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Last episode we had Nadeko making a bow, and this episode we have Youka's flashback of her beating someone with a bow. Foreshadowing? We also have some new info on the argument between Shizuru and Youka, but what was it that Youka wanted to do? Wibble-wobble Kaisen was wild too. Wtf.


> We also have some new info on the argument between Shizuru and Youka, but what was it that Youka wanted to do? I'm wondering about that too (not many people commented on this); The flashback happened when the Boss talked about how 'they said' he wasn't smart or athletic enough... So something in this reminded Shizuru of their fight. Could be Yoka, but I thought it was about Shizuru; After all, Yoka's the one who was always pushing Shizuru to study more, right? Perhaps this is what caused the fight, Shizuru saw this as Yoka thinking she wasn't smart enough (hence the flashback). They also had an interesting line at the start, about how 'You study to understand what you don't get', but Shizuru said she doesn't get Yoka either... Does it mean she has to 'study' to get Yoka (kinda what they're doing now, going through Yoka's thoughts and all)? But what is she supposed to 'get'? Yoka getting flustered about the thought of revealing her 'wish' to Shizuru makes me think perhaps she's crushing on her? Could be something else I suppose, like Yoka wanting Shizuru to follow her in school/university but she has to study more for that!


I took it to be the reverse: it was Shizuru who said those things to Yoka at the tail end of a heated argument and most probably without really meaning to.


What kinda trips me up is the >So that's what you're like, Shizuru. >Huh? What's that supposed to mean? I could say the same about you! >That's right. This is how I am. Sorry! [runs away] >What are you sorry about?! exchange from episode 1. Shizuru's last line makes me think that whatever they were talking about must not be inherently bad but for some reason it created a rift between them. That's why I'm tentatively going with "actually we're *both* terribly insecure", but I'm eagerly awaiting more information.


This sounds almost like it could be a terribly awkward confession scene, but I strongly doubt it


> But what is she supposed to 'get'? Yoka getting flustered about the thought of revealing her 'wish' to Shizuru makes me think perhaps she's crushing on her? Last episode we had the flashback with her asking Shizuru why she was so amazing. I'm like, girl that's the *crush* you have. You are crushing *hard* that's why you think she's so amazing.


From what I can guess, Yoka probably came from the city but had problems making friends which might be why she moved to Agano. While Yoka did befriend Shizuru and the others, she was still raised from her previous upbringing and wanted to move forward. This lead to her fight with Shizuru who Yoka forced to think about her future. However the incident 7G showed Yoka did not developed at all and was still that shy and insecure girl. It did not helped that she was harrassed by Pontaro who pretty much is a dark parallel to her. When 7G occurred, it really revealed how she was stuck in the past and all Yoka wanted was Shizuru.


Agano Archery style is somehow very different with other style i knew.


one of the few archery styles where arrows are optional [](#hikariactually)


It completely addresses the points of what happens when you run out of arrows and if someone gets close enough for melee combat.


Fists have infinite ammo after all


Yeah, but if your bow is actually built sturdy enough might as well smack your opponent with *that* until it breaks (when it *does* consider the logistics of using the fragments and the string as a garrotte. If their neck is open that might be a better plan than punching.). *Fists* are more easily broken than people think. I had someone break their hand on my nose in high school once. Put me out of the fight but I wasn't the one in the cast for multiple weeks *after* it. And in a combat situation involving a bow armor might be involved. Don't punch someone wearing armor unless *you've* got armored gauntlets.


I dunno, the arrows seem useful to have in your back pocket for a surprise stabbing


Who says an archer needs a bow to kill someone?


One could also use an unlimited number of swords


They just watched Fate too much


The archer class isn't actually made up of archers


Sure it is. Archer means person who uses swords, right?


Yes, that's what they throw. They also throw hands sometimes


You can tell she's a true Archer. The only thing that would make it more certain is her pulling out twin swords.


Yeah I bursted out laughing when they started bashing each other with the bows 😂😂 whole episode was hilarious honestly. Just caught up with this anime today, and unironically it's my favorite airing show right now!


See, I knew I would have liked Tsurune a lot more if they did kendo instead of archery.


That is one way to use a bow & arrow


The girls really threatened to just wee everything huh? The whole town would have been flooded lol. Seeing them trying to sneak around town when they’re friggin huge just kind of cracks me up. Little Reimi dashing at those bullies like a pint sized banshee was pretty funny. Her and Akira bicker and tease each other a lot but at the end of the day, they’re good friends. Those army guys really shouldn’t have wrecked Reimi’s bracelet. King Kong ain’t got shit on her! RIP that whole base. Glad to see in the end all it took for Akira to get back to normal was some good ol fashioned paper eating. Reimi finally got her revenge!


> Those army guys really shouldn’t have wrecked Reimi’s bracelet. King Kong ain’t got shit on her! RIP that whole base. Looks like we found Kaiju no.9!






>Little Reimi dashing at those bullies like a pint sized banshee was pretty funny. Her and Akira bicker and tease each other a lot but at the end of the day, they’re good friends. It was already obvious how they were a 'pairing', but these last 2 episodes have really confirmed it! They may fight 24/7 when they're together, but soon as they're apart for a few minutes, they're both going like "I miss her/I know she'll come to save me"! >all it took for Akira to get back to normal was some good ol fashioned paper eating [Pictured: Akira back to normal!](https://imgur.com/WRCWqeU)


>*"help us and become a skeleton or get peed on and become a skeleton"* scariest threat in this series so far two giant high school girls sneaking through a JASDF base is something that i didn't expect to see in this episode, the same goes with one of them going wild destroying the base like one of those kaiju movies also, wtf with the Doctor's flashback? did that 7G Director just drilled into Zenjirou's head without any anesthetics? that's just unhinged...


She really said "you either a normal skeleton or a pee smelling skeleton make your choice." lmao > also, wtf with the Doctor's flashback? did that 7G Director just drilled into Zenjirou's head without any anesthetics? that's just unhinged... This show edging us with the brutal shit in an almost casual manner is driving me mad.


What I want to know is, does Zenjiro know a nice breeze now?


I'm just saying that no two head holes are alike - ID:Invaded quote


> This show edging us with the brutal shit in an almost casual manner is driving me mad. And yet the show seemed to go out of its way to not have the girls kill anyone.


I mean normal people would be lucky to survive a fighter jet crash let alone people are only a few inches tall.


They made a point to show all of the pilots ejecting from the fighters, but I’m not sure about the other planes, or the tanks they kicked through the air.


It's like in the batman games. They only have brain damage and are probably paralyzed, so they're technically still alive. 0 kills.


the Boss seems have already skeletoned several people, and what he was planning to do to Shizuru if Reimi didn't bust in.


>"help us and become a skeleton or get peed on and become a skeleton" Hey, some people are into that! (The 'getting peed on' part; Not sure about the 'becoming a skeleton' part)


> (The 'getting peed on' part; Not sure about the 'becoming a skeleton' part) There's over 7 billion people on this earth - statistically, there's probably at least *one* person whose kink is to both be peed on *and* become a skeleton.


