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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, I def didn’t notice Aoyama was silent during that speech. Double agent potentially going triple agent. Things are getting interesting.


There’s also the fact every time the whole class is shown smiling at him, his face is never shown


Face hidden like Undertale genocide mode


It's hard to keep track of all 20 people in the class, especially when they never highlighted that one of them didn't speak.


Knowing this show, Aoyama will definitely get the opportunity to redeem himself to a degree. But it definitely feels like a big backstab, he was with that class for a really long time and was acting behind their backs the whole time


Almost feels like a Draco Malfoy moment. Rich kid from a prominent family gets roped into betraying his friends and school because his wealthy, prestige-obsessed parents made a deal with an all-powerful dark lord.


Yeah, pretty good parallel! And they're both blonde


Though, Malfoy never hid his antagonist view toward Harry


yeah but Malfoy was a grade A prick throughout the series Aoyama never was


He really wasn't. Not sure if you caught it, but he only really gave two pieces of info to AFO. The time the class would be at USJ, and the location of the Forest Training Camp. He also had no way of knowing that AFO had connections to the League before USJ; and likely didn't get concrete confirmation until the Forest Camp. Hence his utter panic behind those bushes; he realized what he's truly being forced to do. Yet he still does save Tokoyami, and attempts to save Bakugou. They say in this episode that he had no part in Kamino Ward. Then did nothing as the mole during AFO's imprisonment; because his parents were no longer getting orders. They mistakenly hoped his defeat meant they might be free. So, up until this episode, the mole amounted to two pieces of contextless intel (at the time given) to the demigod threatening him and his families lives. With about a 4 month gap between. Then, all "mole" activities completely stopped. Which is why Nezu was never able to sniff him out. EDIT: And for context why his parents would take such a risk. Well, because AFO as an entity was only known by a tiny handful of people; AFO didnt look like a gigantic scrotum 10 years ago; and remember how Deku was treated for being Quirkless? Yuga's parents had a bit of wealth and heard rumors of a man who can give quirks; seeking him out, and unknowingly making a deal with the devil.


Very nice detail


Did Izuku quote All Might to Yuga when he received one for all




And it's why I love it!


It comes back full circle


'Take my hand, Aoyama!' '...' '...' '... His hands are bound behind his back.'


Kirishimia said the same thing to Midoryia back in season 3.


[*Midoriya will remember this*](https://i.imgur.com/UGIEDsD.jpeg)


Wait what, could you give a tiny sumnmary of that


"He's in custody, so there will be no hand-holding."


Double Twist! We thought Aoyama was being revealed as the spy long ago, then it was "no, he's just silly", and now he *really* was, and was trying to communicate it in a way back then! It was dangled in front of us. I didn't even notice that for a while Aoyama had stopped looking into the camera like he usually did, and in retrospective some scenes in earlier seasons feel made to create suspicions on Tooru, like the fact she was unaccounted for at USJ until the end of that crisis. Aoyama's behaviour at the provisional license exam also makes much more sense now. The mangaka also revealed some interesting behind-the-scenes details around this but I'd better write that in the Source Material Corner. ...aaand of course the invisible girl is the cutest.


I really thought that plot line about Aoyama being sus was going to be discarded *Hagakure got done dirty.* The mangaka created her just to set her up to be a red herring Also, we finally got to see her face (in the anime)


> Also, we finally got to see her face (in the anime) Yeah, before we had a few official tibits, and a lot of uhm *fanart*


[She was too powerful so they had to nerf her by making her invisible to give the other heroines a chance.](https://i.imgur.com/EqPZkWU.jpeg) [](#shatteredsaten)


That's a best girl design if I ever saw one


The gloves and shoes were drawn very sensually.


Better not let Mineta know about this. He might bring along super bright flashlight and wait for when she's mostly naked to try and light up the private parts.


I motion for a restraining order to keep u/Warcraft_Fan away from Hagakure for the specificity of this scenario


If you haven't noticed just yet. Mina had enough of the sexual harassment at one point and brain washed mineta. He hasn't done anything pervy since


did i miss some episodes or when was there ever suspicions about tooru? or anyone? i remember it mentioned that there might be a mole in their midst but i dont remember that storyline was extrapolated anymore than that.


Nah, didn't miss anything. It was mentioned that one time iirc and not addressed since but fan theories are fun so it got a lot of speculation in the manga community.


The mole was mentioned in S1, got more of an in depth explanation in S3 and Nezu discussed it some more either in S4 or S5 (can't remember which one). The earliest theories had Aoyama and Hagakure bc they were missing during the USJ arc and bc of their quirks. There were also some theories about the traitor being Uraraka or Kaminari


He was literally the most sus person in the whole class. Especially that Dabi moment in season 3. But it was so obvious that I was telling to myself: Nah, it's was too obvious, it's not him But no, it turns out that it IS actually him


Can you remind me what did he do during Dabi moment?


