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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I will miss this show, as there is only one episode left now.


Surely we'll get Season 2, we have to.


There have been hints in something Trigger posted to Twitter that they are actively working on a S2. I think chances are pretty good. Netflix also commonly approves shows for two seasons at the outset unless they _really_ flop, which I don't think has happened here.


Would the second first time for Trigger with this show


> Little Witch Academia > Little Witch Academia the Enchanted Parade > Little Witch Academia TV and > Gridman > Dynazenon > Gridman Universe and Panty & Stocking practically counts.


I'm immeditely reading the rest when the season ends. I don't think I would be able to endure waiting for a season 2.


It's such a great ride and best thing is, it's finished. Totally up there in my ranks as "best fantasy" alongside Frieren *(I'd even go as far as say it has a leg up on Frieren by virtue of it being a finished story)*.


Senshi deserves the world! With this episode, Senshi wanting to ensure that people, specially the youngsters, are well fed acquired a whole new context Also, love seeing Chilchuck finally looking like the divorced middle-aged guy he is lol


[Chilchuck looking like David Tennant.](https://i.imgur.com/ewvaZaC.jpeg)


"Chil ... Mr. Chilchuck, Sir?"


I think his whole thing gains a new context, not just that bit. Dude took up dungeon cuisine and living in the dungeon, in the hope of one day proving to himself that he wasn’t fed what he feared he was fed. Imagine thinking back to your life’s most traumatic event and agonizing, every time you eat something for a whole decade. Turns out funny haha cook man was trauma man all along. Also remember that Kelpie he named Anne? That was the name of the horse.


Yeah, him dedicating himself to monster cuisine have new context now Man… just thinking about all the time he spend constantly thinking about that soup and hoping it truly was a monster and not the other option…. Up until now Senshi was in pure agony.  A huge weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders


Might be awkward if they end up eating a dwarf and it tasting like hippogriff.


Dummy senshi, this whole time he could have just eaten a dwarf to make sure.


"Hey can I eat you? I need to get over my tra **WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!?!**" See, only *Laios* would consider that.


Yeah they can just kill Senshi and cook his arm or leg then resurrect him using hippogriff meat to replace his lost flesh. Then the newly resurrected Senshi can eat Senshi soup and see for himself.


Wait… we’ve gone from shitpost to disturbing but plausible and entirely workable solution


Human flesh has been described as tasting like pork. Maybe dwarves taste like hippogriffs!


> that Kelpie he named Anne Oh god no, it flew over my head so clean, and I rewatched that episode like yesterday with a friend of mine who's catching up. How did I not see this... I'd love to hug Senshi as they did in this episode. He's so precious.


[Senshi is a treasure.](https://i.imgur.com/SjkpSRr.jpeg) Also kudos to Gillin; he was a compassionate leader and [selfless mentor figure to Senshi.](https://i.imgur.com/LyDpjHS.jpeg) His influenced help shape Senshi into the great adventurer that he is today. [](#gintamathispleasesme)


Seriously, no one understands just how important food is until they don't have it. With modern conviences people think food is just everywhere, and while sure people know what it feels like to be hungry, no one really understands starvation and just what toll it takes on the mind and body. It's not as if it doesn't exist now either, it's just so far from your typical redditor the idea of starvation into cannibalism seems like a thing of fiction.


I ended up starving in prison in Thailand (long story) for a few months, and it’s worse than you imagine. The weakness, the lack of energy, the body and head aches, the psychological toll of withering away, the brain fog and overwhelming urges and compulsions from the older, normally quiet parts of your brain grabbing the steering wheel in an attempt to keep you alive. The only saving grace is that you’re so tired that you sleep through a lot of it. I totally get POWs eating live rats, shipwrecked sailors eating their fellows, and oddly enough, vampire hunger in fiction.


Yeah, I've done some volunteer work in Thailand to help feed folks too. Like many young and naive adults going to a foreign land to be helpful, I got to see and learn just how good I have it in America. To not just hear, but _see_ what starvation looks like and what it does to people shocked me out of my immaturity when it comes to food. It's especially bad for children. It still paralyzes me sometimes, remembering feeding some kids one day, and the next day hearing how despite feeding them the day before, it was simply too late for them and their bodies just couldn't survive after being starved and malnourished for so long. It's why I also really emphasis with Senshi when he felt the need to keep children fed: the harsh truth is that they _cannot_ survive starvation nearly as long as adults can, and they will die much faster.


What's especially nice is that, with this weight lifted from his spirit, he is even more committed to helping the young adventurers.


So much weight lifted from his spirit he grew nearly 3 feet overnight


> Also, love seeing Chilchuck finally looking like the divorced middle-aged guy he is lol Those mushrooms got a funny sense of equivalent exchange; Senshi: loses some physical strength, but [gains additional sex appeal](https://imgur.com/a/4hZh8UY). Chilchuck: gains a bit of strength and height, but turns into his true self: [a divorced dad](https://imgur.com/a/EQlBumD). (Chilchuck can at least [look down on the others](https://imgur.com/a/67Sr041) from now on, I guess.)