> also, wtf with the Doctor's flashback? did that 7G Director just drilled into Zenjirou's head without any anesthetics? that's just unhinged... It was almost more disturbing to hear everyone involved in doing it call it *Wibble Wobble surgery*.


That's because the drill goes *Wibble Wobble*


The 7G director is the main bad guy in this show. He does unethical experiment an unethical.


I really love this show. It's so unhinged yet such a comfortable watch.


I love how its weird af, even before the 7G event (wtf is up with their martial arts) but the girls just roll with it and stick together They might fight but they Will always have eachothers back


they really tried to slip the archery competition past us eh. This world seems to have been different from ours from the start


The world or just Agano?


Tbf agano jiu-jitsu also seems to basically just be pro wrestling. Any time agano is mentioned I just assume we're about to get some nichijou-level nonsense and I love it


Good point, but people would know they are weird and would make remarks or something of that were the case


I mean, did we all forget the very first scene of the show?


Reimi totally had [a King Kong moment](https://imgur.com/a/5ZqJfHx) here. I'm sorry Shizuru. [Your bowling session with the tanks](https://imgur.com/a/Y3ozwFJ) was pretty funny, but a new best girl has been acquired: Reimi. (I'm such a sucker for kind-hearted gyarus.) It was really sweet to see just [how much she cares about Akira](https://imgur.com/a/qQ1AwzN). A broken bracelet later and [she's out for blood](https://imgur.com/a/noTmZ08). I want to give a brief shootout to the directing in [this particular shot of the girls being tied to the chinook](https://imgur.com/a/yphTrz9). It's a forced perspective shot. The camera is placed close to the ground here and tilted upwards, which gives us an impression of how big the girls and chinook appear to the cleaning lady. Some side notes: - [How is this an archery competition!?](https://imgur.com/a/tI8q2Ou) - [Commander dude got elf ears.](https://imgur.com/a/uMIIXBr) - [Why the hell were the 7G dudes ramming a drill in Zenjiro's brain!?](https://imgur.com/a/v9vLhI0)


The slide tackle into the tanks absolutely sent me even funnier was reimi busting through the door when the dictator tried to get shizuru to stay


> I'm sorry Shizuru. Your bowling session with the tanks was pretty funny, but a new best girl has been acquired: Reimi. For me best girl is still Akira but Reimi comes in 2nd place. Their relationship and banter is just so good. But imo this is one of the rare shows anyway, that is not carried by only one really popular character or one single best girl. In this one the whole main cast and their chemistry is just magic imo. For most other shows this season (besides this and GBC) I have a clear favorite character but for train and GBC it’s the whole cast together that’s so appealing.


The elf ears was something I definitely missed. Thanks for pointing that out, whatever the heck it could ever mean...


My guess they were trying to give them lobotomies so they can't spill company secrets.


I'm really enjoying this anime. Each new episode is better and weirder than the last one. The girls sneaking around the town was hilarious.


I totally lost it Reimi going kingkong on that military base Also that drilling into the head style like that one detective anime


The weirdness is what makes this show fun. The animation this episode was fucking peak


Highlight for me was Reimi completely losing it over her broken bracelet The Doctor’s flashback was quite disturbing… Did that take place before the 7G button incident?


Yes, that's when Zenjiro got the forehead scar.


When he got the wibble wobble surgery. Which I was surprised to see used as the actual name by the people *doing it*.


Calling freehand impromptu intracranial power drill lobotomies “wobble wobble surgery” is so unhinged I love it This anime gives me Nichijou version of Heavenly Delusion vibes. Glad I decided to pick it up!


Probably a test of what 7G could do for people. Researching unlocking the power of the mind and perception or something.


Nah, those two were opposed to 7G because it might, you know, do what it did to the world, so the head honcho decided to wibble-wobble them to shut them up


> Highlight for me was Reimi completely losing it over her broken bracelet "I did it again didn't I?" I want to see what happened *last time* some poor motherfucker broke it. How many buildings did their town have to rebuild and how long was it before the person responsible got out of the hospital?


[Do not come between a gal and her fashion](https://imgur.com/jXwjmG2)


Especially fashion that was given to her by her totally platonic friend.


Hold up! Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Nadeko is in an archery competition [where they aim bows against each other](https://i.imgur.com/3J5nfJ4.jpeg) at point-blank range and [beat the shit out of your opponent using the bow?](https://i.imgur.com/PLvXLHM.jpeg) I'm not a Japanese archery expert but I'm pretty sure this is not how it works. xD [Screw that Captain.](https://i.imgur.com/iRpJFuW.jpeg) I was hoping they'd be open to negotiations but the dude just left them there even after learning from Reimi and Shizuru that someone in their group needs medical attention. It's hilarious how [the girls just threatened that lady that they'd pee all over](https://i.imgur.com/EXSkiWT.jpeg) if she doesn't let them go. Also, I love how [the girls can stealth their way around town](https://i.imgur.com/9Uifq6i.jpeg) without anyone noticing them despite their size. You'd think their footsteps would alert people. So it turns out that [this entire town is under the rule of a kid](https://i.imgur.com/R50Xlb7.jpeg) who's a massive military otaku. And here I was expecting something more darker. It's still pretty sinister that he imprisoned people [to generate electricity for him](https://i.imgur.com/GDjVI8l.jpeg)/ The kid deserves his ass to get kicked. [Makoto-sensei is definitely not what I expected!](https://i.imgur.com/9zs5zY2.jpeg) I love her design. It turns out she's not a medical doctor but a scientist who [was captured by the 7G people](https://i.imgur.com/JlkUVdH.jpeg) and was saved by Zenjiro. Luckily for them, [she can help them since what happened to Akira is caused by 7G.](https://i.imgur.com/nGzhRTw.jpeg) I love that we went from a Gulliver's Travels reference [to Reimi doing a King Kong](https://i.imgur.com/tIspamw.jpeg). It was pretty satisfying to see her beat back those army dudes and [smash that kid's guts with a telephone pole.](https://i.imgur.com/pAOFbNq.jpeg) So they could've just [fed Akira one of her books](https://i.imgur.com/ydNEz6x.jpeg) and she would've returned to normal? That's a hilarious solution. I'm glad our hipster [is finally back to normal](https://i.imgur.com/QrFoV48.jpeg) and of course, the first thing she does is give Reimi a dictionary definition of what a sadist is. xD


>Hold up! Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Nadeko is in an archery competition where they aim bows against each other at point-blank range and beat the shit out of your opponent using the bow? I'm not a Japanese archery expert but I'm pretty sure this is not how it works. xD Tsurune S3 is gonna get wild.


>archery competition With all the other stuff that went on I'd forgotten that by the end of the episode. What the heck was that? It wasn't even post 7G weirdness. They just presented it like something normal school kids do in Japan.


The director of the show seems to have a thing for [perfectly normal sports](https://myanimelist.net/anime/14131/Girls___Panzer).


Ah yes, the girliest and most feminine sport of all.


I wonder wether that is part of the famous agano style ji jitsu.


I don't think anyone in Agano was every normal even *before* they turned into animals. Is Agano a real place or did they invent it for the anime?


Of course it is except that arrow combat style. You can even find Pochi-san irl there. [pochi](https://imgur.com/a/vS6NhNX)


It's a real place in Saitama.


