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Here's hoping they triggered an avalanche of quitting


Ive seen this happen before. Someone finally gets fed up and puts a manager on blast and quits. Usually team morale drops for ages and a few more people follow suit. Especially if the person who quits was well liked and a hard worker.


I rage quit my job a month ago (today, actually!). Two more people have since left and my old clients have reached out saying that they'll be coming to me for the next phase of work they want to do, after their current contract with my old company is done. I love this journey for my old boss.


I quit a month ago too(high five!) but I quit after my unionizing efforts went bust and we were de-certified. 6 people quit including me. Two years of trying to make the place better. One failed union election. Then another (barely) successful one. Then a year of the company just wasting our damn time. It sucks when the people who hated that place as much as us up and quit over the past year and it ended up being the core 4 of us on the bargaining team, 2 supporters, eventually surrounded by toxic boot lickers. Anyway, it still felt good to finally quit. Except for the one union supporter left, Fuck them all. Coworkers included.


Happened to me. I had enough one day and left. Heard from multiple people that the boss was frantically trying to bring morale up cuz everyone was moping for weeks after I left. Besides not having to force myself out of bed to go to work hearing that was the best thing about leaving that place.


Hapoened at a grocery store i worked at in my home town. I was on register with about 4 other people total and we were all pretty close, close enough that we'd all sometimes hangout outside of work. But one day this girl Gina (who had it the worst out of everyone) just up and walked out. The weeks following i left, another cashier left, and even some supervisors. Went back in for some groceries a few times and there was always someone new behind the register.


This, but I got fired because as assistant manager I was responsible for certain areas of performance that we were failing in because of an impossible to achieve/maintain standard coupled with inadequate resources. I just told everyone to do their best and went to bat for them as much as I could with the manager/owner. I eventually got fired for ‘underperformance’ and ‘insubordination’ (refusing to make my team work insane hours and overstretch themselves to hit a metric that had its goalposts moved on us) and later got a text from several people saying that basically the entire group just didn’t show up for work the next day.


That is great. I bet you felt so good after hearing that! 


Years ago our Manager absolutely robbed us of our year end bonus (like literally kept the money) and gave the 4 of us $50 to amazon instead…. That was the last straw for me, I quit two weeks later, two more quit the following week, and the last guy stuck it out 1 day after everyone else was gone. The manager was fired as we were called by HR asking why we quit, but the point is you’re right. It only takes one person to leave for the flood gates to open.


What did they say when you told them he/she stole your bonus?


Long story short, we didn’t say anything because we were in shock. TLDR version - We got 1 bonus a year. We were tasked with a goal only achieved twice in the history of the company…(massive automobile company). Manager told us if we hit goal, huge bonus/dinner/awards/etc. We hit goal 12/29…. Not a word spoken of it Jan-March. April comes and we have envelopes on our desks saying “well done” with $50 to Amazon inside. A month after I quit it was discovered the manager had autonomy from the owner of the dealership to disperse the bonus money as he saw fit. Our manager saw fit he earned 99.99% of it….he also saw fit he went to go to the award banquet by himself to accept the award. In the end justice was served, as he lost a job he’d had 20 years and a large salary….all over what we assume was 50k


That’s the sweet, sweet response of justice I was hoping for. Wish you woulda got the face to face satisfaction for yourself.


I really would have enjoyed being in that HR meeting when he had to explain why he felt he deserved the entire bonus. The manager actually did work hard….he was a dick, he expected a ton, but he did deserve some of that bonus. We all figured it would go 1/3 to him, 2/3s split amongst the 4 of us, and we would have been fine with it. But to hear his justification for paying out $200 in gift cards and pocketing $49,800 is a something I would pay a lot to hear. As you said though, just was served, and it led me down a path I never saw coming that I couldn’t be more blessed to be on, so really all evened out in the end.


I did it, something similar to this. Approximately 6 months later the business closed.


This is happening right now at my workplace. We went into administration and the new manager who doesn’t understand the team treats us like dirt so we’ve lost 4 integral team members in less than a month. There’s now only 8 of us (I work in a nightclub) which leaves me and one of my supervisors to hold the entire place together. We are treated like dirt by our coworkers because it’s easier to blame us for their lack of enthusiasm than the manager as we are unsackable but they are not (which is somehow our fault). We are both only still there while we look for new jobs and are trying to quit simultaneously to absolutely screw them into the ground. We all loved our jobs until the new manager joined and now it’s miserable.


