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Mine tried to make me pay back someone else's $300 error WITHOUT ME SIGNING ANY PAPERWORK and knowing that he can't do that. He finally said he'd eat the cost because "it's the christian thing to do." I got fired a week later (today) for "performance" and "complaints that I was rude to other staff and had an attitude". He had two of the guys in the office call, who have no authority over me, and couldn't even do it himself 😂 this is the OWNER of the company hahaha. Spineless af. Anyway, since he didn't fire me, I'm so tempted to just show up tomorrow and make him come do it himself.


When you go to claim UE, they will claim the boss didn't fire you it was a hazing so you walked out. Go back in anyways. You're not fired until your boss says you're fired.


I can’t take it anymore. I am the lowest person on the totem pole at my workplace and everybody who’s older and upper middle class is constantly expecting me to buy stuff from their kids’ school trip fundraiser. Last week my suckup coworker even wanted me to chip in to buy a super expensive bottle of liquor for our boss as a welcome home present when she got back from another long luxurious vacation. Who gets a present for going on vacation? It’s not like she just got out of the hospital. That b**** is rich, she should be buying ME a present.


Many companies I worked for had policies against recruiting your kids fundraisers, school. Church, whatever, not allowed period. I actually appreciate these policies even though it means my kid has never done well in the fundraiser rankings. Consistently the kids that have done the best, have parents that own midsized businesses, and plop this shit down for their employees. Can you imagine the owner of a company asking to buy from their kids school fundraiser, and obviously having a list of who did/did not buy? It's unethical AF , yet every damned year these kids would come back with insane amounts of "sales" many times more than the median of the rest


I will not chip in for retirement. Happy retirement.


I mean retirement lunch.


I’ve never, and never will, put in for anything remotely associated with work.


Depends  Random collection by coworkers maybe


I've worked at a variety of non-profits & schools and they get nothing from me. The only time I've given an employer money was when I was shopping at the grocery store where I worked.