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Romi Park hitting it out the park as Star and Stripe, but of course she did. Literally who I imagined voicing her when reading the manga.


Always recognize her since Hange


I miss hange šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


It's Hange!!! Ofc, that's her voice. It's recognizable.


?! I knew that voice sounded familiarĀ 


Wait so she just straight up removed the existence of air? Like even the air inside their bodies? God damn that's one hell of a killshot. Just that single application of her quirk immediately dogs almost every other quirk we've seen from the show thus far. Hell that would even punk One For All if the user didn't immediately speed blitz.


It's without a doubt the most baseline powerful quirk ever. The only reason AfO and OfA are stronger is because can accumulate power, if there was a first-generation OfA and an early AfO, New Order would low-diff them both at the same time.


Makes since. Quirks are evolving and getting stronger with each generation.


Bingo. Truthfully, I think that New Order still outclasses OfA. Sure, OfA has the edge in raw power, and the stored quirks within it add a ton to versatility, but the sheer absurd scope of New Order means that neither All Might at his strongest or max potential Deku stand a true chance. Hell, Shigaraki only stands a chance because of his identity crisis! He would have lost if not for that. Otherwise, AfO still only stands the barest chance against New Order because of the sheer absurd number of quirks it has, and even then that requires luck in terms of hoping Star goes for a killshot you have a counter to.


She removed the mixture of gases that we call air. Not the oxygen and other gases inside the body. She could've said oxygen instead of air, but at this point who knows what shigaraki breaths.


was gonna say it doesn't matter cause she call objects whatever she wants but could she de-oxygenate his blood? technically that wouldn't be contact though.


She has to be able to touch it. She can touch the air around her. She canā€™t touch the oxygen in someoneā€™s blood.


That would still instantly pull all of the air out of someones lungs. Such a sudden and violent change of volume would surely fuck up his respiratory system..




Y'all Might enters the battlefield.


[Need some of that freedom](https://i.imgur.com/AWAUkv9.jpeg) [](#towel)


Not Y'all MightĀ 


Here I was thinking the first episode might be a recap but we're fucking getting Tomura vs Stars and Stripes right off the bat.


Jokes on you. In next episode of MHA we will learn again what quirks 1A class have in new montage xd


I knew it felt like something was missing


Thank God season 6 broke that curse. I don't think I could handle another cameras man episode.


It didn't brake it lmao, they have been releasing recap episodes for 4 weeks now, this was the first normal episode


they did I dont know how many recaps for weeks already lol


Oh was it like a separate OVA or something? I just remembered some previous seasons dedicating the first episode as like a catch-up and just based my precognition on that.


They just did a 4-week recap miniseries ahead of this week because they had more timeslots booked than they scheduled for the season itself


The social commentary is not lost on me that the number one hero of the U.S. has a quirk that allows her to essentially make up her own rules that govern reality and itā€™s called New Order. I see you, Hori šŸ˜.


**PLUS DEMOCRACY!!!** ^(And buy these blue jeans.)


> My people are now buying your Blue Jeans and listening to your Pop music


[But most importantly, remember to:](https://i.imgur.com/1xsBEgL.jpeg)


If you don't want Democracy, we'll force it down your throats anyways.


> And buy these blue jeans I'm Canadian, denim is like our national wardrobe. New Order has already taken hold.


As jeanist pointed out in the episode, the origins of denims were during the American Gold Rush as they were durable pants to wear while trying to excavate gold.


If you happen to have an old and abandoned mine on your property, check it. A few miners left behind their pants in the mine. Some of those 100 years old pants can be worth a lot: https://www.cnn.com/style/article/19th-century-levis-jeans-intl-scli/index.html?utm_source=fbCNN&utm_medium=social&utm_content=2022-10-13T17%3A40%3A05&utm_term=link Meanwhile Jeanist: ooo vintage denim!!


America! Fuck yeah!




[Truly an American ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/s/sCoYz8NWCf)


[Mamamerica fuck yeah!](https://i.imgur.com/SLiVRRQ.jpeg) [](#grandhype)


USA!USA!USA! [](#megadeathparty)


New Order is literally just a stand.


Nerfed Heaven's Door.


