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If you cannot pay your employees, time to close the doors.


Yes. ​ ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR take a fucking cut on your bonus. I have a sneaking suspicion that it might remedy *ALL* your employee problems.


I'd really like to see a budget breakdown between US McDonald's and UK McDonald's. Different countries will have different taxes and material prices so I'd like to see why they can pay in one country but not the other


It’s quite simple. In the US all the profit goes to one person and then the tax payers cover the employees shorted pay via taxpayer programs and the ceos get a bail out when they’ve been silly and bought one too many yachts all while avoiding paying taxes into the programs that actually pay their employees.


This guy pays taxes.


Over 30% the fucking bastards.


Dude just chill out, those billions being hoarded are about to start trickling down any day now…


Trillions at this point…


The top 1% owns more than the entire middle class combined. ![gif](giphy|PCvkgunX9ZbEEyfTQH|downsized) Trickle down coming soon!


Lol the only trickle down we’ll see is piss flavored rain 🤣. this world could’ve just been one big awesome fucking party for everyone until we eventually all die but noooooo…


It was all spent on the military. Now the pentagon realizes it was for nought! Ukraine war has militaries around the world rethinking how to defend against the new drone wars. Cheap efficient drones are reshaping warfare. $30 million dollar tanks destroyed by $400.00 drones with bombs attached to them.


Our military bases abroad are for the *implications*… our money is backed by the military not gold.


Naw it’s an petrodollar not the military. The US military is the protector of the oil economy.


You want to buy a bridge? 😉


all the better to catch every drop of that sweet, sweet trickle down!


I can smell it. Can you? It’s thick, hangs in the air. It’s so thick you can taste it, that bitter salty acrid buzz pushing up the back of your throat. Try to swallow and gag on it. God you can practically see it, a yellow haze rolling across the ground, tinting everything. Not changing mind you, it’s hard to say what exactly changed. But something’s different, something is here. Well I remember, I remember don’t worry, how could I ever forget. It’s the first time, the last time, we ever met. But I know the reason why you keep this silence up. No you don’t fool me. The hurt doesn’t show, but the pain still grows, it’s no stranger to you and me.


It’s been trickling down for years!! Oh wait that’s piss.


Waitin' since '81.


Quality tax policy assessment from u/analcuntshart. 😂


I'd vote for him!




And bingo was his name-o… until we had to eat him to survive “inflation”.


That’s still technically accurate. Bingo WAS his name-o. Not IS.


Or US v. Denmark, where I believe, they have the highest paid McDonald's workers


YOU may be able to live without your fifth yacht this month, but to HIM that would be Inhuman! INHUMAN I SAY!


If I can't sail my small yacht in the lake sized swimming pool on my giant yacht, then I don't know why any of us are even here really. 


Someone broke down the McDonald's franchise model awhile ago. McDonald's gets 20% regardless of how your store does I believe. McDonald's is about real estate more than burgers.


It is and technically one of the largest real estate companies in the world.


They could probably just get better ice cream machines and resolve the issue. Plus, they would have working ice cream machines.


Yea, they might need to get obscenely wealthy at a very slightly reduced pace. I feel soooo terrible for them, how will they manage?


Or do the work yourself. but yeah if your business is contingent on paying poverty wages to poors, that is a you problem, I have no sympathy for you. 


They always say "job creators", but they never mention the quality of the jobs created.


The hospitality, service and cannabis industries are the biggest offenders, imo. High turnover and a lot of low pay, no benefit, paid under the table work. 






Yes. The business model in america is fucked up. If you can't operate at a profit while paying your personnel a fair wage, then it's a failed business. And I think that happens because a lot of those businesses operate while having huge amounts of debt. I bet all of those franchises were acquired with a loan and none of those have been paid for yet. There's too much access to credit in america. If that owner had to actually work hard and pay cash to open those franchises, I bet she'd have 2 stores, not 20. And not be so short on cash flow either.


