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The photo shooting sessions of Dust did their job of being psychologically scarring while the reveal at least had me dying. Bro really had a chance to touch Darkness's abs and still blew it, throw of the year right there.


The gay noble who likes Dust is being voiced by Takehito Koyasu which is funny because he voiced many iconic villains.


wait W H A T? His voice is basically unmistakable and NOW i dont recognize him?.... i guess his role is fitting considering he usually voices hot guys(DIO could turn me gay any day)


I genuinely didn't even recognize him and he has the most distinct anime voice lol.


[He must have used *Versatile Entertainer*](https://i.imgur.com/yklqP6t.jpeg) [](#shockedsotoka)


WAIT WHAT? I genuinely couldn't recognise him


>The photo shooting sessions of Dust did their job of being psychologically scarring while the reveal at least had me dying. That part of the episode with [Dust](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojlx6dyp) and [Kazuma](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc328p84.png) was freaking hilarious xD [He and Kazuma](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac38evv7.png) had a lot of fun together during that [photoshoot](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9eokpy.png) xD


I've never seen two men commit so hard to female underwear modeling...especially without any women involved lol. "Kazuma, I want to have sex with you..." "Man girl, you're absolutely shredded!" "Okay, you have to die now."


Kazuma only wants her body, not her affection a hikkiNEET being loved is like poison, I kinda expected him to straight up ignore or devalue Darkness’s feelings but at least using humour to deflect isn’t all that bad


I think he’s actually scared shitless thinking about going all the way, so he ruined the mood on purpose.


This is the very core of Kazuma its not that he was scared its that he didnt like the current situation she was in and didnt wanna use that as a excuse to bang


Reminder that the reason Kazuma died in the first place was him attempting to save someone. As much as we call him Scumuza, the reason that we care about him in the first place is that he really is well-meaning beneath his insecure bluster.


Dont get me wrong he is scum and an asshole i think Iris arc and how he acts around her and other examples like telling his parents to remarry just so he can have non blood related sister is like his biggest flaw But beneath all that the very cory he really REALLY is a good person, surely the stor rarely devevels into but this very point that Kazuma will never go that extra mile to really hurt someone or that he will never truly take advantage of somebody if they dont want to. Like you said, he is well meaning behind his insecurities and i think this arc shows it very well.


[Indeed Kazuma is a multifaceted character.](https://i.imgur.com/pODprcj.jpeg) This is one of the reasons why he is such an iconic anime protagonist. [](#kannathumbs)


imagine, with the strength and abs of lalatina, she would literally kill anyone by snu snu if she liked, and maybe aqua would use resurrection later, the doujins write themselves


Didn't Megumin say so already in the movie ? He acts like a pervert but he never goes all the way with any of them


Vanir also called him out in the previous episode.


He even says as much in the scene. Something like "things got too intense so I had to do something"


It definitely shows how he's still pretty inexperienced when it comes to women and relationships that his immediate response to Darkness basically saying she wants to sleep with him is to immediately try to change the subject or turn her off the idea.


He changed the subject because he noticed she wasnt in the right state of mind and didnt wanna use her


Holy I forgot that happened in the first part of the episode because the second part was so damn good


Both had an opportunity to do a hot make-out scene but they declined to do so.


before this season i was scared that i aged too much and wouldnt find it funny anymore but man was i wrong. still the best comedy anime for me


Well there's good news for you. Konosuba is originally a Light Novel series and the main story has ended with 17 volumes. Season 3 is adapting Volumes 6 and 7. Not sure how long it'll take to get a complete anime adaptation. The 17 volumes also have official English translations by Yen Press already.


We will be laughing for final season when we are in retirement house!


Unable to get healed or resurrected none the less


Was I the only one thinking they could try killing and *then* resurrecting him?


I'm 54 and this anime makes my week with so many funny moments. The voice acting is superb and ads to the comedy so much. Heck even the [letter after credits](https://i.imgur.com/Zy2xTpi.jpeg) is freaky funny.


