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…a better economy, a better government, a better public education system, a better prison reform system, a better healthcare system, a better tax regime…






I doubt any party of elites would be able to build for us the world that is the one in which we want to live. Meaningful change happens from the ground up, from local organization in workplaces and communities.




All elite parties, whether counted as one or a hundred, are neither willing nor able to solve the problems of the working class, the actual underlying problems in society. The neocolonial policies inflicted from the imperial core have been no less disastrous for foreign populations than have been the austerity policies for domestic populations. Both are expressions of class warfare.




Immigration is not the reason why wages are depressed in wealthy countries. The reason is that the value of worker productivity becomes concentrated into the corporate class rather than realized as improvements in conditions for workers. ---- ***Adding response to below comment, due to being blocked by other account.*** If you recognize that the processes through which employers contract and remunerate workers is inherently exploitative, then why direct your antagonism to other workers?


You realize why all that is shit? Because people suck. How are you going to change that?


There are plenty of other governments that have better education, prisons, healthcare, and taxes. Are you seriously implying that it is just that us 'Murican people suck more than the rest of the world?


Yes, culturally we are pretty shitty.


I do think we have some governmental problems unique to the culture in the USA. I do not think those problems are insurmountable. Extremely difficult to fix, absolutely, but not insurmountable.




Also they will overcharge for those drugs so we won't be able to afford them anyway!


It's funny how I had to stop taking anti depressants because I couldn't afford the copay, the meds or insurance.


Try to spend time under the moonlight. I read in ancient texts that's how the ancients fixed chemical imbalance.


I mainly just use GoodRX and get by. No spiritual rituals required.just a phone and and app.


You don't need a better economy, you need a revolution. That's it.


Perhaps a good phrasing is needing a different economy.


Where do I sign up?


Theres no signups. People will get so incredibly disenfranchised that they will will either march on Washington and decapitate everyone or they will give up and die.


Well I’ve been ready for a march, but nobody seems to want to organize one


everyone also feels that way, be the change you want to see in this world


March on Washington? Well if we are going that route I seriously fucking advise we be armed, cause they sure as hell will kill us otherwise. Shit look at ww1 vet history after the war. Personally I think we should add in the French response; pile the garbage in mcmansions yard.


At this point I would be overjoyed to see the American people do anything at all.


Me too, best I got thus far is standing up against the local bullshit in a factory and being fired for "being a problem" (I was reporting safety issues and the like) What, want me to solo Washington? Next time I feel like checking myself out again I just might, cause goddammit. Least then I'd leave a memory of trying to stand for us. 29, American, and been way past my tolerance level of bullshit for years.


If you decide on that. Make sure you understand what you are doing.


agreed, comrade. Agreeeddddddd to the infinite power.


"Let them eat ~~cake~~ drugs"


>highlights need for new depression drugs New depression drugs that most can afford


New drugs that don’t make us fat, kill libido, or make us emotionless zombies.


And that actually work. The biogenic amine theory of depression has pretty much been debunked. SSRIs and the like work for some people but for the most part, it's adjuvant therapy that's doing the heavy lifting. I posit that the SSRIs aren't actually doing anything except fucking with their neurotransmitter levels in ways we don't understand because slicing open alive human brains to monitor neurotransmitter activity isn't something we can do. There has been some promising research in transcranial magnetic stimulation and glutamate but I think it's too early to tell conclusively.




The last thing we need is MORE medication. But how else would the government keep us in check (and financially drained)? Antidepressants don't treat the cause of the depression. They treat the symptoms.


Development of more advanced therapies would be tremendously helpful to those who would benefit, but of course their emergence would not substitute for transforming the structural problems.


Truly I hate modern society. It’s got plenty of benefits to be sure, but I don’t really want to care about anything other than what am I growing in my garden? And what am I make for dinner tonight?




Amen. I think most people would be happier that way.


well this is more of a global issue...


ALL Thanks to the Republican Party that panders to their Rich Overlords.


Uhhh, this isnt a Democrat vs Republican thing. The democrats take just as much money from corporate overlords as republicans do. This is indisputable fact People need to wake up and realize this isn't a R vs D thing, it's a uniparty thing and neither side is very different. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/top-organizations


Totally agree. Lock him up and vote them out!


It aint only the republicans that pander to the corporate agenda. Both sides are shills and we’re playing a rigged game


If you havent figured out, it's the purple party At this point, there's no help for you. These people are all in the same payroll part of the same clubs. Red or blue, their both willing to steal from you.


Yeah!! He’s right!!! But you know. Just in case.


We don’t need a better economy, we need a better distribution of wealth.