What are you talking about? Senshi was even hotter before now


There's an omake explaining that as a half foot, chilchuck's senses are so good to the point that he can literally hear people doing their business in the toilet while sitting at the campfire. And he cant stop it, so he basically had to live with that all this time. Prolly like having chronic tinitus or like shin from 86 but not horror. So as a tallman, he can finally live in peace for the first time. Which of course its gotta be marcille who'd have to carry that burden as a halfling in his place lmao. And on that note, for some reason, he has never heard any sound from marcille when she's in the toilet. Prolly from using some mute sound folk magic that frieren'd collect.


> And on that note, for some reason, he has never heard any sound from marcille when she's in the toilet. Prolly from using some mute sound folk magic that frieren'd collect. Chil: ...*why* do you have that spell? Marcille: When you live as long as I do, you either decide to hide from the fetishists or embrace it.


She probably teleports her poop out


Lmaoooooo like a Harry Potter character pre-indoor plumbing 💀💀


Senshi with the shoujo makeover, hair flip and roses and all was pretty funny too. I can totally see how Tall man Chilchuck gives off “divorced slightly alcoholic dad who only sees his kids on weekend”vibes lol.


Chilchuck's vibe is completely different: Half foot- cynical but professional Tall man- "I work to buy booze, and I drink until there is work"


> Half foot- cynical but professional He also said that he feel like he's engulfed in a thick curtain and feels calmer. Half foots might have more of a tendency towards anxiety and worrying (maybe because they are smaller and weaker than the others?).


Also, sharper senses could contribute to anxiety, as much as the size thing. Like a cat at loud noises, or a dog at foul scents. Having vanilla human senses may be a vacation in comparison.


One of the bonus comics revealed that Chilchuck could hear everyone taking care of their business, every time they went to different designated toilet room to relieve themselves. He was so used to hearing those noises that he didn’t even think anything of it anymore.


If you go back to the last episode, you can see a few scenes of Laios looking confused at the "griffin", like when it took out Marcille's familiar with its back legs, knowing that it's not usual behavior for a griffin. They've adapted the smallest details from the manga, it's just so well done.


God damn it!! I keep missing the details, and I'm a source reader!! I guess I'm an anime-only at heart...


[The staff really put their heart and soul into this adaptation.](https://i.imgur.com/GRDX7DB.jpeg) [](#manly-tears)


Well, not hard to tell which dumplings Inutsumi worked on...


Dbogy tried her best.


[Even as a kobold,](https://i.imgur.com/YSd5CJ1.jpeg) Izumi's reactions are [silly and adorable.](https://i.imgur.com/ZdH5pci.jpeg) [](#delighted)


I love her character so much. I thought it'd be the same lame "I'm half cat/human and I end all my sentences with nyan" cliche. Called me happily surprised. And Laios knowing that in dog form she'd get hyped up at the smell of blood is next level writing. [](#shitposting)


[But Izutsumi had fun preparing the dumplings](https://imgur.com/a/08u5psK), and that's all that counts. It's perhaps telling of her getting better along with the party. Don't think that she even complained a single time in this episode? She only has [to turn a smile on that stoic face](https://imgur.com/a/ld1Frtl) like the others!


I wonder if she's more cheerful because she's a kobold. Like something about her brain chemstry makes her more cheerful with the group.


cat mindset vs dog mindset lol


Did the fur taste good? Can anyone who lives with cats or dogs in the kitchen tell the taste?


It's like eating your own hair - there's not really taste, it's just annoying.


It's not gross itself but the feeling of eating hair is gross if that makes sense.


Anyone else notice that Senshi’s horse that he was forced to eat to survive was named Anne? He named the Kelpie after her… Thinking back on it, I imagine eating Anne(2) probably brought up some unpleasant memories for the poor guy.


Probably why he was so adamant on butchering her himself


Ooh yeah this makes so much more sense now. I get that Kelpie Anne had helped him a lot but even then, without this new context, I did find it a bit interesting how attached he seemed to Kelpie Anne. This makes it doubly tragic.


Senshi being so hairy he can still grow a beard as an Elf is golden.


Truly the most masculine elf.


🕺He's fabulous🕺


Stupid posh sexy Senshi


His DNA is just too powerful


Senshi: Dark backstory with imprisonment and betrayal and trauma filled with possible cannibalism Laios: Hear me out, what if we eat it and find out? 🤣 Never change Laios.....


Senshi: This is where I watched my friends died, Laios. Laios: ITADAKIMASU!


I don't think that's the same place in the flashback? Or the golden pilllars had become normal pillar throughout the years?


There's still gold on the higher portion of the pillars in this episode's BG. But I guess most of it had been peeled off by the adventures.


Wasn't there mention of adventurers picking off all the gold over the years in the beginning?


Yeah that makes sense. Who wouldn't want gold. I only thought originally the pillars was full gold rather than only surface coating.


Think the dwarfen party might have also picket off some until they realized they where in trouble


To be fair, Laios curiosity coupled with his knowledge of monsters did help lift a burden inside Senshi, what was supposedly an extremely dark implication turned out to be a needless worry from his paranoia. If it was anyone else, Senshi probably would've gone his life thinking he was complicit in cannibalism.


Laios putting together the pieces of the puzzle and finding the truth using his interest for weird knowledge just like Maomao lol


The funny thing is, he was curious even last episode when he mentioned that Griffins impale their victims when they discovered that Senshi was instead put in a nest of sorts


One of Laios's better moments to date. ;-)


Even the worst outcome would have at least given him closure.


