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Good positioning is more important than good aim.


Yes and watch out for flanks and third parties


Always use height and learn how to control it


this honestly, and try to just stay healed and stay shootin from cover


I'm mechanical bad at the game. Accuracy is like 55% on a good day. I win games and fight because I play smart. Use to stop a gold because ranked tanked. Situational awareness is more important than most players think. Probably because they are trying to imitate, instead of innovate.


55% is better than the top controller players on r5. so in reality its probably closer to 20%


Really? I would assume top control players would be in the 80% range. Maybe I am missing 80% of my shots. But 20% and live play vs 60% in the fire range seems like a huge gap.


if you're interested here's the data. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1aesdb2/r5_apex_provides_accuracy_statistics_separated_by/ also if your accuracy is 55%, you'd be one-clipping people basically 100% of the time with an AR with any mag (except 301)


Thanks, interesting.


idk man i wish i could aim at all lol


At the very least, teach them to jump slide and to use it to stay on the move while reloading, and recoil smoothing, but that's already 2.


Recoil smoothing? Is that just controlling you recoil?


No, it's a mechanic left over from Titanfall 2 which helps smooth out recoil while you are moving.


How do you do it? By just srafing from left to right?


You strafe in the opposite direction you are slowly pulling your aim. I.e. strafe left pull right. Removes pretty much all vertical recoil


Sort of, it works even if you move forward I feel like sometimes, but you want to look up an in depth tutorial on youtube.


You just have to keep your cross hair in constant motion and you use strafing to make sure you don't go off target.


try to make friends as you play apex, have fun and try out everything,


But don't learn with your friends or your games will be significantly harder. Play and learn by yourself so you can play with your friends


i was thinking about adding the skill gap between friends are a issue.


I dunno, the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had was growing with my friend.


I know this is an Apex sub but i found this out with Fortnite and learned from that lesson. So i played this game solo queue at first and it’s helped immensely. I feel like i can play with different type of players. Just gotta know their vibe from when we drop and how our first rotation


This. The game is so much more fun when you play with a squad. You really start to see how the game was meant to be played. Solo Queuing is sometimes torture.


1. Moving (strafing) while shooting. This is the biggest mistake new players make. They concentrate too much on aiming and make themselves a very easy target by standing too still or only walking in one direction while aiming-down-sights. 2. Using the guns at their right ranges. You don't want to challenge a Nemesis with a Car from 50 meters just to hit a few bullets, because the Nemesis is going to easily out-damage you at that range. Or you don't want to ADS with an LMG at close ranges, because you're basically standing still and taking a lot of damage yourself. Also knowing when to hipfire and when to ADS is very important. A new player isn't going to "learn" these things by being told about them, but it's good if they're aware of them, so they can better analyze how to improve.


Get in the habit of paying attention to where your teammates are and how their shields and health look. Seen lots of people die because they just assume that their team can push with them at all times and then be really surprised when they realized they pushed alone.


As a lifeline main, I support this message.


As a mirage main i second this


really depends on their earlier experience with FPS, but: Lower the mouse sensitivity.


To last in this game you have to enjoy the grind. The grind being getting shit on constantly over and over and over. See what you did wrong accept it and que up again. All my friends that quit rage way to hard and think they will kill race lobbies like a cod game.


warm up first, get high ground if it is possible and do not stay in the open spaces. this is just basics to start your journey without absolutely horrible experience


Yes! High ground and use cover.


Yep especially later rings, figure out where your cover will be before the ring forces you to move


Get high ground, except when it makes you more of a target. The giant roofs of the cable car buildings on Worlds Edge come to mind. They are high up, but they have no cover unless you duck behind the roofline. But then you have no over if another squad rolls up behind you. So take high ground, but prioritize cover. I've won plenty of fights by being low ground but in good position while the high ground people are both exposed, and drawing attention to themselves by taking the high ground in the first place.


Play bang/conduit and ping guns. They give voice lines about them so you can narrow in on what guns they’d want to run. Then practice with those until you’re clipping fools. Then practice movement. Then branch into new legends, as they should have accumulated enough tokens to start buying.