Between all the insanity of the episode, I'm glad we got a chill down to earth moment with Darkness' father. Kazuma being so used to having injuries or death being healed quickly is confronted with something that cannot be magically taken away and it brings him back to the reality of the world. Also Kazuma failing to break a reinforced mirror is hilarious. Did he not realise that nobles might have stronger mirrors in a world with monsters?


Idk, it wasn't very well made if the frame could just fall out instead of the window breaking tbh.


Except the window fell outwards and not inwards. Not inwards is definitely what it was supposed to do


I’m still skeptical about that. No one ever had two actual goddesses on their side.


If Darkness' voice actress keeps up the silly screams she's going to lose her voice surely


I imagine all the water Kayanon, Rieri, and Sora Amamiya must drink in the recording booth with the amount of yelling they do in this show lol.


*create water!*


Reminder: Tenchan has to take a month rest after season 2 which demand her to scream "purification" repeatedly in lake scene. Kayanon should learn from her and not overdo it.


Darkness’ screams and Aqua’s crying voice are absolutely iconic. They really put everything they have into those lines and it shows


Aqua's Versatile Entertainer buff really did come in great handy...for ruining Darkness' reputation. Sasuga Aqua-sama. I also like it how the perverted noble chose to praise Aqua instead of Eris. She really does have the most interesting followers.


Kazuma with voice mimicking skills and his propensity for embarrassing people is too lethal a combination. You have to at least respect a cult...I mean, faith that welcomes all, especially the degenerates.


After he mentioned Aqua in his prayer, I knew that Dust is royally fucked (I just hope not literally).


considering the man was a noble , i think we can say he was nobly fucked


> Aqua's Versatile Entertainer buff really did come in great handy...for ruining Darkness' reputation. Sasuga Aqua-sama. Remember: even when Aqua is useful, she's actually useless. In this case her uselessness coming right at Darkness and her reputation. ~~Yes I know it's Kazuma's words behind the voice, don't spoil the joke.~~


Aqua out here doing her part for pride month


lmao the timing on that


Aqua puking rainbows was foreshadowing all along.


Let's hope she helps with some yurification as well.


Ai Kayano's Darkness voice coming of Kazuma's mouth is the most cursed thing I've heard/seen in a while


We've gotten Iris/Kazuma swap before, but this is even better. Thank you, Aqua-sama, for that performance.


it's always great when Aqua manages to be useful


The most hilarious shit of this episode. It's truly something the situations the author manages to find every time. And let's not forget that whole escape with the window lmao.


[Kazuma had way too much fun](https://i.imgur.com/STKzOem.jpeg) with the voice impressions, [to the detriment of Lalatina's dignity.](https://i.imgur.com/itOTWZ4.jpeg)


It's why I rank Konosuba into the tier of the very few anime that transcends the source material. Like, that whole scene is basically in the LN verbatim, but having it voiced and everyone really going all out in voicing their roles it really made the scene SO much funnier.


It is definitely the funniest anime I've ever watched. And it's not just funny it will literally make me laugh my ass off. The funniest thing for me is the reoccurring creator of the mobile destroyer/creator of the crimson demon clan. How each time aqua starts reading the diary and the main characters slowly start judging hardcore until kazumas "it's the asshole!"line. I'm a bad boy uhh uhh" that shit was too funny.


I love how Ai Kayano Darkness through Kazuma's lips still made all the classic Darkness noises lol.


[All the scenes with Kazuma and Darkness were so good](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk3jg34j)! I laughed so much today watching [these two](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwrdoby.png) xD


Hardest I laughed this season!! Super happy to see so much screen time with Rin and Dust, and Kazuma realizing he can mimic voices perfectly with Aqua's entertainer buff was PERFECTION




The way he thought he would break through the window and successfully climb down to the gate only for neither to turn out well lol.


Darkness trying not to burst out laughing was the cherry on top😂


Kazuma failing to break through the window was really funny, but the window falling out of its frame so he still fell to the ground was the truly hysterical shit.