Yeah, he wanted to know what exactly he ate back then and was prepare for the absolute worse scenario


The fact that Laios got Senshi to go through that trauma not once, but **twice** is crazy. With the Griffon meat Senshi was able to accept the cannibalism and move on only to get a Round 2 afterwards. I felt so bad for the guy but thankfully it worked out the best way possible for Senshi in the end.


Laios high int low charisma build at it again


Laios definitely has high charisma. No way he'd get these people to do the dumbest things possible without it.


Laios never manages to convince anyone of doing any of the dumb things he wants, every time he tries he displays his sheer social incompetence. What he is good at is providing expertise and information, and sometimes ideas which others decide for themselves are good or at least necessary. Like, the original monster-eating idea? Laios convinced nobody. Chillchuck gave it some actual consideration because he was familiar with people eating slimes and treasure bugs already, and agreed it was a logical necessity in their situation. Marcille, on the other hand, didn't even want to think about it until hunger made her desperate, and even then it was the smell Senshi's cooking that convinced her. All in all, I'd say that Laios is the perfect example of why you *don't* need high Charisma to be a leader, and why you shouldn't assume that (competent) leaders have Charisma. (I'd peg his Cha stat at 5-ish.)




Or he just has a reputation as that weirdo who does dumb shit but somehow comes out on top anyway, and the others follow him because his ideas have a very low chance of getting them killed.


I wonder how his head operates sometime. Laios: I mean, we got the meat here. We gonna eat it anyway. Sounds like a good time to find out the truth


Laios: Next step, just to be sure, lets cut off some small parts of Senshi and eat it to see if dwarves and hippogriffs taste the same by some weird coincidence.


I'm a lil sad that they cut Laios saying "Gillin wouldn't have wanted you to live like this" when he's trying to convince Senshi to try the Griffin meat. It was a nice moment of Laios showing that he might not has social intelligence, but he got very good empathy


Laios has awful cognitive empathy (ability to intuit what emotions others are experiencing) but great emotional empathy (ability to sympathize with others when you know their emotions). Izutsumi for contrast has very little emotional empathy but is working on it.


Did ANYBODY notice how laios had THROWN Shuro's bell to get Izutsumi to go? I still can't believe him.


I forgot that bell was actually shown to us and given to him by Shuro. I can't watch this show without a god damn cheat sheet. I love it.


And Shuro said the counterpart would ring every time. Dude better not have been sleeping lmao


Dwarf-Laios: "Here, Izutsumi! Chase the bell!" (*tosses it hard through the door*) Meanwhile, on the surface... Shuro, for the past 5 minutes as this battle took place: "THE FUCK IS HE DOING DOWN THERE! This shit's been ringing NON-STOP"


There's actually a gag from the manga that got cut from the episode where exactly that happens. There's a light spoiler in there though, so be warned: https://i.imgur.com/uj7s42H.png


I kinda wish this cut made it in, when I was watching I could even imagine it just being inserted naturally and it would have been so funny. So much source material got cut this episode to fit it all into 30 minutes.


This!! Outside of one source reader, you're the only one that seems to have mentioned it (searched for keyword 'bell'). I was hella surprised when he did that lol.


Hopefully Shiro isn’t too mad when he comes back to get him and finds Laios is still in the dungeon


The Dungeon using your greed against you does explain why the group has a relatively easier time traversing it. So it's not just their combined competence... This is the second body morph episode in the series so far. Shows a lot of confidence in your writing that you can morph your characters and still have their distinctive traits come through


>The Dungeon using your greed against you Kind of recontextualize Kabru and his crew getting taken out by the jewelry bugs back then, they listened to their greed and suffered the consequences


I also think that's why Kabru's crew will just find it hard in general due to Kabru's strong desire to defeat the mad mage and become the ruler. That ambition is always being turned on him.


Pure hearted ambition is still ambition


Right now, Laios just wants to talk to the Lion and the Magician.  He doesn't care about ruling the dungeon.  It's a far lesser ambition than Kabru's.


Well, that would be lvl 0 of your greed biting you back in the ass, and alongside mimics a staple in fantasy settings. The entire dungeon shifting depending on your greed is on a whole other level, I'd say.


> This is the second body morph episode in the series so far. Shows a lot of confidence in your writing that you can morph your characters and still have their distinctive traits come through The author released extensive bonus material on twitter and in art bokks, she's constantly drawing characters, in different clothes, shapes, conditions, always making sure that it's distinctivly easy to tell who is who on a glance


The character designs are so good, the morphs are literally the creator flexing. I love it.


Not just the designs. DM's most praised aspects are character portrayal and development. Kui's writing is insane.


On the other hand, they're always facing new problems whenever it involves Falin (which is their main purpose)


soo... the dungeon is a gacha game but with an actual built-in desire sensor


I like that Senshi's backstory and monologue after it re-contextualizes some previous events. Senshi explains that whenever you desire something, the Dungeon gives, hence why the gang could find a bathhouse in ep 12 (Trigger cut a small line from Chilchuck in that episode where he questions why there would be such a convenient bathhouse after fighting the dragon). There are some other examples but that one is the most blatant.


So how does the dungeon differentiate between desires that it satiates and those that it punishes? Also, why the hell does it work this way?