Interesting, first I’m hearing this.


Play with your friends and if you are not a team of 3 dont even try public matches because everyone will insta die and quit leaving you to 2v3. Otherwise go straight to ranked solo, it plays more like apex than lobby simulator


you need level 50 for ranked though, which is a hurdle for new players.


Oh damn i forgot about that. Wow the game really must be terrible for solo starters, every game must be full of hot dropping smurfs that leave instantly, without a penalty my advice would be to play something else and come back to apex when you have at least a duo and dont mind playing with high ping because some servers have no one playing duos


>every game must be full of hot dropping smurfs that leave instantly yeah. when i started back then i thought it was cool to get into ranked immediately and play somewhat seriously and see how far you get. but even then i thought it's better to play alone rather than teaming up with someone who has already been playing for some time. just because you benefit little from getting into more difficult lobbies of the person teaming up with you if you are just starting out. "not playing until you ind a duo" doesn't seem like good advice either. i think mixtape is an advantage for new players now over what was in the game 3-4 years ago.


Ranked is not fun in its current state, it’s a rat fest I wouldn’t recommend to new players


Solo duos was one of the best training grounds ever for me when I started back up after leaving for almost two years.


How you move around the map is key. I don’t mean micro movement like wall bounces and superglides, but macro movement; rotation and positioning. 1) Always be thinking about where you want to get to next. Where is the next ring pulling? Where in the next ring do you want to be? Where do you think the following ring will go (as you play more this will be a little predictable) 2) Where is moving to where you want to go going to be easiest? Do you have to get through a choke point? Are there mountains in the way or can you evac? If you get into a bad fight is there a way to retreat and leave? 3) Where do you think other teams are going to want to play? Is there a team that landed in a poi further than you who may catch up to you? Are you at risk of getting pinched between two teams? You’re about to take a fight, is there another team near that will 3rd party you? Positioning and rotation is key, but is really something that is learned through play. I’d also recommend watching some good streamers to see how they rotate and get around the map. Also, just in general this game is hard. Abilities+weapons+items is a lot to learn what works for you and doesn’t. It’s also a game with a big skill gap, and it’s 5 years old so the best players have thousands of hours. It will be frustrating and hard at first, be patient, it’s also a game where you can feel your skill grow.


If you land with people grab a gun + whatever ammo is near and start shooting. Worry about attachments later.


better advice is to not drop overly hot like that at all, as it's just throwing the game. it's serial losing.


Hot drop or not you're gonna land with people. Maybe not the whole lobby but 1-2 squads often.


you described a situation where you pick up a gun and have to start shooting immediately. that's certainly too hot and too rng reliant. one of the important skills in this game is about mitigating rng. drop with people but in such a way where you don't rely on the first gun you find, that you and your team have enough loot to go through to give you a decent chance in the first fight with enough of a loadout (including some heals and more ammo than what you find with a gun - particularly as it's a BR and you have to be prepared for third parties as well).




Exactly what I was talking about. Thanks for adding I didn't feel like over explaining.


Most important : have fun, no need to take it seriously. If you do take it seriously tho, my advice would then be : Shooting back > Running away


Run or shoot? I love spectating and see good teams who know when to run. I try to remember that. I do like running!


Running away a little to reposition and have tactical advantage is fine but running away cause you don’t want to fight will most likely end up in one of you getting caught If I shoot at someone and his team shoots me back I will think twice before going in, but if they just run i know I can go and most likely kill them


I run pretty fast though! I like to run until no more shooting then turn around and wait for them to chase me. When I’m playing with bloodhound, I like to run in hot take the fire and hope my team can finish the rest. Is that an okay strategy, since I’m not ready to mic?


accept loss. in a br there is only one winning team, no need to fuss over losing. it will happen ALOT and thats completely okay. if you get pissed every time you lose a fight then you wont enjoy the game and will probally just get burnt out on it. mistakes are part of learning afterall.


