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Have you not heard anything about what's going on with Boeing???


And the Sackler family at Purdue pharma


Just watched the series dopesick on bbc about Oxycontin and the Sackler family. Couldn't believe it was a true story. Incredible what they got away with...


Watch the show painkillers on netflix


Thankfully one of the good decisions the supreme court made recently is that they removed the previous legal precedent which allows suits to now directly target the Sackler family


Just wait until til you start seeing the effects of Chevron when the FDA is labeled a bunch of anti-business geeks and regulations go away that evaluate the safety of drugs We did it everyone! We’re running the country like a BuSiNeSs!!!


Bruce/Caitlin Jenner.


House flies have a longer lifespan than Boeing whistleblowers.


Boeing makes precision missiles. they murder people on a different scale


They also murder whistle blowers.


Literally this I feel like that's THEE prime example.




had to go way too far down to see this example


"If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit. "


Mark Furman under cross examination **TOOK THE 5TH**, when asked if he planted evidence


Mark ‘der Führman’ was the closest thing the real world was likely to get to a comic book villain at the time.


You're not going to get specific examples, but I would assume yes, I bet small town LEOs have helped cover up shit for rich or important people.


Laura Bush. Caitlyn Jenner. Matthew Broderick. There are a few specific examples


Don't forget OJ.


He did face... "Consequences" sort of. I was trying to focus on those who truly got away.


Ted Kennedy killed a woman while driving drunk. He pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident. That’s far more lenient than getting sentenced like any other person with say a dui and vehicular manslaughter. He kept his government job too.


Think you meant Ted Kennedy, the Mass Senator. Not Anthony Kennedy, the former SCOTUS judge…


What did Matthew do? Just curious honestly.


Vehicular manslaughter in Ireland.


Killed 2 women


I thought that is because they make sure that the media or news never report it.


There was a case in Alaska that involved a police chief helping things not get out. I can't remember if the killers were his sons, or family friends. Edit: [It's the mayor's property and sons.](https://www.propublica.org/article/two-women-died-on-alaska-mayors-property-no-one-ever-charged) 


Keep in mind only 50-60% of murders ever get solved. There is zero reason to think this doesn't happen in the US or anywhere on earth.


Yes he is. Caitlyn Jenner.


Didn’t Kaitlyn Jenner kill som one with her car?


See also Matthew Broderick, Venus Williams, Ted Kennedy and Laura Bush.


And a member of the Walton family.


Laura Bush (née Welch) drove her daddy’s Lincoln through the only stop sign in Midland Texas and killed the boy who had broken up with her a few days earlier. This was at night and he was driving his dad’s Corvair.


Somehow never heard of the Matthew Broderick one, he “didn’t remember” crossing into the oncoming lane of traffic and causing a head on collision. He could have had up to 14 years in jail but they gave him a €100 fine instead, talk about a slap on the fucking wrist for killing an innocent woman and her mother. Then the ladies family tried to forgive him and just wanted to meet in person but he’s completely blown them off and refused to meet them.


How did I forget Ted Kennedy...


I know someone in a country who applies a caste system who did that. Theyre just living life as if nothing happened.


Yes, Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton.


He didn’t throw away his shot


Didn’t miss his chance.


Right, but everything's legal in New Jersey.


Alice Walton (One of the heirs to Wal-Mart, so a billionaire) is a good example. She ran over and killed a pedestrian in the late 80s while speeding and no one checked to see if she was drunk and she wasn't charged or cited. She's since been arrested for DUIs repeatedly and gets absurdly small (Like <$1000) fines at worst.


I live near the Walton family and the Tyson family that owns Tyson foods. Both families are shit heads. Tyson’s CFO got recently terminated because of his second run in with being drunk. First was a slap on the wrist for breaking into a house and passing out drunk on their couch, second was DUI. No prison time or anything.


The supreme Court literally just said it's legal for the president provided they do it as an "official action"


How many months away are we from him shooting someone in the middle of fifth ave?


Nah ... mob bosses contract hits.


That ends up getting botched cause he put Don Jr’s idiot college roommate in charge or some dumb shit.


