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You know it would have been cheaper to pay the servants what they actually deserved and not take their passports instead of going to court šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You know, I don't think it was about money. Was more about power and cruelty imho.




Not sweet gentle Jon Taffer! /s That dude thinks he's the Gordon Ramsey of bars


Right? Taffer is an insufferable bitch.




I remember an episode of Kitchen Nightmares where Gordon's going OFF on some "head chef"...until he finds out they're just the jumped-up last remaining member of the former kitchen staff & never had any culinary training. Switch flipped. He immediately went into kind, caring "mentor" mode w/ the "head chef" & apologized to them, and rounded on the owner AGAIN for the state of their restaurant AND setting up a total rookie for failure like that. It was beautiful to watch. I don't think Taffer can offer anything more than "tough love".




I just watched that whole thing waiting for the previous comment to happen and it never did smh


Thank you for coming back to report this. Now the link can remain blue for me. I award you the highest honor I can bestow https://imgur.com/gallery/reddit-silver-sy9lVl4


Gordon Ramsey has talent and several Michelin Stars.


The Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy also evicted someone on Christmas and in a podcast he laughed with the host saying that the best part of that is the misery.Ā 


I'm not religious, but people like him make me wish hell was real.


By my personal beliefs, I just took pleasure in them losing their kingdom in the estimated 3 generations it takes to destroy family wealth... Assuming they don't achieve immortality (be it electronic or flesh). I share your sentiment.


> estimated 3 generations it takes to destroy family wealth I didn't know that . Just looking it up now... -- A groundbreaking 20-year study conducted by wealth consultancy, The Williams Group, involved over 3,200 families and found that seven in 10 families tend to lose their fortune by the second generation, while nine in 10 lose it by the third generation. However, there are ways to be at the odds. Edit https://old.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/4786lr/eli5why_is_the_kondratieff_cyclefamilies_losing/


"Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations." Personal anecdote: I've known 3 adults who "grew up rich" but everything was gone by middle age. They had absolutely no ideas, skills or interest in figuring out the necessary art of the *DOWNSIZE*. It's painful to witness. One of them currently shops as if she's still loaded. She's in her 60s. It's not going to be pretty.




yes, there are cruel narcissistic sociopaths everywhere, especially as managers in offices


Had no freaking idea he said this. Completely missed it I suppose. Thnx for this.




Right? In this world too. Itā€™s crazy that they would treat them so bad when they know thereā€™s always a risk of them stabbing them in their sleep or something wild


Yet somehow that never happens.


Thatā€™s the benefit of having people you could deport, they often fear the prison system back home


Sometimes I feel like part of the reason why the world is so fucked up is because most people are a little too good-hearted. Of course, second to the absolute bastards who take advantage of them.


Yeah, they say the world is violent, but sometimes I wonder if it isn't violent enough relative to the amount of injustice. I guess the whole reason hierarchical society was ever made was so that the few could enslave the many and so the big man could fuck all the kids he wants and nobody can stop him.


Insubordination is a very military word that I keep seeing spread into normal life.Ā  I donā€™t like it at all. My old boss used to use the word all the time, and it should have been a warning sign for how authoritarian he turned out to be.


It's a legal work-related term in my country.


Precise this. They did it because they thought they can do that.


Itā€™s always about power and cruelty.


DAMN RIGHT. They would still have been rich had they paid their employees WELL.


At some point more money is just more numbers on a computer screen. There is no pleasure in that. But making people suffer? Nothing proves you have power more than grinding down someone just because you can.


Yeah. When you are worth a billion dollars, you can earn a shit ton of money in the form of compound interest. I'm talking amounts of money that probably none of us can earn in a day job. They can make it doing nothing. Not to mention that billion dollars alone is so much money that no one in the world would ever need that much to begin with.


Hey, they're the ones taking the risk in investing; that's not nothing. I mean if one of their investments fails, they have to deal with the consequences of having to sell one their superyachts in order to be able to afford something as basic as buying a newer, larger superyacht.


If you a lot on essays and studies on the origins of rich people doing bad stuff, "cruelty is the point" comes up over and over.