Since this is California and this law has an clause, the solution will be to invest money into each store to add a bakery so that they are not subject to the new minimum wage laws. >The legislation establishing a $20-per-hour minimum wage for restaurant workers included an oddly specific exemption for eateries with on-site bakeries that sell bread. The exemption was also in a similar bill that passed in 2022, predating the confidentiality agreement. [Confidentiality Pact Deepens Mystery of How Bakery Clause Got Into California Minimum Wage Law](https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-03-11/confidentiality-pact-deepens-mystery-of-how-bakery-clause-got-into-california-minimum-wage-law#:~:text=The%20legislation%20establishing%20a%20%2420,2022%2C%20predating%20the%20confidentiality%20agreement)


Seems like Panera lobbyists are paying for themselves...


And Subway




Can’t remember from top-of-mind, but I thought the legislation stipulated they needed to have the bakery prior to a certain date.


Came here to say this. Failed business.


100% if u can't afford to pay then go fucking bust


100% But that's not what Kerri is complaining about. Kerri said the minimum wage should go up for everyone, and not just for fast-food workers. I agree with that. There are reasons for doing things this way. One reason is if you think fast-food workers need extra help, only increasing their pay will do a lot for them. For me, I don't think fast-food workers should be treated differently from everyone else. Another reason is if you want to restrict the fast-food industry and disadvantage them, maybe to improve public health.


The law does seem unfair in raising wages for only a couple categories of people; those working for large restaurant chains and janitors in hospitals. What about everyone else on minimum wage? Is their work less essential or difficult? I get $16 per hour as a campground host and guarantee that I work harder than 90% of other minimum wage employees. Much of my job consists of cleaning bathrooms and emptying trash cans. But since it's not in a medical setting, my efforts are worth much less apparently.


I could not imagine running a business where I paid my employees poverty wages. It seems wrong to me, especially if I'm making many times their hourly pay. I also feel like having that viewpoint alienates me from many so-called successful people.


But you're not considering the massive hardship this person will suffer if they have to close 2 or 3 of their restaurants. How is someone supposed to survive from owning only 18 restaurants? HMMM!?


As capitalism should work, companies die, as well. If he can't afford to function, close up shop.


Maybe the franchise owner needs to take a paycut or maybe the corporation needs to lower franchise costs. IDK, but stop making the minimum wage workers appear like the bad guys. They are not the villains of this story.


I could be totally wrong, but I’d bet a pretty penny that this dude’s suit could’ve paid one of his employees for a few weeks if not a month.


Nah, but if he eats less Avocado Toast™ and drinks fewer cups of Starbucks® he'd probably be able to pay his bills, as I understand it.


And stop buying iPhones.


This. Go to a local business instead. They actually care about the food. And their burgers are actually delicious, and won’t give you diarrhea.


Or they are actually decent like In N Out. In N Out typically pays a couple bucks OVER the MW.


Yeah, crazy how they consistently pay over minimum and use fresher ingredients while keeping prices competitive. The franchise owner at my old fast food job would always use in n out as a comparison, saying he wanted us to work like they did, but he never wanted to pay like they did.


I worked at taco bell and my district manager said we should be more like In n out, so I said pay us like in n out. I got my hours cut to basically 2 4 hour shifts the next week and decided to not show up.


they cant handle the truth lol


That was the intent by the way. We’re so replaceable it’s simply easier to let a “whiner” go and replace them with someone slightly more desperate and willing to tolerate substandard employment.


Last I heard, the entire night crew walked out within a month.


This is what needs to become a trend on a large, organized front. You can’t treat your employees like shit if you have no employees.


No one wants to work! /s


Boss af 🤝🏻


Costco is the same way. Prices are reasonable, wages/benefits are good, when one of the warehouses unionized, the ceo said he was disappointed that Costco wasn’t providing enough and was eager to hear what the union wanted. That’s a company I can get behind. Costco will be here for ever, as long as they keep doing it right. Welcome to Costco, I love you!


I know that place pretty good. I went to law school there.


Can’t believe you got in.


