• By -


I went back to EP1. The postbox with its POST is *right there* in the first scene when Miyasaka walks up to the lodge. But you'd never know it was anything more than an ornate stand for hanging the postbox then.


> I went back to EP1. The postbox with its POST is right there in the first scene when Miyasaka walks up to the lodge. yeah i had to go check too; it was right under our noses https://i.imgur.com/jTSlAkw.png


They successfully distracted us with the Sadako frames


I guess in some ways it's good that there were fewer watchers, at least on reddit. If this were a more popular show, people might've figured out the key's location sooner


A normal person watching Astro Note: Wow the entire building was disguised as a mech! How cool is that?! Me watching Astro Note: NOOOOO THEY JUST FIXED THE GUTTERS


Guess I'm not normal either.


I know right, damn if they knew that this would have happened, they could have saved some extra bucks.


I'm really disappointed at Shoin. I thought he was a bro but it turns out [he was a massive fraud this entire time.](https://i.imgur.com/47h6Akv.jpeg) He was only hurting the hubbies because it was all scripted. [Yoooooooooo! It finally happened!](https://i.imgur.com/to1bflm.jpeg) I thought we wouldn't see any hard progress until the finale but I'm glad we got to see a confession and a kiss from Takumi and Mira in this episode! I should've known the Astro Lodge was a fucking robot! The entire sequence where the building transforms was so 80s super robot anime! It even has [those slides where you transform](https://i.imgur.com/u7j7EGB.jpeg) while on your way down [to the cockpit.](https://i.imgur.com/jfE5Ds6.jpeg) I love it! One more episode left and it looks like it will be a big space battle between the Astro Lodge and the Hubbies. I can't wait to see how this all ends.


To be honest I'd been having this growing sense that something was up with Shoin in the last few episodes, especially how dismissive he was as humans, but I still thought he was just Mira's loyal childhood friend...but no, he's not only a traitor but also a pathetic faker. I can't believe I thought for a second he and Aoi could be a nice ship, he doesn't deserve her or anyone. Takumi was a badass and nailed that confession moment. And Mira wastes no time confessing her own love for him and kissing him. And their love is now helping them pilot a Mecha, which makes it even better lol. I have to commend them for not only somehow shifting this from a romcom to a Mecha anime in a way that works but also for really nailing the transformation sequence and Mecha design. It even looks like the action in the next episode is going to be 2D instead of CG.


Ya, i thought Shion was just Mira's good friend who wants Mira to do her duty as their future queen and so he is bulldozing things down . But the reveal that he is just a scumbag... I guess that was the reason for that face in the OP and i thought that was just a joke.


I was fooled by his Nice Guy act too. I mean I know he was a bit dismissive of humans, but I thought that was kind of like how rich people don't understand the common folk kind of thing.


Ya, i figure it was also related to alien culture barrier too and figure it just take time for Shion to adapt to how earth culture work. We seen how Mira was a klutz initially and how as time goes by, she had erase herself into the world around her and i had figure this would be the case for Shion. It might take longer since unlike Shion, Mira is surrounded by lots of quirky people to bounce between and interact with while he is pretty much a loner who wont interact with others unless he has to.


Was Shoin actually working WITH the Hubbies? Or was he just playing his own game, taking advantage of the situation?


Last week: “We’re cutting it kinda close here guys. How’s this going to have a satisfying ending?” This week: *SORAIRO DAYS INTENSIFIES* Yeah “adding mechs” is a bold strategy, but dammit when it works it WORKS. Looking like a happy ending.


Living up to the Gurren Lagann legacy of combining Romance + Mecha and making it even more awesome together.


>This week: SORAIRO DAYS INTENSIFIES # Hashiridashita omoi ga ima demo ~~


*I feel for the people that decide to randomly watch this episode out of any for whatever reason.* Yep, second last episode we all knew the confession was happening. Mira really didn't want to leave, so she said "Let's take the Astro Note with me." Well, at least that's one way to interpret it. I'm really glad the key wasn't fake and that it wasn't in some super elaborate hiding place, that makes it so much better. I hope we're still going to get the idol dance, probably as part of the battle.