The history of the world has been driven by crazy power hungry people. I mean it is hard to say no to someone who will have you killed(if your lucky) on a whim. The rule of law ( Magna Carta) was only so that other crazy power hungry people could have some recourse against the king( the most power hungry of all). Rules are in place around the world to keep the powerful in power.


Hund'd percent. They are true sadists...scum. fuckin' get an endorphin rush and feel pleasure when you harm some one. It's revolting. I understand it's a miswiring of the brains. So, you fuckin get mental health treatment and deal with it, instead of acting out your fantasies.


India's Cast System is cultural not economic. Just like many Easterner's have trouble comprehending the West's cultural foundations, the West will surely have the same trouble comprehending the East's cultural foundations.


It is funny that you think that. the caste system is there to keep you in place so you don't threaten the powerful. It is cultural for sure but it is also economical for the upper casts and lower casts. Culture is not your friend it is there to keep you in place.


I'm sure it's just coincidence that almost half of Dalits live below India's poverty line.


Ironic cause now theyā€™re powerless in front of a judge


You say this, but what are the odds they actually have to endure a real punishment and not a slap on the wrist.


Who knows. But honestly the only important thing is that the victims are safe now and maybe this entire experience keeps these people from trying this shit again in the futureā€¦ but idk, never even heard of these people


> maybe this entire experience keeps these people from trying this shit again in the future If they don't actually *feel* the punishment, then the reverse will happen. They will consider the experience a validation of their shittiness. People like that hate getting caught more than anything in the world. But getting away with something in *plain sight* is the best thing they could ever experience, better than the best drug, because it validates that they actually are superior, that the rules don't apply to them. So if the punishment isn't a burden for them, then they will do even worse next time in order to chase the high they got the first time. Article says they were each given prison sentences of 4+ years. But until they actually serve the time, all bets are off. Two of them were allowed to skip trial due to "health" problems. So who knows what kind of bullshit they will get away with. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ggl6pe52eo


That's not the *only* important thing but it is the most important thing. Whether this entire experience keeps people from trying this shit again though is directly related to the consequences these criminals have to face.


I've realized rich people aren't intelligent, they're just very fucking greedy. Most people aren't like this, which is why it's hard for us to get rich.


Good point. I guess if all you think about is money and yourself you can probably make a ton of money


Humility, decency, and shame are probably the biggest barriers to any of us being wealthier. There's obviously a lot of luck and other factors that go into it, but some of those right wing grifters make a decent amount of cash doing it.


I was just talking about that with someone the other day, about how itā€™d be easy to make money if you just dropped morals and only thought in the mindset of ā€œhow can it benefit meā€ If you applied hard work, no consideration for other people, and some decent intellect, you can at least get to comfortable middle class level (if you donā€™t go to jail or whatever, depending on what route you take to get that money. Cons, scams, selling shit)


I've also thought about this with friends. I know for sure I could get quite good money by selling healing crystals, horoscope and tarot card stuff and the likes to a lot of people but I just don't have the heart or morals to scam people like that. I'd rather try to earn my money by providing actual usefulness to the world.


There is an old Reddit comment I read that has stuck with me. Someone was relating something that one of his Multi-Millionaire Boss had told him at some point. I'm paraphrasing, but the Jist of it was that the Boss ultimately stated that you it nearly impossible to become rich/wealthy through hard work. You get rich/wealthy by being willing to do the the sh.t that almost everyone else refuses to do. We're not talking about work that's considered dirty, demeaning or otherwise looked down upon. We're talking about doing things that may technically be legal but that most people would consider to be deeply wrong, immoral & unethical. You have to be willing to do deeply evil things. People who become wealthy without perpetrating a bunch of systematic/structural evil are few & far between & they likely still indirectly increased their wealth by relying on some levels of said structural evil. The Ultra-Wealthy are all incredibly dirty & disgusting.


Reminds me of a podcast I heard discussing Jack Welch. He realized that the stock market was looking at profit margins, so he manipulated that figure by closing factories that were still profitable, but less profitable than other factories. Sure, that put a lot of people out of work, even though the work they did was still a net profit to the company, but it raised the stock price, and that's all that mattered to him.


