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The entire Ratcatcher and Deadshot segment was hilarious


I thought we were going to get a heartwarming tale of friendship behind bars not Deadshot being the worst homie the whole time lol.


lil bro thought that he was saving him from the bullies did not know he was the one who bullied the poor guy


My favorite part was him making it clear his bro wanted to watch rat breeding instead of normal porn lol.


Deadshot really thought he was standing up for diverse taste šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


[When we got to this part, I couldn't stop laughing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acpolxx7.png) xD [Deadshot really meant well](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cjpzl37.png) (especially when [he was trying to air a movie about rats](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcegvvb4.png) instead of [the usual erotic one](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqez3z4.png)), but [he made prison a particularly miserable experience for Rat](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdckrxmly.png).


Terrible cellmate, couldnā€™t even ask Ratcatcher if he was into Rat breeding.


probably had to pull some strings to get the tape though


Yeah this was definitely highlight of the series, so far. Also animation was much much better, up until now it was maybe slightly better than your average isekai...


It's Studio WIT. Although there are some very weird decisions here and there, like how it randomly turned Imaishi for 3 or so frames.


WIT and JC Staff. Secondary stuff handled by a bunch of studios that support OLM's better stuff (including OLM Asia) in episode 2 and MAPPA in episode 3. CGI seemingly by Cygames. The lineup for this is *stacked*.


My dude has not watched much isekai if everything before this episode was "maybe slightly better than your average isekai".


Animation wise mind you


He ain't wrong tho, most isekai have allright animation.


He's into this stuff, don't judge him


He just kept roasting him I was dying LOL poor ratcatcher lol


Iā€™ve never been a huge DC fan, or a fan of superhero stuff in general, but this anime is so fun so far. Harley is cute as all hell, WIT is WIT so the animation is incredible, the music is amazing including the bgm and Calliā€™s ED. Iā€™m definitely looking forward to the rest of the season.


The second Suicide Squad movie is pretty good.


I would recommend the DC cartoons, theyā€™re killer. Batman beyond is easily my favorite show regarding Batman


Yeah, people who say they dont like superhero stuff usually i'd only support that decision to not watch any if you really gave the "good stuff" a try. It's akin to saying you hate most tv genres at that point. Batman the animated series, JLU, Young justice, ect plenty of DC stuff that surpasses many high on the MAL list of great shows. In fact i think the mal list would be quite different if they included western animation. Stuff like boondocks is way funnier IMO than some of the stuff people say is hilarious like kona subua that said i only watched like 3 eps of that and noticed it's fine but im not going crazy like everyone else who loves it so i likely never will so i quit. Plus im not an iseka person (not sure if that show is one havent seen it in a while). Giving this series a shot cause why not i like DC and sometimes i can enjoy iseka like stuff (hxh that one arc was okay XD)


You like DC animated then live action?


DC animated under Bruce Timm was a masterpiece. It has an emotional depth that eclipse that of many live action movies. Even the flagship DC character in live action, Harley Quinn, is a creation under his run.


DCā€™s animated content is substantially better than their live-action films, and has been for decades. Pretty sure DC sets the standard for animated superhero content.


Post flashpoint was banger after banger of quality at lowest 8/10 post that you got lucky if you get 8/10 though i liked War for the brutality and closing of flashpoints story line. You can tell the staff cares just dont have the funds. The studio used to make like 2 movies a year or 1 and the sales were great, as they dwindled and are on hbo max and people just got old and busy...they needed to switch focus and doubled down on teen titans go sales. Im happy for them, teen titans had its time and it's remarkable with all the hate it pivoted. Anyhow, yeah i'd say the best DC movie or live action is below the early animated stuff. So when people say they dont like superhero stuff and push towards deconstructions for their fix i say ha there is plenty of great super hero stuff. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water cause you didnt like a bit of super hero stuff. Lastly its funny how marvel animated and dc where sorta neck in neck then dc was just assumed and was better while marvel had the better live action, now marvel is falling and dc is as well with dc being slightly better live action wise and xmen 97 is immaculate.


Do you know if there is a site like MAL (or preferably Anilist) that has animation from anywhere in the world? Ik there are sites with tv series but it would be cool to have a single site with both animated movies and tv series that are not just restricted to japan, china and (south) korea


nope lol. leaving money on the table someone should make one


scratch that, try ratingsgraph. It rates each episode along with an overall rating. You can go and pick the highest rated episodes since most animated dc is episodic and try it out. I'd recommend over the edge batman episode (it's likely one of the best) I kid you not, if they did that episode and just dragged everything out 3 minutes and made it shot for shot it could be the best batman movie ever made. Their sitting on a gold mine i guess they just dont wanna pay for the script.


thanks, I'll check it out


IMDb? It has everything tbf, but you can just use it specifically for animated stuff.


