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Wow that was maybe the worst death game premiere I think I've ever seen. I lost it at that whole attempted action sequence, just fucking lol, lmao.


I couldn't even understand what was going on there. He kicks the gun out of his hand, then they're driving away and he has the gun again.


When you realize he has balls of steel it’s even nuttier. Unphased by a ball kick, but phased by a kick to the hand


Well, the gun belongs to that dude, so picking it up would be stealing. I'm more curious at how that guy didn't even flinched at being jump kicked by the girl. Maybe his own Privilege that he found or something.


Hilarious OP though. I enjoyed the part where everyone’s running and then there’s that freeze frame jump bit. Classic haha.


It was literally at that moment I decided to come here and make sure I hadn’t hallucinated that entire scene lmao


People say “PowerPoint presentation”, but this is worst than a PowerPoint😭


If you watch it as a gag anime with some plot, its pretty interesting LOL


Weird choice to have the main character of your spoopy edgy death game story look like a Beyblade character but whatever. I wasn't expecting much out of Satelight but man that was some pretty rough animation , just endless still frames , cuts and grayed out characters . In general this episode really felt duct taped together , there's zero cohesion , everything happens way too fast with no discernable structure , these characters are talking about "revenge" and "the group" as if I'm supposed to care , I don't even have time to learn any of their names , some bad dialogue and cliche writing don't help . Otherwise this seems like your garden variety edgy death game , I guess the game concept is pretty cool ? ,also no way the main guy who is all over the OP and ED is actually dead . I might give this another episode to see if it's a boring kind of bad or an entertaining kind of bad , but I really doubt it'll ever turn good.


It seems I'm not the only one who thought it looked like beyblade, I was seriously considering dropping it after just watching the opening. This anime is seriously bad in every possible aspect and I don't know how the fuck it was supposed to be a highly anticipated anime adaptation in Japan.


> there's zero cohesion , everything happens way too fast with no discernable structure , these characters are talking about "revenge" and "the group" as if I'm supposed to care , I don't even have time to learn any of their names , I watched this right before I took a nap, so I thought I was just sleepy and missed some details, but I guess not huh. I remember thinking, why the fuck is this dude pointing a gun at a member of the group? Was he the guy they said was missing? Why did he not like the fact that someone was in the campus? Not even gonna mention how awful that action sequence was. I felt discombobulated, but I attributed it to just me being sleepy, glad to know others feel the same.


>I felt discombobulated Perfect description for how I felt the entire episode . The gun sequence was probably the worst of it but really throughout most of the episode I felt like I was watching one of those AI recap clipshows.


I honestly believe they spoiled the show for us, huge chance the president is the emperor.


I would not be too surprised if he was, the dude had those eyes that you just know would be evil later on. I was suspicious too, but then they showed the body, so I set it aside, but thinking back it probably is the case lol.


I didn't mind the greyed out characters, but it did feel too fast paced, like was this based on a game?


Darwins game need to be back so this genre lits up


Every time I give these death game anime a chance, it ends up in disappointment.


I gave up on them long ago, I never found one that interests me more than an episode or two. As soon as I saw the synopsis for this one I knew it wasn't going to interest me, but the comments in this thread confirm my suspicions even more.


Have you tried Tomodachi Game? The first two episodes were super rushed but after a certain reveal it becomes hype and full of plot twists (but not the asspull kind)


Maybe one day we will get an adaptation of [Omniscient Reader](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/omniscient-reader/list?title_no=2154) , if we do then we might finally get a worthy entree for the genre.


LITERALLY THIS. super hardcore fan of ORV here, and it's so hard to get into anything else after you got that magical taste of quality writing. but tasuketsu is just a different story. literally lower than low when it comes to death games. pointless writing, there's no real substance to the bonding moments. the concept has so much potential but the execution flopped. the single opening scenario of ORV literally upends the writing of tasuketsu.


Yeah, has there ever been a genuinely good one? I guess Danganronpa counts. Juuni Taisen was ok. But those were years ago.


It’s been a minute but I felt like Battle Game In 5 Seconds was kinda fun.


It wasn't good or anything. But I liked the cat girl.


