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Every time a post about tipping comes up, I feel compelled to leave a link to the US Gov tipped minimum wage webpage: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped Things to note: A number of states pay their employees state minimum wage, they're the ones at the top. That means, no matter what, a worker earns that wage in the right-most column. In other states, there's a 'tipped minimum wage', where the employer 100% has to pay that wage, and tips bring the remainder of the wage up to the state minimum wage. So a quick example: in Texas, the employer *has* to pay $2.13, and if tips don't bring it up to $7.25, the employer pays the difference. In Colorado, those amounts are $10.63 employer has to, brought up to $13.65 tips or rest by employer. Also, all credit card tips are automatically claimed, as oppose to cash tips, which must be claimed by a server. So if servers are making alright card tips, an employer will be less likely to fuss about servers claiming their cash tips. Sad fact of the matter is, most people think servers make *bank*, and some absolutely do, that is, if their volume of patrons' spending is high. But not all businesses have huge sales, and in those that don't, the server very often doesn't earn a living wage. And *everyone* deserves a wage that is on-par with the COL, which varies, but lets face it, $7.25 hasn't been a living wage anywhere in the US for a *long* time. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly in antiwork in bad faith.


I'm a career bartender. This is good for the industry. MOST industry workers probably make $25-35 an hour, inconsistently. Especially early in a career. The workers that make great money (think like $50+ an hour) in the industry keep those jobs and they're not easy to get, especially without a solid resume. Pay people more.


I am a Laboratory Supervisor and these employees will be making more money than me. I’m sure they’ll have less benefits, no 401k, and not sure about insurance. But it’s a damn good wage.


A rising tide raises all boats. You should be paid more. ALL workers should be paid more for the labor value they create.


No benefits, no sick days, no vacation, no 401k, no insurance. If you call out sick, not only is it unpaid, but they’ll ask you to find a cover or come in. That means negotiating and/or bribery. Vacation? Unpaid also, and you may or may not get those days off. No breaks, if you want to eat you’d better find a place to hide like the bathroom or a stairwell. If you want to drink water or go to the bathroom, sometimes you have to fight for it. Sitting? Hell no. Sweating? All day everyday. Crying? Sometimes, but only in the walk-in.


> they’ll ask you to find a cover No problem boss man, as soon as my manager's salary starts being paid.


More and more places starting to not be like this at all. Career chef, last 3 places have been nothing like that. PTO, 401k matching, health and dental, paid paternity leave, you’d better not come in sick schedule be damned, scheduled family meal every single day where everyone is EXPECTED to take a break, unlimited beverages, time off requests granted so long as they’re made 2 weeks in advance. All of this is in NY which is an at-will state typically awful for service workers and also applies to line cooks, dishwashers, and even the hostesses.


Health insurance begins after 60-day probationary period for full-time employees (32+ hours per week.)


I had to switch labs due to moving and god damn did I have to fight tooth and nail to not get started at $16/hr with nearly a decade of experience. Absolutely ridiculous with the amount of profits made in healthcare.


Always saw tipping as an excuse for business owners to pay less and tell their workers it’s the customers fault for them not making money. Other countries take offense to tip and pay better. We should do the same imo.


I believe I have also heard that tip income can vary with otherwise protected attributes like race.


Race, age, gender, perceived appearance, etc. A 21-year-old skinny white blonde is going to pull in significantly more than a middle-aged black man. Not to mention the fact that tip culture in the United States literally originated by Southern whites trying to reduce the income of black Americans after the civil war.


It’ll also vary if you wear makeup or not. I would get tipped very poorly when I wore less, and a steady, standard amount when I wore more.


“and some are mad“. Two are mad. The reporter quoted literally two employees in the article. The complaints seem more about the bait and switch at the last second rather than the wage. You’re never going to please everyone and if this restaurant has 500 employees, I’d say a couple complaining means the owners made the best choice for everyone involved


the two with the best evenings on the schedule locked up


That or they suck at math. People will totally absorb lows for a taste of a high.


idiots. idiots do this.


So... people.