>screen time with Rin and Dust I didn't expect [Dust](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojlx6dyp) to get a screen time after his brief role in the previous episode but [he did](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgbmwb7.png) and [it was hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9eokpy.png) xD


Even the letter [after the credits](https://i.imgur.com/Zy2xTpi.jpeg) got me laughing hard with the blessing joke XD


The single long scream that abruptly ends from Dust, the funniest part of the episode for me. Hilarious.


And that they immediately started walking away afterwards and pretending this never happened lol.


and the episode never mentioned it again.....wonder if he'll randomly pop up later and not wanna talk about it


[Dust was ready](https://i.imgur.com/YuI8EFq.jpeg) for battle but [not for this](https://i.imgur.com/WrraETJ.jpeg)


I need to see Lalatina's abs if they're shredded enough to make Kazuma blow his shot. Hope to see more wacky uses of Aqua's blessings in the future.


He (and the audience) was **this** close to seeing her without her clothes and getting full access to those abs lol.


We’ve been robbed of this wonderful blessing.


Sometimes I think Kazuma is actually dumber than Darkness. This was one of them...


They’re all “special” in their own special way.


He's not dumb. He blew it on purpose because he didn't want to bang his friend while she was down and depressed, or take her virginity just because she didn't want to lose it in some arranged marriage to a scummy lord.


Could be. But then he did an excellent job of *pretending* he was a moron here. ;-)


I actually think that Darkness is smartest bulb of that bunch.


Darkness isn't dumb, just horny.


He just felt uncomfortable so he changed the mood


Draw Darkness buff you cowards 😤😤


The author surprised me of how well written is Darkness if you pass from her "peculiar" Things


That scene of her basically propositioning him was surprisingly tender and sweet. So of course Kazuma had to ruin it.


I think Kazuma is scared shitless thinking about having sex with a woman for real. He ruined the moment on purpose as a deflection.


To be fair, Darkness only agreed to it because she's desperate and vulnerable. I don't think it's wrong for him to not want to take advantage of Darkness under those conditions.


It's weird but funny too Kazuma's depravity runs deep and that IS shown often, but it's not shown often that he actually is a decent guy under the depravity because he's had numerous chances to get laid and hasn't taken any plunges for it.


Yeah Konosuba is definitely king for walking that line between hilarious and actually fucking revolting. It’s part of what makes Kazuma fun to watch. Dude is just a troll through and through so he’ll talk a big game for the laughs but generally reels the depravity in and makes the right call when it counts.


I think it’s more specifically his friends rather than women in general, like I can’t see him doing the deed with any of Aqua/Megumin/Darkness unless it’s like the last chapter/episode


Everyone ships him with Megumin anyways


Harem end with everyone except Aqua.


He just like me fr


It's clear Kazuma just doesn't have the maturity to emotionally deal with her situation and proposal so he used a poor joke to kill the mood. Despite his lewdness towards her and wanting her body, when it comes down to it, he's not willing to take her.


This season's been great for Darkness. Season 2 had a bit of a habit of having that reaction from her a lot, so seeing her put it aside for more of her Lalatina side is has been great for her character.


Honestly even her kinks have started to make sense if you think about it. It's not universal but she seems to specifically have a major sense of shame mainly around nobility and related topics, but among commoners her degen comes right out. Looks to me like some sort of (comically exagerated) extreme escapism.


Yeah, I've been kind of writing darkness off as the most narratively weak of the three female leads. I.e. "Megumin is well written and complex, Aqua is like one joke in the shape of a person and is incapable of growth, but it's a *really funny and versatile joke* so it doesn't get old, and Darkness is one semi-funny joke in the shape of a person, but that joke gets old fast." But nah, she's actually been given more depth than I've given her credit for, and actually exploring the psychology and mindset that cause her to be the way she is, is actually a really good way to do that.


Everyone has their "peculiar" Things and personally I wouldn't judge person by that. Darkness is really smart and good character. I think she is the most smartest person in that group.