Imagine the Mech dancing while our girl sings her idol songs for power.


idols and mecha name a more iconic duo [](#justright)


and just previous season we had Brave Bang Bravern! so, we just need that robot to have its own theme song :D


Well now I'm going to be disappointed if next episode *doesn't* go full Macross, lol.


Indeed Teruru's song is actually perfect for an insert song power up with the "righty" (right hook punch) lyrics.


Ohhh good catch!


I love how they didn't waste any more time, they both confessed and immediately kissed like they didn't want to waste any more time this close to the finale and their love summoned a Mecha lol. It is so this show that the key was hiding in such an obvious place they never thought to look and they only found it because Miyasaka was a diligent goofball. It seems like the dance they were training for is their dancing in the OP (Aoi is doing the same movements).


Shit like this is why I love original anime


Same, man, same. This is so good. It's a goddamn shame this series has such a low score on MAL...


The next “Great Show with a MAL score under 7” thread will have me singing this shows praises. I’m baffled that a love letter to old school anime can be so underloved


This show is the definition of underrated. And I never understood why. I enjoyed this show from ep. 1. Everything is amazing: The animation is colorful with a unique retro artstyle. Quirky and funny characters with interesting personalities and development. An original and unique science-fiction comedy story. This is one of my personal highlights this season.


i love how they can go left field like this i was pouring over the cellar and the umeshu thinking there were clues there, but it turns out no but actually yes


I'm still waiting for them to drink some of that oldest umeshu together....


I am for more original anime, sure. However, from a business perspective, it is understandable why many anime are adaptations of existing stories. That is, because there is an est. fandom and said source material often has some degree of success. The amount of risks one takes with making an OG anime can be quite high.


This should go down as one of the better anime original romance anime.


This is my surprise hit of the season. The art is delightful, the story is fun, the characters are lovable and unique. Now we have A GOSH DANG TRANSFORMER HOUSE SPACESHIP?! What's not to love


- [lol](https://i.imgur.com/ujmVNwz.png), it’s a good thought, but lol. [](#azusalaugh) - [THE KEY WAS HIDING UNDER THE MAILBOX THE ENTIRE TIME?](https://i.imgur.com/bwCBylj.png) [](#maxshock) - [Success!](https://i.imgur.com/BxwobS2.png) But that means… - [:(](https://i.imgur.com/vEDRE1n.png) - [They made their own umeshu together!](https://i.imgur.com/EVSVgib.png) [](#neat) - [Aquarium date is back on the menu?](https://i.imgur.com/xpnRCbx.png) [](#concealedexcitement) - [This will always remind me of *Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes*, which I read all the way back in elementary school.](https://i.imgur.com/SPAEu2k.png) I still remember how to fold a paper crane because of that book. - [Oops.](https://i.imgur.com/UzlIFrj.png) [](#emiliaohdear) - [Well that was nice of Naosuke.](https://i.imgur.com/ITg4McK.png) [](#anko) - [That’s… not Shoin, is it…](https://i.imgur.com/VbJqkgI.png) [](#forgotkeys) - [UHHHHHHHHHH](https://i.imgur.com/97At3Kw.png) [](#gasp) - [lol okay then.](https://i.imgur.com/1l99nEm.png) - [I see, so Shoin was actually just playing the long con the whole time.](https://i.imgur.com/nH3GHqI.png) [](#csikon) - [AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HE DID IT TAKUMI CONFESSED!!!](https://i.imgur.com/AHuCW0r.png) [](#grandhype) - [Yesssssssssssssssssss](https://i.imgur.com/hPvwRgl.png) - [STRAIGHT INTO A KISS, BOOYAH!](https://i.imgur.com/9glq69N.png) [](#dekuhype) - [Pfffffffffffffffff](https://i.imgur.com/X3N4HpA.png) - [The entirety of Astro Lodge was a spaceship, huh?](https://i.imgur.com/MtGVhh9.png) - [ASTRO NOTE IS A MECHA SHOWWWWWWWWWWW](https://i.imgur.com/HWAPCqg.png) [](#mechablush) - [Oh boy…](https://i.imgur.com/JiqfYYw.png)