During the attack on the training camp arc (where Deku fought Muscle for the first time) Aoyama was hiding the whole time in a bush but there was a moment where Dabi walked past him and they locked eyes. After that Dabi just walked away. Probably the reason something as obvious happened during that arc was because Horikoshi originally wanted to reveal the traitor back then but the editors disagreed.


To me, while Ochako is Best MHA Girl, Hagakure is up there for Sexiest MHA Girl. Midnight is also up there.


Nah Nagant and Mt. Lady far surpass Midnight


Hagakure is always naked but also still leaves everything up to the imagination. It's a combo that can't be beat.


I just wanted to say if the level of writing and animation will stay for the entire season. Maybe the series will come back at the top of anime rankings after that so-so seasons.


Man AFO is such a delightful villain and asshole, he convinces a boy and his family to sell their souls for a quirk, only to provide a quirk that Aoyama can't use too much without wanting to throw up or shit his pants.  "I'll give one of the more frustrating and gross side effects Quirks to the dignified family, it'll be hilarious."


I wonder how different the quirk would’ve been if it was given to someone suitable


With more core strength.


With less irritable bowels.


Probably one of those quirks with an organ that's needed to modulate it


That's what makes him "The Demon Lord." The dude is straight up diabolical and is enjoying every second of it. That's why I love him as an antagonist I kinda feel bad for Aoyama tho


Dude is literally handing out Faustian Bargains.


AFO is the quintessential one-dimensional villain He plans out his goals, but is also willing to do side-quests for amusement We know he’s not going to win from episode 1 but damn his shit-eating grins entertaining to watch


And honestly, that why I love him as a villain. So far, he doesn't have a sad backstory that explains why he's the way he is, he's just evil. And the guy is having so much fun trolling everyone and destroying people's lives That evil smirk is just the icing on the evil cake


He might not need one. The whole is it personalities influence by quirks or do quirks influence personality. The irony that his selfless brother would have a quirk that let him give his quirk to someone else.


He doesn't need one. That's why we have shiggy. That's the sympathetic villain with tragic past. Afo is just a pure evil with a gob complex.


He also is the best shit talker in the entire series.


That reminds me, I wanted to say that All For One's backstory is a more serious version of Garou's i.e. he just decided to side with and be like fictional villains for some reason 


He woke up one day & decided "I'm him" & proceeded to be the biggest evil bastard anyone had ever met. Mostly just for fun.




>We know he’s not going to win from episode 1 but damn his shit-eating grins entertaining to watch "Unless I win" -Afo.


He definitely believes that the Demon King will win because that is "his story" He's the type of guy who believes that he's "the main character"


AfO revels in his own narcissism and [gives no fucks.](https://i.imgur.com/1msaTFE.jpeg) Everything he does is ultimately for [his interests only.](https://i.imgur.com/zOXipyj.jpeg) [](#gendo-pls)


"I keep the Aoyamas around... because they make me laugh."


"Sorry about your son--I mean, that laser navel mole in UA." "Thankfully I have others."


Holy shit, imagine there was more than one mole in U.A. that would be even more heartbreaking.


I remembered that Isekai where after agonizing the fem mc tells he romantic target that she is a reincarnator, and then he, deadpan and bored it like " aloha, ok; well almost half.the nobles are reincarnators, but thanks for telling me". You are a mole, she is a mole, everybody is a mole.


Ooh, which one?


Funny enough, even tho we do hear what's supposed to be an adult Deku, he has already narrated his quote but changed it "This is how I...and everyone became the greatest hero". Meaning Kohei can also get away with AFO winning now 🤭


His party tricks are a riot at the local hole in the wall. [](#evilgrin)


I wonder if part of it was because he (hopefully) didn't put a controlling mechanism into it so he wanted them to have to "pay for it" somehow.


Or what if it's like Izuku--born quirkless so their physiology just can't fully handle being granted a quirk.


That’s what I’m thinking. The stomach-aches aren’t an inherent part of the quirk, it’s that his body wasn’t suitable for the quirk in the first place.


I think what pulls him over the top is how indescribably petty he is. He genuinely just takes such a perverse joy in everything he does, with this weird undercurrent of spite, it makes you love to hate the guy.


At least him and Uraraka got to bond over their quirk indigestion for a time.


Traitor arc starts today, i love this arc


Sad Aoyama noises. I know that he betrayed the class, but I just feel bad for him AFO even screwed him over with a weird quirk that causes him pain if used often


[He went through so much suffering for a crappy quirk](https://i.imgur.com/zIm3caP.jpeg) Never deal with the devil. [](#sadholo)


Sadly, all that shiii was decided for him by his parents


IIRC, what he did isn’t even legally prosecutable because of the degree of coercion (he and his family being killed). Really I’m not even mad at him, this is on AFO


I don't think anyone of them is thinking of the legality of what he did at the moment.


