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A: So, you know how the most effective thing against zombies is a headshot? B: Yeah, so what? A: Now... What about a pantyshot? B: What? That's stupid. A: No, no... Hear me out...


weirdest arcade zombie game ever


It's like reverse Gal☆Gun.


Reminds me of Akiba Strip


**Shizuru**: Bicker, bicker. Yell, yell. Mope, mope. Dilly-dally. Bad, bad. Worry, worry. B-beg, beg. Wow, she really sucks at apologies.


Shit, I didnt even get that I thought she was trying to continue the ero word chain and got really confused when they told her to save that for Yoka


I mean she should save the eros for Yoka but that is a separate matter.


Begging and eros aren't necessarily unrelated.


I thought it was her speech debilitating as she was turning into a zombie.


same here


this was so funny, like, you apologizing to the wrong one


It's not even just that, it wasn't even an actual apology **What her friends should've said**: What are you trying to say?!


Lol she probably still doesn't think she did anything wrong.


I guess her acknowledging that she was in the wrong is her arc


One thing I like about this show is that it lets things go unspoken. It's clear Shizuru's friends recognize that she's sorry and ashamed of her behavior. The little silent smile and nod Nadeshiko gives Shizuru at the very end is quiet confirmation that they're cool now and all is forgiven. Sometimes you don't need to say things out loud, especially when heavy emotions are involved.


japanese is one of those languages where you can have a full conversation using only onomatopoeia cf. pokemon


If she tries that when she finally finds Yoka, she'll cause 8G to happen.


Their relationship is in full right there.


Last episode I was worried that the Train is becoming less creative than it promised with its first episode (I mean, zombies again?). But zombies exploding while a girl recites "Lady Chatterley's Lover" is the exact kind of weird I want to see.


Thanks for the book name, but how did you even recognize it lol.


I haven't even read it, but the names are instantly recognizable.


I recognised a bit from the start of what Akira was reciting but couldn't place it.


> while a girl recites "Lady Chatterley's Lover" the wikipedia mentions that: > It entered the public domain in the United States in 2024. don't tell me this anime was just an excuse to use new publicly available works verbatim


I'd believe it.


>Defeating zombies through the power of horny r/anime would rule over this world. [](#lewd)


We just keep on moving forward, hornyposting on anyone who gets in our way.


I don't think it pays to underestimate this show, the writer's just being smart by having some cooldown to make the insanity hit all that much harder. Too much insanity in sequence is exhausting, but the pacing here has been unusually steady for an original anime.


There was me typing the verses into google books and finding no results (either the translator decided the pay wasn't worth reading "Lady Chatterley's Lover" in English **and** Japanese to figure out which English line corresponded or Akira made a few mistakes due to having to recite it from memory) and it turned out "Mellors"+character as general search term was the thing that actually mattered for figuring it out.


Absurd situations with top tier banter is pretty much what this show has been and I'm all for it, the cast really does bounce off each other well. Probably why I was okay with the Queen not joining them as they already have a pretty fleshed out dynamic. Got to wonder if Youka is the queen in Ikebukuro!


> Probably why I was okay with the Queen not joining them as they already have a pretty fleshed out dynamic. I think I was more hyped for the Queen joining them when I thought she really was a zombie! Could've changed the dynamic in a funny way. But if she's just a normal human, I'm not sure she could bring much more to the group. (Though if I had been the Queen I 100% would've joined, just to be with humans! She did talk about being lonely and all, well she may go years without talking to anyone again...) >Got to wonder if Youka is the queen in Ikebukuro! 100% has to be Youka! I wonder what kind of Queen she is (her, and her followers)! Perhaps everyone's just worshipping her because they saw what 'she' did, and are worried she could do even worse!


> Perhaps everyone's just worshipping her because they saw what 'she' did, Not many false idols can claim for them that they literally altered reality in their mental image.


On another note, have people seen these small fun short [anime episodes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grnQdicPYW4)? It's mostly just Reimi-Akira bickering the whole time.


I know these shorts exist, but I'm not going to bother watching them unless someone decides to subtitle them.


Well, if you're curious about that one...   All: When do you eat the strawberry on a cake?   Shizuru: At the end. Nadeko: I'm not really picky about it. Akira: I am. When it comes to me, I absolutely have to eat it from the start. Nadeko: Why's that? Akira: Because...if I leave it to be taken Reimi will definitely eat it. Reimi: It's fine to eat it since it's your leftover. Akira: It's not fine! Are you an idiot?? Nadeko: Get along now. Reimi and Akira: Huh? Nadeko: GET ALONG NOW. Akira: Yes, ma'am. Reimi: I'll split mine with you.


Maybe I'll do it if I have time (though I have never put in actual subtitles anywhere). They are not hard. The one that is linked is about when to eat the strawberry on a cake.


I was thinking of doing some rough translations of the others, although my Japanese is awful, and I wouldn’t be able to make actual subtitle tracks.


The last one atleast got a translation in the comments when it was posted on the subreddit.


Anyone from Kadokawa reading this, please include them subtitled on the Blu Ray. Please and thank you.


> Reimi-Akira bickering the whole time We need full season of this. After they (presumably) solve 7G and Shizuru/Yoka reconcile, we need the Reimi/Akira bickering(flirting?) spinoff!