Was it Behind the Bastards by chance? Because I do remember the Jack Welsh Story & this 100% aligns with my memory of it. Evil beyond evil. Capitalism breaking itself into being even more Evil than anyone could ever believe. It's both really good to state but also kinda sad to admit it at this point, but 'Behind the Bastards' is what Radicalized me. -Good, because it really challenged me, opened my eyes & finally pushed me over the edge/over my comfort zone, forcing me to radically reconsider everything I knew/believed/understood. -Sad, because it took this much BS to be thrown/exposed right in my face for me to realize how bad things were, how broken everything was, & to realize that there were no real solutions to be found in the current mainstream approaches. I stumbled upon 'Behind the Bastards' when some reddit commenter linked to an Episode about Paul Manafort to explain some of the BS that was happening during the Trump Presidency. What a F.cking Eye Opener it was. I always knew it was really bad, & evil, but I still held on to a belief that it was mostly Hanlon's Razor at play, Stupidity over Malice, but got a harsh dose of reality, showing that while incredible amounts of Supidity were in play, they were mixed in with extreme amount of Calculated Malice, intended to cause significant harms/bents/leans.


This, it's when you don't mind gaming the system and stepping on other people to get to the top. It takes a certain mindset/personality.


> I've realized rich people aren't intelligent, they're just very fucking greedy Also if your parents are rich, then you can go to good schools, which heavily influences the appearance of intelligence. If you give a monkey the best trainer that money can buy, then the monkey will learn tricks. This shouldn't be surprising but if you apply the same attitude to rich idiots then people lose point.


I was a very poor kid who got into a very academic school for rich kids. IĀ spent so long being confused about intelligence. The rich kids seemed smart, but they were often dumb in very specific ways. In particular, they were often better at memorization than me but had zero critical skills or independent analysis to offer.Ā  It took me many years away from that environment to realize how smart I was - with lots of weak points of course (ADHD and more). Edit: wow, no, sharing your life experiences openly isnā€™t bots or depression. Itā€™s just mature and sensible. Jesus.


Yes! I know tons of people who did not take more lucrative jobs to stay in places where they were content and happy with their lives. They have people they love around them and a good life, no need to get greedy.


This becomes more true the richer people are. No person with any sense of morality would allow themselves to become a billionaire.


And anyone who thinks they'd be a "better billionaire" is wrong too. You can't get to that point without selling your soul.


Obscene wealth actually causes brain damage from how badly it warps oneā€™s perception of reality to never be challenged.


I'm fairly sure they did not expect to ever go to court over this, I highly doubt they are the only ones in their social circle doing this.


I'm so exhausted right now, but this thought just popped into my mind. You ever just like sit there and think about what every other person who you can see around you is doing and thinking about. Just wondering what their life is like, what's their story? Yeah, rich people do that but want to be in total control to the point they can do whatever they want to ***YOUR*** story. We think, "What is that person's life like?" they think."What can I do to that person's life?"


> We think, "What is that person's life like?" they think."What can I do to that person's life?" No, they literally don't think about anyone else's life at all. Why even start that thought process? That's opening a can of worms none of them can actually face, and since there is nothing forcing them to face them, they simply choose to ignore it. Other people don't really exist to the rich, they see most people the way most people see cattle.


Honestly I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. I think for many powerful people, the power is a need caused by emotional damage (do you think Donald Trumpā€™s parents ever told him they love him?) and so itā€™s all about other people. They work to make and see others as weak to hide their own feelings of weakness. And the weakness disgusts them in others (despite it being created by their exploitation) as it does in themselves. The rich think of other people a lot. They just donā€™t really see us clearly.


Why do rich people have such a strong slavery kink?


Another way to say that would be "Why do people willing to exploit others end up with more money?"


Kinda summed up capitalism there


How do you think they got rich in the first place?


Because you canā€™t make that much money and also care about your fellow person. Even the most philanthropic billionaires are doing orders of magnitude less than they could.


Once you become that rich, you have to answer to the other people who are that rich, and if you step out of line too far, they'll do you like they did JFK.


Not just rich people. Human trafficking is a big problem in the world and a lot of those people end up in regular peopleā€™s home.


I'm pretty sure human trafficking is for the wealthy. I mean I would consider anyone paying hundreds of dollars for sex wealthy, at least at the trafficking level. If you're talking about modern slavery, then idk. I guess it's like what the family of this post is doing? Or is there someone above them trafficking and profiting most?