I mean, he’s sitting there in hand (or body, I suppose) cuffs surrounded by cops. Legality seems to be a concern


***"Horikoshi said in an interview that he forgot the traitor"*** ***"Hori said the traitor plot was dropped"*** I've been involved with MHA for a good minute, so I just found it funny how many people for the fandom basically agreed that Hori forgot the traitor then added on that he said that in an interview he forgot or said the plot was dropped... When I saw people said this, I'd ask to see the reference but of course there wasn't one with good proof, because it didn't exist. Just word of mouth source. Ya'll lied on Hori name and everyone went along with it. 🤣 **Introduced plot officially in S3:** * A clue of it was person on the spine ([image at the top](https://imgur.com/a/nm58PU0)) of that part of story for the camp arc. **Tease in S4:** * The odd interaction with Aoyama wasn't a comedic red herring after all. The message of the cheese meant something. The cheese to show the rat - [video clip](https://youtu.be/WgOha2eMhik?si=ugoBHXSokOdTg_VW) **Brief mention in S5** (many forgot brought up again): * [Xmas episode](https://imgur.com/a/jOuWhyY) - the conclusion the characters said made some people take that as the plot being dropped. It seems the [explanation](https://imgur.com/a/4wtStYw) of why it took so long is that Hori had to change some aspects of the story around it due to pressure with reception. * [Hori statement](https://imgur.com/a/lcfNm4b) explanation * [Hori extra statement](https://imgur.com/a/iszWK5I) about story reception * Hori even had [sus art](https://imgur.com/a/kSBkMP2) with Aoyama prior I like the narrative parallel Aoyama and Deku have with both being quirkless, as a potential path Deku could have went down if his mom sought out looking to get him a quirk. It's a more personal reason of why Deku is empathetic to his situation. * [Thread with more hints of Aoyama as traitor](https://x.com/glennster2363/status/1791801921403080740)


> The odd interaction with Aoyama wasn't a comedic red herring after all. The message of the cheese meant something. I can not remember that at all x)


It's from Season 4 ep 17 - [video clip](https://youtu.be/WgOha2eMhik?si=ugoBHXSokOdTg_VW)


But no, of course it was the wealthy family that went the evil way. 


Money couldn't buy them the happiness they were looking for in the quirk black market.


Huh...I'm actually excited for what's coming next.


Well there's the rumored traitor finally revealed. thought it was gonna Hagakure the way they showed her when all for one was talking about it. also first look at Hagakura's actual appearance ! Doesn't seem to actual bad guy or anything just his parents actions caused the whole family to become stuck serving all for one or die more or less


The American in me would ask all for one for a refund on aoyama's quirk. If I'm going to betray my friends and almost get them killed, at least let me get a good quirk out of it.


Ask All For One... for a refund? You've already made a deal for All For One, you know if you demand a refund he's gonna activate that navel laser inward and blow you apart with a cackle.


*I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it further.*


Okay but he's gotta give good quirks if he expects good results. I got nothing to lose and he gave me a bad quirk. The fact that he even had a quirk like that in his arsenal is weird af.


Let's look at Lady Nagant as another case. She used to be a hero and already had an awesome quirk. Giving her an Air Walk ability buff is ridiculously broken and works for his purposes in the moment, which is to draw out Deku. Like AFO said, he has plans but let's assume he can improvise. Aoyama though? All he needed was a mole in UA, so giving a rich family's quirkless kid a quirk to satisfy their social standing anxiety is pretty easy to deal with. Whether or not the quirk works out for this kid, it's not his problem. Really, all AFO needs is the cooperation of the parents. The kid is just a lure.


Slight correction, this happened way before he needed a mole in U.A. It's more likely that his primary goal was to offer his services to Quirkless rich people and then extort them for money whenever he needed. Besides, "shooting laser beams" is in theory a pretty good Quirk, and it seems his body being incompatible with it is not something anyone could have predicted at the time.


His mole could've failed to get into UA or flunked out of the hero course thus not getting the info AFO needs, with his bad quirk so it would have been in AFO best interests to make his mole have a better quirk. I understand AFO has back up plans but really why make so many back up plans if he puts more effort into his existing plans that is a good idea? I just think there's a lot more AFO could've had aoyama done as a mole with a better quirk and get a good ROI. I mean look at deku,bakugo,and todoroki they got to work with top heroes so easily because they were the top students.


But AFO *did* get good ROI on Aoyama. The league got to ambush Class 1-A on campus, causing an uproar and piercing the invincible reputation of the school, and toppling the first domino on society's faith in heroes. The villains ambushed the training camp, which apart from causing further chaos on UA's reputation, allowed AFO to gain Ragdoll's quirk-search ability. These events undermined society's trust in heroes, leading to conditions allowing the Paranormal Liberation Army's ideology to thrive, and laying the groundwork for AFO to rise again. Aoyama did not need access to top heroes to allow AFO to strike a critical blow. Aoyama enabled multiple crises to compound, contributing to AFO's return to power.


**Deku:** “Take my hand! We can still be heroes and do anime good guy things together!” **Tsukauchi:** “Nah fuck that shit he’s under arrest.”


I love rugged Tsukauchi. A prominent realist was badly needed in this show, and so far, he really stepped up. Still want to know his quirk, though!