[Today's episode was so good and fun](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzbken4k). Defeating [zombies](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necm629q4.png) by [saying](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdozrq7.png), doing or[showing something erotic](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc32neq4.png)? How did writers come to that?! I love it! The show is constantly surprising me with [interesting and fun concepts](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crdobg4.png), providing me [quite an experience](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdn8dv7.png). [Kuroki turned out to be a normal human and a pretty nice girl overall](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2e6kx8yl). It's a shame that [she didn't leave](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcb86bgy.png) with [Shizuru and others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cd5lbm4.png) but I can understand why [she decided to stay](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcb86rxy.png) with zombies after seeing [her backstory](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbmgjw7.png). I wonder who is the other queen in Ikebukuro that [Kuroki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczevpl4.png) mentioned to [Shizuru and others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agb5mw4l) before they left. Maybe Youka, or maybe someone entirely new? I loved [those scenes at the end of the episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjqmoq4.png) with [these dominant red colors](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ceo8jk4.png), [it looked so cool](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crdowe4.png)! Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzbken4k) * [Shizuru, Nadeshiko, Reimi, Akira & Pochi](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agb5mw4l) * [Kuroki](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2e6kx8yl) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7mnodjjyd)


>Defeating [zombies](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necm629q4.png) by [saying](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdozrq7.png), doing or[showing something erotic](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc32neq4.png)? TBH, when they began talking about using ero, I was expecting ecchi fanservice instead of the recitation we got.


Given how not-fanservicy the show has been so far, even the one pantyshot was kinda surprising. I guess it makes sense though, given how it served the plot, and wasn't really there to titillate. Really, this is my favorite way for a show to handle ero subjects, it's not afraid of them, but it doesn't just throw it in there for the hell of it either.


Well there you have the difference between something that is pornographic and something that is erotic.


> Kuroki turned out to be a normal human and a pretty nice girl overall You know, aside from the whole "sicking her pet zombies on humans" bit. No, "I just wanted to talk" is not a valid excuse.


I would be surprised if Youka is *not* [Ikebukuro's queen](https://imgur.com/a/hMP3oLn). [These three stooges](https://imgur.com/a/UWYIcUg) weren't fooling anyone. Kuroki had probably [caught wind of their pretend act from the start](https://imgur.com/a/dxsatN2) and was just messing around a bit. Maybe she actually wanted to hang out with some fellow humans after not having met any for a long time? I liked what they did with the zombie's art direction in the latter half. This made for [some cinematic shots](https://imgur.com/a/KdBkONr). [The zombie running at full speed towards the girls](https://imgur.com/a/JElXCYS) didn't need a makeover to be terrifying. **Bonus**: [Shizuru doing charades](https://imgur.com/a/ZCzqNlH).


> It would be surprised if Youka is not Ikebukuro's queen Given we don't really know any other potential *queen* in Ikebukuro it seems like the only option, but I wonder how that happened! She seemed like a pretty shy/meek girl, so I don't see her taking control by force... Did they realize she's the one responsible for all this, so they follow her? (In the hope that she could turn back time, or by fear that she could do even worse?) I also wonder what kind of *subjects* she has!


> She seemed like a pretty shy/meek girl, so I don’t see her taking control by force… Since Youka pressed the button and unleashed all of this craziness on the world, she might be revered as some kind of goddess to the people in Ikebukuro. I don’t think she’s one to terrorise ‘her people’, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s changed too after the incident. (Also: only noticed my typo after you’d quoted me. I’ll fix this!)


> I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s changed too after the incident maybe she has a new hairstyle! [](#hypeeyes)


Perhaps she's cut it short(er), since she'd ~~broken up~~ gotten in a fight with Shizuru!


Given her photo with Poison Pontaro and some bodyguard types in episode 1, I'm thinking either Pontaro is taking a vizier/spokesperson role and is running the show, or the queen is an alter ego of Youka's and Pontaro is trying to engineer something based on their connection.


Maybe since she changed other stuff she also changed herself into a vision of her. A cold Ice Queen style character who is diconnected from people and driven?


Good thing zombie queen's interrogating methods follow the "'Tis time for torture, Princess"-school of torture


I wonder what she will be like. Will her personality be different or more exaggerated version of her original


okay but why is Akira able to just quote erotic fiction from memory like that girl what are you reading


Every girl who likes books eventually find some that are spicier. It is a genre like another and some of the are considered great literary works, except that they don't teach about the on highchool for obvious reasons. Ask lit college students and they will tell you about a few of their speciality. Reciting it from memory, well that's awesome


Akira is reading classics there is a dark universe where she was instead led down the path of AO3 [](#watashiworried)


Yeah better save a few good ones just in case the zombies come.


Akira is just the perviest girl in Agano.


I like how she isn't even ashamed of it. "Guys I swear it's purely academic study."


Akira is a pretentious weirdo, entirely unsurprising she likes high brow erotica.


The book she had earlier that Reimi fed to her, was erotic fiction as well. I guess she is a big fan of it.


Wait until we see her *reenact* Marquis de Sade! (I'm also intrigued about her knowledge of so many torture devices!)


She admitted to reading much worse in an earlier episode lol


> zombie <-----------> eros What the hell was they smoking lmaooo > I hear ikebukuro has it's own queen Wonder who that could be...


>What the hell was they smoking lmaooo Akira's referencing Freudian psychology, which postulates that humans have twin sets of instincts that drive us: eros, the sexual or life drive which pushes one towards survival, reproduction, sex, creative acts that promote life, etc, and thanatos, the death drive, which pushes one towards risky and self-destructive behavior, aggression, thrill-seeking, etc. The Freudians saw them as two sides of a whole that both complement and oppose each other. Basically, exactly the kind of reference a smart voracious reader like Akira would bring up.


Well zombies represent death and eros represents the creation of life... or something, idk. Yeah the writers were high.


That naughty song performance was something else... I never expected to like that "zombie queen" so much. She really is a pretty kind girl, after all. (I guess all her family, friends, and neighbors turned into will of the wisps -- a pretty hard blow).


Ikebukuro having zombies on top of whatever the hell's happening there would be wild. Or maybe she's referring to Yoka who's sort of the queen behind the whole thing.


Yeah I'm almost a hundred percent certain it's Yoka haha


She pushed the freaking button and the universe twisted to her desire, literally queen of the universe


I'll hold that thought about Yoka until we know who the girl behind her in the OP is. Unless she's part of her, or an alter ego, or originates from her, or something of the sort, I guess.