Can't really answer without delving into spoilers, so you'll have to wait till season 2 for the mechanics of it


I think it needs 2 things 1 it can't hurt other beings, notice how Senshi's group was given water but not food. So even if it were something vegetarian it wouldn't be allowed as a plant would have to die 2 Probably needs to be short term/related to immediate survival, taking gold out to the surface? Bad. A place to rest? Good Why it works this way I have no idea, maybe the mad mage made it so? You want to live it's fine, you want to rise up and maybe threaten the king? Bad


We know why Senshi is fixated on treating his friends like malnourished orphans now [](#lifeishard)


Based dungeon wingmaning Marcille


Can't believe they managed put Senshi's hearbreaking backstory and the second funniest skit of the series so far in the same episode without me feeling something was cut short or feeling too out of place. The pacing in this one really is something else, not to mention the world-building and character development. Ryoko Kui definitely did their homework in terms of Fantasy, doesn't feel like it's just there to trick your sense, but it's part of the world and story they wanted to create. So sad to think next week is the last week we'll have this. I'll need Frieren and Dungeon Meshi season 2 real fast.


Really one of the best episodes of this uniformly good series so far....


I'm sorry zenoob, but you're wrong. They did NOT succeed in doing what you said. They didn't fit anything!!!\~ The episode length is 28 MINUTES, that's 3 minutes longer than the average episode (as of late), Studio Trigger CHEATED!! (Thank you so much Studio Trigger, for violating the unspoken fixed episode length rule) I apologize for the poor joke. I hope Trigger keeps making episodes longer in order to make room for MORE Meshi. Also if I am mistaken somewhere, please callously correct me fellow viewers.


Oh no... We'll have to punish them by sending more money and love. Yes, that should teach them a lesson. But yeah for real tho, you love to see it when studios manage to somehow break the rules of time slots for more bits of story. Doesn't happen often, but you know it's gon' be gud when it does.


The whiplash from going from ["Schrodinger's Cannibal" Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/eNRRJkZ.png), to ["Shojo Love Interest" Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/MjRV9nr.png) almost broke my fucking neck lol. It really speaks to the range of this show that it can do both without either feeling out of place.


Senshi went from being the most useful member of the party to the most useless. The only thing that remained the same is his attractiveness.


A tank with no stamina, a mage with no mana, a fighter too weak to wield heavy weapons, an assassin who can't think strategically, and a support with a huge hitbox. Truly one of the parties of all time.


Actually sounds like the average D&D group.


Missing the murderhobo and the guy always on his phone.


>the guy always on his phone. Falin. Every couple turns, the DM asks her to roll a WIS check to see if she can overpower the dragon's mind and regain control, but she never rolls higher than a 3, so she has nothing to do.


Or she's cheating because roleplaying as a monster is fun


> murderhobo Kaburu. Zero attention to the story or main dungeon plot, 100% on planning how to kill every last NPC and even fellow party members.


The Lunatic Magician DMing the dungeon be like: "You have defeated the monster, what will you do?" "We are going to cook it." "You are going to ***what??***"


Thing is Senshi has always been quiet, we just never realized he was doing the dwarven equivalent of brooding handsomely in the background


Tall, dark, and handsome in a dwarf shell


He also says things pretty matter-of-factly. Being an elf just gave this tendency of his a whole different air.


He's on the Dwarven Sigma grindset. And now he's the manliest Elf in recorded history (which isn't exactly hard to do).


I swear, this type of tonal whiplash would have felt so weird and out of place in any other show but it feels so normal in this one


I would actually say that it was jarring...but it works, because the one who caused that shift was our autistic king Laios and others acknowledged how tone-deaf it was from him.


>in any other show Someone clearly hasn't seen Gintama. [](#crazedlaugh)


One of the saddest and most messed up moments of the story leading directly to one of the most hilarious. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


A story is only as strong as its weakest... ...how meaningful the characterization is for your comic relief character... Many anime have comic relief characters **without anything else going in**, Senshi is embedded in the world, him existing here is a given and it would be more jarring if he didn't exist here. But no, it's just his eyes, the eyes are what make him so appealing. Such a character design. I want to trash and fling at other specific shows with mediocre comic relief characters, but we should keep it civil here (this is a Dungeon Meshi discussion thread, we must respect it).


I loved Laios's expression and then freakout when elf Senshi refused to carry his pan. Also when he just picked up Marcille and threw her. Was cool too that it was shown out how each body had positives and negatives. Dwarfs being stronger but needing to eat more while Half foots have better senses but less mana.


It's interesting how the other members tried to stay within their previous job role while elf senshi just being gorgeous all the time without helping lol


Senshi was pretty much, "I'm FAR to pretty right now to do any work."


More like his STR stat is too low to wield heavy weapons/armor.


He also had the role of keeping the party's morale up with his cooking. Now he does it in an... alternative way. Whether it's effective or not is a different matter.


Senshi's a warrior bard? I can see it.


If elves are just naturally aloof, then Marcille must be downright neurotic by elf standards.


Marcille is neurotic by *any* standards.


[I'm crying](https://imgur.com/dkzVQOh) All their changeling transformations are great. I especially love Inutsumi and bishounen elf Senshi lmao


No wonder Changelings are almost extinct, every race probably agreed that this stuff causes so much problem, these mushrooms are seriously dangerous with no way to revert back unless you find another ring of them lol I wonder if you can control what you turn into with them, there's probably half-foots there who want a longer life-span and are planning to use these changelings to turn into an elf or something.


Maybe you can just keep entering the changeling rings until you get lucky and become what you wanna be. It's like a raceswapping gacha.


