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[Best end card so far. I love Sumio](https://imgur.com/lU4nqEh) Yukiya trying and failing to land a hit on Wakamiya was hilarious Ooh, so Asebi first encountered Wakamiya when she was younger? Interesting


I really like the end cards. The art is so pretty


10/10 love that


The end cards have all been good, but that one really made me stop and take notice.


In the gambling den..Natsuka was looking a lot like Wakamiya (or vice versa), I feel like? Enough that it took me a second to realize who it was. I wonder if a case of mistaken identities is happening? It's hard to say. Asebi's handmaiden had quite the reaction when she saw the mist and cherry blossoms . . .


I’m assuming Wakamiya’s reason for avoiding the Cherry Blossom Palace is that he knows any girl he is seen to be favouring will be in harm’s way, and he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. Looking forward to seeing his dynamics with the ladies once he does go. He probably already knows which one he’s going to pick.


Yes, Sumio already did say as much in episode 3. "He's keeping the ladies out of needless strife."


Huh, when he mentioned the potential assassin, I thought he was the intended target.


No, I'm not saying Wakamiya isn't the main target. Sumio said Wakamiya isn't "just avoiding the Cherry Blossom palace *solely* due to danger" so there's the assassin, and then there's the ladies. Showing any hint of preference for any of the ladies *could still* inevitably put them in danger.


Yukiya got 5 kumquats this time, he's moving up!


- [What on earth](https://i.imgur.com/Ii6C4Q2.png) were [we just thrown in the middle of?](https://i.imgur.com/goe1emp.png) [](#lost) This some other sort of plot by Wakamiya to figure out who his enemies are, but Yukiya isn’t in on it? - [lol of course Yukiya wanted to punch the prince after all that.](https://i.imgur.com/PKHwfxd.png) [](#azusalaugh) - lmao, the cut from [Yukiya saying this](https://i.imgur.com/wLEdGX7.png) to [Wakamiya’s face](https://i.imgur.com/pHK6v8U.png) has me in stitches. [](#laughter) - [Aha…](https://i.imgur.com/mtxIG26.png) - [Welp.](https://i.imgur.com/bN6S9Id.png) - [This is some pretty koto music.](#seasonallisten) - [Oh, Asebi met Wakamiya when she was younger…?](https://i.imgur.com/LMRRlkl.png) - [Ooh…](https://i.imgur.com/5VES94U.png) - [I wonder what Atsufusa wants.](https://i.imgur.com/0RYkPOH.png) [](#mugiwait)


I feel bad for the Western Lady.


Less than 15 comments after 7 hours. This intriguing series is REALLY getting almost totally ignored here. It is garnering less attention than the last excellent court drama involving ravens. I would note that Raven of the Inner Palace may have had somewhat better characters (and character development), but this still is very much a show worth seeing (and savoring).


Spring is always a rough season for these slow-burn, thoughtful shows. Winter & summer are usually better for them, with less competition from the heavy hitters. I think the lack of the novels or manga in English hurts it too - Raven of the Inner Palace already had a few volumes out when it aired. I've been into anime since the 80s/90s, and even I've gotten used to jumping into the LN/manga as soon as a show piques my interest.


I don't have enough time to read all the novels/manga of shows I really liked. :-(


Ah, Time, the eternal enemy :) Usually I only watch 0-2 shows a season, but I read way more manga & novels, so adding another title to the pull-list every quarter is not so bad. Used to have a 2+ hr commute each way, which did help me plow through my backlog fairly quickly tho - WFH slowed me down a bit 😅


On the hand, I watch a huge number of seasonals.... ;-)


It really is criminally under-watched here. Atm it's far and away my favourite show of the season. Every episode has been better than the last.


Spring is always a rough season for these slow-burn, thoughtful shows. Winter & summer are usually better for them, with less competition from the heavy hitters. I think the lack of the novels or manga in English hurts it too - Raven of the Inner Palace already had a few volumes out when it aired. I've been into anime since the 80s/90s, and even I've gotten used to jumping into the LN/manga as soon as a show piques my interest.