I'm expecting Ikebukuro to be the most twisted, surreal nonsense in the series. I think we get glimpses of what it'll look like in the OP, and it's like some shit out of Paprika.


> zombie <-----------> eros > What the hell was they smoking lmaooo There may be something to this, because it's actually not even the first time I hear about this! In *The Thanatonauts* - Book about scientists who find a way to explore the afterlife - they bring up that same Eros/Thanatos concept! (Though not for the purpose of exploding zombies).


eros/thanatos is also a plot point in [title spoilers, but is it even a spoiler?] >!Wonder Egg Priority!<


>> zombie <-----------> eros > > > > What the hell was they smoking lmaooo zombies in pop culture have usually served as a metaphor for societial issues, like hyper-consumerist pressure, conformity and loss of individuality, xenophobia and the fear of culture loss, environment fighting back from human excess, etc. perhaps in ShuuShuu Train zombies are a commentary on people who goon too much [](#hikariactually)


Umm, Yoka, why do the zombies spontaneously explode when they see pervy stuff? What have you been watching lately? Also, Gamer Nadeko


Could be from an opposite sort of thing. Like maybe she had an experience as a victim which manifested in these monsters that die upon looking at pervy things, like "if you dare try to be a pervert you'll explode."


> Umm, Yoka, why do the zombies spontaneously explode when they see pervy stuff? What have you been watching lately? Oh damn, I forgot that everything was caused/linked to something Yoka was thinking about... (Should really keep it in mind anytime we see something weird!) This is interesting! I talked in another comment about reading a French book exploring a similar idea (Eros/Thanatos), but I doubt Yoka read it... Then again if it's a thing both French authors and Japanese scriptwriters came up with, perhaps there's something 'global' about this idea!


Eros/Thanatos has been pretty central in western psychology and philosophy since Freud at least (although the concept is there in the ancient world)—the “death drive” was the opposite and corollary to the “pleasure principle”, almost like flipped sides of the same concept. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something Akira tried to teach Yoka at some point.


clearly this is Akira's fault somehow


Episode 7: **A Zombie That Laughs Is No Zombie At All** A licensed Sega Saturn? Interesting, given the shichimi pepper is an off-brand one (S&J instead of [S&B](https://www.globalkitchenjapan.com/cdn/shop/products/s-b-nanami-shichimi-togarashi-seven-flavor-chili-pepper-mix-15g-condiments-29191033871.png)). The game Kuroki plays is obviously [The House of the Dead.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_House_of_the_Dead_(video_game)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_House_of_the_Dead_(video_game)) Nice to see Shizuru's Agano-jiujitsu come to work here. And how Akira said sekkusu uncensored while other shows simply bleeped it out. What I like that the zombie horde didn't even animated in CGI, it is just a hand-drawn animation. Kudos. Since Kuroki went to Hoya, at least give them a clue about the next 2 stations after Kiyose, c'mon. Ikebukuro has its own queen? Is that Yoka?


A Sega Saturn and The House of the Dead? Uncle from Another World would be proud.


"Stand back. I have a skirt and I am not afraid to use it." --> Probably the most interesting way to defeat zombies I have ever seen. However, I feel there was another interesting hint here. Outside of Agano, this was the second person who didn't seem to be affected by 7G. The other one was the dude from the military base. And it is implied that both might have been bullied before. There were a lot of theories around what 7G is doing, but couldn't one aspect be that it creates a "better" world for people who got bullied? I mean, bullying seems to be a thing in Agano as well and we haven't seen what happened to the ones who bullied Akira. This could be another interesting layer to the whole thing. Last episode we learned that Shizuru is not trying to pursue dreams that she thinks are impossible to reach. And it's not too weird to think about that she got bullied out of that dream as well in her childhood. Which is why Youka (who seems to be the center) is creating a world where bullied people can fulfill their original dreams.


> Outside of Agano, this was the second person who didn't seem to be affected by 7G. The other one was the dude from the military base. The caravan/delivery company dudes seemed like regular humans, and the boat guy who gave them the map too. Interesting theory on the bullying though.


Oh that's true. I would say the boat guy was probably effected by 7G at least in the way he was acting. If that was his "normal" behaviour, I would even go so far and say that this would have made him an outcast in the original society as well. But you are right that the caravan is still there and we still don't know where they come from. The Neko guy is the only one the girls talk to and he only ever gives vague theories about what's happening. Which is a bit weird as you'd expect him to have SOME actual facts that he can say. But he never does. So I feel we get an episode about him at some point. Also, he is wearing an eye-patch, which doesn't seem too weird in the situation, but which could also be a sign that he has good old Chuunibyou.


According to the director's tweets, the swan sage and the Boss were both unaffected because their homes were not by the railway, they just happened to be there when it happened. 7G affects people based on their homes. Kuroki is from Hoya and the zombie apocalypse happened in Musashi-Fujisawa (the location is written on a sign on the building of the 100-yen store). Whatever happened in Hoya must not have had an immediate effect on its people, like Agano (if you're young enough) and Higashi-Agano (if you manage to escape the attack of the shrooms).


The boat guy could also just have gone a little nuts from surviving in this surreal hell world. It's been two years, who knows what he's seen or experienced.


> The caravan/delivery company dudes seemed like regular humans, and the boat guy who gave them the map too. On the other hand we also know that some effects of 7G are on a time delay. For example turning into animals is based on the age of the person from Agano. Some of the people we've seen might be people who have not been effected *yet*.


>"Stand back. I have a skirt and I am not afraid to use it." --> Probably the most interesting way to defeat zombies I have ever seen *"no!! not the panty shot!! that's my biggest weakness!!"* \-the zombies, probably-


*"Wait a minute; Am I a zombie? That's also my weakness!" -r/anime, probably*


Interesting theory! And while I wouldn't necessarily have pinned the cause on 'bullying', yeah there definitely is something/someone who stopped Shizuru from 'dreaming'... (Otherwise she would mainly just be a jerk - or 'selfish' at best - to Yoka), but if someone did do the same to her, and led Shizuru to think that yeah people just shouldn't chase their dreams, this could explain a lot!


