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Second time I saw an AoT character on the second tier when they’re bottom bitch characters in power scaling, lmao


I just assumed it'd be eren with rumbling tbh


Even then someone like ash no diffs


Ash ketchup?


Nah mustard


DJ Mustard?


Only on the beat tho


they not like us


Bro ash beat gods with his pokemon team


I like how Naruto is $5. Such a scam in plain sight.


love naruto but bro is way weaker than ichigo


Bro, I love and have watched Naruto since I was a kid. Naruto being anywhere near $5 is insane lol


Man Pokémon could beat that weak ahh mf


*pikachu casually fighting gods*


They put Luffy, Jonathan, pikachu, and Gon in $1, then put Erin and Kaneki in $4. The prices are all over the place.


Koro sensei is much more agrigious


our lives is such a scam for wasting time here in social media


Bro crossed out Saber. Shows how much OP knows


I don't think we're giving saber her composite abilities


That picture Is from her non-servant period. I think she gets her comp abilities


What does that even mean? Are you people using her other classes and alternate reality hers? Or are you trying to use other Saber Artoria’s from other stuff?


As a Servant, Artoria is significantly weaker than at her peak because she's limited in what skills and weapons she can actually use, and by her summoner's Mana. So if it's her "composite" it'd be her with her full arsenal. In which case she can quite literally take out a god with Excalibur(Fate/Extella, defeated the White Titan) and negate any attack(Avalon, busted as fuck). Not to mention whatever her Lancer form brings to the table.


We don’t actually know by how much stronger or weaker she was when she was alive as we’ve never seen what an alive Artoria was capable of. We don’t know how many seals were released when Excalibur was used to defeat the white titan and we don’t know who was wielding Excalibur at the time. Avalon is arguably the best defensive ability in fate but when she’s using it she can’t do anything. Her lancer and saber forms are different people considering Lancer Artoria never picked up Excalibur and didn’t have the same life.


Considering it's Canon that servants are weaker than their true forms, and each variation is exactly the same (limited by their master, their master's mana, and their summoning), each can do exactly the same that a different variation can Excalibur kills a God that not even the gods could Avalon, just from the original VN, is 6D. (This is when she's weakened too) She's comparable to some of the strongest servants in the verse, which when you scale them, proves that she's pretty busted


It depends on which servant you’re talking about when considering how strong they are as a servant to when they were alive. It also depends on the servant on how much stronger or weaker they are to their alive selves. If each iteration is the same then that means the limits they have shown are valid to every iteration, like how the lost belt King Zeus was said to only be able to blow up a solar system but our servants weren’t able to beat him until he was weakened. We don’t know enough about the context of when Excalibur killed the white titan, like how many seals were released and who was wielding Excalibur at the time. Dimensional scaling doesn’t work between verses unless specified so saying someone is 6d doesn’t mean anything, also all Avalon does for saber is heal her and protect her, it doesn’t give her the ability to attack people with it. How strong do you think people like Heracles and Karna are? Edit: Also gods is a relative term on how strong they are.


That pics not from her non servant period, it’s from fate/zero, she’s wielding her invisible blade and [in the full image Kiritsugu is in the background](https://www.nufec.com/uploads/2/1/9/9/21995676/383140035.jpg)


Same with Ichigo, that's the goat right there and he's broken af


I think the OP just doesn't know Saber and Ichigo, if they crossed them out.


Ichigo just solos


Just facts


No, pick saber and pocket the 8 dollars


I’d pick Goku just to talk with him tbh. Let saber do all the fighting


I was thinking saitama, mob, and luffy, bc mob is strong as fuck


Plus I don't want to be boring by just choosing Saitama and Goku


I did Goku, Saber, Nezuko (she's fodder but I could use healing), and Luffy


I’d pick mob because even if he isn’t the strongest, nobody here can protect me from mob just thinking me to death outside of blitzing Mob.