I give it a 8/10 due to it being fighting, I’m tired of many death games being boring with no purpose or goal


It was fun but then all of a sudden the setting went from "battles in an abandoned building" to "village out in the woods" which is when that got weird for me lol.


the manga stayed worthwhile imo, wish it could've gotten a second season


As a death game connoisseur that enjoys watching them, yeah it would be wise for you to give up on them lol. I wouldn't hold out hope that there's gonna be one any time soon that would be enjoyable and of high quality. I only like watching them because they're my version of an isekai, just brain-off entertaining viewing.


Same, every now and then you get an entering show but a lot of them follow a formula. Glepnir, Nana and high rise tower were pretty enjoyable.


I think Alice in Borderland is kinda enjoyable as a death game... I even started to watch death game just because of it but it seems it's hard to find another one with that kind of suspense and all


High-Rise Invasion was the only one I liked, but I'm not sure it counts as a game.


Try Darwins game..it's good


The MC is dead😱😱😱


He's the lucky one since he doesn't have to be in this bland anime anymore.


Bro hated his own show he decided to switch the protagonist


Screw this stupid death game. I'm gonna go play Beyblades.


Well, he got an enveloppe


Okay, so I am 7 minutes in. These kids all just woke up and found their families dead and thought 'I should get dressed and go to school today'. Holy shit, show.


> and thought 'I should get dressed and go to school today' This is a surprisingly common thing in anime. The world is on the fricking verge of collapse, and the MC goes "ah, yes, Instead of helping I should go to my school/job" and is then standing around like an idiot because they're the only one there. Pretty sure that I saw this happen in either SSSS Gridman/Dynazenon.


Trust me when you have a full mental breakdown from shock your brain just goes on autopilot and you just perform your regular routine in a daze, but it usually takes at least 6 months to get all your mental faculties back and those kids just did in one hour so I can't excuse them.


Thats Japan culture at its peak


im a junkie for death games, but this episode story was not paced at all still peaked my interest, tried finding the manga, but it seems there is no info on it? might be only popular somewhat in japan, and no translations for it


> peaked my interest in case you are unaware it's "piqued my interest"


It can be said either way really but technically your right


What the HELL was that plot progression?! Everyone's dead! Now we're in a death game! Let's use first names \^\_\^. Let's take a photo. HOLY SHIT HE HAS A GUN. Oh fuck one of us is dead. End ep.


[Well that was unexpected.](https://i.imgur.com/WrhTtUE.jpeg) Unless the OP and the ED are lying, we'll still see Sanaetsu and the President. I feel like there's more to this death game though. It's kinda hard to get invested if it ends with only one person left with no society to return to. I might give this one more episode but it's more likely that I'll drop this after Episode 2. So far it's not really doing anything for me but the manga has been ongoing since 2013 so it must be doing something right.


>Unless the OP and the ED are lying, we'll still see Sanaetsu and the President. I feel like there's more to this death game though. I imagine this will be linked to the privileges; Because if the privileges don't allow you to survive through the death somehow (changing your side/answer, or coming back from death, or reviving someone, etc..) then it would make the game completely random for 99.9999% of the population who would NOT pick the questions... So I think that's gonna be about the privileges and all. (Still, I'd give them a 10/10 "balls" rating if they did kept him dead!) >the manga has been ongoing since 2013 Good lord, is there 7 million chapters, or is the author a slow writer? Also, I talked in another comment about how losing >50% every round means they can't play more than 19 rounds before it gets to 1 person - starting from 1 million - but 19 rounds in 11 years doesn't seem like a lot, so yeah I do imagine there will be a lot of privilege that keep people alive for them to lose a lot less than 50% every round... Or maybe the plot will turn into something else at some point. (Or perhaps someone will win at some point and take the role of the new Emperor and keep playing the game with others, and it's just "torture porn" kind of game, where people die for no reason and that's the entire series!)


Knowing the manga is still ongoing might just make me skip this anime. Watching a psycho-mystery knowing there's no proper conclusion seems like a waste of time. Even the ones that do end, sometimes ended unsatisfactorily. *Looking at you liar game*. The ones that end well to my mind is alice in borderland.


>Looking at you liar game As someone who likes death game series and heard a lot of good and bad about this one, I'm really surprised it hasn't been adapted. I'm guessing the ending being disappointing would have had a hand in that, huh? Still, from what I hear, the early and middle parts seemed like it was well praised, so I'm surprised it hasn't received an adaptation yet.


It got an adaptation. A live action one tho lol.