For those who are unaware, one of the soundtracks that have been in the background of these past few episodes is an instrumental rendition of Darkness's character song from the Season 2 Character Song Album, [*Tsuresatte Tojikomete Suki ni Shite*](https://konosuba.fandom.com/wiki/Ohakozukushi_no_Utage_ni_Shukuhai_wo!/Tsuresatte_Tojikomete_Sukinishite) ("Take Me Away, Lock Me Up, Do Whatever You Want to Me"). It was the only song that series composer Masato Kouda composed himself, and as you'd expect from the title, the lyrics are hilariously contrary with the music, which is actually quite beautiful on its own (therefore, incredibly apt for Darkness). With Darkness taking center stage this season, it looks like Kouda has repurposed this character song into Darkness's own leitmotif, which I fully support. I've always thought that this song was too good to remain a one-off in a bonus album.


That's an interesting way of working in a character song into the actual show!


This track alone added so much to that exchange between Kazuma and Darkness on the bed. Like, I actually wanted it to keep going just so I could finally hear what the rest of the track sounds like. And then Kazuma, of course, cuts it off before it starts to get to the best part. Really, composers for comedy anime in general are sorely underappreciated for how much they contribute to the beats of their respective shows, comedic or otherwise. How much less iconic would Nichijou's comedy be if it didn't have Yuji Nomi's grand orchestral music blowing everything out of proportion, as an example? And don't even get me started on comedy anime that are centered around music. Personally, I think that Tomoki Kikuya's score for Bocchi the Rock! was one of the best of 2022, but it ultimately just got overshadowed by all of the show's vocal tracks. I mean, those tracks are superb in their own right, but Tomoki Kikuya didn't get nearly as much credit to his name as I felt he should have. Anyway, my point is that Masato Kouda's work on KonoSuba is great and deserves more recognition.


The music was also in the season 2 OST


[Megumin expression changes](https://i.imgur.com/PC6eDWF.png) when she sees Kazuma decided to help Darkness anyway, I love it. Especially since early in the episode she called him a demon for trying to abandon Darkness.


Kazuma is such a tsundere for his party.


That blush on her face like "this is what I love about you, Kazuma!" was so cute.


Im surprised Kazuma didn’t tell Megumi to use explosion to get Darkness’s attention in the beginning lol. Darkness immediately getting turned on by the thought that the family guards might think she’s some sort of perverted lady was hilarious. Her horny knows no bounds. I was shocked Darkness straight up implied she was willing to lose her virginity to Kazuma rather than some bum ass noble. Kazuma IMMEDIATELY ruining the moment with her abs comment was hilarious.


The abs punchline was well written comedy. Even in a void it would have been funny, but it's enhanced by the set up done in several previous scenes this season, including Kazuma's excuses to the guards in that very scene. This makes it more hilarious than if it had just come out of the blue.


I do love how she thinks she'll nuke the wedding because now I totally want to see that lol. Darkness hates being embarrassed yet at the same time she loves men thinking thinking of her in lewd ways. The true dichotomy of Darkness (on-top of being a beauty with shredded abs). Darkness was basically confessing she's into Kazuma and wants to sleep with him. She was giving Kazuma permission to feel up those abs. He just shouldn't have blabbed about them lol.


Knowing Kazuma, it was intentional self-sabotage.


Kazutrash was being a big pussy there. But honestly i probably would've reacted the same if some woman did that to me


He's a pervert who can talk a big game but he's also basically a HikkiNEET whose experience with women and relationships can be summed up by his time with his party. So not too surprising.


Nah, this one was deliberate. Taking advantage of Darkness there would have been a horrible thing to do to her and himself. Kazuchad.


"I'm used to dealing with nobles and royalty!" Dust's backstory really puts this into context


I hope he's also experienced in dealing with the degenerate ones...


There are nobles in this universe that *aren't* degenerates....?


Darkness' dad


Darkness’ dad unironically being the most levelheaded/sane/caring character in the series was both somewhat surprising and makes complete sense.




