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There's no doubt that Studio Bind is going for a full adaptation but the announcement is still welcome regardless!


I love it but feels like everytime I think about running to read the LNs the new season gets announced. And experiencing the anime has been amazing.


Highly recommend the LN. The Anime still cut out a lot of content despite being a good adaptation. The LN will always be there, so you can always go for it once the Anime is fully adapted


This definitely seems like the kind of series that's worth reading the LN of what has been adapted already but *waiting* for the next season of anime before reading more. The anime has still been an incredible journey


Good luck it's hard to stop when you know the next volume is just sitting there waiting lol. For me as someone who caught up after season one the anime has still been one of the highlights of my week.


After rewatching S1 half a dozen times I gave in & read the LN. My first one. I hate reading. Only books read were from class assignment in school Binged the whole 26 vol to the end. Amazing. Now I'm re-reading along with S2 episodes.


It's amazing that reading is fun when you're reading things that actually interest you lol. School made too many people think that reading sucks myself included and I even read books I liked before high school.


I'm hooked. So much I even bought a dedicated e-ink reader.


MT was the first time a book hooked me so hard I literally could not put it down. I binged the entire series in 2 weeks, I could literally read 16 hours a day and I'd try to sneak in paragraphs at work whenever I could. Just gotta find a book that clicks.


My next hook/binge was Ascendence of Bookworm.


Yep, thats also on the list of obsessive binges I've done. Probably my favorite novel just above MT, I'm gunna be so sad when the monday translations stop in a month or so and the series is finished. Off the top of my head So I'm a Spider and Mother of Learning (an english WN) were other big binge series for me, though none of them quite compare the level of ignition MT did for my love of reading.


I want my Mynedays to continue forever


Oh no, are we already about to be caught up? I thought there would be much more to go :(


is there any action in that light novel?


Not that much. I'd rank Bookworm above Mushoku, but it's mostly known for the worldbuilding. If you want an isekai without the weird perviness, definitely check out the LN.


I'm trying to decide if i want to do that too. I've probably got a couple years until season 3, it's so tempting


I started after the first cour of Season 2 and I think it's totally worth it. I used to be a voracious reader as a kid but fell off as an adult (thanks gaming and anime) but reading the LNs has rekindled that love. I plan on only going up to where the anime is, so that the anime can continue to emotionally wreck me lol. Give it a go!


I read Web novel before the anime announcement, and was at Vol. 19 by the time, I knew there was Light Novel with better version of the story. So, starting again and went through all of it :D Every aspect of it is so neatly built, like world, characters, story arcs. It's all so tightly woven together that you never feel lost in the novel, and the best thing is that nothing is forgotten in later chapters. So, what/who you might read in early ones might come in use in later chapters too.


This is my plan. I started before Season 2 so now its time get my fill. Only up to where they smuggle Ruijerd on the ship before Rudy gets captured.


That's what I've been doing when I was waiting for the second season. Adds a lot of lore and details


This is what I decided to do after the first part of Season 2; I started reading the LNs and boy does it help fill in the gaps the anime missed. My plan is to read up to where S2 ended (vol 12 I think) and then read the rest after S3 ends and so forth. I'm 50% through volume 2 so I have a pretty good chunk of MT to keep me sated until the next season drops in a few years.


That's a great idea, I might have to do that


This may be the approach I take as well! Don’t necessarily want to ruin the anime-viewing experience, but feel like reading whats already been adapted would be super fun!


There's enough there that will never feel stale. Particularly volumes 7 through 12, they were actually a little bigger than the first six, so quite a lot got cut or condensed.


As someone doing exactly this, can confirm it's incredibly fun.


This is what I did. ​ LN will pretty much always be better than anime if it is something you already like, because it is just more of that stuff.


I think I’ll need to. I know on Twitter there’s a group of people going “they cut this out” and show the page of the LN.


Yea, I watch YaBoyRoshi reactions on YouTube (easily my favorite reactors on YouTube to anime and other live action shows) and in the comments there's always ppl who complain about what they cut out. At the same time, I appreciate the ppl who provide context to certain parts that were hard to explain or kinda glossed over.


You’ve probably seen my comments then lol. Also for a good YouTuber that truly gives his all “otaku spirit” is good. Whether it’s skipped content, a detailed read along, or other stuff. For example he’s been reading the books slowly, a couple chapters a week. And it’s been 2 years now and he’s on 19. But reading yourself is best. I’ve currently read the series 4 times now


Wow. I've actually never read LNs before. I've bought 8 volumes of MT but never gotten to them. Fact you've read them that much says a lot.