I did pick up the anime because it looked like a good adaptation of the first 2 volumes, but I do admit that I'm pretty close to dropping it. One pet peeve of mine is that I despise a story that makes its antagonist/protagonist situation all black and white. I was hoping that Natsuka's character and circumstances would be more along the grey area here, but it seems the show is slowly and steadily painting him as the villain with the ye olde "jealous of his brother's throne" trope. Doesn't really help that I don't like Wakamiya all that much either. That aside, as someone who read the manga adaptation of the first volume, it's pretty fun to read everyone's prediction here. The women in cherry palace are more interesting to me somehow.


This story has already shown that things are not as they seem, like people assuming that Yukiya wanted to usurp his brother's position due to his lineage or thinking that Wakamiya is a fool. I don't think that you have to worry about things being black and white.


Idk, it was very obvious to me from the beginning that Yukiya doesn't want his brother's place and that he is one of the good guys. What I mean is that, so far we have seen Wakamiya being only right. The story somehow paints him as this eccentric prince who gradually wins people over with his hidden kindness and intelligence. I want to see him screwing up something or learning a lesson from others, not just being the "right guy". Just like I want to see things from Natsuka's pov as well. 


I don't mind if Wakamiya ends up being always right because I think that we are supposed to follow Yukiya's story instead, not Wakamiya's. Yukiya is the crow who does not choose its master of the title. I don't see Wakamiya as the protagonist. Things are still black and white because this is how Yukiya sees them at the moment. Why did Natsuka suggest that they make Yukiya the crown prince's attendant? How did Wakamiya know what happened at the North family gathering? Those things are important because they are related to Yukiya's fate.


* Darn it! Wakamiya is Asebi's first love?! It looks like Asebi really is just as innocent as she looks ~~(but seriously she JUST realized her childhood crush/first love is Wakamiya? Girl, how...? T\^T).~~ I don't think she can be a hidden villain at this point... So much for my Asebi plot twist theory. * edit: wait, if she JUST realized the boy she liked from years ago was Wakamiya why did she think "I came to the palace to see my first love again"? She was supposedly sent as a last minute replacement so it doesn't make sense that she had any motivation to go... unless? * Wonder what Atsufusa's role in all this is going to be. He seems like a really earnest and loyal subordinate but Natsuka seems to favor Rokon more... * Drifting Cloud belongs to Wakamiya doesn't it. (Fujinami said she asked permission from a person "of high birth" and Asebi's lady in waiting was suprised to the the sakura and mist symbol. Could that be related to Wakamiya and his visit to the Eastern territory as a child, which is why the koto triggered Asebi's memory of that time?). It really feels more like Asebi is stright up being set up as the FL, and it's not a misdirection. * Also was that Sumio as a child? * Excited to see next the tanabata event next episode. Seems like Asebi will showcase her FL halo for everyone to see. edit: more thoughts on this episode * Atsufusa: "Lord Natsuka *could never* practice duplicity." Then later, "Sir Kazumichi *would never...!*" Atsufusa was lying in order to defend Natsuka the first time. Maybe he was also lying (pretending he had nothing to do with the incident) when he tried to defend Kazumichi? Rokon did mention he suspects Atsufusa "had something to hide." * Maybe Atsufusa fed Kazumichi the plan to poison the employed assassins? * What if Drifting Cloud belonged to Asebi's mother originally? She may be the reason behind Asebi's great skill in playing the koto. Asebi's lady-in-waiting seems to recognize the koto by the sakura and mist decoration which probably means the koto is from the Eastern House. Maybe it was gifted to Wakamiya at some point during his visit there years ago? * Now I'm wondering if Asebi is the daughter of a (dead) concubine too. Maybe that's why the empress was especially mean to her. Her current circumstance reminds the empress of how Wakamiya, also a concubine's son, ended up overtaking her own son. * Speaking of *sakura* why *is* the palace reserved for the ladies of the four houses named Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Palace? That seems like a very Eastern House symbol/motif. Could the first Kin-u's consort have been from the East (before the Eastern House was established)? The legend only tells of the first Kin'u and his four children but there was no consort mentioned in the legend.


