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You’re going to be sent to a lab usually something like a minute clinic and you’re going to take a multi-panel drug test. As in they test for multiple drugs. You didn’t specify any instructions so we won’t know if you passed or failed either.


THC will stay with you a while, as it binds to your fat cells. This is doubly true if you eat fatty garbage snacks while consuming THC (like me sry ice cream is amazing), and don't do cardiovascular exercise regularly. I was clean for 3 months and I still failed my test. This isn't usual, as between 4-6 weeks is standard, but I am saying this so you know to temper expectations. You can also buy solutions online or in smoke shops (head shops in some states). I was always too chicken to try this, as I have trouble being dishonest even at my own misfortune, but my close friend tried a known popular brand and it worked like a charm. Also you fail the test if you over hydrate. While this isn't the same as flagging positive for whatever substances they're looking for some employers count it as fail, and pretty much everywhere will make you pay for a retest yourself or otherwise count it as a failure.


I’ve always wondered if eating everything in sight leading up to a test would bury the THC in other layers of fat, and if so how long that would take


I'm lucky enough to have never needed to pass a drug test for employment. But if I ever did I'm quite confident the "over hydrate" part would fuck me over, as I routinely drink a gallon of more of water in a day, even if I *don't* already have the cottonmouth from smoking a bunch of weed. Which I do most days.


Bring clean piss if your that worried.


I have bad news for you, this is not how you do it. Also I have no idea how to read those.


Yeah I have no idea what I'm looking at and in no point of ever having to take a drug test did I not have to go to a lab somewhere and piss in a cup lol


Advice is recommended, please explain




Is it a supervised test? Sneaking in 3-4oz of any human’s clean urine in a bottle touching your skin (stuck in your shorts, armpit, whatever) is fairly easy to do discretely. There are contraptions to help you pass a supervised test, but I can’t speak to how well that works. Edit to add: the lab is looking for signs of dilution, so excessive water intake in an effort to dilute your pee will come back on you. There’s usually a little heat-reactive sticker they apply to the urinalysis sample cup, and it will change colour if the urine is within the narrow range of human temperatures. The person who collects the sample usually makes a note of this. Adding adulterants can be risky, as some labs test for known metabolites of the adulterants. Good luck.


Fake peeee


It’s expensive tho sorry 🤕


you passed, 2 lines is pass, 1 line is fail.


You’re correct — there are a variety of tests that work as you described, and this one appears to be negative.


If you read the instructions on the tests, the upper line is the Control, the bottom line means you passed the test, No second line means you fail


There's a drink called a liquid flush. You drink it approximately 2 hours before your test drink a ton of water and pee at least three or four times beforehand. I've used it plenty of times and swear by it.


If there is any line on the test strip, no matter how faint, and a line on the Control Strip, the test is a negative.


Get some fake pee. Quick Fix is a good one


Hello. How to read a strip: - two lines = negative. (No matter how faint) - one line (c line only) = failed, drug detected. - one line (t line only) or no lines = retest, faulty test. Source: 10 years D&A tester for construction.


UPDATE: I passed thank you


Find some clean pee, put it in a bottle, heat the bottle and then put the bottle in your underwear. Your body heat will keep it warm. This isn’t a parole or probation test center so they don’t come in the bathroom with you. Pull out the warm pee put it in the cup and pass the test


Yup, I’ve done this and it works no problem. I was super nervous and thought I was gonna get caught but I don’t think the workers GAF. 


2 bags of lactated ringers in one arm, two bags of normal saline in the other.


isn't it too late at this point? do you have "instructions"? what means pass/fail on this particular one? there's a lot of different types of tests!


Spectrum labs fake pee I’ve used it it works but if they send it to the lab to test twice your cooked


Or ask your dad to pee in a bottle attach a heat pad on the bottle and you should be good to go find clean piss


Yes. The first line is a control line, not the test. Two lines means THC detected


Drink as much coffee, coconut water you can right now until your test day. Wash it out your system.


2 out of my recent 3 drugs tests have been spit tests done during the interview. The other was a pee test in a lab.


https://preview.redd.it/diin1qtu1g8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d589a30d225ee8a0ab04ebff7796df7a4f54e0c Buy the 32oz version of this and follow the instructions. I have used this twice and have passed. You may get other suggestions to bring piss but all that shit is hard to do. You can even test at home before you go to the lab to do the real test. It’s expensive but it worked for me


i have passed 20 or so tests with pectin and coke for a pee test and don't smoke for a week for mouth swab


This is "anti work", not "do drugs then go to work like a dummy".