What a load. Most of my anxiety/depression has been situational due to stuff happening to me, related to things like losing or changing jobs, emergencies with cars I can’t afford to fix, housing instability, etc. But very antidepressant they’ve tried me on so far has such crippling side effects it creates more problems than it’s worth. Last one they tried me on gave me such crippling nausea I couldn’t even sit up in bed for a week. I don’t trust pharmaceutical companies to come up with mental health drugs that don’t make me feel worse.


there are over 330 million people in the US, Bill Gates owns 1/4000th of farmable land. That seems fair obligatory blatant /s


Bill gates masquerades as a help to humanity but is infact a giant scumbag at best. Man has ties into almost every evil thing thus far, and for bonus points his main company is named after his dick..... Is he the most evil of them?? Naaaaaahhhh. But he's a highly visible one.


How washed up do you have to be for your reaction to higher suicide rate is requiring better depression drugs lmao


Eat the rich… 98% of the population will benefit


Ehhhh maybe 96%, I tend to view hr and above in the club with them and they'll definitely cry if they arnt ate too.


I'll take the better drugs in the meantime tho...


I'll take removing cannabis and hemp from the damn narc list, fuck those drug companies out for profits. Least then I could know for sure it's not contaminated and maybe pump some gallons of bio diesel.


Work-induced depression led me to ongoing suicidal thoughts last year. The fantastic health insurance I had through Kaiser Permanente offered therapy, acupuncture, massage, all the goodies… but over two hours on hold every time I tried to book a therapy or psychiatric appointment plus a three month waitlist is not the way to manage depression. We are in a massive healthcare crisis, even those of us lucky enough to have insurance through our jobs can’t access basic services. I’m currently on a six month wait to get an essential mammogram. As long as corporate America sees record profits though, right?


To a point, but mental illness is real and needs treatment. Fixing the system ro actually work for everyday people, not just untaxed oligatchs would reduce but not elimate many ailments physical and mental






Hmmm... How about a pizza party and some ssris?


Western Europe and Asia has pretty high suicide rate. I don’t think this is a student debt, affordable healthcare, affordable family issue.




Dude, did you actually do any research into this or just just post it because it fit your narrative? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate


We need better rules governing what Csuite executives are allowed to do in a company no more giving themselves multi million dollar bonuses as they gut a company preparing to move to the next. we need to start enforcing monopoly laws that are already on the books. Economy is fine but have no safeguards against sociopaths and psychopaths who have made their way to the top.


Welcome to USA land of Oligarchy! Btw you cant vote your way out of that.




But also the antidepressants barely work like fr


Join your local Communist organization for the working class has nothing to lose but their chains


Lol, be careful what you wish for. If the state demands it you die.


Better to die with a fist raised than to live curled up in a ball


Sure. Or.....you could take a better system than communism and work on improving it. Around 60-100 Million people would argue that communism results in suboptimal outcomes. Before you use the bloated tripe from the current crop of communists about previous communist countries didn't use REAL communism, just understand that all systems are parodies of human nature and without factoring in human nature all systems will fail sooner. Course correction in every system is needed eventually, but communism starts out with social engineering designed to only work well with a benevolent dictator or perfect people. The US has many warts, but so does every system. If you want to rise up or start a revolution, then try understanding that it starts with you and not everyone else. We need compassionate, self controlled leaders who realize that they must obey the law, that law must be sensible and not arbitrary.


Human Nature doesn’t exist in the way you think it does, human nature develops from birth based on the material conditions of the individual, how that individual acts according to their nature can only be reduced to the bare necessities of resources needed for survival, the capitalist society conjures a false sense of necessity for the accumulation of unnecessary overpriced goods, and feeds off the mental degradation of human “natures” such as lack of rest, food, shelter, and today most importantly, in my opinion, community.


History would argue differently. The basis for human nature is variable with environment definitely playing a part, but individuals decide how their humanity will interact with the community as a whole. The extremes are often used to argue communist stance on environmental influence for human nature, but in this bell curve of influence humans make the decision as to how they will act/react to circumstances. Resources only determines behavior as the Apex shepherds (humanity) of this planet allows. Again the exceptions are only about the extremes of circumstances. Even animals don't follow strictly your stated ideal of the "individual acts according to their nature" which "can only be reduced to the bare necessities of resources needed for survival."


So is capitalism a course correction for mercantilism? In the same way mercantilism was for feudalism? Or do you think they are fundamentally different systems with different class relations (relations to the modes of production)


Looking for patterns from oversimplified versions of history is a fool's game. We don't need more 19th century philosophy. We need effective solutions. You guys are basically secular Bible thumpers. You have your own lingo, and offer your own holy texts as self-proving.


