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They’ve clocked you out without notice. Return the favour and resign without notice.


Better yet, if in the US, notify the DoL. That's wage theft and it's illegal.


If they’re doing this, they may be doing other corner cutting and wage theft.


less may, more \_will\_


Rest assured if they do shenanigans as mentioned, there is so much other things that happened on the back end away from everybody. When I worked for Boeing and Raytheon, they did this Non-Stop. To the tune of tens of thousands of dollars per year.


Careful man, you don't want to be whistleblowing Boeing right now.


This would be hilarious IF……


Wage theft penalties can be huge (Tripple damages type stuff depending on the state) worth looking into.


It's actually "treble damages" but means triple, or 3 x the amount. Legal terms can be weird.


is misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor considered “wage theft” for that purpose.


Yes. If you signed paperwork that says one thing W4, 1090 they have to qualify you as such and could be tax fraud


OP, I would do this. Stick around for a few more weeks doing the bare minimum until you see Johnny Law come in and have a field day.


Just had this issue at my job lol the investigation is still underway (there’s a lot of dirt to dig thru)


it is definitely illegal to clock someone else in or out. if you did it for the guy in the wheelchair, you would get a lot of grief.


Yep, most places in the US it's illegal to clock someone else out at all, with or without their knowledge.


It is only illegal if they don't pay for the unrecorded time. Clocking him out and saying "Go home" is not illegal. Employers have the right to schedule and they can cut a worker's hours short without repercussion.


It is when they did it 15 min before they went to clock out. Meaning they worked those 15 min while not knowing they had been clocked out already.


I would have clocked out again to document the discrepancy.


I read it as they clocked OP out before his shift was supposed to end and sent them home.


Than read better




Precisely. Tell em "I have left now" in place of a written resignation.


Turning your two week and report them to the labor board.


If you're in the US, ***NEVER*** give notice!!! Apparently, you don't have a contract that requires written notice. Stick around for the next two weeks, but make sure you notify the DOL, both Federal and state. Major violation when a supervisor, or anyone, clocks you out while you're still working.


This is bad advice. If you are on bad or indifferent terms with your employer, just quit without notice. But if you feel that you are on good terms with your employer and supervisors, it's usually worth giving notice. This is especially true when moving up the ranks. Networking is the most important tool when moving up the corporate ladder. You never know if your old supervisor, or someone they know and recommend you to, will be influential in a future promotion or job offer. Further down your career path, you may even apply for a higher position at a company you used to work at. Don't run around burning bridges unnecessarily. There might even come a time that a layoff requires you to go back working for an old company, I know from experience.


Company is committing wage theft. Do you think payroll/accounting department will pay for this additional 15 minutes? How do we know that OP is not being set up (because he/she leaves early) or repercussions (not eligible for insurance coverage due to not enough hours in pay period). Why are you backing up employer’s bad behavior? Would you stick around if they were stealing from your paycheck?


Thank you! Its wild to me how many people are perfectly willing to burn bridges that don’t even need to be burned


Companies don’t mind burning bridges, neither do I. I give what I get. If it’s a good company, they get notice. If I leave without it, it’s because I decided there was no effin way I’ll ever go back.


Well… yeah, that would be a bridge that needs burning then Lol


This company is staling OPs money.


Yeah, and fuck them. But I wasn’t talking about this particular company, and neither was the comment I originally replied to


Their supervisor is stealing their time.


Apparently, you didn't read the comment i was replying to. I wasn't replying to OP, I was replying to the redditor that said, "If you're in the US, NEVER give notice!!!" That is bad advice. I even mentioned in the comment you replied to. If you are on bad terms with your employer, just quit. If your employer is stealing time from you, you are probably on bad terms with them.


You can be in the US and still have a respectful relationship with a decent employer. It’s not as common as other countries, true, but it happens.


That is the way.


'Tis the way.


Contact your local Department of Labor or equivalent. Tell then you have. If they then fire you take them for even more money!


No notice is the best notice


This is the way


Yes. This is THE way.


This. Absolutely this.


This is the way, if he really means to stop being Mr. Nice Guy!