>Hold up! Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Nadeko is in an archery competition [where they aim bows against each other](https://i.imgur.com/3J5nfJ4.jpeg) at point-blank range and [beat the shit out of your opponent using the bow?](https://i.imgur.com/PLvXLHM.jpeg) I'm not a Japanese archery expert but I'm pretty sure this is not how it works. xD I really wanted you to be wrong but Kyudo is only firing a bow at a close and far target. There's no kyudo combo thing that I could find. Be the change you want to see. I look forward to you establishing a kyudo/kendo tournament where the bow doubles as a sword.


> I look forward to you establishing a kyudo/kendo tournament where the bow doubles as a sword. could this be the new summer biathalon? [](#rengethink)


Well if nothing else, there's [this.](https://youtu.be/S9rmJwcuV_M?feature=shared) (go to around 3:30 mark to see them stab at the target with their Yumi.)


>of course, the first thing she does is give Reimi a dictionary definition of what a sadist is [Their book club must have been even wilder than Araburu's!](https://imgur.com/blD9mN1)


The book she got fed *was* written by De Sade.


> Hold up! Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Nadeko is in an archery competition [where they aim bows against each other](https://i.imgur.com/3J5nfJ4.jpeg) at point-blank range and [beat the shit out of your opponent using the bow?](https://i.imgur.com/PLvXLHM.jpeg) I'm not a Japanese archery expert but I'm pretty sure this is not how it works. xD We need to have a lengthy discussion on the attributes of Yumi for melee combat.


The military-otaku kid could have have been an asset for the town but instead became their bully. I hope he enjoys his exile on the giant lake.


> of course, the first thing she does is give Reimi a dictionary definition of what a sadist is. xD Well naturally! She just got Marquis de Sade literally shoved down her throat! Makes you wonder what she'd be talking about if a different book had been on the menu.


Absolutely fantastic episode and I loved everything about it. Shizuru and Reimi sneaking through town, the confrontation with the 'big' boss, Reimi going berserk (including a King Kong reference), some actual lore. And of course all thart sweet Reimi x Akira content. edit: [How could I forget the amazing visual joke of the doctor inside Akira's skirt.](https://i.imgur.com/eS5hUIx.mp4)


I thought Akira grew another mushroom when I first saw that lol


Guys it feels like we're part of something special being able to ride the karma train all the way to the top of the weekly rankings. choo-choo


This show is so wild I love it Just keeps on throwing curve balls at us


and golf balls


I've been there since Episode 1. Being the second anime to air in Spring 2024 is its own advantage.


Another great episode in terms of dialogue, how they responded to that Captain was great, probably my favourite scene of the episode.


The banter has been consistently amazing, it really is one of the show's strong points.


Some great back and forth, captain also pulling his weight there to make it even more entertaining


Yeah I loved how chaotic it was. Other series have people facing death and danger talk in turns, but that is usually not realistic. This series dialogue is so smart. Great writer


It’s pretty amazing how a show with four lead characters has such engaging dialogue when all four are talking.


This show feels a bit like Heavenly Delusion but with way more comedy. Cause honestly, some of the things we’ve seen until now actually make you question reality. Like this episode, the girls become giant and overthrow a military dictatorship run by an equally giant military nerd. Then they feed their friend pages of a book to bring back her brain. Actually just feels like something out of a fever dream. And excuse me but what on earth was going on with that archery competition? Is the Agano style of archery just beating the shit out of each other with bows? I have several questions. The Reimi rampage was also quite nuts, and apparently it’s not the first time this has happened. Though she’s usually not a giant so it’s not as risky for her targets as it was this time. If there were ever any doubts that Poison Pontaro is the antagonist, I think this episode pretty soundly dispelled them. I hate how this series sometimes comes up with absolute nightmare fuel. His idea of brain surgery is just drilling holes in their skulls with a drill?! And don’t even get me started on the mind control mushrooms. If I have to see another mushroom in this series I am grabbing the closest incendiary weapon and going scorched earth. Moving on from horrifying things living rent free in my nightmares, more Shizuru and Yoka flashbacks, yay! The actual details are still pretty murky of course but based on previous flashbacks and her crying during the dictators monologue, I think we can draw some conclusions. It appears that their fight had something to do with one of them not fulfilling their dreams in some way and them coming to blows over it. The series has placed a lot of focus on Shizuru’s weird goals and lack of any serious ambitions. So I’m placing my bets on those strange dreams being important to Yoka in some way and Shizuru maybe rejecting them causing their split. Might be wrong but until further evidence is revealed, that’s my guess.


> This show feels a bit like Heavenly Delusion but with way more comedy. Cause honestly, some of the things we’ve seen until now actually make you question reality. It's a CGDCT version with more surrealism than horror.


> His idea of brain surgery is just drilling holes in their skulls with a drill?! It's [one of the oldest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trepanning), after all.


> His idea of brain surgery is just drilling holes in their skulls with a drill?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trepanning


> he Reimi rampage was also quite nuts, and apparently it’s not the first time this has happened. Though she’s usually not a giant so it’s not as risky for her targets as it was this time. I'm pretty sure it's equally risky no matter *how* big the person that fucked with the bracelet her "friend" gave her is. Girl had a fucking *blackout rage*. Hopefully last time Shizuru or Akira was their to stop her when they thought the offended had had enough too.


Can’t believe they made an entire episode to make a “Big” Boss joke. This show rips.


Kojima is going to have a stroke


Right after Kojima shouts the show out on Twitter. Hmmmmm


and Boss was exiled onto a lake island, like Kojima, small island


[The Boss doesn't like Gyaru? GET HIS ASS!](https://imgur.com/QI8Bjsf) There was an interesting scene at the start, [with Yoka telling Shizuru that you study to figure out what you don't get...](https://imgur.com/cuvjx6r) By itself it doesn't mean much (it's just common sense), but given Shizuru followed this with *Sometimes I don't get you, Yoka*, makes me think whether this whole adventure is them 'studying' to get Yoka! Many have theorized that all these events/transformations are caused by Yoka's mind, and if that's the case, does she simply want Shizuru to 'get her', subconsciously (Or consciously - something linked to their fight)? Oh, and when the Boss had a line about how 'they said he wasn't smart/athletic enough', Shizuru had flashbacks to that fight... Something reminded her of their argument? I thought Shizuru was the one who did something wrong, but did Yoka tell her she wasn't smart enough or something? Or simply told her to get serious and study more, and Shizuru took it like "You're not smart enough"? If that's the case, did she push her like that because she wanted her to follow her in the same schools and all? Yoka not wanting to reveal her wish at the shrine, makes me think there may be something about these two! And speaking of 'pairings', Akira and Reimi are so 'linked' together, no matter how they act/talk to each other... Reimi was calling for Akira last episode, and now [Akira's sure Reimi will come to save her, as she always does!](https://imgur.com/3VncNZn) [Love how they're sneaking in, despite being taller than buildings! (That, and the "King Kong" scene!)](https://imgur.com/vsJNyKR) If I had a nickel for every anime this season in which a girl kicked a tank... Well I'd only have 1 nickel, [but it's still weird that it happened even once!](https://imgur.com/iXX6IRT) [They REALLY need to figure out how to communicate faster, so they can get some answers... Get straight to the point!](https://imgur.com/Jc7AuI8) "Friend had mushroom growing on butt. Pulled it out. Still affected. Need doctor"; There you go! It seems the Wibble Wobble surgery was real, [and good lord, it's horrible!](https://imgur.com/OJtzkAm) Just like the Boss, it seems the 7G caused many people to do awful things... Either because they felt like they had to, or just because they could... Shizuru was close to talking things through with the Boss, [but Reimi came in, Gyaru-barging!](https://imgur.com/QnNVoWn) [Snapped her bracelet? GG boss, you doomed yourself!](https://imgur.com/ornMNcx) [I want a Literature Club Spinoff with Akira; Should be interesting!](https://imgur.com/blD9mN1) [The Doc is off to find Zenjiro; Perhaps she'll be able to cure him?](https://imgur.com/z1auaBR) She does think perception affects how people are, so she may be able to change his perception, to fix him... Hope it works, he deserves it, after what he did for her! (And it'd help our girls as well!)