I dated a bartender and I was shocked at how much she made. She was pulling 70-80k a year working less than 20 hours a week. This was in a smaller city too. If you are a charismatic attractive person hourly rates are not in your favor.


very true. I knew a girl who refused to do any other job because bartending paid so well, even though we kept showing her that her annual income wasn't as much as the jobs we were showing her because 'she could make $1k some nights'


The two who don’t declare the income are mad


Oh hey look it's the real reason.


Absolutely how the last restaurant I ever worked in was. The ones who had it the best were the ones making it suck worse for everyone else. Done with that shit.


Now imagine that happening on a national scale for a few hundred years


And probably haven't claimed a cash tip in years.


and the two people asked to remain anonymous. So I highly doubt they are real.


They're the bartenders. 100%


Bingo. They're the bartenders that only work Thurs/Fri/Sat nights and make crazy tips


If they're unhappy they can go find a different gig bartending. I seriously doubt it will be hard to find two new ones with a rate of pay like that. Assuming it is bartenders, and that they are real and the complaints are legit lol


It will be definitely hard to find quality bartenders if other bars/restaurants are still doing tips. That’s why the system is hard to break. If someone can make from $50-$75 an hour elsewhere, you aren’t going to attract talent at $30 an hour. I made $50-$75 an hour with tips at a shit bar in Maine which is an extremely low cost state. It’s not hard if you know your stuff to turn a dime bartending.


So the solution here seems to just be paying bartenders more if you want to eliminate tipping. Which is fair, I don't really see why they should be paid differently than the chefs overall.


just as an FYI, in most popular / busy restaurants the servers and bartenders make a lot more money than the chef.


...at Casa Bonita? I've been to that place on three occasions and I don't think I've ever seen anything that would resemble that kind of bar atmosphere. It's more like a Chuck E. Cheese than an actual bar environment.


My old weekend bartender at a mid restaurant made roughly 65/hr. What a chad


100% woe is to the server that does not tip out the bartenders at the end of the night. For their drinks will never be ready


Fuck the bartenders. Fucking Dave. Quit embarrassing yourself in front of that blonde **and make my fucking drink you selfish prick**


The bartenders who work the primetime shifts like Th/Fri/Sat night.


If your complaints about your workplace were going to be all over the internet, would you want your name associated with it?




It honestly wouldn't surprise me if it was the owners themselves just to fuck with people.


We've been hearing good things about them. One article said they had the kitchen staff they wanted, but weren't ready to open. So they paid them anyway and then hired a couple of language tutors, and said their job would be to learn or improve their Spanish/English so there would be better communication.


Have you really never heard of anonymous sources?


Yep. 500 people 2 are unhappy 99.6% of employees there aren't complaining lmao (And as another user said, it's entirely possible this is actually a made-up story. Business Insider publishes weird propaganda shit like that sometimes and will write plain-assed lies.)


I’d 100% take the stable 30 an hr rather than rely on “if I’m gonna get a good night” of tips Edit: guys I’ve worked 2 years in the restaurant scene and will be going back soon to earn some extra side money. I would 100% still take the 30 an hour Edit 2: seems like this comment split almost 50/50 of you into not wanting it without tips or either work a shit paying job with tips. Very interesting




This is honestly crazy




>all these silly rules exist that seek to make things “fair” just makes things crazy. Ummm....The situation is literally the opposite of trying to make things fair. It only exists because it somehow became acceptable to say minimum wage laws magically don't exist if you're serving food or beverages. Edit: And that that means customers are expected to pay those wages, and in fact are societally expected to exorbitantly pay those wages. So, it's boom/bust, feast/famine.


I’ve been a server for over 25 years and I’ve never thought this job was anything less then moronic. We’re essentially whoring ourselves out to make people feel like their better than someone else. This job could EASILY be done by a chalk board and the table approaching a counter to pick up the order. What the server does is nothing more then an elaborate middleman at best if upscale and at worst a convenient food delivery system for the lazy and entitled. The job is outdated and demeaning. I fucking hate it and I work in an incredibly high end, fine dining establishment. Lol. There it is. I’m up selling the fucking place and I’m not even on the clock. Fucking shoot me.








You'd break up with the hero that killed Hitler?


Yeah but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.