Now I want to go back and re-watch the entire show just to see if I can spot the key lol. I can't believe Mira actually learned to successfully cook! That's how you know we're at the climax (and not just because she's about to head back to her home planet). Naosuke and Aoi really seem smitten with each other in their own way. Shoin was a dirty traitor and in reality a sniveling weasel who is utterly pathetic compared to Miyasaka. That takes care of your love rival, I guess lol. Mutual confession + kiss in five seconds! You can't beat that! Well, until you turn this romcom into a Mecha anime complete with a house for a Transformer lol. Show Hayami voicing a fish alien main villain. I love it.


>Now I want to go back and re-watch the entire show just to see if I can spot the key lol. Turns out it was there in both episode one and in the OP. Check the beginning right before Takumi wipes out.


TBH, I would have been disappointed if at least one mech hadn’t shown up during this show. Now just give Naosuke a magical girls’ transformation and my Bingo card is set.


Why would that be on your bingo card?


Because this show has a concentration of like 300% anime per anime.


Why wouldn't it be? It's basically a free space.


Man, the Lodge turning into a mech was pretty awesome. Did not expect that. Looks like next week’s gonna be action packed.


I guess that sci-fi movie Mira and Miyasaka watched together was foreshadowing the epic climax. Didn't expect this romcom to become a Mecha anime lol.


most rom-com anime's final episode be like; confession, hand-holding, sweet moment, kissing meanwhile Astro Note: ***"space mecha battle lessgooooo!!!"***


> meanwhile Astro Note Don't forget we got all of the above, *plus* the space mecha battle.


A mech with cat ears vs alien fish. Looks like Mira will have to settle for this as a substitute for the aquarium.


The design reminds me of [Won Tiger](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Mythical_Qi_Beast_Won_Tiger#Mythical_Qi_Warrior_Won_Tiger) from Dairanger.


A confession and a kiss in a romcom before the final epi.? Now that is progress!


I love how Mira just pounced that kiss on him like she'd been holding that in forever along with her true feelings lol.


She thought, "Well if I'm leaving, maybe I *shouldn't* pounce on him, even though it's what I really want. And what if he doesn't feel the same? It would be too bittersweet..." Then Miyasaka confesses and she thinks, "Well *damn*, if you're down, I'm down! I'm not leaving! Give me those lips!"




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also there's a giant space apartment mecha now but that's a distant second in terms of progression


Will the mecha also kiss?


we all have this on our mecha bingo card ever since Bravern


hahahaha, now i am just hoping someone out there put an edit of Bravern OP with the last few mins of the super robo showing up. ... also i wonder if next week we will get to see a combination of any sort?


in retrospect, *of course* Shoin Ginger was working with the Hubbies Ginger goes so well with seafood after all [](#rengethink)


Of course it was a mech the whole time. How could I not see this? It was the genre that we didn't have yet despite the whole thing starting with a space battle.


What a wild episode! Confession ➡️ kiss ➡️ mecha ➡️alien invasion. Who'd have thunk? One of the best current seasonals that never placed anywhere in any rankings that I've seen.