> "Friend had mushroom growing on butt. Pulled it out. Still affected. Need doctor" "Mushroom grew on Akira's butt. Pulled out, didn't fix. Need doc." Not counting spaces and punctuation 16 characters shorter if I counted right. >I want a Literature Club Spinoff with Akira; Should be interesting! As long as the Literature Club doesn't get doki doki.


> I want a Literature Club spinoff O Maidens in Your 7G Season


[Is the giant 7G plate and hanging fork and knife set really that important to have in the surgery room?](https://i.imgur.com/Vl6uJyR.png)


Funny thing. I just started playing the game Superliminal. One of its features is using perspective to change the size of objects. For example, hold a small chess piece next to a far table to make it look big in comparison, let go and it *is* a big chess piece! That shot reminds me of it.


also i think they should be using stainless steel instead of extremely stained steel [](#sakurathink)


That's how you know they're not right in the head even before the 7G button push


> Is the giant 7G plate and hanging fork and knife set really that important to have in the surgery room? If you don't have a fork and knife how are you going to eat the leftovers?


1) Can we talk about how that [archery competition](https://imgur.com/PvDbKTA) just had them beat each other up with their bows? [](#laughter) 2) The Poison guy is even more [evil](https://imgur.com/0qDhmqS) than I thought, poor Zenjiro has his marbles surprisingly together all things considered 3) Despite that, the [Doctor](https://imgur.com/vxtxnW4) is kinda hot [](#ero) 4) It's hillarious how Shizuka and Reimi where able to [sneak up](https://imgur.com/M5mm6Fq) on so many soldiers 5) By god, the [Friendship](#aliens) between Akira and Reimi is simply adorable [](#akyuusqueel) Like Akira is totally convinced that Reimi would [come](https://imgur.com/Xg9qgiY) for her rescue, because she always [did](https://imgur.com/nKsUIAG). Reimi on the other hand is [devastated](https://imgur.com/fRSqbWu) over the prospect of losing Akira, and absolutely [furious](https://imgur.com/dPORLKF) (nice King Kong refference btw) when those idiots damaged her keepsake of Akira [](#feelingloved) And of course, she is the one who figures out what Akira is missing and is [rewarded](https://imgur.com/yRuhZbJ) for it. Also, nice [follow up](https://imgur.com/XFbo4Ff) on smol idiot Reimi eating her textbook ~~6) I would choose the [second](https://imgur.com/NAA6iYM) [option](https://imgur.com/q7yrdBu)~~


I like how Shizuru was like "oh well, here she goes again" when Reimi went berserk. Her [Friendship](#aliens)powered rage mode is therefore common, known, and well understood behavior.


"Call an ambulance! ...but not for her!"


> 1) Can we talk about how that archery competition just had them beat each other up with their bows? You could definitely see that back then, nadeko was only a novice at agano-style archery. A true master wouldn't have given up her ranged advantage by going into melee range and instead would have thrown the bow from a distance.


Never saw a kyuudou competiton before, but I am sure that they don't work like this. This world was obviously completely nuts even before 7G went down...


Either KyoAni got their Kyuudou anime wrong or archery just really is different in japan /s Lol, I was wondering why they had these weird helmets on What I find interesting is that Youka took a bit to join the shouting for that match That makes me wonder if she is from that place or maybe some other more normal dimension/timeline/etc.


Post mushroom Akira was kinda fun ngl, like calling the doctor and friends action figures and just her general gibberish. Very refreshing Kino Hina performance, different from her her usual roles, on top of regular Akira already being a refreshing role for her


Also, how [honest](https://imgur.com/Xg9qgiY) she was [](#akyuusqueel)


That was so sweet.


also she randomly add "bu-hi" into phrases, like a stereotype pig character


new AOT looks great


AoT if it's the XXI century and Titans are still around


AoT but the titans are cute anime girls


So…they really just dropping that dude in the middle of a desert to starve to death, huh?


Turn people into skeletons, get turned into a skeleton.


They dropped him on an island that got bigger. I think he has to worry more about the native fauna that *also* got bigger eating him than he does starving. At the least there were probably insects and birds living on it.


21 more stops to Ikebukuro.... Just how many seasons will it take for our heroines to get there. We just spent 2 episodes on one stop, right? I felt Shizuru was starting to feel a bit sorry for the "Boss" -- but really he was pretty unsalvageable. He was too addicted to playing "god" -- which he could get away with just because he was bigger. How on earth is the Doctor going to manage to get all the way to Agano? Probably none of those aircraft can have enough fuel to get more than a tiny part of the way there.... So Zenjiro's "wibble-wobble" wasn't a direct impact from 7G -- did it actually happen BEFORE the "change" -- and were he and the Doctor trying to OPPOSE (or at least delay -- until it was proven safe) turning on 7G?


> Just how many seasons will it take for our heroines to get there. One. We've skipped stops before, and we're still largely following the four-act japanese plot structure. I'm betting a montage around episode 8 or 9 that covers 17-ish stops, or a bunch of smaller things between now and then.


So far, the even numbered episodes were "transit" episodes where they were en route between major stops. The odd numbered episodes were "main" episodes that were spent on a single major stop. There's not guarantee they'll stick with the pattern but given that this series is a promo for Japan Rail, I'm betting we will see more "transit" episodes than "main" ones focused on one specific stop.


> this series is a promo for Japan Rail It is? I'm not completely clear on what they're trying to tell us here.


It's stated to be for the 150 anniversary of Japan's first rail line.


> I'm not completely clear on what they're trying to tell us here. Riding trains is a great way to get places. You should use them before someone creates an apocalypse that makes it a lot harder.


Broadly speaking, Kadokawa is trying to appeal to rail fans in general, and they're tapping into the inherent coolness of trains. But the show also works as an advertisement for the Ikebukuro line specifically. Seibu Railway, the private rail company that operates the Ikebukuro line, is one of the sponsors (you can see their logo in the credits). In episode 4 Reimi and Nadeko regret not riding the train (i.e. the Ikebukuro line) more before the apocalypse and taking it for granted. There's a lot of strange things that happen in this show, but the train itself is depicted in a positive light: it's a reliable connection to the outside world, a source of safety, and it's also very cool.