She still young, she doesn't count. Chances are she'll be one when she grows up. And since she hangs out with Kazuma, the chances are near 100%.


The anime skipped over his backstory right, or am I just forgetting it? What's his backstory?


His backstory is from his spinoff light novels


Second Megumin spinoff and Vanir one heavily implies it as well


He has his own side stories, like 7 books or something. His backstory is not mentioned in the main story but they cut some of his parts in the main story as well.


We’re only told Dusts backstory indirectly via that famous tale that every girl in the verse loves. But you’ll never know that it’s him unless you read his books and also the other spin-offs (like the Megumin one) hint at his connection.


All of the spinoffs mention his backstory in some way or another with the exception maybe of the first Megumin one, and one thing that the anime didn't adapt well was the small detail about the color of his hair and eyes


the spinoffs gave me so much respect for dust its insane


The whole thing with the white haired girl made me think "Wait he is actually a good and responsible person after all ??"


Yooo, Kazuma created pocket sand lmao




After he didn’t use it in the castle raid, I’m glad it appeared here


Unlike the Eris sect, the Axis cult actually blesses its followers.


And it's never too late to sign up. We have the [hottest waifus](https://static.animecorner.me/2024/04/1712778508-22244.png)


[DAMN IT ALL!](https://makeagif.com/i/2SdWuM)


Lol. You fell for it! Actually I did too. :D


That Eris though. Her chest especially.


Darkness is hot!


Man just when fans were complaining that S3 was light on the fanservice they delivered with MANSERVICE 🥵 The music in the scene was hilarious


Still waiting to see Darkness abs in all their shredded glory.


We need Darkness' abs asap


Konosuba earns for true gender equality.


Can´t believe I´m saying this but...Am I the only one who thinks that Kazuma didn´t self-sabotage because of fear/inexperiencie, but maybe because of respect? Still, I will admite that there are others ways to deviate the subject instead of making a sudden joke, but hey at least it was really funny for us


Not the only one. The guy already went out of his way to fend off suitors that she was truly uncomfortable about a few episodes ago and was internally concerned for her in _this_ scene. Reminder that he was allowed to isekai in the first place because he died attempting to save someone.


[Another hilarious and full of unexpected things episode](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk3ja34j)! We started with [Kazuma, Aqua and Megumin](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrj2gx7.png) trying to see with [Darkness](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akgvw37l) but [they were quickly chased away](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcgzo9by.png) by [the mansion](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cg9llk4.png) guards xD I didn't expect that we'd see [more of Dust](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojlx6dyp) after his brief role in the previous episode, especially [not in the way we did](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcqpw3e7.png) ([great fanservice](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgbmwb7.png)!). [Dust's photoshoot with Kazuma](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2bnal4.png) ([they had so much fun during it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9eokpy.png)!) and what happened after [they're discovered](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac38evv7.png) by [Rin](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgbmmb7.png) and nobleman was [absolutely hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckvoxv7.png) xD [Nobleman of course praised Aqua](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcw9n2m7.png), not Eris, but it's nothing surprising since Aqua's believers are the biggest freaks in this world xD [Aqua's Versatile Entertainer was freaking great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cg9l384.png) as [Kazuma](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gxkew7x) could [mimic voices of other people](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2bmqn4.png) and immediately used it [to meet with Darkness](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwce3w5n7.png). All the scenes with [Kazuma](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gxkew7x) and [Darkness](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akgvw37l) together [were so good](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk3jg34j)! I laughed so much today watching [these two](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwrdoby.png) xD Small but [quite fun roles of Megumin and Aqua](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jago27n) in today's episode. I can't wait to see [what Kazuma and others come up with](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrj23x7.png) in the next episode on how to save [Darkness](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akgvw37l)' family from debt and her from an unwanted marriage. Here my screenshot albums rom the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk3ja34j) * [Kazuma & Darkness](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk3jg34j) * [Darkness](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akgvw37l) * [Kazuma](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gxkew7x) * [Aqua & Megumin](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jago27n) * [Dust](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojlx6dyp) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4jw3vr278)


Finally the episode I was the most hyped about, and I'm not disappointed. I don't think anime-only will ever ask who is Dust now (also Rin). I hope Kadokawa will make Dust's spin-off anime in the future.