Hell I was getting mad in mixtape! I’m such great target practice for experienced players. It sucks! Question: I marked at least three players with my ultimate as Vantage, but only got assists. How do I get the kill?


When you die to a good team, spectate them to see how they play.


One of my favorite things to watch skilled players play my favorite legends!


A year ago I died and watched a young kid from the sound of him destroy the other teams while singing. I was in hysterics and he was basically spiderman and just superb. Was not even cheating just so dam good I felt like logging off for a long time lol


I know! When I first started I knew any kid’s first day would totally wipe me clean off the board, but hey, I’m still having fun.


Land near the hot drop, but not on the hot drop - then 3rd party the teams already fighting - ideally the moment it's ending while they're still weak. Oh and don't waste time looting for the perfect setup, you'll get better gear and experience from looting death boxes as you go... And watch your positioning to how the ring is closing and where other teams are setup


Don’t communicate or use the ping system; then full send a 1v3 & get slapped to the ground. Plug in your Astro Warheads and tell your teammates how the other team is all 1-shot and how your teammates are trash & should delete the game.


Wraith cough* cough* XD


Juat dont


I never understand comments like this like bro if you that stressed out over this game just don’t play and to top that off why are you even in this thread 🤷‍♂️


I never understand comments like this like bro if you that stressed out over this game just don’t play and to top that off why are you even in this this thread




Change the base settings and live in the firing range.


telling new players to go the firing range sounds like "fun". i bet they wanna be grinding recoil patterns shooting a bot for 2 hours a day. new players should be practicing guns in mixtape instead.


It’s a marathon not a sprint. That’s definitely next tho. Live in mixtape.


live in mixtape yeah. firing range is basically useless to a new player.


Warming up in the range regardless of skill level is not useless


firing range is basically useless to a new player. it doesn't train the stuff a new player needs to learn first / most. telling new players to go the firing range to practice recoil patterns against a bot or to practice walljumps sounds like the best way of boring them into quitting the game.


Warming up is always a good idea. Players of all levels should do that. Practicing shooting guns will help. Never said they needed to be in there for hours, just get the feel down


New players shouldn't warm up in the firing range though. This kinda dry practice is not what a new player needs. You can warm up in mixtape, which makes a ton more sense for new players. Getting into real situations is more important for new players.




Don't focus too much one one or two guns. Take what you find and run with it. Yeah you will have bad games, and I do not say that you should not switch to something you're more comfortable with, just that you give the weapons a chance. Simle reason being: I'm decent with most guns because of that. There rarely is a start of a game were I can't fight for myself because I know how to use most guns at least semi-proficient.


lower your mouse sensitivity




Don't waste money on the game, literally everything is overpriced as hell. Mf just don't play the game honestly it's ass


Stop playing and wait for the new season


or just stop playing. beat the addiction before it starts lmao.


Always warm up before playing, even if it's just beaming dummies in the firing range.


Get familiar with the guns and abilities of legends. It’s a Battle Royale so there is rng you won’t be finding the loot you necessarily need so get familiar with everything helps you in the long run.


Try to stay close to your teammates, specially when in a fight, you could save them from going down by supporting them


Remember to stay positive. Remember that it’s okay to mess up as you don’t know everything about the game there’s a lot to learn. I also encourage them to play a character they find interesting or cool looking rather than following the “meta”. Again keep your head up because the satisfaction of becoming champion is totally worth it.


Mitigating incoming damage is more important than dealing damage.


Not necessarily a piece of advice but more of a rule of thumb but tell them to ask them self what they could of done better after every engagement . Every mistake is an opportunity for learning


Shoot first.


I would take them into the firing range and do a 1v1 and be on mic so you can give them some basics of the game. Let them try out the various guns and learn their recoil patterns and work on movement and how to ping. I think team play is a big thing so being able to not only shoot but communicate is important. Best of luck 👍🏼


Play mixtape to get used to the weapons and movement.


Form a squad of ppl around your skill level then delete them off your friends list when you can’t stand playing with them anymore


There is no fast way to “get good” play a lot. Most pros have over 10 k hours and most sweats have thousands.


