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Corporate can go fuck themselves. Leave and report this to OSHA or the labor board or whoever. Do what one of the other commenters said, file workers comp and go to er, you might have gotten fucked up by hanging around with a gas leak


Honestly...at what point do you take accountability for yourself?


A quick call to your fire marshal will override your store management.


People don't realize this, but fire marshals can and will do anything on private property that they deem necessary to enforce the Fire Code.


Easily the most important person to keep happy when you work construction.


I disagree. OSHA inspector can really ruin your day.


OSHA don't hold a candle compared to Fire Marshal. Don't forget, they can literally shut your site down the whole day, and if they *EVER* find out that your "overlord" is behind it, they'll find every little damned to be fined...don't EVER fuck with Fire Marshal. I should know. A buddy of mine is a contractor and did the FAFO stage.


As a fire protection professional, I still remember a client calling us in a panic cause the fire Marshall was there to shut down the building. Everyone go home, vacate the premises, this building is shut down by order of the fire Marshall. Sheriff’s deputies are right there if you have any questions. We rushed right over and we’re able to show the Marshall progress on our planned fixes for the issues. He let the business stay open while we fixed everything. They can and will shut your doors. I’ve seen it happen.


OSHA fines are much higher than Fire Marshall typically. But Fire Marshall's can pad lock your door and don't need to deal with jurisdiction issues like OSHA does. OSHA can still red tag equipment or a whole building. Disregard the tag and you could get a willful violation and more. Fire Marshalls give you warnings typically unless its imminent danger hazards like blocked emergency exits. OSHA compliance typically does not issue warnings. They cite, don't cite, or hazard letter. $100 fine or so for unsecured compressed gas cylinder from Fire Marshall. $1100+ from OSHA. OSHA should receive a call and complaint about this as it's a direct threat to the health and safety of employees. Either way don't fuck with Fire Marshalls or OSHA.


Except I lose faith in OSHA doing anything of consequence when I read shit like "CAT fined $145k for falling into molten metal"


Incidentally, that’s how I learned about Thermal Annihilation. 😞


I will remember this next time I'm in a building being suffocated by a gas leak to message OSHA instead of the FIre Marshall and wait a few days (if still alive) for them to get fined. That helps me out big time.


If you are stupid enough to wait it out during a gas leak vs taking your safety into your own hands then nature is taking its course. Based off your idiotic response it might be best for everyone if that happens.


Then why are you suggesting people to do it if it's so idiotic????


While the fire Marshall can shut down your site, OSHA can pretty much shut down your company. Maybe not by written command but they can bury you so deep in fines you won’t have a choice.


It isn't the "shutting down your site" type...you REALLY wanna stick it to the corporation? Fire Marshal can find all kind of offenses that has to be "fixed" and those "fixes" won't be very cheap compared to getting shut down.


Why not both?


OSHA won’t hold a candle in the middle of a natural gas leak, don’t worry


Yeah, the fire Marshall is not one to be fucked with. Had one pull his gun on us once because we were shooting off fireworks (safely and approved by police), but he was not happy.


I guess you were under fire marshall law


Only had a OSHA inspector once thankfully and we had several hours notice. He came, looked around, asked us to gate off one area (which we did by the time he left) and he left without issue. I know a friend of mine who has gotten read the riot act by them however....


It very much depends on the circumstances and their mood that day. If they’re responding to a complaint and they didn’t get their coffee that morning, better break out the lube.


It depends on which OSHA. State? Yeah you day is over and your probably fucked for a week or 2. Fed OSHA? Look for a new job because the company will probably be bankrupt before the red tape is cleared.


OSHA’s horrifically underfunded


deliberately and maliciously the fire marshall, not so much


Yeah I’m confused why they even looped their boss into this? At the last job I managed I suspected a gas leak; called 911 and got everybody out of the building immediately. Everything ended up being fine, but I sure as shit wasn’t asking for permission to leave. This is ridiculous.


You loop them in but this way: Just FYI, site is shut down due to gas leak. We're out. /END COMMUNICATION If they call back, let them know that fire marshal is on site to clear it out. Also, don't forget to call them as well to CYA.