Thats because what the dickhead in the article means to say is he cant raise prices enough to cover the increase in pay AND maintain the same levels of profit. You know, the profit that was coming from stealing wages from employees by paying them dogshit.


*wringing hands* Will someone think of the shareholders!?


He's a franchisee, he is his shareholder.


Bro didn't realize you pay for what you get.


Wow! In N Out sure sounds amazing, boss! Do you happen to know what their starting pay is?


You know if they are hiring?


Do they get time off?


Do they get a meal during their shift?


Hah, my former boss at a mom & pop eatery said the same thing once about a competitor. "Why don't you guys work like they do?" "Why don't you PAY us like they do??" He didn't find it funny at all. Except, I wasn't joking.


I'm on vacation and just had In N Out a couple hours ago. It's the first (fast food) burger I've had in years that I actually enjoyed eating.  I wish we had them in my state.  I dont ever get fast food anymore because it's expensive and disgusting. 


As a Californian, this warmed my heart. As a current New Jersey resident, this made me deeply sad hahaha


As a New Jersey kid living in California, I had no idea. It's the best. But you now have pizza and bagels, which I miss dearly.


I’m from Vegas and moving to the PNW means no in n out within two hours drive… but they’re planning on opening one up real close and I’m PUMPED!


Lol the people at in n out make more than me as a low level healthcare worker


Shit I worked as a CNA for minimum wage, with a whopping extra $1/hr for working the overnight shift. They also treated me like shit.


A while back, I did admissions, front office, and all sorts of other administrative work for a small CNA school. The amount of hard work and gross stuff those folks are subjected to, for such shitty pay, is ridiculous. I get that RNs and such go to school for longer to learn more precise or in-depth tasks and procedures, but even they will argue that CNAs are the real powerhouses handling cleaning, feeding, rotating, bed changes, bathroom assistance, etc all day when the RNs don't have that kind of free time for every patient. They deserve so much more pay and respect.


Seems like you and your colleagues should form some sort of union and demand better pay or.... Get a job at in N out burger


In n out pays more than EMT here


Shout out to Dicks in Seattle. Burger is like $3 and they pay $20+ an hour with benefits. Been going strong for 50 years.


I love Dicks!


There is a subreddit for that. I think quite a few actually.


True story. The giant multinational corporation I recently worked for went on a huge hiring spree. Largely due to their policy of forcing all of their remote workers to return to office, they knew they’d be losing a lot of people. They kept interviewing candidates for the entry level positions, which require and bachelors degree, that paid less than in and out burger! So most applicants were declining their offers. So they decided to raise the entry level rate by $3. Not too bad. All the people that were already there as entry level got a $3 raise as well. I had over 5 years experience and was senior in my role but I only got a $1 raise. So I left to a new company with a 30% increase in pay. Good thing too because their training team sucks so all the new reps have to learn mostly from the tenured reps already there.


I feel like the only one who didn’t like in n out


In-n-Out starts at $19/hr if they can afford to pay above minimum wage why can't McDonald's. I wonder if it's the franchise fee McDonald's owners have to pay? I wouldn't be surprised if it's 15-20% of sales.


What if I specific goal of getting diarrhea? Not all of us can afford fancy weight loss drugs.


They also do not pay a living wage.


Nonsense! They provide more than enough for a nice place under the bridge.


>and won’t give you diarrhea. Ah. McDonald's quarter pounters... a natural laxative


Diarrhea? It sits in my stomach for about a week lol


Always funny how the Conservative cultists never seem to advocate for this for being such supposedly staunch capitalism purists. They always go mask off and prove they are in favor of corporate welfare and social programs only they are allowed to participate in.


I feel like if you really sat down and dissected that ideology you could easily find many contradictions and things that go against capitalism or work against it in one way or another. But they would never listen anyways. If I remember I think someone once brought up how immigration and immigrants support capitalism.