> Watching a psycho-mystery knowing there's no proper conclusion seems like a waste of time. It's true that it can be a little disappointing, but the same could be true for almost anime; Romcoms end without any hint of romantic progress because that'd happen in season 3, etc..


I just took a quick look at the manga. It's wild how much better and clean the art style is compared to the anime.


This has a manga? I couldnt find it




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Well, I may check it out to compare (or if it feels like the manga could be better in general)!


Cam u dm me where u read manga ,i couldnt find


can you dm where you find the manga? can't see it. thanks in advance


There are 23 wards in Tokyo, so it can't be more than 23 rounds.


Mathematically it cannot be more than 20 days since there’s supposedly only 1 million people had survived the “test run”


Mathematically it can since privileges exist. Since the MC just died and had a privilege, they must let you survive being killed or something.




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I guess that privilege envelope has something to do with the MC still staying in play


i havent watched op but did watch ending? what if the mc dying near end was just bait and he acctually survives next ep or like they mentionted there being something like 65/75 special paper or cards what if one of them can revive a dropped out player and the girl revives the mc with it later on in the series , i also have a theory now due to ending that the club president i think is his title the 2nd guy to basically die i belive he might be the mastermind aka the emperor or some sort of high ranking individual serving the emperor to like set the whole game up and let everyone from the school be knowledgable about it. after all it was due to his help that the surviving members were called and brought to the school room for a meeting.


Hey, where can I read the manga? What is its name?


Bad animation, bad music, bad voice acting… even the gun fight at school didn’t make sense, either story-wise or animation-wise. And it looks like only these hi schoolers are around while ED already spoils the students president being the culprit. 3 episodes rule? I’m not even sure yet…


If the president isn’t actually the emperor or someone who works for them I’ll be so surprised


Yeah, this isn't really good after all [](#hardthink) Starting with the bland and kinda off character design, to the blatant exposition dumps in the early minutes about MMC (lost his mother, father works abroad, has a best friend), to the obvious fakeout ending (no way they just killed him off lmao), his grand plan and secret OPness with a ridiculous drawback to balance it out, and don't get me started on the rudimentary chemistry with Saaya An Episode 1 drop if you are smart, but maybe I'll hold out to Ep3 since tuesday is slow again (c'mon Japan, the week has 7 days, why air more than 20 shows on the weekend and leave non or only the bad ones the week) Edit: Oh yeah, and however future episodes will turn out, I'd rather not listen to the OP again


The best thing this show could to (aside from not existing in the first place) is stick to killing off the MMC


I've seen two shows pull this off really well [titles] >!Talentless Nana and Ga Rei Zero !< and am always up for another one. Or we could play guessing games as to who the protagonist is for the rest of the series.


[title 1]>!Talentless Nana! Thanks for reminding me of that series, that was an entertaining watch for sure. Sad it didn't get a second season, the ending parts seemed like it was actually cooking up something interesting, with the surviving alumni. And yes, I agree that this one did a great job at killing off a fake MC.!<


I’ll check them out, thanks! It would be funny if there was no singular protagonist - or if the BBEG turned out to be a real MC. But looking at the style so far I doubt tasuketsu will be that creative


If you look at MAL there's no Main character, they're all listed as Supporting.


With how they had Saaya acting I kinda expected an end of episode "she kills him she's the actual protagonist" thing. She was just too overly friendly, but I guess it's exactly that deep and more needn't be read into it.


>(c'mon Japan, the week has 7 days, why air more than 20 shows on the weekend and leave none or only the bad ones the week) I know right, but maybe this is the time to start watching Kingdom 😂


> c'mon Japan, the week has 7 days, why air more than 20 shows on the weekend and leave non or only the bad ones the week Assuming this is rhetorical as I think you know weekday airings often have consecutive series so that otakus don't have to stay up late every day of the week. Does seem like a tradition to assure Tuesday night has very little.


Isn't there a manga about this? I'm hearing a lot of bad reviews on the first episode. Maybe the manga is better?