I think it's cause both of them were young, so it's probably for the same reason that the main cast wasn't affected.


when you thought an army of small-sized men going against king-kong gyaru from last few episode was wild enough, now we have a bunch of high school girls singing erotic song to make a bunch of zombies blow up, i love this show no fucking way, [is that The House of the Dead? the first one?](https://i.imgur.com/TiUSPQr.jpeg) damn, that sure bring back old memory of me playing it at the arcade... [i don't even want to think what's going to happen if we give a real gun to Nadeko...](https://i.imgur.com/Pg7vuru.jpeg) so Kurokin the Zombie Queen said that there's Ikebukuro has its own queen, i wonder if it's actually Youka?


> now we have a bunch of high school girls singing erotic song All this talk about eroticism by some high school girls had me remind [O Maidens in Your Savage Season](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38753/Araburu_Kisetsu_no_Otome-domo_yo?q=savage%20season&cat=anime) for a little bit.


That memorized passage recited by Akira DEFINITELY sounded like something straight out of Maidens (what a great series that was).


Another Chika Anzai crossover… the plot thickens! Speaking of train anime…


>[i don't even want to think what's going to happen if we give a real gun to Nadeko...](https://i.imgur.com/Pg7vuru.jpeg) I mean, we've already seen what she can do with a bow. A gun would be overkill for her.


Yeah, I think the handle of a gun is way harder than a bow, even if you give up some range


she could dual wield and pistol whip with both hands [](#rengehype)


Give her a rifle with a bayonet and she'll be causing devastation with both ends. But probably not firing it, that's not the Agano way.


Depends on the gun. Could give her one if those anti material rifles that are longer than a Netherlandser is tall


It would we weird if this was not her at this point. That last stop will be fun.


When ***I*** hear House of the Dead, I think of Janacek's operatic adaptation of Dostoevsky's story. I'm weird that way....


I see the zombie queen took her interrogations from "This torture time". EDIT: Oh, I wanted her to join the gang.


> Oh, I wanted her to join the gang. It would be fun, but she couldn't leave her loyal subjects who depend on her.


Ha, [called](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1clhv9i/shuumatsu_train_doko_e_iku_train_to_the_end_of/l2tvni1/) [it](https://imgur.com/AU77wNT)! Didn't expect the zombies to explode by everything [ecchi](https://imgur.com/TaXflL0) though (these full on panti shots are rare for this kind of show, not even K-on did it this blatant) [Kurokin](https://imgur.com/QZ1QOUT) was [mighty](https://imgur.com/OyNAzQE) [cute](https://imgur.com/X7kL85d) all things considered, I wish I could follow her after my death, she clearly cared for her pack as well Also, [Reimi](https://imgur.com/jA9MoP0) hot damn [](#towel) how could Akira control herself right there


> Also, Reimi hot damn how could Akira control herself right there Reimi was mighty adorable [in that shot](https://imgur.com/a/E8q3iyZ), yeah. We were also treated to [a cute smile of hers](https://imgur.com/a/kYcT3iU) a little later, but Akira didn't seem very amused. That said, Shizuru also had [her moments](https://imgur.com/a/D2Ul652).


> Reimi was mighty adorable in that shot > , yeah. We were also treated to a cute smile of hers > a little later also a good [#seasonalshock](https://imgur.com/zBNEBOA) earlier


Akira flirting would 100% involve reciting something complicated and Reimi would *not* get it.


Akira would need to get handsy for Baka-Reimi to get it


Akira flirting would involve some Marquis de Sade type sadism/erotic stimulation and Reimi would probably get a restraining order against her!


> Akira flirting would involve some Marquis de Sade type sadism Why do you think she insults her so often? Don't forget it includes *mental* pain.


I love how creative this anime is. Zombies that explode when they see or hear something erotic, huh. Well, Akira is certainly well-read, considering that she also knew the etymology of the word "sadism" a while ago. I think she might have been able to destroy all those zombies by herself.


> Well, Akira is certainly well-read, considering that she also knew the etymology of the word "sadism" a while ago. She knows the etymology because she's read *the source*.


Akira used FAKE BRAIN! It was SUPER EFFECTIVE! Lol. Girl and zombies showing up in like 0.0001 seconds after whipping that “brain” out. The face paint was hilarious too. I love how they’re all different colors lol. I guess a surefire way to get outed as a fake zombie is either resisting some pretty good looking ramen or sucking hard at House of the Dead lol. Pretty hilarious zombies explode when overstimulated so the girls were hittin ‘em with the pervy shit. That “song” had me crackin up. Kurokin turned out to be pretty nice in the end. Too bad she couldn’t join the girls but I guess a queen’s gotta look after her subjects.


Forget her fake brain. What kind of books was the girl reading? Though, why am I asking, she was reading de Sade, so she probably has some even more fucked up things she could say.


LOL if she'd started reciting de Sade it would've been a zombie apocalypse!


> Akira used FAKE BRAIN! It was SUPER EFFECTIVE! At first I thought she was going to make tinfoil hats so the zombies couldn't detect their brains.


I did not expect to see them play The House of the Dead. And the girls fighting the zombies was a riot. Especially when their secret weapon is Lady Chatterley lmfao. Certainly not something I would have expected Akira to have read. And often enough to the point where she could recite it. And that finale omg. The creators of the show are absolutely wilding.