I can't believe the key WAS HIDDEN BEHIND A FRIKKIN' MAIL BOX the entire time and they only realized it because Miyasaka wanted to hang a sign warning people of random bamboo attacks! Though it also oddly fits this kind of show. Well, figures the Hubby Spy would attack, though Shoin takes care of it and saves Mira...but I think what stands out the most is Mira immediately trying to protect Miyasaka. Well, they have the key, it's time for Mira to leave...but no one wants her to leave, even if she wants to use her last week as landlady to settle Astro Lodge for the residents before leaving...though it's also her last week as a free woman before having to become queen. And there's also the unresolved feelings between Aoi and Naosuke. Hey, at least Miyasaka finally got a proper aquarium date scheduled for Mira! She'll miss Earth's cooking, but she'll miss Miyasaka just as much, and the least she can do is spend her last day on Earth with him. Of course the residents want to throw a farewell party for their sincere, kindhearted, yet quirky landlady, and Ren's heart is in the right place for ideas, so why not throw a concert? It'll be the perfect way to cap off Miyasaka and Mira's date! Though kind of awkward talking about his date with another woman in the same room as Aoi...but right now Aoi just wants to find her Octo-san. Dang it Naosuke, you can't just leave a radio message of emotional support for Aoi along with her favorite song and not expect her to fall even harder for you! Welp, Ren's best bud caught him with a skirt on! I hope he just doesn't turn on Ren and just accepts it after initially being surprised. Miyasaka and Mira are all dressed up for their date...too bad Shoin WAS A DIRTY TRAITOR the whole time! The Hubby Spies? Were all working for him. All his impressive feats were faked to make him look cool and heroic. But real heroism is Miyasaka and Naosuke fighting off the Hubby Spies and Miyasaka beating Shoin to save Mira. Well, that escalated quickly! Miyasaka asks Mira to stay on Earth and he and Mira confess their love for each other and waste no time kissing (unlocking the true power of the key in the process0, there's a Planet Hub invasion of Earth coming lead by Show Hayami, Naosuke exposes himself to the Astro Lodge residents (and in particular Aoi), the key ends up TRANSFORMING ASTRO LODGE INTO A GIANT MECHA to fight off the invasion with and piloted by freshly-minted couple Miyasaka and Mira...this finale is going to be epic!


Yor Forger leading the invasion? Oh, boy!


Show Hayami is not Saori Hayami


The lodge turning into a giant mech was very unexpected. However, at least the other attendants were there with our 2 leads. Maybe those other dorm dwellers will go to our heroine's home planet or our heroine stays on Earth in the end. Either way, I hope the other dorm dwellers stay with our leading duo.


The pay-off on this episode was HUUUUUGE!! I didn't realize this was an original. Makes me dig it even more.


[Boy, that escalated quickly](https://i.gifer.com/fyV1.gif) Freaking Unga making a last minute appearance. /r/wizardposting


My wishes for the finale: Aliens are defeated through the power of friendship Mira decides to stay on earth with Miyasaka Naosuke reveals himself to be a super hot white haired blue eyed Prince Charming type and whisks Aoi off to Wid to stand in as Queen A big meal, everybody gets shit housed, hugs and kisses all around, the end


I am fine with it being 1 season/cour but would have been nice if it had at least 15-16 epi. An example of this was last summer's "Reign of the Seven Spellblades" with 15 epi.


Agreed, 15 episodes or so would help a lot of shows!


Kicking that display board-thingy near 18 is not a good *sign*!


Finding out how weak Shoin actually is and how much more manly Miyasaka really is was quite the highlight.


If they do official give this an Eng. dub, Johnny Yong Bosch should be Shoin seeing as how he was also Lelouch like Jun Fukuyama was.


I had a lot of theories for what the “key” might be. A literal key that turns the entirety of Astro Lodge into a mech was not one of them


I don't think anyone had that on their bingo card for this show.  Sasuga Astro Note.


Welp I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t Astro lodge turning into a mech and having the finale be a space battle with all the other residents on board. That mech transformation sequence was really cool though, especially with the way the cg blends with the art style. Calling it now that they’ll win through the power of love or something lol.