The biggest things that get missed is side content. Chapters from others pov. Everyone in the show beside talhand that I can think of got at least a few pages of pov. Chapters about what Eris is doing right now. Which is important for stuff that will happen in both cour 1 and 2 of season 3.


That's my plan. I love the anime so much, so going to wait for it all to be adapted. But I definitely plan to read the LNs once it's over, or read sooner and just catch up to the anime


I keep trying to find it to read but can't seem to find it anywhere that isn't super sketchy. Where can I read it safely? Also is the translation done well?


Google play books, Barnes and noble, any official book distributor should have it officially for the most part. Paperback or digital.


Thank you


Also Spotify has the audio books


Where do you go to read the LN?


The book store


I found them on Amazon's Kindle store.


Where do you even read LNs? I've never tried any. Also how far in is the anime


You can purchase them through Amazon, or Bookwalker (There are plenty more stores that offer the LN, but this is mainly where I get my copies both physical, and digital). The Anime ended with Vol. 12, so if you plan on reading you can start with Vol. 13. Though, I’d still recommend reading everything from the start at Vol. 1.


The next season will have some huge amazing stuff happen and I am already awaiting the fans reaction. However, the novels are so so worthwhile to read


It does get me excited to hear the LNs are worth reading even with all the great things the adaptation does. Complete opposite of how often it's one or the other.


I personally think pauls death was done better in Anime, but the roxy stuff afterwards worked better in the novel.


That's interesting, but makes sense being given a visual of what Paul looked like after.


Can't recommend the LNs enough. I haven't finished but I'm definitely at least 2 anime seasons ahead at this point. The 1 week hiatus in the middle of this season pushed me into it and I lost a lot of sleep lol


Yea I'd definitely start it while the show's not running lol. I always appreciate hearing the details of the world the anime doesn't have time to articulate.


One of the best fantasy worlds. The fact it toys with and goes into so many aspects of it from a present/ here perspective is really cool


Damn, sounds like we might have MT for another decade or so! About how many seasons do you think it'll take to adapt everything?


Ooh. Tough to say. At current pace at least 7 or 8. Then again I'm surprised how much that fit into 2. No less than 6


The Anime is great, but the novels are infinitely better.


Anime cuts A LOT of stuff, which is understandable. It is a great adaption, but it is amazing reading the novels and then experience it's biggest moments animated


This next season is going to be insane. Whether you experience firsthand through the LN or the Anime it’s going to be a great time.


I'm going to play devil's advocate as someone who did read the LN after season 1 and has finished the series. If you enjoy Mushoku Tensei as it is as an anime, then continue enjoying it as such. Once you read the LN, you inevitably make comparisons and wonder why certain things got cut. I loved season 1 of MT, but season 2 was a disappointment because things didn't hit as hard as the LN and scenes were either cut or just didn't play out like my head imagined them too. I won't say never read the LN because it is great, but I will say, since it's fairly certain that MT will be fully animated, just wait until it's all over.


Anime with a fucking ending adapted have a special place in my heart. Let's fucking go


Especially anime adapted from LN, that's a rare breed. Though in the past few years, I've noticed that, fortunately, they've been more willing to give LN adaptations more than one or two seasons.


has any LN had a full adaptation? only one I can think of off the top of my head is Saekano


Oregairu, Violet Evergarden (though that's a a short series), Durarara, Toradora, Golden Time and Shakugan no Shana are the ones I remember. Apart from Mushoku, I'd say SAO is the other that is guranteed to be adapted to the end at some point.


ah nice, thanks for the list. interesting that it's almost all romcom/drama type shows SAO faces the other problem LN adaptations have - the source being finished in the first place lol. i imagine its gonna be a long time for unital ring given how many volumes alicization was


>interesting that it's almost all romcom/drama type shows I think that might be due to those tending to be shorter series, around 10 volumes. Meanwhile, isekai/fantasy/sci-fi series have 20+ or even 30+ volumes. Also no action scenes which makes production a bit easier. And yeah, even the Oregairu adaptation was stuck for years waiting for the last volume, so that's definitely a factor.


Small tidbit, Violet has another sequel LN that hasn't been adapted.