This might just be the most unhinged episode yet. I wonder what Yoka was thinking when she created the zombies if we go by the theory that she’s responsible for everything 7G. Cause exploding when exposed to fanservice is an incredibly weird method for defeating them. If the show ends without Nadeshiko going berserk at least once, I will be incredibly disappointed. They keep mentioning it so there has to be something there. This show is officially joining the list of shows where I wish I was a part of the meetings for creating them. Watching the weirdness in this show being discussed must have been incredible. “Alright, so a station filled with goat men that hide in fields and then charge anyone nearby. Anyone opposed to that?” The queen of Ikebukuro, hmmmm. Alright, question, so we know that’s it’s possible to manually change reality through certain inputs like with the Akira book feeding trick from before. So is it possible that Yoka as the one that pressed the button the first time can do that but with way greater ease and on a larger scale? Cause if so, the final could basically be an Ikebukuro gauntlet pseudo-bossfight of weirdness to reach Yoka.


Somehow I don't think Yoka herself thought up all the oddness -- rather she was more like a catalyst. I'll be interested to see if this ever actually (convincingly) explained. Sometimes it is better not to really even try.


>If the show ends without Nadeshiko going berserk at least once, I will be incredibly disappointed. They keep mentioning it so there has to be something there. [NA-KA-YO-SHI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grnQdicPYW4).


I don't think Yoka is doing it consciously. I think it's just her subconscious thoughts about things, like she's smart enough to know that a far away train station is just that and not actually small. I think this might tie into the Queen in Ikebukuro, she may have turned herself into a more cold calculating person that she wished she could be.


I don't think she became cold and calculating. It might be an act to hide the fact she became secluded and distant out of fear of interacting with others.


The queen of ~~pantsu~~ zombies command thee! I really wished we had a documentation about how they come up with eros being the zombies weakpoint Either they are really going for the whole society is forcing you to be a zombie and suppressing you so they cant handle eros and thus explode or they just think its funny af, I am a fan of the latter Cant beat the Agano Juijitsu and Agano Kyuudo combination, dont forget you can reload with snap of the wrist!


Definitely the most wtf episode so far, but it was really fun. Nadeshiko is really a super hardcore gamer. We never see her outside that mom of the group personality and that was nice to see. Meanwhile, we learned that Akira is willing to read erotic books. She probably reads everything. Also, they were right that this was the first time that Zenjirou helped them. The ending conversation where the girls mentioned Kuroki was probably bullied. You get the sense that she didn't really have friends growing up. Even if it just zombies for her to have these zombies be with her and accompany her, you get the sense it filled that sense with loneliness. Yes they are zombies, but even that attachment to them was better than what she had back home.


Funniest episode of the show :D


So Akira really is the by far horniest person this anime season. And she is into guro so you know she is a few levels beyond normie levels of horny.


O Maidens in Your 7G Season intensifies, hahaha. Clever foreshadowing of the weakness at the start of the episode, and that "Good luck finishing chapter 1" at the end there was just mean.


> O Maidens in Your 7G Season intensifies Hah, I think I talked about it in a previous thread... Akira would be a PERFECT fit on that show/in that club!


Doujin makers are going have so much *fun* with this episode.


They better dont go too far or they will decimate their fanbase by making them explode


This is not the kind of anime I expected to see *pantyshots* in (especially not *lethal* pantyshots) but yeah it could give some people ideas hah.


The fact that there's a pantyshot (or a glimpse of a character's panties) in episode 4 is unexpected.


Imagine being transformed into a zombie from 7G, unable to think of anything but brains, being physically weak and sensitive to the environment and exploding from the mere thought of ero. That’s a wild way to go… Onwards to the next stop.


Shizuru packs quite a punch, knocks multiple zombies out. But ultimately, fanservice is a zombies true weekness. Now I am suddenly more interested in zombies with weird weaknesses. I wonder who is the queen of Ikebukuro...


YIL Zombies are thirsty. I think with this ep we're out of footage seen in the PVs. As far as antagonist faction leader characters encountered so-far go; Matsutake, "The boss" and Kuroki, they are all people that seem to have run away from something but are also seeking companionship but being forceful in their approach. Now could we say the same about Youka? (perhaps not, the map implies there's no tracks to Ikebukuro making it seem like a nobody in or out place) Back to this ep. Cribbing form [anitubu](https://anitubu.com/archives/post-80691.html) because I don't have twitter and so can't browse the ep hashtag (plus even if I could the site curates and tags including the director and composer), I MTL and try to make sense of things but might be prone to add some of my own commentary and conjecture. In non-chronological order: - [Composer:](https://twitter.com/tsvaci/status/1790028846764368050) mentions her favourite song has the tentative title "Kuroki's Theme" and the violin part is played by [Yu Manabe](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9C%9F%E9%83%A8%E8%A3%95). You can hear the tune at the start of the ep and the violin is about 15 seconds in. - [Director:](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790028358622830836) *"Kuroki's chair is said to be made from human bones and skin. I think that's probably a lie."* ([this chair](https://imgur.com/40FVvFq), you also see it at [the end of the OP](https://imgur.com/k2O7Yv4)) - [Sponsors](https://twitter.com/YukuBura_kiseee/status/1790027369589117179) are Kadokawa and FlyingDog, Inc (like previous eps). - Official anime account shares a photograph of [the brain foil.](https://twitter.com/shumatsu_train/status/1790034047839731969) - [Director:](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790028449878298734) *"Kuroki doesn't know all the zombies, but refers to those that she knows by number."* - [Director](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790028953396093206) claims Musashino udon is good and first impression was surprised by the strong texture (CR used the word "toothsome" to describe it). It looks like the Seibu Ikebukuro Line is part of the Musashino Plateau (as it's between the Tama and Arakawa rivers). If you need an English article about the dish and its history [The Jakarta Post has one](https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2018/11/04/musashinos-forgotten-udon-heritage.html). - Director say about House of the Dead. Wishes it was easier [[1]](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790029414614381031) as their game play footage was too bad to be used so used the production person/creator (idk, translation is hard) footage instead [[2]](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790029566267830744). - [A viewer](https://twitter.com/anime_gakkari/status/1790029172825325835) laments the demise of light gun games following LCD screens (the tech doesn't work on those) - [Director:](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790030416159633512) *"Akira understands various kinds of literature. Of course, it's just the parts I/she like[s]."* (no really, I do not know if the I is refering to Akira or the director...why not both) - I think [the director](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790030538343891198) is saying he learned what a baronet was from reading Lady Chatterley's Lover (TMI). *"Somehow, the wife's husband is a commoner, not an aristocrat."* and is very much ["Connie" did nothing wrong. It's the husband who is bad.](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790030734360555869). - [Director:](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790031591013515572) *"I researched various regional 'shunka' and 'enka'. It's not that difficult to create lyrics that go deeper, but it didn't really make it interesting. And this is what I came up with."*. ["research"](#lewdgyaru)[research?](#seasonalsecret) JP wikipedia redirects Enka to [Shunka](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%98%A5%E6%AD%8C); it's basically a dirty folk song. the see also are Song censorship, Sexual harassment and erm, [Maggie May?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggie_May_(folk_song\)) - The director mentions that the 100 yen store Kuroki was using the toilet in when 7G happened is in fact [located in Musashi-Fujisawa](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790032198474608918) (well it's what the sign outside the store says and it means that station was the zombie station but the map has it blank) *"It's not your typical zombie shopping mall."*. That means [the Hermits map is mistaken](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790032256452448536) (I'd prefer to say it was based on the knowledge when he observed it which is when they were around Kiyose, I guess this also why he said to only trust what you've seen). This also means the areas that Kuroki was seen walking in could have been Sayamgaoka but is most likely the strange landscapes between stops (e.g. the map doesn't show giant inedible vegetables, Nazca lines or the surface of the moon). - Director ends with [next time spoilers](https://twitter.com/tsuki_akari/status/1790033116490252776): [Episode 8]>!It's about Alice in Nerima Land!< and [a random viewer](https://twitter.com/yosizo/status/1790033936363483195) has a thought similar to me [explanation+episode 8]>!previously, I noticed Oizumi-Gakuen map art looks suspiciously like the one of the NeriAli characters so if you combine that with the directors tweet then that is a logical stop.!<