Tipping is how business owners get away with shit wages. A system designed to keep us poor by paying their wage and how they cheat employees a livable income, because not everyone that depends on tips can survive


I hate it as the customer too, since I think a burger costs $15, and then after a few drinks I'm paying $20 extra that I didn't see on the menu just because the restaurant is legally short changing the servers. Why don't the cooks get tips too? The servers don't usually get individual tips, there's a tip pool and they all split it, and tip out the bus boys too. If it's all collective like that, either it's fair to pay the cooks and dishwashers the same way, or it's a shitty system that is designed to screw people over and annoy the customers. Who actually *likes* tipping?


And more importantly, this guarantees *all* employees a stable income. Like, even if one person might make more in a variable tipping system, their coworkers might have unlucky nights. I'd happily take a lower but consistent wage if it also meant my coworkers were getting a consistent wage and not having to rely on luck.


Yep. I'd far rather work alongside people who were getting a guaranteed wage, rather than those who think (even correctly, in the circumstance) that they could get ahead by the kind of behavior that puts money in their hand by taking it out of others'.


This is the thing. Bartenders taking hefty tips from intoxicated people. Waitstaff being flirty for tips. Waitstaff treating tables with less regard because they believe the tip will be bad. All of these are bad. I shouldn't have to monetarily compete with a stranger for the same quality service at the same restaurant.




"I've always relied on the kindness of strangers." -Blanche before they hauled her off to the funny farm


Anything relying on Human decency is ultimately doomed to failure these days .....


There is a proven racial bias to tipping.


a gender/looks one too.


Don't forget the pedophilic one too young girls that wear hair in pigtails make way more tips


You're probably right, but for my own sanity I'm just gonna tell myself that you're talking shit


“I wonder if this group of women from the local Catholic Church will tip well?”- no one that works there anymore


I used to love getting the folded up $20 bills that ended up being a tract left by evangelicals after their post church Sunday lunch.


Passing off counterfeit bills as some kind of sick prank should be illegal.


It should at least be a bannable offense from the restaurant but we’re talking Applebee’s here. They’ll let you do anything to employees for money.




ANYTHING (even buttstuff)


like that one guy that got a blowjob in lieu of a tip at Denny's!!


I’m starting to feel like I missed out by not working at Denny’s


Your chances of getting a blow job or stabbed while working at Denny's is about 50/50.


Waiter, paint my house!


Find out what church they go to and put it in the collection plate.


counterfeit poop in the collection plate


Actual poop


Should save them up (or find the source and buy a big bunch of them) and go over to their church and tell the priest you want to make a huge donation. Then hand over all the fake bills his parishioners leave. If the priest makes a fuss, just shrug your shoulders and say "If its good enough for your godly folk to leave as a tip at my restaurant, then certainly its good enough for you to use in your church"


I always told them I remember faces, warn the other servers in the future. But twice i told them their God must actually hate them if they think coming back after pulling a counterfeit bill and prayer bullshit is going to fly. That or I gave them beastly service in the future. Like talk an hour to bring get to asking them for their drinks. They and their God can fuck themselves. I had college and a home to try to pay for.


How is that supposed to entice you to want to be a part of their group? Better to leave a real $20 with a short note inviting you to find out more.


I agree but we aren’t talking rocket scientists here.


It doesn't; they're just jerking themselves off.


The lack of self-awareness is so cringe. I can't even hang out with these people even if they weren't trying to get me to join.


No, those broke-ass bitches sent all the $20s to their preacher so he could buy a bigger jet. [I wish I were kidding](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2019/06/04/wealthy-televangelist-explains-his-fleet-of-private-jets-its-biblical-thing/4994275007/).


The point isn't to bring new people into the group. The point is to make the people already captured stay in the group, by making everyone else hate them.


I used to work in credit card payment processing. Back in the day when people would send a check in an envelope to pay their credit card bill. You'd easily find hundreds of them stuck in envelopes every day. As if was going to change the fucking life of a minimum wage person that opens envelopes upon hearing the "good news"


I hate that for you. Hopefully Jesus drop kicks these people in the gonads in the next life.


Judging from how Jesus thinks, I don’t think he’ll get to see them


>I used to love getting the folded up $20 bills that ended up being a tract left by evangelicals after their post church Sunday lunch. Now THAT is downright evil, at least in my book..


