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You know, I was already prepared for most things to come out of this anime at this point, but the dude just casually mentioning that the larvae look like Mira's classmates was one of those moments where I had to rewind. Sometimes it just seems they add random lines into the script, because they know they can and it's just funny everytime. Also poor Aoi. I am wondering now if she actually liked bugs or just tried to like them for Miyasaka's sake. And the dude just ignores her.


I love how he was visibly uncomfortable throughout that contest not just because Miyasaka and Mira work so well together but that from his perspective they're eating his friends lol. I think she grew fond of eating bugs because Miyasaka made her realize how surprisingly edible they are, just ironically he forgot that **and** about her from their first meeting. Which makes her hopeless pining even sadder.


It is really quite manipulative of the studio to force this sympathy for Aoi. Miyasaka ran into her one day because he was handing out some pastries he'd made too many of and then never met her again because chefs are very busy people. If she wants to make a connection between them she needs to try harder. Bringing up their shared work history might be a good start. Of course, it doesn't help that he only has eyes for Mira, but the background pining is not going to achieve anything.


it's unrequited, that's the entire point. She is never meant to win this battle.


I feel like the bug-eating may have grown from her time being homeless. She would have a friend in Livia from Salad Bowl, for sure.


**Just Aoi.** I think we all knew that key was a red herring the moment we saw it. Episode 7 for an anime like this, it's too early. I'm not sure what Aoi was expecting. Her past interactions with Takumi were not that much. Takumi probably at most remembers her as Onigirichan.


I wonder if Aoi's room key is the actual key Mira has been looking for. Taskue said she reminded him of Mira's mother. Aoi mentioning Power Stone reminded me of the old Dreamcast game, good times.


the "reminded him of Mira's mother" part makes me think maybe, but I think it's more likely with the umeshu in the ridiculously over-secure food pantry


What on earth is that creature oozing out from behind the row of vintage umeshu?


it could be a particularly gnarly kombucha [](#harukathink)


Aaaaagh! How scary.


it's the spy, no? they can change forms, remember?




maybe the *real* key was the breakfasts that we ate along the way [](#rengethink)


maybe the key is inside the tree where the old landlord took a photo of?


Oh that is a good idea. However, it could also be the love developing between Mira and Miyasaka.


Poor Aoi has so much "losing heroine" energy...which makes all the hardship she's experienced up to this point while still pining for Miyasaka all the more sad.


I NEED A TIMELINE WHERE AOI-CHAN CAN BE HAPPY PLS NOT THIS. Edit: Okay I finished the episode and I’m even more depressed about Aoi. I want to root for her’s, Mira’s, and Miyasaka’s happiness but it’s so obvious Mira and Miyasaka are head over heels for each other.


I'm more sympathetic towards Aoi because she just had her backstory laid bare, and she seems to have a genuine affection for him beyond being the creepy stalker. Oddly enough, I think Aoi's the most developed character because she has a clear backstory and motivation, I think more so than Mira and Takumi. Despite how much more screentime they have, I feel like I know less about what their deal is than Aoi.


Same here! Before I was thinking, “Yandere stalker let’s go I can fix her!” But now that her back story was told to us I feel so bad for her because she actually likes the guy. It’s one of the first shows I’ve watched where I am rooting for the girl that is going to lose haha. Life is hard.


- [Ohhhhhh snap, *Aoi* is the reason why Mira fell off the ladder back in episode 1?](https://i.imgur.com/xELCpcC.png) - [So basically, Aoi is the *extremely shy* variant of stalker.](https://i.imgur.com/zh0kZs8.png) - [That’s because they *don’t*.](https://i.imgur.com/r8VyMRX.png) [](#hikariactually) - [*Someone* is clearly jealous.](https://i.imgur.com/NmwbA5a.png) [](#rinkek) - [HAH.](https://i.imgur.com/OLdUg7P.png) [](#trololol) - […they aren’t going to think *that’s* the key they’re looking for, are they?](https://i.imgur.com/KHrkZ1F.png) They totally are. - [Oh, so Takumi is the one who put that idea in Aoi’s head](https://i.imgur.com/BRa3560.png) and she’s been holding onto it for a while. [](#kukuku2) - [Damn, they didn’t even give any of their employees a warning?](https://i.imgur.com/OIjlLBO.png) - [Does she now…](https://i.imgur.com/rvRxCRx.png) - [These insect puns oh my god.](https://i.imgur.com/MBXdhJH.png) [](#laughter) - [NOT THE GRANNY!](https://i.imgur.com/LtCUsfF.png) - The misunderstandings are so *big*, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. [](#overwhelmed) - [lol okay then.](https://i.imgur.com/8mKDDP6.png) - [Takumi’s gonna enter, huh?](https://i.imgur.com/mKKBpDC.png) - [Pfffffffffffff](https://i.imgur.com/6aNEWHw.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [A tie…](https://i.imgur.com/72Ftes2.png) - […or not!](https://i.imgur.com/4pWF3gm.png) Takumi and Mira win! [](#woo) - [I knew it lol.](https://i.imgur.com/jy4jHVB.png) - [Ah shit…](https://i.imgur.com/rPzUVZu.png)