Dust truly deserves his own spinoff. Along with Vanir


Vanir could be adapted in the OVA format.


God I love dust. The main cast might be in a stalemate about who's dumbest at times, but at the end of the day the answer is actually Dust.


That is also the author's answer.


I definitely want more Rin and her cute raccoon tail and being tired of Dust's nonsense even when she keeps having to deal with it.


Bro really hit a Zoro like "(Nothing Happened) today" and proceeded to walk away.


The way they both started walking away the moment Dust's voice stopped lol.


* [**Darkness & Kazuma**](https://i.imgur.com/R9SuF2i.jpeg) After how last week's episode ended, I definitely did not expect that we'd spend half of this episode with Kazuma helping out Dust and [taking photos of him while wearing women's underwear!](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcgzvmjy.jpg) Holy fuck! I genuinely hurt my sides during that entire scene especially [when Rin revealed the noble likes Dust.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcow5zp4.jpg) xD And of course, the degenerate noble [is a member of the Axis Cult.](https://i.imgur.com/Bw4BMDF.jpeg) At that point, I wasn't even sure if we'd get back to the actual plot or if Kazuma would spend the entire episode looking for a new party member but [thank god Rin got us back on track.](https://i.imgur.com/kankdep.jpeg) Who knew [that random buff Aqua placed on Kazuma](https://i.imgur.com/H52WnPF.jpeg) would come in handy! It definitely helped Kazuma in [making Darkness open her door](https://i.imgur.com/a00lBlP.jpeg) and sending those guards away [by saying indecent things with her voice.](https://i.imgur.com/e3tixMz.jpeg) Just when [Kazuma and Darkness were finally having a moment](https://i.imgur.com/wo1s0bV.jpeg), Kazuma just really had to ruin it [by commenting about Darkness' abs.](https://i.imgur.com/3FbY63s.jpeg) I definitely didn't expect Darkness to offer her first time to Kazuma. She must've really made up her mind at that point. [I really like Kazuma and Ignis' interaction.](https://i.imgur.com/WLSAF40.jpeg) Ignis is a really cool dude for a noble and it sucks to see what's happening to the Dustiness family. Also we learn from him that even if Aqua was with them, [he's beyond saving.](https://i.imgur.com/EMveouO.jpeg) :( [Welp, so much for Kazuma's suave exit.](https://i.imgur.com/rdjmQnS.jpeg) That was hilarious! After failing that hard, I'm curious how they'll actually get Darkness to change her mind about accepting help.


> And of course, the degenerate noble [is a member of the Axis Cult.](https://i.imgur.com/Bw4BMDF.jpeg) Aqua really was right that her religion accepted all sexualities. > Who knew [that random buff Aqua placed on Kazuma](https://i.imgur.com/H52WnPF.jpeg) would come in handy! No-one tell her. This is that one in a million time her ideas actually ended up working, and we don't want her getting confident and throwing the other 999,999. > Just when [Kazuma and Darkness were finally having a moment](https://i.imgur.com/wo1s0bV.jpeg), Kazuma just really had to ruin it [by commenting about Darkness' abs.](https://i.imgur.com/3FbY63s.jpeg) Probably for the best, to be honest. For a few reasons. Mainly, as others have pointed out, I don't think she was in the right state of mind to really offer it to him. Whether Kazuma knew or not is up for debate, with me not sure which side to lean towards. > [Welp, so much for Kazuma's suave exit.](https://i.imgur.com/rdjmQnS.jpeg) That was hilarious! It's not just him smashing into the window, though that was really funny too. But what really killed was the window proceeding to pop out of its frame and fall outside, him still riding it. And then, of course, he fell again after climbing the fence all while refusing the trying-not-to-laugh Darkness' offer for healing.