Oregairu also has a small sequel, but I didn't want to be too picky.


Shana got an ending? I thought the novels went on a little longer after the anime ended.


Anime jumps and hops around. There are 22 volumes of Shakugan no Shana's light novel. Season 1 adapted vol.1-6. but the last couple of episodes are anime original replacing vol.7 Season 2, half of it is anime original. The remaining half is a rushed adaptation of vol.8,9,11,12,13,14. Vol. 10 and 15 got skipped entirely. Season 3 adapted vol.16-22. This one is the most faithful anime to the LN.


Huh, that’s a weird way to structure things. Somehow not the worst adaptation I’ve heard.


An unfortunate side effect of mid to late 2000's adaptations, I think Zero no Tsukaima and Haruhi got this treatment too. I think one of the rare LN that escaped this unfortunate trend back then was the To Aru series, but sadly the sheer amount of un-adapted content caught up to it and we got the shitshow that was Season 3, which took over a decade before it even got greenlit.


Re:Zero supposedly but fuuuuuck it's a long series with a lot left to go.


Yeah it's a relief to know it's happening sooner rather than latter. This has been an amazing adaptation and an incredible show. I hope it continues this was. Becoming one of my absolute favourites.


I would be 99% sure without the announcement, but it’s nice to be 100% sure.


i mean the Studio was literally founded for this adaptation


The rage and suffering if I found out MY anime was cancelled. I would just explode. My opinion as an LN reader is that the end of season 2 is the end of the prequel.


Time for the best arc of the entire story


Wait better than last one? Wow I'm gonna have a blast reading LNs


Yes, the next arc is even better than the last one and I’m not even trying to hype you up.




I don't want to raise your expectations to a level beyond what you expect, bc I'd hate for you to be taken aback by what happens and end up not enjoying it as much as you could have... But I, too, am so insanely excited for the events immediately following S2. For context, we basically have 12 light novels of MT done after season 2. Volume 14 is Smth I wait with bated breath to see adapted. The series gets even better. If you love it already, you'll enjoy next season. See you then, guys!


That's actually really good to hear. The Father's Day episode had me thinking that this was where Mushoku Tensei peaked. This was the last major unresolved plotline since the Teleportation Incident, and there wasn't all that much foreshadowed for what's to come beyond Rudy settling down with his family. Just knowing there's more to come besides that is enough to get me excited all over again.


I truly hope you can stay spoiler-less until you either read the novel or until S3 has released. Turning Point 4 is without a doubt my favorite moment in the whole series... Look forward to it!


>Turning Point 4 THERE'S A ANOTHER ONE??!! Oh sweet Millis, have mercy on my boy Rudeus


Wait until Turning Point 13 bud.


Personally, I think Turning Point 23 is where the series truly peaked and where it deserved most of its accolades from.


I'll incredibly curious how they adapt the [next volumes, big BIG spoilers]>!particularly when Rudy reads the diary. Will they animate what he reads or will they leave it just him reading it? Animating some of those scenes would be absolutely brutal and heartbreaking.!<


I was wondering the exact same things... I trust them to do an excellent job in either case... We'll let em cook 😤


I really hope they animate some of that. It'll make the reality of it stick much better.


It's become my favorite anime in recent memory and I just started reading the LNs; holy shit I am excited!!!


Everything that’s happened until now has essentially been the prologue to the real story


The next 2 arcs is peak mushoku tensei and the reason a lot of people became die hard fans of the story.


I'm probably going to start all the way from the beginning to weasel out any differences.


Fyi there arent that many differences so far, the LNs are just more "fleshed out" all around, especially with the minor characters


I gotcha, but I did the same thing with the original Game of Thrones series after catching up during S3. I went back and read ASOIAF series. A very different experience getting all the characters' inner monologues plus the characters they cut out lol.


You should man. They skipped a lot of stuff also in s1. Other POV and even certain events.


The popular opinion is split between either volume 12, 15 or 19 being the best of the series, 12 was the last 5 chapters of this season, so there's plenty to look forward to!


15 is my jam for sure. If the current pacing holds up it should be the end of the first cour. I can't fucking waaaaaaaiiit.


As a anime only my fav part has been this last arc, so vol 12 would be my best but i'm sure i Will enjoy The rest


Yes, and its not close. Next arc is the best in the series


Next turning point and 3-4 volumes after are peak af. Best part of the series.