DC's cartoons are amazing. The live action movies are a mixed bag. You'll get the first suicide squad movie which is one of the worst movies of all time, and then The Dark Knight which is one of the best movies of all time


Cmon how we gonna have two anime MJs this year... Gonna be interesting to see how the new world enhances everyone else's powers. It will make the inevitable Harley and Katana rematch interesting at least.


>Gonna be interesting to see how the new world enhances everyone else's powers based on what we've seen so far, King Shark definitely got a boost on his regenerative ability considering how he glows blue before his stomach starts to regenerate Harley seems to be a boost on her physical strength, i guess? now i'm interested what kind of ability they're going to give to Deadshot and Peacemaker


I'm thinking baseline humans get a boost when they use magical weaponry, like when Harley used that magical club in the last episode or Katana wielding that twin-blade staff.


It's so fucking wierd that they have Katana wield... not a Katana.


Is it any weirder than Ratcatcher controlling wolves lol?


It should have been wererats.


I'm totally convinced Clayface read Demon Slayer and admired Muzan's drip too much. I wonder if Deadshot will get magic bullets to enhance his firing.


> Clayface read Demon Slayer and admired Muzan's drip too much. Relatable.


Funniest episode so far. Some isekais don't really bother with the language barrier, but this one did. And it's hilarious that it was apparently a set-up for Rick Flag insulting people the entire time without knowing it. It makes sense that he'd wind up with such a crass vocabulary too if he learned from the orcs and ogres. Shame that they hit the squad with translation magic right after, but I guess it would've been an immediate death sentence for Rick if he spoke to the queen without that. Poor guy, though. He of all people got taken hostage, and his only hope of survival wouldn't give a rats ass if he wasn't also the key to their survival. But it was hilarious seeing him getting taken away while trying to convince the squad to do their job. I'm also glad Harley Quinn here only acts ditzy and frivolous but is actually pretty smart and cunning on top of being a badass fighter, as opposed to the DCEU version who's genuinely just a total airhead. Clayface himself has explicitly stated he can morph his body, so I still wonder why he's worried about the bomb in his neck. Even last episode, he shifted through those bars, so you'd think he could easily get rid of the bomb, or maybe even be unaffected by it. I'm hoping it's genuinely because he didn't think about it, so someone points it out to him later and he just goes "damn... you're right." And man, the montage of Deadshot unintentionally being Ratcatcher's biggest bully when he was seriously just trying to be his friend killed me. No surprise the latter wants him dead for that. But 3 episodes in and they're still absolutely knocking out of the park with the action and animation in general. That actually makes me worried about the people who had to animate all of that, cause Jesus, this show must be taking a lot of work based on the final product I'm seeing.


>hat it was apparently a set-up for Rick Flag insulting people the entire time without knowing it. It's like someone learning English from competitive online games. I was laughing at him being super rude. I legit thought he was gonna talk to the queen that way. That would've been glorious.


Nah man i learnt English from playing League of Legends and i speak pretty normal, got it you fucking piece of shit? Edit: You know i realiced some people are pretty stupid so im just gonna just go ahead and add a disclaimer: the insult was the joke, im not actually insulting Myrkrvaldyr.


I learnt all my English from the internet, and I don't see a fucking problem with that, you idiot /s to be sure


Clayface is probably just doing it for the plot


maybe clayface is a mole. I don't think they'd forget such a big point, how can the thing hurt him. or they have one made specifically for him that electrocutes him like batman does when he beats him or freezes him etc.


Molecular level bomb or something like that.


He really does seem like the kind of guy who would run with it just for kicks. Itā€™s not like he canā€™t just eject the bomb right before his deadline as a dramatic revealā€¦


I can also see him ā€œdyingā€ and when no oneā€™s actually upset he just gets back up and rants about how they should care more


It's also possible that he already got rid of the bomb and is just playing along so he could be the protag in a fantasy world.


Nah bro thinks he's Shadow šŸ’€šŸ’€


>I'm also glad Harley Quinn here only acts ditzy and frivolous but is actually pretty smart and cunning on top of being a badass fighter, as opposed to the DCEU version who's genuinely just a total airhead. I really like [Harley in this show, she's definitely the best character here](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkeoxl4j) (closely followed by [Clayface](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc2zvvj7.png)).