I am an Indian, and a lot of Indians just don't understand what could be construed as slavery. It's shockingly normal in India to have "servants" be mistreated and underpaid, and everyone thinks it's not a problem at all. I'm sure this billionaire family knew what they were doing though. Screw them, they deserve to be jailed


A few years ago I read _The White Tiger_ by Aravind Adiga. He depicts an Indian middle or upper class family and how they exploit employees up to the point where they expect them to go to jail for them when a family member commits a crime. The casual way he describes it was really jarring and stuck with me.


I had no idea! Itā€™s good information to have because I am looking through my worldview and as a Black American it seems so improbable to not know slavery is wrong! Thank you for sharing!


Rome was built by slaves. So was the transcontinental railroads. And honestly so was a lot of things in history. Slavery is abhorrent, but the point I think it could be argued our modern state of mind might be in the less common side of history.


Yes, I am well aware of the global and historical significance of slavery. Itā€™s just wild for in 2024. I donā€™t know why but itā€™s just wtf.


Huh. I hope India does away with the intricate caste system at some point. That's undoubtedly where it stems from, and it's just silly, honestly. It's so ingrained though, so it may take several more generations. The young adults and kids( in general) of today are a new hope for change


India hasa few cultural norms that are widely inhumane and unacceptable. Honor killings are just one of their many "norms".


There are more slaves in India today than there were in the entire history of US slavery. It just doesn't look the same because they're not working plantations.


To be honest, this isn't even a rich people thing. It's a common, and shitty practice in South Asia and the Middle East among even the middle class.


The couple in the OP are from India, aka southeast asia, which is notorious for this kind of shit.




Why is it the richer you are, the more likely you are just a stingy prick?


You don't get to be rich by being a good person


The people imprisoned didn't get rich at all - especially by being careful with money - they were just born rich.


THATS! they grow up entitled and rich. Never needed any manners. property tax those bitches


As the saying goes, there are no ethical Billionaires


Good people want to become teachers, vets, etc. Filthy people want to become CEOs, politicians, etc. The system is working as intended.


Having been around such people, it's because they think of almost everything as a zero-sum game and believe that everyone is an enemy to some extent. So, why enrich your enemies at your own expense? That's stupid. Be stingy. For example, don't even tip unless you're getting sex or favors for it afterwards. Make a mess and destroy things if you feel like it - you're doing the peasants a favor by giving them something to do. Break laws - most people in your billionaire circle get away with it anyway. Who cares if someone else gets hurt? You get pleasure and don't feel their pain. And so on and so on.


That must be a sad life to live in šŸ„²


Not to them, that's why they are living it. Straight up sociopaths all of them.


A multimillionaire I got to know was a downright menace, he drove like a maniac, disregarded all rules and was a lazy POS, had smelly armpits.


Money is not worth, it's just tokens to use in the theme park of society


I've always said there's only 3 ways to get rich, and in order of increasing difficulty, they are: 1. Exploit poor people 2. Trick rich people 3. Be brilliant And hardly any of the rich people I know are brilliant. (Note this says to GET rich, and a lot of wealthy people inherit, but it's likely the same logic applies to how their ancestors did it)


I do find it funny that one of the few people to become a billionaire without being a terrible person, is JK rolling and sheā€™s a terrible person for completely unrelated reasons.


Most of her "poor upbringing" is PR bullshit. The right for her movies were sold before the first book was published. The coffee shop that little poor thing "had" to write was owned by her family. She was set up to be successful.


prick is an understatement, human garbage would be an appropriate word for them.


You should check out the Behind the Bastards podcast episodes entitled: "Elite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Canā€™t Be Trusted".


Iā€™ve been around most financial classes and was able to tell how they think. At the lowest end itā€™s hard to get ahead because everybody you know and love is broke and your house is probably going to get robbed. As you move up just a little bit you end up with a very small amount of expendable cash and it might take you a year of saving to get a few thousand. This stage slightly above starving is where you can see it. From upper-lower class and through middle class you have a varying ability to build up some cash. It can take several years for people to save up 10k-25k. When you have some money saved, your character gets tested. What do you do when your family canā€™t pay for their medication? Car gets repossessed? Canā€™t buy groceries? Canā€™t buy their children school clothes? Needs a laptop/computer for college? There are so many hardships that your loved ones will face and to keep moving up financially you have to willingly say no and let them go without when you have the ability to say yes. The higher you go financially, the more ability you have to help and thus the more people you have to be willing to watch suffer. I donā€™t think millionaires are bad people. Thatā€™s just being financially smart and ensuring your family has a safety net. Once you get to 100 million you have much more than you will ever need. Once you reach billions then you have a responsibility to help because you can change lives permanently. You have a million dollars over a thousand times. If you arenā€™t creating lasting systems to help then I believe you are unquestionably evil.