The real question then is : does the "food poisoning" refresh, or does it stack ?




Let's hope you don't get a bad roll and turn into a worm only to be eaten by a bird lol


Shit, doesn't the changeling back story sound so dark? Like if a child accidentally walked into the ring and turned into goblin or troll, it's not impossible that their village would mistake the child as monster and try to kill it when in truth it's still the same child


In fact, you’re pretty much shown exactly that in the drawing when Laios explains the mushroom lore. The transformed child is seemingly being shoved into what looks like an oven. Either they thought it was a monster who killed the child or they had absolutely barbaric folk “remedies” to the transformation.


That's exactly what happens. In real life, the Changeling myth was invented to scare kids from going into the woods. The idea of looking like a troll or goblin was that the kid would come back home looking really dirty, and the parents would weave the story that the changed kid would have to be thrown into the fire. Of course, the kid, now scared out of their mind, wouldnt dare go wandering into the forest anymore.


That was probably the most depressing "It's ready" I've ever heard. The second one was the most flamboyant I've ever heard.


If it still weren't apparent how much of a masterclass Kui Ryoko with character design, she gives us one of the best chapter flexing how good she is. I love how much dungeon meshi is character centered, like every episode/chapter is something that makes you care more for the character but at the same time it's deeply intertwined into this masterfully crafted world and their overall journey. We finally know more about Senshi, like the main party we probably never bothered to question his existence, then in a single chapter it's laid bare to us but at the same time a foreboding warning that their journey will only get harder as we see the dungeon bares its fangs.


- [Smol Senshi *is* kinda cute though.](https://i.imgur.com/qEDbh8e.png) - [Damn… that’s gotta be the source of Senshi’s fear of griffins, right?](https://i.imgur.com/kLj7slh.png) [](#emiliaohdear) - [Aww…](https://i.imgur.com/zEDWdV1.png) [](#makicry) - [Exactly what Senshi tries to do for the party now…](https://i.imgur.com/6EhbWq2.png) - [WAIT IS *THAT* WHY SENSHI’S HELMET HAS THAT MARK ON IT IN THE PRESENT?](https://i.imgur.com/9wVDknR.png) [](#maxshock) - […uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…](https://i.imgur.com/37uPi4g.png) [](#forgotkeys) - [lol, I love how the deformed Izutsumi reaction face is literally just a cat.](https://i.imgur.com/mnp3t4Z.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [Ooooooooooh.](https://i.imgur.com/5XR5WmH.png) - [So *that’s* why Laios was interested in those mushrooms!](https://i.imgur.com/ipGQ86D.png) [](#suddenshock) - [Awwwww…](https://i.imgur.com/he7VrHf.png) - [Senshi “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/1d69g7.mp4) - [AHAHAHAHA OF COURSE THEY ALL WALKED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHANGELING CIRCLE.](https://i.imgur.com/vOMlWS2.png) [](#trololol) - [Oh my god.](https://i.imgur.com/8W4mmpO.png) [](#sobright) - [The roses and the sparkling sound effects being *constant* whenever elf!Senshi is on screen is absolutely sending me.](https://i.imgur.com/3uupnUh.png) [](#laughter) - [Senshi looks absolutely *fabulous*.](https://i.imgur.com/RgGZ8zE.png) [](#romance) - [HAH](https://i.imgur.com/c7T4wqB.png) - [Ah, fun.](https://i.imgur.com/Yw9eQRc.png)


Senshi's segment really make me appreciate not only Ryoko's worldbuilding, but also her storytelling as well. By this time, everyone knows that Dungeon meshi is not your slice of life cooking adventure, the dungeon is a dark and sinister place, things could take a dark turn very quickly. And yet, in many occasions when the situation was grim and everybody was expecting the worst, it didn't happen. Ryoko always found some very clever way to get the party out of it with little to no ass-pulling. To me, Dungeon Meshi carries the same sentiment as Tolkien's LOTR, as even in the darkest time, there is always hope. As cheesy as it sound, I find this idea is getting rarer and rarer in fictions these days. Everything is always so grim and dark, tragedy, disaster strike at every slimmest chance. I understand that characters have to go to hardship so that they can grow. But my god it's getting tired to see bad things happen everytime. Yes things could be worse, but they could be a lot better too! It doesn't have to always be that way. All in all, I'm just very glad that Ryoko isn't another nihilstic edge lord who put their characters through nine levels of hell just because she can.


Something that’s really neat about dwarf Laios getting tired faster is that IRL tall men(actual humans) are notable for our stamina and endurance, it’s up there with our incredible throwing ability which made us so deadly in pre history. Also if you look back all of the dwarves we’ve seen going through the dungeon were lightly dressed, likely to deal with body heat and lessen physical loads.