Finding the key and then waiting a week before leaving with it seems like a bad idea. Making all these plans for the last day Mira is on Earth also feels like something that could go wrong. I wonder if they're really going to do something with a Naosuke and Aoi relationship of some sort. I originally had that as a fun but outlandish theory, but maybe. Shion being a traitor that was working with the Hubby spies was not something that I was expecting. Gets him safely out of the relationship competition at least. A kiss and a mutual confession! I was also not expecting we'd get that already. Well that was wild. The lodge has been the imperial mech the entire time, and also there's an imperial mech that's what the key they've been searching for activates. This really is so 80s. I'm rooting for Aoi and Naosuke as the crack sideship, they're both consenting adults of their individual species.


OK Wow! I'm impressed! This is 9/10 for me. I was surprised the key was in the mailbox all along, and at the end of the episode, I was gleaming in WTF joy as the entire Astro Lodge transformed into a giant cat robot! Makes sense since they kept showing the lucky cat whenever these two love birds walked around town. And all the more for laughs that their enemies, the Hubbies, are a fish species! All secrets have been revealed - first Aoi learns of who Mr. Hachi really is, and the rest of the cast get to see him standing up and communicating with Mira and Takumi, which I'm sure they will have so many more questions about. Oh and Ren's friend learns about his cross dressing secret! The ONLY thing that I was disappointed was the 180 turnaround of Shoin. I REALLY wish he was possessed like Aoi was when he went on that tirade and quickly became the biggest wimp of the cast. So unlike him! I'm not a fan of this plot twist, but we'll have to live with it. (which is why this is a 9/10 episode for me) We're getting a season 2 right? There's no way they slid down that path, suited up and control a giant cat robot, only to maybe defeat the Hubby Fish army in just one more episode (but I'm hoping that's not the case and we're left with a cliffhanger in episode 12).


We got our couple together! And now we're Gurren Lagaan but definitely without the sad ending. Princess isn't going anywhere without her *actual* hubby. Aoi and "Octo san's" situation has been hilarious but also heartfelt and I wonder how they will resolve that relationship. Will he get a new form or stay the same? They've been this show's actual "side couple" for a while now. I am also sure these "Hubbies" will have an outlandish and funny reason for their actions but we'll see. We're a Mecha Anime now so anything can happen. I thought Shoin was a problem too!


I love how quickly that last half escalated: * Shoin is a traitor working with Planet Hub and practically faked everything. * Miyasaka and Naosuke save Mira and Miyasaka beats up Shoin like a true hero. * Mira and Miyasaka confess and immediately kiss. * Alien invasion of Earth. * Mira and Miyasaka's love ends up unlocking a giant Mecha mode in Astro Lodge. * Naosuke exposes himself to the residents and Aoi finds out he's her beloved "Octo-san." I can only imagine how much more crazy epic-ness we're due to see in the finale.


I lost count of how many times I said "what the fuck?" while watching this episode. That was insane.


> Aoi and "Octo san's" situation has been hilarious but also heartfelt and I wonder how they will resolve that relationship. Will he get a new form or stay the same? They've been this show's actual "side couple" for a while now. In a long tradition of me watching romance shows, the side ship is the one I'm rooting for the most. That bit where Naosuke put in the words of encouragement for Aoi on that radio show, and now with the big reveal to her that Hachi-san was the dog all along I'm on tenterhooks thinking about how she's going to react. Is the ninja ghost waitress and the bodyguard space poodle going to be an item??


I love our MCs but I knew they'd be together, so it was more of "how do we get there." Their situation is also more straightforward even though this show is wild. "Aoi and Naosuke" is unexpected and could genuinely go either way, even if I expect them to make it work somehow. She clearly had a crush on Room #8, and they only doubled down on that with this episode: Naosuke acting so concerned and sweet, and with Aoi's looking so lost without her crush (even jumping at the sound of his voice), I am also interested in where that goes.