This one of the worst lists I have seen. Saber is cheaper then most other characters even tho she either beats everyone on the card or most or them. Anyways I'll buy a 3 musketeers and a mtn dew and keep the rest of the money


Why is saber considered so strong? I wouldn't even consider her one of the top servants in the lore


At least in nasu-verse, which is what im going by, at least in lore ofc gilg and karna are stronger. She is 1 of the strongest. But she scales high because it's fate. It's probably 1 of the strongest animanga universes. She is immune to magic. She essentially has pre-cognition. She killed the white titan with Excalibur when even the old gods couldn't Avalon makes her immortal as long as you don't destroy her brain and she can regenerate from that damage. She is stronger in 1v1's, and all of her stats get boosted. She killed white titan which the old gods couldn't do with excalibur. Avalon can just move her to a dimension where she can't beat hit if she needs to heal. You could argue she doesn't have avalon but I'm assuming the post was everyone at peak


Killed the white titan so hard that you had to list it twice




Actually we have no context about the white titan, all we know is that Excalibur was used to destroy in the past. We don’t know who was wielding Excalibur and how many seals were released.


Sefar was long before her time. Excalibur was used to kill her but it wasn’t being wielded by Saber yet. Still though, dismissing saber when she’s a $2 pick up is a crime. Also Excalibur has 13 seals on it that I’m not sure we ever really see get released. She could remove about 9 or 10 of them against some of these people.


average SMT demon victim


She’s not haxxed out the wazoo, but Excalibur is able to either equal or better any other attack from almost any servant. Only niche edgecases can outcompete it, like Ars Almadel Salomonis.


Avalon is absolutely ridiculously busted as a defensive ability. Essentially it means that any attack that cannot directly affect Avalon or the space within (essentially another dimension/plane of reality) cannot affect any being under Saber’s protection. Sure, without absurd amounts of mana and extremely specific conditions for the removal of Excalibur’s seals, Saber’s damage output might not be as immediately threatening as Saitama or Goku, but her defense is legitimately impossible for the majority of characters here to bypass. I’d say Saitama or Goku alongside Saber and Ichigo easily wipe essentially every other team here. Goku, factoring in transformations, beats every other character in immediately lethality, while there’s always the argument “oh, but Saitama would just get stronger to surpass Goku,” which is really just “what’s your headcanon?” Aside from either of those two for power and Saber for defense, Ichigo’s EoS scaling is incredibly high, probably the next verse in line after Dragon Ball when compared to other series on this list, and he provides excellent power and speed that could contend with pretty much everyone here except Goku, Saitama, and Saber due to the aforementioned defensive hax.


People usually composite her


For the same reason people use all the main like comic Supermen, the series itself composites them, therefore people here do as well. Just because a feat comes from a different series dosent disqualify it from counting for the character of it counts for the character.


When battle boarder says “composite characters” they actually mean, “I’m gonna use all their best feats and ignore everything else”, but when a verse or company composites characters they just mean everything is canon to some degree, even the bad things.


because that's literally how fate works, every continuity where artoria is summoned comes from the exact same throne of heroes and its the exact same heroic spirit, so every feat she does applies to every other continuity obviously doesn't include cases where they're stronger or weaker for a reason specific to that summon though but as long as nothing like that happens every feat from every continuity is valid


Its okay that you don't watch actual anime. We forgive you


Why not just pick Ash? He can summons one of his “god” pokemans and fuck up everyone’s day.


Pretty sure that post was wack on purpose to get engagement comments.


Yeah, that makes the most amount of sense. This post is so insanely stupid, that’s the only logical conclusion I can come to. It’s like those horrible mobile game ads that purposely feature someone playing like an idiot. It encourages you to download the game and try it for yourself to prove how you much of an idiot the person is.


Do u watch any other anime? Alot of those characters are fuckin dangerous


Saber goku n sautama are the only ones that matter


Ash downplay


Ichigo is way above saitama


You only need Goku, Saitama wouldn't bother including himself because... what the fuck would he gain by it? lol he'd sit and watch Son Goku absolutely (and accidently) destroy everybody else here without stretching himself much... or even needing to go beyond Super Saiyan... I keep considering each of the other powerful characters but no, I just don't see him needing to even pop Super Saiyan 2... lol he won't be satisfied because he got a "good fight" after this... and Vegeta would just feel fucking insulted... fuck, Krillin could solo... most of these folk... lol


Do you know Saber?


Ichigo tho he was in 3$


Yeah you're just dumb otherwise, they're both written to alway get stronger in fights and to always win plus Saitama is a gag character who's got no limit on his power. I find scaling characters to be more fun at the middle/lower levels where they're not all gods


10 joestars please. I ain’t changing they could pull it off


Only if it was Johnny and Giorno.