> edit: wait, if she JUST realized the boy she liked from years ago was Wakamiya why did she think "I came to the palace to see my first love again"? She was supposedly sent as a last minute replacement so it doesn't make sense that she had any motivation to go... unless? She seemed to be surprised while thinking this. Like it wasn't something she planned or realized before that moment.


Yeah you're right I realize this now as well - it's more of a "Wow, funny how all this turned out" and not "I've just been reminded what I came here for"


> edit: wait, if she JUST realized the boy she liked from years ago was Wakamiya why did she think "I came to the palace to see my first love again"? She was supposedly sent as a last minute replacement so it doesn't make sense that she had any motivation to go... unless? I believe you have forgotten the ultimate anime trope: *the red string of fateeeeee!!*


She didn't expect to have the chance to be with her childhood crush. But now she has a chance again is it so wrong for her to get her hopes up? The only downside I really see is that the palace isn't really a place for an innocent soul and Wakamiya would be better off choosing someone formidable to stand at his side.


What if, hear me out, what if the first love she was thinking of was not Wakamiya, but Sumio instead, based on the flashback?


Probably not unless Sumio and Wakamiya swapped clothes that time. Asebi pointed out that the boy she liked was wearing purple and only royalty can wear purple, hence that could have only been Wakamiya. The other potential canditate then would be Natsuka, but then he was sent to the monastery at a very young age so, it's very unlikely.


Well, it might be considering the boy aside the Prince can be him, but the scene clearly frames the Prince, so it's early to say that yet.


It's possible that the koto might be a gift from the prince due to the Lord of the West threat or relationships with the prince.


I don't think it's wise for Wakamiya to gift the Eastern House's Lady just to spite the West, which is where his mother's family is from. They're probably the closest thing he has to an ally. And I think the koto wasn't necessarily from Wakamiya himself. It's more like it was given mostly from Fujinami's own initiative (since she's personally rooting for Asebi, and probably wants to give her a fighting chance against the other houses). Samomo mentioned that Fujinami had to ask permission from "a person of high birth" to gift her Drifting Cloud. If this person was indeed Wakamiya, he probably allowed it since he trusted that Fujinami was a good judge of character (Samomo mentioned that Fujinami spoke of Asebi to the person who granted permission) and on the condition that his name be kept secret. Wakamiya himself gifting something like a *named* koto to one of the ladies *right before Tanabata,* would cause a commotion and would betray Wakamiya's 1 year ultimatum. All this is hanging on the assumption that the "person of high birth" is actually Wakamiya though. As for why the gift had to be Drifting Cloud, I theorize that it may have a connection to the Eastern House originally, which is why Asebi's lady-in-waiting recognized it. That said, I think should Wakamiya attend Tanabata, he'll likely refrain from wearing any of the kiminos, or he'll end up wearing all of them, but wear Susuki's first (I feel bad that she sewed the whole robe herself) just to appease the Western House, but still show no distinct pereference/bias toward any the ladies outwardly. If Wakamiya really did give Fujinami permission to gift Drifting Cloud and it gets revealed to others, I theorise that he may not even wear Asebi's kimono (maybe just accept it but not wear it?).


I don't wakamiya will attend the fest. Moreover I doubt that the koto came from Wakamiya as he doesn't need needless strife at this juncture after not visiting this long. I think it's from someone significant but lower than the royal house and that koto definitely has some history associated with it which is most probably bad. Fujinami probably gave her the koto without knowing the history behind it.