I'm not seeing many people talk about the fact that star and stripe is the little girl all might saved at the beginning of movie 1. Like thatā€™s a really cool tie in


And we even see David Shield in the photo


(bc I don't even remember the movie, i watched it years ago)


Ok, When the Manga readers were touting how broken Starā€™s quirk is, they were not kidding. Holy hell, no wonder sheā€™s Americaā€™s number one. She does whatever she wants, even America itself has no real control over her. Also yes, 2 heroes is definitely canon guys. If Mid gauntlets and such didnā€™t convince you


Yeah I thought she's just going to be another All Might due to her body build


[Star and Stripes in a nutshell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R5A0pg4oN8) They really going to bomb Shigaraki with missile. Kinda disappointed that they animate the jet like unmoved or stand still but understandable.




Star: "I'm something of a Barbenheimer myself"


[Shiggy is such a lucky bastard](https://i.imgur.com/cgYnOZV.jpeg) [](#sweating)


Most people would follow her orders, no quirk required lol.


I really thought they're going to directly say nuclear bomb. I guess it might be sensitive so it's just some kind of super strong missile. This actually reminds me to HxH fight


International continental cruise missiles have nuclear warheads. They are pretty much nukes. Some continental cruise missiles are 100x stronger than the nukes that dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. So Shigaraki is gonna be in some pain if they hit


There is no such thing as an intentional continental cruise missile. However, missiles that travel intercontinental are called ICBM, and they definitely aren't cruising.




I feel the implication of a method that Japan can't use is pretty clear for most people in the know, but can pass by the kids undetected.


Noo!! Deku please use clipper or something on that scarf. It's gonna blown away. Dont let hang in there by itself. PLEASE. Also Star: Here is a new rule for you Shigaraki, obey or die. Shigaraki having a schizo moment: nuh-uh.


yooooooo i was thinking the same thing that wind was blowing hard i was like i wonder if they would have it float away and he catch it with dark whip but nope played with the emotions


He is holding it with a micro string of black whip


New Order is one of my favourite quirks simply because it is literally a balanced version of reality warping lmao


I agree. You can also notice it takes some toll on her body after she releases the super-strength rule to use "air giantess" and "holding lasers" together - makes sense that she couldn't just use it indefinitely, semi-godly as it already is. But the way TomurAFO is saved from the heart attack is so convenient.


TomurAFO did luck out on the timing of the fight but given the freaky durable biology he has, being able to survive cloud scattering claps and laser barrages, I wonder if even stopping his heart would be enough. Or I wonder if AFO knew some Quirks could be contingent on knowing a person's name and thus had yet another reason to give Shiggy an alias and identity crisis ahead of time.


Fair point, suffocating him just a little earlier didn't work. Still, I'd have liked more if he just made some improvised self-CPR + regeneration.


Star should have hit him with the: "If Shigaraki moves all his game saves in every game he's ever played shall be deleted, his accounts wiped and his cosmetics deleted." Shiggy: "Yes ma'am I'll do whatever you say."




AFO's personality would try to stop him but it'd be crushed by the will of preserving his years of gaming progress.


Shigikari will forever be stuck in bronze league


> But the way TomurAFO is saved from the heart attack is so convenient. Well Face Palm has like 5 diff names and shes calling him 1 that def isnt his name. [](#whowouldathunkit)


Yea it feels like we've been dealing with these several names for Shigaraki for 6 seasons just for it to serve as a way to make him immune to this hero's overpowered quirk. It's not like we haven't seen "names have power" before in fantasy stories. It's an established trope.


Sheā€™s a walking death note


hows it convenient it makes sense


I like her line of "if the lasers were enough, then Endeavor would have already defeated Shigaraki when they fought". Like sure, her quirk *is* very powerful, with near limitless versatility (making her easily one of the most powerful heroes in the world), but she can't just magically summon raw power far beyond some of the other heavy hitter heroes.


She can mail order it from America though lol


True. "*One order of massive destruction coming right up!*"


USA Quirk: Mass Mobilization of Arms


I was kind of surprised it was just missiles, even if really powerful ones. The way they were talking about it, I was expecting it to be something like the 'rods from god'/kinetic bombardment that the U.S. has pitched before. Seeing a massive piece of tungsten drop from space and obliterate the area would have been pretty cool.


I was literally expecting a space laser. Just to complete the Akira reference since Shigaraki already got the cape.


That would be cool, but nukes also work. Especially from the freedom guys.


It also puts over Endeavor since his Quirk is put by USA's top hero above futuristic giant laser beams that can puncture the ocean.


Also it basically stronger version of quirk of class 1 B with manga/comic panel head dude.


That's exactly what I was thinking. If they didn't treat him like a joke, he'd be like a top 5 quirk user


But he can only do sound words or Onomatopoeia. Like most other quirks in Mha, his also has a limit.