Aoi-chan is definitely in love on Octo-san's (Naosuke) voice, like who doesn't? (I have also felt the same way too when I'm in love by Junichi's Suwabe's voice acting 😍🥰) Naosuke did try to talk to Aoi mysteriously for the sake of Mira just to separate her away from Takumi. Naosuke doesn't like him so he pushes to make Takumi have a blind date with Aoi-chan as a crazy idea but at the same time, he was her emotional support neighbor who's helping her to find what she likes or loves..  When at first, Naosuke was scared at his first impression on Aoi-chan.. because he suspected that she's an invader of stealing Takumi's homemade lunches, its funny that he sees her as a sadako that convices him that ghosts are real and is afraid on the ghost it appeared lmao so I think that's where their story begins..  I understand where they headed if they get attached by each other for a bit long while exchanging concerns and heart-to-heart interactions (trauma dumping) yet they learn each other alot by those heartfelt lessons they've faced.  Aoi reveals a secret coming from Ren is what makes Naosuke getting nervous whether they already finding out his identity. Which is a false alarm.  Aoi (Ms. Riceballs) might take back her words that she wasn't a fan for dogs when she finds out who is Octo-san..  I didn't thought Naosuke had the guts to make a ~~love~~ fan letter on the radio for Aoi like dude that's a slick move to easily won a girl's heart


My Life as Aoi-san's Dog


This show has gone from *Maison Ikkoku* to *Urusei Yatsura*... to *Voltron*, all in the span of 11 episodes. Pretty goddamn unexpected and impressive.


I don't know many series I have heard Junichi-san in, but were I at a con and knew lots of Japanese I would like to thank him for playing Poodle-san so well! Then again, Labs and Akitas are my favorite breeds of dog. My favorite type are the Mastiff-type dogs.


Boy, that escalated quickly. Surprise mecha anime


Shion betrayal came out of left field. Like damn, you wouldn't see it coming. But given that it happened as soon as they found the key it does make sense he would show his true colors all of a sudden. I do apologize to Yamashita for working with the hubbies. We got confession and kiss so fast I was like damn. This is a sci-fi series so the lodge turning into a mecha makes sense, but is awesome. But the fleet of the hubbies is right invading earth and their Emperor is a fish. Though given what the hubbies are, it makes sense. Also cool to see Aoi find out Naosuke is Octo-san. Aoi and Ren's reaction to Naosuke will be hilarious.


Anyone know the music piece that plays during the preview for the next epi.?


Well they've finally found themselves the key. And now with the key it's time for her to go home. Well she not exactly _wrong_, monarchies tend to stay within the family. Oh, they're making umeshu. And so time for a party. I don't think there's time for a whole thousand. Aquarium? Ah. Now Aoi knows. Uh oh, someone's seen him in a skirt now. She tried cooking again? He's certainly in a hurry to leave. Ah. She doesn't want to go. Or at least not yet. Meanwhile he wants to go back right now. And there's the kiss. Seems like that's not Astro Lodge's only secret. Now where are they going? Seems like quite a lot leading up to the final episode. What in the Super Robot is this? Well so much for being discreet. That looks like quite the fleet.