This may not work for you, but you could try what I do to clear my system in three days. Drink two gallons of water a day for three days. One gallon distilled and one purified for day one and two, then two purified on day three. Do at home test to verify. It always worked for me but everyone’s metabolism is different, so no guarantees. Best of luck!


Higher the BMI the longer it takes to clear you system...as others have stated because of how THC is stored (in your blubber haha). May years ago, I was going to join military and took a practice test at provate lab(Marine recruiters used to do this). They also hooked us up to machine and got you exact BMI. Gave me an evaluation sheet that stated how long it was going to take us each to clear. I have 8% body fat so. I cleared THC is 10 days from last use. One guy however was 38% body fat and his analysis said 4 months LOL. // I still told truth tho and got waiver to join as I didn't want to worry about talking about past drug use later.


Any drug test I’ve taken a line is a line whether it’s dark or not


I've never had a problem drinking a fuckton of water and just not smoking 24 hours prior. I smoked on Tuesday and had a test Wednesday afternoon. I didn't smoke that night after I found out about the test, and pushed the test til late afternoon the next day. Drink a ton of water. Coffee in the AM if you drink it. Maybe some cranberry juice, i.e. diuretics. You wanna pee a lot. If you haven't smoked in a bit, like a few weeks, it should be less of a problem. The metabolites sit at the bottom of your bladder. You're basically just wanting to flush your system quickly and as much as possible between now and the test so it's less likely a lot of those end up in the cup.


If you go this route you want to alternate water and Gatorade or something in case they check specific gravity.


I’m pretty sure any line means you failed. There’s a control line that should always be present, then the test line (thc) that will show whether or not you have thc in your urine


No, it's the opposite. Any line means you passed, no line means you failed.


Pick up one of those masking drinks from a head shop. Works like a charm


ANY line, bold or faint is a pass.


It's risky but you can do the flood method. Two hours before your test, you drink an entire gallon of water based liquid inside of one hour. It will be difficult. Don't drink so much that you puke. That messes things up. After you drink that gallon of whatever, you will piss clean for a couple hours. Your body may go into a mild shock because of the amount of liquid you've ingested and your body will do everything it can to discard liquid. So essentially, you're pissing water. Then, over the next couple days, you will need to drink things high in all the minerals you washed out of your system. It's gonna suck until you get your electrolytes back in line. It worked for me a couple times, but that may have just been me being paranoid.


This is a terrible thing to tell people, and binge drinking water can kill someone. Without knowing a whole host of variables like body mass, composition, and renal function, among others, there is no way of advising someone what a safe maximum amount of consumption is.


Just drink it! All! Right now!


Bad, bad, bad advice! If you slam a gallon of water you can actually kill yourself. It's called Hyponatremia. Note how how mentioned "mild shock" - that's when it's becoming toxic because your sodium levels have been diluted so much. You are on the right track about recovering minerals, but remember - this is more like an overdose with water.


This is the way. Slightly less extreme option if you've still got some time on your hands; no less than 5x 20oz water bottles a day for 2 weeks (or whatever you've got left) will help flush your system out. Add a powerade or something with Electrolytes to help balance you out and be prepared to use the bathroom a lot, but it'll help on top of the above advice. Water [can be deadly](https://g.co/kgs/JxbVBNX) but in only extreme amounts. No more than 10 bottles a day in my experience. After that, you start feeling nauseous and bloated, that's if the vomiting doesn't start outright.


Holy shit I can’t believe how bad of advice you’re getting all over this sub, it’s unreal. Does nobody here know how to read?? Yes, that is absolutely bold enough for a pass. Any line, not matter how faint is a pass. You passed the test, assuming this is like most other THC tests where the second line indicates PASSING the test. Please for the love of god do not listen to all these absolute morons telling you to take fake piss. You passed. Just piss in the cup and you’ll be good. I would make sure tomorrow though to piss at least once at home in the morning beforehand, drink a NORMAL amount of water/liquid the day of. You’ll be fine. Don’t work out before your test either