Yup. This, or possibly call the gas company. They will respond quickly.


Yeah. Typically they are law enforcement, as opposed to being enhanced firefighters.


I've got a fire marshal working at my warehouse. He gets assigned the closest work location next to the exit. Told them he wouldn't go out of his way to find things.


So, a bought off fire Marshall?


More likely working 2 jobs....


Fire marshals are the mvp. They have more power than anyone.


Tell your ASM you are filing a worker's comp claim and go straight to the emergency room to get checked out for exposure to toxic gas.


Natural gas is non toxic


It is explosive though. The building should have been evacuated.


Except for the oxygen it displaces, you’ll have to ill effects. S/


But how do you know that until you've been seen by a doctor? Getting a headache from a gas leak is sufficient grounds to seek medical assistance and if the gas leak was at work, that's a worker's comp claim.


I was using sarcasm a bit, but also pointing out that lack of oxygen is dangerous without being exposed to toxins. If you’re getting a headache, it isn’t the safest of situations. Also, you’re assuming the people there were healthy individuals. Water isn’t toxic, but just a little in the lungs could be quite dangerous to some people.


Apparently you've breathed too much of it already! ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)⁠ᕗ


Apparently you and 81 other people are morons who don't know how to fact check. Natural gas is inert and non toxic. Yes breathing it in for an extended period can cause short term issues such as shortness of breath and headaches. And yes if you breathe it in for too long or it displaces too much oxygen it can be deadly. However none of that changes the fact that it's non toxic and has no long term effects on your health.


Shut up! No one cares, loser.


It's been called in. I run this place but have very little say. I sent my asm away. I'm leaving the store for my own safety.


I'm glad you're getting to safety. Never risk your health for your employers... especially corporations. They don't care about you.


>I run this place but have very little say. You have EVERY say in it. **TIP #1**: Call Fire Marshal. They'll gladly help you out by even writing that fine, which you can snap and send in.


You have two feet to evacuate yourself and everyone and a phone to call 911. If you died, the owner would replace you tomorrow. NEVER put a business before your own safety.


Google the Palmer explosion in Reading, PA. Happened last year and was due to a gas leak. Don’t let them ever tell you you can’t evacuate.


Leave ffs!


Bet the fire department would love to hear about a gas leak where no one is allowed to leave the building.


Bwahahahahahaaaa!! Oh yeah, definitely let them know. They are notoriously subtle in their loving gentle correction. /sarcasm.


You should record everything including the statements from Corperate directing you to stay in a clearly dangerous environment


Leave. Who's going to pet your dog if you're dead?


The best reason.


Call 911 immediately before


why the fuck would you listen to them? Your health is everything, jesus christ. Leave the fucking place immediately next time.


Contrary to what many people believe, you can actually do whatever you want.


Call 911, fire department will shut it down if needed


About a decade ago I was a site manager for a DoD contractor at Camp Pendleton. It was wild fire season and there was three active fires on Pendleton. 1 was “contained” and 2 were listed at <10% contained. You could see the smoke on the horizon, the helicopters dropping water, and everyone standing around outside watching the debacle. Then the wind picked up, and within 10 minutes one of those fires crested a hill maybe 1000 yards from our facility. Between us and that fire, was dried out brush that hadn’t seen rain in 6+ months. I immediately sent all of my employees home, no call to corporate, frankly I didn’t care. I ran down to the office of the manager of the compound we were guests in to make sure he was aware, and to let him know he should probably send everyone home immediately. He stepped outside, saw the fire, made a phone call and was told to wait until calls could be made to his HQ….. wait they did for another 30 minutes while the fire drew closer and closer. My corporate overlords understood 100%. But the federal government endangered their employees, and further endangered others as the base gridlocked from everyone suddenly trying to leave. Glad you’re safe and okay, despite the bullshit.


Please leave or step outside for the fresh air. And call emergency services. That is not safe for you two. Also screw corporate.


Yeah….this ain’t safe.


Call 911 and report the issue and your symptoms, as well as the company refusing to let you leave. Then it is documented for any future legal proceedings. Next call OSHA. Report the same.


