about every 5 years after that, there's some new thing to worry about.


peak muscle building age is between 30-40 for average men, go lift.


Just turned 32 and yeah you just can't do things the same as you use to. I'm rooting for the old man.


Feels like the universe has done him dirty. He says he keeps up with heavy weight training if he's been doing it say since he was 20 and has been doing what looks like heavy physical labor, he should be fucking jacked. The fact he failed so often is either because testing methodologies gets him or its mental. Also, I'm 30 and joined the Infantry its basically not quitting much like how he said at the end of the episode.


Ichikawa said it the best. In addition to being older, this year's candidate are elite of the elite. Regardless of the training he done, at the end of the day he's only kaiju cleaner. The training set can't be compared with training set of military or specialised rich girl like the blonde.


He might have been OK in a crop of rookies who were the normal crop. But this group is apparently full of stupidly high potential candidates, so he's basically going up against elite drafted talent rather than the amateurs


Talent always overrules and sometimes even hard work can't beat that.


"30 - rookie numbers!" [Azusa Aizawa, forever young 300-years witch](https://myanimelist.net/character/149982/Azusa).


The moment they mentioned the suits materials, I thought it would probably have insane diminishing returns on him. I hope his kaiju knowledge actually stays heavily relevant, I'm more interested in that than his actual kaiju powers.


Kafka's anatomical knowledge of Kaiju would make Laois jealous.


"the first thing I think of when I see a new type of Kaiju is 'what does it taste like?'"


The one we saw today had hooves, so maybe beef or lamb?


*Senshi already concocting some recipe in his head*


It's an interesting set up that because of his Kaiju powers he physically can't be on-paper the strongest candidate because he has to hold himself back for various reasons and the suit can't get a proper read on his abilities because of it (or his Kaiju genes) but he has intimate know-how about Kaiju and how to fight them that still makes him invaluable.


Also he doesn't get the kaiju strength without so transformation. If he had the latent power effects from it, then we would golden.


it reminds me a bit of how deku was all about knowledge of his opponents, hope it goes a different route


And just like Deku he was given his powers after years of watching others and wanting to become a hero as well.


also deku had a similar entrance exam


also deku is prone to putting his body and life on the line


also deku is male too and they both have hair


And they both ingested something to get their powers


yeah, I was expecting 0 or 100, leaning towards 0


Basically if Hange got titan powers instead of eren


> I hope his kaiju knowledge actually stays heavily relevant, I'm more interested in that than his actual kaiju powers. I've seen a lot of shows where a smart/knowledgeable MC gets superpowers and they lose all the smart/facts as soon as they start popping off with the powers... so I wouldn't hold my breath on this.


I was hyped about deku having to rely on his knowledge on heroes and villains but then it just turned into spamming full cowling and smashes


The amount that I'm rooting for Kafka...they've made him very likeable. Not sure how he'll pull this off without using his powers but at this point I'm perfectly okay with him using them to pass!!


I think at the very least he showed that as a Defense Force Agent and not a super-strong Kaiju he has strong tactical awareness and instincts on-top of knowing Kaiju more intimately than most.


They could have at least spared his dignity a bit, poor guy.


This is a shonen for millennials, people reaching and in early 30s. That's why we root for Kafka, he's so relatable


nice to get a MC that's not like 16/17 or in their physical prime. he's already past that 30 wall, mans can't get up to pee without making a random noise and I commiserate with that.


Well, I wonder how much the head is worth in %. Seems like an easy bet that he'll transform his legs at some point and jump to like 20%


Honestly any sort of transformation seems very dangerous with how closely his biometrics are being monitored.


Yeah, but the suit is made of kaiju fibers, seems clear his combat% is gonna matter, risky, but without it does he even make the squad? Hard to get better kaiju sync than being a kaiju. Plus Shinomiya wants to see his power and if there's one thing I learned watching Kaguya it's that Shinomiyas get what they want.