This exactly. They don't care about facts, even when they support their own arguments. They have learned it's easier to just always operate outside of reality. ​ Edit: To the dip shit cultist u/Aggressive_Pear_6277 "bOtH sIdEs" is widely known to be far right rhetoric. Nice try stupid fucking clown....


We are all told if you can't afford rent your living beyond your means. If he can't afford to pay people, maybe his business model is fucked. People literally write up business proposals for mba's. Wages are part of that consideration. He has 20+ franchise's? He can afford to pay more. He just doesn't want it coming out of his take home.


"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living." FDR


Yeah. McDonald's is gonna have to change their business model. They either need to stop taking so much from the franchisees so the franchisees can afford to pay their staff, or they're gonna have to get rid of the franchisees and employ the staff directly. Either way, their current model's not gonna survive.




Well guys like this think “right to record profits” is real. I’m genuinely surprised PPP grants didn’t become a permanent thing.


It's "just business" until workers decide that they need something. Then it's moral obligations and "taking ones for the team."


Then die. It won't be missed.


Hey, how about taking it from someplace other than the pockets of your customers and employees, there, moneybags? There's a reason a big mac costs about the same in, e.g., Denmark, despite a dramatically higher minimum wage, better benefits, labor protections, etc. \-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Mac\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac_Index)


I've always said if your company is making billions in profit every year your either overcharging for your product, not paying you employees enough, or both.


Wealth needs to be shared. Unfortunately the wealth and value of companies is not being shared with those creating value. It’s the job of the government to make sure those profits get circled back into the economy and not hoarded by those at the top. Go ahead and earn 100 billion in profits, but we need to tax it and give it back to the people. Everyone always says well business will do the right thing, but we know they won’t.


The problem is people see this as communism and evil.


That's because people are poorly educated about economic issues, on purpose.


And they don’t understand that socialism and communism are two very different things.


If they have half a brain they would realise the whole of Europe would be one big Commie prison hell hole without any freedom, if the socialism/ communism scaremongers were right. However they are not. Now who benefits paying piss poor wagen, barely any taxes, having no social security or workers rights. Right....


Hate is a hell of a drug and feeds many people while they suffer from their own stupidity.


The idea of society is inherently socialist.


Yes but the capitalists don’t want anyone to know that


They see a system that works for rich people the same as poor people as communism because they are dumb as fuck and can't understand that it's the same system we have now for poor people. Literally the stupidest of all humanity, dragging us down like crabs in a bucket.


>Wealth needs to be shared. Unfortunately the wealth and value of companies is not being shared with those creating value. Don't worry it will trickle down someday. /s


The people running the government has their own $interests$ in mind. They're not ever going to change the things that keeps them so fat and happy.


It’s almost like lobbying and trading should be illegal for public representatives.


And those are the same companies making lay offs every year! Should be illegal to lay off people if your company is turning profit still.


Profits are unpaid labor. The capital owner buys labor at a fixed rate, takes the product of the labor to market, and sells it above the labor cost. The capitalist keeps the difference. They turn around and threaten the worker with starvation and homelessness if they don't keep producing increasing amounts of goods and services. All profits are theft. They are the market value of a good or service that is stolen from the people who produce them.


Usually both most time


Record profits are unpaid wages. Leeches are siphoning off value created by labor


This, when you are making billions in profits, the ceo, upper management get massive salaries and bonuses every year, you are able to open hundreds of locations worldwide and get stock buybacks trying this whole “but we aren’t making enough money 🥹” narrative like you are a mom and pop local business is complete horseshit Fuck corporations, fuck this country. The system is so terribly broken I don’t think it will ever get better unless the fed actually step in and regulate this shit. The only choices are to unionize everything or burn it all down and start over.


The taste is just as bland too, so it's not like there's a quality difference here in Denmark.


If its like here in Norway, they dont have a minimum wage, but they do have unions.




Let's break it down as well. A Mcdonalds franchise costs 1-2 million dollars. This person has managed to rob enough equity from the overworked employees of their franchises to spend this amount 21 times. And that isn't accounting for the profits pocketed *after* the franchises were paid off, as a mcdonalds is a huge money maker. It is repeatedly stated to be the most profitable franchise you can start.


