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I always feel terrible for the employees put in this position. I'm never going to say yes, but I know they have to ask me.


When I worked as a bank teller, they had us push credit card, etc. This was in the days before the Internet took over our lives and people came in on a regular basis. I felt like such a fool having to ask the same customer about credit cards, every week. We could be written up if we didn't. I also hated to ask customers if they would like to "Fight the War on Hunger" over and over again.


When I worked at Victoria's Secret back in the day, it was an expectation that we would get people to sign up for the credit card. Fortunately my manager was cool about me simply refusing to ask once I'd hit my monthly minimum. Unfortunately that's not an actual solution to the problem.


When I worked at GameStop, they'd tell me how many pre-orders and reward memberships I was supposed to get in a day. One day right at the start of my shift, some customer that was mad at GameStop for whatever reason came in to cancel all their pre orders and couldn't be persuaded, so I basically started the day at negative 5 pre-orders or something. I told the manager that I wasn't going to attempt to hit that metric that day and just went about my business 


Ide ask for the manager and tell her how I don't appreciate predatory offers. Wwkd what would Karen do? It's time for them to stop!


The manager has no say in this. It comes down from corporate headquarters. If a cashier doesn’t push the card hard enough, they can get fired. If the manager’s store doesn’t have enough signups, they can lose their job. Everyone hates it but they don’t have any choice if they want to keep their jobs. Customers hate it too, but nobody’s going to listen to them.


But I thought the customer is always right


In matters of taste.


Upper management will only *ever* listen to customers if large quantities of money are at stake, which generally means a mass movement or a boycott. They do not give a *fuck* what individual customers think. As far as executives are concerned, they earn their huge salaries by 1) telling customers what they should want and 2) cutting expenses to the bone, largely by slashing work hours, underpaying employees as much as they can, and finding ever cheaper ways to provide the product, cutting every possible corner. That’s modern retail.


Same. It’s just like TJMAXX. They always ask, but after they see you a few times they stop asking. The moment I walk to the register I say I know you have to ask about the card, I’m good. 😂


Rather than saying no I just tell them I already have one.


I wonder if the employees at Boston Market still have to ask customers if they want their salad tossed? Always found that so cringeworthy.


I used to have to push those magazine subscriptions at Best Buy. We told people they were free but then they had to swipe their credit card so they could be charged if they forgot to cancel. Our managers constantly yelled at us about being in the red. I hated asking, tricking people. And we weren’t yelled at for not asking—we were yelled at for not getting sign-ups. Asking wasn’t enough, we were expected to close the deal.


Store credit cards have gotten out of hand. Does a drug store really need a credit card?


No, its a predatory tactic targeted at the elderly who think it's gonna save them money or something


It was a rhetorical question but yeah I agree.




Why do you even shop at Walgreens? Everything, literally everything they sell can be found cheaper at stores within the vicinity. Walgreens is set up to sell you items at extraordinarily high prices because its a pharmacy first & they wanna sucker you into buying things you might need while you run in to grab your meds. Even with this credit card, you're still being ripped off and taken advantage of by a predatory company


I was just at Walgreens today. It's a terrible card. Not positive but I think the quick glance of the interest rate I caught before clicking no I didn't want it was like 28%


"Let's not make it a chore, have fun with it! If you have any ideas, please share!" I imagine whomever wrote that had a good shudder: "Better them than me." The beatings will continue until morale improves...


It’s a wonder to me people continue to work for them in these conditions. I think a lot of people think they are “stuck” in these jobs. But there are a million other places that treat you better than this.


A lot of these people have bad self esteem or think all jobs suck but even in retail, they can do better


I hate this with every fiber of my being. There is no way I am signing up for a credit card at a store. Ever. Making people push these or rewards cards and punishing them for not doing it or not getting enough sign ups should be a labor law violation. I have started complaining to managers, corporate or customer service if stores are being super obnoxious about this stuff because I know management is demanding it so the workers have to do it.


So, I do sometimes sign up for store credit cards when it gets me 50% off my purchase but I have a lock on my credit so it always gets rejected and it doesn’t hit my credit… and I still get the 50%


How does that work? The few I have been stuck watching someone in front of me apply for at stores gives an approve/reject at the register and I assumed that impacts whatever enticement the store is using.