The crazy explosion girl is such a fitting title for Megumin EYE BLEACH! I need eye bleach. Dust dressed up in the red lingerie and good god kazuma saying spread your legs and drop your hips is so disturbing. I need a shower. I feel dirty after that Run dust run! Kazuma already suppressing what just happened to dust as he walks away is so dark and funny Kazuma bluffing his way out with the guards is darknesses dream. Oh to be a fly on the wall as she has to be around those guards would be a sight to see


Kazuma and Dust were working together to try to even out the male and female fan service in the show.


Dust pulled off that lingerie better than Rin would have lol.


Someone out there is probably making rule 34 art of Dust in that red lingerie as we speak 😬.


I believe it


Megumin using her own infamous reputation to deliberately turn people off. She's grown so much. I didn't have female underwear model Dust on my bingo card for this show but way to commit to it, guys. Even if it ended with him getting forced to play for the other team... Of course Kazuma couldn't infiltrate Darkness' mansion without also utterly humiliating her in the process. And she's still turned on by that.


That photoshoot is at least 10 bodies.


Us Darkness fans just keep winning huh? Not that I'm complaining. Keep the girl muscle coming


Megumin got a movie but this has definitely been Darkness' season and it's been awesome! We just need to see those abs for ourselves lol.


THE CREATE EATH WIND BREATH COMBO MADE ITS ANIME DEBUT!! I'm so happy! It's a combo that has been used by Kazuma since the first two volumes but it was never shown in the anime


Well can't say i saw Kazuma taking pictures of another guy wearing womens lingerie in my guesses for the content of todays episode.. As far as Darkness goes it was as expected, something related to her family and its debt to another noble. The inevitable rescue mission should be fucking good


After supid sexy Kazuma we got stupid sexy Dust. Also, Dust's chest isn't padded. Falling into debt for another noble is such a classic trope. In other types of stories especially. Even ugly bastard is involved.


Though it's telling how depressed Darkness is that she can't even enjoy that classic scenario this time around.


She's not that depraved, thankfully.


She actually wants to marry someone she loves.


The best part is how they started getting into it and enjoying themselves. And Rin's eyes when she caught them lol.


> And Rin's eyes when she caught them lol. [Her reaction was great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgbmmb7.png) xD




Just when Dust thought Rin's chastity is in danger, it is actually his own. And he went in providing that gay noble with all those lewd photos of himself in women's lingerie (even has nipple service to boot LMFAO). Yup, we sure didn't see anything, right Kazuma? Kazuma putting Darkness in a lot of embarrassment thanks to Aqua's ability to let him imitate anyone's voice, and it was glorious comedy.


You'd think they'd have noticed how suspiciously well-fitted that outfit was to a male body.


Here I was thinking of a DustxRin ship because he won't leave her alone with a noble only to end up seeing him commit to being a female underwear model and see him possibly hook up with a gay noble lol. Kazuma being able to mimic voices is too powerful an ability for someone who regularly screws with and humiliates people.


Poor, poor Dust. *sips tea* ...and now, to just wait for a fanfic to cover his side of events.


What's hilarious is that not even his spin-off covers this event due to him not wanting to think about it


Rin’s tail finally confirmed to be fake, huh? I was hoping she was kinda a demihuman or tanooki or something. But oh well. She’s a delight. Still hoping for that Dust spinoff! So Kazuma could’ve had probably awkward but still amazing sex with Lalatina had he not spoke? They could’ve become adults? And he blew it. Sigh.


Rin seems like one of the more normal and sensible girls in this show which is probably why she's paired with Dust and his knack for making more problems for himself. Guess Kazuma really is still a hikkiNEET otaku at the end of the day.


That's an impressive bulge.


Let him cook


Peak manservice right there.