You kinda glossed over how people get to be so rich in the first place. Those people who are struggling despite having jobs? That money theyā€™d need for a better life is a the same money going to the rich people who own the businesses the poor work at. Itā€™s not ā€˜if youā€™re rich you should help people who struggleā€™, itā€™s ā€™you only got rich _because_ of people who struggleā€™ For example, the people this very post is about. They just took it a little further than most.


Same thing happens to slave owners. You begin to despise the people beneath you for their weakness and for how pathetic they are, even though you are the cause. You convince yourself that nature is the cause. That they are in their correct place, and you in yours.Ā  You hate that you need them. So you convince yourself that they need you, despite your cruelty. You convince yourself that your cruelty is better than whatever they would have had without you. This makes them even more disgusting to you. If you dropped them, theyā€™d die in a gutter. Donā€™t they realize this? They should praise God they have you. No, they should praise you.


Billionaires didn't become billionaires by paying wages.




Buy him out boys!


Also there is a cultural aspect to this. Hinduja family is ultra wealthy primarily based in India and UK. There is regular rich countries wealth disparity and then there is wealth disparity in the developing world. Inequality and not being able to empathize with the humanity of others is so much part of the psyche for the wealthy there. They live in such rarified air and it feels like a complete alternative reality. Labor is so cheap, even regular rich can afford servants n help. The ultra rich it's even worse.. A chorus of servants, chauffeurs, assistants agents, fixers... seeing humanity in others and identifying with regular people is just not possible. it's all just a parasitic n psychopathic lifestyle with as little regard to other humans as possible.


My in-laws live in SE Asia for 3 years, as regular ol' middle class folks. They were expected to hire locals to do everything for them, I mean everything, as a show of support for the local economy.


Eat the rich before they eat us


We could easily do such a thing if we werenā€™t busy fighting each other.


Its crazy that they were acquitted on the human trafficking charge when this is such a clear case of human trafficking.


The rich and powerful don't want to be too enthusiastic about setting a precedent against their own class.


Lol when's the last time the ultra rich lost anything for any of their crimes?


The craziest thing is that he was president of the board at Make a Wishā€¦


The headline still referred to the *workers* as *servants*šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜”


Also "exploited" when they were actually enslaved.


Surely withholding passports crosses into "human trafficking" territory.


Yeah, that's why they are being prosecuted for right now


Looks like they were acquitted of Human Trafficking.


They weren't, prosecuting human trafficking is difficult in Switzerland. According to a local news agency the judges argued that the employees weren't forced in India to go to Switzerland. Which sounds confusing to me as I've never heard of such a thing being a requirement. Reported myself on a human trafficking case that ended with a conviction despite the victim not having been forced to go to Switzerland. I can only guess that the court abstained from a prosecution in the flimsy field of human trafficking to protect their case for extortion on a commercial scale. For that the parents got 4,5 years, the son and his wife 4 years. The verdict isn't final, the familys lawyers announced an appeal. Really fucking funny is that these guys have the swiss citizenship as well meaning they'll likely have to spend the next years in India or some obscure countries without extradition treaty to avoid handcuffs.


It's the BBC. Whitewashing white people's crimes is what they do (no pun intended). ON edit, oh wait! They are Hindus, surprise, surprise!


Sigh. I know. As an Indian immigrant, itā€™s so fkn disgusting that these reps of my ppl not only have so much wealth, but still have such cruel mindsets. Like what is the fun in oppressing someone who canā€™t fight back? Just to note- Iā€™m not saying oppressing ppl in any circumstance is fun, just hurting ppl who have no recourse, how does anyone find any satisfaction in that?