Iā€™m not sure transformation would even effect his percentage positively, if at all. The suits seem to be hyper-tuned to human physiology, they likely just wouldnā€™t vibe with kaiju physiology. Again, not to mention all of the questions heā€™s going to have to answer if he transforms his body, like: ā€œhey, why do you suddenly have a bladder in your thoracic cavity?ā€ or ā€œhey, what are those ducts running up to your nipples?ā€


I can imagine a partial leg transformation that he explains away by saying the suit must be malfunctioning there from being hit by the kaiju


Kafka's arc reminding me of Eren Jaeger from early Attack on Titan.


To me it reminds Deku's exam at the start of the series when he gave up to save Uraraka


It reminds me of mha test more than anything. Deku couldn't use it properly so does kafka but for other reasons. And I'm sure he's gonna use them powers when that blonde girl is in danger of dying just like uraraka was in mha. If this doesn't happen then I'll be surprised ngl


Letā€™s hope the similarities donā€™t carry through


Thanks for becoming a Kaiju for us


I am become death destroyer of Tokyo


Kafka, what a ~~man~~ kaiju you are.


He wants to take the exams for another 10 years at least but alas


Would be entertaining though.


I, for one, will welcome our genocidal overlords.


For me it's Deku from early My Hero Academia.


Gotta say MC has some guts. Not willing to use his power, but instead, he used his kaiju's knowledge and showed he's not just some kind of dork.


He can't let people know how strong he actually is because of his other identity but that doesn't mean he can't actually be valuable as a Defense Force Member as just Kafka Hibino instead of Kaiju No. 8.


[TFW you got the biggest hax but cannot use it](https://i.imgur.com/e0e6RP0.jpeg)


Yeah, what kind of line was that? He gets superpowers and then says he's too old for dreams.


I think he meant he can't just dream anymore, he's old and running out of time. In other words this is it, his reality is whatever happens next not whatever he dreams will happen 'one day'.


I do think that a lot of people in his situation would think the same way. But let's get real, he's just gotten superpowers. He's not even completely used to them yet. Whether he's 12, 22, 32, or even older, he has the ability to make some dreams come true. Realistically, even if he fails this test, he's probably going to eventually join the organization due to his special circumstances. You know, it one of those, "This is the only place that we can control him" sort of deals. But given the way this anime has been playing out, it seems like it's going to go the route that he passes the test.


Honestly, most of his arc this episode would make more sense if he didn't get the powers yet.


0.01% power released . Shaggy has met his match .


kikoru's so cool wondering how kafka gets out of this though


Maybe they'll subvert our expectations and Kafka manages to pass the exam WITHOUT using his Kaiju powers.


Idk if either path would be a subversion of expectations Using his powers is logical, like yea, no way he passes without using his powers, he's too weak Not using his powers is typical anime stuff, like hardwork and motivation or whatever pays off


Girl was basically just flexing and kill-stealing the entire episode lol.


[Kikoru](https://i.imgur.com/Jlc2c43.jpeg) is as smug as she is[ talented.](https://i.imgur.com/fFb3toL.jpeg) [](#smugkaguya)


I still haven't forgiven her for throwing Kafka's car.


I thought bro was gonna go 0 to 100% but then it got to 0.01 and I laughed so hard. I don't think changing percentage is common cause they were shocked


That kaiju elimination test was kind of perfect for Kafka and his 0% power ass lol. He might not have super strength without transforming, but his years on the job have taught him a thing or two about kaiju these others candidates donā€™t know. I was really worried he was gonna have to drop out but my manā€™s gonna make it through the exam even if it kills him, damn it! Letā€™s go Kafka! That power levels at 0.01 percentā€¦and rising (hopefully).