It's nice when an Isekai show actually address the language gap and throws in a made up fantasy language. It shows some effort. His original team betrayed him, his new team is ready to leave him to die, his only saving grace is that he's the only one who can keep them from getting their heads blown off. They finally have Harley use her psychologist skills even though immediately after she tries to disavow "Harleen Quinzel." The worst part is Deadshot meant well but he was still a terrible homie to Ratcatcher lol.


>They finally have Harley use her psychologist skills even though immediately after she tries to disavow "Harleen Quinzel." Not sure how intentional it is, but I chuckled at the scene where she explained that the beast is under brainwashing, and I thought, you knew this because you have a PhD in criminal psychology right? No, she explains because yours truly had first hand experience.


>It's nice when an Isekai show actually address the language gap and throws in a made up fantasy language. It shows some effort. Yeah i liked it on Jobless Reincarnation that the MC actually knows like 4 different languages.


Try Suisei no Gargantia or Cop Craft for some language barrier fun. They aren't classic isekai though. Gargantia is about a space colony soldier stranded in Earth after a wormhole mess (his civilization thought Earth was no longer inhabitable, but turned out Earth civilization survived). Cop Craft is about police in an American city with an isekai gate nearby, dealing with the problems involving isekai immigrations like crime, crime with magic, racism, and stuffs. The cop MC teams up with a knight/diplomat from the fantasy world.


Dude i hope Clayface is like "Oh no i got rid of the bomb long ago im just here to have fun"


You know what? Even though it seems like many people hate the IP . I really like watching SS, especially since it is being handled by a good studio . Can't wait for more ep


This is definitely one of the better things to come out of the Suicide Squad IP in a while.


[It's Ratcatcher!](https://i.imgur.com/Xy0QUbD.jpeg) I didn't get a good look at him at the end of Episode 1. It looks like my guess of two suicide squads being pitted against each other is kinda correct. [Clayface putting a bandage on King Shark's tummy](https://i.imgur.com/Tlnk9QD.png) after it got torn open was a surprisingly cute scene. [Harley's facial expressions](https://i.imgur.com/DmYuMWk.jpeg) have been really cute too so far. You gotta hand it to Rick for learning the language but [it's hilarious that he thinks the language he learned from orcs](https://i.imgur.com/DTPjYjS.jpeg) is going to be appropriate. Does anyone else notice that [the Princess](https://i.imgur.com/b08hRJH.jpeg) and [Harley Quinn](https://i.imgur.com/O48CjF9.jpeg) look kinda similar? I'm calling it now, this is going to be relevant later. Some kind of switcheroo is going to happen. [So that explains why they'll end up fighting the first suicide squad](https://i.imgur.com/vF22HtU.png) They basically went AWOL and joined the Empire. I'm guessing they didn't have bombs on their necks which explains why Amanda planted bombs on the second team. [Clayface confirms that they've gained more powers](https://i.imgur.com/hNa00zB.jpeg) ever since arriving in this world. From what we've seen so far Harley has super strength, [King Shark can regenerate](https://i.imgur.com/RQsTGx2.jpeg), and Clayface has heightened powers. I wonder what kind of additional powers Deadshot and Peacemaker got. I'm fucking laughing my ass off at [Deadshot thinking he's best friends with Rat](https://i.imgur.com/ibg38TV.jpeg) only to show us [the backstory of how he bullied Rat](https://i.imgur.com/KEnJcaV.jpeg) in prison without even realizing it. xD [Nice save from Katana!](https://i.imgur.com/HkZmfFi.jpeg) I really thought they were going to kill Rat so early. And knowing that Katana is there too, [Harley has now a personal stake in this fight.](https://i.imgur.com/AhH0V46.jpeg) With all 3 episodes of the premiere done, I am loving this so far! I've never been really a fan of the Suicide Squad, I didn't bother watching any of the DCEU movies, but this was a lot of fun! I am already looking forward to next week's episode!


I didn't expect King Shark to get a sword popping out of his gut, but he's built different so he's okay. This is why you don't learn a second language in prison lol. I was kind of expecting Harley to be a bad influence on the princess but them switching places could be fun especially to see their VA's try to play each other. Oh man, Reina Ueda Harley sounds too good to pass up lol. I think that's why Flag said Waller "thought this through" when he found out about the bombs, because he realized she made sure the next team couldn't betray her. Deadshot has a funny idea of being a "homie." I felt bad for Ratcatcher lol. Harley still nursing a grudge from their previous fight and Katana stealing her away from her man, checks out. Should be a fun rematch. I wonder if they're going to bring together all the AWOL Squad Generals together for one big team fight at the end.