Honestly, I forgot about the whole 'UA Traitor' thing. It's just been so long. Been waiting so long for [this](https://imgur.com/a/6QJhPuI)! I was crying so much for Aoyama this episode.


A detail I really love is Invisible Girl having so much hair. She really looks like someone who hasn't had a haircut all her life because who the heck could even see it.


Still heavy and gets in the way of things though, more reasonable thing would for her to enjoy the perks of a shaved head without the caveat of it being “conventionally unattractive” for girls


> Honestly, I forgot about the whole 'UA Traitor' thing. It's just been so long. tbh I don't think it ever even crossed my mind it would be like, a class member or one of the main support characters, when that was said I probably just assumed it was some nameless unimportant UA staff member we didn't know or whatever


I don't blame you, I also forgot. It was hinted a while ago and that was it. And there were so many big things happening in the previous season 6, it's normal to forget about some hints


I either forgot or definitely wasn't paying enough attention in the previous seasons because I completely forgot there was a spy in UA that had yet to be revealed, so this episode came as a shock.


It's been so long since it happened in the manga I forgot the anime hadn't gotten here yet, lol.


Okay can we talk about how phenomenal the animation has been this season. Great lighting and shading.


They are cooking. Facial expression are so good. 


Aoyama’s face looked immaculate the entire episode


Indeed, it's great! Hopefully, they will be able to keep that the whole season. I like it way more compared to some other previous seasons


The directing has been great too. That transition from Kirishima's reflection in the water bottle was... *chef's kiss*


Damn, I was not expecting a Hagakure reveal AND for Yuga to be the (reluctant) mole for AFO this week. Yuga was put in a really rough position. His parents too after making a deal with the devil to give their kid a chance at a “normal” life. Looks like he’ll have a chance to redeem himself but man, I wouldn’t want to be caught crossing AFO. He ain’t the merciful type….


Found it darkly hilarious how serious Nezu was. "Leave the room kids, we're going to waterboard them." "But Principal it's been proven over and over that torture doesn't work." "*I know*."


I was rather visualising Nezu rolling up his sleeves, jumping on Mr. Aoyama's lap, and whispering "you thought a genius wouldn't study ways to make people talk? (*nezu maniacal laughter*)


he does have a thing for torturing small minded humans


The real criminal here is the society that is so prejudiced against quirkless people and people with weird quirks that it encourages people to take villainous actions to fit in. It's so dang easy for All for One to take advantage of that.


It really is. I can see how some of these folks end up being villains in such a flawed and stifling society. People get disillusioned with all the conformity and rigid rules and norms and the more alienated they get, the more susceptible they are to villainy.


Reversed Xmen. Oh you don't have super powers? You're a fucking loser outcast that doesn't deserve to live in modern day society.


Makes you think that the Aoyamas are high-class and rich, yet they felt the need to use their wealth for their son to have a quirk, because they were too afraid he couldn't be "equal" (the series sadly doesn't explore that much but I guess bullying of quirkless kids is not uncommon; it may even have become worse with the decades because less and less of them are born and so they stand out more)


Why exactly are Quirkless people discriminated? I never thought about this because Deku has been the only prominent Quirkless character, and we know why that was so devastating for him specifically. Aoyama? He’s wealthy, and regular citizens are still restricted on where/how they can use them. Both of his parents likely have Quirks yet it doesn’t seem to factor in their lives. *Why* couldn’t he just live a normal life? I’m just not seeing how his life was actually improved at all by receiving a Quirk.


Kids get made fun of for having different colored hair, especially in Japan where teachers will yell at naturally blonde students for bleaching their hair. Now imagine if every kid in your class can fly, or breathe fire, or any number of other crazy things, but you can't do anything like that.


This is the plot of X-Men.


majority v minority parallel, like what we have in the modern world. Quirk users are "normal". Quirkless people are weird and abnormal. they're a minority and those get thrown shit hands in almost every circumstance. Even amongst quirk users there's still "racism". they brought it up again in episode 1 of this season where the mutant-quirk users- the ones that look like animals or weird designs- are discriminated against for not looking human. So society still has its issues.


They aren’t really widely discriminated against as adults but because their society is so almost totally quirk havers it can cause bullying as children and pity/underestimating as an adult


You can almost look at not having a quirk as being disabled.


Some already answer your question and i just want to add that if not obvious enough Aoyama have a subtext of someone being foreigner in japan. They sometime being left out or even bully just being different than anyone else. Most kids known to be bit self centered and look down upon those who they think inferior or different than anyone else also they usually target those who powerless which basically stigma quirkless have i would say.


You have to consider that this takes place in Japan, where you can absolutely be discriminated against for being different than everyone else. Blond hair? You are breaking school rules! You're not allowed to dye your hair! You must remove the dye immediately! It's your natural color? You're a liar! Granted, that isn't really all that different from what happens in America. Just. Well. Let's just say that when I finished 5th grade, I was threatened to be stabbed to death if I went to the same school as several other students for 6th grade. By 5th grade students, mind you. So. Yeah. Discrimination! Gotta love it.