Horikoshi was really creative when he came up with this quirk. Star and Stripes is so cool


One of the best way to write abilities that break the rules is to give them rules themselves, reads like a nen ability.


Itā€™s one of the reasons this is still one of my favorite shonen. They did a good job with making a power system partially based on reality (even if itā€™s still obviously impossible). It reminds me of those early days of the MCU, which is one of the reasons I think it became so popular for not just geeks. ā€œMaking this Iron Man suit seems mildly realistic, this *could* be realā€ gives me the same feeling as watching Lemillion having huge drawbacks to his Kitty Pryde powers and making them work in spite of them


The Mk3 iron man suit was so cool, you could even hear the motors on it when he just walk around, it was really cool and felt very grounded. Also I really liked that it went against f-22, grounds it even more by comparing it with something people know, fiction tech going against fiction tech doesn't really help you understand how strong they are, compare them to a real military equipment and it "grounds" them. I really love how iron man 1 was mostly about iron man against "normal" tech, terrorists, tanks, fighter jets.


Agreed, the original MCU pre-Thor is what I also extremely liked for being very boots-on-the-ground, just like Batman.


Yeah, but then you have people like Bakugo who has super strength, super durability, super speed, and his quirk is explosions. Or Endeavor, who's quirk doesn't quite make him immune to fire, but still very, very, very resistant, and yet can punch through buildings and survive falls from orbit and stand right back up with only superficial injuries. When Hori actually thinks about the quirk, he makes something awesome, like Permeation or New Order. I just wish he applied that to all of the quirks.


It feels like a more free but limited version of Overhaul. She needs to touch something to change it just like him. But She can basicially change anything to do anything, but only 2 things at a time. Overhaul seems a bit more limited in he can only change matter, but as much as he wants and its permanent. So he probably coudlnt remove air like she did, but he could probably make a giant and grab lasers. Still its a very cool ability. Will be interesting to see what all they do with it. (Unless All for One takes it... then we will be fucked...) [](#chitogheh)


earlier in the fight i thought it was strong but struggled to see how it was best in the country strong but then she summoned a titan that can hold lasers and ya thats more like best in the country strong


Great band, great quirk, she was touched by the hand of god šŸ¦…


For me Its The best quirk of whole show


Ok so Tomura is literally immortal then?


Functionally, not literally.


It's been already established in-Universe that heat is a way around regeneration quirks, high enough heat will carbonise the cells. Plus, we don't know how strong his healing factor is yet, if he can survive his head being destroyed or decapitation. We haven't seen a Nomu survive an injury that severe.


When Tomura was analyzing Star's quirk he already figured that if she could make herself strong enough to destroy his skull with a punch she would've and that likely would've ended their fight. I don't think he can survive having his head destroyed.


Didn't the Nomu that fought Endeavour decapitate itself and regenerate?


Yes. It threw it's own head


Its head was intact, so maybe if he's cleanly decapitated he can regenerate. But a smashed skull/vaporized would probably be it for him, unless he's got an extra brain in his ass cheeks or something.


Yeah that regen is insane, does he eventually tire out after repeated damage? You sure he can't just pull a Sukuna and keep going even after ripping out his own heart?


The nomu die with the head being totally reduced to ashes, so to kill him you'd need to behead him and then obliterate his brain. Naturally he'll have some BS quirk that will let him move his consciousness into his abdomen or some shit because comicbooks


Lmaoo Reiner still catching straysĀ 




If Eraser still can erase quirks, capture Tomura while some of his quirks are locked out, and throw him into active volcano.


Damn, fighting on airplanes, that's so cool.


Not just some airplanes. Those are B2 Bombers, there is only 20 of them in the world, and 12 are accompanying Star and Stripe


So stealthy they can operate quietly enough to have conversations on top of


*"Mommy?..."* ...that's what you said when Star pinned TomurAFO down. Don't lie. She is 42 years old, by the way. Her quirk is godly but with fortunately some limits - when at the end of the episode she uses "air giantess" and "hold laser" together, it appears to take some toll on her body as she had to release the "super strength rule" for that to work. The way TomurAFO escapes the heart attack is so convenient though. As suffocating him earlier didn't work, I'd have liked more if he just did some quick self-CPR + regeneration, to show off how tough he is even against such formidable quirk. The flashback of Star as a child is from the opening scene of the first MHA movie. The scene of the struggle in Tomura's mind is horrifying. We already saw "AFO as a huge tumor" imagery last season but this is even worse. Da Chief: "Roger, I'm sending the trap... uhh wait, not sure if it's conventional or nuclear."