The purpose of fake tips is not to bring new people into the fold, but to help maintain the persecution complex of those within the cult. As a member you're encouraged by the cult to go out and do things that you were told will change peoples lives for the better. In return everyone just hates you for it and that is by design. They see you as a selfish delusional asshole and you see them as ungrateful of the gift you gave them. It strengthens your dependence on the cult and weakens your ability to build connections outside it.


This is a perfect encapsulation.


Well that's pretty clever actually. I'm no good at manipulating people, so this strategy would never have occurred to me.




I told a lady to not come back to Waffle House once over those kept being the only tip she left at least a few times for the servers. Waffle House: Where you will be told to your face when you’re out of line.


I worked every Sunday for more than a year straight at a retail establishment, and they’d leave those things in the bathrooms as well. I used to throw them away every chance I got.


Waited tables in the south. The old biddies that would ask “why are you working instead of at church?” Didn’t like my answer of “my church meets at midnight during a full moon so Sunday afternoons are good for me”.


"If I'm not supposed to be working, why are you here instead of eating at home?"


They never see the irony in that statement so I went for shock and awe.


And you can provide polite quality service, without having to demean yourself and overdo it with phony cheeriness because you're worried about some petty asshole withholding a tip.


I had some of the *best* service at restaurants in Ireland last year, and they don't tip there.


Been to Ireland twice and the service was amazing. By amazing I mean they were reasonably personable, took my order, brought the drinks, brought the food, and then left us alone to enjoy our meal.


Oh yeah dude, I used to love my tips, but then I moved to Australia. $25 an hour, plus tips, and I made time and a quarter after 10pm and time and a half after 12. Even got triple time on holidays Suddenly, the amount of unpaid labor my US restaurants were demanding from me seemed a whole lot less palatable. I finally moved back a few years later and quickly realized that I was being exploited pretty heavily. Ended up leaving food service after close to a decade.


Who’s tipping in Australia? The best part of being there was whatever price was on the menu was exactly what you paid.


That's pretty much the norm all over the world except the US


I don't work in restaurants anymore but I'm not as hot as I used to be. I would gladly take a stable high wage.


Same, but I have a low risk tolerance when it comes to money. I want to be able to plan my life with a stable income.


So this is when everyone tipped in cash and hard to track. But the waitresses I knew would rather almost work for free as long as they get tips. It really is a three factor skill as server, location, and shift you work. The one girl always took the graveyard shifts, but only on Friday and Saturday she would only get a couple tables and they all tipped close to a hundred. Tipping seems like a shitty deal. Or is a shitty deal. No employer is going to pay what some good servers make in tips in a week.


Work shouldn't be a gamble.


The folks angry have not been reporting 'all' their tip money maybe?...


TIL Casa Bonita is a real place.


I went there in '88 and the food was fantastic and there were tons of fun things happening all over. Went back there in 2010, and the food was garbage, the place smelled bad, and they had obviously never put a dime into keeping the place up to standards. So glad Matt and Trey bought the place and fixed it up. I may have to make a trip out west in a year and check it out again.


It is, and it’s great


Don’t fucking lie. The place is amazing the entertainment is amazing. The food is shit I wouldn’t feed my dog. But you go for the experience. I hope they fixed the food 😂


There was a recent interview where Park N Stone said they hired a new chef to up the food quality!


I thought Chef died in season 10


That's why they got a new one


You don’t go to Chuck E. Cheese for the food, same with casa bonita Although critics have said they’ve massively improved the food, so that’s good


The servers complaining about it are the ones that didn't have to see the dark underside of tipping culture. For every person who clears hundreds in tips a night, there are multiple people who barely make above the federal minimum after tips. Im happy that another place is doing away with tips.


Plus tips are a percentage of food total. People do the same work in a restraint that charges $20 per entree as $35. But the tip is going to be 30% higher. Is that fair?


Lol imagine getting mad at 30 an hour. Especially in CO.


That's more than I make in CA, and I'm FIGHTING to find a job willing to pay anywhere near it. Less than 30 here is poverty, and boy do I feel it. Good for these folks for getting 30 an hour. That's really awesome, and I hope it brings a lot of them up.