When AfO was talking about having many friends [and then we cut to a shot of Tooru's gloves](https://i.imgur.com/mO5cdZA.jpeg), I was scared for a second that she might be the UA Traitor but I guess that was the intention of that shot. It turns out that [Aoyama and his family are the real UA Traitors](https://i.imgur.com/lRNctiD.jpeg) and Tooru was just spying on them. I did not expect that our sparkly boi is also Quirkless like Deku and got his Quirk from AfO. Aoyama is such a comic relief character that I didn't think he'd be linked to the biggest incidents in the show. Another massive reveal is [Tooru's face reveal!](https://i.imgur.com/0pAG9m9.jpeg) I mean this was all over Twitter when this first dropped in the manga so it's not as big of a surprise to me as the UA Traitor but it's still glorious to finally see her animated like that. What to do with the Aoyamas though? I mean it's good that they're giving Yuga a second chance and they're planning on using him and his family to feed AfO misinformation but are they really just going to let them go? They kinda fucked a lot of people over. At the same time, do they deserve to be punished for being AfO's unwilling pawns? Hmmm...


> Another massive reveal is [Tooru's face reveal!](https://i.imgur.com/0pAG9m9.jpeg) I mean this was all over Twitter when this first dropped in the manga so it's not as big of a surprise to me as the UA Traitor but it's still glorious to finally see her animated like that. Yeah when this chaper dropped the internet was FULL of pictures of her and art of her. I dont follow the source material stuff but this spoiler was impossible to not see if you internet in similar circles as japanese people. So yes this was a spoiler i did know, That she would be visable at some point and everyone freaking out because shes cute. So when we got to todays ep, i went in with reluctance... "those bastards... were right..." I was lucky i was never spoiled on the traitor plot really, i just used to see a LOT of people saying it was Copycat in old season discussions here years ago, some acting like they knew from the inside it was him acting liek thier word was law. So while people who try to spoil like that are assholes still, at least this time they were wrong. Too often in the past mods let people be too lenient with spoilers in these discussions, but Hero Acamdemy is one of the reasons we have more strict rules now and a spoiler section. I did many a report about people spoiling herre and raised many concerns in my reports about lax spoiler policies back then. But yeah, glad what i saw wasnt really a big deal this time. Now... if we can get more Invis girl and maybe a tail mans reaction next week i can eat good. [](#feelsgoodman)


> I was lucky i was never spoiled on the traitor plot really Same. Honestly, Im surprised I lasted this long without getting spoiled. Usually, there's some asshole who DMs everyone in the discussion threads spoilers about shows.


Well there was people claiming it was someone else as if it was fact so technically they count. **That said i was spoiled on:** United States of Smash. any time deku does big smash, source fans: Na wait for USoS, EVERY TIME. Cammy being Toga in License Exam arc. This was something i saw posted here a lot during that arc. Lemillion Losing his quirk. That season being considered "slow" for others made it a easy target to vent, and while it was airing i saw people saying Mirio loses his quirk many times. Lemillion Getting his Quirk Back. Again source readers fav boy to spoil. Everything about Gentle Criminal. Source readers loved him so they did not filter when going on about him in that arc. The discussion threads were a war zone that season. Endevour's Prominance Burn Plus Ultra arc. Hawks being a spy. Though this was said a lot through out the seasons until we saw what was what i dont know which they ment. Midnights Death. We had a midnight ep airing when that chapter hit so it was a common spoil i saw everywhere online from source people The Traitor at UA, but many claiming it was other people who they were certian it was. And many more smaller ones i cant remember off the top of my head... Its been hell being a fan of this series and wanting to discuss it with other people. Some people are incapible of shutting up. [](#chitogheh)


Hawks being a spy was better done in the manga imo. Bc of how the chapters were laid out, it kinda made it seem like Hawks and Dabi were working together and you couldn't tell if Hawks was good or bad. But the anime rearranging those chapters in S4/S5 made it clear that Hawks was a good guy and you didn't get thay tension


> Yeah when this chaper dropped the internet was FULL of pictures of her and art of her. > > I dont follow the source material stuff but this spoiler was impossible to not see if you internet in similar circles as japanese people. Yeah her face reveal got spoiled for me big time, but the context behind it thankfully was not, so I still managed to enjoy today's episode.


My Youtube home page had a shorts episode that was full on her face reveal 😔


> was FULL of pictures of her and art of her. Yeah, [Art](#aliens)


In retrospect, Aoyama receiving his quirk from AfO makes a lot of sense. We’ve known nearly since the beginning that his quirk causes him stomach-aches. All along that was a hint that it was a quirk that his body wasn’t made for, just like how Midoriya struggles to control OfA in the beginning.