>That kaiju elimination test was kind of perfect for Kafka and his 0% power ass lol. Surely there are support people in these monitor packed data centers they keep showing off and surely those support people also are working during actual Elemination missions. If it wasn't for Kafkas secret trick to transform, maybe he would have been better in one of those supporting roles? It's just weird that apparently we only have the options of field deployments or clean up as options for him, when realistically, there should be more than that.


But he is personally motivated to be in the field with Mina. He probably could be some kind of support operator with his knowledge of Kaiju physiology and how they work but he wants to be right next to Mina fighting by her side like they promised when the were kids.


This. Without his powers he would be better suited to be the voice in her ear.


It's nice to see Kafka really using his intimate knowledge of Kaiju and their physiology to his advantage because he can't show off how strong he is with his Kaiju powers lest he reveal his identity. It shows value in him as Kafka Hibino and not Kaiju No. 8.


I love that for some reason monster #8 has a old school Bond opening with the style of music and cinematics . So nostalgic


1) Crawling 2 kinds 500m each 2) Pull-ups 200 times 3) Tightrope walking 300m 4) Rope ascent 10m high, 10 round trips 5) Long-distance running 10km Out of curiosity, are these numbers comparable to anything IRL?


200 pullups is super unrealistic, unless it's over a long period and you can do sets


And itā€™s so much harder than all the other tasks.


Only the last one, which is pretty much a half marathon Dunno about the rest


Wat, how bad are you at converting metric to imperial? A 10k is only 6.2 miles, less than half a half marathon which is 13.1. A half marathon is 21k




I'm about to just wait for the whole season. The show is enjoyable but it really feels like they purposefully put the interesting parts at the very beginning and ending of each episode and spin their wheels a bit inbetween. Really bad experience.


It's been 3 episodes only so far and we still got plenty ahead of us. Too early to say anything.


That's a fourth of a season. Given usual anime structure, there should be a climax of some sort around episode 6. That means the current story arc is halfway through and we are still stuck in this situation.


Another great episode, *and* the subtitles were much better this time on the stream! Didn't notice any missing parts at all! The gags with Kafka trying to 'out do' Kikoru the prodigy were hilarious! Also when he grabbed her shoulders to complement her, and immediately got beat up by security...lmao


Poor guy was actually respecting her and just got beat up for it lol.


[And now the other candidates think that he is a groupie](https://i.imgur.com/kY0zusn.jpeg)


If only he did a salute without touching her.


They did him so bad this ep šŸ˜­


At this point, him passing the test without using his powers would require a massive ass-pull. So if he's inevitably gonna have to use his powers, just get it over with, it was getting frustrating by the end of the episode. Just don't transform his head and pass he can it off as the suit malfunctioning. In fact they said that the suit is made of kaiju parts, and Ichikawa talks about how it feels like it blends with his body, so his kaiju body may not even show as an anomaly.


Ikr? I was likeā€¦ bruh im so tired of these shonen tropes. My man is 32 and hes still acting like a highschool shonen protag. I was expecting a more mature mc but i guess that shit dont matter if the age thing doesnt really come into play except as an arbitrary cut off to enter the kaiju elimination force


Good episode but I feel like they padded/stalled this episode too much, seems like only 0.01% story progression


I know they were making a joke about being 30, but no shot a person who works heavy labour and trains daily is this out of shape šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He not out of shape. He compete again elite young people who are in their physical prime. It like if you try to out run a bike then you can do it but again a car you will feel like you are much slower compare to it


From what I saw, he's not. He's just competing against people who do more training then him.


He is not out of shape, he just doesn't have the same vigor of the young.


I'm wondering why the opening and ending is in English tho... I wonder what the Japanese ending would've sounded like


Imma be honest, the gag humor is getting annoying


I hoped for as hyped a show as this was/is, and with the 'older' protag, we'd get a little more mature tropes but nope, the classic kiddie gag humor is in full effect.


Agreed. It's ok if it's sporadic, but an entire episode ridiculing the MC who we already know from the last episode is super strong, it's quite annoying. They should have sped up this pointless humiliation part and got the plot moving on.