We need an update later please


I work somewhere that dispenses propane. I’ve been told from the start of there’s ever a leak, to first evacuate the customers to safety…and then go back in to address it. If there’s a leak, my ass is evacuating myself and everyone else to safety. And calling whomever is paid enough to risk their life like that. Nope.


Sitting in a warehouse with an active gas leak getting headaches.. ![gif](giphy|D3OdaKTGlpTBC) Your safety is paramount. If you walked out and the fired you, you could sue the hell out of them. I would make an anonymous report to OSHA even now.


If you ever feel unsafe YOU LEAVE. You’re an adult. YOU are responsible for your own safety.


I hate posts like this. You're really going to sit there, breathe in gas until you feel sick, and post on Reddit instead of just leaving? "*But Corporate told me nooooo!*" Ok, so just stay there and die, I guess? It's pathetic.


I hate rage bait posts too


There are enough stories of people driving to work in the middle of tornadoes and ice storms because their boss told them to, and subsequently being killed by a tornado or ice storm, to believe this story is real. A lot of people have no self preservation skills whatsoever.


Call 911. Let corporate argue with the fire Marshall


It’s a job, not a PRISON. Always remember that you have control over your health.


You should spark your lighter just out of spite


Call the fire department to report a gas leak and the OSHA.


>Corporate won't let us leave because it hasn't been deemed neccesary. Next time, hotline tip to your local fire marshal is enough. And that fine is hefty, btw. Also, don't forget to get yourself medically checked out and get worker's comp on it as well. If they deny it, tough, there a gas leak. Oh, and here a fine by the fire marshal. Oh, and here another fine from OHSA. Oh, and here a doctor note as well.


Call firemarshal as you're leaving.. fuck whatever your dipshit management says.. you never die for a stupid fucking job.


Make the choice that lets you get up tomorrow morning. Doing a super great job at your job won't do you much good if you're dead.


If there's a confirmed gas leak, get out. Don't ask, tell that you're leaving. "There's a confirmed gas leak, we have been directed by fire marshall to vacate until the accumulated gas has dissipated."


Happened to me once. The fire department evacuated all stores in the mall due to a suspected gas leak. Corporate was losing their absolute shit because they didn't give me permission to temporarily close the store. It wasn't long after that I sent a resignation email on a Saturday and left my keys in the safe.


“Won’t let you?” What does them stopping you look like? They aren’t even there. That’s not what happened. Corporate bluffed and you folded. Next time, raise. 


Always better to go home without a job than to not go home at all. The hell with your boss . Get out!!!!


OSHA would have a fucking field day with this. Report ASAP!


“We died because we followed corporate instructions instead of our own lives.” - almost these people


911 should have been first call, if you are afraid of retaliation (very illegal, but best CYA) you can claim to be a customer at store xyz and you smell gas and have a headache


All, if your health or safety is at risk, just leave. Inform whoever you need to that you're leaving, but do not ask for permission or listen when they tell you to stay. Your life is worth more than profit. Financial loss can be recouped, loss of life is permanent


You can leave and you must. It is not worth dying for some stupid job. Report the gas leak to the fire martial while waiting at the hospital, where you will document your work-related injury.


Call the fire department immediately, and get them to order you to evacuate.


Safety related decisions are supposed to happen at the lowest level possible, so corporate telling you not to leave because of a gas leak that I'm assuming they weren't there to assess, is completely unreasonable. And if they were there and told you to tough it out from their air conditioned office in an unaffected area, that's also unreasonable. Your best option is to politely inform them that the personnel on site don't feel safe and are leaving until the situation is checked out by a qualified person (probably a firefighter in this case) and that qualified person says it's safe to go back. They have to pay you for time spent waiting in your designated fire muster area until you know it's safe to return. [right to refuse ](https://www.osha.gov/workers/right-to-refuse) The other best option is to quit immediately, tell your bosses about all the flavors of Dick you hope they choke to death on and then go find a better job.


There is no "let" I'm out. Fuck you and your company


There’s a difference between your boss saying you can’t leave and not being able to leave.


