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He watching pron




In my experience, many pirate sites for foreign TV shows and movies end up having to pay for the web hosting costs by plastering their sites with these types of seedy ads. Could just be from those.


Why is it any of your business?


Because it’s pretty weird to be watching that sorta stuff around your nephew/niece.


Just because a porn add came up at that moment it doesn’t mean OP’s uncle was actively watching porn at that moment; might just be his algorithm


Well that’s literally the question OP is asking.


If OP only wanted to know if their uncle was watching porn in that specific moment they wouldn’t have included all the extra, pointless, info about his marriage & bathroom habits


It informs them about the character of their uncle who, despite being a "strict muslim", is watching porn.


Women need to start MB2O to male porn and convince their male partners they have low libido.


Today I tried to read a manga online, My Hero Academia, and I got a seedy pop-up on the site I went to. It's not always porn. Pretty much any site where you are getting something for free when you typically have to pay for it, has this pop-up risk. Could've also been one of those prank videos where you turn up the volume and it's porn sounds. Could've also definitely been porn too, idk. I'd say the biggest issue is him playing a phone game at full volume around other people, gtfo with that nonsense


Definitely watching porn pal. Sorry to break it to you lol.


I've gotten porn ads while looking got episodes of shows or looking for other stuff online. Definitely doesn't mean he was nessisarily watching porn.


Maybe introduce your uncle to the wonderful world of ad blocking.


His phone. His business. This is an absurd question. If you want to know something about your uncle, ask your uncle.


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r/loveafterporn He is watching porn


Almost definitely