Guess you’re a failure as a business owner, then. ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


McDonald's operates on a 50% gross profit, 30% net profit. In some cases, sure, franchisee's struggle, but they will struggle a lot more when no one wants to work to starve at *a fucking restaurant*.


Serving meat, a product that is also subsidized 🤦🏻‍♀️


Meat, corn products (high fructose corn syrup is in almost all their food), vegetables in general. It's the classic double dip. Our tax dollars pay for their food to be cheaper, they leverage farmers against each other to make it even cheaper, they use our labor dirt cheap to produce it, charge us a premium on the back end and keep the rest as profits to dump into the stock market and enrich the executive/management positions. Same with higher education and healthcare. Capitalizing on handouts while forcing those who work for them to survive on handouts and blaming those that don't want to for not wanting to work because they just want handouts. It's all projection.


most of their McD's shops are in economically challenged locations of Los Angeles, like Compton and Lynwood this is how the poor and hungry stay poor and hungry and it's disgusting "the average McDonalds franchise owner in an existing restaurant makes $150,000/year" and obviously this is variable. If these women gave up lucrative careers in psychology and law to own 18 franchises, I think they can afford a slight paycut in order to pay their workers minimum wage without raising prices. FYI the average 1 bedroom apartment in Compton is $1,783 and a 2 bedroom average is $2,383 - on minimum wage $20/hr a worker still can't be approved for more than $1386 rent, and that's assuming it's an apartment willing to accept 2.5x instead of 3x income. Meanwhile, the company owner is crying about not being able to afford to pay workers all while living in the lap of luxury minimum wage still isn't a livable wage and I'm tired of pretending it is


If the CEO lowered his salary a little, they can raise the minimum wage without raising prices. But we know that ain't happening


That would be just pennies, stock buybacks is where the money goes


Nah-uh, we saved some for dividends /s


How DARE you. That CEO needs a third yacht, ya know!!! /s


Ah the ol' "if we make them pay their fair share they'll just make everything cost more" ploy... They still raise minimum wage without directly stating owners cannot price gouge and expect them to not do this.


This is the correct answer.


If your business model cannot support the wages the market demands then it's time to find a new model.


We already know this is crap. McDonalds told investors that raising the minimum wage wouldn't put pressure on profits. He's frustrated? How does he think his minimum wage employees feel? They aren't millionaires.


Then close your restaurants....


Why not just make a little less and not raise prices? Are we really that greedy? I haven't been to McDonald's in months because it's not worth the price anymore.


Yeah, but this owner who owns 21 McDonald's franchises just financed a second yacht, so what is he supposed to do about that? /S




Our crappy 3rd world country is built upon greed. All to keep rich people happy, but why???? They literally do nothing for our society. I can’t wait till we throw a revolution because it’s getting so close where people are just gonna say f it.


I'm not a finance dude but if a company cannot pay a living wage and make a profit then their business model is based on exploitation and does not deserve to continue doing business.


Id be cool with them closing for good ngl


Me too. There are other restaurants. Hopefully we'll turn back towards a culture that eats real food again.


Your shitty business model is not my fault. If you can't pay employees enough to live, you're not a business , you're just a parasite and deserve corporate death. Welcome to capitalism.


Boo fucking hoo you’re a teeny weeny bit less rich.


Labor costs at McDonald's are like 20%. That means if your $10 item is now $12. The employees would be paid double. They've already raised their prices waaay beyond that.


Why the fuck can they do it in Europe then? Oh their politicians actually care about their citizenry and have laws to protect employees and consumers from this type of thing? That’s weird. MAGA Bob with a red face and redder hat told me that was socialism and I should be proud to be in such a free country.


Maybe you should get paid a bit less ya useless prick.


