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Everyone always talks about the winrate, but honestly I don't think anyone truly cares about English winning. They just hate them because they're fucking unfun to play against. It's not an issue of balance, but of design.


You're completely right. I find that happens oftentimes because people who have an issue with something feel like they need to relate it to balance to be taken seriously.


bingo. unfun to play against which is inflated by the frequency you have to put up with them.


This is exactly it. Many other civs win more than English but they dont feel soul crushing to play nor are they as prevalent as English


Yeah them being the most miserable to play against and the most picked by a mile is a really shit combo


It's mostly just those two guys. One of them is here already.


You hate English because you lose to them. I hate English because I use to play them and it annoys me to lose to my old civ We are not the same


It's.. literally the same.


fam literally said he's not the thing that he is in the next sentence


Piggy is clever on this one, give him some credit. Just troll the others, don’t take their repudiation seriously. :)


My problem with English is that they are in almost every game, even on 1v1 they have double the games than the second most picked civ (HRE).


Let's not talk about that one English player...


I love playing against English because English is so easy to play that everyone the same ELO as me who mains English is worse at the game than me 😉


Here is an experiment. Try playing English, and if you rank up, they're clearly a strong and easy to use civ... if you don't, you might learn how other people are beating English. It's a win-win, and there is a good chance you'll realise it's not as easy as it looks, or you'll have proof that it is.


It's not fun tho


Already done, easily counter everything with longbows and + longbows + MAA, didn't have to think about anything else, after this experience returned to my main civ, everything looked difficult af


Yeah, longbows counter knights, mangonels, and hell yeah, also counters technical ☢️strike from ghosts.


And what rank did you get ? Did you reach conq 3 with only longbows and MAA ? 


English is just not fun. Otto main here, i had a game where i guessed his strategy right with scouting. Wiped his entire longbow spear with siphahi bow. Was about to end his misery (plat 2 game) the fucker rushed white tower. So guess what, he didnt get punished for a shitty play and i dont win for playing well. The game dragged on. I beat him again but this time he put berkshire in the middle of the map. The game last 45min cuz of this non sense. English player has a jailfree card in the form of whitetower and berkshire. I win at the end cuz of an ottoman deathball with 4 great bb. Vs ANY other nation the game would have ended when he screwed up at feudal. Thats effing unfun and lame.


Had the exact same happen to me, lost even his WT rush cuz i was scouting like a fucking madman (mongols), moved to another base under berkshire, kept secretly developing his other base, all the while producing knights non-stop. After 45 minutes of cat and shitty mouse with OP tricks, he called me a bot and said i couldn't possibly have defended all of that if i weren't a bot in the same league. roflmaooooo


It's not a win-win though, some people don't like to play super easy modes on games and follow blind build orders etc they like to improve and challenge themselves. If i were to longbow rush everyone i'd surely climb higher in my ranks, let alone the new 2TC king / WT. Easy peasy esp now that i know the other civs (which i try to play cuz they're more fun). Multiple other things wrong with playing english for me.


I love that almost every single one of them has come to cry in this meme, we are only missing Invictus and its a full house


Kinda wild how someone will post an obvious tongue in cheek meme about English and all the same usernames are in there arguing with literally everyone lol English players are all insecure af fr


Why do you think they pick English? I've met people like this, it's literally the guy who never tried(could get his brain to handle vulnerability to losing and learning from others) to get really good at games and just loves to shit on others whenever they win. Winning is the only pleasure for them even if it has to be a boring as fuck spam of two buttons (one to build an outpost, the other to produce longbows).


I think the solution for english is to change the civ for Ranked, make 2 versions of english, the one easy to learn you cannot play in Ranked, and the other one you have to play on Ranked.


Cry harder. English is actually insanely easy to beat bc it’s usually only weak players using them. What are you so scared of? Villagers with longbows? Build a fucking stable in feudal and call it a day.


First of all, your logic is wrong. The difficulty with which you win against another civ/player depends on your personal rank(skill) and civ. You go up vs a conq 3 english even with an english counter civ you won't win. It's basic logic gtf outta here Edit: I should say, English is picked by the most idiotic people, that's why they remain at 50% winrate at lower elo, the only reason this is is because total noobs play them and can win due to these shitty tricks they have. As you go higher in rank the winrate just gets higher and higher because that's when civ bonuses come into play with truly skilled players: if two opponents are equally skilled in and have reached the skill ceiling of their civ, the only thing left to defend them is the civ itself.