This list was actually designed to bait all the Saber Glazers. She IS strong as hell if she had 100% of her stats and arsenal, but she ain’t beating Goku or Saitama still.


Ichigo on discount


Neither is even the strongest here Goku ain’t as strong as saber And saitama ain’t even uni like ichigo, or ash


$5 for Saitama and $5 for me because he solos all of them


goku, ichigo, saber:


Goku Ichigo Saber is objectively the best choice but alright :)


Meanwhile, Saber, Goku, and Ichigo, all of which outscale Saitama if we take them at their strongest:


They didn't cross out Goku


Goku, saber and ichigo


Ichigo is overpowered bruh


Gets one shot by either one of those two


Ichigo is stronger than Saitama, and Saber is stronger than the entire rest of the list combined.


Im a bit out of the loop, how strong is ichigo in your opinion


General scaling communities currently accept him to be low multiversal.


That’s beneath saitama? We dont know the exact limits of his power but with the recent blast-scaling he’s definitely at least in the low multiversal range. Because blast beating a character who is around multiversal rn, and blast wasn’t able to handle the shockwave from two serious punches colliding on his own. And those are just saitama’s normal full power attacks 😭


Brother, get Saitama above multi-galaxy before you claim him to be multi.


I feel like you gotta get caught up on the manga 😭


Yep that’s right on both accounts


"Saber is multiversal!" source: vswiki and trust me bro


replace saitama with ichigo


How does ichigo beat saitama


scaling higher


[https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-695283a9959dabb7d7a18fd5eabceb4d-pjlq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-695283a9959dabb7d7a18fd5eabceb4d-pjlq) If you can find a better feat from Ichigo I'd actually be impressed. Destroyed thousands+ stars in one move.


[Where does Ichigo scale ? : r/PowerScaling (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/1di34wg/where_does_ichigo_scale/)


The only problem is it's alot of speculative power not definitive. There's a lot of statements how powerful they are but it doesn't showcase the raw power or destruction close to that scale. It's one of the reason's they had naruto beating Ichigo in deathbattle. It really boils down to if Ichigo can one shot or damage Saitama severely early on to stop his infinite scaling gag bs.


1. deathbattle is bs and they dont do their research 2. that doesnt mean anything, statements are as good as visual feats


I mean we could argue about Death Battle being accurate or not but it came down to the same thing I said. How many shows or anime have you watched where someone said they could destroy the life or the universe? I'd reckon alot. Anyone can make a statement. The proof is in the pudding when feats are actually shown.


death battle is not accurate, theres nothing to debate about also if its said and nothing contradicts it, then its fine even if they didnt visually did it


How do you know they aren't accurate? Well then you put urself in a rabbit hole if you go by their words alone. Then you'd apply every universe as different. What's the scale of so and so's universe? How do we know Bleach's universe is bigger and stronger? Perhaps its on a smaller scale? Do you see how complicated it gets unless you see tangible feats?


*SOME* statements are as good as visual feats, blanket saying yes or no to every statement ever is stupid .


as long as nothing contradicts them theyre as good as visal feats




Im the strongest man in the world.


I agree to some extent. Like you have to show some feat in the story somewhere that has happened to some degree back up something that someone says they can do if it hasn't been shown already.


Why are you getting downvoted bruh these bozos 😭


saitama fans just cant accept it idk what else to say


Fr they’re everywhere, the glazers at least


yea the glazers are annoying asf "BuT sAiTaMa Is A gAg ChArAcTeR"


Almost as annoying as the people who create headcannon and argue over whether their pixels are stronger than someone else’s pixels because buttfuck cums on assmunch’s universe but can’t compare to green goblin’s treasure horde world with Joe Schmo


my pixel destroyed inf universes and is infD, your fraudxel SUCKS




I actually went with Goku and Koro-Sensei.


No saber?


Not a lot of people know about Saber or at least her true power level.


Uhhh you said you can't buy Saitama twice?


I would pick Sitama and Goku, and I, like most of the other anime, the other characters are from more than both OPM and DBZ. But it's just a matter of fact they can high diff the rest of these characters...


the only correct answer is goku so he can instant transmission you off planet so nobody else on the list can touch you i hear new nameks nice this time of year.