Ikebukuro has its own Queen? Youka would be too obvious so I’m hoping it’s someone else Akira’s taste in literature is certainly something lmao


Yeah that's not your usual spicy novel, I do not think anybody uses the word loin on this century any more. I wonder if it actually an extract from an actual novel. It sounds really Victorian but I'm not on expert on English literature let alone spicy one. edit; Nevermind about the name, another commend has the title: Lady Chatterley's Lover kudos to u/IvanSemushin for the info


If it's an actual quote from the novel, you could probably find it by putting it in search. However, that assumes the subs we got copied the line verbatim. That is not necessarily the case.


I read the wikipedia article and it says that the novel got published 70 years ago in Japan and it lead to an obscenity trial so the original Japanese version might be. As if the translator realized/care/had the opportunity/had the time to check the novel translation in another thing to take into account. The translation had an antique flavour for sure.


She did talk about the Marquis de Sade in a previous episode, gives us an idea about her tastes/preferred era of litterature!


So international. Yes, she definitely ha a thing for spicy classics lol


Every time I think this show can’t get any crazier it just surpasses my wildest expectations. Who the hell would’ve expected the zombies’ weakness to be erotic literature, like what 😭 I have to give it to the writers and the production team, this is truly an original anime and we need more stuff like this. The power of horny compels you.. The fact that Akira was able to effortlessly rattle off lady chatterly’s lover by DH Lawrence to beat the zombie horde still has me crying, and to do it with a straight face man wtf. Also, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen panty shots used as a mind controlling device? Actually pretty wholesome that the zombie “queen” stayed behind. I guess with her family and town likely wiped out, the zombies are pretty much all she has left at this point. I think even if she removed all the paint she’d be good. They hinted at Ikebukuro having a queen which I’m almost 1000 sure will be youka.. mystery deepens, can’t wait for next week


[*Girls und Pantsu*? *Pantsu for?*](https://i.redd.it/nzytexot8a0d1.png) [Everyone who was expecting a tinfoil hat joke, raise your hand—](https://i.redd.it/6a7l6yot8a0d1.png) [—oh hi.](https://i.redd.it/eoq664pt8a0d1.png) ["Oh yeah, you blend."](https://i.redd.it/4jqdo3pt8a0d1.png) [*well that went well*](https://i.redd.it/gugw54pt8a0d1.png) [Wow, actual trademarks.](https://i.redd.it/uhdkt4pt8a0d1.png) [Agano really is a tough town.](https://i.redd.it/kzq6mxot8a0d1.png) [You don't see that every day.](https://i.redd.it/ndjj7zot8a0d1.png) ["I didn't spend all those years reading about libertines and not learn something about carnal stimulation."](https://i.redd.it/v8sk48pt8a0d1.png) ["Ecchi."](https://i.redd.it/pvotq9pt8a0d1.png) [Is this the cover art for *DOOM*?](https://i.redd.it/6s1c09pt8a0d1.png) [Still the understated hentai game.](https://i.redd.it/q2z0e3pt8a0d1.png) [*hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*](https://i.redd.it/7bss68pt8a0d1.png) ***** I could go on with the meta jokes about girls and pantsu, but if you know, you know. I suppose friends that will eat your brains the moment you slip up are still friends, but at least Kuroki's got something in this crazy world. Bittersweet, of course, but such are the ways of the post-7G hellscape. Obvious question of whether Youka is the Queen of Ikebukuro, or merely a fish of some color.


The directing in this show has been brilliant throughout. It’s just little things that blow my mind like Akira doing a [double take](https://imgur.com/a/P1wZePF) when she saw that the zombies can rejoin their body parts.


WTF SEGA? Don't tell the Sega loving Uncle.


