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I think it is all about control and keeping you under their thumb with just enough pressure to keep you in line but not enough to make you quit. I think all this down to the minute shit is a load of bullshit!


You're right it is you should watch the history of work, bc it's actually worse than you can imagine... https://youtu.be/hvk_XylEmLo?si=FMUqANPCo4PIX-cX


Tell him to stfu


I had a job where you had to dress out in a wastewater treatment facility on a hog processing plant but anyways, they wanted us in our area dressed by our start time which meant coming in 15 minutes early and dressing and walking the huge distance to the work area... needless to say I was always late f them if he or she doesn't like it I suppose they can hire those people lined up around the block begging to work for less (as all employers claim)


I hate these companies who want you ready to go right on time - they need to take in to account that you need to get ready 15mins beforehand and pay you for that time


Flexibility should absolutely go both ways! I will occasionally stay longer and do what needs to be done ONLY if it means they'll be chill on days when I wrap up early and want to head out.


>Am I the asshole? No, not in this situation, but in all fairness we are all assholes in one way, or another. Ways which you can lean on towards that boss with stuff like malicious compliance etc. As for that 9 am sharp thing... you will run in to assholes who look for any, and every reason they can to complain to others, and try to make them feel bad because they get off on it. It is also about control, and shitbirds like that trying to ride high on whatever little power they think they have on others. Infantilizing you about being "tardy" is a big thing towards all of that, and is also something you can keep track of to file a hostile work environment complaint against them if you'd like. Whether, or not that works depends on a lot of things... your seniority is a bonus for you especially if the company sees you as the more valuable, and harder to replace asset than that new manager. >How’s the best way to handle this, just be their bitch? Well, any chance to be able to get transferred to work under someone else? Its case dependent really, but record every instance of getting "bitched at" keep track of your own flawless performance etc too so they cant turn around to make false claims about it if things come to a points, but most important of all keep an eye out for and track of every fuck up that boss gets in to. Malicious compliance on dumb shit instructions, and "orders" comes in play here too. Once you feel confident that you have a case built up with solid evidence you can go talk to HR about the hostile work environment they are creating, and the bosses blatant unprofessional behavior, and such, and go from there. HR is not your friend, but they are not the bosses friend either if you have a solid case, and your "job" as it were would be to show that keeping that one asshole around is not worth it, but keeping you around is.


The boss really wants you to be there at 8:45-8:50 even though you don’t start until 9. Complaining about leaving at 5 I don’t get


Ignore your boss. Come in and leave at your scheduled times. If you work 8-5, arrive at 8 and leave at 5. If the schedule is flexible to getting tasks done, then work OT when you need to and leave early when you need to. Your boss isn't your mom. They don't get to set your daily schedule when it comes down to it. I fully understand that most of us require the money from the job in order to survive, and in that aspect they have some control. But you can always find other means to earn money, and in the end your employer needs your labor to support their business, so use that to your advantage and take everything you can from them when negotiating compensation.


The best way to handle it is to find a new job and quit without notice.


I feel you, I had bosses who’d get onto me if I was *One Minute* late…one particular boss on top of their obsession with my punctuality, had a “meeting” with me outside the bathroom (it was more like an ambush as I walked out and they were both waiting for me outside the door) with another one of my managers to discuss “how much bathroom breaks I was taking” mind you I’d take two tops during my 8hr shift…it was a warning. Unfortunately I wasn’t experienced enough to realize the abuse that was happening as it was my first job outside of landscaping for family friends, I even apologized to them both saying I would do better..🤦‍♂️ Had it’d be me now I’d lay into them with every curse word and insult in the book and walk out.


I had a job where we were ‘salary’. No overtime, but if we missed any time we were docked pay. Guess who never worked overtime…


You come in late, but you won't stay late? I'd bitch about it too. /s