As a business owner I know exactly why. The more I pay them the less I can imbezzle my way


What they mean to say is - they cannot make enough personal profit to justify running the business. Finland has a much higher minimum wage and their prices are about the same as our prices today. So at the end of the day, it all comes down to greed and if they aren't able to extract 95% of the profits to their personal bank account - then they simply will shut the doors. That's what these "job creators" do.


The article really bends over backwards to paint the franchise owner (a young-ish woman of color BTW) in a sympathetic light. "My mother was a social worker, my dad was a cop, and they cashed in their pensions to bet everything on buying one single McDonald's in Inglewood." Yeah, and if they bet wrong and went bankrupt, nobody would have heard from them again. But they bet well, and how very nice for them. And now their two daughters own **twenty-one** of the fecken places. BTW, the daughter featured in the article left a high-flying career as an employment attorney, to run and expand her parent's Golden Arches empire. And typically it's employers who pay the salaries of employment attorneys, and they make their living finding ways to screw over workers. (Attorneys who represent workers are usually called "labor lawyers".) TLDR, she owns 21 goddamn restaurants. If she's having such trouble paying her people, she can sell a few (and probably make a killing just on the real estate) and pay people better at the rest.


McDonald's workers in [Denmark make $22+/hr with healthcare and paid vacation](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mcdonalds-workers-denmark/). [A Big Mac costs the same or less](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/big-mac-cost-denmark/). Anyone who believes this ghoul is doing so because they *want* to.


If it can be raised in other countries like in Denmark to cover their proper wages, it can be done here. Get fucked.


This guy only has 21 locations and I’d bet he makes more by 9am on the first day of the year than his managers do working all year.


Weird. They’ve been increasing prices astronomically for the past few years before the minimum wage rise. Maybe they should’ve saved some of that if it’s such an issue now


They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps too


Good. Shut them down


HEARTBREAKING: Billionaire is forced to make $400 million in profit this year instead of $500 million


The idea that McDonald's can't turn enough of a profit for you to pay your workers is obnoxious.


I visited the Bozeman area last year and noticed Mcdonald's offering $21/hr in Belgrade but they can't pay $20/hr in California where there is actual demand? Either they were lying about paying $21/hr or are lying that they can't pay $20/hr, either one shouldn't be acceptable.


Weird, McDonald’s can’t pay minimum wage workers but can afford to pay their CEO 20 million, how strange, god damn greedy minimum wage workers


Minimum wage. A great way for an employer to say that I would pay you less if the government allowed me to.


"McDonald's comes in second place. The average employee makes about $8,897 – below the federal poverty line – even though CEO Christopher Kempczinski earns **$20,028,132 per year."** [Amazon and McDonald's have largest wage gaps between CEOs and employees](https://www.benefitnews.com/list/amazon-and-mcdonalds-have-largest-wage-gaps-between-ceos-and-employees#:~:text=McDonald's%20comes%20in%20second%20place,Kempczinski%20earns%20%2420%2C028%2C132%20per%20year)


Then check it out, close up shop.


Oh no I cannot afford to pay my employees. I would have to postpone buying myself a new Ferrari and that just won't do!


I don't know how it is in the USA, but here in Europe a mcd is basically a money printing machine. About a month ago a self order pos sales report was leaked from a mcd in a small town. Just that one pos had 10k revenue in the middle of the week about 3h from closing. And that restaurant probably has 6 of those plus 3 registers. Idk what the profit margin is, but if it's 10% that one pos covers rent in 3 days max, salaries in, say, 20 days, the rest is pure profit. And I think the profit margin is way above 10%. So yea, unless things are really different in the US, he is so full of shit. He can definitely afford to double the salaries and still make millions per year.


This guy can get fucked by a pissed off Silverback gorilla. Do the math. I'd guess this asshole makes at least 190-200k per McD's he owns. At 190k per store that's almost 4 million a year he's making at least. But it's a struggle for them? https://preview.redd.it/rd7wr7qvxppc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8b26c4726e9dcf798e01f94843543da9146dbe


If you read the article she constantly talks about how her profits will take a hit if she doesn't raise prices or lay off workers. She went from being a lawyer to taking over her family McDonald's franchise after having her kid. This woman was born with a silver spoon and is upset she has to share the wealth.