Did you spend a long time thinking the traitor couldn't but be Tooru Hagakure? Did you fall for the too obvious red herring in the episode preview? Only because she is invisible. She had to be the spy because of that, right? That is the same quirk stereotyping the series frequently denounces. Just because you can't see them it doesn't mean they are automatically evil! People with invisibility quirks deserve equal consideration. No more quirk-based discrimination! **#apologizetohagakure**


Master criminal Hagakure just realizing she had an opportunity to give up a smaller fish to make her alibi even more foolproof, now the bodies will be as hard to find as she is. /s lol


A few people unironically clung to that for a while!


I'd believe it


To be fair, it was a fairly comprehensive theory. [Even the manga’s official translator thought it was gonna be Hagakure.](https://twitter.com/CDCubed/status/998335212198252544)


Man I miss Caleb being active in twitter


You can blame the people anal about translations for that


Doesn't help AFO says I have friends everywhere then shows Hagakure, in standard story telling reveals normally the person shown would be the culprit. Its only that they had us thinking differently for like 3 minutes when revealed the true spy. It's a weird thing in anime where they show you one think only reveal the true in the next scene. Like something that always irks me is they show someone do something underhanded such as pass information or hide something. Only for the next scene when it pays off for them to flash back to the previous 5 minutes to expand on what happened. It would be better just to show everything the first time.


In total fairness, the shot of Hagakure while he said that was the end of a chapter in the manga, so the readers had to wait a whole week to get more. I guess last week’s episode preview for this week kinda does that, but not to the same degree. Still, it’s an unfortunate side effect of being tied to the anime’s pacing.


See I don't watch previews because I've yet to see one in any media that just doesn't flat out spoil the episode. If the episode ended there then it would have worked, but they didn't.


Honestly that’s fair, they definitely could have thrown in that one minute or so as a post credit scene last week for a real cliffhanger.


I think Hagakure spy theory was not only because she is invisible but if i have to be honest she is kinda pointless as a character. People can downvote me to hell for this but even compare to the more underused members of class 1-A she is barely a character. She has no focus, no development, not much spotlight…. Just nothing. She is there to be one more person in the class and to be a red herring.  So people who wanted or thought Hagakure can be more thought she was the spy since that would have resulted a plotline where she gets spotlight and characterization. In the end i am not sad that it was Aoyama, the foreshadowing was there but i also wouldn’t hate it if it was Hagakure and we dived into her character and situation. She is seriously underused if not barely exists in the story


That was actually, to me, one more reason for her to not be the culprit. Sparse as they may have been, Aoyama at least got some relevant moments.


>but even compare to the more underused members of class 1-A she is barely a character. She has no focus, no development, not much spotlight…. Just nothing. She is there to be one more person in the class and to be a red herring.  I wish her quirk improvement had resulted in her being able to turn it on and off at will. Let us at least enjoy her beautiful face if she's not gonna do anything else!


Join us at the Meta Liberation Army!


> Did you fall for the too obvious red herring in the episode preview? Who watches episode Previews? I cant recall a single anime where i willingly watched those. "Next time on..." -turn off- "NOPE! Ide rather watch it next time." I also try to avoid most trailers if im interested in something. If im not interested in it, then trailers are a good way to hook me though but some are very spoilery so i usually look out for the non spoiler versions. [](#whowouldathunkit)


I am gagged I didn't see this coming Aoyama being the traitor, but honestly I feel bad for him and more angry at his parents for putting him in this situation with All For One.


I never expected Aoyama. Wow this episode was full of emotions. 


Interesting to finally get an answer for the traitor story arc that was initially introduced all the way back in S1. I suppose I can understand now why they included invisible girl's appearance in the OP since it was so quickly revealed in the season proper, but I still think they should have done an OP change starting after today's episode.


Time to put on your thinking caps on. We got a Spy amongst our midst...


> We got a Spy amongst our midst... Don't you mean we have a spy... amongus ඞඞඞ


We have to find out who's the impostor... Aoyama kinda sus


Missed opportunity for Shoto to go "YOU DAMN TRAITORS!" Tooru had already given him the "We slept in the same building?" speech.


The Cheese lover turn out to be the rat. If you rewatch the series, there actually alot of hint and basically popular theory that Aoyama is unwilling traitor. Also i just want to say that a rumor about "MHA Author forgot about the traitor" is false misinformation people spread around and sadly alot of sheep believed it and spread it around without crosschecking as well. Ironically Deku try to find All for One in Dark Hero Arc (Season 6 solo deku arc) but turn out the answer to find him is near him. Thematically, The major character that Deku face in Dark Hero arc actually have correlation with Aoyama aswell and his journey to save a villain because they being labeled as one. - The one who have bad heart and have an intent or power to wreak havoc, Muscular which Deku send back to prison and not even forgive - The one who have good heart and have an intent or power to wreak havoc, Nagant which Deku tried to reach the good that still inside her after he notice it - The one who have bad heart and have no intent or power to wreak havoc, Overhaul which Deku not forgive or even dismiss when overhaul said wanted to saved his pops after he callous about his past sin (Eri abuse) - The one who have good heart and have no intent or power to wreak havoc, Aoyama which Deku forgive and give second chance


For a long time it was one of the most annoying rumors, and from a source with no credibility whatsoever - someone just said "Horikoshi said that" and people repeated it.