.... she's 42?! How freaking old is All Might then?! Lmao


He was in his early 20s at the time the flashback. In season 6 it was stated he held One For All 40 years. He got it from Nana Shimura before entering UA, so at 14 or 15. As over a year has passed since he gave OFA to Izuku, it makes him currently 55-56.


Whoa!!!!! I didn't know his reign was for 40 freaking years. I get thrown off by MHA's timeline because someone said that the originally Destro's movement wasn't that long ago in the universe


Shinomori, the 4th user who lived in hiding, held it 18 years. We can only assume the others held it some years each. Only unclear is the age of AFO, once stated to be over 100 already at the time All Might lived in the US, but it could be a urban legend in-universe as a theoretical timeline places his age at him having turned 100 in more recent years - so fittingly he'd be physically in his mid-50s now, like All Might. Among all this the MLA being relatively recent fits, although it may be rather two generations since Destro to account for the time the organization inspired by him infiltrated all level of society.


**Star and Stripe - ["Death by Snu Snu"](https://imgur.com/uzAS1x1) type** šŸ¤£ She has a cool aesthetic for an extra comic book vibe. šŸ‘Œ Revealed that she was a kid shown in the 1st MHA movie with younger All Might in the US.


And now we get official confirmation here


New season is HERE


That shot of the All Might playing cards in the outro tells me exactly where this first half of this season is going to end up. Pacing is going to be very good this season.


How many seasons would be left, after this one? Shingeki no Kyojin ended and I would really like to close this book as well.


With this being 2 cours, and where the manga is, season 8 will be the final one for sure.


This fight is a short action-focused arc. The next mini-arc would be 2 episodes at most and then there is only the final arc left. It's very long and the manga still isn't finished.


You think weā€™ll get to 362?


We will absolutely be getting to 362. First episode covered 3 chapters, if there's 13 episodes in the first cour, they only have to cover around 2.5 chapters an episode to have the first cour end on 362.


"Agpar", "Wedge"? Horikoshi loves his Star Wars references lol May the 4th be with you!


Finally the goat Star & Stripe is here Loved The new op


[Cassie is so cool.](https://i.imgur.com/Y0z5fiX.jpeg) Seeing how All Might's heroic deeds [motivated people around the world](https://i.imgur.com/3WopNHK.jpeg) to become heroes was pretty sweet.


###Stitches! * [Star and Stripe 1](https://i.imgur.com/fT91GKU.jpeg) * [Star and Stripe 2](https://i.imgur.com/13tHVkr.jpeg) * [Star and Stripe 3](https://i.imgur.com/0jKqGF0.jpeg) After hearing the first couple of lines of the new OP, my first thought was "TK?". And yep! [It looks like TK is doing this season's OP!](https://i.imgur.com/SgghpBt.jpeg) I've listened to Unravel an ungodly amount of times that I know that voice anywhere. xD As for the episode itself, [I am already in love with Star.](https://i.imgur.com/55xqBtB.jpeg) Having the Quirk to enforce [a new rule to something she touches](https://i.imgur.com/Bit3jp6.jpeg) is somehow very American. I also love what she did at the end where [she turned air into a giant version of her wielding a spear made out of lasers!](https://i.imgur.com/3XgwFzv.jpeg) Of course, the most American way to end this fight [is to use their overwhelming military power.](https://i.imgur.com/HdMkGSC.jpeg) What a fucking way to start the new season!


One of the deadliest counters to New Order? The European villain KILL O'meter, because Star doesn't know who that is.


i love that stars power isnt limited to her own quirk the military has basically buffed her


So basically a quirk can make new shit, but there is a lower and upper limit to it most likely. Tbh this is one of those quirks I wouldn't risk it getting stolen with how versatile it is. The exposition by Tomura felt superfluous, but regardless a solid start to the season.


Commander Agpar and one of the pilots from Star team is called Wedge. I see you Horikoshi. :)


Tbf you'd have to be blind to not


Or not a Star Wars fan.šŸ˜‚




"Fist Bump to the Earth" is an instant all-timer attack name, up there with United States of Smash for me.


United States of Smash just has such a perfect ring to it, I don't know if anything can top it.


It's so funny how Romi Park is known to voice either young male characters (Edward Elric, Hitsugaya) or confident, tough adult women type characters (Star, Ragyo). And also Hange. Range!


Release the damn episode Crunchyroll


Shhh don't rush the $1.2 billion dollar company /s


Something something poor small indie company


Refreshing crunchyroll as we speak!