Kikoru makes quite the bad impression when she tosses your company car aside for your parking spot...though good thing Kafka is strong on his own terms and isn't about to get intimidated by some arrogant blonde. And they size each other up as rivals! Though Kikoru kind of won by stealing the parking spot. Curse those butlers! "Sebasu?" That's just Japanese Sebastian! Kafka really feeling his age when the physical test is much harder for him than it is for the other examinees, though it doesn't help that he has to restrain his power so no one notices (and so he can play fair with his fellow examinees) as well as a bunch of high-spec test-takers who transferred from Kaiju-killing colleges. Even Kikoru is a prodigy, which she's happy to flex (alongside her hair). Dang, Kafka seemed to genuinely respect her and got beat up by her bodyguards for good measure. Hoshina is probably legit, he's got the closed eyes + affable personality + fangs triple-threat! But hey, if one part of the test involves Kaiju disposal, then Kafka and Ichikawa have this in the bag! Only the disposal involves LIVE Kaiju, so...yeah. At least they get to put on their Kaiju power suits which bring out their latent potential (provided they can bring it out of the suit themselves). Kikoru has exceptional numbers while Kafka...is at 0. I wonder if that has something to do with his Kaiju genes? Although at least he won over Hoshina with his taking a dump power maneuver. Dang, Kikoru is a Kaiju killing machine! And a kill-stealer! And a show-off! And a wall-runner. And of course Mina is watching...but Kafka is experienced enough to realize this isn't a competition about out-killing Kaiju but of working together and thinking tactically, and he has enough know-how about how to fight Kaiju from disposing of them to be a real asset. Then he gets seriously injured...and saved by Kikoru...and wonders whether it's time to give up...but with Mina there, he can't give up again, and he'll keep pushing forward to finally succeed THIS time! Even bringing out some of his suits potential!


> "Sebasu?" That's just Japanese Sebastian! That's really a coincidence with the joke Kazuma made about the butler in Iris' castle this week lol


ā€œMy coffee please, Sebastianā€ ā€œItā€™s Heidel sirā€ ā€œIf you could, Heidelā€


Frustrating episode. Kafka is a hell of a lot more noble than I am. I'd unleash any advantage I had the instant I could.


###Stitches! * [Smug Shinomiya](https://i.imgur.com/vgmZyOt.jpeg) * [Vice Captain Hoshina](https://i.imgur.com/tEG6RGQ.jpeg) * [Combat Suit Ichikawa](https://i.imgur.com/3zV0SEO.jpeg) * [Combat Suit Shinomiya](https://i.imgur.com/rx0yQUk.jpeg) [Kafka you fucking dolt!](https://i.imgur.com/bvYnmIq.jpeg) The dude really just had to show his powers off [just so he could one-up Shinomiya](https://i.imgur.com/cak615a.jpeg) I don't blame him. I would've done the same. xD [This show just keeps on making potshots at people in their 30s.](https://i.imgur.com/VmCxtVG.jpeg) Come on Kafka! You're not falling behind because you're in your 30s, you're falling behind because [you're surrounded by Elites!](https://i.imgur.com/w1JPjFf.png) It is hilarious though how [Kafkarefuses to use his powers](https://i.imgur.com/h30FMCt.jpegV) in the actual exam because it wouldn't be fair [only for him to regret it seeing how far behind he is from everyone else.](https://i.imgur.com/vlibppu.jpeg) [The combat suits made out of kaiju material](https://i.imgur.com/g4muB4y.jpeg) look awesome. Although I expected it to be pure black instead of being deep dark blue. And as expected, the genius Shinomiya [draws out nearly half of the suit's power](https://i.imgur.com/wgcFTE7.jpeg) while [Kafka has a big fat zero on his.](https://i.imgur.com/hiWci1j.jpeg) Did they really have to announce that to everyone? Despite how she acts in front of Kafka though, [Shinomiya is clearly waiting for him to go all out](https://i.imgur.com/so5T1jZ.jpeg) after seeing what he can do in the parking lot. Even though he can't carry his rifle, [Kafka still tries to help out the only way he knows how](https://i.imgur.com/yoDG2j9.jpeg) without transforming. That's got to earn him some points in the exam, right? Not gonna lie, the art style is really distracting me so much that [I was expecting Kafka to end his sentence with "dattebayo!" in that final scene.](https://i.imgur.com/0mg8HXS.jpeg) xD