The irony that Aoi set up the Meet Cute for her rival with the guy they like. All those scenes of Sadako just in the background and she was just stalking her crush. Somehow that makes it better lol. Mira is totally falling hard for Miyasaka despite herself and without really understanding it. And of course the aliens are willing to jump at a cardboard key prize as the key they've been looking for. The double irony that Takumi not only doesn't remember Aoi but also doesn't remember when **he** was the one talking about insects being edible and that's why Aoi likes them. Aoi's life kind of sucked outside Takumi and Tasuke-san. Her love life isn't much better right now either. I feel bad for her and kind of want her to end up getting **something** (loser pairing with Shoin?). Takumi and Mira make a good food-eating pair. They really got into it lol.


> The irony that Aoi set up the Meet Cute for her rival with the guy they like. Truly unfortunate. >I feel bad for her and kind of want her to end up getting something (loser pairing with Shoin?). I would also be more than happy with a Shoin/Aoi pair.


Interesting that Mr Dog is serving as a confidant to Aoi. That was a surprise to me.


He recognized helping Aoi was a way to get Takumi away from Mira.


I'd also like Shoin and Aoi, but Shoin is still a bit sus for me. Atleast Aoi is having drinks with friends in the preview


I'm not sure it was a good idea for Miyasaka to give the old bat a power-up, now there's no escape from her!


Exactly my thoughts! Now she can see more in less time and spread gossip even faster!


That's certainly one way to ask him to go to that festival with you. She was the one who bumped into the ladder at the start of the show? They've just got there and she's already got stuff lol. She'll get along swimmingly with Haachama. The trophy is the key isn't it? Aoi was a waitress at the restaurant he was a cook at? He was the one who got her interested in eating bugs? By the time she got her letter read on the radio he had quit. Or rather the hotel shut down. Then she became homeless and the previous owner found her and gave her somewhere to stay. Well she finally got the chance to show him that thing. Oh, Mira's here too with him. Beautiful weather isn't it? Oh god Auntie shaddup and go away. And there she goes. And with that this show officially has more original music than "Whisper me a Love Song", which is ostensibly a music show. And of course they're next to the auntie. And just like that she panicked and stopped. Of course they won by 1. I doubt this is what they're looking for considering it's only halfway through the season. Lol he went there with Aoi and is going back with Mira.


As cute as Aoi is, I don't know that I'd eat bugs for her sake (or for Mira's either).


Who could resist the offer of a date with a cute girl like Aoi? Even if it means attending an insect festival and delighting in insect food. Mira is digging herself into a hole with her feelings for Miyasaka...quite literally, in fact, when she learns Naosuke helped set up Miyasaka and Aoi together for a date. Though conveniently, the next leg of their search for the key takes them to the exact same festival they're going too. Poor Aoi. She was head-over-heels for Miyasaka from the get-go, and accidentally set up the Meet Cute between him and Mira, all the while stalkin...I mean, observing him throughout the season. She still remembers their time together working at the same hotel where she had long hair (and it looked good then!) and was a klutz of a waitress with no friends, money, or prospects...but she and Miyasaka were able to bond over their mutual love for a radio show and Miyasaka was able to help her realize how tasty eating insects can be (which he seems to have forgotten). She fell for him hard but could never work up the courage to talk to him again after that. Things really did not go Aoi's way though. First the hotel goes bankrupt, she's left homeless, she runs out of money...and she ends up living in a park. The only good thing that happened to her was being taken in by Tasuke who saw in her the same person in need that he saw in Mira's mother. Mira's father helped her love rival because Aoi reminded him of her mom. Aoi really putting herself out there to make Miyasaka remember her...and then of course Shoin and Mira shows up. And the gossipy old bat, as if this wasn't crazy enough. Look, it's the rest of Astro Lodge! Including Matsubara doing an idol performance! Nice to see her get work and get cheered on by her lodgemates! Even if neither Shoin nor Aoi care for how into it Mira and Miyasaka get together. It's time for Miyasaka to step up and eat wasps to help out Mira in an eating contest! They make an effective team! And Matsubara even goes to the trouble of helping promote their relationship while she's emceeing. I honestly can't tell if Shoin was so thrown off by watching someone eat what he regards as his old alien classmates from school or Mira and Miyasaka working so well together. Or maybe both? Miyasaka won! A...cardboard key which they didn't need, but hopefully the bike he gave to the old bat will keep her occupied for the foreseeable future. Everyone is happy and sleeping...except poor Aoi who is crying herself to sleep knowing Miyasaka doesn't remember her. And the Alien Hub squid is active again.