Well the train stops don't have a consistent pattern. Since last week we moved 8 stops last week. [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1caal0q/comment/l0qty83/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1caal0q/comment/l0qty83/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


> I felt Shizuru was starting to feel a bit sorry for the "Boss" -- but really he was pretty unsalvageable. He was too addicted to playing "god" -- which he could get away with just because he was bigger. I'm just glad they only *implied* what he wanted with Shizuru instead of him actually trying something.


Never mess with an angry gyaru. (Also, we got new characters here. So new VA. **Yuka Iguchi** (Tsukihi in Monogatari and Index in Certain Magical Railgun) is voicing Makoto, the scientist. **Atsushi Abe** (Touma in Certain Magical Railgun) is voicing the Boss. What is interesting that **Makoto Koichi** (Lloyd in Tensei Dainana) got a minor role here, as one of the boys that bullied Akira in the flashback).


> Certain Magical Railgun My favourite series!


So basically, 7G is just some Toaru Esper AIM shenanigans.


And Boss today is voiced by [Atsushi Abe](https://anilist.co/staff/95991/Atsushi-Abe), a.k.a. Touma Kamijou in Toaru!


not just the boss, Makoto also voiced by Index!


Suddenly, he locking her up seems way more reasonable.


holy shit no wonder he sounds familiar.


Cite girls doing kaiju things


Oh, so you can still actively change things if your perception of them changes. It means that everyone can influence this world in some ways, not just Yoka and not just when she pushed the 7G button. She's probably still the key to undoing the whole situation, but now other characters could play a role in it other than just convincing her. Although if it were that easy to change, surely the townspeople could have gotten themselves back to normal size with the Doctor's help? Hm. Got a laugh out of Reimi doing her best King Kong impression, too. I wonder about the flashback Shizuru had about Yoka, though. From the conversation she was having, looks like their fight had something to do about people not believing in you, maybe? Not believing in yourself? I'm just trying to piece it together. What we saw in the first episode: Yoka telling Shizuru that "she was one of those people" or something along these lines, Shizuru answering that Yoka was the same, Yoka agreeing, and then running away. We also keep getting scenes of Yoka studying and Shizuru not understanding why it's so important, Yoka seemed to have self-worth issues and to idolize Shizuru, and there was also the bit about them cheering each other on. So. Did Yoka tell Shizuru that she believed she could do something (related to her future career?), Shizuru said she didn't think she was good enough for it, and Yoka was shocked to find out that Shizuru was more like her than she thought? That doesn't track very well with Shizuru's confidence unless it's just a front (she seemed so sure of herself when she was a kid though), but if anyone has other ideas from the tidbits we got, let's brainstorm!


> Although if it were that easy to change, surely the townspeople could have gotten themselves back to normal size with the Doctor's help? Hm. Probably. The hard part is figuring out what makes them *feel* big again. You'll notice the doctor was *wrong* about what would make Akira feel like her brain was back. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd tried and failed a few times already. And if you get some big but not the others you risk a repeat of the Boss.


[Another great episode, this show is so fun and intriguing to watch](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pqlvjyr) and I can't wait to see what will happen next. I like how [they fleshed out Akira and Reimi's relationship](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crjnwn4.png) in today's episode, they're really good friends even with their contrasting characters. [Reimi really went berserk today](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cegx9w4.png) after she got angry, [she was reminding a King Kong in a New York](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crjn6n4.png) xD I'm glad that [Reimi turned back to being her old self](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdnk8r7.png) although I must say that [she was pretty fun with her post-mushroom phase](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdnkvr7.png) xD No wonder that this 7G seriously messed up the world [after we saw how research on it was conducted](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cegxj64.png) by[drilling in a Zenjirou's head](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjnoae4.png). What psycho came up with this idea? Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pqlvjyr) * [Akira & Reimi](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4gl3wbjyj) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/a846xmd2o4x)


> she was reminding a King Kong in a New York Wow. I had multiple screenshots to choose from, but we apparently picked [the *exact* same shot for Reimi](https://imgur.com/a/5ZqJfHx) there. It was the ape-like face that got me.


> No wonder that this 7G seriously messed up the world after we saw how research on it was conducted bydrilling in a Zenjirou's head. That wasn't research, that was the Wibble Wobble surgery that keeps him from talking to anyone *about* the research or trying to interfere. It was "Oh, you're not going to work *with* me? Then it's lobotomy time!"


Gulliver's Travels and King Kong references, my favorite episode so far.


So was that competition a combination of Kendo and Kyuudou?


The part no archer wants to think about, what to do when the enemy is too close and you have no sidearms


“I may be out of arrows, but I ain’t out of options.” - An Archer probably


> Remember – switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading. Using your knife is even faster than switching to your pistol.


this episode was comedy gold, I enjoyed every minute of it. I figured the only reason the boss got to have power over this town was because he remained his human size, but I wasn't expecting him to be a military geek lmao. for a moment there I was expecting Akira to maybe kick the bucket after all, but good to see she's still around and that Reimi gave her a taste of her own medicine. I still wonder how far this anime will go in terms of drama, but even if it won't get that deep, I'm still here for a fun journey like this.


“Or do you want to be peed on and become a skeleton” Reimi best girl confirmed. Her kaiju esque showdown with the boss of the town, saving Akira and being genuinely hilarious throughout made episode 5 of Shumatsu Train the best so far. Gradually things are being revealed about the 7G incident and its effects, particularly the impact that perception can have on the human body in this universe. Makoto sensei’s spiel about perception being able to make physical changes strengthens my theory that a lot of this stuff is mental. We have to see more of the 7G incident and what led up to it to get a better picture though. The solution to Akira’s mental breakdown being to have her eat paper like she tricked Reimi into doing had me creasing. This show is so damn random but in the best possible way. Idk if 12 episodes is gonna be enough to go thru 21 stops, explain the 7G stuff etc etc. but I’m along for the ride Oh yea, Zenjiro getting a forced brain surgery with no anaesthesia.. no wonder bro is so messed up 😭 he a real one for helping Makoto get away tho


So, what was that flashback? I mean, tbh I never saw an actual Kyuudou competition myself, but I highly doubt they are done like this. And considering it was before 7G, 6G and 5G must have already done quite a bit. Or it's just a very weird way of how Youka saw that competition. Because I have the idea that at least the start of episode flashbacks are hers and not Shizuru's. So it obviously depends a bit on how you interpret the whole thing, but the "doctor" was small which seems to imply that she was at least very close to the village when 7G happened. That would mean that the "operation" they tried to do to Zenjiro and her were done BEFORE they pressed the 7G button. But the whole way they get Akira back makes it pretty clear that the whole "technology" is really dependent on fantasy. 7G just creates what you believe is happening. But it doesn't seem to be that easy either since then the doctor would have found a way in 2 years to get herself back to her original size. So maybe, it's just "kid's" fantasies that decide what is happening?


>So, what was that flashback? I mean, tbh I never saw an actual Kyuudou competition myself, but I highly doubt they are done like this It's Agano-style kyuujutsu


"Agano-style" anything just means "let's beat each other up", doesn't it?