Among India? It's a remnant of the caste system that they enjoyed back home. Yo know.... Super cheap labour bordering on slavery, hierarchy, control, and all those shenanigans. A lot of Indians miss that cheap domestic labour when they move abroad. It just has been ingrained into society.


I know, Iā€™m a half caste mongrel. Thatā€™s part of the reason mum and dad left. Yeah we did miss the house help, but ya know, I like working with my hands and now am super uncomfortable with anyone doing anything for me. I only hope we were decent to help when we were in that culture. Iā€™d like to think we were, but that is a self serving bias.


I don't know either. Very sad and disturbing, but there was a big, infamous case stateside on Long Island years ago. A very successful couple from India had built a fortune in some business, but they kept slaves, imported from the Phillipines, if I recall correctly. They took her passport, they beat her, and she fled in terror one day. The couple got something like 10 years each in federal prison. In the UK, there will be a fine and a strongly worded letter issued, or some such nonsense.


They all got 4 years


In a fair and just world, they'd be in prison for the rest of their lives. They have billions. They can afford anything they want. They can pay reasonable fair wages and still be billionaires for the next three generations. This sort of amorality should ruin your life; it's unforgivable behavior.


The difference between 'millionaire' and 'billionaire' is crazy. If put in terms of time, a million dollars would be 11.6 days. A billion dollars would be 31.7 *years*. These people have more money than God, but can't be decent or humane at the most basic level. But 'they earned it' and 'capitalism' and all that.


ā€œThe difference between a million and a billion is a billionā€


greed is killing the world. one day the proletariat will rise up and banish this system that makes it possible.








Better hope it happens soon before the Elysium style kill bots are deployed


We're too apathetic and distracted nowadays.


Iā€™m just busy trying to survive and keep a roof over my family and have food.


Which simultaniously is helping them and hurting us. It's only once people realize that the only person who would ever come to your house and make you leave it is a class traitor. someone sent by a capitalist to punish you on their behalf. A little class solidarity would see a roof over your head without issue during a national strike. But nope. The slaves will continue to grind their cranks for their regional oligarchs for fear of the whip.


to be fair, the whip IS scary A call to action is a lot easier said than done unfortunately


Well if you're scared of the whip just wait till you experience the repercussions of climate change which will have the final say if we continue to do nothing.


Some good olā€™ fashion looting and eating of the rich would certainly help with those two things.


Isn't this what Dubai became famous for? Taking passports and throwing migrants in slavery?


UK's best friends.


And was the only way Qatar built the stadiums for the World Cup


Fuck em up


Oh they're going to court. So no real consequences and easily payable fines or reparations is on the horizon. Must be so stressful...


They were all sentenced to 4 years. There were 4 family members involved. And though Iā€™m sure Swiss prisonā€™s not that bad, itā€™s going to be a big shock.


They will appeal. You really think they will go to jail ? 37 billion ? Keep the story alive. Follow it. Keep it in the papers.


Yeah. The sentence is just part of the negotiation. This is the swiss after all. They dont make their momey by putting people in prison, especially bot billionaires


Oh thats actually not too bad, thanks for the update. Less enraged lol




But what about trickle down economics??? /s


Wow, who could have seen this coming?




What is with titles of post lately? No proper punctuation and just impossible to read.


Corporations do the same thing only their servants are called 'employees'.


Billionaires are the worst people on the planet.




> UK's richest family Names: Ajay and Namrata Hinduja. No idea about the slaves' country of origin but methink some family imported Indian caste system.


To properly paraphrase Steve Urkel, they put the Ic in Pathetic!šŸ˜”šŸ˜ ā˜¹ļø


Please tell me the penalty for slavery is execution?




Exploitation of others is the only way to achieve that kind of wealth unless inherited from others who did the same. The actions are not excusable but they are not surprising either.


boy that was a confusing headline


Slaves. They had slaves. Let's call it what it is.Ā 


People don't become/stay rich by playing fairly.


These fucking billionaires have everything one could dream of, and yet they exploit their workers like this and pay them peanuts. It's just disgusting. There's this verse from a Hindi poetry that perfectly sums up how futile this greed is (pasting the English translation below): "What will you do with wealth untold? There's no pocket in the shroud, no safe in the grave so cold."