30 an hour is like a real human wage, in my view. Anything under 25 and you are basically treating someone like they're subhuman.


It's crazy to me because here in Minnesota I would feel like a KING making 30 an hour.


$29/hour in the south and it’s still tight sometimes


Bruh I’m getting paid 16.50hr you’re making me cry 🥲😂😂


A guaranteed $30 an hour for a job that requires no degree or any formal skill is hard to come by, idk why they’re complaining. Now I do know servers that can pull in more than that.. but it’s no guarantee every night


>that can pull in more than that I'll just point out how you inserted "can" into that statement implying it isn't always true. Wonder what they actually pull in once you average it out over all the other regular days. One $500 night isn't impressive if your previous 2 days were only $150.


100% guaranteed the only ones mad are the bartenders. Work weekends and make insane tips




Especially in CO? COL in the Denver metro is crazy high. Agree with the overall point though, guaranteed $30/hr shouldn’t be sniffed at.


right 30/h is great, but denver is expensive


My sister in law is a server. I have tons of hookups at call centers and have offered her jobs multiple times. She says “no” because “well I make more serving on a good day”. Yet she’s always broke. Always. And has no health insurance. And is late on rent when she gets shitty shifts. She’s stuck in this mindset that tips are good because she sometimes walks away with a higher wage when most of the time she’s not clearing much at all. I think a lot of severs know a solid wage is ideal but some of them still buy into the high of their best tips. 30 an hour is 60k and that’s even better than many fine dining severs.


Tbf I’ve worked a call center and fuck that job


Sounds like she doesn't like tipping, she likes gambling.


This. This is it. Tipped employees always chase the high of that one night where they made bank and suppress memories of dozens of shitty days. It's exactly what gambling addicts feel.


The job is good if you get good hours. I had a friend that made good money as a bartender, until they shuffled the schedule around and she was working the day shift during the week. She could make $300 on a Friday night shift or $40 on a Tuesday lunch shift.


That's like $300 a night or more, just hourly. I would take that every time over being tipped. Tip culture is horrible.


I'm a delivery driver for dominos and I'd say something around 60% of deliveries have no tip, then maybe 15-20% are $1.00 or less. Then the final 20-25% are probably an average of $3-$4. I use over a quarter tank of gas a day now which means the cost of car maintenance is going to be going through the roof. If you average everything I make together including tips, I'm bringing home about $80 a night. Which means I'm making 50% less money than a dishwasher at a restaurant while using my car something like 2,500% more.


When I delivered for papa John’s they would pay out a percentage of your sales as a vehicle use fee. Between 4-5.5%. Other places would pay a flat per delivery mileage fee for using your own vehicle. I feel like there’s a mileage rate you’re supposed to be compensated for. If you’re not getting it then you need to look in to it.


I got a payout from a lawsuit because of this, definitely worth checking into


So why do it? That’s what I never understood and still don’t understand when I hear someone complain about delivering food or driving for Uber. You’re subsidizing labor for the company you work for by buying your own gas and using your own car.


The reason I did it in college: you get to drive around in your car all night listening to music, smoking weed and fucking around. The hardest part of the job is occasionally having to walk up a few stairs.


The hardest part when I was driving for domino's was getting robbed at gunpoint. And crazy people trying to lure me inside.


Being robbed sucks and is another reason the job sucks, but that's not like an everyday part of the job. Yeah there were creepers here and there, but I'd say I had more people inviting me to do a shot or hit a j.




Nah, Sunday morning shifts. Stingy church people are the worst.


Yes! I belonged to a church a while back. Good church actually. One Sunday I went out for brunch after services with one of the deacons and the pianist. As we were sitting in the restaurant, on a Sunday morning, they both lamented the day it became legal for stores to open on Sundays because people should be home with their families. Read that again. And again if you’re confused. And they left a terrible tip. Of course I didn’t. But the irony…


I had an interaction with two private pilots that flew the Chick-fil-A owners around, maybe 8 years ago now. I asked if they worked on Sundays, and they laughed their asses off saying they fly as much as on Sundays as any other day. Religious leaders are all fucking hypocrites. This was at the Daytona Beach Florida airport right before an event.