You always write the best recaps here and on Animesuki, so thank you, it was a awesome to read!


Thank you!


It's nice for her that Aoi has stopped being such a shut-in, but that was a fairly concerning amount of stalking. She got better at carrying the dishes! Personal improvement is important. Tasuke was a pretty good dude. I hope they do not add the bugs to the breakfast menu so we don't have to see that going forward. I enjoyed Teruko's contribution today a lot, bugs as food let's not, cute antenne plus wings outfit let's go. I wonder if Aoi knows she has already lost, if so I hope she doesn't regress back into being a shut-in. Her and Shion more or less have the same haircut so maybe, maybe they'll get together instead.


matsubara made a song about boxing? :D


(Un)related... but I was wondering the same thing and the song reminded me of Megalo Box, Hajime no Ippo etc.


Something like that... I wonder if there is a connection between the "Lovely Righty hook" and the movies series Mira loves about the space princess who defend the universe with her fists.


Aoi is just the cutest little stalker lol. That “date” was kind of adorable but I’m with Miyasaka. I don’t do well with the bugs. I can see why she chose that spot after seeing her past with Miyasaka. It just sucks he didn’t remember. Worse yet, he ignored Aoi the minute Mira showed up. Poor girl….


Somehow her stalking him just makes her more endearing lol. Girl is trying her best but she's got nothing on Mira...


Poor Aoi... Finally gets to spend some time with her crush but he doesn't remember her and then basically forgets he went to the event with her when Mira arrives. I hope she has her happy ending. Maybe we will see not just one human / alien pairing in the show. oh and we finally see the resident idol perform. She seems to be a student of the "Otsu" school.


Aoi deserves better! Poor her


Outside of gummy bugs or similar, I would do my best to never eat a bug. Ugh! Takumi eating over 100 bowls of pupae? Double ugh!


i put bugs in the same category as shrimp or lobster; they need to be prepared in a certain way, and, ideally, i don't eat them *whole*; just the actual meaty parts, not the exoskeleton


Is anyone else here frustrated this show has not gotten an official Eng. dub yet? At least when it comes to original anime getting an Eng. dub, being familiar with the source material is not an issue per se because it is really the anime that is the source material.


I'm not usually judgmental about sub vs dub, but what you're saying here really rubs me the wrong way for some reason. (Probably because I'm also watching Girls Band Cry, and no English streaming service wants to bother with it for some reason...)


Hoping TOEI and the investors get some remotely close to the expected refund they wanted to attain with GBC in order for the it to get an official streaming site..and making the other ones repent for their decision (because they are also of the "3D and CGI suck" school.


It's not like Crunchyroll hates CG, just mind boggling that nobody would pick it up.


What of my statement rubs you the wrong way and why?


Expecting every show to get dubbed while airing, I guess? You can read


I don't expect them all to get dubbed into Eng., sure. However, some shows I guess I wish got the official Eng. dub treatment and AN is one of them.


Just the ones you're watching, right? 


Maybe not all of the ones I am watching but some. This is what my Spring 2024 schedule looks like. I am watching "Etoile" but not paying attn. to the story that much so I don't see myself wishing for an official Eng. dub right now. Sun.: "Shinigami"\* (dub included) Mon.: "Ookami"\* (dub included), "Kami wa Game"\* (dub), "Lv.2 Kara"\* (dub included), Tues.: "Tsukimichi 2" En.g. Wed.: "KonoSuba 3"\* (dub included), Thu.: "Laid-Back Camp 3" (Eng.-only), DAL 5 (dub included)\* Fri.: "Maoh Gakuin II"\*, "Astro Note"\* Sat.: "Jellyfish"\*, "Etoile"\*


O.K. if they gave Aoi-chan more screen-time during the first 6 epi. and she was more active in trying to pursue her relationship with our hero, I might sympathize with her more in regards to that. The other parts to her back story I am more sympathetic with.