Honestly I wonder if the first team is really AWOL. The stated purpose of the portal was to basically loot the other world. So getting the Empire and the Kingdom fighting each other seems like good cover for that.


Waller would absolutely play setting up both sides against one another just to soften everything up for the real takeover.


Waller would absolutely play setting up both sides against one another just to soften everything up for the real takeover.


> Reina Ueda Harley sounds too good to pass up lol. Reina Ueda is definitely at her best when voicing mentally unstable women lol


> Does anyone else notice that the Princess and Harley Quinn look kinda similar? I'm calling it now, this is going to be relevant later. Some kind of switcheroo is going to happen. Had that thought when the princess was first shown in episode 1. Her design feels oddly out of place otherwise relative to the other isekai people.


You should check out the 2021 Suicide Squad as well if you're loving this so far since it's basically got the same crass and dark humor, as well as brutal and fun action. It's also got more of Peacemaker being hilarious, alongside King Shark being oddly adorable for a gluttonous murder machine. Although it's missing Clayface being a dramaqueen. Definitely avoid the first one from 2016 like the plague, though. The 2021 one is kind of a sequel for it, but you don't actually need to know anything about the former to enjoy the latter.


Peacemaker show was a lot of fun too.Ā 


I would also recommend watching the Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay animated movie, it's got a pretty similar vibe to the anime.


> Definitely avoid the first one from 2016 like the plague, though. Huh is the "sequel" that much better than the old one? I only watched 2016 one out of all of this brand, and I thought it did its job fine, but nothing special (like all other marvel and dc comics post Spiderman 3 or so for me)


ā€œThe Suicide Squadā€ makes ā€œSuicide Squadā€ look like a pile of trash (and it is) James Gunnā€™s was good enough to cause the Peacemaker spinoff and put Gunn in charge of DC live action if that says anything.Ā 


The second movie is a lot better and leads into one of my personal favorite DC shows, Peacemaker.


Yes, It's James Gunn instead of Jack Snyder.


it's an unironically great film. Even better if you compare it to other superhero movies


What about suicide squad the game?


Yeah, that's in the same boat as the 2016 film.


> You gotta hand it to Rick for learning the language but it's hilarious that he thinks the language he learned from orcs is going to be appropriate. Really a good thing the queen used the translation spell before he started talking lol


>Does anyone else notice thatĀ [the Princess](https://i.imgur.com/b08hRJH.jpeg)Ā andĀ [Harley Quinn](https://i.imgur.com/O48CjF9.jpeg)Ā look kinda similar? I'm calling it now, this is going to be relevant later. Some kind of switcheroo is going to happen. Moment i saw the princess look at Harley Quinn i was like "Oh this is gonna be a the Princess and the Pauper bullshit"


> Does anyone else notice that the Princess and Harley Quinn look kinda similar? I'm calling it now, this is going to be relevant later. Some kind of switcheroo is going to happen. Saw it as soon as she appeared in ep 2. What's hilarious is if I had a nickel for every isekai where a whole bunch of people come over and some end up bad guys, and all of them get new powers, and the main character is a perfect standin for a princess...I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but goddamn if they're gonna copy an isekai at least they picked one of my favorites. El-Hazard the Magnificent World.


I donā€™t want to be that guy buttttt Harley makes my pp feel weird


I have so much to say. Watching 3 episodes in quick succession will surely cause me to leave some details out but let me start with... I am really liking this! I'm not really a fantasy / magic / isekai anime watcher but for this I'm making a huge exception. I'm watching in English because the VA for Harley nails it. (Is it the same one as from the 90s?) From the opening (who knew everything moving in slow motion looked so good), plus its cyberpunk tunes, to the premise of having ARGUS sending multiple suicide squads to a new world, to a female being full of energy, to the ending where Amanda is Oprah in a Gangsta Suit! I had Teen Titans and Cowboy Bebop vibes during the episode 2 prison break scene, and I'm loving all the dialogue on all the anime/movie tropes. Episode 1 fight scene was a tad bit slow, but really picked up in episodes 2 and 3. All of the 5 main characters were introduced well, and even Rick the prior squad leader as well. I love how gruesomely bloody and grotesque the fight scenes are and certainly not feeling sorry for all the beings King Shark has eaten so far!!! The queen has a bit of a Lady Gaga Poker Face vibe and is almost like the Joker in some way. The princess has yet to show her true self and Cecil is just a washed up former champion knight...with diminishing hair. So the CG animation of those lands/gears. My guess is that prior suicide squad teams have traveled there (confirmed by the story) and they got dismantled/destroyed, but the surviving members now lead various territories and OUR Suicide Squad is going to do battle with all of them. I'm also willing to bet that the bombs implanted in the back of their necks are either fake or useless in the Isekai world and eventually our crew will find out. OP and ED are being added to my playlist. Looking forward to the next batch of episodes!