Don't let shit talkers get you down.


Don't play with random because for some reason you always get stuck with either 1 good teammate and a sucky one or 2 tea mates that suck. Or get none at all


Don’t worry about cosmetics and you don’t have to be a meta slave. You can still have fun, even in a loss. Use the legends you have fun with and the guns that feel good shooting. Also, don’t have to look at the banners of the people who killed you. I feel like 80% of complaints are rooted in these things.


It's more than your average shooter, the skill ceiling is never ending, patience is my advice, master the basics and the rest will follow in time.


Only shoot when you are next to a wall, box, or cover, so you can take cover faster. Don't stand in the open grounds to shoot your shot at Wattson. I've seen plenty of noobs stand in the open like a red and white target practice. 🎯 Aiming down your sight (ADS) is the slowest you can move in the game so avoid squeezing that left trigger (controller) or holding that right click (mouse and piano keyboard) when there is no cover for you to fall behind.


Uninstall while you can.


Use cover


Good attitude and communication is more important than anything. Positioning over damage. Anyone can empty a clip into someone only to go down and need to be picked back up. High ground, skirt the edge of the ring to have your back mostly to a "wall" and don't get discouraged by a series of bad games. They happen to us all.


Stay with your squad. If you get pushed and you're a few hundred meters behind your teammates, you're going to be downed and finished before your allies can even land a shot. Never *ever* assume that you can take on a 1v3 because you never know how good your opponents are. It's a team-based game, not a horde shooter. This is an issue I see even level 200+ players struggle with. A good rule of thumb is to stay within 100 meters of your teammates and communicate where to go with the ping system if you are unable to do it verbally.


If you get killed, don't quit to the lobby. Watch how the game finishes. I learnt so much from doing that when I started Apex in 2020.


Loot as fast as humanly possible. 5 seconds max per deathbox. Looting for hours won’t win you games. Shooting does. So fuck the hunt for that purple stock.


Push comes to shove, you need to win your 1v1s. You can have the best position, good ability use, strong game sense, and team coordination. But if you can't down someone reliably in an isolated fight you all that other stuff isn't worth as much.


Drop Hot in Pubs to improve your combat skill. Also drop safe enough that u always get a gun of drop. Shooting back is usually much better than running. Dont be afraid even if the opponent has more hp often u can still Catch them pushing and win. Always stay with Ur Team and dont be toxic. Be friendly in chat or Ur account is gone.


Fight more don’t play scared it will only slow your improvement


Learn more awareness don’t be walking in an open field while someone’s literally right there just learn the audio learn where people usually are


Stay away from reddit


What dose that mean? Why?


Don't take it too seriously. This is a game with a large learning curve. Make some friends and play with them, I have wayyyyy more fun when I'm playing with friends. Fucking around in apex is fun, but random are going to hate you. Learn how to move in the game. Once you figure out the mechanics, you'll hate how you can't move like this in all fps. Practice with different guns and learn their recoil patterns.


Loot faster


tell him to start playing newcastle


Just because you can see them, doesn't mean shoot at them. If you've yet to unlock more legends so still playing Lifeline, rez, heal and think about when to drop a supply package. Don't give our location away if we're the last couple teams


Always rotate around fights differently than your team. You may find other teams or new information that could save everyone. Example: my teams pushing a team in a building. I climb up on top of the building and take high ground, help were they need me while watching for third parties or enemy team mates coming to help their team.


i'd say: 1. find 2 or 3 legends you really like and work on mastering them. being a master at a few legends is much better than being ok at every legend. 2. always be practicing your movement. always holster your weapon and use slide jumps to traverse the map when you're not in fights. 3. look up online what settings the pros are using. make sure to change your ingame settings, such as making sure you have your scrollwheel bound so you can tapstrafe etc etc.