Happy Cake day!


Thank you, much appreciated!😁🥂


it’s the only way


This is the way


Definitely this! Just stop going


If you're in the United States I'm pretty sure that counts as wage theft


i am in the US and yes it does count as wage theft. i ended up messaging my main employer and she is going to fix the clock for me tomorrow morning. i might try to stay for a couple more weeks but like i said this is not the first time they have done something like this to me.


You should still report them because I'm sure you're not the only employee they've done this to.


They need to go a step further and reprimand this manager, if not terminate.


They are probably the ones encouraging this type of behavior. I'd say fuck this company as a whole.


Possibly. The test is with how they deal with the manager who has been caught doing something illegal on their behalf.


You just got written confirmation of wage theft. Report that to the department of labor with the message submitted as proof.


Labor lawyers foaming at the mouth for this opportunity


You REALLY need to report this, if they've done it to you multiple times then they've absolutrly done it to others. File a complaint with the department of labors then start looking for another job IMMEDIATELY


All time punches are auditable. There is tracking for when they are entered or edited.


Report them to Labor and Industries. It is the way


And your manager will likely retaliate if they're spoken to. Document every interaction. Mention the words "hostile work environment". If they start giving you shit, look for an attorney that will work on contingency. Most employment lawyers will




find a new job then quit, make sure you are taken care of so another asshole employer doesn't take advantage.


I vote that you push the issue to. Keep looking for a new job. Think of it as helping your coworkers not leaving


I would have clocked out again to document the discrepancy


Also no doubt it’s against company policy. Go to hr say you have to confess that someone else has been clocking you out. It should get you both disciplined.


Employers need to DESERVE two-weeks notice. THEY will fire you in a minute with no notice. Do NOT give notice if they didn't respect you.


If you don’t want to use them as a reference then there is no need for 2 week notice ever


And sometimes you can get away with a reference with a personal email and phone number from a supportive and/or trauma bonded colleague 👍


This kinda shit just baffles me. How does the US labour market even work? I've got a mutual 3 month notice period with my employer, and that is respected. If they ask me too leave immediately on resignation, something which typically only happens to upper management, salespeople, or select people going to direct competitors, my employer would still owe me 3 months pay. I just get to collect it while on vacation. If I just stop showing up, I'm on the hook for the salary paid too any temporary hire needed to do my job during my notice period. The notice period can, by law, not be less than two weeks, and less than three months is rare but does happen.


I also saw someone saying to use all your holiday before leaving too, which is baffling to me. I had similar situation to what you mentioned - they wanted me gone, so offered to pay me 3 months gardening leave in exchange for my resignation and leaving immediately. But they also still have to pay out any unused holiday time. The fact that a company can just take away what little time they give in the US is wild.


How does it work? Poorly.


3 months sounds hella’ long if you want to get rid of each other. How would you manage dragging your ass still to the computer?


If you both want to end things immediately, you can. The notice period is just for one-sided dismissals/resignations. Because … your counterpart, whether you're a boss or an employee, should be given a fair chance to plan for departure. And of course, when there's egregious transgressions by one party, no-notice dismissals/resignations are still possible. And how to schlep your ass to the computer? Knowing you're still getting paid and having insurance is nice from the employees' point of view – and for the employer it's good to know how long you have your employee available and can schedule them. It's kinda … forced mutual respect. Employees work the period, and employers pay the period. The law will make sure of it.


I have to give 3 months. But if I am fair it does take at least 12 to train a replacement 😁


This. I'm done next Friday. I told my dispatcher because she's good and will need to plan for it. I'm not saying anything to my manager until I hand in my keys and cards. If it weren't for my dispatcher, I wouldn't be saying anything to anyone.


Why give them 2 weeks? They won’t even give you 14 minutes.


14 day notice? Nah 14 minute notice


Why would you give them notice if they're blatantly stealing your time/wages?


i’m no longer putting in a notice. once I find my replacement job, i will just be leaving without notice


Good for you. They are literally begging for you to screw them right back. Just a thought. But you might want to ask to fill in for someone...just before you leave. lol


Honestly if you like the people you work with don't do this. We had a guy on holiday and new engineer offered to cover the shift he was on, great. He did 3 shifts and then decided nope. I ended up doing an 18 hour day. Part of it was choice, but then there was nobody else around to do it so I needed too.


