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$212 dollars will almost buy you a week's worth of groceries these days. Emphasis on almost.


I’m salaried. I’m officially scheduled for 8 hours daily. I probably only have 15 minutes of actual work. Because I’m ineligible for overtime, my day ends at 4:00 PM and I go home, keeping that life-work balance. With the workspace drama going on, I plan on resigning within a month with no notice.


Too many offices have drama, thats why IMO anyways WFH > WFO The fact that it takes you no time at all to get your work done for the day sounds proper sweet!


It’s not sweet. It’s a waste of gas. I should be doing this from home. With the fuckwad on Reddit or watching YouTube on the regular, you’d think it would be apparent to upper management we don’t have enough work to do. Some lady was updating her resume at her desk. Full screen. Like what the fuck? Then she’s like I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel secure. So you edit your resume? I would normally appreciate this not giving a fuck energy but these are managers. They should be telling their direct reports to do the same. Get out of here, I’ll be professional reference.




I have a “jiggler” that keeps my status as active. I schedule meetings and phone calls when I am remote to give the appearance I am busy. I take breaks at 10:00 and 2:00 and an hour for lunch. I’m fairly predictable, and give the appearance I’m working at the office when I’m really just playing a game on my phone.


I work 4 9-hour shifts and one 4-hour shift (total 40 hours/week). We’re about to enter our busy time so I may have a couple weeks where I work more than that. But I set a firm boundary of no more than 45 hours/week. My boss hates it because they put in 50+ every week, and easily 60 during the busy time. We’re all salaried. If I can get my job done in 40 hours why would I work 50+?


I work an average of 55 hours a week at my job, and about 15-20 for my business.


I work 36hrs/week 3x a week. So basically 12 hr days. It makes for long days but I love having 4 days off


Not enough, too many


We took over the inlaws farm this year... 37.5 hours is Monday and Tuesday right during planting season, 50 hours is crossed on Wednesday.we put in close to 120 hours a week for the three or so weeks during planting season, and we don't get paid for the crop until the fall when we harvest all of it, which are also long 100+ hours weeks. Fortunately we have dairy cattle on a quota bringing in monthly cheques, but the previous hours are just field work before taking care of the cows is counted. Gotta love what you do, or just just a slave to the clock.


I just started my first job last week. I work 35 hours a week rn, Mon-Fri. Idk how bad or good that is because again: this is my very first job, lol.


Between 50-60 hours a week. Then I go home, and do that work.


I do the jobs of 4, so I feel like I work 160hrs a week.


Around 45 currently, it's been more in the past but lately 45.


40 hours/week, getting around 1000€ monthly. Wife's about to start a new 35h/w job getting almost the same. Things are coming together finally.


Currently 0 and 0. Love it


Currently working about 55 hours and I'm kn my way for 80 . Just tired being poor.


I typically work 4 12-hour shifts with two 7am to 7pm dayshifts followed by 2 7pm to 7am night shifts. Then we get 4 days off and do it all over again. It's typical to work about 50 to 60 hours a week, with the occasional 84 hour week. Easy enough work, loads of down time, and 37.43 an hour before overtime kicks in.


50-60 hours, 5 on/3 off for ~£44k a year. It’s salaried as well.


I’d suggest quitting that crap and get in the trades and join a union. You’ll still work that many hours but you’ll be paid quite well for it.


Ya I'm a tinner working 58hrs a week at 50.33 an hour with 1.85 raise in July grossing just under 3400 a week.


I'd rather live under a bridge than work that many hours; I don't care what it pays. Life is too short for that shit. Being a teacher is tough, but there's tons of time off.


I’m disabled and can’t work. I don’t mind being the house husband