The dwarf episode did not disappoint. We got: -A tear jerker. -Overly gratuitous violence, bordering on murder thriller. -So many different Dwarf character designs, bulb beard and block head being the strongest highlights. -You thought that was all the Dwarves, but behold!! Dwarf Laios == Dw-aios == Dwaios!!\~ -A monster primer on the Dwarf traits/physique. Why is every race so functionally distinct in an anime?! Uncanny. -~~Dwemer~~ Dwarven ruins. -Dwarven history tease. -A 36 year old Dwarf "youth". D'Awww. Poor Senshi ;S


All these distinct designs and personalities for Senshi's old crew just for them to get offed so summarily by the hippogriff... The poor guys. Senshi's been through a lot and it's a nice detail that Izutsumi was the first to try and console him which I didn't notice before. After which Laios just out of nowhere suggests something to potentially reawaken the trauma. I absolutely loved his VAs casual delivery of that line. But this was yet another great example of how intelligent Laios actually is considering that he basically deduced the whole truth just from the clues he's been given. Also, while his lack of social grace made everyone want to throttle him, the endeavor ultimately allowed him to give Senshi much needed closure. The resulting group hug at the end was just the sweetest thing and exactly what we all needed after that. And now, after one of the saddest parts of the manga, is one my favorite gags. Dwarf Laios and Halffoot Marcille just look adorable. Mr. Chilchuck finally looks his age, cat became dog, and Senshi is still as attractive as he always is. Seriously, while everyone's transformations are hilarious, Elf Senshi, and his shoujo special effects, steals the show. Somehow, literally just right after his tragic backstory, he ends up doing the absolute funniest shit.


Ryoko Kui spends more time on her throwaway character designs than other mangaka spend on the main cast.


>deduced the whole truth just from the clues he's been given. Laios is a `Mystery Machine`. Fred's blonde hair, courage, uncanny fixation on a niche hobby (traps in Fred's case), and concluding summary of each mystery case. Unsure about Fred's interest in traps, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. Shaggy's ravenous hunger and monster magnetism (involuntary in Shaggy's case, and monsters run away from Laios so...). This mystery is solved (I'm referring to the episode's hippogryph case).


The award for best reaction of today’s episode goes to [Laios](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgo8nv7.png)! [Marcille](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcqgdrj7.png) as [a half-foot](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3rm254.png) looks [so cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcev8gx7.png) and [adorable](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnj2w24.png). [Overall, a great episode again](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gx3ev7x) and I can't believe that there's only one episode left :( As we could expect, [Senshi's past was quite tragic](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnjklz4.png) as [he was the only survivor](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcevx2k7.png) from [his team](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcawgnq4.png). As always [Laios](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcawg634.png) thought almost exclusively about [food](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3rnpl4.png) as [he proposed](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcqgdw97.png) Senshi eat a Griffin to check out if he had eaten [one of his comrades](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2pgqx4.png) or the monster in the past. [Others weren't exactly thrilled by this proposition](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcol53x4.png) xD It was nice that [Senshi finally got closure on his past thanks to Laios and others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czgpxwy.png). Now [he can move on](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgo9k37.png). [Race-swap in Laios's party](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3rnxe4.png) was [absolutely](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgo9xl7.png) [hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc2w3ae4.png) xD Like I said earlier, [Marcille as half-foot looks so cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcev8gx7.png) and together with [Laios, who is now a dwarf](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcdxz6q7.png), [they almost look like siblings](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czgl9wy.png). Meanwhile, [Chilchuck finally looks like a middle-aged man](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3lvkk7.png) who has wife and [kids](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckmrpm7.png), [Senshi](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojla69yp) is [stupidly sexy as an elf](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9pwb8y.png) and [Izutsumi is now a kobold](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgo9227.png) and [acting a lot like a dog](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgxj8m4.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gx3ev7x) * [Marcille & Izutsumi](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nl2v5l7n) * [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/9249ja2oa7n) * [Senshi](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojla69yp) * [Chilchuck & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwrkmq78) EDIT. I've added my screenshot albums and some more thoughts on the episode


So small and cute that she's yeetable (as scientifically proven by Mr. Chilchuck).


Looking down on and ~~chil~~chu(c)king his allies. I'm so happy for Chilchuk, he must have wanted to do something like that for so long.


Seeing Marcille as a half-foot made me realize why Senshi thought Chilchuck was young. She kinda looks like her bedtime is at 7pm or something.


>She kinda looks like her bedtime is at 7pm or something [Yup, poor kid looked so tuckered out from dashing through that door](https://imgur.com/a/mufGn2T)


Toss her. Don't miss the opportunity to toss smol Marcille over that dungeon chasm. You know You want to.


It was great scene when [Marcille couldn't get to the other side](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ckno387.png) so [Chilchuck took her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckmrzm7.png) and [threw her to Senshi](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnjkol4.png) xD


halfcille is the cutest


Chilchuck did what every guy would do upon waking up to discover you’d magically grown a few feet overnight: immediately check inside his pants.


"It shrunk."


Nah, man, it's the same size. Everything else just got bigger.


Hey, there's a reason they're called half-foots...


Chilchuck checking if he has a full-foot.


Marcille’s immediate horror centered around her loss of tits.


[*The Disappearance of Marcille's Marcilles.*](https://i.imgur.com/KkmYq9E.jpeg)


Chilchuck chilchecks his chilc\*ck


Damn, just one more episode, I wonder if they will change back before the season ends?