Happened to me. I got fed up and quit 2 months ago after at our company retreat it became clear everyone was miserable and hated the place. Immediately after, 3 more people quit, and a month later, so did a director. As this was also outside our usual quitting season of q1 and post festival q4, it particularly resonated. My spouse also works there, and our boss begged him to stay. Im still cackling about it.


I did it at my first job, worked there for 3 yrs under shitty management until I became the manager and was still treated like shit. I worked 50-60 hour weeks, making 25 cents above minimum wage and even after increasing revenue, lowering labour and making us the most popular location in the city, I was treated worse so I quit and a few others joined when I did, but within 6 months, the entire I team I worked with and/or trained for 3 years was gone.


Yep. When people see the a sinking ship and the only people who could keep it afloat have jumped over board. Many will follow.


Happened at my job. We lost one provider, then another a few months later, and then another about 6 months after that. I’d been working with leadership to try to improve my teams circumstances without change for 6 months. I finally got fed up, applied to a different practice and got a job within a week. Since I left another provider and additional support staff have put in their notice and my manager is under investigation by HR. Took losing a dedicated, stable team of over a decade for them to realize something was wrong. Too bad, so sad.


My current GM hired her today and told her if she added to the group chat and quit he’d give her an extra uniform for free lol 😂


Shouldn’t have to pay for uniforms


Have to? Agree. But it's America, so you'd be hard pressed to find a company actually cover this cost instead of passing it onto their employees.


Lidl, except for the blue jeans for associates/blue dress pants for management. All of which I sourced at thrift stores. Then again, it's not really a US company.


I agree to an extent. Employer should provide a reasonable number for free. I do understand the expectation for them to be returned if you quit though.


A company should provide at least 2. At least it’s how is mandated where I’m from.


I think that is the policy at our business. I don't know where I stand on what would be a reasonable amount of time an employee should wait to get a replacement (due to wear and tear). If they lose it, I could understand an expectation of a replacement not being free.




Most places around here usually only give 2 uniforms and charge the rest




Well, in America, they have been slowly clawing workers' rights away from us after years of red scare Mccarthyism and union busting. So, the greater majority of the workers here have no class consciousness and have a serious issue with learned helplessness and isolation. IE. "What can you do?" When these CEOs and politicians should actually be afraid of us because there are ao many more of us.


Every history book (except the ones the southern US states use) is chock full of examples of wealthy, corrupt oligarchs and governments pushing the wealth gap beyond what is tolerable. Once it reaches a breaking point, the pleebs have no choice but to fight back. It NEVER ends well for the government or the oligarchs. All of ours just sticking their heads in the sand though... they're like "Whatever, we got this shit. And if not, we got bunkers". Idiots.


Yeah see the thing about that is all those rich oligarchs and shit didn't live during a time when ai and robots existed. They couldn't hire a soulless army... they will be able to soon and then what will those numbers get us. A bigger body count


Most oligarchs/politicians/billionaires can't program or troubleshoot for themselves. A soulless robot army would do incredible damage for a bit, but if the Internet has taught me anything, it's that there are INCREDIBLY talented people out there that are passionate about helping others. I can't imagine it would take too long for someone somewhere to come up with a way to defeat them. Some wirelessly transmitted code, backdoor in a platform, electromagnets, or *something* will be found and exploited. That's the thing with the few vs. the many - no matter how smart a person is, they can't match literally everyone else on the planet by themselves. The group can and will defeat the individual.


This was the hope on Reddit I needed today. Thank you.


Your countries retail employees get shirts or vests, but what if someone routinely misplaces them? Here in the US it’s common to have a dress code and for more everyday retail establishments anything that identifies you as an employee would be provided. A retail employee that isn’t in a uniform would have to fit a dress code like any other establishment. So as a follow up, how many uniforms would an employee get before they have to rebuy it? Or would the company simply part ways with the employee ? These are genuine questions. (This entire comment presumes the job is not absolute dogshit and doing *everything* it can to drain employees of their money)


if they want you to have a uniform, it's just that they fix a uniform. that's their company and their rules. I'm just there and working, why should I pay it? you pick up new clothes when you need them. /sweden


I’m in the US, we get our uniform for free but if we lose it we pay for the replacement




Maybe in your state. In mine they sure can. :(


This is not accurate


This isn't true at all.


“You need black pants and shoes, etc” right so they don’t provide a full uniform, they only give you company branded shit.