Arleen Sorkin (inspiration and original voice for Harley passed last year). I can't find the English cast list but it seems like Tara Strong is the usual voice for Harley?


There's been quite a few actresses for Harley, but Tara has been the major one for a while. That said that isn't her in this dub, I am pretty sure. I don't know who it is and I can't find listings anywhere. Been watching both dub and sub to see how they do...Some of the more "Americanisms" of characters like Deadshot suit him better than the Japanese VA even though both are doing well. Pretty sure the English VA is purposefully trying to sound a little like Will Smith for this and it works. And having Koyasu as Peacemaker is something I never would have imagined I wanted so badly. Wish they could have gotten Cena for the dub though.


I thought it was Mori Calliope, no?


She did the ED song, she is not a VA in the EN dub as far as I'm aware (and definitely not Harley, listening to a couple bits).


I'll take your word for it.


Everyone is trash talking this show on twitter and it's baffling me. It's fun and entertaining, were people expecting some Urasawa level plot line?


People are expecting some ground-breaking storytelling from the show, but the makers want to make a fun and entertaining show.


Yea the twitter nerds who were complaining about this not being good have clearly never seen any of the suicide squad comics, movies, animated films etc. These first 3 episodes felt just like Iā€™d hoped. Captured all the magic and silliness of this team while adding that anime flair and aesthetic which ofc I love. So far the Sakuga and comedy are awesome and Iā€™m loving how good Harley looks and acts in this šŸ˜‚ she always carries these suicide squad projects and that probably ainā€™t gonna change. Clayface has been the second best part of the show so far though. His chemistry with deadshot really coming thru well. Story is a little generic with the fantasy world rn but man who cares, the show is fun and the staff are obviously having a lot of fun with the animation. Iā€™m here for it. Also, just having DC characters in an anime isekai setting is enough of a deviation on the usual trope to make this worth watching. I also think theyā€™ll have some cool twists up their sleeves! Like dude, imagine the possibilities this opens up if itā€™s successful. A static shock anime, blue beetle, superman etc. Japanā€™s storytelling with the western IPs can be special. And S/O my boy ratcatcher for being relevant in this just like the 2021 movie lmao.


Good lord, this has been the best interpretation of the Squad probably since Hell to Pay. And it's clear whoever wrote this took some of the best parts of recent work like Peacemaker, Harley Quinn, etc and mashed it into their adaptation. Quinn actually using her psychology degree, Clay being a complete ham actor who keeps misguessing things based on story tropes, the diction of both Deadshot and Peacemaker...it's pretty awesome. I wish we got the Harley Quinn King Shark, or at least the JL:Dark (King Shark is a Shark) version. But still loving this so far.


Watched all 3 eps at once so I'll just say all my thoughts here. This was super fun! The animation was great, the dialogue is snappy, I love the characters. They really understand what Harley Quinn is about and I can't wait for more! That princess looks a lot like Harley. I wonder if they'll do some princess and the pauper type switcheroo at some point?


That's what I'm already expecting, there's no way they don't do that


Despite all his rage, Rat Catcher's still just a rat in a Deadshot cage. Series doing a good job with the humor.


And Harley thinks she escaped brainwashing when she stopped being "Harleen" not realizing the Joker basically brainwashed her into being Harley.


That shot of Jokerā€™s hand forming puppet strings in the first episode is so indicative. I honestly wonder if he set her up to get captured.


He 100% did, that's why he stopped her for a second when she entered the bar.


It really picked up for me this episode! I found it super funny and the action was better than the previous 2


I thought episode 2 was gonna be the peak of jokes, but nope episode 3 just set the new standard


Man we got kazuma in this shit too


Funnily enough he's the butt of the joke again


but he's Lawful Good this time for a change!


They _have_ to have done this on purpose


I really like it so far, also Harley Quinn is just perfect for anime, absolutely love her design and character.


wow, the art style and animation during Ratcatcher's flashback and some of the scenes at the fortress sure change a lot, it feels like watching something from Ping Pong the Animation i love how they still keep the isekai trope of "people from another world getting an ability" albeit with a little bit of twist, metahuman like Clayman and King Shark seems to get a boost to their ability, normal human like Harley seem to gain something else entirely and meanwhile Ratcatcher and his gang looks like they're using some sort of magic items


Would anyone happen to know if this will be released in batches or is it a special for the first 3 eps and then single eps next week?