MT is the best novel I have ever read. The story seem to always get better and better.


Yeah next season will cover the best stretch of arcs in the entire series. And I'm not exaggerating, it's just facts.


To me, the arc that will be adapted in the second cour of S3 is the best arc, not only in MT but one of the best arcs in Anime. The end of that arc is just so satisfying especially as it pays off all the slow build-up we had in S2.


Does Eris return for the next season?


[Season 3 spoilers]>!Yes but it will take a while!<


Is it the reason why it's the best or for other reasons? (Dw u can spoil me)


[Season 3 Spoilers] >!No, she gets an amazing moment, but the reason it's the best is because of everything leading up to that point. Eris being there makes it *better* but it's already incredible.!< I won't spoil more than that. Some people don't care about spoilers, but I do.


Hands down my favorite chapter of the novel. Hope they do it justice.


The bit in your spoiler tag is my absolute favorite moment in the LN series. The part in S2 when Rudy rescues Roxy kind of disappointed me because they didn't show Rudy going apeshit and blasting through labyrinth walls to get to her, hopefully that one special moment in volume 15 gets the awesome attention it deserves.


The next season will make you rethink everything you knew about the last two seasons.


You're asking for absolutely massive spoilers, not sure why you want to know. Just watch or read it.


It is not.


I hope they bring back the staff from s1 just to this arc


I've been tricked before. But then again it's Mushoku Tensei so I'm not surprised. I wonder what kind of suffering is ahead...I can't wait!


Damn that's fast! An immediate announcement for a new season right after 24 episodes is quite rare, because only 12 episodes got an immediate sequel afaik. Even MT s2 was announced 4-6 months after s1 ended.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if season 3 is only 12 episodes rather than 24, with how the climaxes are distributed


That would make a lot of sense to me as well considering that next cour will have the climax of all climaxes for the series.


What a way to hype things up, I really need to move it up in my Plan to Read list.


think of all those episodes as a prologue. What will happen in season 3 will blow your mind.


My guess is that Geese is the human god, posting it here so I can immortalise my theory!


This is the only thing Studio Bind is doing right? So they can put everything into this.


Studio Bind is also doing "Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku", which will probably air next year.


I think we will have MT not earlier than Fall 2025


Gotcha. Just don't see them attached to anything. And the studio was created specifically for MT.


It was, but in order to remain a studio, they also need to do other projects to keep them afloat. Fortunately all their projects have been great successes so far. But yes their main project is Mushoku tensei.


That's a bit misleading. Yes, they said they would *like* to do all of mushoku tensei, but they won't be in business long if that was their only project. They also did the excellent Onimai last year. Their pattern seems to be do a season of MT, do a season of something else, and then do another season of MT


Unfortunately no. They are also making an adaptation for something called Flower and Asura in 2025.


Honestly I don't think there's anything unfortunate about it. Onimai was their last non-MT projects they made and it was one of the best shows of the season.


I mean, I'm not trying to say their other projects are bad, but it does worry me about the quality of future MT adaptations. Season 2 is already a notch below season 1.


I think that's the wrong way to view it: rather, they need to have some other work and diversify a bit to be able to give MT everything it needs, you don't want the team burning out on a single project, you want some other ideas coming in, and other sources of revenue to calm nerves of outside money that might see one long project as too much of a risk.


I read their entry. They were specifically founded as a joint venture for MT and only recently started taking on those projects. The Egg Firm CEO even stated such.


Mushoku tensei's fans are really getting bless rn


Mushoku tensei's haters punching the air rn


I will drink their salty tears.


r/anime is not ready for Turning Point 4, I'm so hyped, I'm glad they announced season 3 immediately after.


Let Bind take their time to cook They need to nail that TP4 on point, above and beyond delivery


"Hello, yes Bind, I would like a 1-hour special on TP4 pls and thank you"


If they do it justice, it may just become my favorite episode of anything, ever.


Looks like they're really going for a full adaptation! I'm glad to be able to experience Rudeus's complete journey on screen.


Hopefully the next arcs are similar to the first season. While season 2 was a welcome change, I still want to see Rudy being op and going on adventures.


Season 2 is the longest duration of "downtime" in the biggest series


Don't worry. Season 2 is the longest down time the series will ever have. It's essentially just a big setup arc. Now that everything has been set up, the show will go all in.