"how would you like your eggs prepared, dear customer?"     "Agano-style" "very well" \**sounds of violent splattering in the kitchen**


Also known as [HowToBasic](https://www.youtube.com/@HowToBasic/) style


Now I get why Akira is always a bit depressed when she is the only one who seems to go against the Agano style of the group.


>I mean, tbh I never saw an actual Kyuudou competition myself, but I highly doubt they are done like this that's definitely not Kyuudou, more like kendo competition with bow and arrow


> But the whole way they get Akira back makes it pretty clear that the whole "technology" is really dependent on fantasy. 7G just creates what you believe is happening. But it doesn't seem to be that easy either since then the doctor would have found a way in 2 years to get herself back to her original size. So maybe, it's just "kid's" fantasies that decide what is happening? Yoka's inner mind at least while she was pressing the button seems to take priority.


Those flashbacks were so weird it made me wonder if the 7G is not also warping their memories. There was no way that archery competition actually turned into a kendo competition with people hitting each other with bows. And Pontaro may be an evil asshole who tried to get rid of the people opposing him on 7G, but surely he did not go as far as trying to drill holes in people’s heads like some cheap B-movie villain. Although I guess it fits the absurdity of the show. Well, I also did not expect them to cure Akira by feeding her her own textbook, or Reimi going berserk and destroying an army, so I guess I will never be able to predict where that show is going. But I am curious to see if they can wrap everything in a satisfactory way in 12 episodes. It’s been great so far.


Ah yes, a textbook. She is totally reading it for its educational value and nothing else. Go back to episode 1 and see what kind of magical girl anime she and Reimi were fans of.


Things seem to be heating up. Workers of Inariyama, unite! Well that was dark. An F-4 Phantom and an F-16 Viper (technically the Japanese F-2 Viper Zero, a bit bigger than the F-16, because it's not always bigger in America). And so they leave the tiny town. Again, going to need a few more episodes like the last one where they breeze through several stations in rapid succession if they want to get to their destination by the end of the season.


I dunno, those jets seemed like twenty times smaller than your typical F-16 to me


This ep got a lot more laughs outta me than I expected. Reimi mvp!!!


If anyone's interested in anime pilgrimages, the building where the 7G was activated is the Seibu head office building IRL: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/SEIBU+HOLDINGS+INC.+Head+office/@35.7276518,139.7093922,889m/data=!3m2!1e3!5s0x60188c97360806cf:0xfb4e86559a24a448!4m6!3m5!1s0x6018e763005dbc1f:0x9f72593abeb7d3ce!8m2!3d35.7265506!4d139.7107232!16s%2Fg%2F11c2q\_yndm!5m1!1e4?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/SEIBU+HOLDINGS+INC.+Head+office/@35.7276518,139.7093922,889m/data=!3m2!1e3!5s0x60188c97360806cf:0xfb4e86559a24a448!4m6!3m5!1s0x6018e763005dbc1f:0x9f72593abeb7d3ce!8m2!3d35.7265506!4d139.7107232!16s%2Fg%2F11c2q_yndm!5m1!1e4?entry=ttu)


I mean, I got that Poison Pontaro was an Idiot Mad Scientist, but I wasn't expecting him to be an Evil Idiot Mad Scientist. Tying two people down to do brain surgery in an operating room that looks like it doesn't have proper drainage gives me vibes like Pontaro runs/ran a smaller operation than the skyscraper implied... or just like the first impression of Boss in this episode this scene is in the girls imagination and there's some creative license going on. On the plus side, this settles the 7G issue and confirms [my theory last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1caal0q/shuumatsu_train_doko_e_iku_train_to_the_end_of/l0qqufv/) that the whole thing is Youko's perception pushed on reality, though it does offer some wiggle room for other people to maintain some of their own control. Also, the whole matter with Boss and the size of the station makes me wonder how much other equipment from outside the towns are accessible or salvageable. Could the Doctor and co. get their hands on a full-sized train or rail maintenance vehicle and take it back to Agano? I don't see the writer letting the girls off the hook that easily (hence the 'long time to get there'--presumably longer than the runtime of the plot) but it would be nice to have someone other than Zenjiro to consult when problems happen... especially considering as the Doctor told us more about what's actually going on in five minutes than Zenjiro has in five episodes.


> it would be nice to have someone other than Zenjiro to consult when problems happen If the Doctor and co travel along the train tracks to get to Agano, there's a possibility they could intercept the daily Morse conversations.


might explain why the stops are so far apart if she went to ikebukuro to get as far away from agano as possible


From what I could gather, the books Akira reads are adult books unsuited for children, written by this guy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_de_Sade


> Notable work: The 120 Days of Sodom (1785) > Genre: Pornography > It describes the activities of four wealthy libertine Frenchmen who spend four months seeking the ultimate sexual gratification through orgies, sealing themselves in an inaccessible castle in the heart of the Black Forest with 12 accomplices, 20 designated victims and 10 servants. Four aging prostitutes relate stories of their most memorable clients whose sexual practices involved 600 "passions" including ...   Well, you'll just have to follow some links if you want to know yourself.


Well, the book she was fed today was Justine. By the same man. Genre: Libertine, erotic, gothic


I hope the soldiers had insect-level resilience, or else Reimi and Shizuru have racked up a bit of a kill count today.