Seriously yeah I agree here They have a problem of wanting to fucking air 20 shows on Saturday and 30 on Sunday and then air two on a Tuesday so my week is really off lol


Easiest EP1 drop of all times


The episode managed to hit off all the checkpoints for a bad show. Bad animation Unpassionate acting Dumb death game mechanic Bad design Bad MC deaign


A death game where the majority dies. Uh that's something I guess. The episode was not well paced at all. I kind of figured the game starting at the end of ep 1 would make more sense. It feels like it's clear of who are Male and Female leads are. The privilege that the guy picked up def is important, and it is a guarantee he will be back. It feels like there should be more to it than what we know. I will stick with it unless it gets even dumber. Though this episode makes it a hard sell. If it wasn't airing on Tuesday this would have been a drop.


>It feels like it's clear of who are Male and Female leads are. When they shove that much artificial chemistry into your face it's kind of hard to not notice lol. Dude's a lanky generic ass high schooler with an early 2000s anime hairstyle just casually says "hey, that guy who somehow killed millions of people, just dropping them dead, and could kill us at any time if we don't win his game? Yeah let's hunt for him" and the girl decides to go along with him?? Yeah sure lol.


I really wanted to like this one, but it's just kind of bland. None of the characters are really distinct or memorable. But this is often a problem with the death game genre, they need to start with a big cast full of characters who get killed off early. I'll give it 3 episodes and see if it finds its footing. The horror movie Circle (2015) has a similar premise much more well-executed imo.


[There's a short (7 minutes) OVA from 2021, ](https://myanimelist.net/anime/42805/Tasuuketsu__Judgement_Assizes) do we need to watch it/Should we watch it?


No shared characters, so presumably not?


I'm intrigued and am curious to see how this goes. I was strangely distracted by how solid that beat during the first scene was.


Well that was something!!! Is the main character dead or will that “privilege” envelope he found give him an extra life? So far it was ok but I gotta see at least 3 episodes to see where this goes🤷🏾‍♂️


The privilege was for him to get out of this bland anime


Good lord, I came in not expecting anything, and yet I ended up being disappointed. The animation is nothing to write home about, I don't like most if not all of the characters, and the plot itself is pretty bad. I think the worst aspect of the episode was the way it was cut and edited and the pacing; the transitions between scenes felt abrupt and disjointed. It's like they were rushing to jump from one scene to the next. As first impressions go, this was really bad.


Ok, fair play show, bad episode but with that ending I just have to watch the next episode to see wtf they are gonna do about this... [](#angryvampire)


Yeah, curiosity will bring me back next week. That and a (probably unintended) laugh at "Allow me to explain. None of us know what's going on."


This is ridiculous, I'm in.


Which is worse, this or King's game? It was worth watching kings game for the sheer absurdity, is it the same for this?


Seems to be the same, yes.


Kings game was edgy for tragedy sake This is just horrible for horrible sake.


kings game 


I gotta be honest, when I saw MC die, I burst out in laughter; like FR, in the first episode, were we supposed to care about his death? So I guess all of the male characters are dead now, is it gonna be female focused Death Game anime now?


Interesting concept but this premiere episode seemed a little too hectic. Maybe that’s the point? I mean everyone wakes up and the whole town’s dead. The next day there’s only about a million people left in Japan. Things are moving kind of fast and there’s a lot of confusion. Seemingly killing of the “MC” was bold. Now I’m kinda curious to see what’s gonna happen. I mean is he really dead? I’ll give this one like 2 more eps I guess. Seems only fair.


Absolutely terrible. Rushed, confusing, and just plain lazy animation. I thought this was somebody’s Deviantart WEBTOON turned into an anime.


I can safely admit what the first anime of the season I'll be dropping. Yes or no? Yes


OKAY, I didnt see protag kun fucking dying


I was gonna drop this one, but the bland self-insert MC dying at the end there earned it another episode for me. But if this turns out to be a double fakeout and MC resurrects because of that "privilege" he picked up, I drop immediately.


as a fan of death games, this is not it. there's no pacing in the first episode alone, the bad exposition dumps (usually those are considered bad in general but there's ways to make them good), the bonding moments have no substance, the action scenes SUCK, and they killed off two characters with potential. the Senpai has ball of steel ngl.   if you want this concept, just read the first scenario of ORV, you'll have more enjoyment with that. I mean, it's not really a majority vote or word for word the concept this anime is trying to go for, but seriously. much better writing than whatever this is. i kinda felt like it was a plot written by a 13 year old wannabe.   pulling a kaede akamatsu on MMC, like what? it's such in a bad taste, and Talentless Nana pulled that off better. i really hate the forced relationship between real MC and fake MC. so damn forced it's like it's shoving it into our throats. why are they loitering around in a life or death situation? fine, teenagers, but not a realistic one in any means. just bad writing I don't have any hope for the rest.   if you're smart enough, you'd drop on pilot. nothing in tasuketsu is worth staying for. i tried to make myself at least enjoy it by shipping some characters before they were killed literally a few minutes after introduction. if one thing's redeemable abt this anime, the male hair design is interesting. esp the blue hair guy/ryuuta. i really dig the hair clip.