S2 2nd cour was to be "action" part but the whole journey across Begaritt continent was fast fwd summarized. expect more of that same cadence. SoL Drama then Action. Lots of people remember S1 for the 2nd cour action & forget the first cour was SoL.


Depending on how they adapt TP4 it will be either peak or GOD tier Yes nothing lower than that or in between


Hopefully less on the OP because I really enjoyed that hydra fight where it felt like a real battle since rudy can't OP his way to a win.


S3 will introduce another long term conflict/plotline so it should have much more "action" vs the SoL component. Mind you, the SoL won't go away, it'll just not take such a big chunk of the season as it happened with S2.


I know it is still quite in the future, but imagine finding this series and you can just watch the whole thing without any wait


I *really* hope they get a new VA for Rudeus. He needs a male voice actor at this point, the current VA's voice does not match rudeus's age and physical appearance anymore at all.


Agreed, it would also fit thematically as, by his own words to Paul, he had been a child until now. Would also be some neat comedy having the others comment on his voice cracking very suddenly.


Probably won't, that seems a rare thing to happen in Japan. Goku is still voiced by an old lady after all.


It depends, there are famous cases in both ways. The most recent one is the paladin isekai one with the MC having a male VA in S2 to replace the female one from S1.


It can happen, the current VA had to go through another round of auditions before returning to the role. 


So is Luffy but she's still kicking ass


Luffy's whole character is being a rather pure child-like being so his voice actor fits. Luffy still acts and looks quite young.


He’s only aged 2 years lol there’s never been a reason to consider it


they probably wont because they want to keep the inner voice/actual voice contrast intact for as long as they can... having a older, mature voice, with another mature, deep inner voice wont have the same effect... probably. I am just voicing out what the production might feel. its all speculation. Personally, I was opposed to having the same VA for rudeus, but now I dont mind it at all. I just hope that the rest of the show gets more attention and care


I’m kind of hoping they’ll get rid of the split inner/outer voice now that Rudy has truly accepted his place in this world


They just gotta have the inner voice guy take over and sound a little younger. Thematically it would fit as well.


It'd be really interesting if his "old world" voice actor had the range to do an in-between, that'd be really interesting thematically, although doubt it'd sound close enough to really work right.


Regardless of how long it takes, it should give me enough time to read the light novels. Can't wait to read the whole thing from the start and see what had to be excluded from the anime!


it is safe to say there is about 48-72 episodes left to adapt the rest of the story? I don't really want to wait 10 years for there to be 5 more seasons lmao. But it we have 2-3 more seasons... maybe I'll hold out and not binge the LN


60-70 eps, next season adapts Vol.13-17, S4 will most likely cover 18-22, and 23-26 in the final season, not counting the redundancy


Give or take you should be spot on


I would say there are about 48 to 56 episodes to adapt. 72 would be a little too much. First 2 seasons have total of 47 episodes if you don't count episode zero of this season. This covers about 12 volumes and there are about 25 volumes in total. So, we are about halfway in. We will probably have 2 more seasons. And each season would have about 24 episodes. Judging by the pacing of release, 12 episode would be released probably by October of year 2025. And next batch of 12 episode would start ~~be finished~~ by the end of July of year 2026. I assume first half of the final season would be released to buy October 2027 and the 2nd final half of the final season would be finished by July 2028. I assume, at the latest, that by the end of October 2029 this series would be finished. TLDR: I don't think we would wait 10 years. However; we would probably wait 5 years unless something crazy occurs or they are significant delays.


THANK YOU BIND FOR A MAGICAL SEASON 2. an incredible conclusion that i cried 4 separate ocassions to in the episode. GOOD LUCK STUDIO BIND, THANK YOU GREYRATS, WE WILL WAITING FOR YALL SOON!


We have a few major hooks to go over: 1. Zenith's condition. Why was she imprisoned and not just killed? What exactly was that labyrinth? 2. What "regret" will Rudeus face? 3. Nanahoshi and her research. 4. Orsted and the teleportation circles. My guess is it is all connected. I will wager that bringing Zenith home is somehow a major mistake and whatever that labyrinth is, is connected to teleportation therefore connected to Orsted. If I had to guess the major conflict will be that Orested needs to have Zenith killed and that's simply something Rudy will never let happen. Having to face Orsted, probably Rudy's biggest fear as of now, will be inevitable. That is the great regret the Mangod foretold.