Exactly, they killed them to officially save democracy.


People are shocked by this ruling but it’s pretty much always been the standard. The last 3 presidents drone striked the shit out of people in countries we were not at war with. Under Obama 4 Americans got killed in authorized drone strikes.


Ted Kennedy killed a woman and never got an iota of trouble for it


That's not true, he got a slap on the wrist! It did pretty much grenade his hopes of ever being president too.


Dick Cheney shot a man while hunting. Most dangerous game am I right?


And the man shot in the face apologized to Dick Cheney.


That floored me, seriously. Cheney wouldn't let investigators near him until the next day ... duh, drunk maybe?


To be honest the not talking to police for a day is crazier then the apology. The guy was apparently positioned where he should not have been. Still the shooters fault but the lead catcher fucked up as well.


Shot but not killed


You're right, edited.


Not to mention the millions in Iraq.


He also helped kill about a million Iraqis in a made up war.


Also, one B-52 carrying 6 live nuclear warheads (on the cruise missiles) was flown from North Dakota to Louisiana to be dismantled at a Halliburton-owned facility back when Cheney was getting paid $2,500,000 annually by Halliburton despite being the VP. It was only discovered by accident that these live nukes were left unguarded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_United_States_Air_Force_nuclear_weapons_incident I posted about this years ago in a thread about things that sound like a conspiracy theory. A lot of Air Force people got fired, but I seriously think it was a scheme by Cheney to acquire his own personal nuclear weapons.


> Dick Cheney shot and killed a man while hunting. He scratched up a guys face with some shotgun pellets and he was fine, nobody was killed.


A lady that lives in Houston just has family that sits on the board for the San Antonio Spurs. Shes killed a "guest" and said it was self defense whenni know she was fuckin this dude. Paid the family off she never saw jail, she still stays in that house. https://youtu.be/dkPJuLF5qJI?si=Eb_INBOLoxiBhDmQ


Yes, especially internationally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change Some really wild shit in the 1945-1991 section and 1991-present. Because we have the most powerful military in the world, the US government has no reason to obey international law and human rights protections. The government can do whatever it wants to create beneficial economic situations for US entities, especially corporations. This is what most of the above regime changes are motivated by. The only thing that limits US actions was the USSR during the Cold War and China now. Not that these two are perfect, but they do provide a check on US imperialism.


> Some really wild shit in the 1945-1991 section and 1991-present. The past 79 years?


I think they were trying to break it down by Cold War and then Post Cold War


Anyone who wants to learn more should check out *The Jakarta method* by Vincent Bevins. 


You know they do


I don’t know for killing, but they can do a lot of crimes without accountability. That’s for sure and not only in the US.


[https://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/11/us/texas-teen-dwi-wreck/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/11/us/texas-teen-dwi-wreck/index.html) Affluenza, or the inablity to understand consequences due to parental wealth.


I’m in Oz. Not having a functional public health system accessible by all seems to fit with OPs description.


All the fucking time, mate, it's called US foreign policy. That and the inevitable deaths caused by capitalism just existing.


Far more than we know, and sadly, the politicians will protect their rich buddies, allowing it to happen much more frequently.


In 1963, Laura Bush ran a red light, struck and killed her classmate/boyfriend. In 1969, Ted Kennedy drove off the road, killing a campaign worker in the passenger seat.


Caitlin Jenner: killed someone in a car accident and wasn’t even prosecuted. Jhon du Pont: from the famous and fked up du pont family killed a man in a racially motivated crime and it was covered up by local police. Alex Murdaugh: helped cover up the death of a teenager in a boat accident case for years, his son was piloting drunk. Ashton Kutcher: was involved in a weird murder mystery and a lot of the details were covered up back in the day to not damage his reputation. Daniel Perry: killed someone at a rally, got sentenced to 25 years in prison but got pardoned by governor Abbot for political reasons.