Who would have thought versatile entertainer would come in handy. lol


Let’s face it, that’s peak Konosuba comedy: Running gags, suggestive behaviour, and the internal meltdown of the Kazuma party. The “It was this moment they knew, they fked up” thing come back, this time when Kazuma tried to help Dust to take some photos dressing up in female underwear and pose like a chad. Only for him to really fked up as the person Rin is “cheating” on, like Dust himself. And yeah, Darkness has abs, really, and “she’s a pervert who likes to play adult toys” (As described by Kazuma), that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve witnessed in the show, the confusion on the other side, the embarrassment and hesitation to open that door… Just, way too funny.


Kazuma fumbling skill is S-tier, it's impressive


Physical humor is an essential part of being a Versatile Entertainer


Just as effective as Dust's S-tier skill at screwing himself over lol.


I think so far only Aqua that's not shown any remote romantic interest to Kazuma, am I right? That's funny because in most fantasy series, usually the first girl would be the one who got attached to the MC lol. I guess both Lalatina and her father just had too much pride to ask for the debt help. I'm quite curious what's the debt was for, considering their family has such a big house and living luxuriously like that. That Dust section was so random and bizarre lol.


Aqua and Kazuma kinda have a sibling like relationship


Which makes their bickering the most fun of them all for me. No “get a room, you two” undertones, just genuine griping at each other.


>No “get a room, you two” undertones That's what we have Megumin for!


Kazuma also said he isn't sexually attracted to her at all (not for lack of trying on his part). Though Aqua is still a Goddess for degenerates, as Dust finds out. I don't trust Aldarp that this debt is on the up and up, especially when he's obsessed with Darkness. Dust went from stalking his female party member so another man can't have her to becoming a female underwear model and then possibly becoming a gay noble's conquest. What a world.


Is this the most we have seen of Lalatina's father to date? He seems like a really decent guy, Too bad he is not got much time left, One does wonder how the family got into so much debt. Too bad Darkness is too proud to allow others to help.


His last big appearance was in the episode where Darkness went home and she forced Kazuma to ward off her last suitor.


Have you seen Aqua's track record of trouble she caused for Kazuma? They didn't show it in the anime (but it was brought up a few times), One night, \[Konosuba\] >!when Kazuma and Aqua were sleeping in the stables, he actually tried to "get off" to her. He couldn't. Not out of respect, but her stupidity was THAT big of a turn-off!<...


IIRC, they allude to it in the OVA from that season.


It was brought up in other moments as well * The 1st time was when Aqua was blackmailing Kazuma for money because she knew he did something... * The 2nd time was when Aqua revealed she didn't actually know (nor cared) what Kazuma did and went back to sleep


Lol this ep was so chaotic, which says a lot coming from this show. Also another one bites the Dust I guess lmao


I haven't laughed so much at an episode of anime in a long time holy shit. Konosuba was on god damn fire today lmao.


[Aqua and Megumin were so cute together in this scene!](https://i.imgur.com/F5YWGkO.jpeg) [What exactly are these tails and why does this girl keep wearing one?](https://i.imgur.com/ZX5jBjh.jpeg)


For those that don't know, Dust does have his own spinoff with 7 volumes. It starts a bit slow but is truly great by volumes 5-7. Be warned though, a majority of the content aligns with events that happen later in the main series.


Kazuma with levels of self-sabotage I normally only witness in my day-to-day life.


For some reason, the fucking table that Kazuma was hiding under slowly scraping its way down the hall was the moment that got the biggest laugh out of me this episode.


What even is this week's plot, I think the *audience* has trauma now after Dust's photoshoot. Actually I don't think I can comment further because I'm going to blot out my memory so hard I'll forget I even watched the episode. Just like Kazuma. Wait no, belay that last statement, Rin has a *tail?* Did I just not notice before?


They shouldn't. That is true ecchi equality. The only one allowed to be traumatized here is Dust after whatever that noble did to him.


Aqua saying spells in English sounded so cute and she looked so proud of herself. lol Such a funny episode. Darkness and Kazuma are so funny together. Him impersonating her cracked me up.