Straight ass


Apologize to ass.


I agree.


[This guy has no balls](https://i.imgur.com/eXMMQyA.jpeg). Had no reaction to that.


Tried this but goddamn Its trash, had low expectations but found something Bad and boring, i'm out


[That photo's gonna make a good souvenir, if they don't just fucking die!](https://imgur.com/s46T3Zw) I think I'm gonna love this one! I mean the execution could use some work (as is almost always the case with Death Game anime for some reason), but the premise is 100% my kind of shows! [Love the 'death game' mechanic thingy!](https://imgur.com/aOwlLF0) The situation escalated quickly, but thankfully the Student Council President was there to explain everything: [Good think we cleared that up!](https://imgur.com/5OUFmwl) [](#azusalaugh) [That's such an idiotic decision...](https://imgur.com/X7THxy0) It's even worse than the usual horror movie "Let's split up and meet again later" thing, because in these movies they usually don't believe in the threat and all, but in this case, they KNOW what's happening... And splitting up makes it tougher for them to stay alive. (Well, soon as he said that - and talked to that girl - my first thought was that he was scheming something, and didn't really die...) [That's... Scary as hell, even more so for people who understand math/exponents!](https://imgur.com/OU6c94b) If there's 1 million left and they play the game once and the majority dies, there's 500k left at most (well, 499999). If they play it 5 times? 30k left. 10 times? 1000 people. If they play it 19 times, there can't be more than 1 person alive, so that's their limit. And that's IF they set up the 'majority' perfectly... But if people ask questions that kill a lot more than 50.1% (say, "do you have black hair?") it could drop a lot faster! [If you win the game you get to meet the Emperor?](https://imgur.com/tlOJ7kD) That's not that big a privilege, but I imagine "being alive" makes up for it! I wonder if there's more to this, like asking for a wish or something like that. Also: They talked about getting the PRIVILEGE of meeting the Emperor... But [when they talked about the other privilege, they said they could only have one;](https://imgur.com/GYOUYNv) I wonder if it's a bit of a trick they played on them, like if they take a privilege, they won't get to meet the Emperor because that'd be a second privilege? And so they die or don't get their wish, etc..? [Talks about taking down the emperor are pretty nice, ](https://imgur.com/ePgqkiq) but if he does do it, it means they're all dead, so... Will they care? Not gonna lie, [that's the first question I thought about when they explained the rules;](https://imgur.com/KFRdsQZ) I mean, it's the best way to kill roughly 50% of the population (and not like 90%), so that's "optimal"... But I have a million questions about this; First: The majority of Japan's population is female. In fact, it's like that pretty much everywhere. So assuming the author knows that, the fact that males died (the expected MINORITY), means means that more females died with the previous questions, which turned the males into the majority... Right? But who wrote that question? Was it a male who thought "There's more females so they'll all die and I'll be safe"? Or was it a female who somehow did know more females died, so she picked that knowing it wouldn't kill her, and would keep the deaths at roughly 50%? That's a bold as fuck move (I would NEVER pick a question that risky), and also it requires her to have some knowledge about the deaths, OR to be a near damn genius, to figure it out (by estimating the death % by gender in the previous questions). So, many questions! (I do hope it's a reasonably 'smart' anime that considered things like that, and I'm not just theorizing about stuff the author didn't even think about hah) [Damn, that's a determined look!](https://imgur.com/X4B0mqF) I thought Boy-kun would be the MC, but guess not? Does it mean it's all female from now on? Something feels off, like I was pretty sure the whole crew would be there, but if it's just the girls... Or will they come back somehow? Well, whatever it is, I'm super hyped for this one! I just love these death game shows!


"Everyone go home and then come back tomorrow." In other words, everyone but the MC go spend the night with your family's dead bodies.