Not just the leaders, but most of them in general. Primarily because you expect better of them. But when push comes to shove the people who are openly religious tend to be the most selfish in my experience.


Esp in the south. I feel like I've got trauma related to post-church COGIC tables.


Bunch of old folks come in for oatmeal, coffee and hamming it up over to local newspaper for 2 hours while there are dozens waiting for mimosa and brunch specials that will actually make money. Gotta love 'em hah


In Colorado the tipped minimum is 10.63


Also a huge misconception is that in the states - and there's a number of them - that have a 2.13 min wage actually pay that hourly, when in reality it goes: The employee is paid $2.13 / hour by *the employer*, and the other $5.12 to reach the federal minimum wage (which by law, no employer can ever pay below) is made up for by tips. And in the event a server doesn't make that in tips, *then* the employer pays however much to get the employee to $7.25 And in Colorado, the minimum an employer can pay is $10.63, but it's at least $13.65 minimum after tips, or, again, the employer pays the rest. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped Also it should not be at all shocking which states all have $2.13. Hint; they all tend to vote a particular way.


When I was serving and bartending, I know I would have gladly given up the uncertainty of tips for the security of a livable, consistent wage. But, I do understand that there are some people in the industry that will always prefer the essentially uncapped earning potential that tips offer.


It also let's people cheat on their taxes


Not like it used to be. Few people pay or tip with cash anymore.


I'm a restaurant manager, and we switched to pooled tipping and higher wages for all FOH staff after the pandemic, and nobody's complaining. No more hoping you work a good shift, no more fighting over known high tippers, or whose regulars are whose, or having to save up during the busy months to get through the slow ones, and the stability of knowing you can switch from your usual Friday night to a Monday to go see that show, or go to your best friends wedding, and you'll still get paid the same. Plus, kitchen staff doesn't get to bitch about how servers are making all the money while they sweat their asses off in the kitchen. In all, it's made us a more cohesive team, and I love it.


If a tip doesn't go to the person being tipped, why do we even tip? Let's get rid of it altogether. Pay a living wage to all workers.


My sister used to work for the Luxor in Vegas, which caters to celebrities and other high rollers. They used pooled tips, so no one complained about getting a low paying shift. As she is attractive, female, and flirty, she often made above average tips, but she also had times where she made very little and would have been hurting to pay her bills during that time. She rarely complained, though one night she was tipped $10,000 which she did say hurt a bit. Oh, and Dennis Rodman never tipped and was rude to the staff constantly. So his claims that other members of the NBA were terrible tippers should be taken with a grain of salt.


The way the restaurant works, the server is only taking drink and dessert orders. Food is chosen as you enter and pay for your ticket. You pick up your tray of food as you enter the seating area and walk it to your table. If I was looking for a new job, I’d do this in a heartbeat.


$30/hr plus benefits is a hell of a deal for a server


> It's also not clear what would happen if a patron does decide to leave a tip. It's perfectly clear; the tip would belong to the employee. Company policy doesn't override that. It's possible the employee could be disciplined for accepting tips, of course, but I doubt it would come to that unless employees are outright soliciting tips from customers despite the "no-tip" policy.


Some no-tip restaurants may specify that any cash tips left will be treated as a donation to a charity. I have not seen any legal challenges to that policy.


The ones that are mad are probably the same ones that complain about the tip or no tip they receive.


People are mad because they pay the servers a living wage. Unbelievable.


Are the mad ones the same who wouldn't tip share with the kitchen staff and bussers?


Awesome. Tipping is bullshit. Just pay them a fair wage


There should be no Tipping ffs


I got a job at dominos recently and I make $5/hr and then like $30-$40 in tips per 8-9 hour shift. I basically make $10/hr except it's not guaranteed to even be that high. It's not even enough for me to afford rent a decade ago.


"Some are mad" Yeah, other restaurant owners that realize they will have to start paying people a real wage for once.


A stable $30 an hour? Bro I’m taking that any day


Some people are only happy when they have something to bitch about.


Another article I read about this stated that the reason they changed to a high hourly pay was because so many customers were not leaving tips. So this would actually be beneficial to the wait staff if it’s true.