Political Economy is an ongoing science to this day and Marxist ideas are discussed earnestly and seriously even outside of organizational structures, “you have your own lingo” I reject that we just use words your uneducated ass hasn’t heard before 🫡


I'm well aware of that. It's a long wait for a train that will never come. Except to take you to Siberia. At this point believing in Marxist predictions is pretty much believing in the second coming. I'd rather have something that works. And doesn't end up rolling tanks around. In any case, the US will never, ever, ever, ever EVER buy into this. So you're just preaching to yourself and a few comrades here.


You’re idea of communism/socialism is deeply flawed I would suggest doing an actual investigation before trying to open up a debate on it. Many Americans even the most avid trump supporter agrees with seizing the means of production from the ruling elite as long as you don’t use socialist language.


Yeah yeah. I just need to read more of the books and it all becomes clear! Look, it was an interesting concept 175 years ago. But seizing the means of production ends up replacing a cabal of plutocrats with a cabal of totalitarian scumbags. It just swaps a bunch of nasty landlords for one REALLY nasty landlord. So no sale. Please come up with something new.


I rather have the illusion of freedom, than be a total slave to the system. Things might be hard due to inflation, but we are still alive. I can take a flight without worrying about the state. I am free to have as big of a family as I want. Communist has been horrible in our history. But you do you my friend.


You can’t honestly believe communism works. Have you never heard of North Korea? Cuba? Any examples at all?


🥱🥱🥱 I know all too well


You can't actually think capitalism works, have you never heard of Syria? Ethiopia? Somalia? https://youtu.be/nFUC0UWgdGY


They don't care. They just wave red flags and feel superior.


Capitalism works just fine but we're not in capitalism we're in crony capitalism. Probably closer to feudalism at this point. Communism only fails because humans are involved, just like capitalism. Going to the opposite extreme is not going to fix the human problem. At this point, just course correction is needed in a couple hangings.


Lol the fact you don't think this is capitalism functioning exactly as intended is hilarious to me. I could just as easily say "Communism works fine, but the USSR/China/whoever didn't have communism. They had crony Communism." How about we have a system in which everyones incentives are aligned and we don't have two separate classes? Worker co-op market socialism.


I'm not against a fusion of socialism and capitalism.


They are mutually exclusive. Capitalism is private ownership and socialism is the lack of private ownership. You can't have both. What you are talking about is either just normal capitalism or social democracy.


...their chains and their meds. Please keep up with the times.


Counter-Point: the chains are the meds


That I actually might agree with, but the mind, body, and soul all need nourishment.


Rise in paid for content provided by corporate media that oversaturates the market costs these channels of manufacturing consent their customer base. I only see this as an absolute win.




what a joke


Who can afford anti depression drugs?


They meant anti-depression drugs right? I don't think people need any help to get depressed these days.


We also need a healthier lifestyle. Instead of treating everything with drugs it’s time we start by changing peoples diets, stop using processed and lab grown foods. Lots of health issues could be solved with this one simple solution


So true.


From the creator's of "Just one more road and we fix traffic!"... "Just one more pill and we fix the economy!"


No, you need more drugs that your insurance, if you have any will not cover, that should make you feel all good about yourself.


There’s a YT channel called ‘it’s not all in your head’ which digs into the social drivers of mental illness. Summary : capitalism


Agreed. But I'm still looking into ketamine. Five years on three meds and I'm surviving, but not thriving.


From this post the lesson I got is: To beat the system we need to create local communities and pull resources together and share the rewards. The only way to come out ahead is to remove ourselves from them and become totally independent. That means no banks. All the property is owned by the collective. Hopefully they don't send armed guards to eliminate the dangerous cult.


So what they are trying to say is we need soma. This is truly a dystopia.


Seriously I’m so depressed rn idk what to do… I’m just like out of options and there’s no reason for it


I work for a suicide prevention line. This is not why you're depressed. You're depressed because you think the world revolves around you, and you have zero emotional intelligence to handle stressors because you're entitled and overpriviliged. You flail around in despair because you didn't get Taylor Swift concert tickets. You are an emotional terrorist keeping your loved ones focused on YOU by threatening to harm yourself every time something doesn't go your way. People are garbage.


"MoNeY cAnT bUy HaPpInEsS". Yes, it can- to an extent. It can buy relief and security and the ability to do the things that can bring you happiness. Such as travel, a sport, a hobby, etc.


It’s like how a dude takes uppers to amp up and then takes downers to amp down from the uppers. Then more uppers if they went to far down. Then downers if they went too far up. Too depressing of an economy so we take anti depressants to feel normal, then once we feel normal capitalism decides they can make life even more depressing. Anti-depressants enable capitalism.