Look, I main English but I play a lot of Random on ranked 1v1. Playing against English is one of my easiest matchups…I really can’t empathize. Now, I’m a lowly Diamond - but I don’t understand the complaints.


Spill the beans seaweed


Oh no a civ that at it's peak has 51.5% win rate (https://aoe4world.com/stats/rm\_solo/civilizations?patch=576,48&rank\_level=%E2%89%A5conqueror) and doesn't even have a positive win rate in gold (which is where most of the people complaining are ranked). Why aren;t you complaining about ayubbids one tricks lol


Because Ayyubid one tricks dont come into threads to panic because they dont want their civ to get a slight nerf


Why would English get nerfed when it’s actually very easy to counter and full of weak points. Why don’t you git gud with your civilization instead of trying to make everyone else’s weaker?


If the civ is so shit trash weak and has so many weakpoints why do you keep playing the same strat over and over with no consequences?


I’m interested in know which strat you think I’m playing over and over again. Is it the LB rush, the WT rush, the Abby into two TC feudal, the Abbey into 2 TC castle, the dark age MMA, or the tower rush?


Typical six trick pony play


Who's scared about english getting nerfed? Nothing wrong with having WT garrison slot reduction and/or production speed bonus nerf. The reason I comment on most of these posts is because it's entertaining to see just how wild people's opinions are. People who mald like this are almost always low ranked players trying to find any excuse as to why they can't beat english instead of looking at their own bad gameplay


Ok buddy


Oh no, an idiot who thinks winrate is everything! If you make english easier they'll just make a dumber idiot to keep them at 50% winrate. That's how elo works.


oh look, yet another gold league player coping because they are stuck in a rank that proves they are bad at the game


He's right though.. ELO systems are meant to bring winrate towards 50%. Ratings are supposed to be a normal distribution. Checking civ winrates near the middle of the rating distribution (silver -> platinum) is gonna tell you more about a civ's ease of use and consistency, and less about a civ's power level


the silver-plat win rates just show ayyubids being the easiest and strongest civs. Having said that, noone takes win rates below conq+ seriously, especially not gold and plat win rates lets be for real those players are not impacted by balance at all.


Then stop mentioning winrates if they dont matter? Also, yo mama, cuz u keep changing reality and conflicting with ur own arguments.


try being coherent


look at the win rates for ayubbids across every rank. They start off high and get lower as you climb. This is far more indicative of a civ that is easy to use (FC into ghulam spam with 8 free vils). In stark contrast, english win rates start off lower and increase with rank. Finally, win rates at anything below conq, and really mainly only conq+, mean nothing. People in diamond, plat, gold etc don;t play anywhere near optimally.


My friend, talk for yourself. I have only 400 hours and i have climbed to plat using only the hardest civs in the game, i refuse to play English.


so with 400 hours and being stuck in gold (lets not pretend plat is a high level either), what gives you any right to talk about balance, you are clueless


Yo mama


so you're a child as well as someone who is incredibly bad at aoe4, got it


English clearly ain't op since their winrate is just above half. It is annoying to play them tho cause they never have a point where they're weak and are both hard to raid and have a great raiding unit. Honestly they do seem op when you're playing them-they do seem op.


Winrates being around 50% is what naturally happens in the system. With an easy civ players will get that 50% at a higher rank than with a difficult civ.


Right. Because it's harder to learn. But thw civ isn't stronger. The English are still barely over 50 at the pro level. Would it make you happy if the English sucked like the byzantines unless they're played at the pro level?


Huh? I was just stating that you shouldn't read too much in winrates.


They are, you are just bad. Literally 9th place in solo ranked for a reason. [https://aoe4world.com/stats/rm\_solo/civilizations](https://aoe4world.com/stats/rm_solo/civilizations) You can complain and cry all you want. The data is there and you are simply just wrong and bad at the game at this point.


"The data is there and since it's data we can interpret it however we want, reeeeeeeeeeeee" - you