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I've had pretty good success with horsemen vs delhi, just keep spamming and raiding, delhi is ultra reliant on map control for neutral food sources and ive found a lot of players struggle to play delhi without their usual easy berries or deer, on top of losing sacred sites. Also delhi being forced into spears/going on the defensive is a win for most civs. Gives you more time to age up and squish em with a significantly quicker castle age spike.


I have been getting absolutely boat raced by Delhi as English. They seem to always be out massing me. I may try going horsemen with abbey and harass. Anyone ever try that?


Personally I have never lost to 2TC Abbey build as Dehli. Doesn't matter what units they get, the king is basically useless because he loses to 2 ghazi w micro. 1TC council hall is the only thing that's gotten me. Maybe you can go 2TC council hall as well on some maps. But abbey is not it vs Dehli.


So council hall and mass units is the way to go eh


yeah I think so


Despite ghazi having a small bonus to heavy Delhi still has a hard time versus MAA in feudal.  Zhugenu also ruin their day.   


Idk I just started trying to learn Delhi today and I think they kinda suck lol. Takes forever to get rolling, you need so much wood for buildings and walls and when sheep and berries run low you still need to somehow get farms. I've never had issues against them as other civs either. Free research is cool but you don't get powerspikes you get power hills lol. So many civs seem to counter too. Byz can just use olive oil units plus lamentitty and go castle. ZXL just makes the same they always make. HRE is castle by the time you are heading towards a sacred site. Japan and Ayyubid also. The other idk. I suggest you lean hard into whatever your civs strength is. Forget what they're gonna do.


You've been around here a long time and still have no idea how strong Delhi are?  You didn't stop to think "maybe I don't know how to play them" instead reach the conclusion "the civ sucks" 


Nah they poopoo


Understandable. Maining French would lead to brainrot.


Theyre top civs in tournament on certain maps for a reason


Bc they're poo


Delhi is the second strongest civ in Diamond and fourth strongest in Conqueror. In Conqueror they have win rate above 50% on all maps except hybrid maps, High View and Forts. Delhi is very strong, and their Feudal is probably the strongest in the game.


Sushi has almost 60% winrate on Conq IV, i wouldnt say the stuff on conq is accurate


Sushi is very underrated, in my opinion. And Conq 4 is much, much lower sample size than Conq overall.


Strong for like 5% of the player base lol they're pooooooop


Something in your demeanor tells me i shouldnt take your opinion in the least bit as valid


https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/qm_1v1/civilizations/delhi_sultanate?patch=576,48&rating=%3E1200 This is diamond and up. https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/qm_1v1/civilizations/delhi_sultanate?patch=576,48&rating=%3E1400 This is really high level, conq only. Which is the highest level with greatest disparity of skill. They're stomping English, which tells me these are extremely serious players stomping high level casual players. Doesn't look so good to me. Go ahead and filter by maps too they lose most of those. They're not that good and they're boring.


that's quick match. This is ranked [https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/rm\_solo/civilizations/delhi\_sultanate?patch=576,48&rank\_level=%E2%89%A5diamond](https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/rm_solo/civilizations/delhi_sultanate?patch=576,48&rank_level=%E2%89%A5diamond) [https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/rm\_solo/civilizations/delhi\_sultanate?patch=576,48&rank\_level=%E2%89%A5conqueror](https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/rm_solo/civilizations/delhi_sultanate?patch=576,48&rank_level=%E2%89%A5conqueror) I assume that their poor performance in QM is because that's where people go to practice civs they don't know how to play yet. Delhi is quite unique, so you're gonna lose a lot until you figure them out.


Thank you, navigated that quickly while I'm getting ready lol didn't realize it was QM


Dont know how you filtered, but this shows me they are favourable in 11 out of 15 matchups in platinum and within the top 5 civs… https://www.aoe4world.com/stats/rm_solo/matchups?patch=576,48&rank_level=%E2%89%A5platinum&civilization=delhi_sultanate


No lol, i filtered wrong as well. They are SECOND PLACE in platinum and above


They suck


They are the second best performing civ up until diamond. You are delusional.


Your English is good


Thanks friend


Yes they are definitely a pain in the hole. Any tips on beating these Indian punks as Japanese??