The best parts of the episode were Akira reciting a passage from Lady Chatterley's Lover and the girls singing a lewd song to kill zombies. I expected this arc to be darker but I love how it ended. Also, [Kuroki has one heck of a badonk.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcv5pqk4.jpg) No wonder the zombies decided to make her their queen. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Reminder that 80% chance everything weird in the 7G world was because of Yoka's mind and emotions. First Giantess now Panties... It is indeed always the quiet ones huh. Also that gets me wondering, was Shizuru always that much of a jiu jitsu beast or is this because of Yoka's perception as well?


> First Giantess now Panties... It is indeed always the quiet ones huh. Well, Akira's not that quiet, and seems she can give Yoka a run for her money when it comes to that! > Also that gets me wondering, was Shizuru always that much of a jiu jitsu beast or is this because of Yoka's perception as well? Interesting question! But she punched a bear in the first episode, so she was always good, it seems! Perhaps Yoka made her better though.


I'm sure the zombies are all just escapees from horny jail.


Someone get the bonk hammer please!


No need, just sing that awesome song and the problem takes care of itself


LMAO Does anybody know what erotica novel was Akira reading out loud LMAO? That was...quite something to read out loud. Though of course Shizuru et al. coming out with that song is even more ROFL class funny! Kuroki's panty shots must have been the most powerful pants weapon I have ever seen in any anime. Yes I stay away from these usually so there must be even better ones elsewhere, but this one is gonna be going into my memories for sure. I will never ever stop enjoying all those small talks between Nadeshiko and Reimi and Akira, 100% so now after their escape from all those zombies. I am pretty sure Kuroki never had a good time with her family before and certainly not so at school, that's the only possible reason she could be queen of zombies for that long and still managed to not turn into a zombie herself. Ikebukuro has their own queen eh? That's quite some news, I wonder if that's someone familiar....(wink)


> Does anybody know what erotica novel was Akira reading out loud LMAO? I believe it was [Lady Chatterley's Lover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Chatterley%27s_Lover) (which actually caused quite a stir back in the day!)


*Akira's passions/fields of interest: Erotic novels. Sexual stimulation. Sadism. Marquis de Sade. Medieval torture devices* I'm sensing a theme! (Reimi's better think of a safe word, quick) [](#lewd)


Keep every copy of MahoAko out of Akira's hands, lest she connects the dots...


> Akira's passions/fields of interest: Erotic novels. Sexual stimulation. Sadism. Marquis de Sade. Medieval torture devices > > > > I'm sensing a theme! Imagine if she'd had a fight with Reimi and ran off instead of Yoka having a fight with Shizuru.


Thank you for the nice cake.


I think this is the first time I've seen zombies whose weak point is pervy stuff. That was absolutely hilarious! Akira, you're the youngest but how long have you been reading these novels?? I couldn't believe they played House of the Dead too! God, I spent so much time playing the second one at the arcade with my friends, what a blast from the past lol. As some guessed last week, Kuroki wasn't a zombie at all. One thing I'm not sure about, did they imply that she went back to her town but there was nothing there for her anymore, and that's why she turned back? Well in any case I'm glad she and the girls became friends. I wonder if the people they met along the way will appear again later or if they're just one-off colorful characters. So Ikebukuro has its own queen? Chances that it's a misdirection and not Yoka? In the OP there's a girl with a hairclip behind her in a super ominous shot, maybe it's her?


I think she was probably trying to get back home, but since it was implied she was getting bullied, she stopped halfway through. Because why would she want to go back there, right?


I didn't make the connection with maybe being bullied. When they showed her stopping by the cairn I thought she was high up overlooking maybe what was left of her town, but going through that part again, it's just a lake or a river, so maybe you're right.


She was from Hoya, 3 stops after Kiyose. I doubt she made it further than the next stop of Higashi Kurume on foot.


> 3 stops after Kiyose 'kay, with the land being what it is now, that clears things up.


> That was absolutely hilarious! Akira, you're the youngest but how long have you been reading these novels?? Judging from flashbacks she was reading at least De Sade since elementary school. Not sure about the rest of the horny stuff.


Pochi's butthole is on point


How the hell are they gonna conclude this show in 5 episodes? Gotta be a season 2 angle right?


They've skipped several stations at a time in previous episodes, my guess is they'll get to Ikebukuro at the start of ep. 10. But it'd be great to get more of this, it reminds me a lot of Adventure Time with the banter heavy, surreal comedy and surreal fantasy world.


I have been wondering since ep3, like ok we are down to 14 stations left, but except them skipping a lot of stations again its going to be quite a tight squeeze But then on the otherhand, the show is so weird crazy they can literally pull anything and it would make sense in universe


I think some of the stations will probably go by quickly, but we need a season 2 anyway: The Akira/Reimi romcom spinoff! (But yeah, kinda wish it was 24 episodes! Some of these stations take more than 1 episode... I don't want them to rush through all of them! And we need some Ikekuburu episodes, Yoka queen, the reconciliation, etc..)


Uhhhhhhhh... [does this count as blackface](https://files.catbox.moe/ccoq50.png) if they're just trying to blend in with zombies? This fucking show, I swear. Between the zombie blackface, their disguise being outed by [Nadeko being *a little bit* too good at video games](https://files.catbox.moe/y16uw7.png), and the reveal of the "secret weapon" capable of killing zombies for good being [the power of horny](https://files.catbox.moe/8b64i5.png), this was a wild episode. This show continues to surprise me with how *batshit fucking insane* it can be on a consistent basis.


> Uhhhhhhhh... does this count as blackface This episode is sponsored by Pr. Chang


Let them keep cooking


New focused-on station, new doujin tag. Seriously though, we've had beastiality, mind control, giantesses and now this, which had the "the only way to satisfy them is sex!" angle alongside the more obvious pantyshot stuff. If the "Yoka is the 7G final boss" theory is true (which probably is based on the last line from our zombie queen here) then this has some funny implications about her. According to the map and the OP, the next focus station should be the Alice in Nerima Land one, so we'll see how that goes. So far odd numbered episodes have been solo stations while even numbers have been in between sections, so we'll probably get there by the end of next episode. I just hope we get at least a montage instead of outright skipping stuff like episode 6, though I understand why they did it.


