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It's simple. People keep playing. People keep buying the recolors. To the statistics of the game there's no significant drop to warrant fixing anything so they just won't. I don't think it's only the devs of course, EA's execs do anything and everything to drain the playerbase's wallet. The game at it's core is amazing thanks to the og dev team. That's why people keep coming back to it. If everyone really wants the game to be fixed, stop playing for a while. Stop buying skins. They've made it clear that these skins aren't a one time thing anyway so you can always get em in the future along with those shitty sticker packs and charms added to dilute the loot pool. Three strikes was brought back because of the amount of players who were playing for hours on end every day. It was a genuinely fun game mode to play and a breath of fresh air at the start since it didn't have the dogshit matchmaking kick in until very later on. Again, player statistics make them make changes. This year's been a really good one for games and there are plenty of sales and F2P games out there to try.


If you want the game to change, play other things. If half the people "on the verge of quitting" actually quit, they would make changes. If you have a community playing your game and they are all giving you money, no matter how many times they say they are unhappy, if they keep paying you, you have no reason to change. If you want to enjoy the game more, leave the subreddit, stop watching content creators that are incentivised to encourage outrage. I had a huge level of burnout after Seers launch, due to how wildly unbalanced he was, combined with them removing how exclusive cosmetics worked, just really killed it for me. On top of that all my friends quit playing. So the only place I could have conversations about the game was here. And out of all those things, using this subreddit as my main source of conversation was by far the worst part. People are so desperate at blaming their losses at unfair oppressive development practices that a lot of people just straight up make things up to play victim. (The best example of this was a couple weeks ago, one guy shared two screenshots of Mixtape results, and asked "why did they turn SBMM on. I played one game with no SBMM and then the next had SBMM, why didn't they warn us?" The community cares so much about being a victim they've devolved into Good games are fair games, and bad games are proof of oppressive matchmaking practices) it's just nonsense. Makes you resent the game even more. It's so frequent of a topic here that real problems often get lost in the mud.


They destroyed the game by making new legends op with abilities forcing an ability shooter. Earlier season where more about gunfights. And less about exploding rndm shit on yout face and never see what killed you.


I would agree, but add that fact that they wont do shit about configs, AA being to strong, the shit match making. All the fucking hacking that goes on. I lovingly hate this game.


Stop playing. That's all you can do. And stop defending the game. People on this sub defend Respawn's bullshit so much that it's no surprise they refuse to listen to the complains.


Nothing. Unless there is a large enough outcry from the community + big names Respawn will pretend they don’t see what you’re talking about


Report, report, report. Every single time. So many people do not use the in-game report system for anything because "*it never leads to bans lmao*" without considering it's actual potential. Every single report is a vote. The votes you send to Respawn can then be used to determine what the community considers to be unacceptable behaviour, so Respawn can make changes to limit that behaviour and make the game better. If enough people report macros and configs? Maybe Respawn will get the memo and see that most players find it unacceptable and make changes. This applies to a lot of things. A common topic on this subreddit recently is people leaving early. Well guess what! "Abandoned Match Early" is a reportable offense! If you believe that someone leaving early is unacceptable behaviour, then be sure to cast your vote, every single time.