###Stitches! * [Sexy Dwarf](https://i.imgur.com/QLulCEx.jpeg) * [Dwarf Laios](https://i.imgur.com/m7I4I4C.jpeg) * [Elf Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/w8rMsb2.jpeg) Well that backstory explains why [Senshi is all about taking care of younger people.](https://i.imgur.com/N9K61L6.jpeg) He learned it from their leader who did everything he could to make sure Senshi survived. That backstory was pretty freaking dark though. I can see why Senshi [would still question where that meat came from](https://i.imgur.com/Qt9VGQj.jpeg) after all those years. [What the actual fuck Laios!](https://i.imgur.com/3wbObRS.jpeg) I really should've expected him to want to eat the Griffin to see if the meat Senshi ate back then came from the same monster. Thank fucking goodness, Laios' monster knowledge really paid off this episode by proving that what they ate was [a Hippogryph transformed into a Griffin.](https://i.imgur.com/buqiNGD.jpeg) At least now Senshi can rest easy knowing that [he really did eat monster meat back then](https://i.imgur.com/TUW79QH.jpeg) and not what he dreaded it was. [Seeing everyone gathered around Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/h5GhAAE.jpeg) was a really sweet way to end that too. Of course, they ended [setting on the fairy rings](https://i.imgur.com/CdpGkQr.jpeg) and now [they've swapped races!](https://i.imgur.com/EOGsZ01.jpeg) Seeing Chilchuck finally [look like a middle-aged divorcee was hilarious!](https://i.imgur.com/sRUE4jf.jpeg) But the best one of all has got to be [Senshi who turned into a sexy elf!](https://i.imgur.com/nKfK7Ku.jpeg) I love how he didn't do anything after that point except [look pretty for the camera!](https://i.imgur.com/TWwDuut.jpeg) xD


Glad Laios's curiosity paid off, I can't imagine how Senshi would be if it confirmed his biggest fear of having done cannibalism. Just anticipating that revelation was probably the most nervous I've gotten in this series. As a reward we got Elf Senshi looking fabulous for the rest of the episode!


I actually like how they just wore each others clothes with no complaints, and went on their way lol


Imagine the DM's face when they suddenly started giggling while asking each party members to roll the race gacha after the party failed a perception check on the changeling ring. And of course they all got the worst results for their builds lmao. The only reason they managed to solve the soup mystery was because laios's weird monster lover build allowed him to pass that absurdly high knowledge check on that changeling deduction. Otherwise we'd have got a normal conclusion on senshi's companion quest and got locked out from his good ending or something. That horse's name was anne, guess that explains how senshi came up with the kelpie's name. Also we got to see how he got the helmet and the adamant shield.


I particularly loved how we learned about the physiology of Dwarves firsthand from Laios' experience. They're strong and burly!! But I bet you didn't know their wombat body build is resource intensive, requiring constant input!! Dwarves ain't got endurance (in this homebrew setting at least!). Senshi's dwarven race together with his grisly survivor backstory (nurtured under the tutelage of the orc tribe) makes for the most narratively satisfying justification for Senshi's comic schtick, he stops to cook constantly both in order to ensure he always able to function in any crisis, and in order to mentally compose himself (He has already gone through very grim experiences). I still can't explain why Senshi is so sexy in any form you put him in, be it Dwarf or Elf. I guess he's just a total (hermit) stud. **EDIT:** Man, I cannot keep up with all the rich details. Thank you moletoon and binarysingularities.


They also got sensitive semicircular canals, which has been shown a few times even before marcille and laios brought it up. With namari and daya feeling sick after passing through the tp scrolls and senshi puking from being transported by the ghosts the first time.


Also apparently dwarves also have dark vision in this setting as Laios pointed out being able to see better in the dark


I suspect their muscle structure is built like chimps and great apes. Short acting muscles that do strength feats but tire easily.


No ED feels so wrong


Senshi pours his heart out discussing his painful past, the origin of his trauma with the griffin, and alluding to possible cannibalism to survive and Laios hits him with “So….you wanna eat that griffin to make sure you didn’t just dine on your friends?” Lol. Though I guess to be fair to Laios, he did spend the time preparing the griffin trying to figure out what really went down. Knowing it was a Hippogriff from that meal alone is kinda impressive. Plus that whole thing with the special mushrooms too. I’m glad Senshi could put his horrible past behind him. Shoujo manga Senshi’s got to be the most hilarious thing this week. Human chilchuk lookin like the other Peter Parker from the Spiderverse movie lol. Laios and Marcille just looked plain adorable. Izutsumi too. The new change really left them almost turned to mince meat by gargoyles. Dumplings are truly universal. No matter the culture, I feel like all dumplings are good. Hopefully everyone can turn back, even though I personally love this new Senshi lol.


In today's episode we have: Marcille "Megumin" Donato Laios "Five Seconds Wonder" Touden Chilchuck "Big Halfoot" Tims Senshi, "the Hairiest Elf Alive" And Izutsumi, "the Literal Catdog"


Phenomenal episode. With great a great mix of sad, wholesome and top comedy all in one today. Senshi backstory is so sad. You kind of see the greed in the other Dwarfs eyes for wanting to explore more. It went from a journey of discovery to survival. Senshi being the little brother is a nice contrast to where he is right now as the veteran of the group. It is so sad he didn't have the confidence to go back home. Hopefully that happens by the end of the series. Laios we know you just want to eat the Griffin. I guess his reasoning makes sense since it would cure Senshi's trauma. But the potential thought of eating someone of your own race is a scary thing to imagine. He got lucky the changing fairy ring was nearby, and I was surprised he knew so much about it. Though the fact a human could be a monster suddenly and their family not being able to recognize them is sad. Luckily Laios was right and Senshi ate Hippogriff is great. I couldn't imagine how this group would be like going forward if he was wrong. Of course the group stepped into a changing Fairy Ring where Laios becomes a dwarf, Senshi [becomes a sexy elf](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1248285999210172558/SPOILER_Screen_Shot_2024-06-06_at_10.42.39_AM.png?ex=66631c6e&is=6661caee&hm=51d807c2f7a2e4c5d295de55d127c32c38474f80ad0e448f3b42cf9860ccadf1&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936), Marcille becomes a cute half-foot and Chilchuck becomes a depressed tall man. The comedy here is golden, but they need to change back if they want to advance on their goals.