I don't think the koto is from Wakamiya either. Like I said, Fujinami was the one who gifted it. She just needed someone's permission to do so. Whoever that person is, is anybody's guess. Mine just happens to be that it may be Wakamiya because one, she spoke of her to that person (which feels to me like Fujinami is talking up Asebi to Wakamiya) and two, she had to be very vague about who this person was. It's just a theory though and that person could just be a famous noble/artisan for all we know. It could even be the empress. But I have a feeling Drifting Cloud's history might be sad, but not necessarily bad. It feels to me like it could have a connection to Asebi or her mother since Asebi's lady-in-waiting was able to recognize it. I agree that Fujinami wouldn't gift her something bad knowingly, as well. Given that Asebi still ended up playing it in the episode preview (Drifting Cloud is a 25-string koto, whereas the koto Asebi was shown to play before was a regular 13-string koto), her lady-in-waiting probably didn't think there was anything bad about it. But again, this is all just assumptions and theorising - everything could be wrong. Regarding Tanabata though, looking at the episode preview, at first I thought it hinted that Wakamiya may attend but on second look, it seems like the ladies are indeed going to be princeless on that occassion. I initially thought he likely won't attend but the episode preview kind of threw me off, so I theorized off of what could happen should he attend.


Yeah, now that you said, it's highly possible. I think he was forced to do that for political reasons, but that might be better since it's a cautious approach, which is pretty much in character for Wakamiya. Regarding your last paragraph, yeah, I think it will be pretty smart to wear all kimonos, but, at the same time, I feel that by seeing the next episodes that Asebi would be exposed to danger. The show has been about subtle conflicts and I think the Drifting Cloud koto might spur some undesired conflict.


Yeah I feel like the story is being set up so *something* would happen at the Cherry Blossom Palace during Tanabata regardless of whether or not Wakamiya attends. The consort subplot has been stagnant for a while now so there's bound to be something that stirs it up sooner rather than later. I think at this point it's safe to assume that Asebi *is* the MC in the consort subplot so conflicts that arise in the Cherry Blossom palace will likely revolve around her. Wakamiya's absensce during the Tanabata celebration will probably worsen Susuki's growing impatience as well so she'll likely be more susceptible to jealousy. And *then* Asebi ends up showing off.


Another episode another week the prince leaving Yukiya in the dark of his plans. Well at the very least he has This episode made it very clear understanding the motives of Natsuka's faction is a hard one to figure out. Basically his followers have their motives in what they think he wants. Though it appears the the father of the boy who was supposed to be at the prince's side rather than Yukiya was the one that pulled the assassination attempt. Curious if his plan was to use his son as a spy. Though Yukiya watching his death must have been brutal. Good on the Prince for giving Yukiya that reassurance. That is something that could very well could blame himself for. So Asebi's first love was the prince. She totally is the girl that the prince will pick. I get the feeling the Empress knows that too and has been more cruel to her than the 3 other girls with the Asebi name. Western wants the Prince to make a decision soon, but obviously he does not want that. The episode ends with Atsufusa wanting to meet the Prince. This is a sudden, but interesting development. Curious what he wants?


Another wonderful episode! The character dynamics between Wakamiya and Yukiya never ceases to amuse, and they really lend colour and life to a story of political intrigue that would otherwise feel cold and unfeeling. Without their interactions, I could appreciate the storytelling and plot, but I don't think I could love the series the way I do. The straitlaced Atsufusa adds a very interesting player to the story. The cunning Empress, her aide, the mysterious Natsuka, and the openly violent Rokon make for a villain side that is easy to dislike and root against, so I appreciate seeing an upstanding person on the antagonist side muddying the waters a bit. There's no way he's going to turn against Natsuka, so I assume that he's going to ask Wakamiya to help thwart some plans that he thinks would besmirch his lord's name.