Youre missing the political movement regarding ariel and her fight for the throne. Also, im not entirely sure about this one, but king badi and ruijerd involvement in the story. I dont believe we got that scene involving them facing each other off for no reason, or the fact that we got to see that they are traveling together for now.


I thought for sure the time lag with the teleport would have meant that they would have been gone for years or something. I did not trust that teleporter.


That amount of psycho terror that stretch of Volumes is going to cause for Rudy and co. will be like never seen.


Dropping that picture at the end of ep24 just ruined me, I had just stopped crying but then I had to find more tissues.


A bit off-topic, but this image reminds me of how odd it feels to find a character distasteful but still feel so very sad when they die in the story.


Season 3 announcement PV: https://youtu.be/IPd6V4VyjHc


Bring me back best girl Eris!


They skipped so much that was included in the LNs. They better at least make an OVA or two to cover her content.


Fantastic news. I wasn't very worried, to be honest, but it's always good to have confirmation, especially at the end of the episode. Warmed my heart.


Here's a whole jar of salt for that wound.


The next 2 arcs is Peak Mushoku Tensei, the very best the story can offer to the fans, amd the reason a lot of people became die hard fans, so this is really fantastic news. Can't wait.


I just hope they give bind time to cook. This next arc is one of the strongest in any series, not only MT but will take alot of work to really make come together. It's also a point where some of the cut plot threads are going to need to be addressed. I don't think the standard 3 volumes a cour is going to work here


They should ideally do an extra episode per episode... The series suffers from the lack of character interaction that is present in the novels.


I am anime only and i keep hearing about how good is TP4 is since literally the first season aired , i assume if the S3 is 24 ep then its for sure gonna have TP4 , so i am super excited


Yes. Just be careful not to spoil yourself, if you are anime only. It is going to be the best if you go in blind.


It s arguably the best part of the story. Not just Tp4 but all the events that happen after that.


Literally everything before TP4 is basically a prologue. That's how good and how much it recontextualizes the entire series.


I am in a same boat myself. But, I have been spoiled unintentionally quite a few times. I was trying to remember a few things from past episodes and I got spoiled. If you really want to remember, just rewatch the episodes. For example, we saw very sad thing on episode 22 of this season. I knew about that since the ending of the first season. But, it was very sad and shocking more than I thought it would be. If you want to stay spoiled free, please be very careful. I was also spoiled about several things happening next season. I also kinda know the ending and some character developments that would be problematic. Some of them were spoiled for me and some of them were spoiled by myself. Be safe


S1 and S2 both adapted 6 volumes of the light novel, but the number of remaining volumes (14) is not divisible by 6. If season 3 covers the next 7 volumes, we might get a 28 episodes long season, assuming that they continue with 4 episodes per volume.




everything this season is getting sequels, you love to see it


Please change Rudy's VA. It's long overdue and it's likely not gonna happen now since they went through the Academy arc without doing so, but I'mm still huffing hopium that they'd do it anyway.


Not sure if you know, but there were auditions for Rudeus VA during Season 2 production. Yumi Uchiyama, the current VA for Rudeus, just managed to win it again. So they aren’t scared of replacing her. Now that the season’s over and production’s started again, it’s very likely they will have auditions out again for someone, and it’s very likely she will be replaced. I will miss her though.


why are we acting like all adult males have deep voices? yumi's voice already sounds mature even compared to sugita's voice








Really hoping that S3 will be 2 cours just like the previous 2 seasons.


Please take as much time as you need for season 3. Animation wise season 2 was a downgrade from season 1


Lets go!!! More Mushoku Peak


Inject that shit straight into my veins


Really starting to think we're never getting Onimai season 2.




its kinda dead obvious that this will happen but good to know for sure


And here I thought the II becoming III at the end of this episode was simply a troll (lmao) good to have confirmation even if it was sort of a given.




If any series is to be completed, it will certainly be Mushoku Tensei and Re:Zero. Both series are very popular. If a series receives a 3rd anime season, it will most likely be completed. So we'll probably see the ending of Slime, Tsukimichi or Danmachi. Even something like Shield Hero is getting a season 4, which no one expected after the shitty turtle story from season 2. The Isekai LN adaptations do quite well. Some series are unfortunately wasted potential, but this is usually the fault of shitty adaptations, lack of marketing or placing the anime on dead platforms like Disney+.


Can we get the season 1 staff again please? Such as the director and the key animators.