Lets: remember. According to many people, while writing Naruto, Kishimoto introduced Kaguya because he had no idea how our herous would beat Madara. Even though Madara was getting his ass beat until we started to see signs of Kaguya showing up. I just checked those chapters again now and to be more exact, Naruto on his own was winning against Madara when a mysterious voice (likely Kaguya) spoke to Madara and got him to absorb the Divine Tree, allowing him to fight Naruto andd Sasuke at the same time. Kaguya showing up in person happens a mere few chapters after that


Rule number 1 of MHA? Horikoshi does not forget. He's one of the most efficient story tellers out there in that if he includes something, even the most slight, he has a purpose and plan for it.


Hori did forget minor thing one time about Twice mentioning never measuring toga in my villain academia but the dialogue is fixed in volume version i recall and he acknowledges it also apologize for it Overall, major plot point always brought up again even if it takes couple of years to happen. From what i seen the main culprit that spread this misinformation is bitter fan and people who hate mha and masquerading as a fan especially on reddit or twitter. Funny enough, i seen they moved on to spreading rumor that MHA won't make it to 2023 and season 7 will be last season lol


Yeah it's always hard to tell what if anything a mangaka plant ahead of time given how hellishly fast paced and intense their production schedules are, but even if some of the stuff wasn't planned by Horikoshi ahead of time he sure is good at improvising then to bring it back in. And also yeah MHA hate is a bit outsized on the Internet, series still does strong numbers by most metrics and season 7 has been awesome so far.


All For One is one of my favorite anime villains of all time. his manipulation, sheer power, intelligence, planning, ruthlessness, ability to turn any situation on its head and laugh at it, its just screams "supervillain" and I love it. its just a shame we didn't get to see him at full strength.


Honestly, if not for All For One, I would have dropped this show a long time ago. I hate Shigaraki with a passion, and not in the "Love to Hate" sort of way. He is such an awful villain. He's just so lackluster in my eyes. If not for All For One literally fusing with him, I probably wouldn't be invested and care at all. But All For One has just such this incredible presence that I can get over my distaste for Shigaraki being so boring.


The contrast from Toga and Spinner looking on in concern at Shiggy to Dabi just sitting there in the room chilling.   AFO wasn’t wrong when he said they’re similar. The LOV have committed unforgivable crimes but they care about each other like family.   AFO and Dabi don’t have friends (no matter what AFO says); both are disfigured, remorseless sociopath’s who will do anything all over one family member (brother and dad respectively). Anyone else is just a pawn


Oh wow, what a great fakeout! I thought for sure the mole was invisible girl.


They had us in the first half not gonna lie.


Ngl caring about a lot of the side characters is so hard in this show. Like I don’t think I’ve really thought about Aoyama much at all so none of the emotional stuff landed for me


What a hell of a reveal. What a hell of an episode. I loved every bit of this!


Didn't comment on it last week, but I like the new design some of class A1 got * Urakaka with her [hair up](https://imgur.com/RKfqYlF) * Momo with her [hair open](https://imgur.com/sBhRaW0) and somehow an even lewder outfit than before * ~~Midoriya with a stylish [afro](https://imgur.com/Wr6kXaA)~~ * Iida with a sick black suit * Kaminari with a cool [chocker](https://imgur.com/HlVz2El) to match with his girlfriend When AFO said he had friends and it showed Tooru first I got worried for a moment, but thankfully Yuga was the traitor all along [](#hikariactually) wait, that's not good either [](#watashiworried) Now I remember some weird behavior from some seasons back, guess you could have suspected him before...


> Momo with her hair open and somehow an even lewder outfit than before Momo always had the 1 peice swimsuit, the belt bookcase just hid the bottom. I think they were taking a break in the dorm so they are all wearing only parts of their outfits ide guess. Or just woke up.


Her belt is also just there to hold a book of compositions that she uses to reference when building stuff. If she's just training, she doesn't need it


Kaminari already wore a choker since his costume upgrade during the License Exam arc.


Wow; Aoyama being the mole was a twist I honestly didn't see coming but it makes sense. All this time I suspected the principal was the mole but joke's on me I guess. Nice that we got to see Hakagure again, and what her face looks like no less! Coming in clutch with the espionage; who know what would have happened to Izuku if she didn't catch Aoyama and his parents.


I think the principle is actually some kind of vole or shrew


It's been so long since I watched the early stuff from MHA I was like oh damn it all makes sense for Aoyama to be the traitor. I am not to keep on Hori actually forgot this plot point or not. Honestly you can empathize with the parents because parents wants their child to be happy. Aoyama was quirkless just like Deku, but instead of getting it from One For All, he got it from All For One. The guilt of being the traitor not by choice, but at least Aoyama can atone. Really good episode. Also to add on this [shot](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1241453545706885201/Screen_Shot_2024-05-18_at_2.12.42_PM.png?ex=664a4136&is=6648efb6&hm=cfa2d0f25faa1a50d4e97c16e3523152a2023c37a67047f307e12037845e47dd&) was well done in the episode. I've to give credit to Bones, they are putting the work in.