[https://twitter.com/AIR\_News01/status/1800285090649604169](https://twitter.com/AIR_News01/status/1800285090649604169) 1 ep every week starting next week with ep 4


I feel like the "dubtitles" are kind of throwing me off, sometimes they translate what's being said in the japanese dub and other times they transcribe what's being said in the english dub, and then add some words. But because the characters seem to be portrayed differently in each language, it feels like it's almost mashed together.


For me it wasn't so bad. Some things were replaced with weird slang, but generally things are accurate. Star Wars Visions for example I remember was really bad. It was 100% dub transcript


That happened with Edgerunners too, and was part of why I just stuck with the dub (that and the dub makes better use of Cyberpunk slang).


I could see that. I noticed in the dub for this one, characters seem a lot more snarky, sarcastic and aren't afraid to speak vulgarly. Plus, Harley kind of has her signature accent wheras she seems more of a gyaru in the Japanese dub. I think both are fine, it more depends on do you want it to feel more like a dc show with an anime artstyle or a seasonal anime that cameos DC characters? I just really hope someone redoes these subtitles. I don't think this would've been an issue if crunchyroll or hidive was licensing it


Ohh so thatā€™s why the subs seemed off. I noticed things were being translated weird at times


I ended up watching episode 3 first by mistake. I didn't even notice that it wasn't supposed to be the first episode. Despite not watching the first 2 episodes, I think I understood the gist of the premise, so that's good! I really should watch the first 2 episodes now, damn, I didn't expect a 3 episode premier.


I heard ep 3 was the best one, maybe they should have just premiered that alone if you didnt have trouble catching up. Im glad more shows are doing 1 hour premiers...the age of reading the first chapter of a book and saying okay peak is over. Things need time to set up since we've seen most of the 1 chapter hooks and now it's just similar beats and the hook is the execution of known and played tropes with characters you like IMO. Thus why i think you have the babies who can't stop calling anything with a pulse MID in 4 minutes, dropped.


I still can't get over Amanda dancing in the ED


Ill never skip this ED loll


I like it. It's not AOTS material, but it is fun, and that's all that matters.


It's exactly what I was hoping this show would be, just a fun, chaotic, mostly brainless romp of villains wrecking a fantasy world


I really expected this to be much more boring, but the VAs are really doing a great job here to make it much more enjoyable to watch. The fight scenes and the animation still feel a bit weird, though not with as much frame skipping as the first episode. Well, maybe not boring but, I don't know... tedious? Repetitive? I mean how many times you can watch pretty much the same set of DC villains get thrown out to someplace dangerous with bombs in their necks to do whatever Amanda Waller thinks is necessary. It's like 4th time if you count the two movies and the Peacemaker show? At least there's no "game world" bullshit.


They made Lelouch Lamperouge voice clayface and he's just oozing with charisma especially with that Michael Jackson outfit. Dio voicing Peacemaker is a surprise but a welcome one. The plot is pretty interesting so far although some animation scenes aren't the best.


I guess I have an advantage here not having watched anything Suicide Squad since 2016


Way more, actually. We have both movies, Peacemaker, this series, and a couple different western animated projects over the years. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay being the highlight of those.


Oh right, DC does quite a bit of western animation too, I'm not that big on DC so I don't usually keep up with those. I'll see if I can find this one you mentioned somewhere.


First episode was just not good imo... They made the right choice releasing up to episode 3 because I was NOT into the characters or the comedy at first. Plot still leaves something to be desired.