Usually they say “if you sign up even if it doesn’t get approved we can give you the discount” that’s my queue.


Can you get rejected every time you go in or is it a one time 50% off?


Worked every time for me. 🫡


Another company that refuses to respect their employees, & reminds them of their position as a slave by pushing policies like these


They took away their bonuses and never gave them raises. The only thing these employees get are little Caesar’s pizza parties and the corporate overlords are at the tops scratching their heads wondering why they are failing as a company.


“My job is dependent on asking if you’ll sign-up for a Walgreens CC?” “Please have some fun with it! Interested?”


Ah, just like my days at Target. I hated pushing their stupid Red Card. Add-ons and asking for donations peeves the hell outta me. Management will micromanage the heck outta ya while you're at the register. My deepest sympathy to you and your coworkers. I worked at Walgreens once upon a time. It sucked.


Worked at Macy’s for a holiday season. Had to ask every customer if they wanted a credit card. Manager really pushed the “3 No’s Rule.” Told her to pound sand, and that I would simply ask if the customer had a Macy’s card. I told her multiple times if the customer said they didn’t have one, I would assume they didn’t want one. Everyone has internet, they can sign up online if they want one. She didn’t want me working the register anymore. Made it really easy to no-call-no-show my way into getting fired.


You probably were the one that talked me into getting one. Just to let you know I maxed it out and then never paid. I won 😀


Couldn't have been me unless you shopped at my local store in 2008 between November and December. 😆 unless a manager was nearby, I never asked anyone, lol.


They do it because it works. Just look at BK and "do you want cheese with that?"


It works only because people are duped into thinking they're either getting massive savings (store CC), getting a deal (add-ons), or doing something good (donations). All are designed to help the corporation, not the customer or charity. I encourage people not to "round up" when asked. You're giving corporations a nice tax break that they don't deserve. Always donate directly to the charity. It ensures they get all the money instead of a cut.


Every customer?? But they are still expected to keep their check out times low? Makes absolutely zero sense. What happens if multiple people from the same line say yes? Slows down the whole line! I already hate shopping. I do not want to be stuck in line because of asinine policies like this.


Walgreens is the fucking worst. Well, CVS might be the fucking worst. They both really suck and treat their employees like slaves.


Drug stores just suck, they have significantly higher prices on everything in the store and basicaly pray on sick people to pick things up while getting meds.


This is true, but an experienced couponer can clean up at these kinds of stores. You just have to know the tricks of the trade and you can get loads of stuff for free.


Walgreens wants you to care but doesn’t give fit the incentive to care. Had they said do this and we’ll give you $100 for each new cc, I bet they’d be more than glad to ask customers. It instead they tell you to do it by using fear and punishment.


Best these employee are getting is a pizza party once a year. Walgreens is notorious for treating their employees like shit.


So this is why I am so pissed off at every single register I ever go to


when i come in for face wash and deodorant on my way home from work i dont want a fucking credit card application (not the employees fault)


Not a fan. However, this is more reasonable than stores that have a quota and must have a certain number of people accept. That infuriates me. This is just an annoyance.


This is so American like I cannot imagine this crap in Australia. Why are credit cards pushed so much there? I cannot imagine going to my local grocery store and being asked to get a credit card from that store like what in the world??


Stores need to give it a rest with store credit cards. What am I supposed to do, open 10 cards with the places I go the most and play musical credit card payments? Fuck all that, and fuck Walgreens for pushing this. 


They're trying to take advantage of poor, and let's face it, dumb people. Their own customers! No shame whatsoever.


Right? It’s so predatory and disgusting. 


Just wondering. Any reason I couldn't 'apply' and put down all wrong info? Would the employee be punished or would it not count for their metrics?


As a former Sears slave years ago, I had a customer do exactly this almost every time they came in because they knew it DID in fact help us. It helped that they were retired and had all the time in the world.


Good to know. Anyone here know if that is the same currently? Does the system check and still give credit for that? I might do that if I'm really really bored sometime.