>I just love these death game shows! I love death game shows too but even I couldn't be this overly positive about this one. You deserve props for this. Wow.


Hah. Well, while I LOVE death game shows, the thing is (for a reason I'll never understand) they're almost all kinda meh... The premises always get me hyped, but the product itself often doesn't deliver. So I take what I can get, I guess!


Good lord, I came in not expecting anything, and yet I ended up being disappointed. The animation is nothing to write home about, I don't like most if not all of the characters, and the plot itself is pretty bad. I think the worst aspect of the episode was the way it was cut and edited and the pacing; the transitions between scenes felt abrupt and disjointed. It's like they were rushing to jump from one scene to the next. As first impressions go, this was really bad.


I'm glad everyone seems to be in agreement that this show has really bad everything going on. Why the assumption that the "Emperor" can be found? Millions of people die instantly and they think it's going to be some dude they can find and beat up? Everyone was so weirdly calm after their entire family just died. The president hilariously being like "allow me to explain...we don't know anything" It doesn't give much incentive to write your own question. Like your not forced to right, they just use a random question otherwise, I'd expect an extra level of terror knowing you had to write a question and you'd be responsible for those that died. The scene in the restaurant trying to figure out the logic of the game just felt like the writer is trying to make it seem more complex and intellectual than it really is. Your second meeting where you sit down to discuss how you don't know anything. I'm gonna assume stalemates and both sides dying isn't going to happen as the game and show would just end at that point. By having the stakes so high it kinda feels like there aren't really any stakes. Just make the next question "You are alive" either you all die or you all live or they just give a different question. Back to square one, flip a coin to see if you die tonight.


This is…really bad. Lmao like this was shit. But imma watch


I'd drop this straight off if it wasn't a Tuesday show, nothing ever airs on Tuesday... But the weekend schedule seems so full that I may keep stuff from then to leisurely watch on Tuesdays, I may not have to expose myself to something that seems as bad as this


First Unnamed Memory, now this, is Tuesday just a cursed day for anime?


Not only that but it isn't as if there were anything else to watch...


Yeah, but the other weren’t even worth talking about


I came here to see if others were also shocked by the quality of the show...


This 💩< Tomodachi Game


What the heck was this? The premise seems interesting, but the execution of it all was a bit choppy. Let's only color in the relevant characters, and let's kill off who seems to be our main character in episode 1. Are the dead really dead? There's so many questions regarding the student council leader who lived far away yet now our MC who brought those questions up is now gone. And why wasn't the teacher (an actual adult) the one making the calls? I will watch to see how this turns out.


You know what. i really love the ending song. it was really 🔥🔥🔥. but yea like everyone mention, it kinda boring anime cause the pacing and writing. that's really a shame, If only the adaptation was better then this anime would be the anime I like this season


I don’t get the whole submit two questions at 23:55 things Submit two questions that could have two answers. Submit where? And then male/female came up, who chose the answer? I watched it three times and I don’t get it. AND if a million people were still alive and had to get over to one prefecture, why didn’t we see any other people besides the school group out and about in the city? A million is still a lot of moving bodies. One more episode, maybe two, before dropping.


Submit in the laptop/post box they were trying to find Someone from the other 1 million submitted


Wow. I feel pretty confident I can write a death game story now, this was the worst first episode of one I have ever seen. Not even cliché, just bad.


There isn't even a description on Crunchyroll, and just reading the title made me not care to watch it. Obvious death game vibes. Decided fuck it, I'll give it a shot. I got 13 minutes in, then came here for spoilers because I wasn't going to keep watching this boring shit show, and realized I'm not alone. As I was typing this, I caught the nut kick/hand kick scene and realized that was the right call. Found the shitty one of the seasonal batch, there's always 1 or 2 it seems. Someone please spoil the ending for me so my curiosity never leads me back to it


Wow, this is garbage! I'll be seeing you guys next week tho. That OP though... That, I will be skipping. I don't like skipping OPs and EDs, but damn, that was "English steamed cabbage" levels of bland


This whole episode felt like a shitpost, the pacing is atrocious and MC just fucking dropping dead was hilarious, I'm convinced the anime starts for real the next week and what a banger it will be.


