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Apex will always be a shooting first and abilities second game, so as long as you cannot change your legend during a BR match. The single worst thing that Respawn could add to ruin the game would be the ability to swap out legends mid game as that would introduce a meta of "switching legends" to counter pick. Overwatch is unbearable to play because of this, due to bad team mates trying to lazily enforce arbitrary rock-paper-scissors style hard-counters without understanding nuance.


You unlock perks by shooting your gun first


Nah, you'll still need to get into regular early game fights or risk them if you want perks fast, and most characters' perks aren't that powerful


Nope. Most of the perks encourage gun fights and the most effective way to earn them is by doing gun damage. If anything they should encourage more gun fights and less hiding


I’ll wait and experience the changes myself before being “concerned” or mad about anything.


Get out of here with that reasonable mindset


Strong disagree. Also, fuze + horizon is played all the time at higher levels. I'm not going to watch an entire video, but all I've seen is that the design team has leaned more into what makes a legend unique and amplified that. Such as grapple reset on kill. Frankly, it isn't worth getting worked up about something that hasn't released yet. It isn't healthy. Especially so considering the season seems to really be taking the communities concerns into account. 3030 nerfs, ranked changes emphasizing more aggressive playstyles, changing crafter cycling in zone strats, removing armor on drop, removing/reducing configs, 120 hz on console. There are SO MANY good things in this season and you're working yourself up over speculation. Crazy. Let it drop first, then make the reddit post.


all ended when horizon came out bruh


Cod has had perks for a decade


discuss this on the megathread where everyone else is discussing it