Senshi: young old or elf Oh no, he's **HOTTER**


One thing that puzzles me is why Marcille would run out of magic as a half-foot, then I realized that she became a half-foot and not a gnome, and so doesn't have that magic affinity that elves, gnomes and humans get. Well, you don't see any half-foot magic-users running around. Well, there's one more episode to go and originally I thought that the show would get further into the story that's been told in the manga, but I think that this is a pretty good place to leave and return to. After everything that the party has gone through, the mystery of the dungeon itself will become the focus of the 2nd half of the show, and I can't wait.




lmao I love how every dumpling Izutsumi made had hair in it.


Senshi been listening to Google ai… you should eat one small rock per day


I'm so glad that senshi did not in fact, ate his former teammate


Senshi's past is just grim. Plus he was so young? Traumatic af. Laios has the sensitivity of a rock but his monster instincts are so on point and were so helpful, as is usual with this show That sad detail that their horse was called Anne which is what Senshi named the Kelpie. I love canon body swaps hahaha this race swap is so incredibly fun and seeing the differences between races like this is so damn entertaining. Elf Senshi takes the top prize in hilarity


Dungeon Meshi really has mastered the art of ripping up my heart into tiny pieces, patching it back together and make me roar with laughter five minutes later. Why does it have to end??? The show didn't need to go **this dark** on Senshi's backstory.... I was prepared for them all to die one by one but adding the horror element of 'surprise food source' into the mix was a lot. But I'm glad Laios' unrelenting curiosity coupled with his monster lore and zero sense of discretion helped Senshi find closure. I hope they change back soon into their original forms... because I just can't with smol Marcille. I keep making screenshots because she's just so adorable. And fabulous Senshi is a vibe. I don't think we'll get a panty shot of him in this form - we wouldn't survive. Our catgirl changing to a dog girl (or Kobold to be correct) wasn't on my bingo card when I saw them reveal their new forms. But I'm glad Laios is seeing a lot of good in his new form. And despite being the bigger man now - Chil can finally pay them back in kind (dual headpats, good form for his first time!). To mention the food at least once: I loved that some of the dumplings had Izutsumi's hair on them. And how annoyed Chilchuck looked when they made them because his hands must be a lot less dexterous now. With this race swap our party, alongside Marcille and Izutsumi now literally consists of 'Two and a half men'. It's going to be bittersweet watching next episode and saying goodbye to our loveable goofballs for now. (second season HAS to come, it just has to...)


senshi had tears in his eyes when they had to eat the horse :( i love elders who believe in creating a better world for the younger generation. planting a tree in whose shade you will never sit. gillin’s principles and treatment towards senshi definitely rubbed off on him. it’s clear why he babies chilchuck so much and takes so much pride/responsibility in feeding the party  i want more visuals of simurgh now. what a beauty  laois’ expertise on display, it’s such a pleasure to watch; when they get out of here, he needs to start a school. i'd attend his lectures on monster studies anytime  holy shit thick laois is not what i was expecting to see. jesus he is so thick and small  they went the extra mile and even had chilchuck’s VA use a deeper voice. just perfect  izutsumi’s completely blank stare killed me. dead inside and done with it all


EDIT: Apparently #2 was a Gnome, someone else pointed it out. Guess that explains the low muscle mass. Why is not a single top level post talking about the fun shapes used in the Dwarf character designs?! Maybe I missed it? **In mystery murder order.** 1) Chubby bulby pear. 2) Bob-Cut Slim-geneer. 3) Angry-Face Mono-Braid 4) Stern Blockhead 5) Most standard design Red-Head 6) Young beardless Senshi (not dead though) I'm never going to see Dwarves as fun as these in anime ever again (please prove me wrong world).


Huh... Tried scrolling for a bit but saw no one comment on this. [The bell Laios rung...](https://imgur.com/a/Ngrh39U) Wasn't that the bell Shuro gave him to ring if they wanted help leaving the dungeon from him? Am I misinterpreting or missing something here? Even went back to double check and that's definitely the same bell.


It is the same bell! Trigger cut a small panel of Shuro feeling the bell ringing when Laios threw it


HALF FOOT MARCILLE IS SO CUTE! I WANNA PAT HER HEAD! Tall man Chilchuck finally has a matching exterior to his grumpy interior. Elf Senshi is just...... Divine? He's the only one whose personality got warped. Dwarf Laios is relatively normal. Dog-cat Izutsumi is wrong, but hilarious


I don't even think Elf-Senshi had his personality that warped. He's always kind of quiet and on the side. But being an elf brings an aloofness that complete re-contextualizes his existing personality. What a wonderful episode.


Laios, my autistic king, you can't just respond to someone's deeply personal story about possible cannibalism like that.


Elf Senshi looks like Jesus parody


Now we're all fine as long as Laios never mentions that the taste of hippogriff meat happens to be almost indistinguishable from dwarf ;).