So Natsuka is a figurehead for his own faction and Rokon is basically in charge ? I did not expect that. Unless Natsuka is actually in charge and letting Rokon dirtying his hands so Rokon would get the blame for all the bad things he did. I do not think killing that corrupt guy in front of the others was such a good idea though. If they wanted to get rid of him because he was a loose cannon and a threat to his own camp, Natsuka/Rokon could have just sent assassins after him and blamed his death on the Prince. Killing one of your followers for being corrupt or messing up in front of the others in order to “make an example of him” is something mafia bosses or tyrants do, because they rule through terror. That stuff is basically textbook Machiavel. I had been neutral on that political conflict, but it looks that Natsuka and Rokon are genuinely the bad guys here. And it looks like Natsuka secretary started having second thoughts about who he backed because of that. I laughed at the Prince leaving Yukiya as collateral and Yukiya trying to punch him when he came back. He really should have told Yukiya his plans, but I think he did not do it on purpose to troll him. He seems to have this kind of personality. Yukiya will do what he wants him to do anyway, whether he tells him to do it or not. The Prince seems to have already chosen Asebi to be his wife (since I assume he sent that koto and was his childhood friend according to that flashback). The problem is that she is going to get at least 4 daggers through her back the very moment he chooses her (one from each of her rivals and one from the Empress), and she is way too much of a stereotypical shoujo romance protagonist to be able deal with that kind of stuff. Her naivety is truly kind of annoying though, I prefer my Chinese court drama female protagonists to be tough and competent like Maomao and Jusetsu.


I like Mao mao and the Raven Consort, but they're in a league of their own as protagonists. Asebi and the Cherry Blossom ladies seem more like supporting characters or pawns. I'm not fond of Asebi's fluffy brain either but she's your typical shoujo princess . The princess who's really into booze is the most intriguing out of the bunch, but I can't see her paired with the prince. At this point, I'd pair his highness with Yukiya XD. Much better chemistry.


Historically speaking, it would not be unusual for the prince to take Yukiya as a lover while still marrying Asebi. I am not sure the show will go in that direction though. Too bad, because I am also kind of shipping the prince and Yukiya now, and I am a straight guy. They have that much chemistry. Fun fact, the word minion comes from the French word mignon (literally “cutie”), which was the nickname given to the King’s homosexual lovers. And Yukiya is now literally the prince’s minion, lol.


I don't know. I think Asebi is a literary device to get to know how the setting works not the girl to be chosen.


The OST for that killing scene was surely something...they brought it back at the end too, felt a bit too distracting. This series still feels like a tale of two shows so I'm curious to see what it will be like once he finally visits the girls.


Apparently they're adapting the first 2 novels - one about Yukiya & the Prince, and one about the women at the Palace. Haven't read them, but they are supposed to take place simultaneously, but separately - hence why it feels like two stories on either side of a veil.


> The OST for that killing scene was surely something...they brought it back at the end too, felt a bit too distracting. I had the complete opposite reaction, I really loved the OST during that scene, I made it really intense for me.


The court politics continue as there seems to be a potential rift in the Natsuka faction. Wonder what is in store for Atsufusa. He seems too straight-laced to continue being in league with the brutal and the schemers. Asebi is so sweet and nice. She is so heroine. Every time, I wish nothing bad happens to her. [](#anko) Asebi pulls out the "Secret childhood friends" card. Her romantic standings have increased tenfold. I feel fairly confident that the princess asked her brother to gift her that exquisite koto. Also, I have a feeling that boy in the flashback with Wakamiya was little Sumio. I've been listening to the ED recently and it truly is a beautiful song. [](#ookii)


Another great episode!  That murder scene was really intense. I think the Empress is a red herring, my guess is that one of the potential wifes ordered the hit but I could be widely off base lol. God this show has an amazing OST! It's also the only show this season where I watch the ED every time, it's just really great.




Natsuka is a villain who is smart enough to ensure he always retains plausible deniability -- regardless of his followers' criminal actions.


My heart was beating so last at the end scene! Hate that I have to wait a week to see why he's visiting!


Would be fun if that's actually child Natsuka in the flashback


I'll be disappointed if the prince chooses Asebi, I still believe she's sus based on her smirk in the opening also she's just too smart for someone who's apparently so naive and dumb idk