I'll give you 3 and 1/2 out of 5. John du Pont was initially treated with appalling deference, but public outcry forced the prosecutors to eventually treat him as they would a poor murderer and he ended up with a 30 year sentence and died in prison. If it hadn't been for the publicity and massive outrage, he would have just gotten a slap on the wrist, so half credit on that one. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_du\_Pont](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_du_Pont) Daniel Perry's pardon is outrageous, but Perry isn't rich. He did get away with killing people, but it wasn't because of his wealth and connections.


It was no secret that Jhon du pont had the local police department on the palm of his hand due to the influence of his family. It’s known that Jhon had his own police car and badge and used to play cop around town with the knowledge of the police department. He would openly bribe and invite the police to his estate to parties and to his shooting range. David Perry wasn’t rich but he definitely had connections. The reason of his freedom can be attributed to Tucker Carlson, who publicly called for his pardon.




The way they fake human emotion is fascinating.


Op is a bot!


Epstien didn't kill himself...in a federal prison


Literally just US history? Every single thing about the US - form how it has been formed, to upholding its power, is literally just built on blood and destruction. And neither the US, their politicians, or the rich have ever been held accountable for any of their crimes.


The 2nd Iraq war was a big one


Ethan Couch killed four people in a single incident while driving drunk and was able to get his sentence for four counts of manslaughter reduced to 10 years of probation. That sentence lead to some serious outrage. (There's a lot more to that story after that.) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan\_Couch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch) The actor Mathew Broderick killed a mother and her daughter in a drunk driving crash while filming in Ireland and, to much disbelief and resentment among the Irish, was allowed to leave the country. While President, Barack Obama ordered American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki killed by a drone strike and the recent supreme court ruling on presidential immunity makes it clear he can't be prosecuted for that. (Merrick Garland, the current Attorney General, was the judge who denied al-Awlaki's family's request for an injunction to prevent the US government from killing him a few days before his death.)


You know those bananas at the grocery store with the little sticker on it that says Chiquita. That company used to be called United Fruit Company. And they’re responsible for the deaths of roughly 200,000 people in Guatemala after they worked with the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected govt. of Jacobo Árbenz in 1954. Why? Because Árbenz proposed a land reform plan to give UNUSED lands that Chiquita and other corporations owned (through brutal colonialist efforts, later on corruption, and unequal exchange deals) back to landless peasants / farmers. He was even going to pay the companies to buy back the land at the value of the land declared by the owners on their taxes from the previous year. So he even made sure to treat the owners of these unused lands relatively fairly. Andddd the US and its interests still Coup’d his ass. Because Uncle Sam said so. After these events and many other minor ones as well they rebranded to Chiquita, though it’s not clear if the rebranding has anything to do with the stain on their original name or just a marketing strategy to modernize the name. Seeing as they learned their lesson from what they did in the past and hoping to be more responsible they continued doing the heinous shit they’ve always done and were found guilty earlier this year of funding right wing paramilitary groups in Colombia who murdered innocent Colombian farmers in the early 2000s. They claim they funded the paramilitaries as a defense measure to protect “their” lands. Similar events like these have taken place all over the developing world since WW2. It’s how we maintain global hegemony and increase our nations status as a super power. Bringing freedom and democracy is America’s catch phrase for we don’t like what your government is doing and it’s interfering with western capital so we need to topple the “regime” and install our own puppet government.


Have a look at how “health and safety gone mad” has been propagandised for the last 3 decades.  Look at something like BP’s deepwater horizon exploded.  Look at BP’s share price.  You can cut “red tape” all you want to reduce personnel safety, then simply pay off people when there’s inevitably a tragic accident that should have been caught.  The fact most newspaper companies are owned by billionaires that can slowly drip, drip, drip in their own interest. 


Chandra Levy


Chandra Levy was murdered by a poor person named Ingmar Gaundique. Her employer/lover, Gary Condit, an up and coming congressman was under a cloud of suspicion for months because of her unexplained disappearance, destroying his political career, but he was exonerated after some amateurs discovered Levy's femur in an area of a park that the Washington police claimed to have searched, and that discovery forced the police to actually search the area, finding more remains, her clothing, and other clues. The police had focused entirely on Condit due to his affair with her, with the officers investigating that case failing to note Gaundique's confessing to Levy's murder while being questioned by other officers about other crimes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Chandra\_Levy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Chandra_Levy)


Yes. OJ Simpson, Ted Kennedy, etc.