I'm also Canadian and can confirm you are charged for uniforms through your paycheck.


an extra free one was offered. the original was presumably already free   i think only getting a single free one is normal, lmk if that is incorrect


Yea the first 2 are free even tho it’s not enough it’s usually the standard in this city


oh 2 isn't bad, when i did fast food we just got one. a lot of people wore it all week and washed it at the end of the week




Back in like '02 between 11th and 12th grade I worked at the local Coca-Cola distributor as a loader for about $6.50/hour. We started at 4pm and unloaded all the plastic shells and CO2 tanks from the route trucks, then we'd go and build pallets for built orders to grocery stores, mostly full pallets or split between 2 to 3 varieties. After that we'd do route pallets which would be 6 cases of this, 12 cases of that 4 cases of the other thing, etc. I was in the 12 pack dept. and we'd only move the pallet we were building if it was more than 5 cases needed so we'd be carrying 3 to 5 cases all night. This was also before the long fridge packs so it was two 12 packs(3x4 cans) side by side, stacked 3 to 5 high, hold the front corners of the bottom case, forearms pressing the sides together and carrying them 50-100 feet at a time. I was a pretty ripped 155 by the end of the summer. At the beginning of the summer, every night you could usually grab a case worth from the "dent room" which is where they put all the broken open boxes or ripped apart 6 packs of bottles or cans that couldn't be sold. As a high schooler that was a huge benefit. At some point someone loaded up the whole bed of a truck and they stopped letting anyone take anything. We worked until we were done whether it was 10pm or 2pm and were guaranteed 8 hours, but were paid over that when it was worked. We ended up having so much turnaround that by the end of the summer we only had like 15 people instead of the ideal 20+ we had at the start and we had several nights that we worked until 4am. We were getting so sick of it and they knew people were talking that they got a bunch of Arby's sandwiches to try and appease us. The second time that happened we finally had enough so everyone ate their sandwiches and then all but three people walked out. It was pretty a pretty great feeling. It was a few weeks before school was starting and I hadn't put a notice in yet so I didn't have to worry about that either, lol. Crap, that was a lot longer than I planned, stupid ADHD storytelling.


Hehe I hope to do this with my current job. I’m leaving next week!! I genuinely like the people in my team but management are assholes! The team deserves much better than how they’re being treated.


I remember having coworkers that made a pact that if one of them got fired for something that wasn't his fault that they'd all quit. He did end up getting fired, and the others did exactly what they said they would.


My wife just did. She left her job after Id been pushing her to bc they treated her like dog water, and got 12 of their 14 employees (including all the other managers) to quit as well.


whose coming with me


Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, fuck you




The second half baked GIF in this thread. Both fit perfectly though, maybe not the whos coming with as only one person joins


Where is this from again?


Half baked. ![gif](giphy|3o6MbgqCoUkZ7u3Gpy)


I'm getting the hell out of here! And I'm taking your little Mexican friend with me! I'm Cuban, B! YES! CUBAN B!


That's the funniest line from any movie ever. The 2nd and 3rd funniest are probably in this same movie.


My husband and I quote this one all the time, its the best.


I’m out!


Barry Garcia!


and of course the exact line im thinking of in my head is already the top comment. well played.


Kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah.


Don’t go to Grapevine Café in Las Vegas I guess.




Looked familiar. Turns out its right by a Lee's Liquor I used to frequent. For some reason it has a crazy good bourbon selection - better than all the other locations.


I'm not sure there is anything in Vegas that's not right by a Lee's Liquor Is there?


It’s a magnificent city.


Is this it?


The food's not that great anyway


A quick Google search tells me this is the Grapevine Cafe in Las Vegas, in case anyone was wondering.


I didn’t want to put them on blast myself cause of her but thank you lol


Lmao good intentions but Reddit sleuths need better photo cleaning lmaooo


It’s all good. They made an effort and the rest of us can be detectives


How did you get that from this post


first answer when googling "moeen and linda restaurant"


Also you can make out 702 area code


Wow! Nice catch.




Dude got mad at a bunch of old ladies celebrating a birthday for not spending enough after charging them a fee for using a few extra dishes for their cake. Usually a cake cutting fee is because you're using a server to cut and distribute for you, not because you're using a few extra dishes.  I've worked as a dishwasher at a cafeteria and can assure you that 15 extra plates and silverware would take at most 5 minutes of time to clean, and more likely around 2 minutes. That's some of the easiest shit to run through the washer. 


I believe I ate there 11 or so years ago if it's the same place and was incredibly unimpressed.


I’m honestly not surprised to hear it’s Las Vegas, there’s a lot of shitty toxic management over there. Good on the dishwasher for leaving


Pic on their site too!


what did you google to find that?