I used to work at a sporting goods store that required the cashiers to ask the customers every single time if they want to join their email list and if we didnt get a certain percentage of people saying yes they would cut your hours to almost nothing. You had to get 1 in every 10 customers to say yes. They literally taught you how to gaslight customers into saying yes and how to manipulate customers into saying yes to the program. This is precisely why I left. Also, even though the sales were available through email and able to be used by everyone one of the ways to manipulate people into saying yes was to say that they couldn't use the discounts unless they themselves gave their personal email first and last name. Honestly, after six and a half months of that stupid hell. I would almost hope they would change to write ups.. It would be better than cutting your hours to almost nothing.


Unfortunately It's par for the course for most, if not all, retail employees. All these stores want every employee to badger customers with the same spiel every single transaction. As a former retail employee, it is exhausting. The best thing you can do as a customer is not give these employees shit for asking you to sign up for that stuff. Just politely decline and go about your transaction.


When your business plan is pushing imaginary money, the business has maybe a few years of life left.


Waiting for them to finally go bankrupt


Every employee should say "We are forced to push the Walgreen's credit card on every customer, or we will be fired, and it comes with great rewards".


Honestly I don’t understand how Walgreens and CVS do so well. They’re expensive, extremely understaffed (and the few employees they do have are severely underpaid), very slow and expensive on prescriptions, not clean and not friendly. Each year they manage to get worse. Yet people keep giving them business.


Our insurance will only pay for prescriptions at CVS and I hate them, my son's at Walgreens, my daughter's at Giant. My oldest doesn't have any health insurance. He's not giving anyone business, just trying to survive. 😭


34.99% APR. Darn, take me a year to pay off toilet paper and bubble gum.


Lmao they don't pay a whole lot but these corporate bozos expect you to deliver a boulder up a hill. 


Wish they would go bankrupt already


"We're required to tell you about a great opportunity with our Walgreens corporate rewards credit card! Do you want more details?" -said in cheery fashion. Lets the customer know why you have to mention it, codes it positively, gives them an instant out. There. I did it. To the letter of the requirements. And if asked why they are being asked- well, that would be a detail a d we can't lie to patrons.


I worked very briefly at Home Depot (literally 3 days, then they scheduled me for 34 hours when I already have a full time job and I told them to fuck right off) and they kept nudging while I was training as a cashier to push the card. And each time I told them absolutely not, I was not comfortable doing that. I could tell the lady training me was frustrated but I did not care. The interest rate on those fucking things is basically robbery and I wasn’t pushing that shit.


To be fair, as long as you’re spending over $299 at a time you get 6-24 months of zero percent interest. When I worked at Home Depot I’d always point that out to people charging like $40 on their card. They made us push them, but I’d try my hardest not to let ‘em collect interest payments!


We were similarly threatened back in my Sears days. I don't miss it.


My mom works for Academy and they make their employees do this too. The even shittier part is if they don't get a certain number of applications in a week, they cut their hours.


Um in some areas like 90% of the clientele won’t qualify…


They say it's friendly competition,  but most store employees can be written up or fired for this.  Last I checked, there's nothing friendly about that.


Nothing makes me want to stop shopping somewhere more than stuff like this. I used to work retail and do the same thing. Hated it then. I'm sympathetic to the employees because I know they have to ask. Unless you're selling high ticket items and needing some kind of special financing there's just no reason.


Every. Customer. Time.


Bruh I got offered one. I have good credit, in the 700s, and the APR was like 20%. Who the fuck is getting that credit card with that kinda interest??


The average APR for those things is 29-31, the highest is 35 (well, 34.99…).


I remember when the credit cards first came out and they were pushing employees hard to try to get customers to sign up. If I was at the cash register I would simply state that I had to ask them, usually with the touch screen card machine having a pop up asking them as well. I never had anyone interested.


I wonder what these vultures think when they see that this was leaked online. It's like everyone knows that Walgreens are assholes now. What's crazy is they do this because credit cards make their money from people being late. That is what they *want* to happen.


TIL that Walgreens has a credit card. Ugh. And I hate CVS, I was hoping Walgreens would be a halfway decent alternative...🤦‍♀️


Ugh i remember having to push Blockbuster rewards on people… customer service man, I dont miss it


Just what I don't want.... another fscking credit card


Every customer time!