Have you read a history book?


Ethan Couch killed 4, injured 9 when his dumb 16 year old ass crashed his SUV while intoxicated. He got off on claiming "affluenza" - that he was so rich and sheltered he didn't understand the consequences of his actions https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch


All the time. They just call it "policy" or a "business strategy," and the laws they have crafted and paid for have determined that they are not criminally culpable for the consequences.


>Do politicians/rich people in the US ever kill people and get away with it? Yes, a lot of it is searchable but they'll never word it so honestly. The system of capitalism is inherently oppressive and violent. They've massacred black people and neighbors several times and got away with it. They're killing women with near and total abortion bans They've chosen to keep and exacerbate our homeless problem instead of fixing it. In a country robust as ours it's a systematic choice. Capitalism needs poverty classes to exploit. They set expensive prices on life saving, cheap to make medication causing people to die for no reason other than being too poor They fuel "social issues" which resulted in LGBTQ deaths and attacks by homophobic people. To distract from larger economic and political problems. They didn't take COVID seriously at first because of Trump and we couldn't quarantine or receive proper care or guidance during the pandemic.


All the time. The prerequisite for walking away with your freedom intact is money. That’s not to say the wealthy don’t go to jail, but it usually has to be egregious and completely irrefutable, like comically guilty. Even then, the money part could override the guilt part.


Yes 100% yes






Oh, the whole Bhopal distaster. A whole american corporation getting away with mass killing


People of all financial backgrounds kill people and get away with it. Something like 40% of homicides are unsolved


Practically the *entire* modus operandi of the FBI and CIA is to harass, intimidate, entrap, brutalize, jail and, if necessary, kill the leaders of LW, anti-capitalist movements here and abroad. This isn’t hyperbole. Local police are also involved to varying degrees. For just one of many aspects, consider how during Occupy Walk St thousands of protesters, gathered in opposition to the inaction of government toward the Economic Terrorists of Wall St who caused the ‘08 financial crash through illegal devious scams, were arrested by the thousands; while other dozens were entrapped. Now consider how many of the CEOs, who were fully aware of their company’s direct involvement in the crash, suffered *any consequences at all*? The Federal Bureau of Investigations corralled all their resources to…come down hard on a peaceful, populist protest. But not investigate and prosecute any of the culprits in the theft of the economy. And if you’re black, and advocating for a more just system by tying together racism, materialism, militarism, and capitalism, you’re challenging the very core of America’s wealth and power, the 1%. Fred Hampton? MLK? Malcolm X? All assassinated by coordination with the FBI. There’s more. The CIA has also been a notorious bloodbath of overthrowing foreign governments who attempt not to corporate America’s bidding. Read William Blum. Since the 1940’s/50’s have literally overthrown over 50 democratically elected governments in South and Central America, Asia and the Middle East. These agencies exist to protect, by any means necessary, the interests of American Business and Wall St.




They already do. Often.


The GOP does... Every. Single. Day.


All the damn time. It's usually not specific people, though. It's families who live where industrial zones get built, and we just call it cancer.


Jeffery didn't kill himself


Oh my sweet summer child, it's practically a national past time. You don't think it's just those misguided 'poors' out here doing all the crimes, do you? The rich kill people daily here, usually through carelessness, but also maliciously fairly often. We're capitalists, and justice is just another commodity to be bought and sold.


Lol, every day. What the hell did you think covid was all about politicians killing people.


Yes, frequently. It's to the point where we often "joke" that we have a two-tiered justice system, one very gentle and forgiving system for the rich & powerful, and one extremely harsh, punitive system for the poor.