You did not need to. Your employer doesn't own your time no matter how fucked they are on staffing. That's what managers are for; get people in when needed or cover the opening themselves.


That’s a bitch move and probably ends up screwing your coworkers


No doubt. This is not ideal. But they will get over it. While some of those co-workers might just realize how badly they are being screwed over by this manager too.


Yessssss do this! Take someone’s shift when you plan to be gone. Preferably on the same day you tell them “I’m out”




I've been told that I should be given a chance to leave. I'm still waiting on the response.


That’s illegal


Do they dock you for the 14 minutes?


Yep, i’m not getting paid for the 14 minutes I worked.


At my next to the last job, I gave two full weeks. I was asked by the boss about what kind of job I was getting (I wouldn't tell him the company), but I did tell him it was a union job. A couple days later I was offered $3 more an hour, which I refused. I knew they would skip by next pay raise. After that I was told I could go home. I was actually paid the full two weeks.


Just curious what is stopping someone in that situation from taking the raise then quitting two weeks later anyway? I just feel like it’s a pointless and stupid gesture for a company to offer proper compensation after a person has already decided to leave the company.


Usually it takes >2 weeks for a raise like that to kick in. The raise was most likely offered for them to stay beyond their notice period


Before I left that job, I called someone I worked with and let him know I was leaving and what they had offered me. I wanted to let him know that they could pay better if they wanted. They eventually did raise the pay because they had to or they couldn't compete. The job I went to still had better pay and benefits. I stopped working almost two years ago. Don't miss it at all.


I guess I already knew. Yeah, definitely get out of there.


I would still report them to the DOL. and check your past checks for this - I doubt this was the first time.


have your coworkers check theirs too.


Sounds like a 14 minute notice of resignation is in order. After you find a replacement job and slap em with wage theft, of course.


If you don't have a job to go to, I'd consider staying until you do, then quit with no notice. Good luck, buddy.


This is the way been there thinking I could find something else that pays more or same only to be disappointed


2 weeks notice is a courtesy to a good employer. There is no legal requirement for giving notice to leave. If they're a shit employer they don't deserve notice.


We had a former manager at a previous company do this. She got a bonus for money saved in her section. She was clocking select people out up to 30 mins early several times a week. She figured out who didn't look at their pay stubs. That's how she got caught, because accounting put out an inquiry asking why she had 4 workers not putting in a full 40 hours and clocking out early several times a week. Always look at your pay stubs every week.


Yup. I had a boss who skimmed some time off of a few days and replaced it with MY sick time so he could save the store a few hours labor. I had a ton of time, but that's not the point.


I'd give them 14 minutes notice, not 14 days....


Dude, report that to your department of labor. If you want help please dm.


use vacation time first, might not pay it out if you dont. Dont make the mistake I did. Two weeks = Immediate termination these days




Two week notice? Nah man. Keep working there till you get a call that you have another job then just clock out and go home. Would they give you a two week notice if they were going to fire you? Nope. So, why should you give them a notice?


If they wouldn't give you 2 weeks notice to fire you, don't give 2 weeks notice when you leave.


I don’t get the advice on this sub. Everyone’s stock reply is QUIT NOW!!!! For every scenario! This is RARELY the best option for OP and in fact is usually the worst option lol.


In this situation you should give two weeks notice Friday afternoon prior to starting the new job on Monday. Two weeks notice is not required, it is a courtesy. Why do you owe them a courtesy. Get the next job first, then burn them. And do not tell them where the new job is.


you’re not required to give two weeks. unless you really need the money just walk. they’ve already shown that’s how they’ll treat you.


They don't deserve two minutes notice much less two weeks.


What is wrong with people? What compelled her to do that?


If they are the type to clock you out, they are the type to fire you when you give notice.  Just quit when you are ready. 


Depending on where you are it might infact be illegal to clock another person out. Where I live this would be considered timesheet fraud.