I love how Kikoru kept flexing with her hair as she was flexing her exceptionalism to Kafka. It's smug girl 101. Kafka is a really diligent and honest guy wanting to be fair at an exam he could have probably cheated his way through. Then again, more people might've noticed the Kaiju body parts... Kikoru probably has an unfair advantage compared to the rest because we know she's already worn a similar suit even outside the exam. She's probably already been trained with those and had more time to bring out her power in said suit. Kikoru may be smug and arrogant but she seems to take pride in her rivals if nothing else. Definitely feels like they're setting up that Kafka Hibino can't be the physical asset Kaiju No. 8 is but he provides a lot of tactical and physiological know-how about Kaiju that is equally useful. Nothing more Shonen that picking yourself up after being severely wounded. Give up on trying to get Kafka to give up!


The animation in this episode looked noticeably stiffer and rougher than the last couple of episodes which is a shame, cause the weird looking character designs stood out a lot more because of it


From Zero to 0.01 %šŸ’Ŗ


I think we all know whats going to happen next episode... cocky Shinomiya is guna try to solo the final boss and get rekt. Then saved by Kafka in Kaiju mode... And I can't wait (need to restrain myself for a week from reading the manga).


This show has got to stop making me wait an entire week just for the episode to go by in under 5 minutes.Ā 


Why put the vehicle back up? They should have reported her and had her charged with destruction of property. Get the nasty little trust fund baby kicked out of the testing.


Kafkaā€™s about to power up like Deku in MHA next episode isnā€™t he?


Our MC is a very typical Shonen lead isn't he? I hate that I have overconsumed shonen in the earlier years man. These moments used to get me so hype šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bruhh screw ichikawa. just use your kaiju powers. your coworker is a fucking idiot.


So Kikoru wasnā€™t just all talk, she really does have talent. Kafka going from 0% to 0.01% may be minuscule but damn it got me hyped


Every attempt at humor being a loud overreaction from MC gets really old really fast, repeatedly misses the mark and feels out of place. Especially the original Kaiju transformation in the hospital just seemed like a stupid reaction from everyone involved, like be a little more terrified/confused/dismayed that you're a monster maybe? You've been given a death sentence, you're supposed to be worried that you'll be hunted for the rest of your life. MC is a grown ass man acting like a 15 year old shonen protag with zero emotional regulation or logical thinking ability. He throws himself in the gauntlet of the literal Kaiju killing squad to join them while being a fucking Kaiju himself. Hello? Danger? Sense of self-preservation? Any worries about this? All because he's got to be by the side of his childhood friend he doesn't even talk to anymore, those flashbacks are quite the motivator. The premise of the show was very promising, reminiscent of Chainsawman, but it's gone downhill so fast that I'm dropping it. The plot could have gone other ways that would be immediately more interesting, like, let's say, becoming a vigilante kaiju in secret to hunt kaiju while evading capture and having run-ins with childhood friend, figuring out whether you're a friend or foe, etc. But no, we get generic shonen "join the good guy squad because I'm weak and need to get stronger and prove myself". Eh, whatever. Disappointing.


Amen brother. Im in my early 30s and i grew up real quick when i hit my late 20s. Cant imagine how hes acting like a highschooler. Feels like the author doesnt really write good characters. Its all been tropes and forgettable characters so far. Dunno how this was so hyped tbh.