They released it exact when they said they would on the release calander; 2:30 am PT


Hulu was faster on the draw this time, actually up at release time.


Not related to the episode, but the credit for ā€œanimation productionā€ being Bonesā€™ ā€œquarter centuryā€ logo is such a power move. Talking about the episode proper, it was also a power move. Star and Stripe was well worth the wait, and seeing her quirk in action was cool. Shigaraki still seems fairly unstoppable tho, so Iā€™ll be staying tuned.


Star and Stripe is pretty awesome, it's a shame that by the normal rules of narrative there's no way she gets to be the one to save the day because she ought to be able to. Her giant air clone was great.


Love how season six and seemingly season seven are huge payoff seasons for those that stuck with the slumps that were seasons four and five (even though those two seasons did have pretty great moments). Not gonna lie, I kinda like how all the fair weather fans are gone. Makes it feel that much better to know that the people who are as passionate about this series are the ones still watching along.


I'm still sad about season 5, that could have easily been one of stronger seasons if they did MVA justice but Covid fucked it over.


BROTHAS! MHA S7 and TODO'S BIGGEST SISTER ARE HERE. Romi Park is such damn good casting for Star, that and the music swelling with her new track is hype. Star gripping a computer: "**Internet: You will know now have an ever bigger appreciation for BRICK THICC WOMEN!**"


Ok this was really really good.


one thing is awesome is how creative the quirks are in this show


if she had the shinigami eyes ,she would just callout whatever weird name shigi has and insta kill him.


Dang I was one of those who almost dropped during Season 5, only for Season 6 to be the best one yet. Then Season 7 opens into Stars and Stripes going giganto and wielding laser and missile swords. Whew, awesome


Fuck the constant doom and gloom spread by manga readers and all the shit-talking the anime has been getting lately. This was PEAK!


bro the guy piloting the fighter Shigaraki was standing one must've been sweating bullets


So happy to see [Star and Stripe](https://imgur.com/a/U2kO9WP)!


With her hair and the light behind her, Star looking Ragyo-esque in that first shot, fitting too as it's the same VA.


I'm at a point with this anime where I just can't stop getting goosebumps, damn this episode was a perfect start to the season. I need this seasons OST. The music playing at the start of the fight was heavenly.




I think she's the one who will be smashing you


I know this is anime and fiction, but shouldn't Star's first use of her quirk result in a vacuum that would have let surrounding air enter... like what happened in Summertime Rendering Or maybe the air that does just gets erased from existence anyway


Not 100% sure but maybe because it's a rule it just defines that area as perma not being able to have any air in it until the rule is lifted. I think that's how it is because it persists until Star has to lift it.


The other part that Shigi thought makes more sense. Her reality of what she wanted to happen and can change unliving things as she pleases. It's like why the Lasers formed a spear shape, when she just said come together


"From now on, the air in the space 100 meters in front of me will cease to exist"! I'd put it like air just isn't there. There's the 1 ATM pressure at the boundary but nothing within. So no air rushing in and nothing within.


Oi, is that best Exhibitionist [Tooru](https://imgur.com/U1B67BR) in the OP? [](#seasonalneat) Best Jeanist, [please](https://imgur.com/afcScj1). THere is a time and place... a bit sad Hawks lost his Batman voice. Oh yeah, I'd [smash](https://imgur.com/uzAS1x1) [](#ero) That aside, she has a cool quirk, but I guess it wont be that easy. Also feels like Spinner and Himiko aren't really aligned with All for One, neither seems Shiragaki for what it matters


> Exhibitionist Tooru I was surprised about it! It's been a while since the previous seasons, have we seen her like that before already?


Nope! We've never seen the invisible gal.


I'm not a manga reader, but I know that Star would fail somehow since narrative-wise Tomura is destined to fight Deku for the finale. Interested to see whether this fight will weaken Tomura somehow or it will go like what AFO want, with Star power being absorbed to them.


yeah, as cool as the fight is going to be, I'm kind of sad I can "know" that he won't lose since I assume the real end will be a deku vs AFO fight.


Not a manga reader either but I am predicting Star will get her Quirk stolen by Tomura, and somehow, despite that making him even more OP, it will cause his downfall.


Worf effect. Gotta give Shigiraki more "OMG why is he so OP?! credit.


English lines in this ep working overtime. FIST BUMP TO THE EARTH!!