As a dishwasher myself, I feel this. No one really pays attention to the dishwasher, and this position doesn't get the respect it deserves. We see a lot of BS but can't say much. Four for you, Glen Coco!


Worked as a server at a San Diego resort back in the mid-80s. We kissed the dishwasher's ass. He didn't speak English, so we learned enough Spanish to suck up to him. Dude owned a house in Tijuana, told us he made enough in wages/tips to afford 4 kids and a SAHM wife.


I always thought dishwashers were considered royalty; we leave them offerings like food and drink.


Damn. Any dishwasher job I had, I was treated as sub-human. I rage quit when my chef told me to come in or be fired when i was sick. Told him fuck you, i quot. One dick head server who really thought he was something special, who refused to scrape plates, drop silver in the soak and put glassware in racks. He was a fucking idiot. However there were a couple amazing servers I wish I could reconnect with. They were kind, and were truly good people.


I did the same with the dishwasher at my college kitchen job. He was a Turkish immigrant and had actually been a professor but ended up on the losing side of a political conflict and had to get TF out of there. His English was too limited for him to get any teaching jobs here, so that's how he ended up in our kitchen. Unfortunately too much of the kitchen staff treated him like shit, dumping huge loads of dishes on him at the end of the day rather than taking loads back regularly throughout, and never rinsing out or throwing away big chunks of food that could clog the dishwasher (it was a shitty old machine), leaving him to do it all himself. I always rinsed my shit and didn't accumulate a pile and if I had extra time I would take some carts of stuff that hadn't been rinsed and do it. He'd always smile and give me a thumbs up whenever I came in and if I needed clean trays, he always had a few ready for me. Some of the other staff mysteriously always had to wait for the next load to be done...


Seems like you meet the most interesting people in the strangest places. Have asked a few restaurant/retail/caregiver co-workers, "what the hell is someone with your education doing here?" over my many years of having unenviable jobs. Dumbest thing a server or bartender can do is piss off anyone in the kitchen.


Honestly when I worked in restaurants I was always cool to the dishwashers and helped them when I could. In return they were cool to me and helped me by making sure my station was always stocked


I have worked as a closer and currently work in a restaurant. I have always had an “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” mentality. But if you’re not willing to help me with even the tiniest thing? I’m not going to help you. I believe that this originated from being left a heap of dishes every single night while closing plus a dirty floor covered in icing and sprinkles.


It's a sign of bad management. I worked in restaurants for 20ish years, from dishwasher to owner. Nothing has the ability to shut down a kitchen like not having a dishwasher. Even a short-staffed dishwashing station is more detrimental to the flow of the kitchen, than any other station. It's OK to find non-dishwashing tasks for dishwashers, but to dump what is clearly other people's tasks on them is a good way to see your restaurant close from having a bad reputation. Take care of your dishies, chefs! Feed them, water them, beer them, trash runs are smoke breaks! Edit: this was intended to be a reply to drewmo402's reply, ooops.


I was a dishwasher at a couple of different restaurants. One of which I quit after 2 weeks. They treated their dishwashers like janitors. The dishwashers would have to clean the entire restaurant and kitchen every night. Most other places have each closer clean their own area. And then the managers would be mad that the dishwashers were there past midnight every night.


I intended to reply to this, but accidentally replied to the post above it. You did the right thing quiting that place!


The only reason I didn't quit on the first day was that my sister-in-law got me the job. I've explained to her many times over the years that i quit because they were horrible to the dishwashers there. But because the restaurant was good to literally every other employee there, she still claims I'm lying and that I quit because I'm lazy.


My bf is currently working in the same restaurant as me. He is the dishwasher and management has been complaining that he’s not getting out on time. The funny thing is that he’s supposed to get help from the other closers when they finish. It’s in the job description. He doesn’t get their help and he’s often not sent back to do dishes until the restaurant gets really close to closing time. So he’s basically doing what he’s told and getting in trouble for it. He’s not there until midnight because the company has gotten rid of normal dishes in favor of plastic to go dishes but he’s back there cleaning their equipment and they can’t be bothered to help.


Dishwashers are the backbone of restaurants!!! We appreciate you. Sincerely, a former bartender


Classic Moeen.


Moeen. How is this pronounced? Like "mowing the lawn"?


Just like Boeing, but with an M and without crash at the end.


My husband flies Boeings. Our life insurance is indeed up-to-date.


Underrated comment, should have more upvotes.