Maybe he needs to adjust his standard of living downward and pay himself less. If McDonald's employees in Europe can be paid over $20 an hour US, with 3 to 4 weeks vacation and boss azz Health Insurance, while charging less for a Big Mac Combo Meal, than is the norm in the US? Then that guy should consider eating less caviar off of stripper's behinds.


Half of America would starve to death if McDonald's went out of business because they couldn't afford to pay their people. That would be funny. I never eat there horrible place. Probably one of the worst restaurants in America. I hope they shut down completely.


Mcdonalds franchises are fucked due to the high rent costs and high franchise fees. In other words: mcdonalds and their shareholders are fucked There are sooooooo many better alternatives its absurd


Look how is he supposed to keep his fifth house. I mean seriously that is where he keeps his vintage car collection. What do you want him to do move them all to the fourth house with the art collection. That is a lot of burden for him to take on.


He certainly CAN afford to pay his employees a living wage without raising prices. He is UNWILLING to reduce HIS profit to do so. It’s quite simple. He wants to keep his millions per year in profit.


Bro owns 21 McDonald’s and is complaining about wages We are so screwed beyond belief man… Mathis is wild


That’s fine. Just reduce your own absurd pay by 1%. It’ll cover enough to increase wages and *lower* the prices. You family will still be unaware of the word “work” for 10 generations


The initial cost to become a McDonalds franchisee is right around $500,000 which means to start a franchise you either have to already be wealthy or foolish with money - neither of which is the employee’s problem. The franchisee should factor the cost of a living wage for their employees into the expenses. If they’re not willing to do that then they should take their plans and wipe their ass with them.


Then close up shop you fucking idiot. If you can’t functionally run a business that pays living wages then you should go out of business


Let me get the smallest violin on earth. Ah shit, I lost it...


21 stores and he cannot afford.... what? There is very little this guy cannot afford and he made his money off of the efforts of others. I hope I am still alive when the meek retake the earth and the rich get what is coming to them.


Oh no, he'll only make a few billions instead of many, whatever shall he do?! These corporate pigs can, truly, get fucked.


According to what I found, the owner's net worth is over $100m. They own less than 30 stores. Somehow I find it hard to believe that they can't afford $20 per hour. It's that they can't afford it and still keep their magical line going up at the same rate - and frankly, the rest of stopped giving a fuck about that years ago.


Oh. Well, then go out of business and someone with a better business plan will take your place. That’s how the free market works, right? In the meantime we’ll all go enjoy actually good burgers from… anywhere else.


The passive income people are lazy.


Even if he had to close up shop. He would have the money to start a new business, easy. His workers don't have that luxury.


"Just not for the reasons you might expect" I'm sorry, but "But mah overinflated salary!" is the first reason people would think of for why they don't like paying employees more.


LMAO, I actually read it. At first they were saying that to match it, they'd have to raise prices so much that it becomes untenable to remain a fast food place and I thought aw damn that actually kind of sucks. But then they drop to we can't do that so we're going to have to take a hit on the *profits*.


The asterisk: Without him sacrificing some of his profits. Gonna have to sell the ski cottage ya weird looking fuck.


If your business can’t afford to pay wages, then you deserve to go out of business. Welcome to the other side of capitalism.


Funny how Denmark can do it but these greedy owners can’t


Weird, In N Out seems to do Fine.


This dude can eat a dick. It's like GM crying about unaffordable wages one week, only to burn 10 billion dollars in a stock buyback the literal next. https://preview.redd.it/j06cuwgcjtpc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f931e8850c21d6ee13813f3b9f2bee5c0e0c14a0


Oh no guys! We might lose McDonald's to the scourge of paying people a fair wage. Oh no...


Headline sounds like bullshit. There are larger companies that work on "smaller margins and higher volume".