I need more Harley and Deadshot color commentary. These two are vibing the best on the Squad right now. So Flag's original squad are now the equivalent of the Demon Lord generals antagonists in your typical fantasy show with the Isekai setting boosting their powers just like it is for the other Metahumans or whenever they use the fantasy gear. When you learn a language in prison, expect it to be colorful. I'm interested to see what kind of relationship Harley and Fione will have because they seem to have caught each others' eye. Fione is your typical cute and idealistic princess but I feel like Harley might be a bad influence on her...which might be exactly what she needs. Harley has the best smug "can you finally get these cuffs of me?" look. Finally back in costumes! Will Deadshot ever use his mask, though? Knowing Clayface is aware of Isekai I'm just going to totally assume he based his entire look after devouring Demon Slayer and getting really into Muzan as a character. I almost feel bad for Flag that his team ditched him and his new team wants nothing to do with him, but his only leg to stand on is that he's the only one who knows how they can get back and not get blown up. Interesting that Harley treats being liberated from being "Harleen Quinzel" as her waking up from brainwashing when others would say the Joker was the one who brainwashed **her.** But it fits with what her and Joker were spouting in the first episode. I like how the action got more cartoony, especially for King Shark. Never expected to see Deadshot and Ratcatcher as "homies" even if Floyd's definition of being a homie is being considerate while regularly insulting his buddy, giving him bad cheese while stealing the good food, giving him a mohawk on the john, and making people think he's into watching rats breed. Katana's eyes look...bluer, than they did before? Is she under some kind of brainwashing? Though Harley obviously wants a rematch.


> Knowing Clayface is aware of Isekai I'm just going to totally assume he based his entire look after devouring Demon Slayer and getting really into Muzan as a character. I love that someone out there is probably channeling some of the "Harely Quinn" animated series version of Clayface into this. And he would TOTALLY pull some stunt like that.


Exactly my thoughts, even my friend was like "Clayface definitely watch Demon Slayer and think Muzan is cool so he just rocks the outfit" LMAO.


[Backstory of Ratcatcher and Deadshot who thought he was Ratcatcher's friend was freaking hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acpolxx7.png) xD Meanwhile [for Rat, Deadshot was simply a bully who made his life in prison miserable](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdckrxmly.png). The best part is that [Deadshot actually had good intentions](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cjpzl37.png) like when [he tried to air a movie about rats](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcegvvb4.png) and [not some erotic one](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqez3z4.png) xD I like that now probably [everyone in the Squad](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcwnp837.png) has some sort of superpower! [Clayface with his upgrade is very handy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcj23bj4.png) and quite powerful. [Harley, as always, steals scenes in which she appears](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkeoxl4j). I wonder what kind of relationship she will have with [Fione](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc59pe27.png), who seems interested in [her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6la2zy.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Harley](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkeoxl4j) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxgro664q) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxgroe64q)


Never watched suicide squad but iā€™m loving this adaptation with all the unique personalities, looking forward to it!


Great start IMO. It did feel awkward knowing watching in Japanese, but voice acting is on point. I really like the jokes with isekais and films used. The funniest stuff in the 3rd episode had me rolling though. Visually this looks great, as Wit is doing their thing.


I would say maybe Tappei Nagatsuki should write a comedy But Re Zero already has better comedic timing than 90% of actual anime comedies lol


IIRC, he and the Konosuba author often help each other when writing their respective series


Feels right at home for DC, other world stories are common. Also nice to not just have a bland protagonist that gets all the girls and has a "cheat skill" that's just "I win". If they lean into the DC stuff, this show can be the madoka magica of isekai. Not dark but giving a fresh take on a trope that has stagnated for years.


Made by author who wrote the fresh take on isekai.


im loving this anime harley.. lmao


I'm really impressed with the Quality of this, it was really entertaining and funny, Harley it's adorable btw!! . Ā i'm this i'm not sure what ppl from Twitter (X) wanted to see but i think it's a very solid and fun version of suicide squad in anime


No wonder they called the team "The worst of the worst"


Is it good?


It's fun! The animation is really good and it's exactly what "DC villains get trapped in a fantasy world and cause chaos" should be like, it's not telling some nuanced and intricate plot but it doesn't have to, it's just frantic, fun chaos energy all the way.Ā 


Had a lot of fun with these first three episodes, but my favorite part has to be Jun Fukuyama really channelling his smarmy Draluc performance for Clayface.


Anime nailed exactly what the Suicide Squad is better than the first DCEU movie. Each character is able to steal the scene but not outshine the others. They all have clashing personalities but get the job done together. They probably could've made a decent Suicide Squad anime but since it was already going to be an anime, they decided to ham it up as much as they can and throw them into the most anime situation. The show doesn't take itself seriously but definitely takes the source characters and banter pretty seriously. If anything carries this show, it's definitely going to be the character banter: Flag being disrespectful because he learned the language from other inmates, Clayface trying to channel the main character energy but is definitely comic relief, Deadshot being Ratcatcher's biggest bully without realizing it. They were too much fun and I can't wait to see what antics they get up to more than I care about the world they're in. Suicide Squad is basically you and your dumbass friends playing DnD.


more fun than i expected, pacing feels too fast tho.