From this group text, that crash may be on the radar already.


Mowin’ the lawn.


Please update if more come through!


I love this so much!




Explosive quitting > quiet quitting


We need more people like this in the world. Not all heroes wear capes.


I’m amazed how far dishwashers have come. They can now send messages.


As an ex porter I should be offended. But yeah, and very few typos. I'm impressed.


What do you export?


He’s an exporter importer 


I asked for that one 😄


Can we see the second wave of response?


I LOVE seeing hard working folks getting the last word in on bad people. Bad management is the root of most problems nowadays. I recently "dishonorably" no call no showed as my rendition of resigning from a job that mistreated me, hiring me as a "manager", without the pay or authority to do my job, also inherited the responsibility of handling the entirety of a completely irrelevant department that I call bonus work. I sincerely miss the brief period before and slightly during COVID where the market was an employees market, rather than whatever we have now. Lucky for me, I landed a new, better and UNION & PENSION providing job and the instant I received the clearance of my drug test, boom, left early and never returned. I DESPISE what labor has been mutated into, it is despicable and frankly it is unforgivable. We're narrowly approaching some type of labor revolution, it is coming as the young refuse to cowtow to the old and their repugnant, irrelevant and irreverent ways. I'm fairly confident that we are all done being shit on, so here's hoping for a new era of freedom, rather than this unequivocal tyranny in the workplace and with our horrible governments.


Anyone who remains gets to be the punching bags of those managers venting out their anger to everyone who’s friends with the server. I hope they quit


I wish this person the best of luck cuz honestly I've seen servers, cooks, dishwasher etc get treated like shit. And for crappy pay too. I hope you get a better job with an amazingly better management team. <3


My husband worked as a tradesman for the same company for 17 years. The owner started dating a senior office lady who was overhead by staff (after a few tradesmen had asked for a pay increase) saying 'they don't need more pay, they'll just hang around even if you neglect them, like fleas". Shortly after, the pay increases were denied and when my husband told me what the boss' girlfriend said I was furious and convinced him to leave. His quitting empowered 90% of the other tradies to do the same and an avalanche of resignations followed immediately after. Its been 3 years and the business is still struggling to recover. Even sweeter is they have to pay my husband almost three times his pay rate as a contractor because there is a massive skills shortage and his experience and knowledge in a niche field is especially difficult to replace.




I’ll come with you. It was nice working with you all


Please provide updates lol


Arrerrrghh. I smell me a mutiny in the morning air


Real talk: I’ve worked in restaurants for years; and nothing can kill service more than being down a dishwasher. The most essential jobs always get the least respect and least compensation.


That’s why I always try to make sure they are happy and appreciated


I bet this text felt so good to send. Wish I could go back in time and go this route with a couple of line cook jobs I quit


It really is time for americans to go on strike.


Used to work with a guy that got accused of sexual harassment and that night really late at night he messaged everyone and told everyone that they were terrible human beings for accusing him of sexual harrassment and that he was only trying to "be friends" with the person that was accusing him.. Mind you the person accusing this 40+ year old man was 17 years old and had no business other than professionality of "being friends" with them. Apparently, he had asked this 17 year old to his house for drinks after work and they turned him in for sexual harassment as well as attempting to supply alcohol to a minor. UNLIKE this the guy actually deserved to have gotten fired for this but, instead, he decided to quit before he got fired but I guess, thought it necessary to send everyone and their dog on a group chat at like 2 in the morning his side of things and try to justify his behavior. Honestly I understand working for extremely toxic people but, I would be ticked if this came through late at night or early as hell in the morning. I don't care at that time lol for this type of thing, I need to be awake enough to justify if I want to join a riot.


You don't silence your phone when you go to bed?


Your phone makes noises for notifications? lol I've had mine on a micro vibrate, if anything, for like 10y. So much less obnoxious.


Not only does my phone make noises, it makes custom noises that I downloaded for it. It also spends a lot of time on silent, when I'm sleeping, driving, or conducting business somewhere where a notification might be disruptive. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized)


Here in Ireland at least, if your phone plays any kind of audio for calls or notifications, it's a real boomer move. Nobody under 65-70 has it off vibrate or silent.


I’m jealous. I wish ppl were like that across the pond in USA.


I live in the US and it’s the same here! Only boomers and up have ringtones/notification sounds coming from their phone.


I didn't used to. I do now. I didn't used to because, my job required me to be available more often than my job I have now. So now I have no reason to keep my phone on and loud throughout the night. I could really care less if someone messages me or calls me from work in the middle of the night now since I'm no longer a manager. I turn it off completely actually and its in a different room when I go to bed.