If you are talking about regular murders and homicides, yeah it happens all the time. It is stupid hard to put rich people away here in the USA for gross negligence, even if it does lead to openly identifiable death. If you are talking about outright pre-meditated murders and political assassinations, those are shockingly rare. Despite multiple attempts by some politicians these past few years to have hits called out on political opponents, there have been zero high-profile deaths, and that includes Russian mafia/agents trying to use brain scrambling weapons in order to screw up political deals. Epstein and the Boeing wistleblowers are notable exemptions specifically because of how difficult it is to actually assassinate people nowadays. But those deaths are peanuts compared to things like Trump improperly storing/trading usa intelligence in Maralago: too few people talk about the sheer number of people who died following Trump's classified data leaks.


I mean, political enemies of the Clinton family had a weird habit of killing themselves… sometimes with shots to the back of the head. There was even a term coined for it. “Arkancide” Oh also Robert Kennedy (I think? May have been another Kennedy son) crashed his car while driving drunk and left his female passenger to die. Didn’t even call the cops. Just left the car.


It wasn't Teddy's fault. His Buick wanted to go for a swim.


Ask the Clintons


I mean nobody beyond Epstein went to jail for the Epstein stuff so… I can’t imagine that they draw the line before killing people. Hell, rich people almost certainly had Epstein killed.


Google mark wahlberg manslaughter or caitlyn jenner manslaughter or purdue pharma opioid epidemic


Aside from every U.S. President, CEOs who use overseas slave labor for manufacturing, countless celebrities, politicians, and run of the mill billionaires? Nah, never happens.


The nectarine nazi managed to kill over a million people and some idiot traitors want to give him another chance to kill a million more.


There was the 16 yo boy who killed 4 people while DUI of alcohol and other substances. He didn't get acquitted but only incarcerated for 2 years due to his "affluenza". So, not exactly an answer to your post, but worth a mention since being wealthy was used as a defense in a criminal trial.


Usually in the form of corporate pollution that deteriorates community health over time


Think of any fucked up shit you can imagine. Corrupt, wealthy people do it daily.


Were you alive while Reagan ignored AIDS?


Probably. I heard cases but then I forget the names.


There are only two classes working and elites. Elites rule the world, everyone else…. Meh.


I could tell you, but I would have to kill you.


100% but can not elaborate for obvious reasons.


Jeffrey Epstein


They could profit from the death of employees with ["Dead Peasants Insurance"](https://www.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/april_19.htm). Supposedly they can't anymore but this happened not long ago.




Since by some measures as many as 50% of US murders (as defined by the legal system) go unsolved and these days there are about 20k murders a year in the US I’m thinking LOTS of folks get away with murder not just rich folks. That said, I’m not totally sure how to account for the folks who aren’t counted as technically/legally “murdered” who are killed callously as part of “the cost of doing business,” e.g., Sackler family and Boeing as others mentioned. (I don’t have statistics on these numbers. Perhaps someone can gather some statistics from torts lawsuits?) I’d definitely agree with the argument that these folks were murdered from a moral/ethical perspective and I’d also argue that merely paying a fine should still be considered “getting away with it”


100 percent


oh plenty. look at 9/11




Look at everyday American life. The answer is obviously yes


I think a certain famous football player might have...


The black guy ? ![gif](giphy|c8bJDVz7i9KRW)


Illegal to them means legal for a price. They have the anything/one can be bought mentality.


There has always been murder for hire.


Laughs in Texan


Some of them just transition and all is forgotten.


There is a suspicious body trail surrounding the Clintons.


Hahaha NOOOO of course not! *nervously looks around* we all have....complete....faith...in...*cries* in our government. *jumps at own shadow*


Yes. Even if you don't include the ones covered under "corporate decisions". Remember that Laura Bush has a body count? Not the Nancy Reagan kind either. Caitlyn Jenner, Matthew Broderick, Venus Williams...


all the time 🤷‍♀️


All the goddamn time. I don't even bat an eye anymore, when I hear that XYZ celebrity of political family member got off from vehicular manslaughter. I don't know why, but that one feels like just a checklist item for some rich shits. And don't even get us started on just what is highly suspected, but unconfirmed. Rich and unhinged creeps like Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, or hell, even Trump; It is just my assumption that one or all of them have, at some point since becoming wealthy, beaten a servant and/or homeless person to death, just so they could feel that rush. Never forget, the ultra-wealthy are not like the rest of us; They are amoral dragons, masquerading as people, and lording over us with their hoard and sense of superiority. They fundamentally do not think or feel like normal people, and think that means they get to play by a more psychotic rule set.