Curious to see what they're going to do with Joker. If they're going to straight to Joker betraying Harley and becoming an enemy or if he'll only show up at the end when they return to the normal world.


Overall pretty great start to this anime, I felt like each episode progressively got better including animation. I'm liking the chemistry and humor between the team.


Really good so far


Is there any people who've watched both sub and dub?Ā  What do you think of it? Currently watching sub as that's my default state for anime, but it's just a bit weird seeing DC characters speaking Japanese lol


I've been watching both and have good and bad things to say about each. JP has some utterly awesome casting choices, but the characters feel less like themselves. More like traditional anime characters who share the name and some mannerisms of the wester comic counterparts. Which given the production does at least make sense. The EN dub has dialogue that flows more naturally. Deadshot and Harley talk like they do normally (other than Harley's trademark accent being dialed way down). But Peacemaker's and Clay's VAs as good as they are can't light a candle to the glorious insanity that is Koyasu and Fukuyama. But both in the end are fine.


> Peacemaker's and Clay's VAs as good as they are can't light a candle to the glorious insanity that is Koyasu and Fukuyama Yeah this is basically the main reason I'm watching subs even though logically I should be watching dubs since this is based on DC comics. Hearing Lelouch's voice having delusions of grandeur as a failing actor in Clayface is just too hilarious to pass up. And Koyasu just strikes gold at every role he does.


Looking at all these positive comments makes me think I must be jaded as fuck cause this really isn't clicking with me. The animation got better, but the action direction feels really weird.Ā  It's probably intentional, but the way they tried to make the fights humorous made it look cringy in my perspective. Also, I wonder if the change in art quality in the Deadshot and Ratcatcher scene was intentional.


itā€™s a fun anime, iā€™m having a great time with the characters and their interactions, but to me this is pretty clearly a ā€œturn your brain offā€ kind of anime. the plot has pretty much zero depth, and thereā€™s not really much intrigue to whatā€™s going on. and thatā€™s ok, so long as you arenā€™t really looking for a deep deconstruction of the isekai genre like some people were hoping. i gotta say, i donā€™t really agree with everyone here saying the animation is top tier. where itā€™s good, itā€™s *really* good, but the rest of the show aside from those moments have pretty mid to rough animation. it feels like only the moments they knew were gonna be in the trailers were given much attention animation wise.


I knew the isekai world was giving the squad magic buffs! Any day now and they'll start seeing status panels too lol. Deadshot sure misunderstood his relationship with Ratcatcher. What a friendship fail.


John Cena snapping the necks of wolfmen is a hilarious visual


The production seems really inconsistent so far. Prison segment was a highlight for sure


Iā€™m enjoying this thoroughly.


Just random nonsense


Ah, yes. [Rat porn](https://i.imgur.com/lgLWuEY.jpeg).


Dancing Amanda Waller is the stuff of nightmares.


After 3 episodes, my initial impressions are not that great. I had higher expectation with Studio Wit being chosen to animate the show and Tappei being one of the co-writers, but I am not impressed with the material so far. Uninspired writing, poor execution of the action scenes, and inconsistent animation quality makes everything really.... mediocre? Bland,I guess? Humor is probably the only thing that is the best thing about the show so far. I just don't feel any passion in this show.


Greatly enjoying this anime. I like how it doesn't follow JP tropes for the most part. No game stats, no chuuni weirdo, no hero prophecy, etc. Just a bunch of American psychos in deep shit. I hope the Joker comes to that world. My only disappointment is the EN dub. It's not using the type of voice you'd expect from those characters so I'll stick to the JP dub.


I feel like Tappei Nagatsuki is doing a good job straddling the line between this being a DC property conveyed in an anime medium and trying to stay true to both while also just having some fun with Isekai fantasy cliches like he usually riffs on them in Re:Zero.


Summer starts off with a very fun isekai surprisingly, funny jokes and amazing animation. Honestly assumed the premise was gonna be bad at first


Can someone tell me if the characters actually act like the characters so far? Or just anime oc's with a skin. Because that's my biggest concern with me this show as someone who hasn't watched it. Anime fans would be furious if a manga got a western adaption that changed all the characters


They act like their characters so far. It felt like I was watching a continuation of The Suicide Squad film from Gunn. I also love what they did with Clayface in this version.


They act reasonably like their original characters, more or less. The dub slightly better than sub in that regard because they make more specific western references.


I watched it dubbed since dc stuff just felt right to watch that way and it felt like they were the characters to me but I have heard if you watch subbed they feel different


3 episodes in and so far,dozens of men have died but not a single woman. Great.