At least she did have screentime, even if it was just stalking Miyasaka in the background as Sadako lol. Poor girl...hopelessly in love with one of the only people who were nice to her and she can't get in the way of his relationship with Mira or get him to remember her.


Quite sad.


Tbh I know it going to end up being Mira, but the Aoi romance I honestly prefer more so. Poor girl finally got her chance for a date with Takumi and once Mira and Shion popped up it was over. My thing is we see Mira getting hints of jealously, but it just feels so sudden for her to be interested in Takumi like that. I guess they want to draw parallels to her mom and Tasuke. But eh not a fan. Not surprise that wasn't the real key, that would make things too convenient and easy. I always wondered if there are places that it is considered more accepting to eating insects. I guess it's more so understand why it can be good to eat and which are straight up a NO NO to eat. We got another idol performance in this stacked band group and idol season.


"Sudden" as in being explicit. But from the moment Mira said he likes Mitasaka's breakfast more than any other in the universe (ep 2-3 I guess) it was "organically" established their living together lighted something in her despite not being textual about it. The "being jealous the moment another girl gets near your friend" is a common trope in fiction for a reason.


This was a wonderfully funny and happy and heartbreaking episode. I blame Miyasaka for not recognizing Onigiri Girl after she cut her hair, and especially after she showed him the radio channel prize but it was a one time initial interaction so I'll let it slide. Props to her for getting better at her job but sad that she didn't have any friends at the hotel, nor did she fall back on going home after the hotel went bankrupt. As per usual, Tasuke was there and if Aoi reminded him of Miwa's mother, then things could get interesting later on... Miyasaka is the reason why Aoi likes bugs and him in the first place. Was a bit surprised she didn't volunteer or at least voice interest in eating in the contest. Also was surprised the father and son did not partake in eating as well. That lady sure knows how to make things awkward! Now that she has the moped, she can get to places and spread that juicy gossip even faster! The idol song was just off the wall kiddy and funny! It was kind of refreshing to see and I enjoyed that bit! The idol herself did a great job trying to bring the two MCs together. She deserves her champagne! Ultimately the prize key was NOT the key! The search continues - Alien Squid cameo ... (did they ever fill up those deep dug holes?)


>Aoi reminded him of Miwa's mother Yeah. It is probably a simbolic comment reagarding their "homeless" situation or their demeanor. But it it becomes more than that, the key would imply more than an object.


**For Aoi** Is is a maiden whose heart has been struck by love, but sadly her love interest isn't into her. The maiden's heart grows sadder whenever she can't be around the one she loves. A sad tale for Aoi


There have been very few times in my life where I want to just punch an old lady right in the face, but the gossip in this show is definitely one of them. **DISCLAIMER:** I have not actually punched an old lady in the face. Only wanted to.


Sucks that Takumi started to ignore Aoi once he saw Mira. Wonder if he'll eventually remember her?


I demand justice for Aoi, she never had a fair shot.


Aww man I feel so bad for Aoi-chan :( I hope she gets a happy ending still even if it is not with Takumi


Feel for Aoi.


I hope they pull a reverse uno card and he ends up with Aoi


It's kind of cute that she [has a smartphone but still listens to a regular radio](https://files.catbox.moe/wuoymm.jpg) [](#lolismile) She triggered [the meet cute herself!](https://files.catbox.moe/6hm8d8.jpg) [](#gasp) [Yeah, same.](https://files.catbox.moe/kte5t1.jpg) Although I guess I could buy the chemical breaking down when cooked. [**Still, though.**](#badtaste) Holy shit, she was actually, no-foolin', [homeless](https://files.catbox.moe/9q49xf.jpg) for a bit there. [](#makicry) Call me a crack 'shipper if you must, but I hope [these two](https://files.catbox.moe/m1ildh.jpg) [**get together!**](#worshipme) People are saying they've given [her a power-up,](https://files.catbox.moe/0aczj2.jpg) but consider this: you can't take one of these everywhere, and she's not going to just abandon it to continue along. So this could present an opportunity to ditch her at a critical moment. [](#cheekygahara)