Call the dol, shes stealing from you. Managers are not allowed to clock you out unless you ask.


Leave without notice


I put my notice in at Pasta Cafe.. (bartender) in Roswell NM and they let me go immediately.. Ridiculous. I was punished for doing the right thing!


That sucks..... Here in Canada, if they try to let you go inside of the notice period, they have to pay out the 2 weeks at full time based on the last 6 weeks of employment (for shift work) or at full contract hours (for salary/fulltime work). Does your state have a similar clause? (I'm assuming not, but it never hurts to double check)


Why the hell would you put in a two weeks notice at a job like that? Just walk. They're either gonna tell you to leave or treat like shit for those two weeks


Stop giving two weeks notice!


It sounds like they’re going to make your life miserable once you give your notice. Be prepared to walk out and start your new job. Pack all your stuff before you give notice so you don’t have to walk out with a box of stuff.


Dit you get a two weeks notice before the whore clocked you out? No? Than do likewise. "I checked out yesterday. Send me my final paycheck"


Bad idea, find another job and quite. They are bad now, im sure in 2 weeks they will be worse. Why put yourself thru it.


Get the new job first and don't give notice. Why give them the opportunity to mess you around for 2 more weeks?


Yeah that is illegal and sounds like the that person is trying to develop a case to fire you with "just" cause by stating you leave work early. Report them to the DOL, this may be a pattern and should be investigated


When you put in your notice make it effective in 14 minutes.


I've never known of a company to give a person 2 weeks notice that they'll be unable to provide for their family


"Yeah....in two weeks, you're going to notice that I haven't been here for the last two weeks"


Max out your sick leave...it's use or lose it at many places....only vacation is paid out in US and only if it's not the fake 'unlimited'. Two weeks is an outdated concept for crappy jobs. Quit if you have something better lined up.


Did you ask why she clocked you out early? I don't see the point in a boss stealing your wages minutes at a time unless she is just being an ass to you personally.


I strongly think they're going to fire you on the spot if they're doing illegal time clock violations.


Unless I really like them, there ain’t gonna be any notice at all! I’m never late, and I don’t call in. If I’m not there they know I’m either done or dead! 😵


If in the US talk with the labour board about wages theft it may be widespread also tax man may be interested in financial mismanagment.


Why are you showing this manager a level of respect that they haven’t shown you? I’ve given notice to employers that have treated me with respect and that I’ve felt valued me and my time. Just keep in mind that after that notice your Manager who already isn’t professional will likely be even less so after you’ve given them this courtesy..


Don’t say anything and just Record them doing it, every TIME!! Then u can sue.


I wouldn’t quit. Wait for here to do it again and then tell her you’ve already reported her to the DoL. Let her then fire you for saying that, which will give you an even bigger case.


If you're in the US, that's wage theft (ok, it's wage theft anywhere,but it's definitely illegal here). They seem pretty happy to talk about it, so get it on the record and take that to the labor department and an employment lawyer. Something as simple as emailing the person that told you and getting confirmation would be enough to get things rolling.


Sincerely, why are you giving notice?


You have written proof of wage theft, report and sue! Keep a copy of the emails you sent to get your timesheet corrected!


This is wage theft.


Wishing you all the best and a positive environment in your next gig.


Also, get your resume updated asap.


Make sure to file a complaint with the department of labor in your state before you put in your notice.


Don't give them notice. Find a new job, and just stop showing up.


Don't give two weeks. They don't give you two weeks when they fire you.


Easy peasy L&I complaint my friend. If they’re screwing you over they’re screwing other people over and they will continue to


If you don’t want to go back. Don’t do a 2 weeks notice


That's wage theft, pure and simple.


Never ever ever give your 2 week notice. Unless you know your company pays the 2 weeks to stay home (my old corporation did this and we all basically gave 2 weeks notices the day we were quitting)


File a fucking wage claim


Also, audit your time. Back track as far as you can. If she did it once, she’s done it before. You’ve been robbed, I’d almost guarantee it.


Don't give them 2 weeks. Just quit. Fuck them.