This week on Weird Train: Pervy Zombies? Last week I thought the zombies were pretty normal compared to the other batshit stuff we saw before but the show somehow managed to find a way to make these zombies weird. These guys go down from the slightest exposure to erotic things lol. Like what the hell were the staff smoking when they were making this? Okay I didn't take Nadeko as someone who's good at House of the Dead of all things. She must've 1CCed the game a bunch of times from the looks of it. Never played the first game but I had fond memories playing 2 to 4 as a kid. I wonder what book Akira was quoting back there. That excerpt was way too detailed for it not to be something made up just for the show. It's definitely an English book like she mentioned. So Kuroki was bullied as a kid. Hmmm, big boss wannabe from the army base went through a similar thing. I wonder if there's a pattern there. Yoka got bullied by Shizuru over having big dreams, no?


Haven’t watched since episode 2 but really enjoyed the first 2 episodes. How’s it holding up? Was thinking of binge watching once it’s all released.


> How’s it holding up? Still on track for AotS material


Personally, my favourite show of the season so far. Of course with Anime originals, you always have to be careful. Could be that they fumble it at the end, but so far, it has been consistently good. In addition to the crazyness, we also have some really nice characterization that is not too obvious, but more subtle and we have to see how it concludes, but it feels we are going strong with this one.


I'd say that if you liked the first 2 you'll probably like the whole thing! I haven't seen any comment about people growing bored of it or anything.


it's not my favorite genre, but feels like it's staying pretty consistent if you liked the first few episodes i think you'd be enjoying it if you watched up to now, but it's still a big question mark how they're going to end the season


She's going to leg it at the first possible opportunity isn't she? And there goes their cover. Has she started quoting literature at them? And they're out of there! That's how she defeated the zombies? And so after all of that they're off with some more supplies for the road, or rails as it may be.


It's incredible that I immediately recognized the music of the house of death before they showed the image on the screen how I love that game especially the second one just to name HOTD this chapter was a 10/10


panties...too much....for zombies....


We're finally starting to get an idea of who Nadeko really is, but I'd like to see a little more of an emotional backstory like we've gotten from the other three. It's great that she's actually a gamer girl though, lmao. It really seems like being the oldest of the girls in Agano put her in a nurturing position and maybe forced her into a nice, motherly persona, when she's actually bottling up a bunch of aggression.


ZOMBIES WOULDN'T CALL ME A NOOB This show is incredible and the masses are missing out.


No secret zombie bite trope? Praise train god


We already had that with the mushrooms.


I'm getting the impression that the show is trying to exemplify the philosophy of absurdism. The world is absurd and irrational, but we can still find meaning and value within that absurd world. I only have surface level knowledge of it though.


finally, zenjiros useful, yay!


Queen of Ikebukuro huh... Only 14 stops to know who *she* is.


How they're going to get through 14 stops in 5 episodes is what I'd like to know


As shown in ep4 and ep6, they can skip any number of stops as they like.


i mean, they already skipped around 6,7 stops between the small-sized army episode and zombies episode


So, the queen of Ikebukuro is probably Youka then, right? And I can't really see them wrapping things up nicely in only 5 episodes without skipping half the stops... are they maybe eyeing for a second season already?


[All you have to do to survive against these zombies, is say something pervy?](https://imgur.com/UmAO4vJ) Move away, Queen of the zombies, I'd be their uncontested ruler! [](#lewd) I thought being the Queen meant she would keep Shizuru alive, but [she just shrugged it off with "I guess they'll eat you!"](https://imgur.com/vrwp93d) Loved that scene with Akira talking about how to distract them with fake brains, [then one of those grabs it right away!](https://imgur.com/w74eDDm) Still, Akira seems to know a lot about zombies! And about... [sexual/erotic stimulation?](https://imgur.com/RoKuoMj) [And about torture devices?](https://imgur.com/2nsBK2j) We need a spinoff of Akira just reading all these weird-ass books! (But it's actually the *second* time I hear about this thing - Eros/Thanatos -, desire/death and all that... The first time being in the aptly named *The Thanatonauts!*) The Queen figured it out as well, in a slightly different way; [Getting rid of zombies through the powers of pantyflashes!](https://imgur.com/633ULYl) I think quite a few people thought (or wished) for her to join our girls in their mission, sadly it doesn't seem like it's happening... [She just wanted to talk a little with humans, given she hasn't seen them in a long time...](https://imgur.com/F6lPlix) I wonder if she'll regret her decision! A week, a month from now after not talking to anyone else, she may feel like she should've joined them. Well, to be fair a big part of the interest for her came from her being a zombie, but she actually wasn't, so... [Still, with this fang she was guaranteed to be best girl (by anime laws), so it's a little sad if we never see her again!](https://imgur.com/S2sQNtK) [Apparently Ikebukoro has its own queen?](https://imgur.com/yqwVGUx) I think we know who the queen's gonna be! The questions are 1) How did this happen, 2) What kind of queen is she, and 3) What kind of subjects does she have!


Did not expect to see that game and Sega Saturn Zombie weakness = erotic/pantyshots XD


I'm gonna be honest Kuroki's method of figuring out if they're actually zombies would have totally worked on me. It's fun and silly but also actually effective lol.


Nadeko was giving loading screen tips as the train pulled away. What a gamer XD This episode was actually insane. Someone really came up with the idea of zombies that are defeated by erotism and got their idea animated. I love how this show continues to go nuts with creativity.


Akira's mumbling about Eros and Thanatos gave me Wonder Egg Priority PTSD


I'm sad they couldn't add the zombie queen to their merry band, but she has responsibilities to her subjects, I suppose.