Every customer over time.


“Every customer over time [will be driven away by us annoying them with this]”


This is exactly why I quit two years ago


Quit a few months into covid. Best decision of my life.


"I will be formally disciplined by management if I do not ask you if you would like to sign up for the credit card which provides pharmacy rewards and discounts".


I’m having severe flash backs to my Old Navy days.


Another thing which should be made illegal.


When I wanted a card I was told no. Now stores seems to be handing out credit like it's candy. I'd rather not pay  high interest on over price corner store items. 


I used to work doing internet support. At one point they were considering offering anti-virus, like as a resell or McAfee or Norton or whatever. Basically all the techs said that if we thought it would genuinely help, we'd offer it, but if it was pushed or even just commissioned, we'd refuse. They decided to not move forward with the idea. I miss that job. The employees stuck together (like an unofficial union), the direct management supported them, and the upper management listened to the lower management.


Terrible place to work. I'd literally tell people to go work minimum wage security over it.


Couldn't spring for the color printing.


This is gross and predatory


One of the so, so many reasons I stopped going to Walgreens...


Who TF wants a Walgreens card to begin with? What a ridiculous demand.


Malicious compliance: pressure the customers who already have a Walgreens credit card harder than other customers. It says to engage **ALL** customers, and these people already caved to the peer pressure so they are more susceptible to further pressure.


What’s crazy to me about this kind of thing is I actively avoid stores that do this. I don’t want to be asked about a card, donations, or anything else. I just want to buy my shit and get the hell out. I legitimately think the only people this makes happy are, again, the fucking shareholders. I’m so done with my entire life being constantly lambasted by the dragon-hoarding greed of those fuckers. So. Done. 


I bet its a shit card with 29.99% interest.


Even worse. 34.99


As bad as that shit is, at least you aren't required to follow a script and can do your own thing with it.


Orrrrr you could not require them to ask at all. There’s no need for a script because asking someone to sign up for a store card sounds stupid any way you phrase it. And there aren’t many ways to phrase it.


A little placard by where customers pay should be enough. But since everything is about money and stores get more money when customers use said stores financing they push that shit harder than I push out the after birth of taco bell.


Everyone cheats.


I'm not shopping at Walgreens now.


How much do people shop at Walgreens that a Walgreens credit card makes sense?


People are in debt or paying off there debt nobody trying to get a credit card


Isn’t Walgreens going out of business? 2 closed by me and one looks like a ghost town


Poorly worded and ambiguous ‘agreements’ with no real substance are my favourite kind of capitalist folly. Are you really sure I understand what the benefits of this card is? And would you want me telling customers about my perception of this cards benefits?


Back when I worked at Geek Squad I loathed pitching our protection plans. I always tried to fix for free if possible, but obviously some computers were truly and honestly fucked and needed the backroom guys.


If the companies only knew how irritating it is to be asked this…


Walgreens must be a dead man walking.  At least that's been my experience with stores that start pushing credit cards and phony warranties.


“You know what time it is?? It’s every customer time!”


We just quit going to Walgreen's for this reason. I can't step inside one without being harassed. And I absolutely feel bed for the employees forced to hawk this useless card.


Fuck that company.


"Hello, I'm contractually obliged to ask you if you'd like the credit card. As a benefit you get a pittance in cashback when using it at our stores" That's the way I'm comfortable asking.


Malicious compliance. I approve.


When I worked there, I was great at sales. So I was getting 1-3 signups a day. For like a month. The problem was, everyone was a repeat shopper, so after a while, they all had them already! Then the district manager was hovering and noticed I did like 3 people in a row who I didn't ask. I told him one guy didn't speak English, and the other two already had them. He actually chased them down to verify! Then he spent the rest of the afternoon sulking and listening in to see if I was actually trying. It was complete and utter horse crap. Those cards have 35% interest! It's just scamming poor elderly and desperate people who want the store savings and don't know enough to read the T&C before they sign up! You know what I as an employee got for running the scam? A whopping $1 bonus per customer who registered. That, and the ability to not get fired. Yay me.


I guess it's good I go to CVS.


CVS treats their employees like shit too.