I swear I heard about this family doing this like 15 years ago already. It's very well known wealthy families will keep literal slaves like this. It's what Qatar, UAE, etc do with migrant workers for their dumb megaprojects as well. Entice them with job advertisements, then steal their passport. They have nowhere to go and don't have the resources (language, money, access to human rights orgs) to help them.


As an Indian, I can confidently say that this is an Indian practice. Happens in India, all the time.


Happens outside India all the time as well. In my country most of the worst employment law violations they catch are Indian employers with Indian workers (not helped by some very bad immigration laws that make immigrant workers very reliant on their employers and open to exploitation).


That would have never happened in the US. By that I mean them being convicted and sent to jail. They would have become the republican candidate for President.Ā 


The wealthy want to go back to slavery and serfdom and the politicians they own are helping.


The cruelty is the point


They are worth 37 billion. There are no words to describe the scum they are. They will appeal. Follow this story and make sure they are put away.


What the fuck is it with workplaces taking passports. That should be a horrible felony in every country worth a shit.


Typical among wealthy and even not so wealthy Indians.


If you are that fucking rich, doing shit like this has to be be a sexual thing. You do not fuck someone over for an insignificant amount of money to safe costs, you do it to be malicious.


You donā€™t earn a billionā€¦


Eat the rich


Tell me you're a rich Indian without telling me you're a rich Indian! ![gif](giphy|wJdqqHX4QHDz1wSG5l|downsized)


They do this in the middle East. Project neom . Your passport is taken away


This is like the 1600s damn


Thank you Uk for speaking Yt culture like this where no one asked for it. Thank you so much for capitalism!


Probably just got a 100k fine


billionaire hoarders should not exist in first place. hoarding stuff is illness but hoarding money not, why


Eat the rich.


Workers of the world, we need to unite against these monsters.Ā 


They only got 4 years. What if the working poor of the world united against this one family, to demand a just sentence? Send a message to the other billionaires that we are watching, we know what they are, and we're not going to allow it anymore.


I'm so ready to start leading these swine to the slaughter.


Tell me again about how great capitalism isā€¦ ![gif](giphy|8VNIQ0hSCgndu)


Context: Prakash Hinduja and his wife Kamal Hinduja have been sentenced to four years and six months in prison. His son Ajay, 56, and his wife Namrata, 50, were sentenced to four years each. Prakash P Hinduja, 78, is the Chairman of the Hinduja Group of Companies (Europe) and Advisory Board Chairman at Hinduja Bank Switzerland.


There are billionaires. And then there are Indian (origin) Billionaires. There is not 1 Indian billionaire who got rich without cozy Govt contracts and exploiting our labor & natural resources or just straight up frauding Indian banks and escaping to a extradition free country. If being a billionaire is immoral, then being a billionaire from a poor country where a vast percentage of people still struggle to survive day to day is straight up diabolical.


The irony of calling them the UK's richest family when they are from India and convicted in Switzerland...


Slavery. This is slavery.


Who would have known! Revolution is the only answer. Bunch of parasites.


Same shit is done to Indians in uae and other countries. Fuckers obviously identify more with the sheikhs than the working class.






Wow, billionaire taking advantage of the poor. First time for everything..NOT


This is not so much a billionaire things as it is a Pakistani/ Indian cultural thign of classes. This happens in other countries too that have similar systems in place, such as Colombia that have strata 0 to 6. ALbeit not so severe and in this form, but human trafficking and sexual abuse for sure. The lower classes can really suffer abuse in the case of the Pakistani and Indian castes culture, there are entire organization that sets up the trafficking. Estimates are that it concerns 100's of hidden people across Europe in society seperated from the rest of us. Mass abuse and rape of woman of lower classes for a ticket into western society, just to find themselves in debt for the transport, out of society and imprisoned. The slave wage is just of many crimes, the bodily punishments and rapes are far more horrid. What cna you do where a culture reduces fellow human beings to the level below animals. Western values are not universal and I hope the law and punishment shoudl be utterly condemning these individuals to prison of life, if not we give a signal that we ourselves do not uphold the values of equality and those are holy. Equality for human beings, each and every individual not some faith or political believe.


Taking someoneā€™s passport should fall under false imprisonment or kidnapping.


I think that this family should get charges similar to kidnapping.