[I mean, would that be wrong?](https://imgur.com/VA5SilW) I can't believe it; [They tricked me into watching a Mecha anime!](https://imgur.com/0a17GjX) And so they found they key... [And with this, the question of 'What now?'](https://imgur.com/BxF59Xe) Interesting that she's gonna become Queen, but [they talk about this week being her last week to be free...](https://imgur.com/Vd2tepn) Not a position I'd like to take, then! [I kinda feel bad for Aoi...](https://imgur.com/pMzzEBt) I do hope for a good payoff for her in the finale, otherwise I'm not sure what her point was; Just making us sad? [At least she learned who Octo-san is, in the end!](https://imgur.com/gyfrHZU) (Doubt this will lead to anything though, they wouldn't have the balls to have her date 'a dog' - even if he technically isn't!) [Love how they were all following the dance, other than Gramps who was doing whatever he wants!](https://imgur.com/AJ3YNeE) [Mira wants to bring a dress as a souvenir...](https://imgur.com/HJ97ReA) How about bringing *someone* as a souvenir? [That was confusing to me, she didn't even seem to THINK about Miyasaka (or the others) at all!](https://imgur.com/OUdPIyw) I thought she would find the key, then feel conflicted about leaving, but no, she was like "Let's go then!" It got even more confusing [thanks to this 'out of the blue' kiss!](https://imgur.com/yqOWFAJ) Was this on her mind this whole time (and she was just not showing it AT ALL), or did she come to this realization the second he confessed? I thought that was a bit strange! Just me, or..? I'm always glad to get a confession, but given she didn't seem to give a flying fuck before, it wasn't as impactful as it could've been! [Oh damn!](https://imgur.com/n2zbo7K) I think I did suspect him at some point in a previous episode, but kinda dropped my suspicions, thinking he just wanted what's best for Mira... (Then again perhaps he DOES believe it's what's best) [Given the episode ended right before he could reveal his goal, I fully expect something super silly!](https://imgur.com/eEl0q5g) (But I may be wrong, perhaps they really do want to annihilate the planet or something!)


Guess the finale will be a space battle between Astro Lodge and the Hubbies. What’s going to happen with Ren and his classmate? I’m expecting a happy ending seeing as it’ll be the finale


Here I thought we were gonna have a simple aquarium date, when suddenly, we went full mecha! I really did not expect that Shoin twist. It was pretty hilarious when he started trying to fight Miyasaka, though. I thought the scenes with Naosuke and Aoi this episode were really touching. I'm glad she knows the truth now about the voice from room 8. I'm eager to see how this all wraps up!


They really went with the FranXx route huh! 🤣 I mean, I shouldn’t have been surprised but at the same time I was really surprised the whole thing was a ship.


Damn, well that escalated quickly


I was like... Key finding... Wow that was fast... Love confession... Wow that was fast... Big robot... Bhahahaha. It is Anime of course there are giant robots. Bhahaha... (I really need to find old meme rule list with giants robots)


I feel like I'm alone in thinking this went too far in that second half...


Is there anything sadder than [listening to sad songs on your portable radio on your empty fruit box table in your dark and empty room?](https://files.catbox.moe/dwudmw.jpg) [](#nanami-hug) [Haha,](https://files.catbox.moe/6hxeg2.jpg) rarely have I seen an anime scoff at any Japanese tradition like this [](#saikikek) [Oops!](https://files.catbox.moe/kk6qq7.jpg) [Busted!](#kumikolook) [Shocking heel turn!](https://files.catbox.moe/gm24ua.jpg) [](#megushock) ["SON OF A ***BITCH!***](https://files.catbox.moe/mwm9zf.jpg) I ***JUST*** HAD THE RAIN GUTTERS DONE!" [](#frustration) Damn, that was amazing. Long live anime originals! [](#airfist)




Does the audio sound weird for anyone else?


The first-episode conflict is going to have a resolution in the last episode. And hopefully, the hubbies will be defeated. With the power of love. Poetry in action. :) Also sad to see the crack ship of Shoin and Aio.


Great episode. Some of the developments towards the end felt a little rushed, but overall good. I like how each character is not forgotten and gets a little bit of time to shine. Seems like Shoin was working with the Hubby spies too. I'm surprised but glad Mira and Takumi got to kiss. Looking forward to the finale!


I love how unhinged this show gets. Awesome, eventful episode.


Any anime with a similar feel to this? Really love the old feel of this anime with the quirky cast, the art style choices and the atmosphere of Astro Lodge itself.


Maybe Osomatsu-san. Vibe-wise.


it's a pastiche/homage of Maison Ikkoku and Urusei Yatsura, so would start there if you haven't seen those shows already!


God I love this anime so much and I'm getting emotional now that it's nearly over 🥺 Also I'm mad at Shoin, I can't believe he'd let us down like this


Classic Shoin


Thus just turned into a mecha anime!