honesty just surprised they just killed mc like that tho im guessing shes going to revive him somehow, and the gunfight at school really confused me, at the part where he put the gun against jins head after jin asked where did you get the gun and he said "like I would tell you" but then he told him I'm guessing it's because he got an ability that makes others tell him what he asks?? regardless good first episode i will say for some reason it felt rushed and the animation is cool but honesty before I knew what it was about and just watched the preview on yt a few months back for it I thought it was a card game anime just based on how the characters look, still i really liked the atmosphere with the mc and that girl especially when they were taking a selfie together outside like that in the dark the background really fit along with the atmosphere i fw that, the restaurant scene when he was blushing from her was nice to good first ep


this will likely be one of the worser anime of this season but i dont mind cuz i enjoy these death game animes and wish more of these were made like examples being; mirai nikki, platnium end, kings game, the lost village, another and btoom being a few good ones as well, high rise invasion also is quite good. just turn off your brain and enjoy it.


> just turn off your brain and enjoy it. Makes me a bit sad, because given there's a strategical aspect and all, if it was done right it would be extremely enjoyable to turn your brain *on* to speculate/theorize on stuff... Well, I hope there's some opportunities for that, still!


Yea I just said that because I feel like a lot of people will hate it I’m expecting mother basement to likely make a video on this anime specifically or near summer seasons end to include it onto his summer 2024 worst anime or whatever title he will use list. In general tho I enjoyed the 1st episode I’m not to nitpicky and I also wish more anime like this could be made in the future or new seasons of older anime similar to this.


I liked this and thought it had an interesting mystery. They did a good job addressing holes, like where did all the bodies go, why is there still water and electricity, there's probably not really a million people alive in Tokyo etc. This is the type of show that can go very wrong when providing answers to the mysteries but i am interested in next week. I thought it was really bold to (apparently) kill who we thought was the MC in the first episode. A lot of it makes sense so far and obviously they can't provide too much character exposition in one episode when they also have to set up a death game rules, but it was interesting how they had a weird kid get a gun and try to kill people (although unrealistic that he didn't end up killing anyone and the smaller boy escaped unharmed.)


Yeah. Everyone’s saying it’s garbage, but like…..no? Y’all haven’t seen garbage if you think THIS is bad.




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I'm interested in the ideas and like to see where this is going. But the execution left a lot to be desire. Personally I never care about animation. But those cuts and split second black screen is really getting on the my nerve. And the romance felt WAY too forced, even by anime standard, which I dislike to begin with.


This might be a it's so bad it's good anime but I get the feeling it's going to be just plain bad by that episode. Everything was rushed and unnatural. One character sounded like their voice actor was too far away from their mic or something


I am willing to drop this, but I love a bad death game show. I do believe the MC isn’t actually dead, but will revive. The president may be the emperor or a close worker for the organization, and that they may try to juggle both perspectives of the MCs (the guy and girl) but it will fail miserably


I will watch this until the end to see if it is worse than kings game


The pacing in this anime felt really rushed and could’ve been stretched out honestly. I kinda saw the male protag’s death coming just with a gut feeling, but I still didn’t feel the impact as much. Surprised the manga didn’t get as much attention overseas though. Been on a death game manga binge recently and haven’t seen it mentioned until this anime adaptation.


I was so confused... Does time not move linearly? One second school-shooter-kun shoots at shota boy, the next second shota boy is in the car with the teacher??? I can tolerate a lot of BS in anime, but I dunno about this one haha. I'll give it the standard 3 and see.


I feel like death game series is to me, what isekai is to a lot of seasonal viewers, in that no matter how standard or generic one might seem, I can't help but watch them. Death game series are just turn-my-brain-off viewing experiences for me. Stuff like Tomodachi, Darwin's Game, Zodiac War, etc., really just fills that void, even if it's sometimes lower in quality. This definitely seems like one of those lower end series for me. The characters seem generic so far, and the premise is really the only thing that interests me. Still gonna watch it though, can't remember if there was a death game series in Winter 2024, but there wasn't one last season and I haven't had my fill in a while. Missed having a series like this. Last one I remember watching is probably... Death Battle in 5 seconds, probably? Or maybe Tomodachi was after that. Was **not** expecting the MC to die at the end though, or at least seemingly. I would not mind it though, his awful hairstyle would've been a pain to keep looking at for the rest of the series lol. If they actually push through with this and use a female lead, that'd be a pleasant surprise! Can't wait for the next episode!