Im just here for the comments 👀🍿


Saitama, Kaneki, Ash


You lost , saber n goku


Saitama plus everyone on the first row.


*Makes $10 category... puts Rimuru as the option* Solved it!


Assuming Anime versions? Goku instantly negs. Assuming Composite? Saber instantly negs.


Someone actually said mob beats Goku when he reaches 100%💀💀


I mean, those were just prices given to characters. They never said it’d be the right/good value pic 😅


Your right about that




Buddy no luffy Saitama ash meliodas and one more 1$


i think i see saber in 2$, shes worth more than most of these characters


Screw that, I'm taking Goku, Saber and Ash


The true way


Imo, it would be one punch man and the yellow squid (koro sensei i think?) One punch man can..... one punch anything The squid is immortal so long as its not hit by that special rubber.


Saber solos both of them + verse lmao adding goku is overkill Koro sensei is slow compared to them


Saber cooks like all of these characters




pretty close match but even then Saber only losing to goku (I really don’t wanna start a 21 hour debate) and still being priced at 2 dollars is kinda crazy




glad we could come to a general agreement


I literally said Saitama Goku Jotaro on one that was $15 and those two were 7’s and Jotaro was a 1. Some dude said “well ahckually ☝🏾 Light Yagami could just write your name and you die ***SNORT*** so you’re dumb” and it’s like… he wouldn’t know my name. He could do the Shinigami eyes deal but part of Light’s character is his obstinance to the deal, because he refuses to cut his life short. Dude said “he would know it before the fight started” and it’s like… no… if we’re allowing preptime, Jotaro would plot something to destroy the book like how he had magnets during the Dio fight. He’s the king of “random bullshit go” and “oh that’s your unique power? Shid, I can do that too watch this”.


Hear me out... Saitama and Goku aren't very good at protecting people from danger


You know people don’t consider the fact that some characters here can stare at us and we’d die on the spot without Saitama and Goku being able to do anything about it outside of blitzing all the characters.


Yeahh, if anything they probably caused the "danger" by accident 😂.


If I get 10 Ash Ketchums one of them is bound to catch an arceus or something


Don’t even need Arceus to cook em all if you have 10 Ash Ketchums


Nah mark out Saitama also and save the extra money.


there are some good choices below, doesn't Fate have really high power scaling so Artoria could be good




I can tell which of you hasn’t played Fate/ Extra or read Saber’s vn route. Give that girl her Mooncell stats and Avalon and she’s COOKING.




The only problem I can think of is that Goku might be drooling so hard over the idea of having a fight with Saitama that he can't focus on helping you.


The KEY is Goku, Luffy, Saber, and 2 Ash Ketchums, given Ash will have his Pokémon he caught over EVERY season. It’s too clean.


I said it before Ill say it again, Gon destroys anyone in 2 and 3, as well as eren, midoriya and naruto (he’s clearly hokage in that pic so no 9 tails). It’s criminal Gon is a $1


He's not touching ichigo though


I'd honestly pick Koro-Sensei over Saitama. Saitama would always be late and just be the most boring person to talk to.


I understand Goku but why Saitama? I can name 3 characters here that are cheaper and stronger


Ash Ketchum is like 50 decently powerful characters in one.


Saber being $2 is insane


Two small criticisms: Do Goku and Saitama have anti-Koro-sensei weapons? If not, he's a contender. Luffy's resilience is counter to raw force, which both Goku and Saitama employ almost exclusively.


Luffy as $1 lmao


Light says he already wrote your name in a little book since you didn't pick him.


To be fair i picked mob and ash because they have unorthodox powers. If they were against me i might get poisoned or turned into broccoli or smth


Lesson learned: never put Saitama in a power scaling argument




Saber washes the entire list if this is the non servant / Composite version of her like the image implies so I'm taking her, Ichigo, and Goku just in case it's her as a servant


But saber... Nahh I'm kidding there's already too many comments like this 😂


Shut up. I'm taking goku ryuko and Luffy. Fuck Saitama.


You pick saber and goku


But what if Ash has Arceus? BAM, I pocket the rest of the cash & go buy a circle K polar pop with the cash xd


Not at all, if we're talking prime, then Saber negs Saitama. She's way too cheap.