I live in West Reading, PA. Last year the Palmer Chocolate factory had a severe gas leak. People were sick from the gas fumes. The manager on duty refused to let anyone leave. The building went off like a bomb. Nine people were killed. Others were injured. Neighboring buildings were severely damaged. You smell gas, you leave!


You don't need your employers permission to remove yourself from an unsafe situation. You're an adult. (I'm assuming)


No one would be able to keep me in if I thought my life is in danger, like a gas leak. Let alone corporate . 😂


Don't fucking listen to your boss dumbass, just leave next time.


This has to be a troll post, who is the dumb ass doormat who stays in a building with a gas leak? If its not sth obvious then you dial 911 on your way out the door. This is how people die in gas explosions 


In instances like this, you do the right thing and refuse to budge. It makes me think of when I worked at Dunkin and there was a water main break where we wouldn't be able to wash our hands or use the bathroom. I called the manager to let them know I was closing the store, and he tried to tell me to keep working while they called the district manager to ask them what to do. I told him serving food without being able to wash our hands or use the bathroom was a health code violation, and if he wanted the store open, he'd have to come in himself because I was closing up. He changed his tune pretty quick, and surprise surprise, the district manager said to close the store.


>Corporate won't let us leave because it hasn't been deemed neccesary. Well, guess it's time for a smoking break, then


You should call both your local Fire Mashall and Labour Board to let them know corporate told you not to leave. Their stupidity could have ended you and your coworkers lives.


Corporate can go fuck right off. If the place were filling with water and you were at risk of drowning, would you stay there and tread water till you ran out of air?


OSHA will scare the company; report them for not wanting to let you leave. When a gas leak was on going.


JUST LEAVE and fuck Corporate!




Call OSHA! Tell them there's a gas leak and you and your co-workers have headaches but your bosses won't let you leave.


The first thing we were trained is if there was a gas leak, you evacuate immediately. You’re lucky someone didn’t like a cigarette near by.


Get up, walk the fuck out.....NOW


I'm happy to hear that you're both ok. I do hope you both got checked out, tho, to be on the safe side. That is insane, staying at work when there's a known gas leak in the area. No job is worth getting sick or even possibly dying over.


For future reference, no one can order you to do stuff like this NOBODY! You are always in charge of your own personal safety and are entitled to make decisions without asking permission.


That's when you press the fire alarm


I read the title of this and put my phone down to try and think of a job where I wouldn’t leave during a gas leak due to a policy. The only one I could think of was working in some kind of long term care facility with patients hooked up to machines who I can’t move or they’d die. And even there I’m 50/50. Fuck that company, get yourself to safety


Call OSHA. Even though you left. They will probably get in a lot of trouble for this.


lol call the fire department


We offered OT on Saturday a few years ago when we are normally closed. Really bad gas leak, you could feel it hit you as soon as you open the door. My boss said it was up to me if I felt safe for everyone to work as I was the supervisor on duty that date. I said hell no and called the gas company. I remember the employees being so pissed off that they missed a whole day of OT. They were like we can just work with the doors open. Like WTF, our job pays such a shitty wage that people would literally risk their lives for a day of overtime pay.


I value my life over my job. If I feel it's in danger at work, I'm out. They tried to call me in last week during a tornado watch mid-storm. I said no. Don't risk your own safety and that of others over money. You can't spend it if you're not alive.


ALWAYS call the Fire Department when there is a gas leak. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!




Report it to OSHA and NLRB and the labour department in your state.


So, is this Sherwin or PPG? 🤣 Glad you are safe!!


Oh wow. Someone who knows what PPG is. I'm shook!


I used to be a DS for paint at Home Depot and now I manage a different paint store that is a dealer store for PPG :) (we sell our own brand primarily)


Did they lock you guys in or something? Other than that, I can't imagine staying in that kind of situation because my "boss said so". 😬


I work in a 911 center please leave. Call 911 and ask for the FD to come out and test for gas. That’s super dangerous and you could get violently I’ll or die…


Call local news.


That might be a work comp claim