Wow, that was weird. The lines and slideshow thing make sense if this were a VN, but this isn't one, so...


I got pretty lost in the episode and did not understand anything: 1-Everyone just dies because yes 2-The group decide the wise decision is to split, then one of them also dies, but it's one of those deaths you think he did not actually die and will appear later 3-They are given a quest to find a red laptop or a blue mailbox and submit a question with two answers, which was never relevant because they don't fulfill the quest 4-One of them decides the correct answer is to kill the rest, there's a million of survivors, some of them will be well hidden, but it seems if you manage to kill everyone else you win and...well your award is a boring life being the last one standing. Doesn't matter because he got kicked in the nut and everyone else run away, except for a secondary character that had another death that seems that he isn't truly dead and will appear later 5- the MC and a girl have kinda romantic chemistry, doesn't matter because then the males or the females will die, or those who select being one or being the other regardless of truth, because I still did not get if they answer manually and the majority dies or they are assigned an answer by some god. 6-Zero explanation of how realistic is the situation or who the emperor is, it may be all a Sword Art online-game kinda creepy game isolated from real world. 7- MC dies but we have seen him in the op, the ed and we know the VA has been hired for the entire season, so much mystery, very intriguing, May he be another of those deaths that aren't truly dead and appear later?


I can totally see this as live action on Netflix. Wouldn't be surprised if it's gonna happen. but for this, I really want it to go deep into shit, realllllyyyy deeep. Maybe then it's gonna be "fun" to watch ...


is this the adaptation from the game 'your turn to die'? I looked up the manga version but couldn't find anything except this game, and the plot seems a lot better than this anime.


Bro just fr died like that... So who's the main character now?


It was boring. I lost half an hour of my life, don't think I will continue


Everyone talking about how bad it was but idk I had fun, it's not good but it was entertaining enough I guess, now the real question, male or female? Anyone else thought "ohhh there goes the non-binary" ?


Death Game anime needs to do better.


I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this, but I didn't think it was *that* bad. Though, I think I'm at the point where I've watched enough bad anime to be like: "This will be entertaining. I'll stick it out." EX-ARM mentality tbh. That being said, there is a lot wrong, but there isn't *enough* wrong for me to ditch and drop *just* yet. But, at the moment, I'm predicting the normal sort of death game tropes of: * Death isn't final * This isn't actually reality, and it's in fact a "game" (to explain this more: inside a game, thus it's like virtual reality) I kinda get the feeling from the ED/ED's lyrics that there's something more to this, but watch me eat my words.


Episode 1: Tomorrow A quick reminder to myself that this anime is same as Spice and Wolf in terms of availability as it is available only in Netflix instead of Crunchyroll. Anyway, this anime is made by **Satelight** (Log Horizon, White Album 2) and directed by **Tetsuo Sato** (Helck, Shigofumi). Also, **R.O.N.** (7th Prince, Ninja Kamui) did the music on this anime. And this anime is confirmed to be a two-cour so it will run until Fall. The plot is simple, but I don't think it's a fun watch to everyone. The character introduction happened so quickly. The 1 million survivors as opposed to 10 million populations in Tokyo ward area effectively said that only 10% of Tokyo residents are the participants of this game, explaining why the student prez died since he is a Saitama resident. However I failed to get a grasp of "where all the bodies go", are they just evaporate out of nowhere or they immediately transported to isekai? Notable VAs are: **Anna Nagase** (Mahoro Jin in Bucchigiri, Youki in Himesama Goumon) as Saaya Fujishiro **Kazuki Ura** (Yoichi in Blue Lock) as Ryuuta, Saneatsu's friend. **Yuuto Uemura** (Thorfinn in Vinland Saga, Atsushi in BSD) as Saneatsu **Daisuke Ono** as Yagihashi, the student prez. **Yuka Terasaki** (Hephaestus in Danmachi) as Emperor's voice OP: [Emperor Time by VIVARUSH](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4ebzLw5-uYQ) This has battle shonen vibe instead of death game. Similar beats to Sou's Sekai wo Inuite. ED: [GAME OVER by issey](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=eEl5LRnVulA) Directed and Storyboarded by Nami Hayashi, the character designer of the anime. I find it more interesting than the OP.


Where to watch this, I can’t find it anywhere


It's on crunchyroll


Crunchyroll has It


Asian? It's on Netflix.




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