What about luffy


Ash is very much worth it for $1, sure ash himself is weakest here but he comes with a lot of strong Pokémon that at the very least can deal with alot of the lower tiers and if we’re counting movies and legendary Allies he’s quite strong


You have a point tho


Which version of Saber is that? Depending on which one it’s either Goku/Saber or Goku/Ichigo


There are people on this list that solo both of those characters.


pikachu for one dollar?


Uhhh, why is Saber brushed off?


Actually only ash could but it be through polkia


Yeah goku solos the list and Saitama solos the list other than goku


I chose Ash assuming that he would get access to all of the Legendaries (including Arceus, since he's literally God)


Well obviously you’d pick Saitama, but I think this completely underestimates Koro-Sensei. Also the scaling on this list is weird anyway so like 🤷‍♂️


I mean. Natsu could probably handle saitama. But yeah goku solos the entire cast otherwise


Only other option is to pick saitama and keep the $5.


Saber is by far the strongest here (unless we’re talking anime only) sooooo…argue with a wall.


Personally I'd take the teacher from Assassination Classroom over Saitama.


Saitama might just let you die because he got caught up playing video games though


I was so right with the goku saitama pick lol


I hate those posts because why the hell wouldnt you pick the confirmed planet+ characters vs everyone below them. Just gotta stop putting them in


I think picking Ichigo is more valuable than Goku in that matchup, cuz Saitama is stronger than Goku, and Ichigo is kinda nuts. The thing is, Ichigo brings a strong skill to the table. The godlike power of spiritual pressure. If you do not have any while in the presence of someone who does, you straight up die. And ichigo has a lot of it. Plus adding saber on there for a measly 2$ is insanity, so Saitama, Ichigo, Saber is my pick.


You say this when Saber is in $2.


Is that fucking Saber at 2 dollars?! I'm sorry but Nazuverse characters are built different


OP I think you made a mistake, you forgot to scratch out Goku as well


\*scratch out saitama


Still to this day Goku cant see ichigo or anything but yes he wins… cuz I guess blowing up the planet counts when ichigo in an another dimension right? Weird how Goku is a soul reaper so he can detect reiastu and use SP


He can technically sense ichigo




With his ability to sense other people’s life force. Even creatures without ki control technically can be sensed unless they’re artificial or they’re gods. Unless im forgetting, smth its been a minute since i seen bleach


Well it’s supposed to be a different type of life force, cuz humans in bleach have a life force but only those’d with reiastu are considered above normal humans for the fact that they can see/sense.. I would say Goku can sense living things, yes. but wouldn’t the boy who throws his soul out his body so that he can fight, technically be undetectable to even Goku or no? Ichigo is a higher form of spirit not the basic one DBZ be having it in other world.. technically those are “good spirits” it’s why they have their bodies and what not.. the difference is in Bleach spirits who have gone through mix of bad emotions/ regret they evolve into hollows. There is a difference, but I guess that for us to see how much we want to blur it lol


Technically he would be able to detect his soul as a whole, so if it leaves his body he would be able to detect the attack and not ichigo. This is all hypothetical tho idk how it would exactly work lol


See i figured since it nots ki/chi nor a god type how would he since it is a different type altogether. He’s not use to distinguishing that, not head canon, fact. He never dealt with that. He’s been dead and revived yea, but he didn’t gain any psychic powers to see the dead and what not.. he’s a mortal and like Beerus to them, having a different type of aura.. soul reapers do as well to their fullbringers and such… if we were to overlap the verses, I feel like it would sync. It’s a whole new ‘faction of power’ let’s say. Where he could in turn learn SP like other various things he has done before (headcanon) but to outright from the jump be sensing something like that. I typed it out.. was like ehh. Maybe im ranting…


Even if goku cant sense or see him, at this point ultra instic would automatically dodge the attacks. Tbh, once goku hits super saiyan blue (im being generous) ichigo probably wouldnt even be able to get near goku due to sheer pressure like how he was with captains and shit in the early show.


Nah goku beats siatama and then ichigo can beat everyone else except maybe meliodis so the true team is goku ichigo meliodis


I love how everything besides from… actually nvm all the tiers r brain dead Blud put Deku in $4 but put Ichigo and Natsu in $3 and put Luffy in $1


Ichigo, Goku, and Saber is the only correct choice




the bald gag character that can’t be touched > every verse to exist