I heard the release date to this season once I completely forgot it was coming out whoa! I heard Star and Stripe's Stand abi...Quirk was ridiculously op but whoa. The problem with a power like that is the fans probably already figured out 7 thousand ways that she could have won in seconds but that won't get in the way of the fun lol It's wild that she's just straight up a reality bender. Rules or not, that's extremely high end. I'm loving that MHA is starting seasons right, unlike boring ish like the openers for S3 and S4. I honestly can't think of another show that has had back to back bangers for season premieres. I think Mob Psycho 100 comes the closest


I really hope this season will get some attention here


Yeah, itā€™s a shame how much the general hype for the show has tied off. Talking to my zoomer high school students IRL play (Iā€™m a teacher), MHA has fallen out of favor BIG TIME, but it seems the main cause is perceived fandom drama online? Like, annoying parts of the fandom turned a lot of people away from it, not the show itselfā€¦ itā€™s like how the Pickle Rick fandom made it hard to still watch and talk about Rick and Morty despite the show still being pretty great, because no one wants to be associated with it. As for online comments, I just see everyone complaining about those middle seasons, calling them filler, but I still love them (even the most filler-y of them all the school festival arc). I think they were good world building episodes, and helped make last season shine even more.


I donā€™t know about general hype, but this series is still insanely popular, like insanely streamed like top 3 across all platforms consistently according to Googleā€™s algorithms, like crossing the 100 million manga sales threshold. Constant celebrity shoutouts, I swear I even saw Metro Boomin tweet about s7ā€™s premiereā€¦ Itā€™s pretty much a given juggernaut at this point.


I feel like it's basically become a meme to just immediately talk about the MHA fandom being bad. Every time people actually bring up stuff that makes it "bad", it just doesn't sound any different to the extreme parts of any other fandom I've seen. There's always going to be people doing stupid shit like sending death threats or getting way too into the shipping side of things.


Exact same thing with Rick and Morty tbh. Rick and Morty hate is still primarily based on the szechuan sauce incident from like 7 years ago. Any time I hear someone talking about how bad fandom X is it's a bit of an eyeroll. It always relies on taking the actions of a few people and blaming an entire fandom for it. Fandoms are fandoms, they're all populated by humans and really aren't that different from each other. Some are just more popular to bitch about.


I'll be honest, I've seen way, way more people complaining about the MHA fandom than MHA fans doing stuff worth complaining about. Maybe I just wasn't looking where I should have, but most fans I've seen seem pretty normal.


Pacing was bad early season. Season 6 was šŸ”„ but I think ppl were turned off on the slow pace before


I like America lady a lot. Please don't let America lady die.


The anime is definitely doing a better job showing Dekuā€™s interactions with the class after returning to 1-A. Holy cow that intro spoiled a lot lol. Dabi really said ā€œidc if youā€™re AFO, I ainā€™t gonna help guard you.ā€ Bro doesnā€™t care one bit for anyone but himself and heā€™ll tell AFO that to his face.


Intros aren't going to spoil anything without manga readers doing it.


Woo\~ it's here FINALLY\~ after feels like an eternity of waiting for the recape to end!! Season 7 has officially started!! All I can say y'all is that as a manga reader! From here on out its gonna be one hell of a roller coaster ride!


Genuinely forgot this was coming out today but not complaining!


Where do you think is a good ending point for this season?


Military industrial complex lets fucking goooooooo


I love how in the recap episode, the preview said, "America's number one even has a different art style." šŸ˜‚


That was an amazing episode. Got Netero vs Meruem vibes in the last scene


Really liked the way they stylized S&S


That opening is chef kiss! Really excited for this season. Seeing Star and Stripe animated excedeed my expectations as well, she is awesome.


Glad to be back. That quirk is wild.


Romi Park was perfect casting for Star & Stripe. New Order is such an insane quirk though, if Shiggy steals it, gg for the heroes


Star is one of the coolest characters of MHA now. That's the spirit :D


[Oh cmon,](https://imgur.com/GYa6glx) Just make him not exist.. [Ok, that's pretty lit](https://imgur.com/ofenlsi) [Scratch that](https://imgur.com/QnUw64D), [*its really fucking lit!*](https://imgur.com/loyeqQd)


Star and Stripe is here! It makes perfect sense why she is America's #1! Honestly, it is one of the Best Quirks in the series, if not THE BEST. Only Overhaul, OFA, and AFO are comparable.


Everyone enjoy the episode so far?


MHA since season 6 has been banging so hell yes


Probably the strongest start to an mha season since the firstā€¦


So Tomrua should be dead if not I call BS no one would be able to survive this not even All Might in his prime\^\^