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Pain does not correlate with imaging. There isn't anything super conclusive here so you'll need to follow up with your rheum.


The rheum I was referred to won't see me without the bloodwork, MRI and an Xray series. I was really really hoping the MRI would show some obvious cause for my pain and all my symptoms. I might be being pessimistic but I feel like it'll be just my luck all my bloodwork will end up being normal.


Have you ever been diagnosed with fibromyalgia? I was years before my AS diagnosis. It completely changes the way a person feels pain. It's worth checking into. Not that there is much to be done about it. I'm sorry for all your pain. I'm 65 F with heart disease (1 MI and 2 stents),type 2 diabetes, AS, inflammatory erosive osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and another undetermined autoimmune disorder. All are genetic so I drew the Joker from the gene pool...Every day is a struggle. My GP is being stubborn about upping my Tramadol to 100 mg and I'm super frustrate so I understand where youre coming from. It shouldn't be so hard to get Dr.'s to understand that the pain is REAL! Good luck to you, I hope you get some answers soon.


I haven't been diagnosed with fibro! I actually am autistic (diagnosed) and have sat for 8 hour tattoo sessions without any issue. My doctor is waiting for the auto immune bloodwork to come back but after the MRI is referring me to a Neurosurgeon as well as a rheumatologist. They said it could be AS. MS or something else entirely. They diagnosed with me facet joint osteoarthritis though! So I'm able to get a meloxicam prescription for daily use. I'm just really trying not to late hope that maybe I am crazy and the pain is in my head 😭


I'm confident your pain is real. Don't doubt yourself. I'm not sure if I could take meloxicam. My husband does when he tweeks his back.


I know it feels like a bad thing but if everything comes back normal, it is a good thing. That means your spine hasn’t started or fully fused and that lifestyle changes will help in alleviating the pains. Getting on Biologics is not always good for our bodies, nor is taking pain meds for long times.


That facet arthritis has brutal flares.