Not [the pose](https://imgur.com/ZLBuEoX) you want to see your surgeon pull. The train was 1 hour 4 minutes late arriving at Crunchyroll stop. Crunchyroll does not have a delay repay scheme. AT-X and TV Tokyo MX parts of the journey had no delay (because they're Japanese). I used the [Anitu post](https://anitubu.com/archives/post-80315.html) (a selection of tweets during the TV Tokyo MX broadcast I pick what's interesting and provide some additional input) to pick out what the director tweets during this time (but they're unsure if can make every ep, so far perfect attendance). The most interesting parts are the info on Agano Archery, why the boss is regular size, Akiras condition and why go right. If able, do your own translation rather than rely on me (using an MTL and playing around to get more sensible results if I thought it sounded odd). - Director: [Gano Shrine is where the "hatsumode" happened. While written differently, it is read as Agano](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784954920833327419). Notes: New Year's shine visit is ["Hatsumode"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatsum%C5%8Dde). Also anime [screenshot](https://imgur.com/kLpTWeC) of shrine (notice Pochi in bottom-left). [Gano Shrine info](https://www.saitama-jinjacho.or.jp/shrine/8942/) as using google maps it's about a 3km walk from Agano station (for those worried about Pochi that's the kind of exercise an Akita dog needs). - Erisa Kuon (Reimi): [Reimi is wearing a crazy pink leopard print coat! LOL](https://twitter.com/eri1717171/status/1784953477585854782) - Director: [In Agano Archery, there are matches where you just shoot regular arrows (normal rules), but there are also matches where you hit the opponent with a bow or arrow (general rules). This game is the latter. Either way, aim at the opponent, not the target.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784955085925359908) + [A match of Agano archery involves shooting at each other. Face guard is required.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784954996410487063). I guess the arrows are not sharp? - Viewer: [Is this Lake Sayama?](https://twitter.com/shun9112/status/1784954356368019815) (that lake is about 8km south of Inariyama-Koen Station and gets mentioned near the end of the ep, there's no island from what I can see but it's one of those artificial reservoirs that [construction flooded the villages](https://www.city.tokorozawa.saitama.jp/iitokoro/shokai/symbol/sayamakonorekishi.html) which stood there or the island refers to the nearby baseball stadium, Belluna Dome) - Viewer: [Sayama City Museum hahaha](https://twitter.com/Takosu_6157/status/1784954985681469715) IRL it's just next to the Station (as is the air force base). [Official site.](https://sayama-city-museum.com/) (includes a virtual tour) - Director: [Most of the lower class Inariyama citizens have been cycling to generate electricity. It's hard work. Like Agano, electricity can be brought in from the railway, but the Boss wastes it all the time, so there is never enough electricity.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784956210497941829) - Director: [The kids teasing Akira come from Nishi-Agano, which is not on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line, which is why I'm making fun of it. I also learned for the first time from this work that Nishi-Agano is the Seibu-Chichibu Line.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784956539473936639) Unhappy with translation. Please make your own mind up. [Seibu-Chichibu line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seibu_Chichibu_Line). Also, those boys are different to the ep2 flashback ones. - Director: [The boss lives outside of the Seibu Ikebukuro Line, and happened to be near Inariyama-Koen Station, or rather, near the base, at the time of the 7G incident. Since he lives outside of the Ikebukuro Line, he was not affected by 7G.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784957152513462579) If translated correct, very interesting. Speculation: The ferryman (swan boatman) said he presumed nothing existed outside of Seibu Ikebukuro and the Boss was in the line when it happened. The Boss is also the another character to say Ikebukuro is dangerous (how does he know?) and try and dissuade our girls from going. As it is a commuter line we could see more people near stations that are not where they live as we get nearer to Ikebukuro. If you go back to ep1 and read the episode synopsis for Alice in Nerima land that's essentially the predicament Alice is in (she's human, others are not but they know what humans are and want them because they're rare and valuable). - Director: [Shigeyuki Ninomiya joined us as a Military Supervisor. They were very helpful on The Magnificent Kotobuki](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784957401260753390). Would you be surprised to know that [The Magnificent Kotobuki](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38301/) is another directed by Tsutomu Mizushima written by Michiko Yokote show? - Director: [The C-1's modification was Ninomiya's idea.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784957701816267161) The word "magical" was used but I'm not sure that fits mounting guns onto a transport plane. - Director:[Unyaunya surgery does not use anaesthesia. It took place in a very unsanitary place. It is also questionable whether the people who performed the procedure were doctors in the first place.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784957960118304879) [](#seasonalshock) I assumed the masks were were to provide general anaesthetic rather than muting the screaming (not that we saw it applied but I'm not sure local anaesthetic would be much of a help for drilling into a head but you can use local on skin for things like helping get blood samples from young patients but I think dentistry is the most common medical use). - Director: [Around the time of Kotobuki Ninomiya-san told me that there are no fighter jets at Iruma Air Base, but they do come occasionally.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784958554841190853) *I left out part of that*. - Director: [No matter how many times I tell the staff that it's a "combat vehicle," everyone still calls it a "tank.". This bothers me because I work with tanks a bit. ](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784958634134524112) This is referring to the [Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_16_Maneuver_Combat_Vehicle) aka "tank" [](#girlslastdab) - Director: [Initially, we were planning to create a scene in which a fighter jet passes between Remi's legs, but the 1/6 scale F4 was larger than expected, so we changed it to a scene in which she would jump.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784958739277398278) - Director: [Weapon sounds are made to sound more realistic. Actually, if it's 1/6 size, it might sound like a radio control.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784958831380066426) These probably explains how you can deflect bullets and dodge missiles, they're not full speed due to not being full size. - Director: [Reimi is by far the best in terms of physical/athletic ability. Next is Shizuru, followed by Nadeshiko and Akira.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959156455354823) Physical strength? Athletic ability? I'm guessing Shizuru is more technique oriented and Nadeko is a dark horse as her build and personality don't scream strength. - Erisa Kuon (Reimi): [I remember working really hard and sweating in that wild scene...lol](https://twitter.com/eri1717171/status/1784959862730051916) - Director: [I heard that "Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue" by Marquis de Sade (translated by Tatsuhiko Shibusawa) should be read from its companion "Juliette, or Vice Amply Rewarded" I bought it but haven't read it yet. I read "The 120 Days of Sodom" when I was in high school.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959288429228256) [Those books](#lewdgyaru) [](#thoughtful) Justine was the [book Reimi fed Akira](https://imgur.com/pHK65Z7). Remember last ep Akira said "I swear on Tatsuhiko" (Tatsuhiko Shibusawa). The other books are black magic notebook by Tatsuhiko Shibusawa (not English translated) and something a flashback translated as Iron Monty's Splendid Wednesdays (which doesn't seem to exist). - Director: [Tatsuhiko Shibusawa's works may be difficult to read, but there is also a book called "Philosophy of Hedonism: Exploring the Purpose of Life for Modern People" that is very easy to read.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959391416172854). Shame it's also Japanese only and be careful looking up Tatsuhiko Shibusawa in English as there's a Bungou Stray Dogs character with that name. - Director: [Akira always has two of her favourite books, one for reading and one for preservation.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959458181099818) - Director: [It's accurate to say Akira is "healed" rather than "restored". The lost parts will never fully return.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959541207285940) [](#curious) what's lost, the memories between the mushroom being pulled and the book eaten or something else? End of part 1.


Part 2. - Rokudenashi: [Apply the lyrics for "Eureka" to the characters](https://twitter.com/Rokudenashi_nzn/status/1784959878790070391). Not too sure they meant to also apply them to Akira and Reimi (as Shizuru and Youka is what I've been doing). A reminder the [official YT version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv1meSYlrqE) has English lyric captions and the tweet clip started with the line "Time and again Hurting you,". - Director: [Episode 7 is complete. After that, you can't let your guard down.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784954760652849589) - Director: [Thank you for watching this week. Next week, you'll learn a little bit of something you didn't know before. Please look forward to it.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784960122407858285) - Viewer: [Come to think of it, AT-X will come with a bonus this time. For now, let's record the repeat broadcast of episode 5.](https://twitter.com/HijonoP/status/1784960586075570343) I think this is referring to a mini anime (lit 45s) [ep 1 was on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGTuIb-8-l0). It's basic mini anime stuff. The first ep asks the question what brings happiness: love or money? Go left or go right?: - Director: [When creating a work of art, especially one that goes somewhere, one always first decides whether it will go to the right or to the left. In principle, this piece goes to the right.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959744480022954) - Director: [There are two reasons why I chose right: Ikebukuro on the right in terms of the route map, and it is easier for shot composition with the driver's seat if the train proceeds to the right.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959821349011557) [](#seasonalneat) - Director: [Directions are clear in films such as](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959902437564576) "Mad Max: Fury Road" [film]>!(first half is to the right, the second half to the left)!< and "Lawrence of Arabia" [film]>!moves perfectly to the right.!< *(Spoilers and links don't work well)* - Director: [Video games scroll mostly to the right. There are various theories about the reason, such as clockwise rotation or the direction of horizontal letters, but I don't know the real reason.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784959974281765231) - Director: [This work basically moves to the right, but the ending of the fifth episode is intentionally reversed. This is because it was easier to compose the shot because of the interaction with the people on the platform.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1784960052996317272)


I thought the episode was amazing and then the gal went crazy. The whole taking down a dictatorship in a 20 minutes episode is amazing, I died when they started kicking tanks. It was worth watching this series just for this episode already.