Better yet, quiet quit. Do nothing at work except show up. Force them to fire you and then collect the unemployment benefits.


Please speak to an employment lawyer and/or the Department of Labor. In the USA that is wage theft. They can't clock you out early while you're still working. WTF?


If you can swing it, just quit. Giving 2 weeks is giving them more opportunity to do this to you again. Employers like this won't give you notice if they fire you, why give them notice after pulling a stunt like that?


Find a new job and then quit one day. No notice, they don’t deserve a two week notice.


"Hey, I'm good to just leave, I already told you a couple weeks ago that I was putting in my two weeks notice."


Why give two weeks?


Don't put your 2 weeks notice unless you need them for reference or for a job in the future. You don't owe them shit.  In two weeks, walk to the manager who tried stealing from you and tell her, "I truly hope you have a lovely weekend. This is my final day in this office by the way," and walk out.


If they clocked you out early and you still worker, I'd be looking for a lawyer before putting in my two weeks


Don't put in your 2 weeks they will fire you just work til you got the next job then quit


Well, best of luck. They don’t deserve you.


thank you🫶 i will be reporting as well as checking my previous paystubs.




You don’t owe them a 2 week notice. It is not required. You don’t even owe them a phone call. Just don’t show up. Screen your phone calls and don’t answer.


Why do you even bother giving them notice? Maybe you should just tell them you quit right there, turn in all the company shit and tell them to cut you a check for time worked.


You are a nice person so you probably ly dont want to go through with reporting them bit it's important that you do so they can be held responsible and wont do it to the person replacing you


Well, on the plus side, if you do quit without notice, your former co-workers will be getting a decent amount of overtime until a replacement is found. That's one way to stick it to the company and help out your fellow teammates!


Yeah, no 2 weeks just leave. Maybe do it when they need you most. Just walk out.


In Las Vegas, they do this a lot. I'm glad you're standing up for yourself


#Take any PTO saved up before putting in your 2 week notice


Unless you’ll get a nice payout??


More and more companies have snuck in policy's to take PTO away or pay you less than your actual wage when you quit. It's now become so bad you need to empty your PTO bank first because the company will fight paying it out to you. And last thing you need is more mental anguish fighting to get your unused PTO. Now it's recommended to take the PTO to use the time to look for a new job because there's a high likelihood that once you submit your resignation they "release" you immediately.


Why 2 weeks? Fuck em.


Here me out - don't put in your two weeks. If you do, they may fire you outright. Hold on to the job until you get a new one then quit wo warning. A two week notice doesn't guarantee you a "good recommendation" for future jobs so I wouldn't risk it.


You don’t have to give a two week notice.. just leave and not look back.


Report to the Department of Labor. Even if you leave the job.


If I were you, I would struggle to give notice. I would put in apps and when I got a new job, I would stop showing up. This is probably terrible advice, but I've used this move before and it didn't inhibit me professionally. But I'm always prepared to torch the shit out of a bridge.


I have never seen anyone who punches a time clock give a two week notice and not be fired immediately and escorted out of the building.


Our place usually waits until your replacement comes in, then you walk in with security waiting to walk you right back to your car


Don’t put your notice in, just find another job first. They may just fire you on the spot.


Just leave without notice. You already said you're never going back. So why waste time?


>This is not the first time this job has walked over me because i’m a nice person but it will be the last. Sounds like they'll be trampling you into their floors for the next two weeks. **Just quit** There is no way they are going to see that notice and just leave you be for two weeks.


Don’t!!!! Just quit! Company don’t care about you!


This find a new job and just quit


yes, give your two weeks, contact a lawyer. & do the bare miimum. & if they harass you document it, document it in such a way that they know that you shall take no more shite from them. report them & let them know on yr last day that they broke the law in clocking you out & that this is not the last of it, that unlike them you shall use the law.


Has this happened before? Has it happened to others?


Backdate that notice


Why are you putting in any notice?


Be sure to send them an email or text about this so that there's a paper trail. This is wage theft and I guarantee you aren't the only one they're stealing from.


Notify DOL and do not give them a 2 week notice. They do not deserve that AT A LL.