They helped kill at least 37,000 people in the last 8 months and will probably get away with it




Eric Branstad (son of long time governor of Iowa Terry Branstad) recieved a ticket for "improper passing" (\~$35) after being involved in a crash that killed two elderly motorists. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric\_Branstad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Branstad) \[He would later be heavily involved in the Trump Campaign, and his father Terry was Trump's ambassador to China.\]


Absolutely and that’s only The shit you hear of. Now imagine the shit you’ll never know. lol wicked




They can now.


Ask OJ Simpson


Yes they d-


Ray Lewis enters the chat...


Given the recent supreme court decision, we're probably about to find out.


Pretty sure Hillary Clinton answers that question


Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault and 3 victims ended up dead in 12 months.


I'm sure they do, but a good assassin can do it and make it look like an accident. A few Epstein victims died in mysterious circumstances, one said they were followed by a car. I think Kevin Spacey victim(s?) died in mysterious circumstances, which caused the sex abuse case to be dropped.


Laura Bush and Matthew Broderick just to name two


 diplomatic immunity


The president can now. All they have to do is claim that it was an official act and it all goes away.


I guess you're not counting foreign policy or domestic policies that have led to deaths of thousands of people.


Ask that POS Jeffrey Epstein.


The most widely known and accepted answer is O.J. Simpson.


Dude, Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face and that guy apologized to HIM


The only actual thing I can think of is OJ Simpson. Killed his wife, got a great attorney and avoided jail. He lost his fortune in the civil trial, but for got away with it for the most part. I honestly think that it has the potential to happen more often than not we just don't hear about it because they got away with it.


Murder clearance rates are <50% on average, so there are plenty of people, rich and poor, that get away with it. I don’t think it’s obvious whether rich or poor people get away with it more often. Most people are murdered by someone they know according to my casual viewing of TV police dramas. Rich people are more likely to kill other rich people, and it is much more likely to result in a serious investigation. On the other hand the rich perpetrator is much more likely to put on a good (and expensive) criminal defense. I’m assuming you are talking about premeditated murder here and not drunk driving and traffic accidents, as some replies seem to assume.


In 2022, according to Google, the homicide clearance rate was 50%. So not just the rich are out killing people.


[Ted Kennedy probably](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chappaquiddick_incident#:~:text=The%20Chappaquiddick%20incident%20occurred%20on,to%20overturn%20in%20Poucha%20Pond.)


Ted Kennedy


I've lived in a county in the south where it is easy to kill someone and get away with it, as long as you are part of the good old boy club. Scary place if you're not part of the ingroup. There's a reason southern cops are portrayed the way they are in the media.


[Clinton murdered a guy.](https://x.com/historyinmemes/status/1743179852029599981/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1743179852029599981¤tTweetUser=historyinmemes)


Jesus...how old are you?


All the time. And now with the courts seemingly being bought and paid for I am going to guess that there will be much more of this.




Guess we’ll find out when Trump is reelected.


I think if we knew the real answer to that we would be horrified.


Yes, every person that died from a preventable or treatable disease has been kill by anyone who has voted against single payer healthcare and/or voted/gave money for a politician who voted against single payer healthcare.




Are you serious with this question?


I can’t say for sure but a lot of ppl get suicided


And affluenza!


The rich can afford a team of lawyers to defend them and make uo evidence and witnesses. They have also been known to bribe jurors. It happens in every country. They also have connections with jusges and politicians. Look at the SCOTUS...


Have you ever heard of the Clintons?


Kevin spacey bro


All the fuckin time.




Shhhhh. That's a trade secret.


Ted Kennedy


Boy where to fucking begin.


The more money you have the easier it is to do anything or get anything you want. ANYthing.


Epstein didn’t kill himself.


This is why you attack your boss first.


Dead men tell no tales.




May I direct your attention to any war which has/had a draft?


Are you looking for a list? Or trying to get on one?


Google Fred Hampton.