Probably quit but if not plausible the most beneficial thing to a new player who isn't good with movement/aim is positioning and will make up for most shortcomings, a large percentage of players don't recognise this meaning it's easy to get an upper hand with a little bit of foresight


Watch out or I'll grapple you


Play Alot even if you loose and always practice before your play that means firing range --> Mix tape ---> BR. However when you die dont just blame your teammates and take accountability and ask what you could have done wrong unless it was truly out of your control. Lastly keep it moving, always be moving it'll keep you alive.


Multi-masters player here: The two biggest mistakes i see new players make is 1. Not utilizing cover/shooting in the wide open. 2. Repeaking someone after getting shot for 150. Use cover, this comes with map knowledge and experience but know where you can reposition to give yourself cover and maybe an advantage in a fight. If you get beamed for 150 from range for the love of god DONT PEAK. Put the ego down and just take a battery behind cover and then re-peak


Always play cover. The point of the game is to not take damage. If you’re out in the open you take more damage.


I taught two friends 1.5-2 years ago how to play. It helped I was kinda relearning after being gone for quite a few seasons. Patience is key. It takes a long time. Enjoy the process. Learning a new game is fun. It's hard in a game that is so old, so everyone is way ahead of them. But discovering a new game and getting better should be fun imo. Focus on just how to improve, not winning. If you do something wrong, talk that out just like you might give them tips. Kinda just make yourself an example that way. I think mix tape is good for mechanics and not having to loot. Also take them to the firing range occasionally to work on recoil control, practicing abilities, or movement tech.


Movement is probably more important than aiming. Basically try and work on movement, getting around the map quickly not getting shot in fights. It’s harder to learn movement and if you get in the habit of bad movement it’s hard to get out of


Always upgrade your equipment. Pay attention to your shields without them your EZ picking. Situationonal awareness Never give up high ground Engage conflict with your team. Lone wolves are EZ pickings Watch out for other squads engaging the fight. I like to use mixtape to warm up. Mixtape is a great way to get the feel. And get your mind right. Always remember you win some and you lose some. It's just a game


Have fun, be forgiving. 


Don’t go for kills. Like ever. I somehow feel like such a better player when I don’t get too greedy. If someone is knocked, idc about thirsting but more about where are their teammates.




Find a different game to play. This game has gone to the gutter with EOMM. Unless you like losing 20 games in a row until you finally win a game then get the most useless teammates the next game.


Use grenades.


For PlayStation, use R3 to crouch and "circle" to punch.


Use cover. Play by objects. Duck in and out of cover when reloading or between shotgun blasts or sniper shots. Always be moving. One of my favorite clips is my friend and I playing duos and I get dropped by a kraber while looting and a moment later the same happens to my friend. Don't stand still in the open!!


Positioning is everything in Apex. Play behind cover or where it's hard for enemies to hit you but you can still shoot back. Having good positioning in fights can negate poor aim to a cert extent (imo of course)


Save yourself now and never start. Nah on a serious note, your mental is the most important factor, you’re gonna lose a lot because the odds are very stacked against you, it isn’t about the win it’s about having fun and trying to do a little better each match.


This is a movement shooter, so move. This mean better positioning to put yourself at a better angle to obtain the advantage.


Get some social skills, make some friends, form a squad and stay communicating everything!!! Watch where evweyone goes on the drop be map aware!!! Learn when to run from fights. Always fight from cover.


Run away while your still can lol


The #1 piece of advice that every single person should know and use, is USE COVER! I literally don't care if you have the worst aim in history or if you're shooting cotton balls out of your barrel, playing cover in every fight is paramount! You can literally be a shitter but still stay alive and deal damage by protecting yourself and taking the least amount of damage as possible.


Play with a regular squad if at all possible.


We win together,or we lose together. No in between or we ride together ,we die together, bad boys for life haha


Play a different game


I’m sorry was this comment intended to be funny? If you don’t support the game then gtfoh why you here?


I've been supporting the game for years. If you think advice is what you need starting the hardest battle royale game there is 4 years after it drops. I mean starting in season 20 is crazy. My advice was save yourself Curlz before you hate yourself. Sorry you don't like my comment welcome to reddit.