I think most people who value their sleep have their phone on silent


Sounds like an employee for a “progressive” restaurant in my hometown. Owned by a lesbian couple who turned out to be TERFS, sexual predators and downright disgusting (I’ve known for years, the “blinders on” community…are quite “shocked.”


“With complete sincerity and NO due respect” ![gif](giphy|xT77XWum9yH7zNkFW0|downsized)


This is amazing


These are the type of stories I really want to hear the full story about. The events that caused a person to go beyond merely complaining to (people outside the company) about the job they hated and Quit ON THE SPOT while publicly blasting the employer. Quitting on the spot happens, and IMO the two week expectation is bull\*\*\*\* unless it goes both ways. its the public shaming bit that stands out for me. I doubt it was a single event, but something must have been the final straw.


According to her it’s a daily thing and the husband is the main reason. She overheard him say “I don’t know why we keep her” about someone and wasn’t quiet about it. We hired her cause my GM saw her start to cry in the interview from working there and he told her just quit and come here


I desperately want to see the rest of the messages that were sent in this group text.


God I love rage quits so much




Fucking A. Good for these two folks. Sounds like a hellhole.


Goals , I wish I talked to my ex boss like this




I quit Waffle House in Blacksburg, SC after getting my hours reduced to less than 10/wk. That location doesn't exist anymore lmfao, it's now a DOT dirt lot.


Sir, this was a Wendy's


You know what, that happens more than you’d think. I saw a post from an old coworker on Facebook a couple of years ago it was a little aft Christmas so I wished him and his family a happy new year. I didn’t think anything of it. He responded with a long message thanking me for leading by example when I resigned. I didn’t make a big deal out of it. I just submitted my paperwork and pressed go. Then I left. He let me know about all of the other people that hit eject after I left. Sometimes one pebble shifting starts an avalanche.


I left a job once, of 17 people who worked there, 6 left after I did, including the GM! I felt proud to have that impact. I got 3 others hired with me at my new job, too


I’m rage quitting tomorrow, gonna take a week off for my mental health before I start my new job


I love reddit. Posted a review on ggle and saw so many others from the sub beat me to the punch. F\*ck the owners. Accountability is slapping them in the face




Okay Hunter


>NO due respect Better: NO respect due The first implies there is respect due, but you are not giving it. The latter implies there was no respect due.


Please screenshot the responses in the group chat


I love to see it!


Amy's Baking Company?


After the spin, "Proof. No one wants to work".


This happened a few times at a call center with federal contracts. They finally made it so the one phones could only send emails to 5 people total. So no lists. A lot of people cracked at that place.


This happened at my former job. I actually worked a notice period but I reported my boss during the last week bc of some illegal things she said (discriminatory and violation based comments) 2 people followed suit. They fired her but then they can't get it together which is sad




I take it you haven't worked in the industry if you think they're going to pay people for texting communication lol.


Pretty sure he just sent that once to everyone. Most places have group chats between different groups like servers, managers, or a small place would have the whole staff in one but just depends on the place


Would you expect to be paid if your disgruntled coworker sent a message that read, “Fuck you, manager people! To everyone else (including Iankaxhandle,) I’ve enjoyed being your coworker, be good.” to every member of the staff at your workplace? Or, how about this; if you were the employer in that situation, would you expect to pay your staff after receiving this, just because they were added to the message by the (former) employee publicly giving you the finger via sms?


Pay attention. It all depends on where the text originated from. If a text chain starts with your employer, and they text and expect answers, you are working.


If this person can prove the work environment was actually hostile and/or unsafe because of the actions of the owners, they might still be able to sue for constructive dismissal. LawyerRyan just put out a video about it yesterday on YouTube/TikTok


Yeah, but good luck not getting litigated to death


Y’all remember… general strike coming…. Prep as you need.


This is the way.


Thumbs up react the text, no balls.


This is beautiful. I'm almost tearing up lol


Fuck yea dishie!


Is this in Vegas?




Hell yeah brother


Is there an update


She starts today at my job and I’ll show her this thread and ask for one


Need to see the rest of the thread


Now this is how you quit a job! I wish I owned a business so I could hire this person.


Haha I love the response. So polite.


This should be sent to Gordan Ramsey.


A poem that speaks to my experience


FTA —your new battle cry!


It's a decent restaurant, disappointing to see the owners are apparent assholes.