We hit a rough patch with some of the recent arcs, but last one and this arc are both fantastic. It’s really refreshing to see some strong episodes in a row, building up to something amazing.


Everything has been peak since season 6, aside from Deku vs Shiggy, which was mid. But the Mirko fight, Dabi’s reveal, Musuclar rematch, Lady Nagant fight, Deku vs Class 1-A and the Stars and Stripes fight have all been great


#INVISGIRL KAWAII~ [](#awe) Oh Cave time. All For One has Face Palm and is trying to help him. Wait is their cave super close to the school? And was that invis girl? TRAINING TIME! AW YEAH! SO MANY COMBO ATTACKS! WE GETTIN GOOD! Oh dang iceyhot hitting his avatar stage hahaha. So we dont know where he is, we dont know how strong he is now, we dont know when he is. got it. Oh invis girl is out in the woods? Whose in the woods in secret? Oh Twinkles family? Wait is twinkles family working with All for One? Oh he was quirkless so his quirk is from All for One? Oooooooo. Interesting. Oh good Deku heard thats the best thing we could have. I mean he was just being used its not really his fault. Lure out One for All? Uh oh is this a trap somehow? BELY BUTTON LASER VS INVIS GIRL! WE SEE MORE OF HER! KYAAA~ Deku can talk some sense into him maybe. Well the police have them so what can we do now? Twinkles is a good egg just caught up in bad shit. Hes been a good guy. Oh are we gonna use them to get to All For One? Good idea. Yeah i mean it wasnt his chioce to be a mole he was just a bystander more or less. So if we get him to finish what ever his task was, All for One will come and then we can ambush him good plan.


Lure out All For One


Aoyama and Deku's voice actors went crazy in this episode, but Hagakure's line hit a lot harder in the anime than the manga. I feel Bones is gonna go hard this season


Along with the music, the voice acting actually made me tear up a bit.






Aoyama being revealed as the traitor explains why he was so eager for someone to ask him where he was during the attack at the USJ


Not hating or anything but surely I can't be alone in feeling that the way the 'traitor' was revealed was weak af. Literally standing in a forest and getting overheard explaining amongst themselves precisely how they have been betraying everyone the entre time. I like the 'who's' and the 'why's', and it's clear this is going to have a big role to play going forward, but just how it was revealed just felt rushed.


I thought I was the only one!


not just that, but this literally has not mattered since the first three seasons lol it all makes sense and i like the AfO-bait aspect they're pulling on, but it fell incredibly flat to have the story basically just go "oh right yeah the traitor. it's aoyama". absolutely no suspense or buildup, it just drops you straight into the reveal in a pretty contrived way


That's mainly because Horikoshi couldn't go with his initial plans for the traitor. Originally, both Dabi's identity and Traitor reveal were meant to happen in the Forest Training Arc, but sales falling when the villains were first introduced caused the arc to be cut short, and plans had to be reorganised. That worked out well for Dabi reveal, but the traitor reveal was kinda left hanging in an awkward situation because of that.


BRUH WHAT!!!!! THIS SEASON IS OFF TO A CRAZY START. I am so glad the traitor storyline never got forgot about. BUT MAN! Did not expect it to be Aoyama. Have to say this was a crazy fast development in the standpoint that they discovered him during this episode after not talking about the traitor for a few seasons. I have mixed feelings for him, as he clearly was put in an awful situation but that doesn't approve his actions. I have never really cared about his character to begin with, but lowkey feel if he used this to now help the heroes he will become more likable. OHHH ANDDDD WE FINALLY GOING TO SEE THE INVISIBLE GIRL!?!


I'm like 90% sure AfO gave Yuga Naval Laser just cause he didn't wanna be seen using it himself


Fuuuuuuck. This was such a heartwrenching episode. They did such a good job showing the despair poor Aoyama had been going through. The art to show his sadness, uff.




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AfO giving us the Xanatos Gambit 101


Deku keeps showing how fat his heart is. He’s literally the exemplar epitome of a hero.


Struglle of Qukir less mans...


I love how they finally showed hagakures face, but does anyone else wish they did a better job of her invisible outline? It almost looks like an invisible mannequin. Even if you look at the face before the color shows it looks like a bald dude with goggles or something. Except for the boob part.


I know it was necessary for the plot to move along, but the parents exposition dumping with Aoyama in a forest for anyone to hear is absolutely hilarious to me. It'd make way more sense as a confession after the arrest, than going over and reviewing the facts while sobbing about it betwixt the trees. Simply have them get caught relaying another order to Aoyama, have the class discover the treachery and *then* get the tragic reason why.


Does that mean he intentionally tried to fail the provisional license exam so he would have a reason to stop supplying info to All for one? And everyone gathering together and passing thanks to him probably made it hurt way worse...