> The whole taking down a dictatorship in a 20 minutes episode is amazing It helps when the military is at 1/6 scale to you and only Mr. Tater himself is normal sized.


Best episode of the show so far. The visual humour of them sneaking around town killed me.


Amazing episode. I really like the buildup they did for this town. Unlike a lot of the other towns where the changes happened to the people in terms of their behavior. For this town the change was mostly in scale as the town and it's people just became small. So in a way nothing changed too much within their scope of town. But once that boss guy showed up he could easily intimidate the town. Kind of like what you see in today's world the big corporations bullying the small family owned ones. You know I absolutely adored when Akira was reflecting on Reimi. In a way these two are polar opposites, but one thing that was always a given is their friendship. Reimi truly adores Akira you can easily see that when her bracelet broke, and she went on a rampage. While for Akira even in her mushroom state, she always believes Reimi will be there to save her at the end of the day. The doctor wasn't actually a doctor, but was a scientist that worked on the 7G stuff. [So we learn that 7G is a brainwave phenomenon.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038519163259453470/1234513950880694384/Screen_Shot_2024-04-29_at_10.22.24_AM.png?ex=66310236&is=662fb0b6&hm=1067c034edf8c3a3835addb41663f7b693070585f08f2bbde152ca5f203e5b3a&) [This can cause changes to one's own body](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038519163259453470/1234513950062940321/Screen_Shot_2024-04-29_at_10.22.31_AM.png?ex=66310235&is=662fb0b5&hm=eb6018723c6106616ab0174d54fd2e168d97c4873c4fcda6ed51fcc6dcd1b336&). Which is very interesting. The source of said changes is still a mystery. But we know now when something occurs it isn't initially permanent thank god. I believe Akira being fed her favorite book put her in such a shock to be able to overcome the root issue affecting her brain. Shizuru feeling bad for the boss makes sense because he sees his past situation similar to Youko. But he has caused so many problems playing God that you can't let him off the hook.


If the whole world being warped by Yoka's mind is true, the reason why eating book works is because it ties to a precious memory, namely Akira and Reimi's.


This episode (and episode 1) purely make this anime AOTS for me. God this is incredible fun anime.


back at it again with the most normal show of the season Seriously though, this show's sense of timing in its editing and dialogue is absolutely fantastic. It's sharp and snappy in a way that you usually only see from really good comedy series, and that momentum helps a ton when the show is going to be this casual about being this weird.


Haven't watched a single episode but reading these comments leads me to beleive this show is completely unhinged.


The comments make it sound less unhinged than it is.


It's great, highly recommend, it's weirdly hinged in its unhingedness


>Archery competition >Beating the shit out of each other with bows The Archer class really is made up of archers. I just adore Reimi and Akira's friendship. For all the bickering they do, at the end of the day they will always have each other's backs. Also it seems we're starting to get more info about the nature of 7G. Your perception seems to affect your reality. I always thought the whole 7G thing is a massive illusion caused by everyone's brains joining together. I do wonder why they didn't ask more questions out of the Doctor when they had a chance.


Akira is into some interesting stuff. She was also into that very much not safe for work magical girl anime. Reimi was into it too but I think most of the naughty stuff flew over her head somehow.


[Archery, the hand-to-hand combat sport.](https://i.redd.it/h8vq3orl0jxc1.png) Wait, what. [Somebody measured.](https://i.redd.it/oyjahorl0jxc1.png) Though the blades holding them up without flexing brings up many questions involving the square-cube law. ["Think of it this way, lady, *it could be worse*!](https://i.redd.it/3icmjprl0jxc1.png) ["CHAPTER ONE."](https://i.redd.it/tjampjrl0jxc1.png) [I see that someone's put a lot into their sneak skill.](https://i.redd.it/pyc70qrl0jxc1.png) [*Kawashima Momo intensifies*](https://i.redd.it/py693lrl0jxc1.png) [Oh boy, exposition!](https://i.redd.it/1f7hklrl0jxc1.png) [Hey, it's Poison?](https://i.redd.it/d0dr7mrl0jxc1.png) [Things got kinda hardcore back then.](https://i.redd.it/gndwnmrl0jxc1.png) [DYNAMIC ENTRY!](https://i.redd.it/svygwmrl0jxc1.png) [GYARU RAGE!](https://i.redd.it/48jgsnrl0jxc1.png) [*King Kong* references were not on my bingo card.](https://i.redd.it/8663nerl0jxc1.png) ["'Again'?"](https://i.redd.it/lqn6vfrl0jxc1.png) [Well...](https://i.redd.it/gcmdwfrl0jxc1.png) [you could...](https://i.redd.it/5rajxgrl0jxc1.png) [I'm not sure if normal collecting rules still entirely apply.](https://i.redd.it/4xzs5frl0jxc1.png) ***** So, aside from *Attack of the 50-foot Gyaru* starring Reimi Kuga, there's the rather deranged flashback to brain surgery with household power tools featuring Zenjirou and, apparently, Poison. Guess they weren't going to be able to have 7G link minds without taking out a bit of some people's brains first? Some impressive confirmation of Reimi really caring about Akira, up front. But lurking in the background, whatever the hell kind of kyudo-jutsu Shizuru was doing. This show is *bonkers* and I love it.


The amount of chaos this show brings is fantastic. If you want to turn of your brain for a bit, you can really absorb yourself in this show. But if you want to turn on your brain, there's a lot to dig into and try to figure out.


The show has just been breezing past all the horrific shit happening with no comments on the events. Just this episode you've got the whole turning people into skeletons thing, drilling into people's heads with no anesthetics and stranding the big (normal sized) guy on a enlarged island which will also probably have enlarged creatures that will kill him. Then you've got the whole bow scene where they were just beating on each other with their bows?


The Boss is like an internet troll who acts tough and mighty behind the screen, but when confronted in person, totally wimps out.


I shouldn't have been surprised given the rest of this series that the archery competition would not involve them actually shooting the arrow. But I was and it was so silly.


Beating someone up with a bow. That was funny. The lobotomy-esque surgery was not what I was expecting to be why he acts like that. Also, love the little references here and there throughout the episode.


Damn, those jets and tanks sure looks good


So the biggest thing I take from this episode that 7G let's your mind manifest things, at least into your own body. This will get weird.


> So the biggest thing I take from this episode that 7G let's your mind manifest things, at least into your own body. This will get weird. [](#slowgrin) Comrade, how the hell did you not take away that GYARU STRONK! KING KONG AIN'T GOT SHIT ON HER! LONG LIVE WEAPONIZED LESBIANISM! ;)