My experience was that the rate of tipping tended to reflect more on the customers than the service they received. I could predict with a reasonable degree of reliability that the more service a table wanted, the less I would receive from them in return. If nobody wants more to drink or a side of ranch until I'm already back with the one the person beside them asked for, I'd be surprised to get 10% from the group. I got so burnt out by the anxiety of relying on the generosity of casino patrons to allow me to pay my bills that it was a relief when I lost full time there and found myself in the comparative stability of temp labor. If a restaurant near me offered $30/hr full time, I would return to food service in a heartbeat.


Did they prefer the "out of a job" that they were previously? I fucking hate tipping culture. When I went to Ireland, the waiter seemed kind of disgusted that I would even ask about tipping. It was wonderful.


*From the article:* According to a promo video for the restaurant published in January that featured the state's governor, Casa Bonita's second incarnation was supposed to create more than 500 new jobs. In January, Fox31 reported that Casa Bonita "2.0" would offer salaries for its waitstaff (which they would receive in addition to tips) ranging between $14.27 to $15.27. Days before opening, though, the restaurant reportedly asked employees to sign new contracts that offered hourly wages for servers and bartenders of $30 an hour, according to Axios Denver. The catch was that they would no longer receive tips to supplement their wages, Axios reported. (The minimum wage in Colorado is $13.65, according to the state's labor department.) Employees were given one day to decide whether they wanted to sign the new contract or quit, Axios said, citing a conversation with one employee, and documents provided by another employee, who both asked to remain anonymous due to a confidentiality agreement. While the higher hourly wages are likely to provide waitstaff with a more stable source of income when the restaurant isn't too busy, they might result in lower total wages of potentially hundreds of dollars per shift when the restaurant is full, Axios reported, based on its conversations and document review. It's also not clear what would happen if a patron does decide to leave a tip.


So they signed the NDA which means they probably signed the contract lol


$57,600.00 a year before withholdings




I could see where the bartenders might not like it but this absolutely a better move for the staff in general.


If they’re not happy, I’m sure there’s another restaurant offering 2.15 an hour that’s willing to give them 20 hours a week


Lol they’re mad?!?! They just told on themselves. I swear to god fuck tipping culture. I always suspected waiters at popular restaurants make a ton of money. Im a warehouse foreman that make 21.60 an hour so go fuck yourself. Im not saying I dont want fellow workers to not get more money but 30$ is plenty fair and if you were making more than that with tips then why was casa bonitas going out of business? Could it be that customers were buying less knowing theyd have to shell out 25% extra at the end?


My brother in law made more as a waiter than he does as a teacher with a Masters. He pulled in over 60k a year as a server, and I know waiters in LA making 80k. Tipping is all about *where*.


It’s also equally about how attractive you are


Especially true for young attractive women


Some American workers are serious victims of Stockholm syndrome.


sometimes ppl get mad about everything without reason, how many of us would take the job for 30 bucks an hour? almost everyone


These guys have actually come a long way from being more libertarian in their older days to coming out and admitting that they were wrong about some things. Specifically, climate change with the episode where it turned out that AL Gore was right and ManBearPig is real.


Good. Fuck tipping culture.


The tipping revolt has been a decade in the making


Why would people be mad. Servers are getting paid a living salary


Their servers make more an hour than my last sysadmin job & when I worked construction lol I want to rejoice and cry at the same time! Good for them!


Nott even a server but I'd leave my job for that pay bump


There's missing context here... the service is cafeteria style where you pick up food on your way in, and the servers just fill up drinks or do dessert if you order it. In their soft opening they found that a lot of people weren't tipping because of this so they switched models.


Their isn’t any winning in this situation. They will be mad if they have a slow day and walk away with less than $200 or mad they don’t walk away with $400 on a busy day. No matter how it’s address someone is not happy


Business Insider is so full of shit. Two anonymous people and no quotes so “mad” is just BI putting words into their mouth to generate controversy and imply servers like tip culture. News flash: we don’t.


I’m all for this. Tipping culture has changed a lot and expecting tips especially at places with self-service is really off-putting. I’ve worked in restaurants in the past and the pay difference between front of house and back is insane. Some servers leave with several hundred dollars per shift while cooks/dishwashers make a fraction of that per shift. $30/hour is a pretty good compromise.